

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2018 No. 180 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was for 1 minute and to revise and extend Robert Mueller. The President’s recent called to order by the Speaker. her remarks.) decision to fire Attorney General Jeff f Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Sessions is just the most recent exam- am honored to commemorate the 60th ple. PRAYER anniversary of one of our top edu- The President’s effort to put the The Deputy Parliamentarian, Jason cational institutions in south Florida: Mueller investigation under the super- Smith, offered the following prayer: Christopher Columbus High School. vision of an acting attorney general, God, we thank You for this day and Since its inception in 1958, Chris- Matthew Whitaker, with his long and for all the Members of the House that topher Columbus has graduated bright vocal history of bias against this very are here, both new and current Mem- and talented young men who have investigation, is simply unacceptable. bers-elect. We pray that they will all made lasting contributions to our com- The Mueller team must be allowed to be wise in all of their duties on this munity and our country. Through supe- finish its work without . day and for the rest of the Congress rior academics, dedicated staff, and a This is more than just knowing what and the new Congress. strong commitment to its students, it happened in 2016. It is imperative that Amen. is no surprise that Christopher Colum- we learn from the past to protect our bus has been awarded numerous acco- Nation from future threats. f lades, such as ranking in the top 50 I urge the acting attorney general to THE JOURNAL Catholic schools in the Nation. do the right thing: recuse himself and As you might expect, an institution return supervision of the investigation The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- with a reputation like this one is fortu- to Deputy Attorney General Rod ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- nate to have some world-class alumni. Rosenstein. ceedings and announces to the House Christopher Columbus graduates in- I ask my colleagues in Congress to his approval thereof. clude: Mayor Carlos Gimenez of Miami- exercise our responsibility in uphold- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Dade County; members of the Florida ing the and pass legislation nal stands approved. Supreme Court and State legislature; that would protect the special counsel f and even Pedro Jose Greer, a recipient from a politically motivated firing. I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. await the findings of the special coun- Mr. Speaker, it is institutions like sel and will follow the facts wherever The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- Christopher Columbus High School they lead. woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- that define the pinnacle of education f LEHTINEN) come forward and lead the for young men in our country, and I REMEMBERING OUR VETERANS House in the Pledge of Allegiance. congratulate the school for this fan- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN led the Pledge tastic milestone. I thank Christopher (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina of Allegiance as follows: Columbus for all that it has done for asked and was given permission to ad- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the our beloved south Florida community, dress the House for 1 minute and to re- United States of America, and to the Repub- and here is to the next 60 years. vise and extend his remarks.) lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Go Explorers. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f Speaker, this weekend, the world rec- f ognized the 100th anniversary of the ATTORNEY GENERAL SESSIONS end of World War I, which ended on the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER FIRING 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- (Mr. SCHNEIDER asked and was month in 1918. tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute given permission to address the House As a 31-year veteran, son of a Flying speeches on each side of the aisle. for 1 minute and to revise and extend Tiger, and father of who have f his remarks.) served in the military overseas, I have Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, time a personal appreciation for service- COMMEMORATING THE 60TH ANNI- and time again, President Trump has members and families. South Carolina VERSARY OF CHRISTOPHER CO- sought to undermine the independence has a long history of patriotic military LUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL of the Justice Department and its in- service, including in World War I. Our (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was vestigation into the Russian election State is grateful that eight South given permission to address the House interference led by Special Counsel Carolinians received the Congressional

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 Medal of Honor, which was bestowed search of a forever home. Unfortu- quickly became a major in the Na- upon only 78 veterans for the Nation nately, there are so many children in tional Guard. He served in Afghanistan during the war. the foster care system who are still and twice in Iraq before returning to I appreciate representing Fort Jack- waiting to find a permanent home. Afghanistan for what would become his son, which was created in 1917 as the In 2017, more than 442,000 children fourth and final tour. United States entered the Great War. and teenage youth were in U.S. foster On November 3, Major Taylor was Each time I meet our soldiers, I am so care. More than 59,000 of these children tragically killed in an insider attack impressed by their professionalism of were adopted through the system, and by one of those he was trying to help. the troops and their leadership. we must always strive to help more As our communities, State, and Na- Let us never forget the sacrifices to children find a home. tion mourn this tragic loss, his dear preserve America while liberating oc- All children deserve a permanent wife, Jennie, reminded us why so many cupied allies. Freedom is not free. family that can provide them with choose to serve this great country. In I thank VA representatives Lee love, support, and encouragement so her words: Becker and Brendon Gehrke for the they can reach their full potential in The price of freedom surely feels incredibly commemorative pin. life. high to all those of us who know and love our In conclusion, God bless our troops, Mr. Speaker, during National Adop- individual soldier. But the value of freedom and we will never forget September the tion Month, we recognize the uncondi- is immeasurable to all who know and love 11th in the global war on terrorism. tional love and support adoptive par- America, and all that she represents. f ents provide to their children, and we Let us never forget those who have hope that all children will soon be wel- given their lives, their families, and YEMEN RULE comed into a loving family because their futures for our precious freedoms. (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given they deserve no less. May God bless the Taylor family and permission to address the House for 1 f others who grieve, and may God bless minute.) America. DEMOCRATS ARE COMMITTED TO Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, last WORK FOR AMERICAN FAMILIES f night, House Republicans on the Rules ON DAY ONE Committee voted to undermine our de- HONORING VETERANS DAY mocracy by blocking the American (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given (Mr. MARSHALL asked and was people and Members of Congress from permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House having a debate and the ability to vote minute.) for 1 minute.) on a bill that would end U.S. support Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, earlier Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, every for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in this month, Michiganders went to the time I go home, the people of Kansas Yemen: a war that has created the polls and elected a new Democratic never cease to inspire me. This Vet- world’s worst humanitarian disaster in majority. erans Day, it was my hometown of Because of this, I have the privilege generations, leaving 22 million people Great Bend and my home county of of welcoming four new Michigan Demo- in dire need of , tens Barton County who inspired me. cratic Members of Congress, folks who of thousands of civilians killed, and On Veterans Day, not only did we are committed to passing meaningful many more vulnerable to mass starva- commemorate the 100th anniversary of policies that will help everyday Ameri- tion, famine, and cholera outbreaks. the armistice ending World War I, but Don’t be fooled. If Congress and this cans. This means reducing the cost of we also dedicated a new veterans me- administration truly were concerned healthcare. Prescription drug prices morial and veterans cemetery. I was so about the plight of the Yemeni people are too high. No one should have to proud to be part of this dedication and peace, all U.S. support for Saudi choose between filling a prescription ceremony and join the 300 Kansans who Arabia’s atrocities would end now. and feeding their family. braved snow and sleet in freezing cold These new Members are ready to Instead, last night, on the Rules to honor our veterans. work to protect Social Security and Committee, Republicans voted to shut Mr. Speaker, I am honored to be part Medicare from cuts that Republicans down debate to prevent a vote that of such a community which holds vet- have been proposing. We are pleased would end U.S. support for Saudi Ara- erans in such high esteem. that we are going to be able to have bia in Yemen. these new allies in this fight. f Later today, Congress has the oppor- My own hometown of Flint knows RECESS tunity to do the right thing. We are firsthand the price of failing to invest The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. faced with a choice. in infrastructure. It is important that I urge my colleagues to vote no on SIMPSON). Pursuant to clause 12(a) of this Democratic majority advance a rule I, the Chair declares the House in House Resolution 1142 so that Congress broad and meaningful infrastructure can fulfill our constitutional role, de- recess subject to the call of the Chair. bill to fix our broken roads and bridges, Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 12 bate, and vote on this critical issue. It and to repair our damaged water sys- is long overdue that we end U.S. com- minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- tems. cess. plicity in Saudi Arabia’s atrocities. We It is past time that we took on these must end all U.S. support for Saudi issues. I am anxious to welcome these f Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen now. new Members of Congress who are com- b 1546 f mitted to moving this bold agenda for- AFTER RECESS ward. RECOGNIZING NATIONAL The recess having expired, the House f ADOPTION MONTH was called to order by the Speaker pro (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania TRIBUTE TO MAJOR BRENT tempore (Mr. YODER) at 3 o’clock and asked and was given permission to ad- TAYLOR 46 minutes p.m. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- (Mr. CURTIS asked and was given f vise and extend his remarks.) permission to address the House for 1 Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION minute.) OF H.R. 6784, MANAGE OUR Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, as we rec- WOLVES ACT, AND PROVIDING November as National Adoption ognize Veterans Day this week, I would FOR PROCEEDINGS DURING THE Month. like to pay tribute to the life and sac- PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 19, During this month, we celebrate and rifice of Major Brent Taylor. reflect on the life-changing act of adop- Major Taylor and I had the great 2018, THROUGH NOVEMBER 26, 2018 tion. Many parents and families across privilege of serving together as mayors Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, by di- America open up their homes, and of each of our hometowns in Utah. rection of the Committee on Rules, I their hearts, to children in search of a Brent first enlisted after the ter- call up House Resolution 1142 and ask stable support system; to children in rorist attacks on September 11 and for its immediate consideration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.002 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9515 The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Interior and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife For years now, Washington’s Depart- lows: Service published in the Federal Reg- ment of Fish and Wildlife has asked the H. RES. 1142 ister a proposed rule that would have Federal Government to delist the gray Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- removed the gray wolf from the List of wolf and provide relief from the bur- lution it shall be in order to consider in the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. densome, broken process dictating spe- House the bill (H.R. 6784) to provide for re- This determination was made after cies management. I have received let- moval of the gray wolf in the contiguous 48 Fish and Wildlife evaluated the classi- ters from the director of the Wash- States from the List of Endangered and fication status of gray wolves cur- ington State Department of Fish and Threatened Wildlife published under the En- dangered Species Act of 1973. All points of rently listed in the contiguous United Wildlife, one in 2015 and one earlier order against consideration of the bill are States under the Endangered Species this year. In them, the letters read: waived. The bill shall be considered as read. Act of 1973 and found the ‘‘best avail- ‘‘Dear Congressman NEWHOUSE, The All points of order against provisions in the able scientific and commercial infor- Washington Department of Fish and bill are waived. The previous question shall mation indicates that the currently Wildlife appreciates your continued as- be considered as ordered on the bill and on listed entity is not a valid species sistance to encourage the U.S. Fish and any amendment thereto to final passage under the act.’’ Wildlife Service to complete the without intervening motion except: (1) one Mr. Speaker, the purpose of the En- delisting of the gray wolf and remove it hour of debate equally divided and controlled dangered Species Act is to recover spe- by the chair and ranking minority member from Federal protection under the En- of the Committee on Natural Resources; and cies to the point where they are no dangered Species List.’’ (2) one motion to recommit. longer considered endangered or It continues: ‘‘In 2008, wolf SEC. 2. On any legislative day during the threatened. The gray wolf is currently pack was documented in Washington period from November 19, 2018, through No- found in nearly 50 countries around the State. Today, we have 22 known packs. vember 26, 2018— world and has been placed in the classi- During this time, the State’s wolf pop- (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the fication of least concern for risk of ex- ulation has increased by an average of previous day shall be considered as approved; tinction by the Species Survival Com- more than 30 percent per year. . . . As and (b) the Chair may at any time declare the mission of the International Union for demonstrated with the current rate of House adjourned to meet at a date and time, Conservation of Nature. recovery, the Department is well suited within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- Some of my colleagues have asked, to facilitate the recovery and manage- cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by well, if Fish and Wildlife has proposed ment of wolves across the State. . . . the Chair in declaring the adjournment. to delist the species, why haven’t they Under the current Federal designation SEC. 3. The Speaker may appoint Members done so? and management, we cannot fully im- to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- That is a completely fair and reason- plement our plan in the western two- ration of the period addressed by section 2 of able question. Unfortunately, it is due thirds of the State. To ensure ongoing this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of to the fringe environmentalist efforts rule I. success in wolf recovery, the Federal SEC. 4. The provisions of section 7 of the that any action from moving forward listing needs to keep pace with the on- War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1546) shall under the law has been stalled. So long the-ground recovery status and allow not apply to House Concurrent Resolution as the courts are abused to prevent the the State to fully implement its man- 138. proper adjudication of the law, we will agement plan. Therefore, I support The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- not see progress made. your efforts to advance the delisting of tleman from Washington is recognized It is because of this exploitation of wolves and return management to the for 1 hour. the law that communities like those in State.’’ Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, for central Washington suffer the con- Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD the purpose of debate only, I yield the sequences. the two letters I referenced. customary 30 minutes to the gen- Mr. Speaker, in my home State, the DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE, tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. great State of Washington, the gray Olympia, WA, April 27, 2015. MCGOVERN), pending which I yield my- wolf is not listed in just the eastern Hon. DAN NEWHOUSE, self such time as I may consume. Dur- third of the State, forcing the U.S. House of Representatives, ing consideration of this resolution, all Fish and Wildlife and the Washington Washington, DC. time yielded is for the purpose of de- Department of Fish and Wildlife to rely DEAR CONGRESSMAN NEWHOUSE: The Wash- bate only. on an arbitrary political boundary ington Department of Fish and Wildlife (De- partment) would appreciate your assistance GENERAL LEAVE when delineating and managing a spe- to encourage the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask cies. ice (USFWS) to complete the delisting of the unanimous consent that all Members I am sorry to share with you, Mr. gray wolf (Canis lupus) and remove it from have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Speaker, that as it turns out, surpris- federal protections under the Endangered tend their remarks. ingly, wolves don’t know boundaries or Species Act (ESA). As you may know, gray The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there borders. wolves in the western two-thirds of Wash- objection to the request of the gen- The arbitrary nature of this current ington State remain federally classified as ‘‘endangered’’ and are under federal manage- tleman from Washington? status of the law is broken, and it is impairing the ability of Fish and Wild- ment. There was no objection. The original delisting proposal was pub- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, on life managers on the ground to prop- lished on June 13, 2013, and then on March 27, Tuesday, the Rules Committee met and erly manage the species, as well as the 2014, the USFWS closed the second round of reported a rule, House Resolution 1142, ecosystem, including the harm it poses public comments. The Department sub- providing for further consideration of on other indigenous species. mitted letters of support for delisting in De- H.R. 6784, the Manage our Wolves Act. Mr. Speaker, this is why Congress, as cember 2013 and March 2014. While we have The rule provides for consideration of a coequal branch, must act. This legis- been working closely with the USFWS at the the legislation under a closed rule. lation directs the U.S. Department of state, regional and headquarter levels to en- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have the Interior to follow through with the sure we are meeting our shared conservation and recovery objectives, we are concerned cointroduced the underlying legisla- proposed rule and delist the gray wolf with the lack of progress on federal tion considered in this rule today, H.R. from the list of endangered species. delisting. 6784, the Manage our Wolves Act, to re- We have a responsibility to protect Washington has a strong Wolf Conserva- turn management of the gray wolf spe- the incredibly diverse species both in tion and Management Plan that has received cies to the States. The States are best Washington State and across this coun- broad support, and we are committed to equipped to provide more effective and try. These efforts to protect our wild- maintaining a viable wolf population in accountable management that re- life species must be based on sound Washington. The Department is well posi- sponds to the needs of the ecosystem, science and an open, transparent proc- tioned to facilitate the recovery and man- agement of wolves across the state. other species, as well as local commu- ess. Unfortunately, that is far from the Protection under Washington State Laws— nities. case when it comes to the process dic- The Department has state-specific authority On June 13, 2013, under the Obama ad- tating endangered species policies, par- (RCW 77.12.020 and 77.15.120) to designate and ministration, the Department of the ticularly in this case of the gray wolf. protect species at risk of extinction and has

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.005 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 classified wolves as endangered since 1980, an protect species at risk of extinction and has Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, we are action akin to federal protection granted classified wolves as endangered since 1980, an here today considering our first rule under ESA). Wolves will remain protected action akin to federal protection granted following a long district work period. until their population reaches the levels es- under ESA. Wolves will remain protected During that time, we had a big na- tablished in the state recovery plan. until their population reaches the levels es- The Department is equipped for wolf con- tablished in the state recovery plan. tional debate about the direction of our servation and management—In 2013, the The Department is equipped for wolf con- country. According to exit polling, the Washington State Legislature acted to pro- servation and management—Since 2013, the top issue for voters was healthcare and, vide $1.6 million per biennium for wolf man- Washington State Legislature has provided in particular, protecting coverage from agement from a permanent increase in the approximately $1.5 million per biennium for preexisting conditions. cost of personalized license plates. Since wolf management from a permanent increase But that is not what the bill before then, the Department has hired two perma- in the cost of personalized license plates. The us addresses. Nor does it involve immi- nent wolf biologists and has deployed 11 con- Department uses that funding, in addition flict specialists across the state to address with other sources, to support 23 positions gration, another top issue for voters, or wildlife conflict issues. deployed across the state that address wolf strengthening the economy or com- Wolves are recovering in Washington conflict as well as other wildlife conflict bating gun violence. All of these are State—In 2008, the first wolf pack was docu- issues. what our constituents just said was im- mented in Washington State. Today we have Wolves are recovering in Washington portant to them. 16 known packs. During this time our wolf State—In 2008, the first wolf pack was docu- But instead of doing anything on any population has increased by an average of mented in Washington State. Today we have of that, we are here today considering more than 30 percent per year. At current 22 known packs. During this time, the state’s rates, we expect to meet our recovery objects wolf population has increased by an average a bill to undermine endangered species within six years. We want to have consistent of more than 30 percent per year. We want to protections. Are you kidding me? management of wolves across the state of have consistent management of wolves And get this: Also, last night in the Washington. For us, successful wolf recovery across the state of Washington. For us, suc- Rules Committee, the majority placed means that we have a sustainable wolf popu- cessful wolf recovery means that we have a a provision in the rule that would re- lation distributed throughout the state, the sustainable wolf population distributed move the privileged status of Rep- public accepts the presence of wolves on the throughout the state, the public accepts the resentative KHANNA’s War Powers Res- landscape, and Washington citizens are con- presence of wolves on the landscape, and olution, H. Con. Res. 138. This resolu- fident in the Department’s wolf manage- Washington citizens are confident in the De- ment. partment’s wolf management. tion states that Congress never author- The Washington wolf management plan es- The Washington wolf management plan es- ized the United States’ support of tablishes strong expectations that livestock tablishes strong expectations that livestock Saudi-led forces in Yemen and would operators will use preventive strategies to operators will use preventive strategies to direct the President of the United avoid wolf-livestock conflict. But sometimes avoid wolf-livestock conflict. But sometimes States to end his support. we may need to remove wolves that become we may need to remove wolves that become This measure is a privileged resolu- habituated to livestock as a food source. habituated to livestock as a food source. tion under the terms of the War Powers Under the current federal designation and Under the current federal designation and management, we cannot implement our plan management, we cannot fully implement our Resolution, which provides that resolu- in the western two-thirds of the state. There- plan in the western two-thirds of the state tions concerning the involvement of fore, I ask you for any help you can provide and the only means available for the USFWS the U.S. military in armed conflict to advance the federal proposal to delist to address wolf-livestock conflicts in the ge- have a direct path to the floor to be de- wolves. ographic area under the federal endangered bated and to be voted on. Thank you for considering this request. designation is for the USFWS to attempt to The rules provide this privileged sta- The Department is available to assist you relocate livestock-killing wolves. with any information you may need. tus because such questions are among To ensure ongoing success in wolf recov- the most important that the people’s Sincerely, ery, the federal listing needs to keep pace JAMES UNSWORTH, Ph.D., with the on-the ground recovery status and House can debate. Such privileged reso- Director. allow the state to fully implement its man- lutions or a negotiated substitute have agement plan. Therefore, I support your ef- come before the House under Repub- DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE, forts to advance the delisting of wolves and lican and Democratic majorities. Olympia, WA, May 15, 2018. return management to the state. Yet, with this rule before us today, Hon. DAN NEWHOUSE, Thank you for considering this request. House of Representatives, Republicans have taken the unprece- The Department is available to assist you dented step of striking this privilege, Washington, DC. with any information you may need. DEAR CONGRESSMAN NEWHOUSE: The Wash- Sincerely, preventing us from doing our constitu- ington Department of Fish and Wildlife (De- JOE STOHR, tional duty and foreclosing the only partment) appreciates your continued assist- Director. available mechanism to compel an up ance to encourage the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Mr. NEWHOUSE. So, Mr. Speaker, to or down vote in Congress regarding our Service (USFWS) to complete the delisting military involvement in the Yemen of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and remove it close, I would just like to say that, as from federal protection under the Endan- a farmer and a lifelong resident of cen- war. gered Species Act (ESA). As you may know, tral Washington State, I consider my- As of this morning, this bill, intro- gray wolves in the western two-thirds of self a conservationist and a steward of duced by Congressman KHANNA, has Washington State are currently classified as our rich natural heritage, and that in- over 80 bipartisan cosponsors, includ- ‘‘endangered’’ and are under federal manage- cludes our incredible wildlife. ing Democratic Whip HOYER and Rank- ment. State governments are fully qualified ing Members SMITH, LOWEY, ENGEL, The USFWS published the original and myself. delisting proposal on June 13, 2013, and then to responsibly manage gray wolf popu- on March 27, 2014, the USFWS closed the sec- lations and are better able to meet the The U.S.-Saudi military campaign in ond round of public comments. The Depart- needs of local communities, ranchers, Yemen has triggered the world’s worst ment submitted letters of support for livestock, wildlife populations, and humanitarian crisis, prompting the delisting in December 2013 and March 2014. ecosystems. late Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi To date, the USFWS has not released a deci- Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- to call for an end to the war. Published sion notice on the federal status of gray leagues to support the rule and the un- just weeks before his murder, wolves and we remain concerned with the Khashoggi’s Washington Post column lack of progress towards federal delisting. derlying legislation. Washington has a strong Wolf Conserva- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of was headlined, ‘‘Saudi Arabia’s crown tion and Management Plan that has received my time. prince must restore dignity to his broad support, and we are committed to Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield country by ending Yemen’s cruel war.’’ maintaining a viable wolf population in myself such time as I may consume, It is unconscionable for Republican Washington. As demonstrated with the cur- and I thank the gentleman from Wash- leadership to take this unprecedented rent rate of recovery, the Department is well ington (Mr. NEWHOUSE) for yielding me action to strip Members of their right suited to facilitate the recovery and manage- to bring such measures to the floor for ment of wolves across the state. the customary 30 minutes. Protection under Washington State Laws— (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was debate. The Department has state-specific authority given permission to revise and extend Mr. Speaker, what is the majority (RCW 77.12.020 and 77.15.120) to designate and his remarks.) afraid of? We should be debating this.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.003 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9517 Instead, the Republican majority con- say, as a representative of central wolves in Wallowa County, ripped tinues to turn a deaf ear to this and Washington who represents commu- apart. many other issues. nities that deal with wolf populations This rancher went on to write, ‘‘the We are 11 days away from our govern- on a daily basis, I don’t think it is fair rush of emotions one feels when you ment running out of funding. Five ap- or proper, even, for my good friend to see an animal you have nurtured cry- propriations bills have been signed into minimize or diminish the importance ing for help, panic in their eyes, law so far. They have funded 75 percent of the issue that we have in front of us searching for escape,’’ she said no one of the government, but there is more today. So with all due respect, the im- wants to see that and described it as work that we need to do. portance of managing wolves in our watching your worst horror movie in We should be continuing that mo- country deserves just as much atten- slow motion. mentum and getting the job done, tion as many of the other issues that Now, the ranchers have done a lot in keeping the lights on, not wasting time my good friend from Massachusetts ref- this effort. They have watched as at- considering a bill to attack an endan- erenced. tacks continue, though, despite their gered species. Also, as relates to the Khanna resolu- efforts to implement largely ineffec- Or how about reauthorizing the Na- tion, just as you said, in just a few tive, nonlethal control techniques they tional Flood Insurance Program that short weeks, your party will assume were asked to do. Meanwhile, the issue expires at the end of this month or put- the majority. You will have the oppor- at the heart of this matter is that ting a comprehensive reauthorization tunity to hold the hearings and the there are arbitrary lines on a map that of the Act on markups and to take the votes of the created a jurisdictional mess in my the House floor that is set to expire De- all-important regular order that you State of Oregon where wolves in east- cember 7, not to mention the need to continually talk about. I am looking ern Oregon are managed by the State, reauthorize the farm bill that expired forward to that. But forcing this type and right across this highway they are back on October 1. of vote on Members in the remainder of managed by the Federal Government. Today’s legislation that we will con- b 1600 this Congress, in my view, is unneces- sary at this time. sider fixes that by ensuring that all Our country’s farmers are depending Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the wolves in Oregon are removed from the upon this Congress to put into place a gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WALDEN), Federal endangered species list. This new bill that provides them with cer- my good friend, the chairman of the would then return the management to tainty, especially in light of the trade Energy and Commerce Committee. the State and allow wolves, like other war that President Trump has started; Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I thank wildlife, to be managed under collabo- yet the majority has, instead, my colleague from Washington State ratively developed Oregon law. prioritized a bill that completely ig- for bringing this rule to the floor and There are still challenges with State nores all the important issues that we addressing this issue. It is literally one management; there is no doubt about face in this country. of great importance in my district and that. We have seen times when the Or- The American people have clearly in the West. egon Fish and Wildlife Service has been had enough. They demanded a new di- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support slow to take action and implement the rection and a new Congress that actu- of the underlying bill, the Manage our hard-fought agreements in the wolf ally addresses what they care most Wolves Act, because we need to clarify plan to help prevent predation and con- about, and they demanded an end to the management of wolves in Oregon trol the wolf packs. this closed process. This rule marks and put us on a path to follow the lo- The State needs to step up and up- the 102nd closed rule of this Congress. cally State-written Oregon wolf plan. hold these agreements, but those are Now, let me repeat that: the 102nd For years, Mr. Speaker, ranchers issues we can work out as Oregonians. closed rule. Mr. Speaker, that is a stag- across my district have watched as The last thing we need, however, is the gering number. wolf packs have grown. They harass Federal Government trying to micro- Now, I am not suggesting that every cattle herds and they kill livestock and manage wolves from thousands of miles rule needs to be an open one or that they are brutal. away. there is never a time for a closed rule, When you lose a heifer, you don’t This legislation that, hopefully, we but there is never a time for more than just lose one cow. You have lost 10 are able to bring up because of this rule 100 closed rules. There is no justifica- years’ worth of calves that will never will get the Federal Government out of tion for that at all. be born and that will never be able to the way, will simplify the jurisdiction, Since the election, I heard my friends be sold. Those that aren’t killed are and will place all wolves in Oregon on the other side of the aisle express a harassed, often losing weight and under the State management plan. hope that the next Congress is a more value. They are chased all over by the Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge my col- accommodating one. That is ironic wolf packs. leagues to join me in supporting the since the Republicans have voted in The cattle and sheep these ranchers rule and the underlying legislation. lockstep for one closed rule after an- raise are their livelihoods. Every day— Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield other, after another, after another. sun, rain, or snow—they raise and care myself such time as I may consume. But to them, I ask: Why wait? A for these animals. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Democratic majority will certainly be When a first-time mom is struggling Washington State, my good friend, Mr. better than the current one. But Re- to feed a new calf, the rancher nurtures NEWHOUSE, seemed to imply that it publicans don’t have to wait until Jan- them, sometimes even literally bring- would be an inconvenience for us to uary. They could demand a more open ing them into their own home next to have the House consider a measure on process here today by voting against the wood stove to warm them up and Yemen, and I am a little bit puzzled by this closed rule. keep the calf alive in the winter. That that. The reason why Representative This is your chance to prove that care makes it all the harder to come KHANNA took the step is because, for your newfound calls for openness are upon a calf that has been torn apart by months, while this terrible carnage has above more than politics. Vote against wolves. unfolded in Yemen, this House has this record-breaking closed rule. If you are of young age, or whatever, done nothing. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of I would just give you a fair warning We just learned that the Saudi Gov- my time. that this is a graphic picture of what ernment was directly involved in the Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield happens when a wolf gets ahold of a killing of a Washington Post journalist myself such time as I may consume. calf. and, again, nothing—nothing at all. Mr. Speaker, just a couple of points A rancher wrote me earlier this year The Republicans took the unprece- in response to my good friend from the that three of her calves were attacked, dented step of basically derailing this State of Massachusetts. Certainly, and she described them as ‘‘wild-eyed privileged resolution. It is unprece- there are a lot of important issues in with terror after being mutilated by dented. front of us and things that we should wolves . . .’’—just like this one you see Over 100,000 Yemeni children have al- and will be addressing. But I have to here from a calf that was killed by ready perished because of war-triggered

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.007 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 hunger and disease over the past 2 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield filed lawsuits to stop the process. Mon- years. Why is the Republican leader- an additional 1 minute to the gen- tana has been fortunate. Through Fed- ship stripping us of the right to debate? tleman from Wisconsin. eral legislation, the wolf has been According to the U.N., 14 million peo- Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, by re- delisted in Montana since 2011. Even ple in Yemen—half the population— asserting Congress’ authority over war, without ESA protection, the species face an imminent and catastrophic we can end active U.S. participation in has continued to recover to a point famine not seen in 100 years if this war a Saudi-led conflict in which the nearing overpopulation. is not ended. Saudis are imposing a blockade to lit- While the focus of this legislation is Why is the Republican leadership erally starve millions of Yemenis to wolves, a similar issue is playing out in stripping our right to debate? I don’t death. If the U.S. ends its involvement, Montana over the grizzly bear in the understand what they are afraid of. It Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Just is not like they have a lot to do. We are will be forced to the negotiating table last year, the grizzly bear was delisted going to be talking about gray wolves to end his brutal bombing campaign there. I celebrate the recovery of the today, and we are not voting on this and blockade on food. species, but it had recovered more than until Friday. They have nothing going Even the Senate isn’t afraid to take a decade ago, according to scientists on. Certainly, we should have time to this up. In March, under Leader MITCH who have spent their lives studying the debate this important humanitarian MCCONNELL, the Senate debated and grizzly. issue. voted on the unconstitutional war in b 1615 Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the Yemen: 44 Senators voted for the meas- gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. ure. A bipartisan group led that. Using sound science and reliable POCAN). Unfortunately, rather than upholding data, they found the ecosystem reached Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank our founding values, the leadership in maximum carrying capacity of the Ranking Member MCGOVERN and Rep- this House has chosen to quietly insert grizzly bear 16 years ago, but serial resentative KHANNA for all they have a measure to block the House from de- litigants have repeatedly thwarted the done to help lead the efforts to end the bating the war. delisting efforts of the U.S. Fish and United States’ unauthorized war in Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Wildlife Service. Yemen. reject this cynical tactic. Whether you The unnecessary delay in delisting Congress’ sole responsibility over of- agree or not about ending the illegal species has created unnecessary stress fensive use of force is outlined in Arti- U.S.-Saudi war, vote against this rule on the bears and impacted our commu- cle I, Section 8 of the Constitution: so you can allow us to do our jobs and nities. The overpopulation of the griz- ‘‘Congress shall have power to . . . de- vote to do what we swore to uphold: zly pushes them into our communities clare war.’’ James Madison argued that our sole authority to debate and vote and increases the opportunities for at- this power ‘‘is fully and exclusively on war. tacks. vested in the legislature.’’ Yet, today, Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield We must address the flaws in the En- House Republicans are attempting to myself such time as I may consume. dangered Species Act to ensure species avoid their responsibilities by sneaking Mr. Speaker, nobody is afraid to de- are delisted when they have recovered, unrelated language into this rule which bate anything here on the House floor. and to prevent the law from being used will prohibit consideration of a War The fact is, though, that the U.S. is no as a bludgeoning tool for special inter- Powers Resolution pertaining to the longer providing the very support that est groups to block critical projects. U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen. the Khanna resolution seeks to cut off, Mr. Speaker, I support H.R. 6784 and To be clear, they took a bill about re- making this action unnecessary. the rule that we are considering, the moving gray wolves from the endan- It is based on a factually faulty Manage Our Wolves Act, and I urge gered species list in North America and premise: We are not involved in hos- passage of the bill. included a provision prohibiting even tilities in Yemen, so the War Powers Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield just the discussion of war in Yemen. Act should not apply. As a result, even myself such time as I may consume. Now, there are Arabian wolves if this resolution passed both Cham- Mr. Speaker, when my Republican native to Yemen—about 1,000 to 2,000— bers, DOD would not need to alter any friends want to dedicate the next 3 roaming in the Middle East. Canis of its activities. days to talking about gray wolves, peo- lupus arabs is a subspecies of gray wolf. Like I said, again, in a few short ple are being murdered every single But this is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. weeks, the Democrats will assume the hour in Yemen. The Saudi-led effort This is the deprivileging of H. Con. Res. majority. They will be able to hold all even bombed a school bus filled with 138, which is just another abdication of the hearings and markups and votes innocent children. So it seems to me our responsibilities as Members of Con- that they want on this matter, as it that there could be no more important gress. should be. Forcing this type of vote time for debate in the House on ending We are literally elected to make deci- now, in the remainder of this Congress, U.S. military support for this war. sions about war and peace, and we are in my humble opinion, is simply unnec- I just don’t know what the Repub- failing to do the most basic function of essary. lican majority is afraid of. Privileged our job: to uphold the Constitution. We Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the resolutions—I want my colleagues to should at least have the courage to gentleman from Montana (Mr. understand this—by Members of this make the decisions about war and GIANFORTE), my good friend. House, have always been allowed to be about conflicts in which we are entan- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I debated on this House floor, under Re- gling our constituents who serve in the thank the gentleman for the time. publican and Democrat majorities military. Mr. Speaker, like many Montanans, I alike until now; until today. I don’t Today, as Mr. MCGOVERN said, Yemen have a deep respect for our environ- know what the Republican majority is is the worst humanitarian crisis on the ment. I support protecting our rich and afraid of. planet, with the U.N. saying that 14 diverse wildlife and believe we can sup- Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the million people—half the population of port multiple uses of land while con- gentleman from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT). Yemen—are either experiencing full- serving species. Unfortunately, we have Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, in this blown famine at the risk of death by seen environmental groups use misin- rule, the wolves bare their fangs—not starvation as soon as the end of the formation and litigation to keep spe- American wolves, but Saudis, who are year. cies listed that have already recovered. willing to sever heads, dismember op- Since 2015, U.S. forces have been In 2013, the Obama administration’s ponents, and bomb the innocent. backing the Saudi war by assisting in Fish and Wildlife Service evaluated the This rule is truly a wolf in wolf’s targeting, logistical support, and re- gray wolf populations across the clothing. By blocking a vote on wheth- fueling deadly Saudi airstrikes in a war United States. It found that the species er America should continue to aid and that has nothing to do with fighting al- no longer warranted protection under abet Saudi atrocities, this Congress Qaida. the Endangered Species Act. would remain an obedient lapdog to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Rather than celebrating the recov- President Trump’s impulses, and not time of the gentleman has expired. ery, serial litigants and extremists the watchdog for American values.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.009 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9519 The Saudi ruthless war in Yemen has sion to do anything about it means Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield created what so many have described that tonight and every day going for- 2 minutes to the gentleman from Con- as the largest humanitarian disaster on ward to January 3, more children will necticut (Mr. COURTNEY). our planet today, and yet it continues. be starved; will be victims of cholera; Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise American support for Saudi atrocities and will be victims of bombings and today in strong opposition to this rule is truly a stain on our Nation with blockades. When this Congress has the which will pave the way for a vote on which so many of our country members power to do something about it now, a bill that will summarily delist the are not familiar. we ought to act today by rejecting this gray wolf from protections under the But without American spare parts, rule. Endangered Species Act by congres- American targeting, American weapons The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- sional fiat, in direct contradiction to and bombs, and until recently, Amer- bers are reminded to refrain from en- our Nation’s animal protection policies ican refueling, this killing could not gaging in personalities toward the that have done so much to preserve the occur. My colleague mentioned the President. diversity of animal existence over the school bus. Forty children were mur- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield last 45 years. dered in August, and sprawled across 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ari- In addition, in keeping with the sad the bomb that was next to their bus zona (Mr. GOSAR), chairman of the Con- track record of this Republican-con- were words that meant: ‘‘Made in gressional Western Caucus, the organi- trolled Congress, this is yet another America.’’ That is the message that we zation that stands for finding solutions closed rule, number 102 over the last 2 are sending there. That is where Amer- to the challenges that we face, not only years, to be exact, that will prohibit ican tax dollars are going. in the Western United States, but all consideration of any amendments. The Trump administration last week over the country to help steer debate Most egregious of all, however, this belatedly said it would stop refueling. back to the issue on the agenda that rule includes a totally non-germane That is insufficient. If we are to stop we are considering today. provision that will deny debate of a Saudi killing, we must stop all of the Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to separate resolution that will end U.S. assistance that they are receiving. urge support of H.R. 6784. Our Federal participation in the Saudi-led coali- Now, of course, there has been atten- wolf policy has gone rabid. From a pol- tion’s intervention in Yemen’s civil tion on Saudi murders of late in a dif- icy standpoint, we are foaming at the war. This separate resolution, the Khanna ferent area: about one person, about mouth. As chairman of the Congres- resolution, which I am an original co- the dismemberment of a legal Amer- sional Western Caucus, I have been try- sponsor of, will be effectively blocked ican resident who was a leading jour- ing for years now to return some sanity from congressional consideration and nalist in this city. to the way the Fish and Wildlife Serv- debate by passage of this rule, despite The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ice classifies and manages our wolf the humanitarian crisis and indiscrimi- time of the gentleman has expired. populations on Federal lands and oth- nate coalition air strikes, which Amer- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield erwise. ican forces have enabled with refuel- an additional 1 minute to the gen- Make no mistake, everyone who ing, and with logistical and technical tleman from Texas. votes for Mr. DUFFY’s bill are big sup- support over the last 3 years. Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, after porters of making sure wolf popu- This bipartisan resolution deserves taking the standing Trump approach of lations are robust, sustainable, and debate and as a coequal branch of gov- denying everything—saying he accept- healthy for the next century and more. ernment, Congress should not be shirk- ed the lies and the denials of the This bill is about fixing a Federal fail- ing its duty once again by allowing Saudis—Mr. Trump dodged again by ure. Wolf populations across the coun- U.S. military force to be used at the saying, ‘‘I am going to leave . . . it up try have made impressive gains and re- whim of the executive branch. to Congress.’’ And so what is this Con- covered quite nicely despite Federal in- Sadly, this rule is another example of gress doing about the Khashoggi atroc- volvement rather than because of it. the complete abdication by the 115th ity? Absolutely nothing. That is what I have seen this firsthand, whether it Congress of its duty to act as a check should have been in this rule, doing comes to specific habitat listing deci- on a coequal branch of government. something about the sanctions and the sions, or the rate at which the govern- This rule is another surrender by a disclosure. ment adapts and responds to new situa- weak-kneed majority on its way out Forty of us asked this past month for tions on the ground. The Federal Gov- the door to the executive branch. the administration to brief us on what ernment has been sluggish and out of To quote ‘‘The Hollow Men’’ by T.S. they knew before Mr. Khashoggi was touch when it comes to managing and Eliot, this Republican 115th Congress is murdered, and whether they warned recovering wolf populations. But the ending ‘‘. . . not with a bang but a him about that, and we have had a wolf has, nevertheless, persevered. It is whimper.’’ deafening silence in response to our re- now considered recovered by all rel- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, it is quest on that, and on cutting off assist- evant measures and metrics evaluating my privilege to yield 3 minutes to the ance to Yemen. its status. gentleman from California (Mr. Even an audio of the gruesome mur- As a consequence, this bill makes LAMALFA), a member of the House Nat- der of Mr. Khashoggi—we don’t know necessary adjustments. It removes the ural Resources Committee. whether it included the sound of the species from the endangered list, as re- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I thank bone saw that the Saudis apparently quired by the statute for any recovered my colleague, Mr. NEWHOUSE, for his used to dismember him—but even a species, but empowers States to man- leadership on this bill. murder will not cause some in this age their unique habitats and popu- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support leadership to stand up to President lations in accordance with their store- of this bill that includes consideration Trump and this atrocious regime. house of expertise and local knowledge. of the Manage Our Wolves Act intro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The State management plans developed duced by my colleague, the gentleman time of the gentleman has again ex- for wolf populations are the antidote to from Wisconsin (Mr. DUFFY). pired. repeat Federal blunders, both for this The legislation would remove gray Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield species and quite a few others. But for wolves from the Federal endangered an additional 30 seconds to the gen- now, we are talking about the wolf and species list and allow States like Cali- tleman from Texas. the fact that this bill will put States at fornia to more effectively manage local Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I look ease. populations. As the number of gray forward to a Congress with the courage We need to stop jerking their chain wolves continues to explode in popu- to end support for these crimes, to and hand them the reins. If we do, the lation to nearly 6,000 in the lower 48 cease American sales to the Saudis, wolf will have the best chance of con- States, yet, the species continues to be and to do something to hold Mr. tinuing to make steady gains range- classified as endangered for nearly 40 Khashoggi’s killers accountable. wide. years now. But to say, wait until a much-im- Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of H.R. It really makes no sense because the proved new Congress comes into ses- 6784. numbers, they speak for themselves.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.011 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 Even in my district in northern Cali- debate this horrific war going on in kids were not allowed food and medi- fornia, gray wolves have reemerged in Yemen. cine? 2015 after having been listed as extinct b 1630 That is not the America that I be- since 1924. Not surprisingly, the re- lieve in. It is not the America that so emergence of the gray wolf has caused It takes my breath away at the many Republican colleagues believe in. a number of problems for ranchers, lengths that this majority goes There is a reason that our Founders their livestock, as well as citizens in through to basically deny Members of gave Congress the power over war and their homes with their pets, and a deci- Congress the right to be able to talk peace, because we have to go and an- mation of the wildlife population. about important issues. swer to our constituents. Cattlemen, farmers, and local com- Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the I will tell you something. There is munities have continued to advocate gentleman from California (Mr. not a single American who wouldn’t for protections against wolves, to no KHANNA), who is the author of the priv- want the violence to end and allow food avail. There had been efforts in recent ileged resolution on Yemen. and medicine to get to those kids who years to delay or outright ban all Mr. KHANNA. Mr. Speaker, I thank are going to face death if we do noth- nighttime hunting and trapping in Congressman MCGOVERN for his moral ing. California of other predators like leadership. I plead with my Republican col- coyotes, et cetera. Adoption of such a Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposi- leagues: Please vote ‘‘no’’ on this reso- ban would have disastrous, unintended tion to this rule that will deny Mem- lution. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have consequences for rural communities bers of Congress an up-or-down vote a debate about the starvation and the across my district and, indeed, across about whether the United States killing going on there and do the right the West. should be complicit in the war in thing for our Constitution and the Any attempt to curtail or outright Yemen. world. ban people in local communities from Let’s be very clear. This is unprece- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I re- protecting themselves or their own pri- dented in American history. Never has serve the balance of my time. vate property from these predators, the Speaker of the House and the ma- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield should be opposed. That is why I wrote jority denied a Member of Congress a 3 minutes to the gentleman from a letter to the Fish and Wildlife direc- vote on matters of war and peace. This Vermont (Mr. WELCH). tor earlier this year urging the Service is basically rendering ineffectual the Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I thank to delist the gray wolf range-wide War Powers Act. the gentleman for yielding. based on overwhelming evidence sup- The War Powers Act was passed in a We know what is going on in Yemen, porting delisting, based on the Fish bipartisan fashion after Vietnam be- so none of us can escape the responsi- and Wildlife Service’s own 5-year rec- cause our Nation said never again are bility we have to either endorse or ig- ommendation for delisting. we going to make the mistake of Viet- nore the suffering that is occurring Management of gray wolf populations nam. We are going to make sure that, there. Thousands of victims in will continue to be extremely limited if a Member of Congress calls for a Yemen—hundreds of thousands—are unless the species is removed from the vote, Members of Congress have the Ar- dying of starvation. Endangered Species Act. The fact re- ticle I, Section 8 responsibility to vote It is happening, in some cases, quick- mains, States are better equipped to on matters of war and peace. What the ly. People living in their homes under responsibly manage the local wolf pop- majority is saying is that if the Presi- a bomb die instantly. In other cases, ulations to meet the needs of local dent of the United States and the the suffering is prolonged—badly in- communities, ranchers, and livestock Speaker believe we should be in war, jured and no medical help to ease the populations, as well as decimated wild- then we should be in war, and it doesn’t suffering, let alone the life. But in life populations. matter what Members of Congress the case of most, it is prolonged We have seen gray wolf management think. through starvation. successes in States like Montana, Wyo- That is what they are doing with this Children do not have access to their ming, Michigan, and Wisconsin. It is rule. mother’s milk, do not have access to past time that we are able to add Now, they are arguing that we are the aid that is in the port but is get- States like California and others to not complicit in the hostilities of ting bombed and can’t be delivered. this list as well. We need swift passage Yemen to invoke the War Powers Act. That is happening every single day. of this bill, because the endangerment But you can read every article written The U.N. report said that, of the 28 and the damage being done to local on this in the international press or million people in Yemen, about 20 mil- ranchers with their livestock; the the national press, and it starts with a lion are in danger of humanitarian dis- endangerment to communities, people simple line: the U.S.-backed Saudi coa- aster. That is happening. There is no in their homes out for a walk, is unnec- lition efforts in bombing. dispute that it is happening. essary and it is not right. Of course we are complicit. Do you Here is the question: Right now, that We need these tools for local control think people in Yemen don’t think we is being done with the authority of the so we don’t have to unnecessarily en- are complicit? Do you think people in executive branch of the United States danger and harass rural Americans the Middle East or our allies don’t Government. It means that that suf- with regulations that are poorly think we are complicit? fering that is avoidable and hardly in- thought out and, indeed, ignoring the With due respect, Congressman evitable is being done in your name Fish and Wildlife Service’s own rec- NEWHOUSE says: Well, why not wait? and in mine. ommendation to delist this species. Why not wait a few weeks until we are Mr. KHANNA has brought forth a reso- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield in the majority? lution that allows us to have a debate myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, special envoy Griffith on this floor as to whether we will con- Let me begin by reminding my col- in every report has said that 500,000 done the continuation of that policy of leagues what the Republicans are pro- children will die in a matter of months. inflicting the loss of innocent life: posing here, it is that the next 3 days They don’t have aid. They don’t have women, children, and citizens of be dedicated to the gray wolf. We are nutrition. Yemen. This rule prohibits us from ac- not debating healthcare, we are not de- Let’s be very clear on what we are cepting responsibility as to whether we bating the economy, or jobs, or keeping doing. While we are bombing the ports will condone or condemn or oppose the government running, but it is to of Hodaida, we are not allowing food that policy. this. and aid to get to those kids. We have no justification for failing They bring it to us under a rule that When history is written, they are not to do our job. Let us debate. is completely closed, so there are no going to say that JIM MCGOVERN did This policy of Saudi Arabia of inflict- amendments to be made in order, and this or RO KHANNA did this or ing massive civilian casualty and suf- the rule is even worse because it basi- NEWHOUSE did this. They are going to fering is for what? What national inter- cally undercuts the privilege resolution say: How did the Congress not allow a est of this country is at stake by allow- introduced by Mr. KHANNA so we could vote while hundreds of thousands of ing that to continue?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.012 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9521 Some, including me, may say that lies in Congress because you have tried Species Act is not how the process was this threatens our national interest be- to do it dozens and dozens and dozens ever intended to work. The process cause our national interest is to defend of times. How about doing something should rely on the best available innocent life; it is not to kill innocent about that? science. It is a sign of progress that the life. It is to stand with allies who are It was interesting, during the cam- species has recovered from the brink of going to be honest and transparent paign, my Republican colleagues were extinction and no longer merits protec- with us as well as their own citizens. rushing to every microphone they tion under the Federal Endangered This blank check that our adminis- could find to say that they somehow Species Act. That is the key point tration has given to Saudi Arabia for supported covering preexisting condi- here. While we seek to delist the gray massive killing that is occurring in tions. Let me remind everybody, and wolf from the Federal ESA, we are em- Yemen or individual assassination that especially my Republican colleagues, powering each State to manage their is occurring in Turkey is wrong. that that was a Democratic idea that respective populations. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The you opposed. Washington State has a strong wolf time of the gentleman has expired. This was the worst election for Re- conservation and management plan Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield publican Presidents since Watergate. that has received broad support, and the gentleman from Vermont an addi- Maybe that is why Republicans are try- the State Department of Fish and tional 30 seconds. ing to rewrite history. Wildlife is committed to maintaining a Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, the ques- But here is another politically pop- viable wolf population in the State of tion for us is: Will we accept the mini- ular idea Republicans should follow: Washington. Wolves remain protected mal responsibility that we have in our bringing an end to the most closed in the State recovery plan, but so long job to have a debate and say no more, Congress in history. Let’s let some sun- as an arbitrary Federal line divides our no more will this be done in our name? light in. Don’t wait until January. State and, as you heard, the State of Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I am Start today by voting against this Oregon, listing the wolf on one side and prepared to close, and I reserve the bal- closed rule and demand action on not on the other, our State managers ance of my time. things that our constituents actually are prevented from effectively man- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield care about. aging the population within our States. myself the balance of my time to close. Just one final note, again, on this un- As I mentioned, wolves do not know Mr. Speaker, undermining endan- precedented move of basically denying borders. gered species protections isn’t a na- us the right to debate this war in Mr. Speaker, States are equipped to tional emergency. We shouldn’t be Yemen: I agree with what Mr. KHANNA be more responsive and accountable to prioritizing it today. said. History is going to look back on the needs of local communities than Not only is this rule a closed one, as our inaction not only on the war in Federal agencies are, and they deserve you have heard from our side over and Yemen, but on our inaction dealing the flexibility to manage the growing over and over again, Republicans took with the brutality of the Saudi regime. gray wolf populations. We should cele- the unprecedented step of removing the I would have thought that when we brate the return of the iconic species privileged status of a resolution that came back that one of the first items like the gray wolf. But meanwhile, would have given us the chance to de- up on the agenda would be holding the States must be empowered to manage bate the United States’ support of the Saudi Government accountable. In- populations to ensure the healthiest war in Yemen. We should be voting on stead, we got nothing. Not only we get balance between humans, wildlife, and this. nothing, you take the unprecedented the ecosystem. People are dying every minute in step of denying a Member of this House Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- Yemen. Our silence and our inaction the right that he has under the privi- leagues to support the rule and its un- mean that we are complicit. leges of this House to debate this issue derlying legislation, again, H.R. 6784, I have always believed that if the of war. the Manage our Wolves Act. United States stands for anything, This is so wrong. This is damaging to Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance then we need to stand out loud and the institution, and it shows a callous of my time, and I move the previous foursquare for human rights. There was disregard for what is happening in question on the resolution. a time when the issue of human rights Yemen. The previous question was ordered. was a bipartisan concern. But it is Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The clear that this administration doesn’t Democrats and Republicans, do the question is on the resolution. give a damn about human rights. But right thing and vote against this rule. The question was taken; and the that doesn’t mean that this institution Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Speaker pro tempore announced that should follow suit. Human rights ought of my time. to be the centerpiece of our foreign pol- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield the ayes appeared to have it. icy. myself the balance of my time. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on There are innocent people being Mr. Speaker, in closing for the con- that I demand the yeas and nays. killed every single day. Children were sideration of H.R. 6784, the Manage our The yeas and nays were ordered. riding to school in buses where the Wolves Act, wolves were once hunted The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- buses have been bombed, where these to near extinction in the lower 48 ant to clause 8 of rule XX, this 15- children have died, have been mur- States. The gray wolf was listed by the minute vote on adoption of House Res- dered, and all my Republican friends Federal Government as an endangered olution 1142 will be followed by a 5- can say is: Oh, you can take care of species in 1974. Today, though, gray minute vote on the motion to suspend that after January when you are in wolves are thriving both in my State of the rules and pass H.R. 6666, if ordered. charge. We are just going to spend the Washington, as well as throughout the The vote was taken by electronic de- next 3 days dedicated to the issue of United States, with more than 5,000 vice, and there were—yeas 201, nays gray wolves. wolves now living in the contiguous 187, not voting 42, as follows: Really? United States. [Roll No. 418] There is so much real work in front According to Washington State’s De- YEAS—201 of us, including our most basic respon- partment of Fish and Wildlife, the Abraham Bishop (MI) Calvert sibility of funding this government and State’s wolf population has grown over Aderholt Bishop (UT) Carter (GA) reauthorizing programs like the Na- the past 9 straight years to 22 packs Allen Blackburn Carter (TX) tional Flood Insurance Program, the that contain at least 120 wolves. Amodei Bost Chabot Arrington Brady (TX) Cheney Violence Against Women Act, and the Mr. Speaker, the gray wolf reaching Bacon Brooks (AL) Cloud farm bill. I could go on and on and on. recovered status truly is an Endan- Balderson Buchanan Coffman Education costs are skyrocketing. gered Species Act success story, and we Banks (IN) Buck Cole Americans are afraid coverage for their should celebrate. Barletta Bucshon Collins (NY) Barr Budd Comer preexisting conditions will be ripped Mr. Speaker, permanently listing Bergman Burgess Conaway away by this administration and its al- species under the Federal Endangered Bilirakis Byrne Cook

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.014 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 Costa Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) Meeks Rice (NY) Sires suspending the rules and passing the Costello (PA) Joyce (OH) Rohrabacher Meng Richmond Smith (WA) bill (H.R. 6666) to authorize the Sec- Cramer Kelly (MS) Rokita Moore Rosen Soto Crawford Kelly (PA) Rooney, Francis Morelle Roybal-Allard Speier retary of the Interior to grant to Culberson King (IA) Rooney, Thomas Moulton Ruiz Suozzi States and local governments ease- Curbelo (FL) King (NY) J. Murphy (FL) Ruppersberger Swalwell (CA) ments and rights-of-way over Federal Nadler Rush Takano Curtis Kinzinger Ros-Lehtinen land within Gateway National Recre- Davidson Knight Roskam Napolitano Ryan (OH) Thompson (CA) Davis, Rodney Kustoff (TN) Rothfus Neal Sa´ nchez Thompson (MS) ation Area for construction, operation, Diaz-Balart LaHood Rouzer Nolan Sanford Titus and maintenance of projects for control Donovan LaMalfa Royce (CA) Norman Sarbanes Tonko and prevention of flooding and shore- Duffy Lamborn Russell O’Halleran Scanlon Torres O’Rourke Schakowsky Tsongas line erosion. Duncan (SC) Lance Rutherford Dunn Latta Pallone Schiff Vargas Scalise The Clerk read the title of the bill. Emmer Lesko Pascrell Schneider Veasey Scott, Austin The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Eshoo Lewis (MN) Payne Schweikert Vela´ zquez Sensenbrenner Estes (KS) LoBiondo Pelosi Scott (VA) Walz question is on the motion offered by Faso Long Sessions Pingree Scott, David Wasserman the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Shimkus Ferguson Loudermilk Pocan Serrano Schultz OSAR Simpson G ) that the House suspend the Fleischmann Love Posey Sewell (AL) Waters, Maxine rules and pass the bill. Flores Lucas Smith (MO) Price (NC) Shea-Porter Watson Coleman Fortenberry Luetkemeyer Smith (NE) Quigley Sherman Welch The question was taken; and (two- Foxx MacArthur Smith (NJ) Raskin Sinema Yarmuth thirds being in the affirmative) the Frelinghuysen Marchant Smith (TX) rules were suspended and the bill was Gaetz Marino Smucker NOT VOTING—42 Gallagher Marshall Stefanik Babin Harris Panetta passed. Gianforte Mast Stewart Barton Hastings Perlmutter A motion to reconsider was laid on Gibbs McCarthy Stivers Beyer Hultgren Peters the table. Gonzalez (TX) McCaul Taylor Black Jenkins (KS) Polis f Gosar McClintock Tenney Brooks (IN) Johnson (GA) Reed Gowdy McHenry Thompson (PA) Brownley (CA) Jones Ross REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Granger McKinley Thornberry Collins (GA) Kaptur Schrader Graves (GA) McSally AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 5276 Tipton Comstock Katko Shuster Graves (LA) Mitchell Denham Larson (CT) Trott Visclosky Graves (MO) Moolenaar DesJarlais Lynch Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Turner Walters, Mimi Green, Gene Mooney (WV) Esty (CT) McMorris Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Upton Wilson (FL) Grothman Mullin Valadao Fitzpatrick Rodgers remove myself as a cosponsor of H.R. Guthrie Newhouse Woodall Vela Garrett Messer Handel Nunes Young (AK) 5276. Wagner Gomez Noem Harper Olson Goodlatte Norcross The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Walberg Hartzler Palazzo IGGS Walden B ). Is there objection to the re- Hensarling Palmer b 1707 quest of the gentleman from Texas? Hern Paulsen Walker Herrera Beutler Pearce Walorski Messrs. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of There was no objection. Weber (TX) Hice, Jody B. Perry Pennsylvania, KRISHNAMOORTHI, f Higgins (LA) Peterson Webster (FL) LOEBSACK, MEADOWS, Ms. ADAMS, Hill Pittenger Wenstrup b 1715 Holding Poe (TX) Westerman Messrs. BUTTERFIELD and GOH- Hollingsworth Poliquin Williams MERT changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ HONORING WAR HERO WALTER Hudson Ratcliffe Wilson (SC) to ‘‘nay.’’ ‘‘BERT’’ MINTUS Huizenga Reichert Wittman Mr. BROOKS of Alabama changed his Hunter Renacci Womack (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given Hurd Rice (SC) Yoder vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ permission to address the House for 1 Issa Roby Yoho So the resolution was agreed to. minute and to revise and extend his re- Johnson (LA) Roe (TN) Young (IA) The result of the vote was announced Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) Zeldin marks.) as above recorded. Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise NAYS—187 A motion to reconsider was laid on today to honor the memory of western the table. Adams Cuellar Jeffries Pennsylvania native and war hero, Aguilar Cummings Johnson, E. B. Stated for: Petty Officer Third Class Walter Amash Davis (CA) Jordan Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I was ab- Barraga´ n Davis, Danny Keating ‘‘Bert’’ Mintus. Bass DeFazio Kelly (IL) sent from the Capitol when the first vote series Hailing from Portage, Pennsylvania, Beatty DeGette Kennedy was called on November 14, 2018. in 1942, Bert enlisted in the U.S. Navy Bera Delaney Khanna Had I been present, I would have voted and served as a radioman for Torpedo Biggs DeLauro Kihuen Bishop (GA) DelBene Kildee ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 418. Squadron Fifty-One during World War Blum Demings Kilmer Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably II. This was the same torpedo squadron Blumenauer DeSaulnier Kind detained. Had I been present, I would have in which our 41st President, George Blunt Rochester Deutch Krishnamoorthi voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 418. Bonamici Dingell Kuster (NH) H.W. Bush, served during the war. Boyle, Brendan Doggett Labrador Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I On July 27, 1944, during a mission F. Doyle, Michael Lamb was unavoidably detained and could not make over the Pacific, his aircraft came Brady (PA) F. Langevin votes. Had I been present, I would have voted under enemy fire from the Japanese Brat Duncan (TN) Larsen (WA) Brown (MD) Ellison Lawrence ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 418. and was shot down. Afterward, Bert Bustos Engel Lawson (FL) Stated against: and his brothers in arms on the plane Butterfield Espaillat Lee Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I was un- were listed as missing in action and Capuano Evans Levin avoidably detained. Had I been present, I Carbajal Foster Lewis (GA) later presumed dead. Ca´ rdenas Frankel (FL) Lieu, Ted would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 418. For nearly 74 years, the Mintus fam- Carson (IN) Fudge Lipinski Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, had ily was unsure of the fate that befell Cartwright Gabbard Loebsack I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on their beloved family member. That Castor (FL) Gallego Lofgren Castro (TX) Garamendi Lowenthal rollcall No. 418. changed this year. Thanks to the dili- Chu, Judy Gohmert Lowey f gent efforts of the U.S. Navy, this past Cicilline Gottheimer Lujan Grisham, June, Bert’s remains were identified; Clark (MA) Green, Al M. AUTHORIZING SECRETARY OF IN- Clarke (NY) Griffith Luja´ n, Ben Ray and last Thursday, Bert’s family fi- Clay Grijalva Maloney, TERIOR TO GRANT STATES AND nally welcomed their war hero home. Cleaver Gutie´rrez Carolyn B. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS EASE- May God grant this son of western Clyburn Hanabusa Maloney, Sean MENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY Pennsylvania eternal rest. Cohen Heck Massie OVER FEDERAL LAND WITHIN Connolly Higgins (NY) Matsui f Cooper Himes McCollum GATEWAY NATIONAL RECRE- Correa Hoyer McEachin ATION AREA HONORING ALBERTA DANIELS Courtney Huffman McGovern Crist Jackson Lee McNerney The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given Crowley Jayapal Meadows finished business is the question on permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.002 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9523 minute and to revise and extend his re- tired Police Chief Matt Doering of Mr. Speaker, Officer Toney was a marks.) Brunswick, Georgia, who passed away California native, but he adopted my Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise on September 4 at 56 years of age after local community at the age of 30 and today to honor Mrs. Alberta Daniels of a long battle with cancer. knew that he could change the world East Orange, New Jersey, for her life- Chief Doering dedicated his life to from that location. He was working not time of service. serving his community. He spent 34 just to make the world better, but to Mrs. Daniels is like a mother to years working with the Glynn County make us better as individuals—one many of us in public life from Essex Police Department, and for 14 of those community, one family, one officer at County, New Jersey. I know that she years, he served as the chief of police. the time. And, Mr. Speaker, with the has helped me learn to be a better pub- From directing high-profile investiga- infectious smile you see here and a lic servant. tions to personally patrolling the area tireless work ethic and boundless en- Mrs. Daniels spent 25 years at RCA in during hurricanes, Chief Doering was ergy, he was doing exactly that in my Harrison, New Jersey. highly respected throughout Glynn hometown. In her late forties, Mrs. Daniels County. Mr. Speaker, I wish I was here just to started a new chapter as a senior cor- After being diagnosed with pan- honor Officer Toney today, but on the rectional officer. She spent 14 years in creatic cancer, he retired from the po- afternoon of October 20, when respond- corrections working for the State of lice department and began working ing to a call, Officer Toney was killed. New Jersey and helping open the first with the Glynn County school system. Mr. Speaker, I am appalled and pained halfway house for women in our State. I am proud and thankful to have had by the senselessness of this young Since retiring from her distinguished someone with the character of Chief man’s murder. Doering serving his community in the life in public safety and corrections, Mr. Speaker, while our community First Congressional District of Geor- Mrs. Daniels has been an active com- aches over the loss of Officer Toney, we gia. munity servant, and Mrs. Daniels also celebrate the life that he led and keeps a busy civic schedule as well. f the role model that he provided for all Last week, I had the honor of speak- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY of us. Those who have been fortunate ing at a ceremony to rename a street OF MERLE NELL enough to know Officer Toney are for- in East Orange Alberta Evelyn Daniels (Ms. TENNEY asked and was given ever changed for the better by that ex- Court. It was a well-deserved honor permission to address the House for 1 perience. Of all the places Officer that she has received from her commu- minute and to revise and extend her re- Toney could have served, I am honored nity because of her lifetime of achieve- marks.) that he chose our home to be the place ment and service to that area. Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise for his incredibly proud work—again, Mrs. Daniels, it is well deserved, and today to honor firefighters from across not just to make us safer, but to make you are well loved. our community. They recently traveled us better. f to Albany to honor the life and legacy Mr. Speaker, today, I pray for all of CELEBRATING DIWALI of Merle Nell, a fire police captain and those who loved Officer Toney and former chief of the Vernon Fire Depart- those whom he loved. I pray for all of (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was ment in upstate New York. Family, his brothers and sisters in uniform given permission to address the House friends, and fellow firefighters watched who, even in the face of this loss, wake for 1 minute and to revise and extend as Merle’s name was inscribed in the up every single morning and agree to his remarks.) New York State Fallen Firefighters serve once again. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, last Memorial. May God bless all of them, Mr. week, the Indian American community Merle passed away in November 2016 Speaker, and may we give thanks to celebrated Diwali, the festival of while on the scene of a fire in Vernon God that He shares with each and every lights. The holiest day of the Hindu Center, New York. His name is now one of us heroes in our lives, difference calendar, Diwali celebrates the spir- etched on a wall with 2,551 other fallen makers in our lives, difference makers itual victory of light over darkness, firefighters from our great State who like Officer Antwan Toney. good over evil, and knowledge over ig- have given their lives in the line of norance. Today, we welcome these duty. f amazing community members right Affectionately known as ‘‘Skippy’’ to here in our Nation’s Capitol. his family and friends, Merle’s legacy ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED In Bucks and Montgomery Counties, of service lives on through his sons and Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, Pennsylvania, I am honored to recog- grandsons. Merle’s sons, Scott and nize the Hindu community and mem- reported and found truly enrolled bills Mark, serve as fire chiefs in both of the House of the following titles, bers of the Indian American commu- Verona and Vernon; and his grandsons, nity who celebrated and expressed which were thereupon signed by the Adam and Matthew, are active fire- Speaker: their faith. Today, I am proud to recog- fighters in Vernon, and Zachary is a H.R. 2615. An act to authorize the exchange nize the several mandirs who serve our junior firefighter in Verona. community in innumerable ways lo- of certain land located in Gulf Islands Na- A marine, a father, a postal worker, tional Seashore, Jackson County, Mis- cated in Levittown, Montgomeryville, and a firefighter, Merle’s life of service sissippi, between the Warrington, Feasterville-Trevose, is a true inspiration to everyone in our and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for Bensalem, and Souderton. community. His memory will live on in other purposes. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to join the the hearts of our grateful community H.R. 3359. An act to amend the Homeland Hindu faith community in celebrating both in central New York and in New Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Cyber- Diwali and applaud their efforts of in- York State. security and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security, clusion and community betterment in f Pennsylvania and across America. I and for other purposes. look forward to working with these HONORING GWINNETT COUNTY f amazing people today and every day. POLICE OFFICER ANTWAN TONEY f (Mr. WOODALL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 ADJOURNMENT HONORING POLICE CHIEF MATT minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I move DOERING marks.) that the House do now adjourn. (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I come The motion was agreed to; accord- was given permission to address the to the House floor today to honor an ingly (at 5 o’clock and 27 minutes House for 1 minute and to revise and amazing public servant in my commu- p.m.), under its previous order, the extend his remarks.) nity, public servant and a role model, a House adjourned until tomorrow, Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Gwinnett County police officer by the Thursday, November 15, 2018, at 10 a.m. er, I rise today to honor the life of re- name of Antwan Toney. for morning-hour debate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.020 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ETC. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ture. tives; General Electric Company Turbofan Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive 6796. A letter from the Management and Engines [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0863; Product communications were taken from the Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Identifier 2018-NE-30-AD; Amendment 39- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 19423; AD 2018-19-22] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received 6786. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. for Legislation, Department of Health and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Human Services, transmitting the FY 2014 FAA-2018-0301; Product Identifier 2017-NM- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- 112-AD; Amendment 39-19407; AD 2018-19-07] Report to Congress on Community Services tation and Infrastructure. (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, Block Grant Discretionary Activities — 6804. A letter from the Management and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Community Economic Development and Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Rural Community Development Programs, Transportation, transmitting the Depart- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- pursuant to Sec. 680(c) of the Community ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ture. tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: Services Block Grant Act of 1981, Public Law 6797. A letter from the Management and 97-35, as amended by the Community Oppor- FAA-2018-0804; Product Identifier 2018-NM- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 129-AD; Amendment 39-19442; AD 2018-20-08] tunities, Accountability, and Training and Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Educational Services Act of 1998; to the Com- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law mittee on Education and the Workforce. tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 6787. A letter from the Secretary of Agri- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- FAA-2018-0395; Product Identifier 2017-NM- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- culture, Secretary of Health and Human 136-AD; Amendment 39-19430; AD 2018-19-29] Services, Department of Agriculture, Depart- ture. (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 6805. A letter from the Management and ment of Health and Human Services, trans- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Program Analyst, FAA, Department of mitting the Department’s Report to Con- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- gress on the Notifications of Thefts, Losses, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- or Releases of Select Agents and Toxins for ture. tives; GEVEN S.p.A. Seat Assemblies, Type CY 2017, pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 8401(k); Pub. L 6798. A letter from the Management and D1-02 and D1-03 [Docket No.: FAA-2017-0504; 107-188, Sec. 212(k); (116 Stat. 656); to the Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Product Identifier 2017-NE-12-AD; Amend- Committee on Energy and Commerce. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ment 39-19415; AD 2018-19-15] (RIN: 2120-AA64) 6788. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- received October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 for Legislation, Department of Health and tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Human Services, transmitting the Depart- No. FAA-2018-0357; Product Identifier 2018- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ment’s report to Congress titled, ‘‘Activities NM-035-AD; Amendment 39-19428; AD 2018-19- Transportation and Infrastructure. to Improve Women’s Health As Required by 27] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 6806. A letter from the Management and the Affordable Care Act’’ 2017; to the Com- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Program Analyst, FAA, Department of mittee on Energy and Commerce. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 6789. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of ture. tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket 6799. A letter from the Management and State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC No.: FAA-2018-0549; Product Identifier 2018- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 18-025, pursuant to the reporting require- NM-014-AD; Amendment 39-19427; AD 2018-19- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export 26] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: Affairs. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- FAA-2018-0417; Product Identifier 2017-NM- 6790. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of 132-AD; Amendment 39-19440; AD 2018-20-06) (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, ture. State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 6807. A letter from the Management and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 18-059, pursuant to the reporting require- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Transportation, transmitting the Depart- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Affairs. ture. 6800. A letter from the Management and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 6791. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, FAA-2018-0360; Product Identifier 2018-NM- Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 009-AD; Amendment 39-19434; AD 2018-19-33] State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 18-042, pursuant to the reporting require- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign No.: FAA-2018-0451; Product Identifier 2017- NM-172-AD; Amendment 39-19406; AD 2018-19- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Affairs. ture. 6792. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, 06] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 6808. A letter from the Management and Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of Program Analyst, FAA, Department of State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 18-032, pursuant to the reporting require- ture. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export 6801. A letter from the Management and tives; Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG Propellers Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign Program Analyst, FAA, Department of [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0281; Product Identi- Affairs. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- fier 2018-NE-06-AD; Amendment 39-19437; AD 6793. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- 2018-20-03] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October for Legislation, Department of Health and tives; CFM International S.A. Turbofan En- 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Human Services, transmitting a report ti- gines [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0855; Product Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to tled, ‘‘Fiscal Year 2015 Report to Congress on Identifier 2018-NE-31-AD; Amendment 39- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Administration of the Tribal Self-Govern- 19416; AD 2018-19-16] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received structure. ance Program’’; to the Committee on Nat- October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 6809. A letter from the Management and ural Resources. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 6794. A letter from the Secretary, Judicial Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Conference of the United States, transmit- tation and Infrastructure. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ting a letter expressing concerns on H.R. 6802. A letter from the Management and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 6755, the Judiciary Reforms, Organization Program Analyst, FAA, Department of FAA-2018-0491; Product Identifier 2017-NM- and Operational Modernization Act of 2018 Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 158-AD; Amendment 39-19432; AD 2018-19-31] (Judiciary ROOM Act); to the Committee on ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, the Judiciary. tives; CFM International S.A. Turbofan En- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 6795. A letter from the Management and gines [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0785; Product 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Identifier 2018-NE-14-AD; Amendment 39- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 19380; AD 2018-18-01] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received ture. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 6810. A letter from the Management and tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Program Analyst, FAA, Department of No.: FAA-2018-0394; Product Identifier 2018- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- NM-036-AD; Amendment 39-19441; AD 2018-20- tation and Infrastructure. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- 07] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 6803. A letter from the Management and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Program Analyst, FAA, Department of FAA-2018-0455; Product Identifier 2017-NM-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9525 121-AD; Amendment 39-19436; AD 2018-20-02] spect to medical debt information of vet- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, erans due to inappropriate or delayed billing er, in each case for consideration of such pro- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law payments or reimbursements from the De- visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other committee concerned. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- purposes; with an amendment (Rept. 115– By Mr. DONOVAN: ture. 1025). Referred to the Committee of the H.R. 7125. A bill to rename the portions of 6811. A letter from the Management and Whole House on the state of the Union. the Gateway National Seashore located on Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- Staten Island, New York, as the ‘‘Senator Transportation, transmitting the Depart- cial Services. H.R. 1511. A bill to amend the James L. Buckley National Seashore’’; to ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to the Committee on Natural Resources. tives; BAE Systems (Operations) Limited meet the needs of homeless children, youth, By Mr. LONG: Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0555; Prod- and families, and honor the assessments and H.R. 7126. A bill to exempt certain struc- uct Identifier 2017-NM-152-AD; Amendment priorities of local communities; with amend- tures from removal from Army Corps of En- 39-19431; AD 2018-19-30] (RIN: 2120-AA64) re- ments (Rept. 115–1026, Pt. 1). Ordered to be gineers property on Table Rock Lake, and ceived October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. printed. for other purposes; to the Committee on 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- Transportation and Infrastructure. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 3288. A bill to By Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- tation and Infrastructure. amend title 40, United States Code, to pro- ico (for himself, Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. 6812. A letter from the Management and mote regional economic and infrastructure MCCOLLUM, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. Program Analyst, FAA, Department of development, and for other purposes; with an HUFFMAN, Ms. MOORE, Ms. NORTON, Transportation, transmitting the Depart- amendment (Rept. 115–1027, Pt. 1). Ordered to Mrs. TORRES, Mr. SOTO, Mr. BLU- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- be printed. MENAUER, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Mr. tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- RUIZ): No.: FAA-2018-0306; Product Identifier 2018- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 4177. A bill to H.R. 7127. A bill to protect the voting NM-039-AD; Amendment 39-19426; AD 2018-19- enhance the Federal Government’s planning rights of Native American and Alaska Native 25] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, and preparation for extreme weather and the voters; to the Committee on House Adminis- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Federal Government’s dissemination of best tration, and in addition to the Committee on 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- practices to respond to extreme weather, the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- thereby increasing resilience, improving re- quently determined by the Speaker, in each ture. gional coordination, and mitigating the fi- case for consideration of such provisions as 6813. A letter from the Assistant Secretary nancial risk to the Federal Government from fall within the jurisdiction of the committee for Legislation, Department of Health and such extreme weather, and for other pur- concerned. Human Services, transmitting a report ti- poses (Rept. 115–1028, Pt. 1). Ordered to be By Mr. MOULTON (for himself, Mr. tled, ‘‘Assets for Independence Program Re- printed. GAETZ, Mr. CRIST, and Mr. CORREA): H.R. 7128. A bill to direct the Secretary of port to Congress: Status at the Conclusion of f the Seventeenth Year, Fiscal Year 2016’’, Veterans Affairs to seek to enter into an pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 604 note; Public Law TIME LIMITATION OF REFERRED agreement with a federally funded research 105-285, Sec. 414(d); (112 Stat. 2771); to the BILLS and development center to conduct surveys Committee on Ways and Means. to measure cannabis use by veterans, and for 6814. A letter from the Under Secretary, Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XII, the other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- following actions were taken by the erans’ Affairs. fense, transmitting the Department’s annual Speaker: By Mr. MOULTON (for himself, Mr. GAETZ, and Mr. CORREA): report concerning the Post-9/11 Educational H.R. 1511. Referral to the Committee on H.R. 7129. A bill to require the Secretary of Assistance Program, pursuant to 38 U.S.C. Education and the Workforce extended for a Veterans Affairs to provide training in the 3325(a)(1); Public Law 112-154, Sec. 402(a)(1); period ending not later than December 28, use of medical cannabis for all Department (126 Stat. 1189); jointly to the Committees on 2018. of Veterans Affairs primary care providers, Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 3288. Referral to the Committee on Fi- and for other purposes; to the Committee on 6815. A letter from the Inspector General, nancial Services extended for a period ending Veterans’ Affairs. Department of Health and Human Services, not later than December 28, 2018. By Mr. MOULTON (for himself, Mr. transmitting the Office’s report titled, H.R. 4177. Referral to the Committee on GAETZ, Mr. CRIST, and Mr. CORREA): ‘‘Medicare Payments for Clinical Diagnostic Oversight and Government Reform extended H.R. 7130. A bill to provide for a Depart- Laboratory Tests: Year 4 of Baseline Data for a period ending not later than December ment of Veterans Affairs policy on medicinal (OEI-09-18-00410)’’; jointly to the Committees 28, 2018. cannabis, and for other purposes; to the on Energy and Commerce and Ways and f Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Means. By Mr. THOMPSON of California (for f PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS himself and Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Florida): REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON H.R. 7131. A bill to amend the Communica- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS bills and resolutions of the following titles were introduced and severally re- tions Act of 1934 to provide for a moratorium on number reassignment after a disaster dec- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of ferred, as follows: committees were delivered to the Clerk laration, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. BEYER (for himself, Mr. SCOTT for printing and reference to the proper mittee on Energy and Commerce. of Virginia, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. By Mr. WELCH: calendar, as follows: TONKO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. DANNY K. H.R. 7132. A bill to permit aliens who law- Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. SABLAN, Ms. fully enter the United States on valid visas cial Services. H.R. 2069. A bill to provide pri- WILSON of Florida, Mr. ESPAILLAT, as nonimmigrant elementary and secondary ority under certain federally assisted hous- Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New school students to attend public schools in ing programs to assist youths who are aging Mexico, Ms. LEE, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, the United States for longer than 1 year if out of foster care, and for other purposes; Ms. MOORE, Ms. ESTY of Connecticut, such aliens reimburse the local educational with an amendment (Rept. 115–1023). Re- Ms. PINGREE, Mr. SEAN PATRICK agency that administers the school for the ferred to the Committee of the Whole House MALONEY of New York, Mr. LAN- full, unsubsidized per capita cost of pro- on the state of the Union. GEVIN, Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. viding education at such school for the pe- Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- CA´ RDENAS, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- riod of the alien’s attendance; to the Com- cial Services. H.R. 2570. A bill to amend the lina, Mr. MCEACHIN, Ms. MCCOLLUM, mittee on the Judiciary. Truth in Lending Act to clarify that the Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Mr. By Mr. WELCH: points and fees in connection with a mort- DESAULNIER, Mr. HIMES, Ms. BLUNT H.R. 7133. A bill to clarify the definition of gage loan do not include certain compensa- ROCHESTER, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. MCNER- nonadmitted insurer under the Nonadmitted tion amounts already taken into account in NEY, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. MCGOVERN, and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, and for setting the interest rate on such loan, and Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. NADLER, Mr. other purposes; to the Committee on Finan- for other purposes (Rept. 115–1024). Referred KENNEDY, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. GOMEZ, cial Services, and in addition to the Com- to the Committee of the Whole House on the and Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia): mittee on the Judiciary, for a period to be state of the Union. H.R. 7124. A bill to prohibit and prevent se- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- clusion and to prevent and reduce the use of each case for consideration of such provi- cial Services. H.R. 2683. A bill to amend the physical restraint in schools, and for other sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Fair Credit Reporting Act to delay the inclu- purposes; to the Committee on Education committee concerned. sion in consumer credit reports and to estab- and the Workforce, and in addition to the By Mr. LOEBSACK (for himself, Mr. lish requirements for debt collectors with re- Committee on Armed Services, for a period O’HALLERAN, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mrs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:19 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018

NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, and Ms. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 3956: Mr. LOUDERMILK. MOORE): Constitution H.R. 3981: Ms. BONAMICI. H. Res. 1146. A resolution expressing sup- By Mr. MOULTON: H.R. 4022: Mr. HUFFMAN. port for designation of the week beginning H.R. 7130. H.R. 4107: Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. WESTERMAN, on November 12, 2018, as ‘‘National School Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. WEBER of Psychology Week’’; to the Committee on lation pursuant to the following: Texas, and Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Education and the Workforce. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 4159: Mr. AGUILAR. By Ms. MOORE (for herself, Ms. JACK- Constitution H.R. 4256: Mr. GIANFORTE and Mr. SAR- SON LEE, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, By Mr. THOMPSON of California: BANES. Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, H.R. 7131. H.R. 4333: Mr. DELANEY. Ms. NORTON, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. SCHA- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4339: Mr. DELANEY. KOWSKY, Ms. CLARKE of New York, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4391: Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. and Mr. COHEN): Constitution of United States of America, H.R. 4415: Mr. TED LIEU of California. H. Res. 1147. A resolution congratulating Article I H.R. 4459: Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Dr. and for re- By Mr. WELCH: H.R. 4691: Mr. HIMES and Mr. DELANEY. ceiving the 2018 for their H.R. 7132. H.R. 4732: Mr. LATTA, Mr. SHERMAN, and advocacy on behalf of the millions who have Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. JONES. suffered from sexual violence as a result of lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4777: Ms. LEE. conflict, and for other purposes; to the Com- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- H.R. 5028: Ms. NORTON. mittee on Foreign Affairs. gress shall have Power To . . . make all H.R. 5156: Mr. QUIGLEY. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for f H.R. 5158: Mr. QUIGLEY. carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 5161: Mr. LIPINSKI. PRIVATE BILLS AND ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 5233: Mr. MULLIN and Ms. MAXINE RESOLUTIONS stitution in the Government of the United WATERS of California. States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 5244: Mr. FITZPATRICK. Under clause 3 of rule XII, private thereof. H.R. 5541: Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. bills and resolutions of the following By Mr. WELCH: PETERS, and Mr. DELANEY. titles were introduced and severally re- H.R. 7133. H.R. 5855: Mr. POSEY and Mr. NEWHOUSE. ferred, as follows: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5911: Mr. TONKO. By Mr. CORREA: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5922: Mr. DELANEY. H.R. 7134. A bill for the relief of Gualterio Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- H.R. 5955: Mr. MCGOVERN. Lazaro Santos Santos; to the Committee on gress shall have Power To . . . make all H.R. 6263: Mr. DELANEY. the Judiciary. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 6455: Miss RICE of New York. By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 6469: Mr. KIND. H.R. 7135. A bill to direct the Secretary of ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 6510: Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, the department in which the Coast Guard is stitution in the Government of the United Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. LAHOOD, and operating to issue a certificate of docu- States, or in any Department or Officer Mr. RUTHERFORD. mentation with a coastwise endorsement for thereof. H.R. 6525: Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. the vessel Pacific Provider; to the Com- By Mr. CORREA: H.R. 6543: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- H.R. 7134. New York and Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. ture. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6589: Mr. COHEN, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. PA- lation pursuant to the following: NETTA, Mr. MOULTON, and Mr. POCAN. f (1) The U.S. Constitution including Article H.R. 6636: Mr. CURTIS, Mr. BRENDAN F. 1, Section 8. BOYLE of Pennsylvania, and Ms. ROS- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: STATEMENT LEHTINEN. H.R. 7135. H.R. 6637: Ms. LOFGREN. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6726: Mr. HOLDING. the Rules of the House of Representa- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6771: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. tives, the following statements are sub- Article I, Section 8 THOMPSON of Mississippi, and Mr. HARPER. The constitutional authority of Congress H.R. 6800: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. RYAN of mitted regarding the specific powers to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- granted to Congress in the Constitu- Ohio, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. cle I, section 8 of the United States Constitu- H.R. 6854: Mr. MEADOWS and Mr. BUDD. tion to enact the accompanying bill or tion (clauses 3 and 18), which grants Con- H.R. 6874: Mr. SWALWELL of California. joint resolution. gress the power to regulate commerce with H.R. 6927: Mr. RUTHERFORD and Mr. By Mr. BEYER: foreign nations and among the several AGUILAR. H.R. 7124. states; and to make all laws which shall be H.R. 6933: Mr. KING of Iowa. Congress has the power to enact this legis- necessary and proper for carrying into execu- H.R. 6941: Mr. POSEY. lation pursuant to the following: tion the foregoing powers. H.R. 6953: Mr. SWALWELL of California. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of f H.R. 6987: Ms. LOFGREN. the United States. H.R. 7062: Mr. KENNEDY and Mr. RUPPERS- By Mr. DONOVAN: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS BERGER. H.R. 7125. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 7078: Mr. KILDEE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 7080: Mr. POCAN. were added to public bills and resolu- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 7086: Mrs. BUSTOS and Mr. GONZALEZ Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- tions, as follows: of Texas. tion H.R. 778: Mr. KILDEE. H. Con. Res. 70: Mr. DELANEY. By Mr. LONG: H.R. 919: Mr. MAST. H. Res. 220: Mr. VISCLOSKY and Mr. GENE H.R. 7126. H.R. 1038: Mr. ESTES of Kansas and Mr. GREEN of Texas. Congress has the power to enact this legis- LOUDERMILK. H. Res. 623: Ms. MOORE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1291: Mr. AGUILAR. H. Res. 993: Mr. LAHOOD. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 1456: Ms. WILSON of Florida. H. Res. 1031: Ms. ADAMS. By Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- H.R. 1515: Mr. KENNEDY. H. Res. 1063: Mr. RASKIN. ico: H.R. 1566: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H. Res. 1104: Mr. AGUILAR. H.R. 7127. New York. H. Res. 1111: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1639: Mr. PANETTA. H. Res. 1145: Mr. CRIST, Mr. DELANEY, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1727: Ms. NORTON. Mr. YARMUTH. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 2001: Mr. COHEN. By Mr. MOULTON: H.R. 2012: Mr. COHEN. f H.R. 7128. H.R. 2092: Mr. AGUILAR and Mr. KENNEDY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2491: Mr. CRIST. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2639: Mr. COHEN. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 2976: Mr. DELANEY. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Constitution H.R. 3400: Ms. NORTON. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors By Mr. MOULTON: H.R. 3409: Mr. TIPTON. H.R. 7129. H.R. 3666: Mr. POCAN. were deleted from public bills and reso- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3730: Mr. MEEKS. lutions, as follows: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3734: Mr. COHEN. H.R. 5276: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:19 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14NO7.100 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2018 No. 180 Senate The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was appoint the Honorable SHELLEY MOORE CAP- groups to come in and respond was the called to order by the Honorable SHEL- ITO, a Senator from the State of West Vir- Coast Guard, living up to their motto LEY MOORE CAPITO, a Senator from the ginia, to perform the duties of the Chair. of Semper Paratus—‘‘Always Ready.’’ State of West Virginia. ORRIN G. HATCH, President pro tempore. There were an estimated 60,000 people f Mrs. CAPITO thereupon assumed the who needed to be saved from flooded homes, buildings, and rooftops by the PRAYER Chair as Acting President pro tempore. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Coast Guard, and they did their job. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- pore. The Senator from Mississippi. The lifesaving work continued in 2017 fered the following prayer: and in 2018 with historic rescue and re- f Let us pray. covery efforts for such disasters as Eternal God, thank You for the gift COAST GUARD REAUTHORIZATION Irma, Florence, Maria, Michael, and of fruitful labor. Forgive us for the BILL the list goes on and on. Simply put, the help we might have given someone in Coast Guard is there when coastal com- need and did not give. Mr. WICKER. Madam President, I munities are at risk. Use our lawmakers for Your glory. wish to say a word or two about the May they not thoughtlessly think, Coast Guard bill, which is coming up They are also there when it comes to speak, or act in ways that wound or soon. I assure my colleagues that when organized crime and drug interdic- harm. Grant that they will do nothing the leader comes to the Chamber to tion—another very important aspect of that would bring shame to themselves, make leadership remarks, I will cer- the Coast Guard. Last week the Coast grief to their families, or sorrow to tainly defer to him. Guard made news. The cutter Dauntless I cannot tell you how pleased I am You. returned to Pensacola, FL, following a that we are finally getting to the point Lord, thank You for the strategic $27 million cocaine bust in the eastern of passing a Coast Guard Reauthoriza- role of the U.S. Senate and Your un- Pacific. folding providence for our beloved Na- tion Act. We have worked on this for tion. Help us all to be to the some time—intensely, actually, for 3 Americans may see the Coast Guard destiny You intend for our lives. years—and I wish to commend Senator on the news only because of big drug We pray in Your great Name. Amen. SULLIVAN of Alaska and Senator busts or in the aftermath of a hurri- THUNE, the chairman of the Commerce cane, but these men and women also f Committee, for doing such great work are in every corner of the globe, pro- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE on this. tecting our natural resources and our The Coast Guard reauthorization bill The Presiding Officer led the Pledge national interests, coordinating search will allow us to let the Coast Guard of Allegiance, as follows: and rescue missions, and saving lives— continue to do all of the vital things saving lives every day. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the they do to help the people of this Na- United States of America, and to the Repub- tion. It will allow us to rebuild the So our hat is off to the Coast Guard, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, and my hat is off to the leaders of this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. fleet, strengthen facilities on shore, and refurbish the aircraft of the Coast body who have given us an excellent re- f Guard, all while ensuring support for authorization bill. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING the highly trained 40,000 Active-Duty In a single day, we might see the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE members of the Coast Guard and some Coast Guard handling some 45 search 46,000 people who serve in either the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and rescue missions in a single day or Reserve, civilian, or auxiliary force of clerk will please read a communication saving 10 lives in a single day or saving the Coast Guard. to the Senate from the President pro more than $1.2 million in property in a A lot of Americans really don’t have tempore (Mr. HATCH). single day or ensuring the proper a complete understanding of the 11 The senior assistant legislative clerk transport of $8.7 billion in goods and statutory functions of the U.S. Coast read the following letter: commodities. Guard. I will not go through all of U.S. SENATE, those, except to say that these are As I assured Members when I began PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, these remarks, it is my honor to yield Washington, DC, November 14, 2018. vital to the safety and security of the To the Senate: United States. I will just mention that to the distinguished majority leader Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, in my own State of Mississippi, after for whatever leadership remarks he of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby Hurricane Katrina, one of the first might want to make.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.000 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY coasts, to safeguard the shipping lanes my colleagues to join me in voting to LEADER that enable American commerce, to confirm another of the President’s The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- stem the tide of illegal drugs before well-qualified nominees for Federal TON). The majority leader is recog- they reach our shores, and to brave service. nized. even the fiercest natural disasters that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- save American lives. They always an- ator from Mississippi. f swer the call. They are always ready. Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, it is my WELCOMING OUR NEW So it is our obligation as a Congress to understanding that the distinguished COLLEAGUES keep the Coast Guard authorized and Democratic leader will be coming in Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we adequately resourced to do the job. soon to participate in leadership time, continue to welcome our new Senators- When we pass the legislation before but until such time, I ask unanimous elect, who are in town this week for us, we will do just that, and we will do consent to address the Senate on the orientation meetings and votes on even more because this bill also in- Coast Guard bill for 5 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without party leadership. Yesterday evening, cludes important reforms that will objection, it is so ordered. the Democratic leader and I had the streamline needlessly complicated gov- honor of toasting our future colleagues ernment regulations and help commu- f at our traditional bipartisan welcome nities and small businesses harness the COAST GUARD REAUTHORIZATION dinner. great resource that is America’s water- BILL It is quite a distinguished group. ways. Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, as the In my home State of Kentucky alone, Some of our new colleagues are tal- Presiding Officer entered the Chamber we have 1,900-plus miles of navigable ented legislators who will simply be re- and took the Chair, I was explaining to locating from the other side of the Cap- waterways. They support 13,000 jobs. Members what the Coast Guard does— itol. Some are coming to the Senate as This bill includes a major victory for all the various vital activities they do private citizens who have built success- those Kentuckians and for Americans to provide for the safety and security ful careers outside the world of poli- in a number of other States. of Americans. Let me tell my col- tics. Some have already served as The Vessel Incidental Discharge Act leagues just a few things this bill does. statewide elected officials and are com- will unwind the confusing, redundant The distinguished majority leader was ing to Washington for the first time. tangle of rules and regulations that discussing this in his remarks also. It is our pleasure to welcome these States, the EPA, and the Coast Guard This bill that we are about to vote on future Senators and congratulate all of have all piled on to vessel owners and takes big steps in recapitalizing our them. barge operators who are, frankly, just vessel fleet. I am proud to say that f trying to make a living. With this leg- shipbuilders across the country, includ- islation, that tangled mess will go LEADERSHIP VOTES ing in my State of Mississippi, are re- away. It will be replaced by a single, ef- building our fleet. In Mississippi, we Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, ficient, and uniform standard, which have built six national security cutters speaking of looking ahead, just a few the Coast Guard will enforce. It is a that are currently operational. The hours ago our Republican conference commonsense step, and it is something seventh and eighth ships have been came together and chose the leadership that has been thoroughly bipartisan. built and are scheduled to be commis- team that will serve for the 116th Con- This legislation passed the Com- sioned next year. These ships are some gress. merce Committee on a voice vote. It of the most technologically advanced Our Republican leadership team will has actually been reported out several vessels in the world. feature faces both new and familiar. We different times, including when the The Coast Guard needs more modern are looking forward to earning our col- Senate was controlled by Democrats. national security cutters to combat leagues’ trust and working as hard as So I look forward to delivering these transnational organized crime. These we can to seize the opportunities that important measures for the Coast cutters make up the backbone of this will lie before us this coming Congress. Guard, for Kentuckians, and for many effort, and, as we know, the criminals It is my honor to have been asked by more Americans when we pass this leg- who undermine our borders and our Na- my colleagues to continue serving as islation later today. tion’s social and political development leader. I can honestly say that not a f are not contained by borders. day goes by when I am not humbled In addition, the Coast Guard bill rec- and honored by this opportunity to NOMINATION OF MICHELLE ognizes the importance of national se- serve my colleagues, the institution of BOWMAN curity cutters by authorizing the Senate, and our incredible country Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we multiyear contracts that will lead to in whatever measure I am capable. will also vote to advance the nomina- procurement of a 10th, 11th, and 12th I know my friend the Democratic tion of Michelle Bowman to serve on vessel. So we are making great leader feels much the same. I want to the Federal Reserve Board. Ms. Bow- progress there. These cutters are high- congratulate him on his election as man brings experience as a community ly advanced patrol boats that could de- leader once again. I look forward to banker and as a banking regulator, ploy independently for a number of working with him and his colleagues to currently serving as the State Banking missions along our ports, waterways, move the ball and to make bipartisan Commissioner of Kansas. Her nomina- and coasts. progress for the American people. tion comes before us in a year when the In addition, the bill does not over- f Senate has taken substantive legisla- look the Coast Guard’s shoreline infra- tive action on behalf of America’s com- structure, instead authorizing more BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE munity banks and the communities than $170 million for these facilities. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, they serve. This includes steps to repair and re- now, on to the work that is currently As we were reminded when we passed place its aging rotary-wing aircraft. before us: We voted yesterday to ad- bipartisan reforms to Dodd-Frank a Other provisions in the bill would vance important legislation that will few months ago, smaller lenders pro- clarify the Coast Guard’s role in na- preserve our national security, ensure vide more than 50 percent of small tional security as a member of our our readiness, and expand economic op- business loans and nearly 80 percent of Armed Forces, and they are and should portunity. The bill before us to reau- agricultural loans nationwide. So it is be clarified as a member of the Armed thorize the Coast Guard funding will as important now as ever that these in- Forces; establish a land-based, un- ensure that the brave men and women stitutions and their needs are rep- manned aircraft system program; help who put themselves in harm’s way resented on the Federal Reserve Board. modernize the Coast Guard’s every single day have access to the re- By any standard, Ms. Bowman is very healthcare system; enable block-buy sources they need. well prepared to serve in a seat des- contracts for ship acquisition; and con- America calls on our Coast Guard to ignated specifically for an expert on duct an advanced maintenance pro- protect our ports, to protect our community banking. So I urge each of gram for the Polar Star, our only

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.001 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6939 heavy polar icebreaker. Our sole ice- would say to my friend from Florida, Furthermore, this bill includes a pro- breaker is now 42 years old and 12 years but we are there now, and it is a great vision that would exempt one vessel past its intended service life. So this achievement for our economy, for the from current fire safety standards, an- will allow us to pay more attention to environment, and for the Coast Guard other provision by which I cannot the Arctic. as a whole. abide. Finally, let me stress to my col- Mr. President, I yield the floor. A series of fires aboard international leagues and once again express appre- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise to passenger ships in the early 1960s ciation to the leadership of the com- express my opposition to S. 140, the prompted the U.S. to enact the Safety mittee that we are finally passing the Coast Guard reauthorization bill, be- of Life at Sea Act, SOLAS, which man- Vessel Incidental Discharge Act, cause it prevents State regulation of dated that ‘‘no passenger vessel of the known as VIDA, which provides much the discharge of pollutants from ves- United States shall be granted a cer- needed relief to our commercial vessel sels engaged in maritime commerce tificate of inspection [. . .] unless the industry. This relief would come and because it exempts one certain ves- vessel is constructed of fire-retardant through a single, science-based na- sel from current fire safety standards. materials.’’ Despite the enactment of tional standard for ballast water dis- First, the bill includes a provision, the SOLAS standards and the opposi- charge and other vessel discharges. known as the Vessel Incidental Dis- tion of the U.S. Coast Guard, Congress These discharges must take place; it is charge Act, which would dictate how has repeatedly exempted one ship, the just a question of what the regulation ballast water from ships is regulated in Delta Queen, from the SOLAS fire safe- is and how we take care of our econ- the United States. While I appreciate ty standards. omy and our environment. the hard work of the Senate Commit- Current law requires passenger ves- Currently, commercial vessel owners tees on Commerce, Science and Trans- sels with overnight accommodations are obligated to meet standards from portation and Environment and Public for 50 or more passengers to be con- the Coast Guard, standards from the Works and their commitment to bipar- structed of fire-retardant materials, EPA, and standards from 25 individual tisan negotiation on this issue, I unfor- unless an exemption is made, but in States. This can mean spending mil- tunately cannot support a bill that in- the case of the Delta Queen, the U.S. lions of dollars to install equipment, cludes the Vessel Incidental Discharge Coast Guard has consistently opposed which may or may not ensure compli- Act, even as currently modified. The legislation to provide the Delta Queen ance with these regulations. Such bur- problem is that this provision preempts an exemption to remain in service as dens have put a strain on U.S. busi- Maryland’s authority to set standards an overnight passenger cruise vessel. A Coast Guard special inspection re- nesses and U.S. commerce. This bill on the discharge of ballast water from port on the Delta Queen in 2008 found will give us one nationwide standard, ships that are more protective of the ‘‘an unnecessary and unacceptable ac- lifting the burden off of these busi- Chesapeake Bay than the standards set cumulation of combustible fire load.’’ nesses and lifting the burden off of peo- by the Federal Government. In a January 8, 2016, letter to Senator ple who would like to actually get out Ballast water can contain invasive BILL NELSON, the Coast Guard’s then there and create more jobs instead of species like blue catfish and zebra mus- Assistant Secretary of Legislative Af- comply with a myriad of various regu- sels, among a host of others, that fairs wrote ‘‘the Department of Home- lations. threaten the delicate balance of life in land Security is resigned to oppose Under VIDA, the Coast Guard would the bay. The Chesapeake Bay is the Na- continuously any legislation that be the lead agency to enforce these reg- tion’s largest estuary. It generates $1 would provide any form of statutory ulations, but it will also do this in con- trillion in economic benefit to the wa- tershed region. The shoreline of the relief for the steamer Delta Queen.’’ sultation with EPA. In other words, Section 834 of this bill is contrary to Chesapeake and its tidal tributaries VIDA uses the expertise of both of public safety. It is contrary to the stretches for over 2,000 miles. More these excellent agencies, the Coast Safety of Life at Sea Act regulations than 100,000 streams and rivers and Guard and the EPA, and leverages the which have been in full force in the thousands of acres of wetlands provide expertise of both agencies. It is quite U.S. since 1966, and it is contrary to an achievement. the freshwater that flows into the the guidance of the U.S. Coast Guard. I see my friend from Florida here. He Chesapeake Bay. If we do not protect The Delta Queen is an old ship made may want me to yield on this question. the health of this incredible network of of wood. The boilers are original and But there has been a bipartisan effort, waters, we cannot hope to restore the open to the wood superstructure. There and the bipartisan vote yesterday was Chesapeake Bay to its former glory. are no structural boundaries to contain quite gratifying. Fortunately, the health of the bay is a fire and only one means of egress. Again, thank you to Chairman improving. According to the latest re- I understand that supporters of this THUNE, thank you to Senator SUL- port card from the University of Mary- provision are concerned about the his- LIVAN, and thank you to my friends on land Center for Environmental toric preservation of this ship and the the other side of the aisle for making Science, the bay earned a C grade, sig- economic opportunities that operation this bipartisan, long-range effort fi- nifying the first time that score is of the ship could bring to its homeport, nally come to fruition this afternoon. meaningfully trending in the right di- but we should be concerned first and Mr. NELSON. Would the Senator rection and that restoration efforts are foremost with the safety of the people yield? beginning to have an enduring impact. who will work on the ship and vacation Mr. WICKER. I would be delighted to Additionally, the effort to clean up on the ship. They can have the same yield to my friend. and restore the bay creates new job and opportunities and experiences on a ship Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, this is economic growth opportunities around that is compliant with the reasonable an example of where the Senate can get the bay States. For example, the safety standards that have been in something done. There were many watermen that depend on healthy pop- place in this country for more than 50 twists and turns to the Coast Guard ulations of blue crab, oysters, menha- years. bill, but at the end of the day, we all den, and rockfish—for striped bass—de- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, came together in a bipartisan way to pend on those species not being out- today the Senate will complete work get it done, and I thank the Senator competed for food or eaten by invasive on a new 2-year authorization for the from Mississippi. species. People throughout the water- U.S. Coast Guard, the Federal Mari- Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, reclaim- shed depend on the bay for their liveli- time Commission, and on regulations ing my time, I thank the Senator from hoods and for recreation. related to vessel discharges and other Florida for making those points and for Though we in the Chesapeake Bay matters. his leadership as ranking member of watershed are making great strides in This bill is intended to give our Coast the Commerce Committee. In this re- improving the quality of the Chesa- Guard the certainty it needs to operate gard, I suggest the vote coming up soon peake Bay, we still have a long way to in a constantly changing environment, will be probably as lopsided as the one go. The last thing the bay and the peo- and I appreciate the significant bipar- on cloture yesterday. That is a good ple who depend on it need now is the tisan work that has gone into the legis- sign. It took us a while to get there, I additional stress of invasive species. lation we vote on today. Maryland is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.003 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 home to the Coast Guard yard in Curtis CONCLUSION OF MORNING Senate the pending cloture motion, Bay, our Nation’s facility for maintain- BUSINESS which the clerk will state. ing and repairing the Coast Guard The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning The senior assistant legislative clerk fleet, and I am proud of the work they business is closed. read as follows: do every day to support the security of f CLOTURE MOTION our Nation and ships at sea. However, I We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- remain concerned with title IV of this AMENDING THE WHITE MOUNTAIN ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the bill, the Vessel Incidental Discharge APACHE TRIBE WATER RIGHTS Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Act, VIDA, which would regulate bal- QUANTIFICATION ACT OF 2010 move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- last water discharge from ships in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under nation of Michelle Bowman, of Kansas, to be United States. While these provisions the previous order, the Senate will re- a Member of the Board of Governors of the have improved since they were first Federal Reserve System for the unexpired sume consideration of the House mes- term of fourteen years from February 1, 2006. brought to the floor, the title con- sage to accompany S. 140, which the Mitch McConnell, Mike Rounds, Jon Kyl, tinues to preempt State authority on clerk will report. Tom Cotton, John Thune, Roger F. ballast water discharge from ships. The The senior assistant legislative clerk Wicker, Thom Tillis, John Boozman, State of Maryland currently has a read as follows: Steve Daines, John Barrasso, David more protective standard that is crit- House message to accompany S. 140, a bill Perdue, Johnny Isakson, Pat Roberts, ical to maintaining a healthy Chesa- to amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe John Hoeven, Mike Crapo, Lindsey peake Bay. The Chesapeake Bay Water- Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to Graham, Jerry Moran. shed is enormous: 64,000 square miles, clarify the use of amounts in the WMAT Set- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- part of six States and the entire Dis- tlement Fund. imous consent, the mandatory quorum trict of Columbia, and almost 18 mil- Pending: call has been waived. lion people. McConnell motion to concur in the amend- The question is, Is it the sense of the The Chesapeake Bay is one of Mary- ment of the House to the bill, with McCon- Senate that debate on the nomination nell (for Thune) modified amendment No. of Michelle Bowman, of Kansas, to be a land’s crown jewels, and it is of upmost 4054, in the nature of a substitute. importance to me that we continue the Member of the Board of Governors of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The progress in cleaning up the bay. The the Federal Reserve System for the un- question now occurs on the motion to Chesapeake Bay is a delicate eco- expired term of fourteen years from concur in the House amendment to S. system that is particularly sensitive to February 1, 2006, shall be brought to a 140, with amendment No. 4054, as modi- invasive species that can be spread close? fied. through ballast water discharge. These The yeas and nays are mandatory Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I ask for invasive species could compete with under the rule. the yeas and nays. The clerk will call the roll. our native species in the bay like blue The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The senior assistant legislative clerk crab, oysters, and striped bass. sufficient second? There are many provisions of this bill There appears to be a sufficient sec- called the roll. that I will support through the con- ond. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the ference process, including additional The clerk will call the roll. Senator from Florida (Mr. NELSON) is funding for operating expenses and ac- The senior assistant bill clerk called necessarily absent. quisition funding and $30 million for the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. environmental compliance and restora- The result was announced—yeas 94, TOOMEY). Are there any other Senators tion. The Coast Guard yard in Curtis nays 6, as follows: in the Chamber desiring to vote? Bay is currently on EPA’s National [Rollcall Vote No. 241 Leg.] The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 63, Priorities List and the Coast Guard’s YEAS—94 nays 36, as follows; priority list and is eligible for this Alexander Gardner Murray [Rollcall Vote No. 242 Ex.] funding. Baldwin Graham Nelson YEAS—63 Barrasso Grassley The bill also includes a provision Paul Alexander Flake Moran Bennet Hassan that allows for incentive payments to Perdue Barrasso Gardner Murkowski Blumenthal Hatch Peters Bennet Graham Perdue go to Curtis Bay’s wage-grade employ- Blunt Heinrich Portman Blunt Grassley Peters Booker Heitkamp ees who demonstrate improvements in Reed Boozman Hassan Portman Boozman Heller performance or delivery during a Risch Burr Hatch Risch Brown Hirono Roberts Capito Heitkamp Roberts project. Burr Hoeven Rounds Carper Heller Rounds I hope to gain clarity on section 310 Cantwell Hyde-Smith Cassidy Hoeven Rubio Capito Inhofe Rubio of the bill, which claims to provide Collins Hyde-Smith Sasse Carper Isakson Sasse more flexibility to choose where ship Coons Inhofe Scott Casey Johnson Schatz Corker Isakson Shaheen alterations or repairs can occur. I am Cassidy Jones Scott Cornyn Johnson Shelby Collins Kaine Shaheen concerned that this provision may have Cotton Jones Sullivan Coons Kennedy Shelby unintended consequences in certain sit- Crapo Kaine Tester Corker King Smith Cruz Kennedy Thune uations, particularly with respect to Cornyn Klobuchar Stabenow Daines Kyl Tillis the Coast Guard yard. As this bill Cortez Masto Kyl Sullivan Donnelly Lankford Toomey Cotton Lankford Tester moves to conference and eventually the Enzi Lee Warner Crapo Leahy President, I hope to work with my col- Thune Ernst Manchin Wicker Cruz Lee Tillis Fischer McConnell Young leagues to clear up this provision and Daines Manchin Toomey will continue to advocate for the rights Donnelly Markey Udall NAYS—36 of States like Maryland to protect Duckworth McCaskill Warner Durbin Baldwin Harris Paul McConnell Warren their clean water. Enzi Menendez Blumenthal Heinrich Reed Whitehouse I will vote no today, but believe that Ernst Merkley Booker Hirono Sanders Wicker Feinstein Moran Brown King Schatz we can continue to improve this bill in Wyden Cantwell Klobuchar Schumer the conference process. I look forward Fischer Murkowski Flake Murphy Young Cardin Leahy Smith to working with my colleagues to do Casey Markey Stabenow so. NAYS—6 Cortez Masto McCaskill Udall Cardin Harris Schumer Duckworth Menendez Van Hollen Gillibrand Sanders Van Hollen Durbin Merkley Warren f Feinstein Murphy Whitehouse The motion was agreed to. Gillibrand Murray Wyden RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME f NOT VOTING—1 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under CLOTURE MOTION Nelson the previous order, the leadership time The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this is reserved. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the vote, the yeas are 63, the nays are 36.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.002 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6941 The motion is agreed to. have continued to see gains under this David Tong from Arlington, TX, which f administration—promises made and is halfway between Fort Worth and promises kept. Dallas. Dave wrote to me to say that EXECUTIVE CALENDAR I will start with the transformation the company at which he is employed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of the Federal judiciary. One of the has increased the number of hours peo- clerk will report the nomination. most important jobs the U.S. Senate ple are able to work. He said Christmas The senior assistant legislative clerk has under the Constitution is to pro- bonuses have been promised, too, and read the nomination of Michelle Bow- vide advice and consent on executive that the company has hired more peo- man, of Kansas, to be a Member of the branch nominations—in this case, to ple, has bought more new machinery Board of Governors of the Federal Re- our article III courts. A historic num- based on the accelerated depreciation serve System for the unexpired term of ber of judges who will interpret the law provided for under the bill, and has fourteen years from February 1, 2006. as written have been confirmed under made long overdue repairs to their The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- the administration. That number is 84, working place. Now, with the tax law jority whip. and it includes the most ever appellate changes in place, David says the guys SENATE ACCOMPLISHMENTS judges—the midlevel Federal courts— down on the shop floor are taking Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, as I re- to have ever been confirmed during a home a little more in their paychecks turn to the Nation’s Capital from President’s first 2 years in office. These each week. He said all of this adds up home, back in Austin, TX, so we can are principled, experienced, highly and makes a huge difference in the finish our work out before the end of skilled lawyers and judges who respect lives of the guys on the shop floor. the year, I want to relay some of the precedent and understand their critical We have heard similar stories from wisdom that I heard from working fam- but limited role under our system of around the country because more than ilies and Texans back home about their government. Their job is to interpret 700 companies, including many that are verdict on what we have done so far the law; they shouldn’t rewrite it. That based in Texas, have used the tax sav- this year and actually even last year. is one of the principal battles we end ings to benefit their employees and I stopped by a couple of food banks— up fighting when Supreme Court nomi- their customers. They have announced one in North Texas and one in El nations come across the well of the pay raises, as I said, and 401(k) match Paso—ahead of this year’s upcoming Senate floor. There are those who increases. holiday season. This is when they have think that judges should be able to im- We have actually seen seniors and the greatest demand for food by people pose their views on the American peo- people on fixed incomes have a de- who need either to supplement their ple even though they don’t for elec- crease in their utility bills, when their diets or who rely on food banks to pro- tion and have lifetime tenures, but electricity is provided by investor- vide them with their basic sustenance. that is simply not our system. In my owned utilities, because of the reduc- I also had a chance to visit with a view, that is an impermissible role to tion in taxes to be paid by those inves- winner at the MD Ander- be played by a judge. tor-owned utilities. So there are lower son Cancer Center, Dr. Jim Allison, to When it comes to judges, perhaps our utility rates for seniors and those on discuss his groundbreaking work in two greatest achievements have been fixed incomes. cancer treatment, much of which was Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, These developments are part of the funded by money we have appropriated both of whom were confirmed to the reason the economy is thriving. Since to the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Supreme Court. Yet, as I say, we tax reform was signed into law, the which, in turn, provides grants for have confirmed a total of 84 other Fed- economy has added more than 2 million basic science and other research that eral judges, including 3 on the Fifth jobs, and unemployment has been at its come up with lifesaving cures, such as Circuit Court of Appeals from Texas. lowest rate since 1969. My State has a Dr. Allison has come up with. All of these nominees and now judges population that is roughly 38 to 40 per- Then I met with the local leadership have brought great intellect, legal ex- cent Hispanic; yet Hispanic unemploy- in the Corpus Christi area, down in the pertise, impartiality, and good will to ment sits at the record low of 4.4 per- gulf coast, to discuss their Hurricane bear as they make decisions with their cent. That is a big deal to my constitu- Harvey recovery process. It has been a very distinguished colleagues. ents back home. Joblessness for Afri- little over a year since Hurricane Har- We saw the first major overhaul in can Americans has fallen to its lowest vey . Of course, many of those com- the Tax Code in 31 years. It lowered level ever—the lowest level ever— munities and many families are con- rates for every tax bracket, doubled under this administration. tinuing to recover from that devasta- the child tax credit to help working Then, of course, with more demand— tion. families, and made our business tax with more money in people’s pockets, I also held a roundtable with local scheme more competitive globally. All more money to spend—there is more leaders and the drug-free communities of this has allowed many of those em- demand for goods and services. So in councils to discuss how local, State, ployers to pass along benefits through October alone, the economy has added and Federal leaders can work together bonuses and higher wages. We have another 250,000 jobs, exceeding all ex- to fight the supply of illegal drugs also incentivized investment in eco- pectations. As a matter of fact, the big- coming into the country and to support nomically distressed communities in gest concern I hear from employers those who are in recovery from addic- every State through the Opportunity now is that they are looking for quali- tion. It won’t surprise you that people Zone Program. fied employees who are able to perform had a lot to say. Yet their stories re- Some like to shrug off the benefits of the jobs that are now available, and mind me that while being back here in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by calling many of these are very well-paying Washington—although Texas is a long the savings crumbs, which is what Ms. jobs. way away, about 3 hours or so by jet— PELOSI has called them, but they are So people are back to work. They are folks back home are paying attention certainly not taking into account what earning more. They are investing, and to what we are doing here, and I know I am hearing from my constituents the economy is moving at full throttle. some of that gets lost in the back-and- back home in Texas. The effects of tax But it wasn’t just the work of the tax forth of the political campaigns that reform are real, and they are extremely bill. That was just part of it. Part of it have just passed. significant to every American. All em- has to do with the increased confidence There is one thing that we have done ployers have been able to provide addi- and optimism that people feel about that I think has been well received, and tional benefits—as I said, some in the their future as a result of the improve- that is, since the voters gave us a Re- form of bonuses or in increased pay. ment of their economic circumstances. publican in the White House and gave Those who have seen their pay remain We saw that with the passage of the bi- us Republican majorities in the House the same have seen more take-home partisan Dodd-Frank reform. We have and the Senate, we have put our foot pay because their tax obligations have also provided additional relief to our on the gas pedal and haven’t let off been reduced. community banks and credit unions so since. We have delivered concrete re- One of the taxpayers I heard from in they are able to spend less money on sults for the American people, and they Texas was a gentleman by the name of redtape and have more money invested

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.008 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 in their local communities and in their and to help victims. With three new work with the predictability they de- small businesses. laws, we aimed to reduce the backlog serve. We also know that regulation is im- of untested rape kits in forensic labs so Moving forward, we have a signifi- portant, but overregulation is a job that perpetrators of sexual assault can cant to-do list before we break for killer. We have rolled back overregula- be identified with near certainty and Christmas. We need to finalize the tion that was stifling job creation, and those wrongly charged can be exoner- farm bill. We need to reauthorize a we are creating an environment that ated. number of other bills, and despite the fosters job growth. Our reforms have We also have assisted our law en- large number of nominations we were created a savings of at least $50 billion forcement in prosecuting cold cases able to get done before we recessed, for small businesses and entrepreneurs. and eradicating the scourge of online there is still a huge backlog of many That is why the economy is on fire. sex trafficking. We didn’t stop there, executive branch nominations. For We have also done important things though. We kept communities’ needs in some reason, after the 2016 election, to help improve access to healthcare. mind and turned toward fixing our Na- our Democratic colleagues decided We have repealed the Independent Pay- tion’s outdated infrastructure. they were going to obstruct or delay as ment Advisory Board provisions of In October, we passed a major water many Trump nominations to executive ObamaCare and repealed the costly in- infrastructure bill that helps to keep agencies on the bench as they could. dividual mandate, which essentially our communities safe by providing Unfortunately, they have been too suc- was a tax on poor people and middle-in- dams and levees and addressing the cessful in doing so, but I am confident come people when they couldn’t afford need for drinking water—clean, safe that the Senate Majority Leader, Sen- to buy the ObamaCare policies with all drinking water—and addressing the ator MCCONNELL, will use the leverage of the coverage that they didn’t nec- underdevelopment of wastewater sys- of people wanting to get home at essarily even want or need, but it tems across the country. Christmastime and Thanksgiving to added to the cost of the policy. When But our work on infrastructure ex- ensure that we get a maximum number they couldn’t afford the policy, they tended far beyond public water sys- of these noncontroversial nominees were taxed by their own government tems. It also included passing the Fed- supported. These are people who will and punished through the individual eral Aviation Administration Reau- enjoy broad bipartisan support if we mandate. thorization Act, which modernizes air- can just get our Democratic colleagues What we have done is to try to re- port infrastructure, increases safety, to quit the obstruction. store the authority and the power of and boosts industry innovation. We have just a short time left to fin- citizens themselves to make healthcare We also helped to support our men ish this Congress strong, but the past 2 decisions for themselves and their fam- and women in uniform, past and years have been an unmitigated suc- ilies that they want and that they can present. By passing a Defense author- cess for the country. We have delivered afford by starting to recreate an indi- ization bill, we gave our troops the on promises we have made. We have vidual market. To me, that is the best largest pay raise in nearly 10 years and put money back in the pockets of hard- way for us to offer choice and to keep began to restore military readiness in working families. We enhanced com- prices down—to create an individual an increasingly dangerous world. munity safety and fought for victims. market, not for government to man- The National Defense Authorization We have modernized infrastructure and date a one-size-fits-all approach, which Act, named after our former chairman supported our men and women in uni- is what ObamaCare did. It forced many of the Armed Services Committee, form. I hope we can continue this mo- young people to pay a lot more for John McCain, ensures that our troops mentum into the 116th Congress that their insurance to subsidize others who have the resources, the equipment, and begins in January. were covered by ObamaCare. the training they need to defend our I yield the floor. We also addressed the public health country and keep Americans safe. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- challenges we face in this country in For our veterans, we passed the VA ator from Washington. another significant way. The Nation’s Mission Act—again, a bipartisan piece COAST GUARD REAUTHORIZATION BILL drug addiction epidemic killed roughly of legislation. Access to healthcare had Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I 72,000 Americans last year. Some 72,000 become a nightmare for many who sac- come to the floor this afternoon to Americans lost their lives to drug rificed so much for our country. We speak about the Coast Guard reauthor- overdoses. Nearly 50,000 of those were saw them being met with difficulty ization legislation that just passed the related to opioids, whether a prescrip- getting appointments because they Senate today. I thank my colleagues tion drug or heroin or fentanyl. It has were backlogged so much, or they had for all of their hard work on this im- left many families in disarray and to drive great distances to get access portant measure that literally has overwhelmed medical professionals and to basic healthcare. So we passed the taken years to piece together. I thank emergency personnel in many commu- VA Mission Act with an eye toward Chairman THUNE and Ranking Member nities. providing more efficient access to care NELSON for working on this legislation Through the collaboration of about in local communities. and for incorporating many of the 70 bipartisan proposals—people say Beyond that, we did the basic work of things that the people of Washington nothing bipartisan happens here, but funding the Federal Government on were interested in seeing as part of this thanks to 70 bipartisan proposals—that time and through regular order. We comprehensive bill. I certainly want to were included in this landmark opioids haven’t finished that job yet. We have thank Senator CARPER and the EPW bill, we are not only addressing stem- until December 7 to finish the job, and staff for working on major provisions ming the tide of drugs coming across I hope we do. It is not a particularly of this bill relating to ballast water our border but also supporting those flashy topic, but it is one of the most and the solutions they put forward. who are trying to recover from a drug fundamental duties of the Congress. This bill includes many provisions im- addiction. So our record is clear, and the voters portant to our Coast Guard, our envi- Among other reforms, the law re- responded by rewarding the majority ronment, and to our shipbuilding com- quires screening of packages being with an even greater Senate majority munity. It represents a true bipartisan mailed from overseas for substances in the next Congress. But we need to effort to find solutions and to put those like fentanyl. It increases access to finish out the rest of this year strong. solutions into action. treatment for people with substance We are adding to our list of accom- Our State of Washington is rich in its disorders. It expands research into non- plishments this week by passing a bi- maritime heritage. The Coast Guard is addictive painkillers, and it provides partisan bill to provide critical funding a large part of that. With so much more money for enforcement and inter- for the Coast Guard. Our Coast Guard coastline, and so many rivers and diction. is made up of men and women who risk streams, the Coast Guard is so impor- But healthy communities are also their lives to save others and to pro- tant. Our State is home to fishermen, safe communities. In addition to the tect our ports and to stop illegal drugs shipbuilders, Tribes, trade operators, opioids bill, we took further steps to from reaching our country. This bill and a thriving tourism economy. So for enhance the safety of our communities ensures that they can continue that places from Cape Disappointment and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.010 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6943 Grays Harbor to Neah Bay and all the of invasive species and the threat they a horrific anti-Semitic attack that oc- way up the Columbia River, our Wash- pose to our waterways in many dif- curred on October 27, during Shabbat ington State Coast Guard works tire- ferent parts of the United States. We morning services. Members of three lessly to protect the Northwest and our worked hard on this solution, con- Jewish congregations were present: the environment. sulting with the State of Washington, Tree of Life, Dor Hadash, and New In our State, there are more than and believe that this version, which Light congregations. Eleven innocent 2,000 Active-Duty coasties, 440 reserv- does create regulatory certainty for people were senselessly slaughtered in ists, 192 civilian employees, and an im- maritime operators but does so while the attack, and six others were wound- pressive 869 volunteer auxiliary mem- still protecting our environment, is ed, including four police officers who bers in the Coast Guard. critical. responded to the attack. The Coast Guard plays an important The bill allows the State of Wash- Even within this act of evil, there role in the safety and oversight of our ington, which has a strong history of were displays of amazing courage and fisheries. Thousands of Pacific North- protecting our waters from invasive humanity: the first responders, who west fishermen call Washington State species, to modify the west coast bal- rushed into danger to apprehend the home, and over 35,000 Washington last water management practices, shooter and protect others; the Jewish State jobs are supported by the Alaska which is very important for us to pro- doctors and nurses who cared for not fisheries. tect our waterways for the future. It just the victims but the shooter as While we usually talk about big as- requires that the most rigorous sci- well. Like Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, president sets here on the floor, like icebreakers entific standards are used—including of Allegheny County Hospital—who is and national security cutters, Wash- the Clean Water Act’s best available actually a member of the Tree of Life ington State is also home to heavy surf technology standard so important to us Synagogue—displayed an amazing, re- stations that serve in some of the most in the Northwest. The bill also creates markable courage and humanity in vis- extreme conditions that people have to tools for emergency response to iting the shooter to ask him about his operate under. invasive species so they can be stopped care and to try to make some sense of This bipartisan Coast Guard legisla- before they take a stronghold in our the attack. tion has many provisions that I would environment. Lastly, it includes a per- After such an inexplicable event, all like to talk about this afternoon. I manent fishing vessel exemption for in- of us looked for the motivation of the want to again thank my colleagues for cidental discharges which do not pose a perpetrator and asked why. their great bipartisan work on this leg- threat to our environment. Well, let’s be clear about what this islation. All of these things were part of a shooting was about. It was a cowardly This legislation has many different very comprehensive Coast Guard bill act of brutal violence, fueled by anti- solutions for many of the challenges that tried to give us the best tools pos- our agencies face. I want to again Semitism, a corrupt and repulsive ide- sible to continue to operate in our ology that really betrays our most fun- thank Senator THUNE for working coastal areas of the United States, to across the aisle on the various Coast damental values and distorts history. have the right resources, to have the John Adams had an interesting Guard provisions that are included in right oversight, to have the right as- this bill, and I want to thank Senator quote. John Adams said: sets, and the right protection of our en- If I was an atheist and believed in blind SULLIVAN for helping to cosponsor the vironment. authorization of the recapitalization of eternal fate, I should still believe that fate Again, I thank our colleagues on had ordained the Jews to be the most essen- the Coast Guard heavy polar ice- both sides of the aisle for working so tial instrument for civilizing the nations. breaker, the Polar Star. The Polar Star diligently to finally get this legislation They are the most glorious nation that ever is home-ported in Seattle and is our over the threshold and on to the Presi- inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their only operational heavy icebreaker, cru- dent’s desk. Empire were but a Bauble in comparison to cial for Arctic operations. The Coast Guard represents such an the Jews. They have given religion to three The language that we just passed im- important maritime piece of our econ- quarters of the Globe and have influenced the affairs of Mankind more, and more hap- proves the oversight of ships that pose omy. I hope our colleagues will realize an oil spill risk in Puget Sound. This is pily, than any other Nation ancient or mod- we need to give the Coast Guard the re- ern. so important for us moving forward to sources and assets to do their jobs, not Despite Judaism’s incredible con- have these types of assets in these crit- just now in this legislation but moving tributions to mankind and to our own ical waters. forward as well. country and our country’s founding, This bill also includes language to I also want to thank our Coast Guard anti-Semitism is still far too preva- strengthen the Coast Guard’s family fellow, Lieutenant Commander lent. We can’t ignore it. We must con- leave policies, as they moved forward Michelle Rosenberg, for her time work- demn it. We must challenge it. to meet other branches in adding paid ing on this comprehensive legislation I think there is a lesson here from family leave. The legislation included for the last several years. language that helps to improve the I, again, thank my colleagues. Dr. Cohen, whom I mentioned earlier. flexibility of that paid family leave for I yield the floor. When asked how he could visit a pa- various parts of our State that are I suggest the absence of a quorum. tient with so much hatred, Dr. Cohen most hard to serve. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The replied: The Coast Guard families should not clerk will call the roll. I thought it was important to at least talk be forced to choose between serving The bill clerk proceeded to call the to him and meet him. You can’t on one hand their country and supporting their roll. say we should talk to each other, and then I families, and I so appreciate the incor- Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I ask don’t talk to him. poration of this language into this leg- unanimous consent that the order for I think Dr. Cohen’s wisdom and in- islation. the quorum call be rescinded. sights in humanity could be useful for This bipartisan deal also helps to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. this body as well. I have spent a lot of protect good shipbuilding jobs at Da- GARDNER). Without objection, it is so time working with colleagues and oth- kota Creek Shipyard. I am a very ordered. ers to try to find some commonsense strong supporter of the Jones Act, and GUN VIOLENCE solutions to address some element of I believe it is important that we con- Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, winter the gun violence that plagues this tinue to have the Jones Act in the fu- has arrived in Pittsburgh. Today, 11 3- country. Too often, it seems to me, we ture. I am proud that we were able to foot-tall wooden Stars of David make talk past each other rather than speak- work together to find a solution to up a sidewalk memorial in the city’s ing with each other. save good jobs at the Dakota Creek Squirrel Hill neighborhood, and they I know there are strongly held views Shipyard, and I appreciate my col- will be brought inside the Tree of Life on the Second Amendment, and I am leagues working on the incorporation Synagogue to protect this display of one of the Senators who has strongly of that language. the city’s grief from the snowstorm. held views on the Second Amendment. This legislation also included a crit- Pittsburgh, the Jewish community I am a strong supporter of the Second ical compromise to address the threat and our entire country were shaken by Amendment, but I am also convinced

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.011 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 there is common ground among people mass shootings in America—that would Robert Mueller and to defend the vital who have different views on the Second be absurd—but it might make it a lit- role he has played since May of last Amendment. tle more difficult for someone who year in yet another act of service to his In this session of Congress that we doesn’t belong owning a firearm to ob- country in what has been a lifetime of are wrapping, we overwhelmingly en- tain one. distinguished service. acted legislation to improve NICS, the I know in our country many people For his trouble, Mr. Mueller has been National Instant Criminal Background feel a deep sense of division. We saw it accused repeatedly and without basis Check System, which is used to pre- after the shooting at the Tree of Life. in fact of conducting a ‘‘witch hunt’’ in vent the sale of firearms to people who We see it sometimes in the debates the course of his current investigation should not have firearms. Now think here, including over gun safety, but by none other than the President of the about that. We all agree firearms this isn’t the first time or even the United States. So I would like to take should not be sold to criminals and the worst time we have been divided. this opportunity to say a few words dangerously mentally ill. I have never Interestingly, Pittsburgh’s Tree of about what Special Counsel Mueller heard any colleague in this body sug- Life Synagogue was founded in 1864 and his team have been investigating gest that firearms should be sold to during the Civil War. When I was in and why, as the point of this vital in- violent criminals or dangerously men- Pittsburgh following the tragedy, the vestigation seems to have been pur- tally ill people. No. We all agree, as day after the attack, I attended a beau- posely confused and maligned by the does our entire society, that these are tiful memorial service just a few miles White House in a rather alarming way. people who shouldn’t have firearms. So from the Tree of Life Synagogue. The My colleague from Delaware, Senator we have a NICS system that is de- service was at the Soldiers & Sailors COONS, and I have made the unanimous signed, when it works well, to identify Memorial Hall. At that ceremony, consent request to bring this to the people who should not be able to have Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, floor, but it has been objected to al- firearms because they are convicted people from every walk of life were rep- ready. criminals or dangerously mentally ill, resented. People from the Greater This bill is designed to do one thing: or both, and we in this body recently Pittsburgh area united to support their protect the integrity of the special passed legislation to improve the effec- Jewish neighbors. counsel’s investigation and spare it of tiveness of that NICS system. It was fitting to gather at the Sol- any influence or interference from the Since we all accept the premise of diers & Sailors Memorial. This memo- executive branch, including from those the NICS system, and we have in fact rial was founded by veterans of the who may themselves be subjects of the enacted legislation to improve the ef- Civil War in Allegheny County to investigation. fectiveness of the NICS system, honor the sacrifice and valor of those The findings of Mr. Mueller’s inves- shouldn’t we also agree to close the re- who were willing to die to save our tigation are of utmost importance to maining loopholes in the background country during that war. The very first the security of this country and to the check in this NICS system? soldier from Allegheny County to die well-being of our democratic institu- One measure that I think ought to be in the Civil War was a married sales- tions as well. In America, as we all a consensus measure, and I know has man in his early thirties from Pitts- know, no one is above the law. Our doc- bipartisan support, is that using the burgh. He died at the Battle of Wil- trine of separation of powers and the NICS system, we should cover all com- liamsburg on May 5, 1862. His name was independence of the judicial system is mercial sales of firearms with a back- Jacob Brunn. He was Jewish. That what sets us apart from lawless coun- ground check. This is just a common- didn’t matter to Pittsburgh. The entire tries, and Presidents do not get to de- sense measure that is entirely con- city turned out for his funeral, the en- termine who gets investigated and who sistent and compatible with the Second tire city. As one historian put it, ‘‘the and what does not. Amendment. city put religious and political dif- For the record and for history, this The Constitution guarantees the ferences aside to honor the man who special counsel was appointed to thor- rights of law-abiding people to own was first to fall.’’ oughly investigate the attacks on our firearms, but there is no such right for I hope the Senate can also put aside electoral system by elements of the violent criminals and those who are some of our political differences and do Russian Government during the lead dangerously mentally ill. I am not the something sensible. It is our duty, and up to our 2016 general election. How only one who believes that. None other it would be a fitting act of remem- such an investigation can be a cause of than the very pro-Second Amendment brance for victims of mass shootings— controversy is beyond me. Surely, we Justice wrote that it is at the Tree of Life, Thousand Oaks, all recognize it is essential to under- completely compatible with the Second Sandy Hook, and all the others whose stand this new form of foreign aggres- Amendment to have regulations like a deaths from gun violence have scarred sion so that we might better defend background check. our country. America against such attacks in the Senator JOE MANCHIN and I have in- I yield the floor. future; right? troduced bipartisan legislation that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- One would think there would be would address this loophole, that would ator from Arizona. unanimous national resolve to get to expand background checks. It is pretty UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 2644 the bottom of such aggression from an simple. It simply says that all commer- Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I ask enemy or foreign power, especially a cial sales of firearms, including those unanimous consent that the Senate foreign power with whom we spent sales at gun shows and over the inter- proceed to the immediate consider- much of the second half of the 20th cen- net, need to be subject to criminal and ation of Calendar No. 393, S. 2644. I fur- tury locked in a global ideological mental background checks. If you pass ther ask that the committee-reported struggle, especially when in their re- the background check, you get to buy substitute amendment be agreed to, newed aggression toward us, they have your gun, but if you fail the back- the bill, as amended, be considered targeted the institution we have and ground check, then you are exactly the read a third time and passed, and that they don’t—free and fair elections. kind of person we have all agreed the motion to reconsider be considered Vladimir Putin knows he could not shouldn’t be able to get a gun. This is made and laid upon the table. defeat us on the battlefield, and he just common sense. By the way, he and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there knows the ideas at the center of his I built into this legislation a number of objection? former empire were soulless and bank- provisions to allow law-abiding gun The majority leader. rupt. He wants to rob us of what makes owners to more fully exercise their Mr. MCCONNELL. I object. the United States superior to his au- Second Amendment rights. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- tocracy. His goal is to turn us against So I hope my colleagues will join me tion is heard. ourselves and, in doing so, to try to de- in working to advance this common- SPECIAL COUNSEL INDEPENDENCE AND stroy our democracy. sense, bipartisan measure to keep our INTEGRITY ACT This is a matter of grave national communities a little bit safer. I have Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I rise to importance. This is not a moment for never suggested that this would end speak in defense of Special Counsel our national leadership to be weak or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.012 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6945 irresolute or compromised in any way. friend, Mr. FLAKE, the Senator from self, Senator TILLIS—a bipartisan bill Some of us in Washington have seemed Arizona, for joining me today in calling that, with the support of Senator strangely incurious about just what for action on a balanced bipartisan bill FLAKE and the Chairman, Senator the Russian malefactors did to Amer- to uphold the rule of law, to avoid a GRASSLEY, passed the Judiciary Com- ica in 2016 at the direction of Vladimir constitutional crisis, and to secure the mittee in April by a strong bipartisan Putin. ongoing position of Special Counsel margin of 14 to 7. We had a hearing. We Our President has been so incurious Robert Mueller, as he moves to com- had a markup. We had a vote. It is that at times over the past 2 years he plete his investigation. ready for committee action. has been eager to accept Putin’s deni- This is a critical moment. Just a While I appreciate repeated assur- als at face value. In fact, our executive week ago today, President Trump ances by the majority leader and many branch has generally been in such a forced the resignation of his Attorney other Senators of the other party that state of denial about the attacks on General, , and effectively it is not needed because they are con- our democracy that the White House stripped Deputy Attorney General Rod fident the President will take no inap- has not been aggressive at all in de- Rosenstein of his authority to super- propriate action to interfere with the fending against future attacks. vise the ongoing investigation by Rob- ongoing investigation, why would we I defy any of us to name a threat so ert Mueller—an investigation which, I not take this simple preventive meas- grave to which the government of the will remind you, just the same day he ure? Given the President’s repeated ac- United States—that we, all of us, in- forced Attorney General Sessions’ res- tions, given his repeated statements cluding this Senate—has responded so ignation, the President attacked pub- about the Mueller investigation, why lackadaisically. Why is that? With the licly as a hoax and a witch hunt. pose this risk when a simple vote on firing of the Attorney General and, in Let’s take a step back to remember the floor of the Senate could move this my view, the improper installation of the bigger picture here. Robert toward enactment? an Acting Attorney General who has Mueller—a career Federal law enforce- Let me be clear about what the bill not been subject to confirmation by ment leader, a decorated combat vet- does. It says that if the special counsel this body, the President now has this eran, a lifelong Republican—is leading is removed, counsel has the oppor- investigation in his sights, and we all an investigation into a foreign adver- tunity to challenge the removal in know it. sary’s attack on our last election. court. A panel of three Federal judges My purpose here is not to divine the This isn’t about relitigating that would have 2 weeks to hear and deter- President’s motives in his seeming de- election. It isn’t about partisan poli- mine whether the removal was based termination to sow doubt about and tics. It is about protecting our democ- on good cause. If the panel doesn’t find curtail Mr. Mueller’s investigation. If, racy. As my colleague Senator FLAKE good cause, the counsel would be rein- as the President says, there was no in- said, it is about protecting what de- stated. It preserves staffing, docu- volvement by anyone in his campaign fines us as a democracy. Yet our Presi- ments, and materials of the investiga- with the Russian malefactors, then dent is now in a position easily to tion while that matter is pending for this investigation—properly con- interfere with or even end the Mueller that brief period. ducted—will discover and document investigation. Compounding that The bottom line is this. The special that. threat is the person who has been ap- counsel legislation we are urging today Mr. Mueller has already brought doz- pointed as the Acting Attorney Gen- protects the integrity of this special ens of indictments against Russian na- eral, Matthew Whitaker. counsel and future special counsels, tionalists. It is in the national security I have separate concerns about Mr. something that Members of this body interest of the United States to fully Whitaker’s novel legal theories well of both parties have repeatedly and understand what they did to us in 2016. outside the mainstream, about whether publicly said we value. It strengthens If the President doesn’t understand his experience makes him an appro- the rule of law. It strengthens the prin- this, we must. If he doesn’t prioritize priate person to be Acting Attorney ciple that no one is above the law, and that, we will. General, whether his appointment is it ensures that we are not back on this We—all of us—talk much in this consistent with the Constitution and floor trying to unravel an emerging place about the defense of ‘‘all that we Federal law, but I will leave those con- constitutional crisis should the Presi- hold dear.’’ Those are the words we cerns for another day. At the moment, dent precipitously act or should Mat- speak—‘‘all that we hold dear.’’ What I think Mr. Whitaker’s comments thew Whitaker precipitously act to im- do we actually mean when we say those about the Mueller investigation made a pede Special Counsel Mueller’s ongoing words? Speaking personally, I can’t year ago make him a clear and present investigation. think of values held more dear than danger to the independence of the spe- Let me close today by asking my col- the independence of our judicial sys- cial counsel. leagues who are listening to consider tem and an electoral system free of In an editorial last year, Mr. the fundamental principles that form malign influence, either foreign or do- Whitaker argued that Mueller is ‘‘dan- the basis of our democracy—free and mestic. When I think of the things we gerously close to crossing’’ a redline, fair elections, respect for the rule of must hold dear, those things are right following reports saying he was look- law, strong independent institutions at the top of the list. It is our sworn ing into the President’s finances. He that deliver justice impartially and oath to keep it that way. said that without any examination of transparently. On one further note on this unani- the facts or evidence. He said that if It is because of these principles, en- mous consent request that has just the investigation goes too far, then— shrined in our founding documents, failed today, Senator COONS and I are and he openly pondered ways—an At- that the United States has grown from prepared to make it again and again torney General could reduce special a fledgling experiment—at that time until there is a vote on this vital bipar- counsel Mueller’s budget ‘‘so low that on the very fringes of world civiliza- tisan legislation on the Senate floor. I his investigation grinds almost to a tion—to a strong, vibrant, and inclu- have informed the majority leader that halt.’’ sive nation that is a beacon for the I will not vote to advance any of the 21 For these reasons and others, I think world and the most sustained and judicial nominees pending in the Judi- Mr. Whitaker should recuse himself greatest democracy in the history of ciary Committee or vote to confirm from overseeing the Mueller investiga- the world. the 32 judges awaiting confirmation on tion, and we cannot wait for that ac- We cannot take these principles and the Senate floor until S. 2644 is brought tion. We have asked our colleagues we cannot take the institutions of our to the full Senate for a vote. today to take a simple yet critical step democracy for granted. They don’t pro- Mr. President, I yield to the Senator to protect the special counsel and fu- tect themselves. Every now and then, from Delaware. ture special counsels in future adminis- when founding principles are threat- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- trations by supporting the bipartisan ened, we have to demand elected offi- ator from Delaware. Special Counsel Independence and In- cials put aside disagreements and come Mr. COONS. Mr. President, first, I tegrity Act. This is a bill crafted by together to defend them. This is one want to thank my colleague and my Senator GRAHAM, Senator BOOKER, my- such moment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.014 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 I am grateful to my colleague from self.’’ He was replaced with a person— floor. Since that time, the floor actu- Arizona for his statement and his lead- and Senator COONS has read the ally has voted on 50. There was one ership today. I am confident that if quotes—who talked about this inves- that was already in the queue. given the opportunity to come for a tigation and what he would like to do. So on the floor, since this bill passed vote, this bill would get at least 60 He called it a witch hunt, and he com- the Judiciary Committee, we have votes, having spoken to colleagues on promised himself now in the position voted on 50 confirmations of the Presi- both sides of the aisle yesterday and he is in. The idea that the integrity of dent’s nominees. Many of these nomi- today. I am puzzled as to why there are this investigation and the idea that the nees were blue-slipped in Democratic leaders in this body who continue to urgency of this investigation will con- States; some, in Republican. We have have great confidence given the Presi- tinue under his leadership are in ques- been able to move on all of them. There dent’s statements and actions. tion. That is why this bill is necessary. is no reason we shouldn’t move on this I think the time for action has long More than that, we are a nation that vital piece of legislation to protect the since passed. We should have taken has been, is, and will be under attack. special counsel. that action today. I will continue to All of our intelligence agencies have a When the leader said in April that work tirelessly with my colleague from consensus on the conclusion that our there was no move on the special coun- Arizona until we secure passage of this democracy is under attack. sel, nobody was being fired, nothing to bill. We need to understand what hap- worry about here—if that was the case With that, I yield the floor to my col- pened, what is happening, how to pre- then, that certainly is not the case league and cosponsor, the Senator from vent it from happening again, and hold now. Since then, the Attorney General New Jersey. those people accountable. has been fired, and the oversight for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- This investigation has led to numer- this investigation, which sat with the ator from New Jersey. ous guilty pleas. This investigation has Deputy Attorney General, has been Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, first of led to numerous indictments, and it wrested from him and turned over to all, I want to give gratitude to both of should be able to run its course with- someone who has not received Senate the Senators who spoke before me, my out interference. confirmation, someone who has ex- friend Senator COONS and my friend So I will conclude by saying that pressed open hostility to the Mueller Senator JEFF FLAKE. I want to espe- there is urgency in our country to up- investigation. Does that not ring alarm cially thank JEFF FLAKE for his will- hold an ideal and a principle that no bells around here? If that doesn’t, what ingness not just to lead with words but one, not a Congress person, not a Sen- will? Why are we so sanguine about to make a commitment on the Senate ator, not a mayor, not a Governor, not this? This would provoke a constitu- floor that he will not be voting on judi- the President of the United States—no tional crisis. Yet, when we have the op- cial appointments until this is brought one in this country is above the law. portunity to pass legislation to protect to a vote. There is ample evidence of this body the special counsel, which received a Senator FLAKE and Senator COONS taking reasonable, measured, bipar- bipartisan vote in the Judiciary Com- have said pretty much all of what I was tisan actions to make sure we have the mittee, we fail to bring it up on the going to say. Perhaps just very suc- balanced government that was de- Senate floor. Why? cinctly and very candidly, I want to re- signed and intended by our Founders. Why do we do this to protect a man, iterate this moment we are in and the This is a reasonable, modest check and seemingly, who is so incurious about gravity of the moment we are in. This balance on Presidential power to en- what Russia did during the 2016 elec- bill is not a partisan piece of legisla- sure that no one, including the Presi- tions? Why do we do that? tion. It comes from a bipartisan effort. dent of the United States, is above the Do we have no more institutional It started many months ago, when Sen- law. pride here? Don’t we more jealously ator GRAHAM and I started talking and I am deeply grateful for Senator guard our prerogative as Senators than Senator TILLIS and Senator COONS COONS, Senator TILLIS, Senator GRA- to simply let this go? What will it started talking many months ago, not HAM, and especially for the leadership take? just for this moment in history but shown right now by Senator FLAKE in I am prepared—and I know that the also understanding that we have a flaw this important moment to avoid a con- Senator from Delaware is, as well—to in our system that does not have an ap- stitutional crisis. bring this up again. We will bring it up propriate check and balance on a Presi- Thank you. again until we can get a vote on the dential power that can put them in a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senate floor. position where they are not subject to ator from Arizona. I hope in the next few days and in the the laws of our land. Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I want to coming weeks that the public will rise This Special Counsel and Independ- thank the Senator from Delaware, Mr. up and say that this needs to be done. ence Integrity Act came from a bipar- COONS, and the Senator from New Jer- A bipartisan piece of legislation that tisan effort to try to make sure that sey, Mr. BOOKER, for doing this to- has passed the Judiciary Committee we have appropriate checks and bal- gether with us to make sure that we ought to be brought to the Senate floor ances to prevent a constitutional cri- have this bipartisan piece of legislation for a vote. We are not saying that it sis. It is actually a forward-thinking here on the Senate floor. has to pass, although we think it will; bill, understanding that we should not It is not unremarkable to have such for sure it will. It has overwhelming be reactive in the cause of our democ- a bipartisan piece of legislation pass support. We are just saying: Bring it to racy but proactive in preventing and out of the Judiciary Committee. We a vote; bring it to a vote. Until we do, securing the great Nation and our laws don’t have very many bipartisan pieces the 21 nominations that are in the Ju- and our rules that we all cherish. of legislation coming out of the Senate diciary Committee waiting for a vote We see a bipartisan bill worked on, Judiciary Committee, but this one there will not receive a vote, nor will I crafted, compromised, brought to com- was—by a vote of 14 to 7, including the give my vote to the 32 nominations mittee, be voted out of committee, and chairman of the committee. that are sitting here on the Senate languish now without a vote, and I There is no reason it shouldn’t be floor. agree with Senator COONS that it would brought to the floor. It was passed out This is important. This should be a get more than 60 votes and would pro- of the Judiciary Committee on April priority. I thank the Presiding Officer, vide a reasonable check and balance. 26. and I thank the Senator from Dela- This is a bill that is important for his- I should note that the Judiciary ware, and I will yield to him. tory, but the urgency of this moment Committee has been busy sending Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I will just Senator COONS has already gone over. things to the floor during the inter- conclude by saying that I could not We now have the firing of Jeff Ses- vening time. In fact, since April 26, agree more with the comments of the sions, and Jeff Sessions was said to be when this bill passed the Judiciary Senator from Arizona, my friend and fired by a President who literally said: Committee, we have sent 49 nomina- colleague. ‘‘I would not have hired you if I tions through to the floor that we have There come moments when we should thought you were going to recuse your- voted on and confirmed here on the step up and defend the prerogatives and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.015 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6947 the role of this body. This is one of rowly defined self-interest or by our munities through access to informa- them. I understand it may annoy, it democratic ideals, it is helpful for us to tion and opportunities for lifelong may displease the President for there recall the example and standard Sen- learning. According to the Institute, to be a speed bump put in the way of ator Pell set—both his accomplish- people visited libraries over 1.3 billion interference with the special counsel. ments and the civility he maintained times in 2015, and 55 million student But this isn’t just about the current throughout his career. groups visit museums each year. special counsel; this is about taking He was born into a family of great The vision he articulated in the early Department of Justice regulations and wealth and privilege, yet Claiborne 1960s for high-quality passenger rail making them statute. This is about Pell never exhibited a sense of entitle- service connecting the major popu- providing a small modicum of protec- ment. At a defining moment in the his- lation centers on the east coast into a tion for the groundless removal of a tory of our country and a defining mo- megalopolis led to the creation of Am- special counsel. ment in his life, Claiborne Pell dem- trak and the Northeast Corridor. Dec- This is something that, as my col- onstrated that privilege and wealth ades later, it is interesting to see not league has said, deserves prompt atten- was not a way to avoid the rigors of only how much of his vision has been tion on the floor. We have a few weeks life. Rather, for him, they offered the achieved but also how much of his vi- between now and the end of this Con- opportunity and responsibility to meet sion is now reflected in ideas like Elon gress, time when we could be taking up the challenges of the times with vigor Musk’s ‘‘hyperloop.’’ and confirming nominees, time when and wisdom and optimism. Touched by the death of two mem- we could be taking up and moving As World War II approached, Clai- bers of his staff who were killed by other pieces of legislation, but you borne Pell, with family connections, drunk drivers, Senator Pell authored have heard a very clear position by my poor eyesight, and a high draft number, the first Federal anti-drunk driving colleague that we won’t be moving for- could have easily secured a sinecure, a bill in 1976—4 years before the founding ward nominees in the Judiciary Com- safe posting to ride out the war. In- of advocacy group MADD, Mothers mittee, and if just one more colleague stead, before Pearl Harbor, he decided Against Drunk Driving. Senator Pell’s joins him, we might well begin to pre- on his own to enlist in the Coast Guard legislation became the model for Fed- vent nominations from moving on the and eventually sailed the dangerous eral policy efforts to combat impaired floor as well. To what end? Simply to North Atlantic convoy runs. Signifi- driving by giving the States strong in- get a vote on the floor. Simply to get cantly, Claiborne chose to enlist not as centives to toughen their laws. an opportunity to be heard and for an officer but as a seaman so that he Senator Pell was also deeply com- there to be a vote taken on this impor- could get a chance at sea duty. mitted to America’s role in securing tant piece of bipartisan legislation. The complete lack of regard for sta- world peace. His notion of a powerful I am grateful to my colleague for his tus or pretense, which he showed in his America leading the world—not stand- work on this and for his stand today, World War II service, would continue ing apart from it—and his notion that and I look forward to continuing to to mark his public service and endear our values, our system, and our com- work tirelessly with him on it. him to generations of Rhode Islanders. mitment to human decency would pre- I yield the floor. For 36 years, Claiborne Pell did not vail in the face of totalitarianism were I suggest the absence of a quorum. simply represent Rhode Island in the wisdom of the ages. In his service on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The U.S. Senate; he represented the ideal of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- clerk will call the roll. what a public servant should be. mittee, he espoused those views, seek- The senior assistant legislative clerk He said that his motto or statement ing to remind us that our destiny proceeded to call the roll. of purpose was to ‘‘translate ideas into would take us far beyond what simply The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- action and help people.’’ And that is a military operation or our economic ator from Rhode Island. what he did. One hundred years after power might because of our ideals and Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask unan- his birth and 58 years after his first commitment to creating a world com- imous consent that the order for the election to the Senate, millions of munity. quorum call be rescinded. Americans continued to be helped by Senator Pell’s approach to legis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without his ideas translated into action. lating was unfailingly kind and civil. objection, it is so ordered. He believed that government had a In his farewell speech to the Senate, he REMEMBERING CLAIBORNE PELL critical role in providing opportunity, laid out his guiding rules. In his words: Mr. REED. Mr. President, next week particularly the opportunity for a good ‘‘First, never respond to an adversary will mark what would have been the education for every American, and he in ad hominem terms.’’ 100th birthday of my predecessor, Sen- knew that there were unbounded hori- In his six campaigns for the U.S. Sen- ator Claiborne de Borda Pell, who was zons for the initiative, invention, and ate, Claiborne Pell never ran a nega- born on November 22, 1918. This year, innovation of these well-educated sons tive ad or attacked his opponent per- appropriately enough, the date falls on and daughters of America. Truly, they sonally. Rhode Islanders rewarded him Thanksgiving. would continue and enhance the great with an average vote of more than 60 We lost Senator Pell nearly 9 years endeavor that is America. percent for each of his elections. ago after a long struggle with Parkin- He authored the legislation that es- ‘‘Second, always let the other fellow son’s disease, which robbed him of his tablished the Basic Education Oppor- have your way.’’ mobility but not his spirit. He was sus- tunity grant, now known as the Pell For Senator Pell, winning an ally to tained by the love of his wonderful grant. Today, roughly 7.5 million stu- achieve a legislative victory was more family, especially his beloved wife, the dents rely on Pell grants to help pay valuable than getting exclusive credit. late Nuala Pell. for college. ‘‘Third, sometimes half a loaf can A person who dedicated his life to He wrote the legislation that created feed an army.’’ selfless service to Rhode Island and the the National Endowment for the Arts He lived by those rules, but he feared Nation, Senator Pell would not want a and the National Endowment for the that our politics and our media were showy commemoration of his cen- Humanities. To this day, these agen- pulling us in the opposite direction. tenary. He was not one to seek the cies support artistic, educational, and That is why he used his farewell speech limelight. Moreover, for him, his birth- cultural programming in communities to urge us to stay true to a practice of day—November 22—became a somber large and small across the Nation, ful- politics worthy of our Democratic tra- day for remembrance and mourning the filling Senator Pell’s commitment to dition, saying: loss of his dear friend, President John strengthening and preserving our na- F. Kennedy. tional cultural heritage for all Ameri- If I could have one wish for the future of But at a time when differences seem our country in the new millennium, it would cans. be that we not abandon the traditional more striking than our common cause He led the effort to establish the In- norms of behavior that are the underpinning and when there is a question of wheth- stitute of Museum and Library Serv- of our democratic system. er America’s role in the world commu- ices, helping libraries and museums Comity and civility, transcending dif- nity should be guided solely by nar- across the Nation transform their com- ferences of party and ideology, have always

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.016 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 been crucial elements in making Govern- not a good day for my primary oppo- somebody of his era whose footprint is ment an effective and constructive instru- nents. It was incredibly generous of larger than that of this shy, quiet, pa- ment of public will. But in times such as Claiborne Pell to break a multidecade tient, civil, and persistent man. these, when there is fundamental disagree- I would add to Senator REED’s com- ment about the role of Government, it is all tradition on primaries in order to the more essential that we preserve the spir- launch my first political effort, and I ments about Claiborne Pell’s philos- it of civil discourse. hope I have conducted myself since ophy a statement that he made to me Those words ring very true and rel- then in such a way that I never gave that he made quite often. He said: evant today as they did when he gave him or his family cause to regret it. One of the things that you must learn in them in his farewell address. As Senator REED pointed out, one of politics, Sheldon, is how to let the other fel- Following in Senator Pell’s footsteps, the significant lessons from Claiborne low have it your way. Always let the other fellow have it your way. I am one who is in awe of his presence Pell’s career here in the Senate—and it and accomplishments and feel a deep is one that I think of all the time—was What does it mean to always let the responsibility to continuing his legacy. that he looked beyond the scrum of the other fellow have it your way? What I He forged an enduring bond with the moment. There is always something take from that is that it means you people of Rhode Island. He put ideas going on here in the Senate. There is have to stand by your principles. You into action to help people. He was al- always some fight or some issue that is have to achieve the goals you have set ways civil and ready to find common on the front page of the Washington out for yourself and for your constitu- ground. Post and on the news channels. That is ents, but on the way to getting there, As we celebrate Senator Pell’s 100th always, always, always going on, and if you can give others credit, if you can birthday, let’s take inspiration from that bright, shiny object very often at- let other ideas join yours, if you can his spirit of service and collegiality. tracts an enormous amount of atten- let other people have it your way, you Let’s translate ideas into action and tion in this body. I suspect that Sen- are more likely to succeed. To this day, help people. ator Pell paid less attention to that I still repeat that quote to new hires in Mr. President, I know my colleague daily scrum than almost anybody who my office. Senator WHITEHOUSE is here. Mr. has served in the Senate. He had a The picture of Claiborne Pell that he WHITEHOUSE is someone who knew Sen- much more patient soul and steadily signed for me is still right there on my ator Pell well, and he continues in the and quietly and modestly worked away bookcase, and I see it every time I sit image and spirit of Senator Pell by at his priorities. in the chair in my office. He was a re- being someone who brings his great He used to make fun of himself for markable and special individual. He talents and skills to serve the people of his interest in ‘‘choo-choos.’’ He would was not your standard-issue U.S. Sen- Rhode Island and the Nation with dig- say ‘‘choo-choo.’’ Well, we have Am- ator. The particular way he chose to go nity, civility, and great energy. With trak in large part because of Senator about his duties has left a larger foot- that, Mr. President, I would like to Claiborne Pell’s work. The Pell grant is print than most of his colleagues were yield to my colleague Senator WHITE- named after him because of persistent able to leave. HOUSE. leadership making sure that such a I will end with a story about one of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- grant existed. Over years of work, he my final memories. Senator Pell was ator from Rhode Island. finally got it done. It was ultimately out of the Senate. His illness had Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, named for him, and it remains today caught up with him to the point where let me begin by thanking my senior an important part of how many young he was barely able to speak any longer. Senator, JACK REED, for calling us to people here in the United States actu- His friend Ted Kennedy, who sat in this the floor to reflect and memorialize a ally get to college and move toward space right here—at a different desk truly splendid Senator who represented their dreams. but right here at this spot on the Sen- the State of Rhode Island, our friend He fought for years to create the Na- ate floor—was sailing through Rhode and a great Rhode Islander, Claiborne tional Endowment for the Arts and Na- Island, and he called up Senator Pell, Pell. tional Endowment for the Humanities, and he said: I would like to take you I think my senior colleague has done and those institutions still exist. They out on my boat. So it was arranged an exemplary job of following in Sen- are still doing great work today. that Senator Pell would go out on his ator Pell’s footsteps of decency, civil- In Rhode Island, we are very proud of sailboat. That required getting a ity, and quiet determination in the Sea Grant. Sea Grant has programs in wheelchair onto a sailboat, over the seat that Senator Pell once held. I can- all of our coastal States. Sea Grant tippy docks that Senator Kennedy’s not claim to hold the seat the Senator was the invention of Claiborne Pell and boat pulled up to. Sure enough, we all once held, but I can claim to have the Dean John Knauss, later dean of the grabbed a piece of the wheelchair and desk at which Senator Pell once sat. If Graduate School of Oceanography at hoisted it up and stepped over into the you look here right under where it says the University of Rhode Island. boat and set his wheelchair down in the ‘‘Pastore’’—a Rhode Island Senator—in When you look back and think of cockpit of the boat. Senator Kennedy carved letters, you see in very small who the Senators were at the time that started up the motor and drove it off letters ‘‘P-e-l-l’’ and then ‘‘R.I.’’—like Claiborne Pell served, you can go down into Newport Harbor and then anybody needed to know that Clai- through all these desk drawers that I shut off the motor and put up the sails. borne Pell was from Rhode Island. showed you, and there are lots of As the wind caught the sails, the boat Claiborne Pell was very important in names of Senators. Many of them are heeled over, and this old coastguards- my political life. He spent years—in ones you never heard of. They were cer- man, Claiborne Pell, smiled a smile fact, decades—refusing to get involved tainly important in their day, but their that I will never forget as the wind in primaries. ‘‘It is up to the party,’’ he day is done and their names are no took the boat and we began to move would say. When I ran for attorney longer remembered. Senator Pell is re- out into Narragansett Bay. general the first time I ran for elected membered. He left lasting legacies like The only other thing that was really office, I was in a three-way primary, those, and he did it by quietly and pa- fun about that was, because Senator and Claiborne Pell, for the first time in tiently sticking with his priorities, Pell could barely speak any longer, he his career, endorsed me in that pri- which he knew were Rhode Island’s pri- was actually a perfect fit for Senator mary. He more than endorsed me; we orities and America’s priorities. He Kennedy, who could basically not stop went to a little park near his house in might not have been on the talk shows talking. There was this wonderful con- Newport, and he allowed me to film as much as other Senators. He might versation with Teddy Kennedy and myself walking with him and con- not have been quoted on the front page Claiborne Pell wherein Teddy Kennedy versing with him for my first commer- of the Washington Post as much as did all the talking for the both of cial. Well, you can imagine, in a State other Senators. He was not as attentive them, and they both had a lovely time. like Rhode Island, when a legend like to the daily scrum of Washington con- They reflected on decades of friendship Claiborne Pell in the Democratic Party flict. But, my goodness, when you look and service here. It was a real privilege suddenly appears in your commercial back at the legacy that he left that to have a chance as a very new Senator in a primary—let me just say it was still operates today, it is hard to find to share that moment with those two

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.018 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6949 very different but mutually beloved equipment it needs to react to national and technical expertise. We look for- lions of the Senate. emergencies. ward to working with them on the im- I particularly thank my distin- The bill also creates uniform na- plementation of this bill. guished senior colleague for organizing tional ballast water and discharge As I said earlier, the Coast Guard re- our chance to come here and reflect on standards for commercial vehicles that authorization that we just passed is a our friend Claiborne Pell. I think no- give industry certainty while ensuring reminder that we can work together body better than he carries on the Pell the protection of our environment. It and get things done for the American tradition. also reauthorizes the Federal Maritime people. It is a timely reminder given I thank Senator REED. Commission and the National Oceanic the election. Last week, the American Thank you, Mr. President. and Atmospheric Administration’s hy- people elected a Democratic majority I yield the floor. drographic services. to the House of Representatives and re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- As chairman of the Commerce Com- elected a Republican majority to the ator from Rhode Island. mittee, I have been honored to work Senate. If we are going to get things Mr. REED. I again want to thank my with dedicated committee members of done in the new Congress, we are going colleague Senator WHITEHOUSE for his both parties. I would like to personally to need to work together. very eloquent words about a great thank the members of our committee Here in the Senate, we have spent the American, Claiborne Pell. for all their hard work this Congress. past 2 years working on an agenda to Just a final comment. If you ever Special thanks on this bill go to Sen- expand opportunities for working fami- want to feel truly beloved, embraced by ator NELSON, the committee’s ranking lies and to put more money in Ameri- constituents, respected and admired, member; Senators SULLIVAN and BALD- cans’ pockets. We have also worked do what I did several times—march in WIN, the chairman and ranking member hard to ensure that those who keep our a parade with Claiborne Pell and pre- of our Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, Nation safe have all the tools and re- tend they cheer for you. and Coast Guard Subcommittee; and to sources they need. We are going to con- Mr. President, I yield the floor. Senators FISCHER and PETERS, chair- tinue that agenda in the lameduck ses- I suggest the absence of a quorum. man and ranking member of our Sur- sion and in the new Congress. I really The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. face Transportation Subcommittee. hope Democrats will join us. We can JOHNSON). The clerk will call the roll. I would also like to thank Chairman work together to grow our economy, The legislative clerk proceeded to BARRASSO and Ranking Member CAR- lift up working families, and protect call the roll. PER from the Environment and Public our Nation, but it is going to require Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask Works Committee and Chairman SHU- Democrats to make a choice. unanimous consent that the order for STER and Ranking Member DEFAZIO of Democrats have spent most of the the quorum call be rescinded. the House Transportation and Infra- past 2 years attempting to relitigate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without structure Committee. They have been the 2016 election. Losing elections is a objection, it is so ordered. great partners. I appreciate everything fact of life in a democracy, but Demo- COAST GUARD REAUTHORIZATION BILL they have done to help get this bill crats just haven’t seemed to be able to Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I know across the finish line. let this one go. Over the past 2 years, the perception out there is often that Finally, I would like to thank all the they have focused most of their energy bipartisanship is dead, but the bill we staff from both Chambers who worked on knee-jerk opposition to anything passed this afternoon, the Coast Guard tirelessly—including many late nights Republicans or the President propose, Authorization Act, is a good reminder and weekends—on this bill. Without even when they have agreed with us. that we can still come together and get their efforts, the final product would They routinely delayed confirmation of things done for the American people. not have been such a success. While ev- the President’s nominees—not just the The bill we just passed overwhelm- eryone on the team worked hard on the ones they didn’t like but the ones they ingly, which is headed to the Presi- bill, on my staff, I would like to espe- ended up supporting. They refused to dent’s desk, has been negotiated for al- cially thank Nick Rossi, Adrian work with Republicans on an overhaul most 2 years. Portions of this bill have Arnakis, Fern Gibbons, Jason Smith, of our Nation’s burdensome, outdated been discussed for over a decade. It is Patrick Fuchs, Andrew Neely, Chance Tax Code even though Democrats sup- good to see Senators and Representa- Costello, Alison Graab, Frederick Hill, ported many of the measures that tives of both parties come together in and Brianna Manzelli. ended up in the final bill. Obviously, compromise on such an important On Senator NELSON’s staff, thanks go there are going to be times when the piece of legislation. to Kim Lipsky, Jeff Lewis, Devon right thing to do as a Member of Con- We celebrated Veterans Day earlier Barnhart, Sarah Gonzales-Rothi, and gress is to oppose. We have a responsi- this week. As always, it was a powerful Catherine Carabine. bility to say no when we think a bill or reminder of everything we owe to the From the Environment and Public nominee would profoundly damage the men and women who keep us safe, like Works Committee, I want to thank country. But that is not what Demo- the men and women of the U.S. Coast Richard Russell, Elizabeth Horner, crats have done. Too many of them Guard. This key branch of the military Mary Frances Repko, Andrew Rogers, have made opposition not a tool to be is responsible for defending our Na- Christophe Tulou, and Zach Pilchen. deployed when needed but their stand- tion’s waters. The men and women of I also would like to place in the ard operating procedure. the Coast Guard stand on the RECORD the names of the staffers from I say again, Democrats have a choice. frontlines preventing dangerous drugs, our partner committees in the House They can continue down the path of weapons, and individuals from entering who played key roles in this important partisanship and opposition, or they our country by sea. When disaster legislation. On Chairman SHUSTER’s can decide to start afresh and to work strikes in the form of storms and hurri- staff, the individuals who should be with Republicans. I hope they choose canes, the Coast Guard is on the scene thanked include Chris Vieson, Geoff the latter. conducting search and rescue and car- Gosselin, John Rayfield, Bonnie Bruce, I look forward to working with my rying people to safety. We owe the men Luke Preston, and Cameron Humphrey. Democratic colleagues in this new Con- and women of the Coast Guard a tre- From Ranking Member DEFAZIO’s gress on the priorities that the Amer- mendous debt of gratitude. We owe it staff, thanks goes to Kathy Dedrick ican people sent us here to work on—to to the American people to ensure that and Dave Jansen. make our economy stronger, to grow at our Nation’s coastguardsmen have the I am sure I have left someone off this a faster rate, to create better paying tools and resources they need to carry list, and for that, I apologize. It under- jobs, to raise wages in this country, out their mission. scores the amount of collective effort and to give future generations of Amer- This bill will improve maritime safe- that went into our work here. icans more opportunities at a higher ty, security, and stewardship. It gives I could also easily expand the list to standard of living and a better quality the Coast Guard the authority it needs include those at the Coast Guard and of life. to conduct its military and law en- at the Environmental Protection Agen- I yield the floor. forcement missions and authorizes the cy who provided valuable assistance I suggest the absence of a quorum.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.019 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The because of climate change, because of are employed in fisheries and agri- clerk will call the roll. our carbon emissions. More than four culture. The legislative clerk proceeded to atomic bombs’ worth of excess heat en- Across the globe and here at home we call the roll. ergy is being absorbed by the oceans are seeing dangerous shifts affecting Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I every second of every day of every the fishing industry. Rhode Island once ask unanimous consent that the order year. That is a massive amount of heat had a booming lobster industry. But for the quorum call be rescinded. energy, and adding it to the oceans has the lobster population is shifting north The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without consequences. as our waters warm, leaving Rhode Is- objection, it is so ordered. The most direct consequence of all land lobster traps empty. The National Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I that energy being pumped into the seas Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ask unanimous consent to speak for up obviously is increased water tempera- tion reports, ‘‘The lobster industry in to 20 minutes as in morning business. tures. Global average ocean surface New York and southern New England The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without temperature is up around 0.8 degrees has nearly collapsed.’’ Maine, as Sen- objection, it is so ordered. Celsius, or 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit, ator ANGUS KING has pointed out, is CLIMATE CHANGE since preindustrial times. That is temporarily benefiting from the north- Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, it enough to throw off the delicate bal- ern movement of lobster, but the lob- is hard, particularly for those of us ance of ocean conditions that marine ster will keep moving north into Can- from coastal States, to overstate the creatures rely on to survive. Within ada as the oceans continue to warm. importance of the Earth’s oceans as a that global ocean warming are extreme Rhode Islanders and other New Eng- storehouse of our food, as a regulator ocean temperature spikes around the land fishermen are also looking wor- of our climate, as a highway for our world. These marine heat waves in the riedly at declining shellfish popu- travel and trade, and as a source of ocean were first identified and charac- lations. Total landings for eastern oys- wonder, joy, and recreation. According terized in 2011. This is a newly de- ters, northern quahogs, softshell clams, to the Organization for Economic Co- scribed phenomenon that climate and northern bay scallops declined 85 percent between 1980 and 2010. The Na- operation and Development, oceans change has brought to our seas. contributed $1.5 trillion to the global Although marine heat waves were tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- economy in 2010. But climate change is first identified and characterized in ministration identified warming ocean putting this all at risk. 2011, they have already caused perma- temperatures as the key driver for that I have spoken frequently here on the nent damage in our oceans. The Great decline. On the other side of that de- floor about the threat climate change Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in cline, of course, are the livelihoods of poses to our oceans and of the warning the world. It stretches for 1,400 miles all the men and women in that indus- signals blaring around the world. One off Northeastern Australia, and it is try. The accumulating heat energy in our of the most overlooked of those signals one of the seven natural wonders of the seas is also causing them to rise. As is the enormous amount of heat accu- world. It is made up of corals—corals water warms, it expands. This thermal mulating in the oceans. that can become heat stressed and expansion is responsible for around As CBS News reported last week, ‘‘re- evict the tiny algae that support corals one-third of the rise we have measured cent revelations have been particularly and give corals their bright colors. in sea levels. The rest comes mostly alarming’’ and ‘‘deserv[ing] of a big Without the algae, the corals appear from melting ice, again, thanks to cli- neon sign on Broadway.’’ My humble white, so these events are called coral mate change. Global sea level has al- floor speeches may not be a big neon bleaching. ready risen over eight inches on aver- sign on Broadway, but I do hope they In the summer of 2016, the Great Bar- age in the past 100 years—more in cer- shine a little light on the plight of our rier Reef was hit by the most severe tain locations—and the rate of increase oceans, which ultimately is our human marine heat wave on record. It caused is accelerating. plight. the longest and worst mass coral Warming and expanding waters eat We know that more than 90 percent bleaching event in history. Then an- away at the large ice sheets in the Ant- of the excess heat trapped by our other heat wave and bleaching oc- arctic. As the edges melt away, the gla- greenhouse gas emissions has been ab- curred the next year, in 2017. These un- ciers behind them melt more quickly, sorbed by the oceans—no dispute, not precedented back-to-back bleaching adding additional water to the ocean. even by the Trump administration. The events killed half of all corals in the The IPCC warns that as the world Federal Government’s ‘‘2017 Climate Great Barrier Reef. If there is a wonder reaches warming levels of 1.5 to 2 de- Science Special Report,’’ a multi- of the world, if there is a majestic fea- grees Celsius—again, what we are try- agency report by experts from NOAA, ture of God’s creation, it is the Great ing to stay at; this is our target. This NASA, and the Department of Energy, Barrier Reef, and we are busily wreck- isn’t if it is worse. At that 1.5 to 2 de- labeled as ‘‘the United States’ most de- ing it in this generation through car- grees Celsius, ice sheet melt could trig- finitive statement on climate change bon emissions. ger multiple meters of sea level rise science’’ by , found The prognosis for the rest of the over time—meters, not inches. We are that the oceans absorbed more than 9 world’s coral reefs is grim. The U.N. already 1 degree Celsius above zettajoules of heat energy per year. International Panel on Climate Change preindustrial times, so there is not What is a zettajoule? A zettajoule is released a report last month, finding much room for maneuver between a billion trillion joules. A joule is a that coral reefs will all but disappear where we are and 1.5 to 2 degrees. measure of heat energy, J-O-U-L-E. So from Earth if we warm by 2 degrees Warmer seas also supercharge 9 zettajoules is 9 billion trillion joules. Celsius—which, by the way, is the goal storms. Hurricanes gain strength from That is more than 12 times the total we are trying to stay under through heat energy in the oceans below them. energy that human beings use globally the Paris accord. Even if we stay under Warmer oceans also evaporate more each year, just to put a scale on what that goal, corals will suffer immensely. water to the atmosphere, generating 9 billion trillion joules is. Without any changes to our fossil fuel more rainfall. Stronger and wetter To get another measure of how much consumption, we are on track to blow storms then ride ashore on higher sea energy that is, visualize the power of a by 2 degrees and hit 3 degrees Celsius of levels, pushing larger storm surges detonated Hiroshima-style atomic global warming by 2100, making corals ahead of them into our coastal States. bomb. Imagine its classic mushroom virtually extinct. Many of us remember the devasta- cloud erupting into the sky. Imagine Warming oceans are wreaking havoc tion Superstorm Sandy brought to the all of that energy from a Hiroshima- on the world’s fisheries. Fish feed the mid-Atlantic and southern New Eng- style atomic bomb captured as heat— world and power coastal economies. land States in 2012. Here is what Dr. pure heat. The World Health Organization says Michael Mann, professor of atmos- Now imagine four Hiroshima-sized that fish are the main source of protein pheric science and director of the atomic bombs exploded every second— for around 1 billion people worldwide. Earth System Science Center at Penn- every second. That is the equivalent of The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organi- sylvania State University, said about the excess heat going into our oceans zation estimates that 60 million people that storm:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.020 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6951 Sea level rise adds to the storm surge of sius above preindustrial temperatures. If you Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I every single storm that makes landfall. In do the math, that means it was probably have come to the floor for three dif- the case of Superstorm Sandy, in 2012, it twice as destructive as it would have been in ferent reasons. Out of courtesy to the added a foot to that 13-foot storm surge. One the absence of human-caused warming. Democratic leader, who I see coming foot . . . meant 25 more square miles of The result of the destructive power of in, I will wait until he is here. coastal flooding. It meant several billion dol- Hurricane Michael was the almost lars worth of additional damage. Mr. SCHUMER. I am here. complete demolition of the town of TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY At one point during this year’s hurri- Mexico Beach, FL. Michael hit with 155 cane season, our tropics faced nine ac- Mr. ALEXANDER. Good. mile per hour winds and a storm surge Mr. President, as the world knows, tive tropical storms. The hallmarks of of around 9 feet, completely demol- the country’s largest public utility is these warm, ocean-fueled storms can be ishing 70 percent of homes and severely the Tennessee Valley Authority and seen in powerful hurricanes that hit damaging many more. serves 9 million customers in our United States territories in recent The degree of damage and the impos- seven-state region. It is enormously years. Hurricane Harvey hit Houston; ing costs of rebuilding mean that many important to our State of Tennessee. hit and Floridians simply will leave, and that Its CEO, Bill Johnson, announced the Virgin Islands; Super Typhoon is playing out across coastal prop- today that he is leaving. I will have Yutu hit the Northern Marianas, Hurri- erties. more to say about him later, but he cane Florence hit in the Carolinas, and A falloff of coastal property values and the Board of Directors have led Hurricane Michael hit in Florida. will spread, many sources anticipate, No one storm can be blamed wholly as people see more events like the de- TVA in an excellent direction, and it is on climate change, but scientists are struction of Mexico Beach. Insurance now up to the Board of Directors to increasingly able to link the increas- companies, banks, and institutional choose his successor. It is a big job. As ingly dangerous level of storm damage property investors are already showing I said, it is a $10 billion-a-year com- to climate change, and we have had an signs of anxiety in coastal commu- pany. John Ryder, of Memphis, was nomi- eerie streak of record-setting storms in nities. nated by President Trump 282 days ago the past few years. Hurricane Harvey Freddie Mac has described the effect to be one of those Directors. He has was the single greatest downpour in of this property value crash on Amer- been approved by voice vote by the En- U.S. history, according to the U.S. Ge- ica’s coastal regions as follows. Freddie vironment and Public Works com- ological Survey. It dumped over 50 Mac—the great housing powerhouse— mittee. For the last 176 days, he has inches of rain on Houston and over 30 has said: ‘‘The economic losses and so- been waiting for confirmation. He has trillion gallons of water over Texas, cial disruption may happen gradually, the approval of the ranking Democrat Louisiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. but they are likely to be greater in on the committee, the Senator from How much is 30 trillion gallons of total than those experienced in the Delaware, Mr. CARPER. He has the ap- water? For comparison, the Chesa- housing crisis and Great Recession.’’ proval of the ranking Democrat on the peake Bay holds around 18 trillion gal- Any of us who lived through the 2008 subcommittee, Senator WHITEHOUSE. It lons of water. Basically, it dumped mortgage meltdown should take that is time Mr. Ryder, who is consistently nearly two Chesapeake Bays onto those warning deadly seriously. It is not just named one of the finest lawyers in States. Freddie Mac. Moody’s now rates coast- Harvey’s deluge was fueled by record al municipalities’ bonds for this risk— Memphis—he has been recognized by warm temperatures in the Gulf of Mex- Moody’s, Freddie Mac, Union of Con- Business Tennessee Magazine as among ico. Scientists from the University of cerned Scientists, the experience of the 101 Best Lawyers in Tennessee and California, Berkeley, found that Hurri- coastal communities. It is all piling up, listed in Best Lawyers since 1987. In cane Harvey was over three times more and yet we do nothing. I haven’t even other words, he is a well-qualified, non- likely to have occurred due to climate talked about acidification. That is a controversial nominee who is needed change and that its rainfall was in- separate speech—the chemical changes by the people of our region to select a creased by around 38 percent due to cli- happening in the ocean, in addition to successor to Bill Johnson, the CEO. mate change. the physical changes of warming and The other nominees have been con- Hurricane Florence intensified over rising. Set that aside, but it is just as firmed. The nominee from Alabama water 1 to 2 degrees Celsius above aver- dangerous. was confirmed. The nominee from Ken- age and dumped record rainfall and Despite these warnings just about tucky was confirmed but not the nomi- flooding on the Carolinas in Sep- ocean warming, Republican heads in nee from Tennessee. tember. Preliminary analysis suggests Congress and in the White House seem I am taking the step today of coming that Florence’s rainfall was more than determined to remain buried in the to the floor to ask that he be confirmed 50 percent higher due to climate sand. I don’t know how many more by consent. I can think of no reason change. storms need to hit us before we are why he would not be. When Hurricane Michael hit Florida willing to take meaningful action. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—EXECUTIVE just last month, it passed over water 2 Americans who live and work along our CALENDAR NO. 856 to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than aver- shores—Rhode Islanders and people Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- age. As it passed over these waters, Mi- who live in other coastal States—are sent that the Senate proceed to the chael’s winds increased by 80 miles per the ones who are suffering the most consideration of executive calendar No. hour in just 48 hours, a phenomenon from all of this, and they are the ones 856, the nomination of John Ryder to scientists refer to as ‘‘rapid intensifica- who will have to explain our delay. be a member of the Board of Directors tion.’’ It became the strongest storm Those Americans are entitled to a of the Tennessee Valley Authority; ever to make an October landfall in the voice, not just the lobbyists of the fos- that the Senate vote on the nomina- United States. sil fuel industry. We must protect our tion with no intervening action or de- The direct link between sea tempera- coasts for when the next storms batter bate; that if confirmed, the motion to ture and hurricane intensification is their way ashore. reconsider be considered made and laid well established: Each degree Celsius of This is getting worse, not better. We upon the table; that the President be ocean warming causes a 7-percent in- must take responsibility for the immediately notified of the Senate’s crease in maximum wind speed, and a changes we are causing in the world’s actions; that no further motions be storm’s destructive potential increases oceans. We will not be forgiven for our made in order; and that any state- by three times the wind speed increase. indolence and disregard just because ments relating to the nomination be So how does that play through? To there is a big industry behind our indo- printed in the RECORD. quote Professor Mann again: lence and disregard. Our oceans are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there A 7 percent increase in wind speed is a 21 warning us loudly, and they are warn- an objection? percent increase in the destructive potential ing us clearly: It is time to wake up. The Senator from New York. of the storm. That is with one degree Celsius I yield the floor. Mr. SCHUMER. Reserving the right ocean warming. With Hurricane Michael, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. to object. Very simply, there has to be those temperatures were 2 to 3 degrees Cel- TILLIS). The Senator from Tennessee. some comity here. Republicans cannot

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.023 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 block Democratic nominees and then I yield the floor. an unusual situation. Never had a Fed- expect Republican nominees to go The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- eral district judge been required to through, so I object. ator from Tennessee. have 60 votes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I In fact, what the Democratic leader— tion is heard. don’t know what he is talking about. I I wish he were here on the floor to hear The Senator from Tennessee. am the chairman of the Health, Edu- this—may have forgotten is that Sen- Mr. ALEXANDER. To my friend from cation, Labor, and Pensions Com- ator MCCONNELL tried at one time to New York, who is he talking about? He mittee. I have, during my time, regu- require a cloture vote of Judge McCon- knows my record. I worked with him larly confirmed Democratic nominees nell in Rhode Island, and I and a num- three times when President Obama was and Republican nominees. I have ber of other Republicans objected be- there, worked with him directly to worked with the Democratic leader to cause we had never done that before. make it easier for President Obama to make it easier for President Obama to We had never said that you have to have nominees. confirm nominees and now he gives me have 60 votes to be confirmed as a Fed- Let me go through that because I no specific reason why he is objecting eral district judge. So we rejected that think it is important the people know to the nominee from Tennessee. motion by the Republican leader, and the efforts we made together. In 2011, I ask him further—even though he as a result of that, never in the history working with the Senator from New has left the floor in what I would con- of the Senate had we required 60 votes York, we got rid of secret holds. We sider to be an act of discourtesy while for a Federal district judge to be con- permitted waiver of the 72-hour rule I am speaking to him, and I mean that. firmed. Never in the history of the Sen- that was used to block nominations I am very upset about this. I consider ate had we required 60 votes for a Cabi- and delay. We created 272 expedited that an act of discourtesy when the net member to be confirmed. But then privilege nominations. In 2012, we Democratic leader leaves the floor in the early years of George W. Bush, eliminated Senate confirmations for while I am speaking directly to him in 2003, I had just come to the Senate. 163 positions, all to make it easier for through the Chair on a matter of im- The Senator from New York and others President Obama to make Presidential portance to 9 million people in our said: Well, we will do that for the first nominations. In 2013, we created some area. I ask him what kind of precedent time. We will block George W. Bush’s new rules which said that Executive is he setting, the Democratic leader. nominees. nominees could only be debated post- Let’s think about this for a minute. I don’t want to debate that back and cloture for 8 hours and district judges One hundred and nineteen times the forth today except to say that became for 2 hours. majority leader, Senator MCCONNELL, a precedent. And, sure enough, what I personally made sure the current has had to file cloture to cut off debate goes around comes around. A few years chairman of the Democratic Party, in order to just get a vote on a nominee later, by 2013, things had gotten so that Tom Perez, got cloture so the Senate like Mr. Ryder, named one of the best the Democrats decided to break the could vote on him. I voted against him, lawyers in Tennessee since 1987, ap- rules to change the rules and used the but I made certain he could come to a proved by Democratic colleagues, need- so-called nuclear option, and when Re- vote. ed by the Tennessee Valley Authority, publicans did the same thing that the When President Obama had a va- certain to be confirmed here almost Senator from New York had done, cancy in the Department of Education unanimously. One hundred and nine- Democrats overruled that and seated in his last year, I went to President teen times the Democratic opposition judges on the Court of Appeals. Obama and said: Mr. President, I think has required the Republican leader, So as a result of the precedent set by the Senator from New York on judges it is inappropriate for us not to have a Senator MCCONNELL, to use a whole confirmed Senate nominee in a prin- week to confirm a nominee. That hap- with George W. Bush, we had the nu- cipal position like U.S. Secretary of pened 12 times to President Obama. clear option in the Senate, a using of Education. If you will please nominate That happened four times to President that. Republicans then did what the Democrats did. That is what you call John King, with whom I disagree, I will George W. Bush. It happened 12 times precedent. make sure he is confirmed, and we con- to President Clinton and zero times to Well, it happened a second time. That firmed him. That has been my record George H.W. Bush, whose administra- first use of the nuclear option left it so in terms of dealing with nominees of tion I served in. That is the number of you could require 60 votes in order to the President of an opposite party. cloture votes on nominees required for have a Supreme Court Justice. I ask through the Chair, why pick on previous Presidents in the same time- When President Trump nominated Tennessee? Why confirm Kentucky frame as President Trump. What kind Neil Gorsuch to be a Supreme Court nominees, why confirm Alabama nomi- of precedent does this set? Justice, the Democrats filibustered nees, why work with me in three dif- Let’s talk about that for a moment. Justice Gorsuch, an enormously well- ferent Congresses to make it easier for This is a body of precedents. For many qualified person. Remember, through- President Obama to confirm nominees, years, we always confirmed nominees out the history of the country, we had why applaud me for allowing the chair- with 51 votes. That was until George W. not blocked a Supreme Court Justice man of the Democratic Party today to Bush became President of the United by filibuster with that single exception be confirmed as Secretary of Labor and States and the Senator from New York, of the Abe Fortas instance. Yet they then block a nominee for the Tennessee before he was a Democratic leader, and did that. And as a result of that, the Valley Authority, who is eminently others, decided they would use a clo- Republicans then said: Well, we will well-qualified, who is supported by the ture vote, a requirement for 60 votes, use the nuclear option and change the Democratic members of the committee to block George W. Bush’s nominees. rules to 51. So that is what happened who have jurisdiction and who is need- That was the first time that it had with the precedent. ed on the Board to pick a CEO for the happened. Up until that time, the tra- Now let’s look at this precedent. Are millions of people in the seven-state re- dition of this body was that while you we going to block for 282 days—let me gion? Why pick on Tennessee, I would could require 60 votes, at least since get my numbers exactly right; it is 176 say to my friend from New York about 1920, no one ever did. Even Clar- days on the calendar awaiting con- through the Chair. ence Thomas—and that was a very con- firmation—a noncontroversial Board of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- troversial Supreme Court nomination— Directors member for the Tennessee ator from New York. was confirmed by 52 to 48. No one Valley Authority. That is what we Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, we thought at the time of requiring that have come to. have to have some bipartisanship here. his nomination require 60 votes. They So are we going to say, as the U.S. I understand my friend from Ten- could have but didn’t. So that was the Senate minority, that we will effec- nessee. He is my friend. I hope he tradition in the Senate—always nomi- tively block—we will effectively would work with us to create bipar- nations by 51 votes. The one exception block—those kinds of nominations and tisan packages to get nominees in the Supreme Court throughout the effectively keep an elected President through. That is not happening. We history of the Senate was Abe Fortas, from setting up a government? Is that need to do it. under President Johnson, and that was what we are going to say?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.025 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6953 It looks like that is what we are say- As I said earlier, I had that conversa- Well, if they can, someone else can ing if you are going to say that 119 tion with President Obama. I said: Mr. later. That does not serve the people times the majority leader of the Senate President, I believe that, institution- well. I don’t see any partisan political of whichever party will have to invoke ally, we should have a Senate-con- advantage to the Democrats for doing cloture. That means it takes 3 or 4 firmed Secretary of Education. Even if something like this. I never have days to confirm even a noncontrover- I disagree, as I did, with John King’s thought that. I always thought that it sial Presidential nomination, when education views, I will see to it that if was the right thing to do to let a Presi- there are 1,200 such nominations. you nominate him, he is confirmed. dent staff his administration. If you Let’s say we have a Democratic President Obama did that. He respected don’t like the nominee, you can always President one day and a Republican the importance of having institution- vote no, but at least you can have a U.S. Senate, or a Republican President ally confirmed principal officers in the vote. and a Democratic U.S. Senate. But government, and then we confirmed So he is talking about bipartisan let’s just for purposes of discussion, him. packages. This nominee has been wait- since we are talking about precedent, So I don’t know where this is leading ing for a long, long time. So I am not let’s say the Democrats make a big us. I think this is the same kind of dan- through with this. I think this is some- comeback and elect a Democratic gerous precedent that was established thing that the people of Tennessee are President next time around. It is only when Democrats for the first time used going to be very disappointed about, 2 years before the Presidential elec- a 60-vote opportunity to block Presi- and I would ask my friend from New tion. dent George W. Bush’s judges, and what York again: Why are you picking on And let’s say the Republicans stay in the Democrats then did—what most of Tennessee? Why would you confirm the power and still have a majority in the them tell me they wish they hadn’t Alabama nominee? Why would you con- Senate and Republicans say: Well, we done—was that they used the nuclear firm the Kentucky nominee? And why are a body of precedent. We will do to option and required a 51-vote cloture. would you not confirm the Tennessee the Democratic President exactly what So now they can’t eventually block nominee? Why would you make him the Senate did to President Trump. anyone, even John Ryder, if we all de- swing in the wind for 176 days when ev- If Republicans are in the majority, cide that we want to take a whole week erybody approves of him—even the the Democratic President might not to confirm him. That is what Senator Democratic ranking member of the even be able to staff the government MCCONNELL has been doing. He has committee and Democratic ranking because the Republicans could say: We been putting a priority on district member of the subcommittee? Some- will not confirm anybody. judges and on circuit judges, and the thing smells here, and it is a bad prece- Or even if the Republicans were to be Democrats have been saying: We are dent for the Senate. It is not good for in the minority and there were a going to slow you down. our country, and it is completely con- Democratic President and the Repub- But you can’t win that way. All that trary to the way that I have enjoyed lican minority did to the next Demo- happens is that the Senate gradually working with the Senator from New cratic President what this minority is gives up its advise-and-consent author- York in 2011, 2012, 2013 to make it easi- doing to this one, then 119 times you ity under the Constitution to help the er, then, for President Obama, but would see this happen, at least through President form a government. That is later for every President of the United the first part of the administration. one of the important parts of what we States, to have his Presidential nomi- So where does that leave us as a Gov- do in this government. ernment of the United States? The late Justice Scalia said: Every nees promptly considered by the Sen- Well, here is where it would leave us. tin horn dictator has a bill of rights. ate and voted up or down. While I am on the subject of the Ten- It would leave us with a government of What the United States has that is dif- nessee Valley Authority, I want to the United States with the Senate hav- ferent is checks and balances. One of ing no role in the appointment of its the most important parts of that mention the fact that Bill Johnson, principal officers. That is what it checks and balances is for the Senate who has been the Chief Executive Offi- would leave, because there is on the to advise and consent on about 1,200 cer of the Tennessee Valley Authority books legislation called the Vacancies different Presidential nominees. for the last several years announced Act, which allows any President of the That is why I worked with Senator today in a Board meeting of the TVA of United States to appoint acting people SCHUMER and other Democrats, like Mississippi of his intention to retire to all of the positions in the govern- Senator Levin, and Republicans, like next year. My hope would be that John ment. They can serve for 210 days at Senator McCain and Senator BAR- Ryder, whose term could have begun least, and there are a wide variety of RASSO, and we took steps during the earlier this year, would be there to people who can be chosen for those po- Obama administration three different help select his successor. Bill Johnson sitions. They can be people who are times to reduce the number of Presi- and the board have done a good job for confirmed or they can be senior people dential nominees, to speed up Presi- the last few years with TVA. They have in the government. dential nominees, and to put 272 of reduced its debt. They have kept elec- We happen to have an example of them at a privileged status so they tricity prices low. They provided a reli- that today in the United States De- could come through more rapidly. able, ample supply of electricity for a partment of Justice—Matthew This goes in entirely the opposite di- rapidly growing part of America, mak- Whitaker. The Attorney General, Jeff rection, and it is a terrible precedent ing it easier for us to recruit jobs, and Sessions, whom I admire and all of us for this institution. So I am extremely the air is clean. know, resigned at the request of the disappointed. As I will say more about this in just President. And instead of nominating I am disappointed for John Ryder, a minute, the new Foothills Parkway or picking a Senate-confirmed suc- who is a prominent lawyer, who opened just outside the Great Smoky cessor as the Acting Attorney General thought he might get to be on the TVA Mountains this past weekend, and it of the United States, President Trump Board and was nominated 282 days ago. was packed with local people. On Sun- did, as the Vacancies Act allows him to I am disappointed for the people of day I was up there myself. We can see do, appointed Matthew Whitaker, At- Tennessee and the Tennessee Valley the mountains because TVA, over the torney General Sessions’ Chief of Staff. Authority region. There are millions of last several years, has put pollution I suppose a President could do that for people who have had a very good Chief control equipment on all of its coal every position. Executive Officer for the TVA for the plants, and we could immediately see I mentioned earlier that toward the last several years in Bill Johnson and the difference. Other Federal regula- end of President Obama’s term, he had now need a fully functioning Board of tions have made the air cleaner. no Education Secretary. Arne Duncan Directors to pick his successor, and yet In fact, a lawsuit from North Caro- had decided to leave, and they used the the Democrats say: Even though we ap- lina with TVA to keep dirty air from Vacancies Act to allow John King, who prove of him, even though we have no Tennessee from blowing into North was not confirmed by the Senate, in ef- reason not to confirm him, we are just Carolina has now been made a Federal fect, to be the Acting Secretary of Edu- going to slow the train down just be- regulation, and dirty air from Ken- cation. cause we can. tucky or Texas or other States can’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.030 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 blow into Tennessee. The result is that polluted park in America. There were On the parkway, in 1944—that was when you come see the Great Smoky 3.5 million people who would visit the the year Congress first authorized the Mountains, you can call them the park in the summertime and the air Foothills Parkway—this is what was Great Smoky Mountains and not the was hazardous to breathe. The views going on: Allied Forces were invading great smoggy mountains, which they were extremely limited due to pollu- Normandy Beach, Franklin D. Roo- were some time ago. tion. Instead of the blue haze I men- sevelt was President, and Bing Crosby So I would congratulate Bill Johnson tioned earlier, we saw smog. The Great was singing ‘‘I’ll Be Seeing You.’’ The on his tenure as CEO. He has got TVA Smoky Mountains had become the State of Tennessee began acquiring on the right track, and I would urge great smoggy mountains just 16 years right-of-way to the parkway and donat- the Board of Directors to think long ago. Then a lot of people went to work. ing it to the Federal Government. and hard as they select someone to fill Federal clean air regulations, which I In 1960, the construction of the park- his shoes because as a former Governor supported, required cleaner burning way actually started. Dwight D. Eisen- of that State and now as a U.S. Senator diesel fuels and cleaner vehicle en- hower was President. Elvis had just from Tennessee for 16 years, I know the gines, which also helped lower emis- come home from 2 years in the Army, importance of having ample supply of sions. This especially helped the Smok- and American women were wearing low-cost clean electricity to heat our ies because of the large number of visi- beehive hairdos. That was 1960, when homes, run our computers, and attract tors’ vehicles and because three inter- construction on this parkway began. our jobs. states carry heavy truck traffic When I became Governor in 1979, the Now, I have a Thanksgiving thought, through nearby Knoxville, TN. State had completed acquiring the to move away from the disagreeable, I also voted to support other Federal right-of-way, and the State took the acrimonious dealings of the Senate for clean air regulations that limited lead on 10 miles of the parkway be- a moment. emissions from smokestacks of sulfur, tween Carrs Creek and Wears Valley. GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS nitrogen, and mercury and established Then construction halted because of Mr. President, I suggest two more rules to prohibit dirty air from blowing environmental problems. things that Tennesseans can be grate- from one State into another. I have al- By the time I got to the Senate in ful for this Thanksgiving. ways thought that operating a coal- 2002—the same time the Smokies was One, there is a new 16-mile section of fired powerplant without air pollution declared the most polluted national the Foothills Parkway, creating a spec- control equipment on it was like driv- park—all of the parties had agreed on a tacular view of the Great Smoky ing at night without the lights on. We plan to build bridges to complete the Mountains, and, two, because the air is have equipment and TVA has proved, so-called 1.65 mile ‘‘missing link’’ on now so much cleaner, you can actually as other utilities have, that you can the parkway. Then President Bush’s see the mountains from this spectac- burn coal in a clean way if you will administration and the 2005 Federal ular drive. simply put on pollution control equip- highway bill, President Obama’s ad- In the 1990s, on the clearest days, ac- ment for mercury, nitrogen, and sulfur. ministration, and Governor Bill cording to the National Park Service, One of the biggest impacts, therefore, Haslam’s State administration in Ten- you could see for around 50 miles in the came in 2008, when the Tennessee Val- nessee all chipped in effort, time, and Smokies. Today you can see more than ley Authority began installing pollu- taxpayer money to finish the job after 90 miles on the clearest days. Even on tion control equipment on some of its 50 years and $200 million of construc- the haziest days, visibility has im- coal-fired powerplants near the park. tion. proved. In the 1990s, visibility was less TVA has invested nearly $6 billion to Since it was first authorized, it has than 10 miles. Today you can see more reduce air emissions. That is money taken 75 years to build a parkway and than 30 miles on the haziest days, ac- out of our pockets—we ratepayers. two decades to make the air clean cording to the Park Service. These efforts have resulted in a 94-per- enough so that visitors can see the While that is still less than the nat- cent reduction in sulfur dioxide emis- mountains for 90 miles. So if you are ural visibility of 150 miles on the clear- sions and a 91-percent reduction in ni- looking for something else to be grate- est days—by natural visibility, I mean trogen oxide emissions. Nitrogen and ful for on Thanksgiving, try being the blue haze the Cherokees used to sulfur emissions have harmful effects grateful for the many visionaries, park sing about that exists because of the on human health, the environment, officials, road builders, engineers, sci- moisture in the Smokies—and 90 miles and visibility. entists, editors, and political leaders on the haziest days, we have made Those of us who live near the park who have had the foresight to make it great improvements in the last two can see the impact of TVA’s actions al- a priority to build the Foothills Park- decades, and visibility is continuing to most immediately. Today, TVA has in- way and clean up the air so that we can improve in the park. stalled some type of emission control see the mountains. It has taken 75 The new section of the Foothills equipment on all of its coal-fired pow- years, but the views are so picturesque Parkway between Walland and Wears erplants and continues to improve that that it has been well worth the wait. Valley is one of the prettiest drives in equipment so that the air will become SENATE ACCOMPLISHMENTS America. If you want the best view of even cleaner. Mr. President, on another subject, to the highest mountains in the Eastern Over the years, I met and worked people who come up to me with some United States, you will drive the Foot- with mayors in counties surrounding wonderment and ask what it is like hills Parkway. Last Sunday, when my the park who did what they could lo- working in the U.S. Senate, I often say: wife and I drove it on the third day, it cally to make the air cleaner; that is Think of Washington, DC, as a split- was open; it was packed, most of it because one of their top priorities is screen television. with local people taking pictures of clean air. The Sevierville Chamber of Let’s take the 30 days between Sep- each other because they were so aston- Commerce, when I walked in there not tember 4 and October 6, between the ished by the view. It was a view so long ago, told me it was their top pri- beginning of Judge Kavanaugh’s hear- magnificent it surprises even those of ority because tourists come to spend ing and his confirmation. On one side us who grew up driving through the money in Sevierville and Pigeon Forge of the screen there was as much acri- Smoky Mountains. Soon this drive will to see the Smokies, not to see the mony as you could ever expect to see in attract many of the more than the 11 smog. Now ground-level ozone that cre- the U.S. Capitol—protesters, Senators million visitors who come to our park ates the smog that is harmful to upset, Judge Kavanaugh upset. It was a each year—twice as many as any na- human health and the environment and very difficult situation. That was on tional park. reduces visibility has improved signifi- one side of the television set. But on But 16 years ago, these visitors would cantly—by 36 percent according to the the other side of the television set was not have had such a good view. In 2002, Great Smoky Mountains Association. one of the most productive 30 days we the year I was elected to the Senate, All of the counties in the region around have ever had in the U.S. Senate, with the National Parks Conservation Asso- the park meet the EPA’s environ- 72 Senators working together—half ciation said that the Great Smoky mental quality standards for ozone pol- Democrats, half Republicans—to pass Mountains National Park was the most lution. landmark opioids legislation to deal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.031 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6955 with the largest public health crisis we Chinese officials with whom we met. country. He is the longest serving Gov- have today. They work with our Drug Enforcement ernor in the history of the United A lot of other things happened during Agency and other law enforcement States. Six months ago, when I first that time. There was a major copyright agencies to try to stem the flow of the talked to Governor Branstad about our bill, the first in a generation, to make chemicals that are produced in China proposed trip to China, he said: I am sure songwriters get paid for their but then find their way through Mexico going to ask you to do one thing, make work. The Senator from North Caro- and Canada, mainly, into the United fentanyl and the opioid crisis the pri- lina helped with that. There were ap- States or through the mail directly mary point of your visit in China to propriations bills which, for the fourth into the United States. help Chinese officials understand how consecutive year, had record funding What China has already done, which important it is to us because we are for national laboratories, supercom- we appreciate—and I said that to working on many other issues with puting, biomedical research to cure them—is that they have made 25 China right now. cancer, all of those things, all of those fentanyl compounds illegal, and ac- The President of the United States is miracles, and an important bill to cording to the U.S. Drug Enforcement meeting, apparently maybe next week, make our airlines safer for the next 5 Agency, when China did that, we saw with the President of China in Argen- years, probably the most important in- an immediate and dramatic decrease in tina. Perhaps out of that, we will have frastructure bill on locks and dams those chemicals coming into the a great deal. We have a lot of issues that we have had in several years. We United States. This action boosted our with China. even passed a bill Senator FEINSTEIN counternarcotics operation and made a Fentanyl and opioids doesn’t rise to and I had worked on for a few years to dramatic decrease in the amount of the top of the list in the Chinese make it illegal to make cell phone those substances subsequently found in minds, our Ambassador was saying. calls from airplanes so that you won’t the United States. One reason it doesn’t is because China have to sit next to somebody revealing China cooperates with the United doesn’t have much of a problem with their innermost thoughts on a 5-hour States, but our cooperation faces chal- people using illegal opioids. Certainly, flight across the country. All of that lenges when a fentanyl substance is not it has nothing like what we do. We happened on this side of the screen dur- on China’s control list. So the request know—and we heard and we said on ing the same 30 days we saw the that I made at each of our meetings this floor and we all voted for the Kavanaugh hearing. I want to talk was this: Would you please control all opioid bill because we know what is about the most important thing that fentanyl substances? The Trump ad- happening in our country. Overdoses happened during those 30 days, which is ministration did this in the United involving opioids killed more than the opioids legislation. 42,000 people in this country in 2016, Opioids affect every single part of our States in 2017. We would like for China and roughly 45 percent of those were country—we have established that— to do the same thing. That is the way due to synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is why 72 Senators worked to- to help stem the flow of fentanyl sub- the kind we are asking China to help us gether, eight committees in the House stances from China to the United and five in the Senate, to produce a States and other countries. with. I said to them: Look, we are trying In my home county of Blount County complex bill right in the middle of an in East Tennessee, there are 130,000 election—right in the middle of the to do our part. We just passed our land- people. Last year there were 130,000 Kavanaugh hearing. One of the things mark opioid legislation. It included opioid prescriptions—1 for every per- we talked about was what do we do Senator PORTMAN’s STOP Act, which son. The legislation we passed will help about synthetic opioids—fentanyl. many of us cosponsored, which would Most of that fentanyl originates in make it easier for us to stop fentanyl reduce the number of prescriptions. China. Last week, I led a delegation of through the mail. We are doing every- That is one way to deal with the prob- five Senators and two Members of the thing we can think of to do, but when lem. House of Representatives to China, you do not control all fentanyl sub- Another way is to stop the fentanyl where we met with officials for the ex- stances, what happens in China is, out- from coming into our country. Our new press purpose of asking for their help side of the 25 you have controlled, some law helps address the opioid crisis by in dealing with our opioids problem— smart entrepreneur in China will figure the STOP Act. That is the fentanyl our fentanyl problem. We didn’t say to out a different class of fentanyl and bill. The new law supports research to them: It is all your fault. We said: begin to sell it and mail it, and it find new nonaddictive painkillers. It Look, it is our problem. China doesn’t comes to the United States through helps reduce the supply of opioids by have a user problem with opioids today Mexico and Canada, and the drug agen- empowering the FDA to require manu- like we do. In fact, no other country cies in China aren’t really empowered facturers to sell certain opioid pills in has had more of a struggle with opium to deal with that. so-called blister packs. It provides throughout its history than China. To be clear, this is not a problem more opportunity for treatment and re- They know how terrible it can be. We that the Chinese Government has covery and helps babies born with said: We would like for you, Chinese of- caused, but this is a problem the Chi- opioid withdrawal. During this past ficials, to help us by doing more of nese Government can help us solve. year in our appropriations bills, we ap- what you are already doing, by doing This is not pointing a finger at China propriated $8.5 billion to deal with what we have done about fentanyl, by and saying: You are doing the wrong opioids. controlling every form of it, listing thing. Still, we have our problem with every form of fentanyl as a controlled In fact, they are doing the right fentanyl that the Chinese can help us substance so that our Department of thing by cooperating with us and solve. Several of the Chinese officials Justice and our Drug Enforcement classifying 25 substances. We want reacted with surprise—and some not Agency can go after people who are dis- them to do more than what they are al- too well—when I told them most of the tributing it illegally. ready doing, and they can be seen as fentanyl that comes into our country Fentanyl is a white powder synthetic the world leader in dealing with this originates, in one way or another, in opioid that can come in a small pack- dangerous synthetic opioid because China. The reason for that is not be- age. If you open the package and a few most of the chemicals are produced in cause they are not helping us; it is be- grams escape into the air, DEA agents that country. cause of the ingenuity of Chinese en- tell me they are almost overcome. On the trip with me was a very senior trepreneurs who, as soon as China lists They have to leave the room. A few delegation: the chairmen of the House a fentanyl substance as controlled, grams can kill you, and it often is kill- Appropriations and Budget Committees they create another kind of fentanyl ing Americans. Among drug overdoses, this year, Congressmen FRELINGHUYSEN substance and keep selling it. The Chi- it is the fastest rising killer in our and BLACK; then Senator SHELBY, ENZI, nese officials were generous and re- country, with a 70-percent increase in ROBERTS, and KENNEDY from this body. spectful of our time. They listened and our State between 2016 and 2017. We worked with the U.S. Ambassador promised to consider our request. We The government of China has already to China, Terry Branstad. He is an ex- met with Li Keqiang, the Premier; been a good partner. I said this to the ceptionally able representative of our Zhao Kezhi, State Councilor and Public

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.033 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 Security Minister, under whom di- If they do that, China can be seen as national security challenges we have, rectly are the narcotics agents; Yang the country in the world doing the every member of our military—all the Jiechi, the Politburo Member and Com- most to stop the flow of this deadly services—are risking their lives every munist Party Foreign Affairs Director. fentanyl, and the American people will day, but the Coast Guard does it day in They understand how serious this is for be grateful for that action. and day out. us. They know it hurts because they I thank the President. Pre-9/11 and post-9/11, men and had a long history with opioids which I yield the floor. women in that wonderful service un- they dealt with. I appreciate the fact The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. dertake a heroic mission with actions that they said they are willing to ex- PERDUE). The Senator from Alaska. that we see saving American lives and plore this. I intend to report our visit COAST GUARD REAUTHORIZATION BILL defending our national security. to President Trump and urge him to Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I What do they focus on and what does continue to ask China to help us. want to echo what my colleague from this bill focus on? Well, the bottom line We also met with Ambassadors of Tennessee just mentioned about a lot is, this bill is focused on making sure other countries who are affected, such of bipartisan accomplishments on the the men and women of the Coast Guard as Mexico and China and other coun- Senate floor over the last several have the resources to do their job. tries whom Ambassador Branstad in- weeks. They are really important ones. Their job is varied and extremely im- vited to the U.S. Embassy for a meet- He led the charge on the opioid bill portant. ing. They agreed to form a working which is going to help our entire coun- We have all seen the Coast Guard group to try to help make clear to the try and so many others. They don’t al- coming out of the sky to rescue us— Chinese we weren’t pointing the finger ways get reported in the press, but it is rescue Americans on seas when they at them saying it is your problem. We important to make sure our fellow are in trouble; with the hurricanes we are just saying the only finger we Americans, our constituents, know have seen over the last couple of years; would like to point is saying you can that is happening. the heroic pictures of the men and do more than anybody else to help This afternoon, I want to talk about women in the Coast Guard doing thou- solve the problem. another one that is a really important sands of rescues. We see that as part of I want to thank Ambassador accomplishment that we were able to their mission. They have been de- Branstad, Terry Branstad, for setting achieve on the Senate floor a couple of scribed as angels in helicopters. When up the relationships we had with the hours ago; that is, the Coast Guard Au- they show up, it is certainly witnessing Ministers in China to help deliver the thorization Act of 2018. America at its very best. We have seen message that opioids is our biggest A number of Senators have already a lot of that. The mission of the Coast public health epidemic and that the been down on the floor to talk about Guard also includes ice-breaking, ma- fentanyl flowing into the United States this: JOHN THUNE, the chairman of the rine environmental protection, port se- is the most severe part of that. Commerce Committee, which is where curity, and international crisis re- The staff at the U.S. Embassy were the oversight and responsibility of the sponse. Many members are deployed very helpful. In particular, I would like Coast Guard lies; Senator WICKER from overseas in places like the Middle East, to thank Steve Churchill, Rob Fordan, Mississippi; Senator CARPER—so many combating illegal fishing by other na- and Richard Jao for all their work. Senators contributed to this important tions, protecting American fishermen, I want to thank, again, some of the piece of legislation that we just passed protecting Alaskan fishermen, readi- Chinese officials with whom we met, today by almost a vote of over 90 Sen- ness to support the Department of De- Premier Li Keqiang, Minister Zhao ators. fense operation. It is a long list. The Kezhi, and Director Yang Jiechi, for It is a very bipartisan piece of legis- Coast Guard does it very well. the time they spent with us and the lation that we were able to get through Importantly, the bill we just passed commitment they made to continue to the Senate floor today. As you know, today will significantly help the men work with us on this public health epi- this has taken some time. For almost 2 and women with this important mis- demic. years, we have been working on the sion. You and I serve on the Armed In conclusion, there is no public Coast Guard bill. A number of us put a Services Committee. Again, what my health crisis in the United States of lot of time and effort into it. colleague from Tennessee was talking America that compares with the opioid I do want to do a shout out to my about is another one of these bipar- crisis. The most severe part of that cri- staff: Eric Elam, my legislative direc- tisan areas of achievement that we sis right now is the flow of fentanyl tor; Tom Mansour, a Coast Guard fel- have seen in the Senate in the last coming into the United States. What low in my office; and Scott Leathard. year, year and a half, consensus on we respectfully ask China to do is more All of them worked literally for the issues like rebuilding our military. We of what they are already doing. They last year and a half, night and day, on are doing that on the Armed Services are already controlling 25 different this bill. Committee through the National De- classes of fentanyl. We want them to Again, it is important for America fense Authorization Act that passes control all of those classes of fentanyl. and certainly important for my great the Senate and the House every year. That frees their narcotics agents—and State of Alaska. It raises a broader I am certainly honored to be on the they are pretty good—to go after any- issue. We just celebrated Veterans Day. Armed Services Committee, where we one in China who uses or produces Our country was rightfully focused on are working on rebuilding from the fentanyl illegally or improperly. our veterans. There was a lot of focus cuts of 2010 to 2015. They were almost We saw the difference that made on the centennial of the Armistice of 25 percent of the Department of De- when China controlled 25 of the World War I, the ending of World War fense budget while national security fentanyl substances. We look forward I. Often when there is a focus on the challenges were increasing all over the to the difference it will make when it armed services, it focuses on the armed world. controls the rest. services at the Pentagon—Army, Navy, The other thing we are rebuilding— My hope is, the President of the Air Force, and Marines—and some- and it doesn’t always get a lot of atten- United States and the President of times the brave men and women in the tion—we are rebuilding the Coast China will discuss this and that they Coast Guard can be overlooked. They Guard. In essence, this bill we passed see each other next week in Argentina. shouldn’t be. We all know that. today is the NDAA for the U.S. Coast I hope the President will thank Presi- One of the things I tried to focus on Guard. The recapitalization and re- dent Xi for what they have already in my time in the Senate is making building of the Coast Guard is a core done and ask him to do more. It is not sure they are not. Prior to 9/11, the element of the bill we just passed. China’s problem. It is really our prob- Coast Guard was probably the only Let’s run through a couple of exam- lem. We are the ones with the opioids service in the entire U.S. military—be- ples. Like what we just did in the problem. China can help us solve it by cause they are a member of the serv- NDAA, increasing the end strength of doing what we have already done about ices of the U.S. military—whose mem- the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Ma- fentanyl in this country and doing bers were risking their lives every sin- rines, this bill today works to increase more of what they have already done. gle day on the job. Post-9/11, with the the end strength of the U.S. Coast

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.034 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6957 Guard. Importantly, it starts to really recapitalization, we see a lot of these icebreakers that were authorized in the accelerate what we are doing in terms vessels coming to Southeast Alaska. NDAA this summer. This provision fo- of recapitalizing the Coast Guard fleet. For example, six fast response cutters cuses on that. For example, this bill authorizes the that are being built and that are part It directs the Coast Guard to conduct building of six more fast response cut- of this bill are slated for Alaska, and persistent, aircraft-based surveillance ters—these are critical cutters for the two additional patrol boats are for Pe- in terms of monitoring illegal, unre- U.S. Coast Guard—and three more na- tersburg and Juneau. The FRCs will be ported, and unregulated fishing in the tional security cutters for the U.S. home-ported—two of them—in Kodiak, Western Pacific. This is a huge prob- Coast Guard. These are incredible ves- one in Seward, one in Sitka, and two lem. We have our 200-mile limit where sels. They are huge—400-plus feet. previously commissioned FRCs will re- American fishermen and Alaska fisher- I had the honor to go out to a com- main stationed in Ketchikan. So those men can fish off the coast of Alaska missioning of the Douglas Munro, one are a lot of assets coming, and I believe and other States, but we often have pi- of the new national security cutters. there are going to be more. We are rate fishing going on. We have coun- These ships can do it all. They look going to continue to work on that. tries such as China that come and ille- like big Navy ships that can do it all. I thank the former Commandant and gally take fish that should be in our That is what these national security the current Commandant, Admiral economic zone or on the high seas. The cutters are doing. Schultz, who has been on the job for Coast Guard does a great job in moni- This legislation also helps to stream- about 6 months and has already been to toring and catching this illegal fishing, line the building of Navy ships, which Alaska three times. That is just an- which harms the oceans and harms our is important as we recapitalize the other testament to recognizing how fisheries. This bill underscores how im- fleet. It directs the Coast Guard’s over- important the Coast Guard is to the portant that mission is and directs the all policies. great State of Alaska. I can’t thank Coast Guard to make sure there is per- Now I want to talk a little bit about enough the men and women of the sistent, aircraft-based surveillance in some of the more specific provisions in Coast Guard nationally and in my monitoring what we call IUU fishing— this bill that relate to my great State, State for the great work they do. illegal, unreported, unregulated fish- the great State of Alaska, where the There are a number of provisions in ing—in the Western Pacific. Coast Guard and the people of Alaska this legislation, in addition to the na- The bill requires the Coast Guard to have a very special relationship. We tional areas of recapitalizing the Coast have tested the capability of oilspill love the men and women of the Coast Guard, that are actually focused, not vessel response plans in Alaskan Guard. We see them in action all the surprisingly, on Alaska, given how im- waters and to report to Congress on time, doing heroic missions. We had portant the Coast Guard is to Alaska. these capabilities. the largest Coast Guard base in the Let me just highlight a few of them. It also, importantly, focuses on fund- country in Kodiak, AK, and District There is a provision that says the ing to update and maintain the Na- 17—that is the Coast Guard district in Coast Guard must position assets to re- tion’s nautical charts with there being Alaska—is the largest geographic dis- spond to any incidences given the na- an emphasis on the Arctic, where there trict in terms of square miles in the en- tional security and economic signifi- is growing vessel traffic. Yet we have tire Coast Guard area of responsibility. cance growing in the Arctic region. nautical charts that are 70 or 80 years There are close to 4 million square The Department of Defense is starting old, and some places have never been miles and over 47,000 miles of coastline to focus on the Arctic region, and, cer- charted. just in the State of Alaska. That is tainly, the Coast Guard is. This bill facilitates the construction more coastline than in the rest of the The provision further states that it of a viable home port for the NOAA re- lower 48 States combined. So the Coast requires the Coast Guard, in consulta- search vessel Fairweather in Ketchikan, Guard has a huge mission in Alaska—a tion with the Department of Defense, AK, which is an issue that is important really important mission in Alaska— to report to Congress on the progress to my constituents, and to be perfectly and it covers all kinds of territory. being made in implementing the Coast honest, with regard to NOAA, it has Let me just give you, again, a sense Guard’s Arctic strategy and to provide been hanging out there for too long. of the importance that District 17 and an assessment of the placement of ad- This bill helps to make sure that the the men and women of the Coast Guard ditional Coast Guard assets and cutters vessel is going to be home-ported where in Alaska have to my constituents, to in light of meeting those strategic ob- it should be legally home-ported under their fellow Alaskans—a snapshot from jectives in the Arctic. the law, and that is in Ketchikan. District 17’s website. It reads, just in We know that the demands of a more Those are just a few examples of the an average month in Alaska, that the strategic Arctic are putting a strain on national aspects of this bill for the Coast Guard saves 22 lives, performs 53 the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard’s recapitalization effort assists, and conducts 13 security Coast Guard. We believe—I believe— and of some of the more important pro- boardings and 22 security patrols that the provisions in this bill state visions that focus on the Coast Guard’s throughout this gigantic area of Dis- that the Coast Guard needs to look at special relationship with Alaska. trict 17, just to name a few of its du- that and provide more assets to do the This act also contains many impor- ties, in addition to making sure that il- mission if need be. tant items for our fishermen and fish- legal fishing in this part of our Nation As we are recapitalizing the fleet, it eries and our maritime industry doesn’t occur. also talks about moving bigger cutters throughout the United States, whether I am also grateful that as we look at in for smaller ones in region 17 because in the oceans, whether on the Great the recapitalization of the Coast the Coast Guard must continue to have Lakes, whether in the rivers that we Guard’s fleet, the former Commandant adequate coverage. You don’t want to have. It is very, very important to our of the Coast Guard, Admiral Zukunft, move one ship out and another ship in fishing community, to our fishermen, recognized how important Alaska was and have a gap in coverage. This bill and to the maritime workers through- and sent me a letter, as I am the chair- focuses on that—no gaps in coverage. out the country. man of the subcommittee in the Com- The bill also requires the Coast Of course, this is important to my merce Committee that is in charge of Guard to deliver a plan to extend the State. I often refer to Alaska as the su- the Coast Guard. My team and I put in life of the Polar Star, which is the perpower of seafood. What am I talking a lot of effort with Chairman THUNE heavy icebreaker that is home-ported about? Almost 60 percent of the com- and others in writing this bill and in in Seattle and has a critical mission. mercial and sport fish that is harvested working on it for the last 2 years. Again, in the NDAA this year, we re- in the United States of America comes In a letter to me prior to his retire- ceived authorization for six additional from Alaska. It is billions of dollars in ment, the former Commandant of the heavy icebreakers—three heavies, terms of the economic impact for our Coast Guard said that we know there three mediums. Yet we need to make State. So included in this legislation is are challenges and that there is a grow- sure that we still have coverage with important language to permanently ad- ing mission, from the Coast Guard’s the icebreakers we have as we look to dress issues that have plagued Alaskan perspective, in Alaska. In terms of this build and deploy the new Coast Guard fishermen, American fishermen, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.035 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 commercial vessel owners and opera- water for Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, motto I think we can learn from here tors of maritime fleets and, impor- Illinois, and Missouri. You get the pic- in the U.S. Senate. It is so appropriate tantly, the workers in these important ture. It is a patchwork of regulations— for what they do for us. I want to make industries for decades—regulatory all well-intentioned—that has the im- sure that the members of the Coast problems and challenges that these im- pact of inhibiting commerce and, most Guard who are watching or learning portant industries and the important importantly, of inhibiting job opportu- about this bill know that it is a signal men and women who work in these in- nities for the men and women in this that they have strong bipartisan sup- dustries have been struggling with for commerce. Twenty-five States have port from the vast majority of the decades with no long-term solutions. been regulating ballast water under Members of the U.S. Senate. At long last, this bill addresses these— separate, inconsistent, and sometimes Hopefully, this bill will get over to the long-term, permanent solutions. directly conflicting sets of require- the House quickly. We have been work- What am I talking about? ments. This has not only inhibited U.S. ing closely with the House on a number Currently, our fishing fleets through- economic growth, but it also actually of these provisions, and they are going out the entire country, as well as ves- makes it more likely that invasive spe- to pass it, we hope, and we will get it sel owners and operators—again, cies will accidentally be introduced to the President soon for his signature. throughout the entire country in riv- into this ballast water because the re- Going forward, we have to work to ers, lakes, and oceans—are forced to quirements are so different, it is hard make sure there is not an almost 2- comply with a patchwork of burden- to keep up with them. year delay in getting the Coast Guard some Federal and State regulations So, again, what this bill does at long Authorization Act passed in the U.S. that are well-intentioned but often last, working across the aisle—and Senate. When we work together, we conflicted for incidental discharges off trust me, we worked on this for over a can see that it is very bipartisan. the decks of these ships and for ballast year, on these provisions, Democrats As a member of the Armed Services water. Let me start with the incidental and Republicans rolling up their Committee, the Presiding Officer and I discharges. sleeves, in good faith, getting to work. both know that the National Defense Again, it is very important to my Because we know how important this is Authorization Act moves every year. State but very important to any State to our constituents, we looked at and What I think we need to do is make with regard to the fishing industry and focused on getting permanent solu- sure, when we start debating the NDAA fishermen who work hard every day. If tions, not quick fixes—the way these in late spring, early summer every you are a commercial fisherman on a issues have been handled in the past, year, as we do, that we reserve time to fishing vessel and you have caught for over a decade—to these significant move and debate and pass the Coast some fish and you want to hose down challenges. Guard bill as well. This is an issue I your deck—because let’s face it; fishing This bill will provide a permanent ex- have raised with the leadership on both can be a bit of a messy business— emption on incidental vessel dis- sides of the aisle, with the chairmen of through a long history of requirements charges for all commercial fishing ves- the Commerce Committee and the and lawsuits, you are forced to report sels and commercial vessels under 79 Armed Services Committee, and I am to the EPA these incidental discharges, feet in length. This is very important hopeful that we can make some and you need to get a permit to hose to the American fishing industry, the progress on that so we are moving a down your deck of a fishing vessel or men and women in that industry, and Coast Guard Authorization Act, as we you will face a fine. it is something that they have been ad- should be, with the other services in Now, you don’t have to be a fisher- vocating for and Members of this body, the NDAA. But that is for tomorrow. man to recognize that this is ridiculous of both parties, have been trying to get For today, we have an important ac- and that people—Democrats and Re- for well over a decade. Well, we did it complishment for our country, an im- publicans in this body—have been try- today. That is important. As I said, portant accomplishment for the State ing to address this issue for decades be- without this exemption, small vessel of Alaska, and most importantly, an cause it creates inefficiency, and it cer- owner-operators would be required, as important accomplishment for the men tainly doesn’t help the environment. It they have been for years, to get an and women of the U.S. Coast Guard adds to costs, inhibits economic pros- EPA permit to hose off their decks— who continue to undertake heroic ac- perity, and hurts fishermen and the not a good use of the EPA and not a tions day in and day out on our behalf. vessels they operate. This body has in- good use of the hard-working time of I yield the floor. troduced short-term fixes for years to American fishermen. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- try and address this. Those have not Similarly, this bill provides a com- ator from Alaska. been sufficient. So this bill addresses it prehensive solution to this patchwork f for good. ballast water challenge that I just de- Let me talk about another provision scribed, establishing a single, nation- LEGISLATIVE SESSION that tries to cut through the patch- ally uniform standard for the regula- work of burdensome State regula- tion of ballast water and other vessel tions—again, well-intentioned but discharges, and the EPA and the Coast MORNING BUSINESS often conflicted for ballast water and Guard, with input from the States, will Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask vessels. Currently, ballast water is reg- work together. This uniform standard unanimous consent that the Senate ulated by both the Coast Guard and the will have the impact of helping our en- proceed to legislative session for a pe- EPA. They both have separate, incon- vironment and our maritime industry riod of morning business, with Sen- sistent, and sometimes directly con- and fishing industry workers and the ators permitted to speak therein for up flicting sets of Federal requirements U.S. economy all at the same time. to 10 minutes each. that are interdispersed with require- That is an important accomplishment, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ments from States. This is literally a and that is why over 90 Senators voted objection, it is so ordered. patchwork of requirements for vessels for this bill today. f that move through different State In conclusion, the men and women of waters. Let me give you an example. the U.S. Coast Guard do heroic work TRIBUTE TO STEVE MAGRUDER You are the owner-operator of a com- day in and day out. I am honored to Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, Steve mercial vessel that is going up the full chair the subcommittee of the Com- Magruder has devoted his life to help- length of the Mississippi River. You are merce Committee in charge of the ing working families. For more than 40 moving commerce and keeping a Coast Guard. This bipartisan bill will years, Steve faithfully served as a strong economy stronger. As you do support them and their incredibly im- member of the International Brother- that, not only must you comply with portant mission, and it was long over- hood of Electrical Workers Inter- inconsistent Coast Guard and EPA re- due. It was long overdue, but we got it national Local 176. Last week, Steve quirements, but you also will likely done. retired as the business manager of have to comply with different and sepa- The Coast Guard’s motto, ‘‘Semper Local 176, a position he held for 8 rate requirements regarding ballast Paratus’’—‘‘Always Ready’’—is a years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.027 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6959 The IBEW is as old as commercial As executive director of the Vermont this time, I am quite concerned about electricity. In 1891, 2 years before elec- Housing Finance Agency, Sarah ad- TVA’s handling of the December 2008 tricity made Chicago the White City, vanced the agency’s mission to finance Kingston Fossil Fuel Power Plant coal the IBEW formed to protect the rights and promote affordable, safe, and de- ash spill clean-up efforts and would and safety of those brave workers will- cent housing opportunities for low- and like to say a few words about my con- ing to work on electrical and tele- moderate-income Vermonters. Sarah cerns. communications. They would be the oversaw $2.2 billion in lending in Last week, a Federal jury in the U.S. ones who brought power across the Vermont, and in her time with VHFA, District Court for the Eastern District country, and today, they have a mem- the agency closed over 10,000 home of Tennessee found that the contractor bership of 750,000 worldwide. loans, making a significant contribu- used by TVA to clean up the coal ash Steve started out in the storied elec- tion to homeownership in the State of spill, Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., trical industry while he was still in Vermont. She has been an effective did not adhere to worker safety or high school. He worked as a shop as- leader whose work has expanded the health requirements, potentially caus- sistant for Bradley Electric. He eventu- amount of permanent supportive hous- ing sickness and death. Although TVA ally became the owner of the residen- ing dedicated to people experiencing was not on trial, there were troubling tial division of Bradley Electric. homelessness. Not only was Sarah an testimonies from workers that called In 1975, he was initiated into the inspiring leader, she was also a strong into question TVA’s conduct during IBEW Local 963 in Kankakee, IL, as a and compassionate manager. Since and after the clean-up efforts. The residential wireman. The next year, 2015, the Vermont Chamber of Com- court decision allows for the families the local IBEW chapters merged to merce and Vermont Business Magazine of the workers affected to seek com- form IBEW 176. In 1982, he became a have included VHFA on their list of pensation for medical treatments and journeyman wireman and moved into Vermont’s Best Places to Work. damages. To date, reports show that companies such as Comstock and Com- Sarah’s contribution to the afford- over 30 Jacobs Engineering Group pany and Meade Electric. able housing community extends into workers have died since working on the By 1990, Steve became an agent in her community service. She is a found- Kingston coal ash clean-up efforts and the Local 176 business office. He found- ing member of the Housing Vermont 250 workers are sick. ed the IBEW 176 sick, injured, and board and a founding member of the In his nomination hearing, I called needy committee, which helps mem- Burlington Community Land Trust. on Mr. Ryder to commit to ensure TVA bers in difficult times. Over the years, She has been a member of dozens of is a good actor in regards to the King- hundreds of thousands of dollars have boards and special committees dedi- ston Fossil Fuel Power Plant coal ash been used by the committee to help so cated to various aspects of housing fi- spill and is transparent to the employ- many people through the tough times. nance and the promotion of safe, af- ees and families that are or may be af- Through all of this, Steve stayed in- fordable, and decent housing for fected by this issue. He promised me he volved in politics and helped can- Vermonters of all means. Her service would do so. However, I want Mr. didates who would help working fami- Ryder and my colleagues to be on no- lies of Illinois. In 2010, he became busi- has been recognized by numerous ness manager of Local 176 and appren- awards, including the Senator Patrick tice that I will be working on this issue ticeship program numbers increased. Leahy Leadership Award from the as an oversight matter and will make He also expanded political work by Committee on Temporary Shelter in sure all the members of the TVA board chairing the 176 PAC committee and a 2007. and the entire workforce at TVA are Sarah is a lifelong Vermonter who committee on political education. If a good actors when it comes to this has dedicated her career to ensuring business hired in Kankakee or Iroquois issue. Thank you. those in her home State can afford a County hired from outside, Steve was f at the frontlines fighting for families home. She was a key architect of the system that today creates and finances CONFIRMATION OF RYAN NELSON to keep them from being left behind by Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, along the local economy. the production and preservation of af- with my colleague Senator JAMES E. Steve is retiring now to spend more fordable rental housing across the RISCH, I congratulate Judge Ryan Nel- time with his wife of 45 years, Candy. I State. She has worked closely with my wish him the best in his future endeav- office to improve the Low Income son of Idaho Falls on his Senate con- ors. Housing Tax Credit program, including firmation to serve as a judge on the ensuring priority is given to projects Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. f that propose to target 25 percent of Throughout his diverse legal career, TRIBUTE TO SARAH CARPENTER their units to Vermonters who have ex- Ryan Nelson developed the necessary Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, it is with perienced homelessness. Sarah’s in- tools to serve the U.S. Ninth Circuit great appreciation and a touch of sad- formed advocacy has strengthened this Court of Appeals as a sound and prin- ness that I note the upcoming retire- and other Federal housing programs so cipled jurist. Since 2009, Ryan Nelson ment of Sarah Carpenter. Her retire- they can work for Vermont and has served as general counsel of Idaho ment culminates 20 years of dedicated Vermonters. I commend her service to Falls-based Melaleuca, Inc. Before join- service as the executive director of the the State and thank her on behalf of ing Melaleuca, Mr. Nelson served in the Vermont Housing Finance Agency, the countless Vermont families that Federal Government as special counsel VHFA. Through her enduring commit- she has helped into homes. for Supreme Court nominations to the ment to affordable housing, Sarah has f ranking member of the Senate Judici- helped tens of thousands of Vermonters ary Committee; as deputy general into homes and helped to establish and NOMINATION OF JOHN L. RYDER counsel to the White House Office of shape our State’s affordable housing Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I rise in Management and Budget; and as dep- infrastructure. response to a unanimous consent re- uty assistant attorney general in the Sarah’s career spanned four decades quest from my good friend, the senior Environment and Natural Resources during which time she was a consistent Senator from Tennessee, to consider Division of the United States Depart- leader in the affordable housing com- the nomination of John L. Ryder of ment of Justice, DOJ. At the DOJ, Mr. munity. As executive director of Cathe- Tennessee to be a member of the board Nelson argued 13 cases in the U.S. dral Square Corporation between 1983 of directors of the Tennessee Valley Courts of Appeals and was division and 1998, Sarah worked to develop and Authority, known as TVA. As I men- counsel for 50 briefs filed in the Su- manage housing that met the needs of tioned in Mr. Ryder’s confirmation preme Court. Before joining the DOJ, differently abled and aging hearing, I have long encouraged TVA Mr. Nelson practiced in the Wash- Vermonters. She oversaw the operation to be an industry leader in the power ington, DC, office of Sidley Austin of 430 units of supportive housing and sector, not a laggard, especially when LLP, where he was a member of the provided housing development and it comes to clean energy and energy ef- firm’s appellate, litigation, products li- management assistance to 20 projects ficiency. While I am not prepared to ability, and religious liberties practice across the State. object to Mr. Ryder’s nomination at groups.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.025 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 Upon graduation from law school, form; they deserve our full support in fighting for the best possible opportu- Mr. Nelson served as a law clerk to making the transition to civilian life, nities for our students and teachers. Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson of the on an equal footing, regardless of gen- She continues to be a leader as the ex- U.S. Court of Appeals for the District der, after that service is finished. ecutive director of the Nevada Associa- of Columbia Circuit and to Judges Women veterans should not face un- tion of School Boards, a role she has Charles Brower and Richard Mosk of equal treatment; we need to broaden held since October of 2006. the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The the discussion and strive to make Dr. Merrill graduated with a bachelor Hague. Mr. Nelson earned his B.A. from things better for America’s daughters of arts from the University of Brigham Young University, BYU, and who have served. Every veteran must in Fayetteville, a master of arts in his J.D., with honors, from BYU Law know that they have our respect and English from the University of Nevada, School, where he was inducted into the gratitude and that we will support Reno, and finally with a doctorate in Order of the Coif and served as a lead them as thanks for their sacrifice. educational leadership, also from the University of Nevada, Reno. Nevada is articles editor of the BYU Law Review. f Ryan has been widely recognized by truly blessed that Dr. Merrill has his colleagues for his judgement and TRIBUTE TO TIMOTHY J. GOODE taken her education, experience, and legal expertise and will respect and be Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, I wish passion and devoted it to our State’s a servant of the law. He understands to recognize Timothy J. Goode on the education system. Her work in the that a judge is responsible for inter- occasion of his retirement as Chief Washoe County School District was in- preting and applying the Constitution Deputy U.S. Marshal for the Southern strumental in developing a set of edu- and laws of the land as they are writ- District of West Virginia. Chief Deputy cation standards that aligned with ten and not to be a maker of laws from Goode is stepping down after a long ca- Federal standards and strengthened the bench. reer of accomplishment and service to the 21st century education our kids Congratulations, Ryan, on your con- his country and to West Virginia. need for a brighter future. She has con- firmation, and thank you for bringing Since he came to West Virginia, my tinued the fight for our kids on behalf your valuable perspective to the court. staff and I have had the pleasure of of the Washoe County School District at the Nevada Legislature where she f working with Chief Deputy Goode and his colleagues in the Southern District has been a key voice for local edu- TRIBUTE TO WOMEN VETERANS office. He has been a consistent advo- cators as the Silver State has debated Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, cate for the U.S. Marshals Service and how best to improve our school system, today, on the week we celebrated Vet- served as a valuable liaison between train our teachers, and ensure that erans Day, I wish to pay particular the Service and my office. Before he every child in Nevada has the tools, re- tribute to our Nation’s women vet- came to West Virginia, he had already sources, and support they need to suc- erans. Maryland women served our Na- accrued a number of accomplishments ceed in the classroom. I would like to thank Dr. Merrill for tion long before they were permitted to in a storied career. all she has done for our kids, our serve in the military, from Mary Chief Deputy Goode received his schools, and our teachers in the Silver Digges Lee, who collected money and bachelor’s degree from Indiana State supplies to support the Revolutionary State, especially in her commitment to University in 1983, entering the U.S. improving classroom instruction, de- Army, to Harriet Tubman who spied Marshals Service as a deputy in 1986. for the Union in the Civil War. Today veloping initiatives that ensure ac- Over the next three decades, he served countability, and fostering collabo- Maryland is home to over 50,000 women as a mentor to numerous deputies, co- veterans. Our Maryland National rative relationships among stake- ordinated and led operations that re- holders that achieve the best results Guard is led by the extraordinary Adju- sulted in the arrest of dangerous crimi- tant General Linda L. Singh and, for for our kids. nals, and served in various administra- I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- the first time this year, an all-woman tive and informational capacities, in- ognizing Dr. Dotty Merrill’s lifelong command staff. cluding two stints as Acting U.S. Mar- commitment to education and service As we honor our veterans, we must shal. Among his many approbations to the Washoe County School District, also keep the promises we made, as a was a special recognition by the Indi- the city of Reno, and the State of Ne- nation, to them. That requires under- ana General Assembly in 1990 for his vada. Thank you to Dr. Merrill for all standing and addressing the unique and role in the arrest and extradition of that you have done and for your life’s complex needs of our women veterans. General Manuel Noriega. work fighting for a quality education We know that they suffer higher rates In addition to his long record of serv- for Nevada’s children and standing up of PTSD and suicide than their civilian ice, Chief Deputy Goode serves as a for the necessary support and resources counterparts and have medical issues Sunday school teacher and holds a for the Silver State’s teachers.∑ that are too often overlooked or ig- master’s degree in Christian Ministry. f nored. Later this week, I will be meet- An outdoorsman, he is also an avid ing with some truly heroic Maryland hunter and fisher. Finally, and most TRIBUTE TO HANNAH women who have served their Nation importantly, he is a devoted husband GUILLEMETTE and continue to serve each other. I to his wife, Kyle. ∑ Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, for the look forward to their insight on the Exemplary public service should be October Granite Stater of the Month, I programs and services they use and the praised, and we all owe a debt of grati- would like to recognize an extremely ways we can expand the networks that tude to Chief Deputy Goode for his thoughtful and motivated young might deliver the support our women service. I wish him well in retirement woman who has made it her mission to veterans deserve. and in his future endeavors. It is an address bullying in our school commu- This Congress has worked on a bipar- honor to call him a friend and fellow nities, Hannah Guillemette. Hannah, a tisan basis to support our Nation’s vet- West Virginian. high school freshman from Bedford, erans, and we must continue those ef- f NH, started her anti-bullying and kind- forts. There is still much to do, from ness campaign ‘‘I’ve Got Your Back,’’ ensuring that the VA system delivers ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS also known as IGYB, when she was in the care and programming that Con- middle school just over a year ago. She gress has authorized, to assessing the began by distributing 600 IGYB wrist- TRIBUTE TO DR. DOTTY MERRILL feasibility of peer-to-peer assistance bands with a mission tag prompting for women veterans, with emphasis ∑ Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, her peers to include, be kind, and re- placed on women who suffered service- today I wish to recognize a leader who spect each other in her community, related sexual trauma or who are at has devoted more than three decades to and the effort quickly grew and has risk of becoming homeless. Nevada’s kids, its schools, and its edu- touched almost 30,000 people across We live in freedom because of those cators: Dr. Dotty Merrill. For more New Hampshire and 14 other States. brave Americans who have chosen to than 35 years, Dr. Merrill has been an Hannah was inspired to act after wit- take up the mantle of service in uni- educator, an advocate, and a leader in nessing bullying in her own school and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.028 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6961 being bullied herself for standing up for the honor of chairing, the Senate Vet- Garry began his tenure with DAV as friends. She recalled one of her middle erans’ Affairs Committee, in accom- a hospital service coordinator in 1988 at school friends, who was bullied so plishing significant reforms for vet- the Cleveland Wade Park VA Hospital. badly that he would ride his broken bi- erans. This includes overhauling VA’s That same year, he joined DAV’s pro- cycle to school in the depths of the system of providing decisions to vet- fessional staff as a national service of- New Hampshire winter rather than erans on their disability claims appeals ficer apprentice. He remained at the take the bus. Hannah helped get him a and improving VA’s ability to provide Cleveland national service office where new bicycle, but she was also inspired community care. The John S. McCain he was promoted to assistant super- to do something more to stop the bul- III, Daniel K Akaka, and Samuel R. visor in 1997 and supervisor in 2000. lying that impacted him and others in Johnson VA Maintaining Internal Sys- He served as supervisor at the Cleve- her school. tems and Strengthening Integrated land DAV National Service Office until The summer before her 8th grade Outside Networks (MISSION) Act of being appointed assistant national year, Hannah came up with the IGYB 2018, enacted in June 2018, strengthened service director at DAV’s Washington program that includes a wristband, a healthcare for veterans and expanded Headquarters in 2002. In January 2004, parent hand-out, and video that ex- VA’s Program of Comprehensive As- he was appointed deputy national serv- plains IGYB and how participating stu- sistance for Family Caregivers to in- ice director and was named national dents are pledging to stand up against clude veterans of all eras. DAV’s initia- service director in 2010. bullying and spread kindness in their tives, led by Mr. Augustine, have raised As executive director of DAV, Garry schools. Now, Hannah travels across awareness for important issues such as has helped lead an organization that New Hampshire giving talks to school caregiver support, care and benefits has always been at the forefront of ad- assemblies and recruiting ‘‘ambas- specifically related to women veterans, vocating for veterans and securing the sadors,’’ both student and adults, in and advance appropriations for VA ac- resources, healthcare, and benefits vet- school communities to help spread the counts. erans have earned. Garry has been a message of IGYB. She is currently Today, I pay tribute to Mr. Augus- fierce advocate for VA healthcare re- working with New Hampshire Governor tine for his service to our country and form, expanding caregiver benefits, se- Chris Sununu and other New Hamp- his steadfast commitment to veterans curing critical resources for veterans shire officials to implement her pro- throughout his career. Congratulations initiatives, modernizing the disability gram in all New Hampshire schools. to Mr. Augustine on his retirement and appeals system, and improving VA Hannah says that she wants to be a a career in which he has left a lasting services and resources for women vet- ∑ voice both for those who need one now legacy of advocacy for veterans. erans. ∑ and for those who needed one but are Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today I As ranking member of the Senate no longer here. She hopes that her wish to honor the service and career of Veterans’ Affairs Committee, it has IGYB movement will let students know veteran and dedicated advocate Garry been a joy to work with Garry and that people support them and have Augustine. DAV on important pieces of legislation As the executive director of the Dis- their backs. For her dedication to mak- like the Deborah Sampson Act, the abled American Veterans, DAV, since ing her community a better place and Veterans Appeals Improvement and 2010 and a 46-year life member, Garry the work she has done to prevent bul- Modernization Act, the VA Account- has helped shaped the legislative land- lying and spread kindness in New ability and Whistleblower Protection scape for disabled veterans and their Act, the Rural Veterans Transpor- Hampshire schools, I am proud to rec- families by advocating before Congress, ognize Hannah as our October Granite tation Enhancement Act, and the VA ∑ the White House, and the VA. Back Stater of the Month. home, Garry has led DAV’s efforts to MISSION Act. These bipartisan bills, several of f make sure disabled veterans can access which were signed into law, serve as a the healthcare and benefits they need TRIBUTE TO GARRY J. AUGUSTINE testament to Garry’s dedication and ∑ Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, today I and earned. A native of Cleveland, OH, Garry en- leadership on behalf of veterans. While am proud to recognize in the RECORD, listed in the U.S. Army in August 1969. future generations of veterans will be Disabled American Veterans, DAV, ex- As a member of the 198th Infantry Bri- able to look at these bipartisan re- ecutive director Garry J. Augustine, gade in South Vietnam, he served on forms as examples of Garry’s dedica- who has a long record of service to our the Batangan Peninsula. During a com- tion, they will also feel the reach of Nation’s veterans. bat patrol operation on April 9, 1970, he Garry’s mission to serve veterans in Mr. Augustine has not only dedicated was severely wounded by a land mine their communities. his life to serving veterans, he is a vet- explosion. Under his leadership, DAV continues eran himself. He served in the U.S. After 18 months and multiple sur- to be a cornerstone for communities Army, enlisting after high school grad- geries at Walter Reed Medical Army across our Nation. At the local level, uation in 1969. Mr. Augustine served as Hospital, Garry returned home to DAV helps injured and ill veterans get a member of the 198th Infantry Brigade Cleveland, where he continued physical to and from their doctor appointments, in South Vietnam, where he was seri- rehabilitation and underwent addi- transition back to civilian life through ously injured by a land mine explosion. tional surgeries at the Cleveland VA its mobile service offices, and navigate After spending 18 months at Walter hospital. In December 1972, he was the VA healthcare and benefits sys- Reed Army Medical Center recovering medically discharged from the U.S. tems. from his injuries, Mr. Augustine was Army. It is my honor to recognize Garry’s medically discharged from the U.S. Following his service, Garry went on lifetime of service as a soldier, veteran, Army in 1972. to earn a bachelor’s degree with honors and leader of DAV. As Garry begins a Mr. Augustine has been a member of from Ohio University in 1978. In 1983, he new adventure into retirement, I have DAV for 46 years, and he has worked completed a master’s degree in soci- no doubt that he will continue to serve for DAV for the past 30 years. His first ology from Cleveland State University, those in need. To Garry, on behalf of job with DAV was in 1988 as a hospital the same year he became a life member myself and a grateful nation, I extend service coordinator for the Department of DAV Chapter 42 in Mentor, OH. my greatest appreciation to you for of Ohio at the Cleveland Wade Park In Mentor, he served in various posi- your enduring bravery, service, sac- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, tions, including chapter commander rifice, and advocacy.∑ VA, Hospital. Mr. Augustine has held and adjutant, and on statewide com- f numerous positions working on behalf mittees, as well as director of service of veterans during his three decades for the DAV Department of Ohio. In TRIBUTE TO JERRY GIOVANIELLO with DAV. He has served as executive 1989, he was selected as one of the Out- ∑ Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, today I director since 2013. standing Young Men of America. am proud and honored to place in the Under Mr. Augustine’s leadership, Along the way, Garry met and mar- RECORD well-deserved recognition and DAV has been a partner with Congress, ried Kellie Lambing and raised two heartfelt congratulations to Jerry including with the committee I have children, Chelsea and Kyle. Giovaniello on his retirement from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.033 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 nearly four decades of work for the Na- At 2:05 p.m., a message from the tional Forest, and for other purposes; to the tional Association of Realtors. House of Representatives, delivered by Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Jerry Giovaniello has spent the last Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Forestry. 37 years of his career tirelessly advo- announced that the House has passed H.R. 5706. An act to establish the Pearl Harbor National Memorial in the State of cating on behalf of the Realtors and the following bills, in which it requests Hawai’i and the Honouliuli National Historic ends his illustrious career as senior the concurrence of the Senate: Site in the State of Hawai’i, and for other vice president and chief lobbyist for H.R. 2740. An act to posthumously award a purposes; to the Committee on Energy and the organization. Congressional Gold Medal to Rabbi Michoel Natural Resources. As a Realtor, I understand the impor- Ber Weissmandl in recognition of his acts of H.R. 6018. An act to establish an inter- tant work the National Association of valor during World War II. agency program to assist countries in North Realtors conducts on behalf of its H.R. 4033. An act to reauthorize the Na- and West Africa to improve immediate and tional Geologic Mapping Act of 1992. many members nationwide who provide long-term capabilities to counter terrorist H.R. 5636. An act to designate additions to threats, and for other purposes; to the Com- the needed service of helping prospec- the Flatside Wilderness on the Ouachita Na- mittee on Foreign Relations. tive homebuyers achieve the American tional Forest, and for other purposes. H.R. 6064. An act to rename the Oyster Bay dream of homeownership. H.R. 5706. An act to establish the Pearl as the Congressman Jerry’s distinguished career has re- Harbor National Memorial in the State of Lester Wolff National Wildlife Refuge; to the sulted in positive steps for more Amer- Hawai’i and the Honouliuli National Historic Committee on Environment and Public icans by helping create and advocate Site in the State of Hawai’i, and for other Works. purposes. H.R. 6146. An act to authorize, direct, expe- for policies that have kept the housing H.R. 6018. An act to establish an inter- market affordable, helped it remain a dite, and facilitate a land exchange in agency program to assist countries in North Yavapai County, Arizona, and for other pur- good investment, and kept it afloat and West Africa to improve immediate and poses; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- during hard times. long-term capabilities to counter terrorist ural Resources. Jerry has been named a top lobbyist threats, and for other purposes. f multiple times by CEO Update, The H.R. 6064. An act to rename the Oyster Bay Hill, and others, and he has at least National Wildlife Refuge as the Congressman EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Lester Wolff National Wildlife Refuge. twice been identified as among the H.R. 6146. An act to authorize, direct, expe- COMMUNICATIONS most influential in real estate. dite, and facilitate a land exchange in The following communications were I close in congratulating Jerry Yavapai County, Arizona, and for other pur- laid before the Senate, together with Giovaniello on his success, and I thank poses. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- and applaud him for his hard work, H.R. 6651. An act to extend certain authori- uments, and were referred as indicated: ties relating to United States efforts to com- which has made a difference to count- EC–7025. A communication from the Dep- less Americans, helped our job market, bat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria globally, and for other purposes. uty Assistant Secretary for Budget and Pro- and earned him a reputation of success grams, Department of Transportation, trans- that will be difficult to match in the The message also announced that the mitting, pursuant to law, the Department’s industry. House has passed the following bills, response to the Government Accountability Jerry, I wish you nothing but the with amendment, in which it requests Office’s (GAO) finding of an Antideficiency best in your retirement.∑ the concurrence of the Senate: Act (ADA) Violation; to the Committee on S. 440. An act to establish a procedure for Appropriations. f the conveyance of certain Federal property EC–7026. A communication from the Sec- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT around the Dickinson Reservoir in the State retary of Defense, transmitting the report of of North Dakota. an officer authorized to wear the insignia of Messages from the President of the S. 2074. An act to establish a procedure for the grade of admiral in accordance with title United States were communicated to the conveyance of certain Federal property 10, United States Code, section 777a, for a pe- the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his around the Jamestown Reservoir in the riod not to exceed 14 days before assuming secretaries. State of North Dakota, and for other pur- the duties of the position for which the high- poses. er grade is authorized, this will not cause the f The message also announced that the Department to exceed the number of frocked EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED House has agreed to the amendment of officers authorized; to the Committee on Armed Services. In executive session the Presiding Of- the Senate to the bill (H.R. 2615) to au- EC–7027. A communication from the Pro- ficer laid before the Senate messages thorize the exchange of certain land lo- gram Specialist, Office of the Comptroller of from the President of the United cated in Gulf Islands National Sea- the Currency, Department of the Treasury, States submitting sundry nominations shore, Jackson County, Mississippi, be- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of which were referred to the appropriate tween the National Park Service and a rule entitled ‘‘Margin and Capital Require- the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for ments for Covered Swap Entities; Final committees. Rule’’ (RIN1557–AE29) received during ad- (The messages received today are other purposes. The message also announced that the journment of the Senate in the Office of the printed at the end of the Senate pro- President of the Senate on October 17, 2018; ceedings.) House has agreed to the amendment of to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and the Senate to the bill (H.R. 3359) to Urban Affairs. f amend the Homeland Security Act of EC–7028. A communication from the Direc- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE 2002 to authorize the Cybersecurity and tor of Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Infrastructure Security Agency of the Insurance Corporation, transmitting, pursu- At 2:02 p.m., a message from the Department of Homeland Security, and ant to law, the report of a rule entitled House of Representatives, delivered by for other purposes. ‘‘Margin and Capital Requirements for Cov- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- ered Swap Entities; Final Rule’’ (RIN3064– nounced that the Speaker has signed f AE70) received during adjournment of the the following enrolled bills: MEASURES REFERRED Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on October 22, 2018; to the Committee H.R. 2615. An act to authorize the exchange The following bills were read the first of certain land located in Gulf Islands Na- on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. and the second times by unanimous EC–7029. A communication from the Cor- tional Seashore, Jackson County, Mis- consent, and referred as indicated: sissippi, between the National Park Service respondence and Regulations Specialist, Cen- and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for H.R. 2740. An act to posthumously award a ters for Medicare and Medicaid Services, De- other purposes. Congressional Gold Medal to Rabbi Michoel partment of Health and Human Services, H.R. 3359. An act to amend the Homeland Ber Weissmandl in recognition of his acts of transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Cyber- valor during World War II; to the Committee a rule entitled ‘‘Medicare Program; Changes security and Infrastructure Security Agency on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. to Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment of the Department of Homeland Security, H.R. 4033. An act to reauthorize the Na- and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment and for other purposes. tional Geologic Mapping Act of 1992; to the Systems and Quality Reporting Programs’’ Committee on Energy and Natural Re- ((RIN0938–AT30) (CMS–1695-FC)) received The enrolled bills were subsequently sources. during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- signed by the President pro tempore H.R. 5636. An act to designate additions to fice of the President of the Senate on No- (Mr. HATCH). the Flatside Wilderness on the Ouachita Na- vember 2, 2018; to the Committee on Finance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.036 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6963 EC–7030. A communication from the Regu- Whereas, The protections affirmed by the Service, and for other purposes (Rept. No. lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare Supreme Court in the landmark Roe v. Wade 115–357). and Medicaid Services, Department of case, and in subsequent cases, are now at By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee Health and Human Services, transmitting, risk, and the future of access to safe and on Energy and Natural Resources, with an pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled legal reproductive health care, including amendment in the nature of a substitute: ‘‘Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2019 abortion, is on the line; and S. 1012. A bill to provide for drought pre- Home Health Prospective Payment System Whereas, As a state, New Jersey has made paredness measures in the State of New Mex- Rate Update and CY 2020 Case-Mix Adjust- great strides in supporting women’s health ico, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 115– ment Methodology Refinements; Home care by restoring funding for family planning 358). Health Value-Based Purchasing Model; Home services, and ensuring Medicaid coverage for S. 3001. A bill to authorize the Secretary of Heath Quality Reporting Requirements; reproductive health care, including abortion; the Interior to convey certain land and fa- Home Infusion Therapy Requirements; and and cilities of the Central Valley Project (Rept. Training Requirements for Surveyors of Na- Whereas, New Jersey supports women’s No. 115–359). tional Accrediting Organizations’’ ((RIN0938– rights and women’s health by facilitating H.R. 2156. A bill to provide for the estab- AT29) (CMS–1689-FC)) received during ad- full access to all reproductive health care, lishment of a national memorial and na- journment of the Senate in the Office of the including abortion, and the State is opposed tional monument to commemorate those President of the Senate on November 2, 2018; to federal measures or initiatives that will killed by the collapse of the Saint Francis to the Committee on Finance. reduce women’s rights or endanger women’s Dam on March 12, 1928, and for other pur- EC–7031. A communication from the Im- health, in this regard, including the imposi- poses (Rept. No. 115–360). pact Analyst, Office of Regulation Policy tion of restrictions on insurance coverage for By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee and Management, Department of Veterans abortion, and the appointment of judges who on Energy and Natural Resources, without Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, the are likely to impose limits on women’s amendment: report of a rule entitled ‘‘Schedule for Rat- rights and their access to reproductive H.R. 4446. A bill to amend the Virgin Is- ing Disabilities: The Hematologic and Lym- health care; now, therefore, lands of the United States Centennial Com- phatic Systems’’ (RIN2900–AO19) received Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the mission Act to extend the expiration date of during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- State of New Jersey: the Commission, and for other purposes fice of the President of the Senate on No- 1. This House respectfully opposes efforts (Rept. No. 115–361). vember 2, 2018; to the Committee on Vet- by the federal government to restrict or H.R. 6040. A bill to authorize the Secretary erans’ Affairs. limit a woman’s right and ability to access of the Interior to convey certain land and fa- the full range of reproductive services, in- f cilities of the Central Valley Project (Rept. cluding abortion. No. 115–362). PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS 2. This House respectfully opposes any By Mr. HOEVEN, from the Committee on The following petitions and memo- nominee to the United States Supreme Court Indian Affairs, without amendment: who is not committed to upholding a wom- rials were laid before the Senate and H.R. 5317. A bill to repeal section 2141 of an’s right to reproductive health care, in- the Revised Statutes to remove the prohibi- were referred or ordered to lie on the cluding equitable access to abortion. tion on certain alcohol manufacturing on In- table as indicated: 3. This House respectfully calls upon the dian lands (Rept. No. 115–363). POM–304. A resolution adopted by the Gen- Congress and President of the United States By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee eral Assembly of the State of New Jersey to reject or revoke the nomination of Judge on Energy and Natural Resources, with an urging the United States Congress and the Brett Kavanaugh and any other Supreme amendment in the nature of a substitute and President of the United States to take cer- Court nominee who would move to limit the an amendment to the title: tain actions to ensure that a woman can rights of women to access the full panoply of S. 884. A bill to amend the Omnibus Budget freely make reproductive health decisions reproductive services, including abortion. Reconciliation Act of 1993 to require the Bu- and access reproductive health care, includ- 4. This House further urges the Congress reau of Land Management to provide a ing abortion; to the Committee on Health, and President of the United States to remove claimant of a small miner waiver from claim Education, Labor, and Pensions. any existing restrictions on access to abor- maintenance fees with a period of 60 days tion, including restrictions on insurance cov- ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION NO. 181 after written receipt of 1 or more defects is erage for women who are enrolled in public provided to the claimant by registered mail Whereas, Reproductive health is a critical insurance programs. to cure the 1 or more defects or pay the component of a woman’s overall health, and 5. Copies of this resolution, as filed with claim maintenance fee, and for other pur- a woman’s freedom to make reproductive de- the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted poses (Rept. No. 115–364). cisions is vital to her safety, well-being, eco- by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the By Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee nomic opportunity, and ability to partici- President and Vice President of the United on Energy and Natural Resources, with pate equally in society; and States, the Majority and Minority Leaders of amendments: Whereas, Abortion is a part of women’s the , the Speaker and H.R. 2630. A bill to authorize the Secretary health care; and Minority Leader of the United States House of the Interior to convey certain land to La Whereas, In 1973, the Supreme Court of the of Representatives, and every member of Paz County, Arizona, and for other purposes United States determined, in the landmark Congress elected from this State. (Rept. No. 115–365). case of Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), that f a woman’s decision to have an abortion is POM–305. A resolution adopted by the protected by the U.S. Constitution; and Mayor and City Council of Citronelle, Ala- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Whereas, In 1992, and again in 2016, the U.S. bama memorializing their support for con- COMMITTEE Supreme Court upheld the right of women to tinued and increased exploration and produc- access an abortion without undue burden; tion of the Gulf of Mexico, and urging the The following executive reports of and United States Congress to keep its commit- nominations were submitted: Whereas, More than 70 percent of Ameri- ment under the Gulf of Mexico Energy Secu- By Mr. JOHNSON for the Committee on cans, including a majority of individuals rity Act to share Outer Continental Shelf Homeland Security and Governmental Af- from all major political parties, support ac- (OCS) revenues with Gulf producing states fairs. cess to abortion; and and their coastal political subdivisions; to * Michael Kubayanda, of Ohio, to be a Com- Whereas, When it comes to the most im- the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- missioner of the Postal Regulatory Commis- portant personal decisions in life, such as sources. sion for a term expiring November 22, 2020. whether and when to become a parent, it is f * Steven Dillingham, of Virginia, to be Di- vital that a woman be able to make that de- rector of the Census for a term expiring De- cision for herself, based on what is best for REPORTS OF COMMITTEES cember 31, 2021. her and her family, and it is further essential that the woman be provided with equal ac- The following reports of committees * Nomination was reported with rec- cess to abortion and other reproductive were submitted: ommendation that it be confirmed sub- health care, regardless of where she lives, By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on ject to the nominee’s commitment to how much money she makes, or her insur- Commerce, Science, and Transportation, respond to requests to appear and tes- ance or immigration status; and with an amendment in the nature of a sub- tify before any duly constituted com- Whereas, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who has stitute: mittee of the Senate. recently been nominated for a post on the S. 2861. A bill to prosecute, as a Federal U.S. Supreme Court, has a history of ruling crime, the assault or intimidation of a pas- f to impose and uphold limits on a woman’s senger train crew member to the same ex- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND ability to access safe and legal abortion, and tent as such actions against aircraft crew JOINT RESOLUTIONS his potential appointment to the Supreme members are prosecuted (Rept. No. 115–356). Court therefore poses a serious threat to S. 2941. A bill to improve the Cooperative The following bills and joint resolu- women’s reproductive rights; and Observer Program of the National Weather tions were introduced, read the first

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.009 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 and second times by unanimous con- BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. S. 796 sent, and referred as indicated: SANDERS, and Mr. MARKEY): At the request of Mr. WARNER, the S. 3624. A bill to reduce the ability of U.S. By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. name of the Senator from North Da- Immigration and Customs Enforcement to BLUMENTHAL, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- engage in inappropriate civil immigration BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. CORTEZ sponsor of S. 796, a bill to amend the enforcement actions that harm unaccom- MASTO, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. HARRIS, panied alien children and to ensure the safe- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend Ms. HASSAN, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. MAR- ty and welfare of unaccompanied alien chil- the exclusion for employer-provided KEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. REED, Mr. dren; to the Committee on the Judiciary. education assistance to employer pay- SANDERS, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. WARREN, By Mr. HATCH: ments of student loans. Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WYDEN, and Ms. S. 3625. A bill to support security and law SMITH): S. 835 enforcement training and cooperation be- S. 3615. A bill to prohibit forced arbitration At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the tween the United States and Israel; to the in employment disputes, and for other pur- name of the Senator from California Committee on Foreign Relations. poses; to the Committee on Health, Edu- By Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mrs. (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor cation, Labor, and Pensions. MURRAY, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN): of S. 835, a bill to require the Supreme By Mr. PAUL (for himself and Mrs. S. 3626. A bill to prohibit and prevent se- Court of the United States to promul- GILLIBRAND): S. 3616. A bill to prohibit the use of re- clusion and to prevent and reduce the use of gate a code of ethics. straints and restrictive housing on inmates physical restraint in schools, and for other S. 1089 during the period of pregnancy, labor and purposes; to the Committee on Health, Edu- At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the postpartum recovery, to collect data on in- cation, Labor, and Pensions. name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. carcerated pregnant women in the United By Mr. BOOKER: S. 3627. A bill to amend title 38, United YOUNG) was added as a cosponsor of S. States and the results of such pregnancies, 1089, a bill to require the Secretary of to address the health needs of incarcerated States Code, to provide additional entitle- ment to Post-9/11 Educational Assistance to Energy to review and update a report women related to pregnancy and childbirth, on the energy and environmental bene- and for other purposes; to the Committee on certain veterans and members of the Armed the Judiciary. Forces who require extra time to complete fits of the re-refining of used lubri- remedial and deficiency courses, and for By Mr. LEE (for himself and Mr. MAR- cating oil. other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- KEY): S. 1278 erans’ Affairs. S. 3617. A bill to require the National Tele- At the request of Mr. CARPER, the communications and Information Adminis- f name of the Senator from Minnesota tration to determine the value of electro- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- magnetic spectrum assigned or otherwise al- sponsor of S. 1278, a bill to provide for located to Federal entities; to the Com- SENATE RESOLUTIONS mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- the admission of the State of Wash- The following concurrent resolutions ington, D.C. into the Union. tation. and Senate resolutions were read, and By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Mr. S. 1303 referred (or acted upon), as indicated: BENNET): At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, S. 3618. A bill to authorize the Secretary of By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. MAR- the names of the Senator from Con- KEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Energy to carry out a program to lease necticut (Mr. MURPHY) and the Senator underused facilities of the Strategic Petro- Ms. HASSAN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. from California (Ms. HARRIS) were leum Reserve, and for other purposes; to the BLUMENTHAL, Mr. KING, Mr. SANDERS, Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Mr. LEAHY, Mr. REED, and Ms. COL- added as cosponsors of S. 1303, a bill to sources. LINS): prohibit discrimination in adoption or By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Mr. S. Res. 687. A resolution congratulating the foster care placements based on the JONES): Red Sox on winning the 2018 World , gender identity, or S. 3619. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Series; to the Committee on Commerce, marital status of any prospective adop- Social Security Act to restructure the pay- Science, and Transportation. tive or foster parent, or the sexual ori- ment adjustment for non-emergency ESRD f entation or gender identity of the child ambulance transports under the Medicare involved. program; to the Committee on Finance. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself and Mr. S. 1437 S. 352 MORAN): At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, S. 3620. A bill to require the Secretary of At the request of Mr. CORKER, the the name of the Senator from Cali- Defense to develop and implement a plan to name of the Senator from Washington fornia (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a co- provide chiropractic health care services for (Ms. CANTWELL) was added as a cospon- sponsor of S. 1437, a bill to modernize certain covered beneficiaries as part of the sor of S. 352, a bill to award a Congres- voter registration, promote access to TRICARE program; to the Committee on sional Gold Medal to Master Sergeant voting for individuals with disabilities, Armed Services. Rodrick ‘‘Roddie’’ Edmonds in recogni- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Ms. protect the ability of individuals to ex- tion of his heroic actions during World CANTWELL): ercise the right to vote in elections for S. 3621. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- War II. Federal office, and for other purposes. enue Code of 1986 to provide for a permanent S. 548 S. 1503 extension of the lower threshold for the med- At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the At the request of Ms. WARREN, the ical expense deduction; to the Committee on names of the Senator from West Vir- name of the Senator from North Caro- Finance. ginia (Mrs. CAPITO), the Senator from lina (Mr. TILLIS) was added as a co- By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. MENEN- Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO), the Sen- DEZ, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. KING, Mr. sponsor of S. 1503, a bill to require the COTTON, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. GRASS- ator from California (Ms. HARRIS) and Secretary of the Treasury to mint LEY, Mr. BROWN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. the Senator from Alabama (Mr. JONES) coins in recognition of the 60th anni- MERKLEY, Mr. DAINES, Mr. MARKEY, were added as cosponsors of S. 548, a versary of the Naismith Memorial Bas- Mr. TOOMEY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and bill to amend the Internal Revenue ketball Hall of Fame. Ms. WARREN): Code of 1986 to reform the low-income S. 1682 S. 3622. A bill to condemn gross human housing credit, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary S. 569 name of the Senator from Montana detention, torture, and harassment of these At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor communities inside and outside China; to the name of the Senator from New York of S. 1682, a bill to facilitate a national Committee on Foreign Relations. (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- pipeline of spectrum for commercial By Mr. KAINE: sor of S. 569, a bill to amend title 54, use, and for other purposes. S. 3623. A bill to prohibit the use of funds United States Code, to provide con- S. 1706 appropriated for the Department of Defense sistent and reliable authority for, and At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, her for aerial refueling of aircraft of the King- dom of Saudi Arabia; to the Committee on for the funding of, the Land and Water name was withdrawn as a cosponsor of Armed Services. Conservation Fund to maximize the ef- S. 1706, a bill to prevent human health By Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Mr. fectiveness of the Fund for future gen- threats posed by the consumption of WYDEN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. erations, and for other purposes. equines raised in the United States.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.015 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6965 S. 1879 (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the of S. 3020, a bill to establish in the Bu- sponsor of S. 3290, a bill to require the name of the Senator from Wisconsin reau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Secretary of the Treasury to mint (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- Labor of the Department of State a coins in commemoration of the centen- sor of S. 1879, a bill to amend title Special Envoy for the Human Rights of nial of the establishment of the Tomb XVIII of the Social Security Act to LGBTI Peoples, and for other purposes. of the Unknown Soldier. provide for the coverage of marriage S. 3063 S. 3428 and family therapist services and men- At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the tal health counselor services under names of the Senator from South Da- name of the Senator from Connecticut part B of the Medicare program, and kota (Mr. ROUNDS) and the Senator (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- for other purposes. from Colorado (Mr. GARDNER) were sponsor of S. 3428, a bill to amend the S. 1906 added as cosponsors of S. 3063, a bill to Controlled Substances Act to require At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the delay the reimposition of the annual warning labels for prescription opioids, name of the Senator from North Da- fee on health insurance providers until and for other purposes. kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- after 2020. S. 3505 sponsor of S. 1906, a bill to post- S. 3162 At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the humously award the Congressional At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the Gold Medal to each of Glen Doherty, names of the Senator from Maryland name of the Senator from Vermont (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from Mary- Tyrone Woods, J. Christopher Stevens, (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- and Sean Smith in recognition of their land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) and the Senator sor of S. 3162, a bill to provide over- from Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH) were contributions to the Nation. sight of the border zone in which Fed- S. 1942 added as cosponsors of S. 3505, a bill to eral agents may conduct vehicle check- provide for partnerships among State At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the points and stops and enter private land names of the Senator from New Mexico and local governments, regional enti- without a warrant, and to make tech- ties, and the private sector to preserve, (Mr. UDALL) and the Senator from Ha- nical corrections. waii (Mr. SCHATZ) were added as co- conserve, and enhance the visitor expe- S. 3172 sponsors of S. 1942, a bill to direct the rience at nationally significant battle- At the request of Mr. WARNER, the Attorney General to review, revise, and fields of the American Revolution, War name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. develop law enforcement and justice of 1812, and Civil War, and for other MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of protocols appropriate to address miss- purposes. S. 3172, a bill to amend title 54, United ing and murdered Indians, and for S. 3521 States Code, to establish, fund, and other purposes. At the request of Mr. CASEY, the provide for the use of amounts in a Na- name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. S. 1989 tional Park Service Legacy Restora- At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the GRASSLEY) was added as a cosponsor of tion Fund to address the maintenance name of the Senator from California S. 3521, a bill to amend the Public backlog of the National Park Service, (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor Health Service Act to improve the and for other purposes. of S. 1989, a bill to enhance trans- health of children and help better un- parency and accountability for online S. 3181 derstand and enhance awareness about political advertisements by requiring At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the unexpected sudden death in early life. names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. those who purchase and publish such S. 3530 COLLINS) and the Senator from Penn- ads to disclose information about the At the request of Mr. REED, the name sylvania (Mr. CASEY) were added as co- advertisements to the public, and for of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. other purposes. sponsors of S. 3181, a bill to direct the Secretary of Defense to include in peri- DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor S. 2131 odic health assessments, separation of S. 3530, a bill to reauthorize the Mu- At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the seum and Library Services Act. name of the Senator from Vermont history and physical examinations, and other assessments an evaluation of S.J. RES. 54 (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. SANDERS, the sor of S. 2131, a bill to amend title 38, whether a member of the Armed Forces names of the Senator from Virginia United States Code, to authorize the has been exposed to open burn pits or (Mr. KAINE) and the Senator from Cali- Secretary of Veterans Affairs to fur- toxic airborne chemicals, and for other fornia (Ms. HARRIS) were added as co- nish medically necessary transpor- purposes. sponsors of S.J. Res. 54, a joint resolu- tation for newborn children of certain S. 3231 tion to direct the removal of United women veterans, and for other pur- At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the States Armed Forces from hostilities poses. name of the Senator from Minnesota in the Republic of Yemen that have not S. 2416 (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- been authorized by Congress. At the request of Mr. WICKER, the sponsor of S. 3231, a bill to establish name of the Senator from Vermont the Task Force on the Impact of the S. CON. RES. 7 (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- Affordable Housing Crisis, and for At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the sor of S. 2416, a bill to amend titles 5, other purposes. names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. 10, and 37, United States Code, to en- S. 3241 MERKLEY) and the Senator from Kansas sure that an order to serve on active At the request of Ms. WARREN, the (Mr. MORAN) were added as cosponsors duty under section 12304b of title 10, name of the Senator from North Da- of S. Con. Res. 7, a concurrent resolu- United States Code, is treated the same kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- tion expressing the sense of Congress as other orders to serve on active duty sponsor of S. 3241, a bill to amend the that tax-exempt fraternal benefit soci- for determining the eligibility of mem- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to eties have historically provided and bers of the uniformed services for cer- provide for the termination by a spouse continue to provide critical benefits to tain benefits. of a lessee of certain leases when the the people and communities of the S. 2605 lessee dies while in military service. United States. At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the S. 3279 S. RES. 633 name of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- the name of the Senator from New the names of the Senator from Mary- sor of S. 2605, a bill to prohibit public York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a land (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from companies from repurchasing their cosponsor of S. 3279, a bill to prohibit Washington (Ms. CANTWELL), the Sen- shares on the open market, and for deceptive practices in Federal elec- ator from Florida (Mr. NELSON) and the other purposes. tions. Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- S. 3020 S. 3290 BUCHAR) were added as cosponsors of S. At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the At the request of Mr. COTTON, the Res. 633, a resolution expressing the name of the Senator from Minnesota name of the Senator from North Da- sense of the Senate that Congress

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.019 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S6966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2018 should take all appropriate measures try, and as we endeavor to moderate title in the treasured and beloved Red Sox to ensure that the United States Postal rising health costs, we should also team’s 118-year history. Service remains an independent estab- make every effort to ensure that we Whereas the Red Sox won the team’s ninth lishment of the Federal Government lower their tax burden as well. title on the 100-year anniver- sary of its fifth championship in 1918; and is not subject to privatization. Some erroneously believe that this Whereas the City of Boston convincingly AMENDMENT NO. 4054 deduction only benefits the wealthy, cements its legacy as ‘‘Titletown, USA’’ At the request of Mr. THUNE, the when in fact, lower and middle-income after winning its eleventh major professional name of the Senator from Mississippi Americans felt the impact of the in- sports championship since the turn of the (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor crease. According to AARP, nearly 70 century; of amendment No. 4054 proposed to S. percent of taxpayers taking the deduc- Whereas the Red Sox are 16-3 in World Se- 140, a bill to amend the White Moun- tion in 2014 reported income of $75,000 ries games in the new millennium; or less, and nearly half reported in- Whereas the Red Sox were excellent on the tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quan- road this postseason, winning 7 of 8 games tification Act of 2010 to clarify the use comes of $50,000 or less. In my home away from and clinching the of amounts in the WMAT Settlement state of Maine, according to AARP, World Series title on the road for the fourth Fund. 35,764 Maine residents claimed this de- time in franchise history; f duction in 2014, while 18,788 of these in- Whereas the Red Sox players and staff dividuals reported an income of $50,000 showed the utmost skill, heart, and grit STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED or less. through the entire regular season and BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS This is why during tax reform last postseason, winning the By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and year, I introduced an amendment that Division Series, the American League Cham- pionship Series, and the World Series; Ms. CANTWELL): rolled back the income threshold to 7.5 Whereas the 2018 stake a S. 3621. A bill to amend the Internal percent for all taxpayers to deduct claim as one of the greatest teams in base- Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for a their medical expenses for 2017 and ball history, finishing the regular season permanent extension of the lower 2018. My amendment expanded upon with 108 wins, and bringing the team’s season threshold for the medical expense de- the efforts of Senators total to 119 wins with an 11-3 postseason duction; to the Committee on Finance. and SHERROD BROWN, who had worked record; Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, for to prevent this increase from going Whereas the Red Sox dominated the de- Americans struggling with high health into effect for individuals over 65. fending World Champion and care expenses, the tax deduction for two of baseball’s signature franchises—in- The AARP and 44 other consumer cluding their bitter rival New York Yan- certain medical expenses continues to groups strongly endorsed the effort, kees—by an aggregate score of 84-51 in the be of significant assistance for many stating: ‘‘. . . it provides important tax postseason on their way to winning the taxpayers. But unless it is extended, relief which helps offset the costs of world title; the income threshold for this vital de- acute and chronic medical conditions Whereas the Red Sox became the first 100- duction will increase at the end of this for older Americans, children, pregnant win team in history year. women, disabled individuals, and other to defeat two other 100-win teams en route to That is why I rise to introduce with winning the World Series; adults as well as the costs associated Whereas the Red Sox became the first my colleague, Senator CANTWELL, a bill with long term care and assisted liv- that would provide for a permanent ex- team ever to defeat both of the previous ing.’’ year’s World Series teams in the same tension of the medical expense deduc- While I am proud my amendment was postseason; tion for unreimbursed health care costs included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Whereas Red Sox manager be- that exceed 7.5 percent of a taxpayer’s it is set to expire at the end of the cal- came the fifth manager in Major League income. endar year. I urge my colleagues to Baseball history to lead his team to the World Series title in his first season as a For those who suffer from pre-exist- join Senator CANTWELL and me in sup- ing medical conditions, have chronic manager, and the first Puerto Rican man- porting this legislation as we take one ager to reach and to win the World Series; medical conditions, experience unex- more step toward addressing the im- pected illnesses or injuries, or find that Whereas, while negotiating his contract pact of health care costs. with the Red Sox in October 2017, Alex Cora long-term care services are a necessity Thank you, Mr. President. requested that the team fly a plane full of but are not covered by insurance, f supplies to Puerto Rico to assist with recov- health care expenses can quickly be- ery from Hurricane Maria, and in January come an unbearable burden. Too many SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS 2018 the Red Sox chartered a JetBlue flight Americans are forced to choose be- for Cora, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Red tween purchasing medical services and Sox players , , and SENATE RESOLUTION 687—CON- making other equally necessary ex- Christian Va´ zquez, and other Red Sox per- penditures. GRATULATING THE BOSTON RED sonnel to distribute supplies to hundreds of The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in- SOX ON WINNING THE 2018 families in Alex Cora’s hometown of Caguas, WORLD SERIES Puerto Rico; creased the income threshold for tax- Whereas the 2018 World Series, with the payers to deduct their medical ex- Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. MAR- Boston Red Sox managed by Alex Cora and penses from 7.5 percent to 10 percent. KEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. SHAHEEN, the Dodgers managed by Dave For individuals under 65, the increase Ms. HASSAN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. Roberts, marks the first time two minority went into effect in 2013. Those over 65 BLUMENTHAL, Mr. KING, Mr. SANDERS, managers have led the two World Series would have been exposed to this higher Mr. LEAHY, Mr. REED, and Ms. COLLINS) teams; threshold for the first time in 2017. submitted the following resolution; Whereas Alex Cora and Dave Roberts both When the ACA increase was phased which was referred to the Committee played on World Series-winning Red Sox in, individuals under 65 struggling with on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- teams, in 2007 and 2004, respectively; serious health conditions saw their fi- Whereas , who hit three home tation: runs and drove in seven runs in the final two nancial health worsen. For example, a S. RES. 687 games of the series, and who grew up as a 2016 study estimates that parents, in- Whereas, on October 28, 2018, the Boston Red Sox fan even though he was raised in cluding many with limited means, al- Red Sox won the 2018 World Series by defeat- Florida, was recognized as Most Valuable ready provide nearly $36 billion annu- ing the ; Player of the 2018 World Series; ally in uncompensated medical care at Whereas the Los Angeles Dodgers dem- Whereas Red Sox ace Chris Sale, who won home to children who have special onstrated sportsmanship, skill, and persever- 12 games with just a 2.11 health care needs, such as muscular ance; in a spectacular regular season, made five dystrophy and cystic fibrosis. A 2016 Whereas the Los Angeles Dodgers are rec- postseason appearances, including Game 5 of survey of cancer survivors showed that ognized for their outstanding effort and suc- the World Series, when he struck out the cess throughout the 2018 baseball season, side in the ninth to clinch the title; one-third go into debt and of those posting a record of 92-71 and winning their Whereas pitcher ‘‘holds all the more than half incurred more than second pennant in as many cards now,’’ winning his last three playoff $10,000 in expenses. years; starts, including the series-clinchers in the Medical debt is a serious challenge Whereas Boston’s victory marks its fourth American League Championship Series and facing millions of families in our coun- World Series title in 15 years and its ninth the World Series, both on short rest;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.020 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6967

Whereas outfielder , who on delivery of the 2018 World Series title: Now, COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS the field produced another season worthy of therefore, be it The Committee on Indian Affairs is the Most Valuable Player award, also set Resolved, That the Senate— authorized to meet during the session high standards off the field through his con- (1) congratulates— duct and efforts to feed the homeless in the (A) the Boston Red Sox for once again of the Senate on Wednesday, November City of Boston; bringing the World Series title back to Bos- 14, 2018, at 3 p.m., to conduct a legisla- Whereas J.D. Martinez ton, and the players, manager, coaches, sup- tive hearing. proved the bright lights and biggest stage port staff, and owners whose dedication, SUBCOMMITTEE ON CYBERSECURITY were the perfect setting for his talents and commitment, and spirit made this season a The Subcommittee on Cybersecurity character, consistently producing as one of historic success; and of the Committee on Armed Services is the best hitters in baseball; (B) the Los Angeles Dodgers for their ac- Whereas second baseman made complishments and dedication during the authorized to meet during the session history in Game 3 of the American League 2018 season and in winning the National of the Senate on Wednesday, November Championship Series by becoming the first League Championship; and 14, 2018, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hear- player ever to hit for the cycle in the (2) directs the Secretary of the Senate to ing. postseason; transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution Whereas the Red Sox outfield of Jackie to— f Bradley Jr., Mookie Betts, and Andrew (A) Red Sox manager Alex Cora; Benintendi played with remarkable skill and (B) Red Sox principal owner John Henry; APPOINTMENTS exuberance during the 2018 season and pro- and vided stellar defense, including multiple (C) Red Sox chairman . The PRESIDING OFFICER. The highlight-reel plays during the postseason; f Chair, pursuant to Public Law 115–232, Whereas pitcher compiled on behalf of the Majority Leader of the six incredible in relief during the AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND Senate and the Chairman of the Select longest game in World Series history, pre- PROPOSED Committee on Intelligence, appoints serving the Red Sox pitching staff for the final two wins and receiving a standing ova- SA 4060. Mr. CORKER submitted an amend- the following individual as a member tion from his teammates during manager ment intended to be proposed by him to the of the National Security Commission Alex Cora’s late-night post-game speech; bill H.R. 600, to promote Internet access in on Artificial Intelligence: Jason Whereas the Red Sox bullpen exceeded ex- developing countries and update foreign pol- Matheny, of the District of Columbia. pectations in the 2018 postseason, thanks in icy toward the Internet, and for other pur- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The poses; which was ordered to lie on the table. part to the emergence of as an Chair announces, on behalf of the Ma- effective set-up man after pitching in Japan f jority Leader, pursuant to the provi- last season, the continued success of despite a hip injury near the end of TEXT OF AMENDMENTS sions of Public Law 106–398, as amended the regular season, and the strategic use of SA 4060. Mr. CORKER submitted an by Public Law 108–7, and in consulta- starters Nathan Eovaldi, Rick Porcello, amendment intended to be proposed by tion with the Chairmen of the Senate David Price, Eduardo Rodrı´guez, and Chris him to the bill H.R. 600, to promote Committee on Armed Services and the Sale pitching in relief; Internet access in developing countries Senate Committee on Finance, the re- Whereas reliever struck out 10 of and update foreign policy toward the appointment of the following indi- 22 batters over six World Series innings of re- vidual to serve as a member of the lief in high-pressure situations; Internet, and for other purposes; which Whereas was one of the best was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- United States–China Economic and Se- closers in baseball in 2018, amassing 42 saves lows: curity Review Commission: Robin and an earned run average of 2.74, and At the end, add the following: Cleveland, of Virginia for a term expir- showed grit and determination as he battled ing December 31, 2020. SEC. 5. COST LIMITATION. through nine postseason appearances, im- No additional funds are authorized to be proving at each successive stage of the play- appropriated to carry out the provisions of f offs; this Act. Whereas the Red Sox organization and ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, f players supported Craig Kimbrel as he NOVEMBER 15, 2018 missed spring training caring for his infant AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO daughter as she underwent and recovered MEET Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask from heart surgery; unanimous consent that when the Sen- Whereas the 2018 Boston Red Sox were Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I have 4 ate completes its business today, it ad- largely made up of homegrown talent and requests for committees to meet during journ until 10 a.m., Thursday, Novem- were the most homegrown Boston champion- today’s session of the Senate. They ber 15; further, that following the pray- ship club this century; have the approval of the Majority and Whereas the Boston Red Sox were led to er and pledge, the morning hour be the World Series by the determination of Minority leaders. deemed expired, the Journal of pro- every Red Sox player this season, including Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph ceedings be approved to date, and the Matt Barnes, , Mookie 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- time for the two leaders be reserved for Betts, , Jackie Bradley Jr., ate, the following committees are au- their use later in the day; further, that Ryan Brasier, , Nathan thorized to meet during today’s session following leader remarks, and notwith- Eovaldi, , Brock Holt, Joe of the Senate: standing the provisions of rule XXII, Kelly, Craig Kimbrel, , Sandy COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Leo´ n, J.D. Martinez, , the Senate be in a period of morning Eduardo Nu´ n˜ ez, Steve Pearce, Drew The Committee on Foreign Relations business with Senators permitted to Pomeranz, Rick Porcello, David Price, is authorized to meet during the ses- speak therein for up 10 minutes each Eduardo Rodrı´guez, Chris Sale, Blake sion of the Senate on Wednesday, No- until 11 a.m.; further, that following Swihart, and Christian Va´ zquez; vember 14, 2018, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct morning business, Senator PAUL be rec- Whereas Red Sox owners John Henry and a hearing on the following nomina- ognized under the order of November 13 Tom Werner deserve credit for building on tions: Patricia Mahoney, of Virginia, in relation to S.J. Res. 65; further, that the success of the 2004, 2007, and 2013 World to be Ambassador to the Republic of the time in relation to the motion to Championship teams, and Red Sox president Benin, Richard Carlton Paschall III, of and chief executive officer Sam Kennedy and discharge be equally divided between president of baseball operations Dave North Carolina, to be Ambassador to proponents and opponents until 12:15 Dombrowski deserve credit for their roles in the Republic of The Gambia, and Susan p.m. and the Senate vote in relation to continuing the team’s remarkable string of N. Stevenson, of Washington, to be the motion at that time; finally, that success; Ambassador to the Republic of Equa- following the disposition of the motion, Whereas the Boston Red Sox have been torial Guinea, all of the Department of the Senate proceed to executive session serving charities throughout New England, State. and resume consideration of the Bow- including the ‘‘Jimmy Fund’’ of the Dana- COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS man nomination, with all postcloture Farber Cancer Institute for 65 years and join- ing the fight against cancer; and The Committee on Indian Affairs is time on the nomination expiring at 1:45 Whereas the Fenway Faithful and Red Sox authorized to meet during the session p.m. Nation thank all members of the Red Sox or- of the Senate on Wednesday, November The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ganization for their loyalty to the city and 14, 2018, at 3 p.m., to conduct a hearing. objection, it is so ordered.


VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G14NO6.029 S14NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1519 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IN RECOGNITION OF MICHAEL B. votion to his family, I ask all my colleagues to After earning a graduate degree in history TRISTER join me in honoring Mike’s dedication to ad- from New York University, Mr. Giovaniello ful- vancing civil rights and progressive causes, filled an ROTC commitment to the U.S. Army, HON. DORIS O. MATSUI which began during an era that sorely needed serving as an officer in Vietnam and Wash- OF CALIFORNIA courageous voices. ington, D.C. from 1968 through 1970. After his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f military service, Mr. Giovaniello worked as a policy analyst and writer for National Journal, Wednesday, November 14, 2018 HONORING BRYAN FISCHER a weekly magazine covering the federal gov- Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ernment and public policy issues. Later, Mr. recognize the life of civil rights attorney Mi- HON. LUKE MESSER Giovaniello began working on Capitol Hill chael B. Trister, who passed away on October OF INDIANA where he served as chief of staff for two mem- 20, 2018. As family, friends and colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers of Congress from California—Rep. Jerry mourn the loss of a loving family man, a stew- Pettis, R–Calif., 1972 to 1976, and Rep. Jim ard of justice, and a voice for the underrep- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Lloyd, D–Calif., 1976 to 1981. resented, I ask my fellow members of Con- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on From 2001 until his retirement this year, Mr. gress to join me in honoring Mike for his un- behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District Giovaniello served as the senior vice president wavering commitment to defending civil rights of Indiana, to recognize Bryan Fischer for his of government affairs and chief lobbyist of the and his rich legacy as a lawyer, advocate, contribution to our state. National Association of REALTORS, the na- teacher, husband, father and grandfather. As a member of the 6th District Agriculture tion’s largest professional association, rep- Mike’s legal career was marked by profound Advisory Committee, Bryan regularly met with resenting more than one million members in- dedication to serving those in need. His first my team to discuss emerging agriculture volved in all aspects of the residential and job out of law school was teaching and devel- issues that are impacting Indiana’s farmers. commercial real estate industries. Mr. oping a legal services program at the Univer- Bryan is an important business and civic lead- Giovaniello managed the association’s govern- sity of Mississippi School of Law in the 1960’s. er in Shelby County and our state is better off ment affairs staff of approximately 40 people There, his work serving the poor and today because of his extraordinary leadership in Washington, D.C. He also served as NAR’s marginalized drew the ire of the state’s polit- and service. advocate for members of Congress from Cali- ical hierarchy. When the University terminated On a personal note, Jennifer and I cherish fornia, Washington, Nevada, Hawaii and Or- its relationship with the program and told Mike our friendship with Bryan and his wife, Ce- egon. he could not both continue to teach and work leste. Not only does Celeste make the best Jerry and I have worked closely together on in the program, he sued in federal court—in cookies in Shelby County, but she and Bryan a number of issues. Perhaps the most con- Trister v. University of Mississippi—and won are both passionate leaders who care about sequential was our successful effort to stop the right to do so. providing opportunity for the next generation large national banks from entering the real es- Upon his reinstatement, and as part of his that grows up in Shelby County. tate business. Had the banks prevailed, it groundbreaking legal practice as the first Ex- Both Bryan and Celeste were among my would have left home buyers and sellers with ecutive Director of North Mississippi Rural earliest and most vocal supporters. They are fewer choices and higher loan fees. More cru- Legal Services (NMRLS), he focused on ad- loyal friends and wise advisers. I want to cially, it would have made the economic crisis vancing the civil and economic rights of Afri- thank the Fishers for their friendship and sup- of 2008 even more severe. We all owe Jerry can Americans—in the process, contributing port of my work in Congress. I wish them con- a debt of gratitude for taking on that fight and greatly to the transformation of poverty law tinued success in all that God has planned for winning it. practice in the state. In addition to overseeing their family. Mr. Giovaniello has contributed immensely to the betterment of our nation and I am proud school desegregation cases, Mike represented f NMRLS lawyers targeted by local law enforce- to call him a fellow American and my friend. ment and defended African American student PERSONAL EXPLANATION He played a major role advancing policies that protesters at the University who were facing helped Americans realize their dream of own- both criminal prosecution and calls for expul- HON. ADAM KINZINGER ing a home. To conclude, Mr. Speaker I want to thank Mr. Giovaniello for his service to the sion. OF ILLINOIS residential and commercial real estate indus- In 1970, Mike moved to Washington, D.C., IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to work at the Children’s Defense Fund, even- tries—his dedication, insight and passion will tually serving as Vice President and General Wednesday, November 14, 2018 be greatly missed. Counsel. He later co-founded the firm cur- Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I was un- f rently known as Trister, Ross, Schadler & avoidably detained yesterday, November 13, CONGRATULATING MRS. JENNIFER Gold, PLLC. Over thirty years, he worked with 2018. Had I been present, I would have voted HOMENDY ON HER CONFIRMA- a multitude of clients, providing counsel to pro- YEA on Roll Call No. 416; and YEA on Roll TION AND SWEARING-IN TO THE gressive labor, advocacy, charitable, and polit- Call No. 417. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ical organizations. Mike’s practice, at its core, f SAFETY BOARD focused on supporting social, economic, and political movements. Beyond his law practice, TRIBUTE TO JERRY GIOVANIELLO HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI he also sought to improve the legal profession OF ILLINOIS through teaching and community engagement. HON. KEN CALVERT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Among other things, Mike served as the Chair OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, November 14, 2018 of the DC Bar Legal Ethics Committee and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DC Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Review Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Committee. He has been honored for his life- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 congratulate Mrs. Jennifer Homendy on her time of advocacy, and for his many contribu- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to confirmation and swearing-in as a Member of tions to the profession. honor and pay tribute to an individual whose the National Transportation Safety Board. Mrs. Mr. Speaker, as Mike’s wife Nancy Duff dedication and contributions to our country Homendy was confirmed unanimously by the Campbell, son Noah Trister, daughter Karen have been exceptional. After working for many Senate on July 24, 2018 and sworn in on Au- Trister Grace, son-in-law Peter Grace, and years in the residential and commercial real gust 20, 2018. As a member of the Transpor- grandchildren Jeremy and Mara Grace cele- estate industries, Jerry Giovaniello is retiring tation and Infrastructure committee, and hav- brate his lifetime of achievements and his de- from the National Association of REALTORS. ing worked alongside her for twelve years, I

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.001 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2018 am especially proud to recognize this distinct cess in all that God has planned for him and one term. Throughout his legislative career, honor. his family. Craig was an effective advocate for laws re- Mrs. Homendy has committed her profes- f quiring the use of breathalyzer tests for sus- sional career to improving safety and fighting pected drunk drivers and for clean air policies for consumer protection. As Staff Director of RECOGNIZING THE 80TH ANNIVER- that required cars to undergo smog checks. the Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Mate- SARY OF THE NATIONAL TREAS- After leaving office, Craig started a law firm in rials Subcommittee, she was instrumental in URY EMPLOYEES UNION Sacramento, which he ran before retiring in the passage of a number of key bills and has 1995. a record of rigorous oversight of the imple- HON. ANN M. KUSTER Craig is survived by his wife Patricia Kelley mentation of Congressional mandates. Under OF NEW HAMPSHIRE and three children, Eric, Nancy and Lisa Bid- her guidance, major authorization bills includ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dle Canez. He had four grandchildren. I want ing the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Wednesday, November 14, 2018 to extend my heartfelt condolences to the Bid- Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users dle family, his friends, and everyone who had (SAFETEA–LU), the Pipeline Safety, Regu- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Mr. the pleasure of knowing him. Although Craig latory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011, Speaker, I rise today to recognize the National may be gone, the many life-changing contribu- the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) in celebra- tions he made in Riverside County and (FAST) Act of 2016, the Protecting Our Infra- tion of their 80th anniversary. throughout California will have a lasting im- structure of Pipelines Enhancing Safety Created in 1938, the NTEU’s mission has pact. (PIPES) Act of 2016 contained important pro- always been to make sure federal employees f visions that have demonstrably improved safe- are treated with respect and dignity. For 80 ty and efficiency. years the NTEU’s continued advocacy has PERSONAL EXPLANATION In addition to her work on Capitol Hill, she strengthened employee rights and direct sup- advocated for the fair and safe conditions for port to more than 150,000 employees. HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ the men and women of the nation’s transpor- The backbone of our federal government OF ILLINOIS tation workforce during her time with the Inter- and its agencies is our workforce, and we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national Brotherhood of Teamsters and the must take care of these dedicated employees Wednesday, November 14, 2018 AFL–CIO Transportation Trades Department. if we want our nation to thrive. We must fight She also recently completed the Stennis Fel- for quality healthcare plans, retirement bene- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- lowship, a high honor for senior congressional fits, and livable wages for employees. I am avoidably absent from the chamber on Tues- staff who are dedicated to public service and grateful for all the NTEU has done in support day, November 13, 2018. Had I been present, improving our Congress as an institution. of our federal workforce, our state and our I would have voted Yea on Roll Call votes 416 Her impact on transportation safety extends country. and 417. to the farthest reaches of our transportation On behalf of my constituents across New f network, and I am grateful for her service and Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, I HONORING GINGER BRADFORD expertise. As a policymaker, I look forward to want to thank the National Treasury Employ- her thoughtful contribution to the National ees Union for all they have done, and will con- Transportation Safety Board. Based on her ex- tinue to do, for our federal workforce. HON. LUKE MESSER perience and the legacy she created as a con- f OF INDIANA gressional staffer, I think we can all trust that TRIBUTE TO CRAIG BIDDLE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES she will continue to be a strong advocate for Wednesday, November 14, 2018 making our transportation and infrastructure systems safer. HON. KEN CALVERT Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on Beyond her impressive public service, Jen- OF CALIFORNIA behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District nifer has also found time to become an ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Indiana, to recognize Ginger Bradford for her contribution to our state. complished runner and triathlete, and is a Wednesday, November 14, 2018 dedicated and loving mother and wife. Ginger has served Ripley County and the I ask my colleagues to join me in recog- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to City of Versailles with honor and distinction for nizing Mrs. Jennifer Homendy on this award honor and pay tribute to former California years. It has been a pleasure to work with her, and on the accomplishments throughout her State Senator Craig Biddle, who passed away and our state is better off today because of career. The National Transportation Safety on Sunday, September 23, 2018 in Florida. her extraordinary leadership and service. Board is fortunate to have such an exceptional Craig served the people of California and Riv- On a personal note, Ginger is among my fa- Member, and the safety of the American pub- erside County in many ways throughout his vorite people that I met on this journey in Con- lic will surely benefit from her expertise. I wish life and he will be deeply missed. gress. She is smart, strong, honest, and loyal. her the best as she begins her term. While growing up, Craig developed a deep With Ginger, you always know where you passion for playing the French horn. He even f stand. spent three summers at the Interlochen Center I will be forever grateful for her friendship HONORING JOHN MEREDITH for the Arts in Michigan and intended to spend and support of my work in Congress. The en- his life as a musician. Then, while attending tire Messer family, including my wife Jennifer HON. LUKE MESSER Occidental College, he turned his focus and and our kids, have thoroughly enjoyed every OF INDIANA attention to the law. He eventually sold his moment we have spent with her and Bill. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES horn to pay for the first semester of law school wish her continued success in all that God has at USC. After graduating, he moved from planned for her family. Wednesday, November 14, 2018 South Pasadena to Riverside, where he be- f Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on came a deputy district attorney. He served behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District there four years, before becoming a public de- REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF of Indiana, to recognize John Meredith for his fender. MAUREEN HAGAN contribution to our state and Wayne County. Craig decided to leap into politics and had John is a brother in Christ, and I have ap- his sights set on becoming district attorney. In HON. TIM RYAN preciated his prayers and encouragement over an effort to bolster his name recognition for a OF OHIO the years. I always enjoy the time we get to future district attorney campaign, he decided IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spend together and count him among my to run for the California Assembly as a Repub- close friends. John is also a community lead- lican. In an unexpected turn of events, Craig Wednesday, November 14, 2018 er, a successful entrepreneur, and has been wound up winning that race and was elected Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, today I rise very active in promoting Republican values for to serve in the Assembly. Craig would later to honor the life of Maureen ‘‘Maggie’’ Hagan, years. He has had an incredible impact on become the Assembly majority leader from 74, who died peacefully on November 6, 2018 Wayne County and on our state. 1969 to 1971. He then resigned to run for the surrounded by her family. I also want to thank John for support of my state Senate. Craig won that race and rep- Maggie was a teacher in Warren City work in Congress. I wish him continued suc- resented the Riverside area in the Senate for schools for 38 years, where she was an active

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.005 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1521 union member. After retiring, she moved from non-profit anti-drug organization, to pay for Kents were among my earliest and most vocal Youngstown to Cleveland. She traveled exten- substance abuse treatment vouchers to be supporters. I want to thank Jeff and Susan for sively, frequenting Italy and Florida. She loved distributed over the course of five years. The their friendship and support of my work in to dance, and her passion for dancing was vouchers were awarded to low-income individ- Congress. I wish them continued success in contagious. She made friends wherever she uals in a four-county area in Eastern Kentucky all that God has planned for their family. went, and she never turned down an invitation who otherwise could not afford a residential to a party. Maggie was a staunch advocate for treatment program. Thanks to his support, f human rights and a political firebrand who re- countless lives have been saved from poten- mained firm in her convictions. tial drug overdose deaths and families have TRIBUTE TO ELLA MAE RECORD She is survived by her daughter Maura been reunited through recovery. George (Bryce Kujat); son Michael George Mr. Langhorne’s commitment to Eastern HON. KEN CALVERT (Amber Pompeii); grandchildren Francis and Kentucky through KRP has helped transform OF CALIFORNIA Harriet; twin sister, Katie (Jim Armaline); five our region and pave a brighter path for future IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other sisters, Annie (Tom Carney), Elaine, generations. My wife, Cynthia, and I send our Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Monica, Sue (Kim Korver), Mary Therese heartfelt condolences to Mr. Langhorne’s fam- (Denise Reynolds); and seven brothers, Jim ily and friends. We deeply appreciate the com- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to (Fiona Young), Tim (Mama Negrelli), Bill (Mary passion he showed for fellow Appalachian honor and pay tribute to Ella Mae Record, Mcatee), Bob (Michele Lepore-Hagan), Jack families throughout his career. who passed away last month in California. Ella (Noreen O’Malley), Chris (Laureen McGarry), f Mae was the matriarch of the Record family in and Jeff (Marcia Egbert). She was also a be- San Jacinto Valley. She will be deeply missed. loved aunt to 27 nieces and nephews and 27 CELEBRATING THE 110TH ANNI- Ella Mae was born at home in Torrance, great nieces and great nephews. VERSARY OF THE WILLING California, on January 18, 1929. Her family I had the immense please of knowing HELPERS HOME FOR WOMEN moved to the San Jacinto Valley on New Maggie. I always loved seeing her at political Year’s Day, 1937, where she enrolled in or union events. She believed in the power of HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK school. It was in school that she developed a labor unions. She believed in the power of OF NEW YORK love for music and sports. She was named the education. While she may be gone, her spirit IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sports writer for the school paper, editor of the lives on. She inspired us to use our lives to yearbook, and was elected student body presi- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 make a difference in people’s lives. And we dent her senior year. Ella Mae’s summers will always keep her memory close to our Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to were spent working on the family ranch learn- hearts. honor and recognize the Willing Helpers Home ing to drive cars, trucks, tractors and mules. f for Women on its 110th Anniversary. She married Clayton Record, Jr. on August The Willing Helpers Home for Women is a 21, 1948. They lived in San Luis Obispo while TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF not-for-profit organization located in Johns- Clayton was enrolled at Cal Poly and began CHISWELL LANGHORNE, JR. town, New York, that offers a comfortable their family while living in a small trailer in home for women 60 years and older. Since it ‘‘Vetville.’’ HON. HAROLD ROGERS opened in November 1908 through the help of In 1952, they returned to the San Jacinto OF KENTUCKY generous donors in Fulton County, the Willing Valley where Clayton worked the family dairy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Helpers Home has provided women with a and Ella Mae concentrated on raising the fam- supportive and compassionate first-class Wednesday, November 14, 2018 ily. Her passion was golf which she began home that advocates security, independence, pursuing in 1960 at Gilman Hot Springs before Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I and comfort. becoming an active member of Soboba rise today to pay tribute to the late Chiswell D. At the Willing Helpers Home, residents not Springs. She was club champion at both and Langhorne, Jr., in memory of his quiet support only benefit from a number of professional president of the Woman’s Golf Association. of Eastern Kentucky, where he made an in- services, such as medical supervision and ex- She realized her dream of living on a golf valuable impact in the lives of people living ercise programs at their convenience, but they course when she joined the Sunrise Country and working in the coalfields. also enjoy many recreational activities, like Club in Rancho Mirage where she finally got Although he was not a native Kentuckian, teas and weekly bingo. By offering a full array her hole-in-one. Ella Mae’s other interests in- Mr. Langhorne shared our Appalachian roots of services, the Willing Helpers Home creates cluded photography, obtaining her pilot li- from Lynchburg, Virginia. He graduated from a holistic support system for the women. cense, owning a quarter horse, jeeping in the the University of Virginia and the University of On behalf of New York’s 21st District, I want riverbed and serving on several boards of im- Virginia Law School. He also attended post to congratulate the Willing Helpers Home for portant valley organizations. She was pre- graduate programs at Harvard and Sloan Women on its 110th anniversary, and thank its ceded in death by her husband, Clayton School at MIT. He was a trust officer at NS&T dedicated staff for their commitment to serving Record and her son Clayton ‘‘Claytie’’ Record. Bank for 15 years and maintained a success- women in their community. The Willing Help- She is survived by her sons, Mike, Randy, and ful law practice. Mr. Langhorne joined Ken- ers Home has provided an important service Keith; daughter, Nanci, 10 grandchildren, and tucky River Coal Corporation’s board in 1965, to women, and I look forward to seeing its 13 great grandchildren. serving as an active board member, past continued success in the years to come. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the en- chairman and as vice chairman, a role he held f tire Record family, friends, and everyone fortu- from 1983 until April 2018. He guided the nate enough to know Ella Mae. Although Ella company and its successor, Kentucky River HONORING JEFF AND SUSAN KENT Mae is gone, the many contributions she Properties (KRP) through an expansion into made to our community and family will have a Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia and western HON. LUKE MESSER lasting impact. Kentucky. Mr. Langhorne had an innate pas- OF INDIANA sion for supporting job creation in Central Ap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f palachia through the coal industry and silently invested in opportunities to improve life in the Wednesday, November 14, 2018 PERSONAL EXPLANATION mountains. For example, he consistently in- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on sisted KRP contribute to local school systems behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District HON. BILL HUIZENGA to emphasize the importance on expanding of Indiana, to recognize Jeff and Susan Kent OF MICHIGAN educational opportunities in Appalachia. for their contributions to our state and their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Refusing personal accolades for his philan- community. thropic spirit, Mr. Langhorne advocated for The Kents are important business and civic Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Kentucky River Properties to invest in our leaders in Shelby County. And, with their Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today greatest resource—our people. In an unprece- daughters Caroline and Willa, they are very regarding a missed vote. Had I been present dented move from the coal industry in 2010, active in the local school community as well. for roll call vote number 417, H.R. 2615—the KRP donated $500,000 to the Operation On a personal note, Jeff and Susan are Gulf Islands National Seashore Land Ex- UNITE Foundation, Eastern Kentucky’s first great friends to my wife Jennifer and me. The change Act, I would have voted yay.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.011 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2018 HONORING KEVIN AND ANNETTE BIG HEROES, TINY HOMES— IN RECOGNITION OF SHERIFF MANDREL STUDENTS HELPING VETERANS CHARLES MCDONALD

HON. LUKE MESSER HON. TED POE HON. MARK MEADOWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF INDIANA OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, according recognize my friend, Sheriff Charles McDon- behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District to the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center ald, who has served as a faithful law enforce- of Indiana, to recognize Kevin and Annette in Houston, Texas, 28 percent of Houston’s ment officer in Henderson County for over thir- Mandrel for their contributions to our state. homeless population are veterans. That is ty years. With the support of his wife, Jennie, The Mandrels are fellow believers, and I over 3,600 homeless veterans in Houston Sheriff McDonald has demonstrated an un- have appreciated their prayers and encour- alone. These same veterans admirably served wavering commitment to the people of Hen- agement over the years. They have also been our nation and have dedicated their lives to derson County and to the safety of our com- community leaders for decades and have the service and protection of the United munity. made a positive and lasting impact on the States. Sheriff Charles McDonald served in the state of Indiana. Kevin sits on numerous local Across the nation, ‘‘micro homes’’ are being Navy for four years before beginning his public boards, including Bosma Enterprises, Rush used as transitional homes for those in need. safety career in 1985 as a Patrol Deputy in Memorial Hospital, the Arthritis Foundation A micro home is defined as a residential struc- Henderson County. Over the next 25 years, and the Youth Opportunity Center. Their son, ture with utilities and built for full time occu- McDonald went on to serve as a Lieutenant in Christian, also worked as an intern in my of- pancy, in less than 350 square feet. Micro the Drug Enforcement Unit, Patrol Squad Lieu- fice in Shelbyville. home communities have been created by tenant, SWAT Team Leader, Department On a personal note, the Mandrels were also charities in Austin, Dallas, Detroit, Los Ange- Training Officer, Chief of Criminal Investiga- among my earliest and most vocal supporters. les, Nashville, New York, Olympia, Portland, tions, Sheriff’s Command Staff, and Captain. In June 2010, Sheriff Charles McDonald re- Jennifer and I cherish our friendship with the Seattle, and Syracuse. Now, students at Hum- tired with 25 years of service in public safety Mandrels. We want to thank them for their ble lSD are trying to add Houston to that list. until March 2012 when he was appointed by friendship and support of my work in Con- More than 70 students at Summer Creek the Henderson County Board of Commis- gress. We wish them continued success in all High School and Kingwood Park High School sioners to the Office of Sheriff. After six years that God has planned for their family. are working to create a community of micro homes for homeless veterans—designing tiny of faithful service, Sheriff McDonald will com- plete his duty in office on December 3, 2018. f homes for big heroes. The students have spent the last several months designing the Under Sheriff McDonald’s leadership, the REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF blueprints and a 3D model for the 200–square department has effectively combated illegal CHRISTINA CONDOLEON foot home and working with architects to make and prescription drug abuse in the Henderson sure it works. From paint colors, to roofing, to County community through prevention efforts, electrical wiring, they have designed and ob- education, and enforcement. During his ten- HON. TIM RYAN tained prices for everything necessary to com- ure, over $4.3 million dollars in illegal drugs OF OHIO plete their vision. Unlike usual school projects, have been apprehended by the Henderson IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this student-led initiative requires marketing to County Drug Unit since 2014. Additionally, 245 prospective donors and could take years to drug conspirators, traffickers, dealers, and Wednesday, November 14, 2018 successfully complete this micro home com- users have been arrested and prosecuted. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today munity. These passionate students have given Sheriff McDonald has prioritized rehabilitation to honor the life of Christina ‘‘Tina’’ pitches and presentations to countless poten- for inmates by encouraging education in life Condoleon, age 84, who passed away peace- tial donors, the City of Humble council mem- skills and providing addiction resources fully at the Hospice House in Poland, Ohio on bers and mayor as well as the City of Hous- through private and non-profit programs. Friday October 26, 2018. ton. Sheriff McDonald is highly regarded among Tina was born on April 5, 1934, in Warren, So far, the students, along with the help of his peers and has been recognized as a ‘‘vet- Ohio to Harry and Athena Raphtis. She was a faculty and staff, have raised $40,000 to level ted instructor’’ by the U.S. Department of graduate of Warren G. Harding High School. a piece of land next to the school where they State in ATA Counter Terrorism programs In the late 50s and early 60s she worked as can begin the next phase of constructing the since the September 11th terrorist attacks. a clerk at the Trumbull County Courthouse in homes. Both Summer Creek and Kingwood Sheriff McDonald has worked for private com- Warren. Tina was a member of St. Demetrios Park will build a model tiny home by the end panies as a contract instructor concentrating in Greek Orthodox Church in Warren. She en- of this school year. The goal is to eventually law enforcement tactical training and has joyed cooking, reading and doing word search partner with a nonprofit and also raise money served as an instructor abroad in South Amer- puzzles, but most of all she treasured spend- to buy land to place the homes. ica and the Middle East on Counter Terrorism, Crisis Response, and Tactical Command train- ing time with her family, especially her grand- Before giving a presentation to potential do- ing and planning. children. nors, a senior from Kingwood Park High His devotion to public safety has established School, Nicholas Logan, told Texas School Tina is survived by her three children, John him as a respected leader in Henderson Business Magazine: ‘‘It’s given me a purpose. (Tricia) Condoleon of Howland, Harry (Holli) County and Western North Carolina. On be- I’m not just going to school today. I’m going to Condoleon of Algona, Iowa and Angela half of the people of North Carolina, it is my school so I can attend a meeting, so I can get (Steve) Zervas of Cortland; her ten grand- distinct honor to recognize Sheriff McDonald the funding to help other people, so they can children, Kristin, Michael, Kurt, Caitlyn, Mi- for his devoted service to his community. chael John, Nicholas, Gabriel and Laney have a home.’’ It is because of the actions of Condoleon, and Christopher and Melena selfless minds like Nicholas, that this great f Zervas; her brother, Thomas (Aliki) Raphtis; country will be in the good hands of our future HONORING LARRY MEYER her sister-in-law, Peggy Knotos; and a number leaders. of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in Good deeds do not go unnoticed. I know HON. LUKE MESSER death by her parents; two brothers, Gus and that the residents of Lake Houston Area are OF INDIANA James Raphtis; and husband of 49 years, Mi- proud of these students and I applaud not only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chael J. ‘‘Mike’’ Condoleon whom she married the students for their tremendous achieve- on August 18, 1963 and who passed away ments and commend them for giving back to Wednesday, November 14, 2018 March 27, 2013. our community, but their parents as well. They Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on I know Tina is dearly missed among her are truly making a difference and represent all behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District family and friends. I extend my deepest and that is right and good in America. of Indiana, to recognize Larry Meyer for his sincerest condolences. And that’s just the way it is. contribution to our state and Decatur County.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.017 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1523 Larry served as County Chairman with World War II Hero who recently passed away REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF honor and distinction in my hometown for al- peacefully at the age of 96. Mr. Calio was em- SAMUEL E. ‘‘SAM’’ LANZA most my entire time in Congress. He spent a blematic of the young soldiers who fought and career leading the Delta Faucet factory in won that great conflict, then humbly returned HON. TIM RYAN Greensburg. The impact he has made in De- home to lead productive lives and raise solid OF OHIO catur County cannot be overstated. Without a families as part of our country’s so-called IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doubt, our state is better off today because of ‘‘Greatest Generation.’’ Wednesday, November 14, 2018 his extraordinary leadership and service. On a personal note, I’ve known Larry and Joe grew up in the deprivation of the Great Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today his wife, Shirley, since childhood. Their kids Depression and was called to duty in World to honor the life of Samuel E. ‘‘Sam’’ Lanza, went to school with my brother and me, and War II with the 95th Infantry Division of the age 92, who passed away peacefully on Sat- their family has always been exceptionally United States Army. For his courage and valor urday, October 27, 2018, at his residence, kind to us. in battle, he was honored with several awards with his loving family by his side. The Meyers were also among my earliest including the Bronze Star Medal, World War II Sam was born on January 20, 1926 in War- and most vocal supporters. I want to thank Victory Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, ren, Ohio to Joseph L. and Edith Gustafson them for their friendship and support of my and Honorable Service Lapel Button. Lanza. A lifelong resident of the Warren area, work in Congress. I wish them continued suc- Upon returning back to Ohio, Joe served for Sam heard the call of his country and enlisted cess in all that God has planned for them and 40 years as an Auxiliary Policeman in the in the U.S. Marine Corps on March 10, 1944. Serving during World War II, he earned the their family. town of Lyndhurst where he was also a long- rank of corporal and was stationed in the Pa- f time participant, quarter master, and post cific with his military specialty Machine Gun commander of a local VFW Post. Along the TRIBUTE TO OPERATION Crewman. RECOGNITION CLASS OF 2018 way, he and his late wife Susan raised four Sam was wounded in action on April 22, children—Mary Ann, Joseph C. III, Nicholas, 1945, in Okinawa, and spent 16 months on a HON. KEN CALVERT and Susie—who blessed their lives with 11 hospital ship and in other Naval hospitals until grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. OF CALIFORNIA he was honorably discharged Aug. 12, 1946, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sadly, we lose nearly 400 veterans per day, from the Marine Barracks Training Center, like Mr. Calio, who bravely served our great Great Lakes, Illinois. He was awarded numer- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 nation in World War II. According to the U.S. ous decorations for his service to our country. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, less These were: Honorable Service Button, the proud recognition of the Operation Recognition than 500,000 of the 16 million Americans who Purple Heart for wounds in action, the Good Class of 2018. Operation Recognition is a pro- served in that War remain alive. We owe them Conduct Medal and the Asiatic Pacific Ribbon. gram organized by the Riverside County Of- a great debt of gratitude for their efforts, and Sam started his career in Milwaukee at fice of Education, with assistance from the shall never forget the sacrifices they made. Nordberg Manufacturing Company, and Tex- Riverside County Department of Veteran’s Rite Corporation. Upon moving back to War- Services, that presents diplomas to residents So I am honored to help celebrate the noble ren in March of 1948, he worked at the War of Riverside County who missed completing and meaningful life of Joe Calio, as I believe Assets Administration and the Lordstown Ord- high school due to military service in World his selfless dedication to country and commu- nance Depot until it closed in December 1963. War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War, nity is something many of us can learn from Sam then was employed with the U.S. Army or due to internment in WWII Japanese-Amer- in our own lives. The impact of his service is Support Element in Oakdale, Pennsylvania as ican relocation camps. sure to continue through the achievements of a housing manager until Feb. 27, 1981. Riverside County’s Operation Recognition is his remarkable family who, while saddened by Sam joined the Disabled American Vet- modeled after programs implemented in other his passing, proudly carry on his distinguished erans, Trumbull County Chapter 11 in 1948, states. Numerous county offices of education legacy. and was appointed the adjutant on a tem- and school districts throughout California oper- porary basis and served in that position until ate similar programs. The programs are yet f the present. He also served as treasurer, another way to express our appreciation and chapter service officer and was the legislative gratitude for the significant contributions and HONORING MARCIA PARKER chairman. Sam has gone through all the sacrifices made by our veterans. chairs of the DAV Department of Ohio and The Operation Recognition Class of 2018 was elected to State Commander in June includes: Raymond Guzman Casares, U.S. HON. LUKE MESSER 1997, serving through 1998. He was called to also serve as a state senior vice commander Marine Corps, Korean War; Jerry Kenneth Ar- OF INDIANA nold, U.S. Marine Corps, Korean War; Steve and the DAV National Executive Committee. P. Stone, U.S. Army, Vietnam War; ‘‘Ron’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sam was a lifetime member of numerous Robert Jackson, U.S. Coast Guard, Korean organizations: The Disabled American Vet- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 War; Jack Stanley Griner, U.S. Navy, World erans; the Military Order of the Purple Heart, War II; Charles John Whatley, U.S. Army, Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on where he served as commander of Chapter World War II; Pat S. Baca (posthumously), behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District 606; the VFW; the Marine Corps League, U.S. Army, World War II; Kenneth Bruce Wei- of Indiana, to recognize Marcia Parker for her where he was senior vice commandant for two ner, U.S. Army, Vietnam War. contribution to our state and Hancock County. years; the American Legion Post 540, of On behalf of all Riverside County residents NAUS, NARFE where he was past president; and a grateful nation, I want to thank these Marcia has served Hancock County with and the AmVets. veterans for their service to our country and honor and distinction for years. I have spent Sam has been honored by a proclamation congratulate them on being part of the Oper- time with her at almost every Republican naming May 8, 1992 as Sam Lanza Day in ation Recognition Class of 2018. event I’ve attended in the county over the past Warren, a second proclamation naming April f six years. It’s been an honor to get to know 25, 1998, Sam Lanza Day in Warren and, on Marcia and to work with her to advance our the same date, a proclamation naming Sam RECOGNIZING JOSEPH C. CALIO, shared Republican values. Lanza Day in Trumbull County. He was also JR. On a personal note, Marcia is among my fa- honored by the Tribune Chronicle and the vorite people that I met on this journey in Con- American Red Cross as a Community Star. Sam had many passions throughout his life. HON. BILL SHUSTER gress. She is smart, strong, honest, and loyal. He enjoyed Notre Dame football and was an OF PENNSYLVANIA Although we occasionally disagree, with accomplished bowler, having even scored a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marcia, you always know where you stand. 297 game. His wife, the former Shirley Joyce Wednesday, November 14, 2018 I will be forever grateful for her friendship Meier, whom he married on May 24, 1946, Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and support of my work in Congress. I wish died March 20, 2003, after 57 years of mar- recognize the life and service of Joseph C. her continued success in all that God has riage together. He is survived by his three Calio, Jr. of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, a decorated planned for her family. sons, Sam (Edna) Lanza of White Oak, Pa.,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.021 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2018 David (Carol) Lanza of Mineral Ridge and Ed- degree. Bob served as an Army combat medic HONORING MARK PARR ward (Donna) Lanza of Cortland; three daugh- during the Vietnam War. For his bravery and ters, Linda Allen, Elaine Taylor and Marilyn lifesaving actions he received 11 decorations, HON. SAM GRAVES Porec, all of Warren; nine grandchildren; 14 many for valor. After the war, Bob began his OF MISSOURI great-grandchildren; 14 great-great grand- business career as a partner with his father-in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children; and a longtime friend and com- law Hans Kirschsieper at Germania Construc- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 panion, Jean Parke; along with a host of tion Corporation. Bob played an important role nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Besides shaping Riverside County and specialized in Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I his parents and wife, Sam was preceded in job creating projects that resonated harmo- proudly pause to recognize Mark Parr. Mark is death by a daughter, Margaret ‘‘Peggy’’ Eaton; niously with the communities in which they are a very special young man who has exempli- three brothers, Joseph, Louis and Charles situated. Bob’s dedication to the redevelop- fied the finest qualities of citizenship and lead- Lanza; and a sister, Lena Clark. ment of March Air Force Base in Riverside, ership by taking an active part in the Boy Sam has left such an impact on our commu- California led to a project that will have eco- Scouts of America, Troop 1393, and earning nity and in the lives of his family and friends. nomic benefits long into the future. the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Mark has been very active with his troop, I extend my most sincere and heartfelt condo- Throughout his life, Bob made public service participating in many scout activities. Over the lences to his family and friends. a priority and served on a host of local boards many years Mark has been involved with and commissions, including the Riverside f scouting, he has not only earned numerous County Flood Control Commission, the merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- HAMILTON COUNTY JR. HIGH Moreno Valley Planning Commission, and the ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Mark LADY FOXES SOFTBALL Riverside County Planning Commission. Bob has contributed to his community through his was also appointed to a number of positions Eagle Scout project. Mark completed land- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS with the State of California, including Under- scaping at St. Therese North Catholic Church OF ILLINOIS secretary, Business, Transportation and Hous- in Kansas City. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing Agency, and to the California Transpor- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Wednesday, November 14, 2018 tation Commission. Always an advocate for commending Mark Parr for his accomplish- solutions to our public policy challenges, Bob ments with the and for Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to was an active member of organizations like salute the achievements of the Hamilton his efforts put forth in achieving the highest the Valley Group and the Moreno Valley distinction of Eagle Scout. County Jr. High ‘‘Lady Foxes’’ softball team, Chamber of Commerce. In recognition for who are now the Illinois Class L State Cham- Bob’s many contributions to his community, he f pions. received a long list of honors and recognitions COMMEMORATING THE 175TH The Lady Foxes had an impressive season throughout his distinguished life. ANNIVERSARY OF TEJON RANCH this year. They swept through their regional Bob is survived by the love of his life Helga and sectional victories, and beat Wolf Branch Kirschsieper Wolf, his children Shawna and HON. KEVIN McCARTHY and Triad in the first two rounds of the State Kevin; grandchildren Theodore, Parker, OF CALIFORNIA Finals. The Hamilton County team beat Brayden, Laynie, Alyssa, Kaitlyn and Lucas. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Carterville 13–12 in their championship game. want to extend my heartfelt condolences to Wednesday, November 14, 2018 I want to congratulate team members Car- the entire Wolf family, his friends, and every- son Belangee, Breanna Blades, Ellie Deen, one who had the pleasure of knowing him. Al- Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Emma Erwin, Kaelee Karcher, Alexandra though Bob may be gone, the many contribu- to commemorate the 175th anniversary of Kolts, Mallorie Millenbine, Chayli Phelps, Eliz- tions he made in Riverside County will have a Tejon Ranch. For nearly two centuries, Tejon abeth Weaver, Kaylie Brake, Cambria Currie, lasting impact. Ranch has been among California’s most es- Whitley Miller, Hannah Moore, Brianna Sand- sential hubs for commerce. Spread across over 270,000 acres of Cen- ers, Cady Zellers, and coaches Lynn Braden f and Kelsey Bowman for such an amazing ac- tral California’s southern mountainous complishment. As a former baseball player, I HONORING BARB ANDERSON reaches, the land that would become Tejon understand the amount of hard work and com- Ranch has a rich history predating California’s mitment to be awarded such a title. I am HON. LUKE MESSER statehood. Tejon Ranch was initially estab- proud there is such promising talent in our lished through several Mexican land grants, community, and to see them represent OF INDIANA the first being Rancho el Tejon issued in 1843. McLeansboro throughout the state. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Edward Beale, a hero of the Mexican-Amer- Mr. Speaker, these student-athletes and Wednesday, November 14, 2018 ican War, purchased the Rancho el Tejon land their coaches have represented themselves, grant in 1865, and he quickly followed this their school, and the 15th district of Illinois in Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on purchase by buying the neighboring Rancho an exemplary fashion. I join the rest of the behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District Los Alamos, Agua Caliente, and Rancho de community in wishing them all the best in their of Indiana, to recognize Barb Anderson for her Castac. Together, these four parcels comprise future academic and athletic endeavors. contribution to our state and Shelby County. Tejon Ranch as it is known today. Barb has always put her fellow Hoosiers f Under Beale’s direction, Tejon Ranch devel- first and made a positive impact in the Shelby- oped into an integral economic component of TRIBUTE TO ROBERT A. WOLF ville community. For decades, she led Girls a rapidly-growing Kern County, becoming the Inc., an incredible organization that empowers county’s premiere cattle ranch operation by HON. KEN CALVERT girls in Shelby County. Our state is better off the time of Beale’s death in 1893. In 1915, OF CALIFORNIA today because of Barb’s extraordinary leader- Tejon Ranch solidified its place in California ship and service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES history with the construction of the Ridge On a personal note, I’ve known Barb for Route, a pivotal roadway that connected Wednesday, November 14, 2018 most of the past two decades and my wife, Northern and Southern California through the Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jennifer, worked with her as part of Girls Inc. state’s Central Valley for the first time. Though honor and pay tribute to former California Barb has been a mentor to both of my daugh- it has changed and expanded over the years, Transportation Committee Commissioner and ters. She is one of my closest friends in poli- portions of the original route now form a key my dear friend, Robert A. Wolf, who passed tics, and she always kept us organized in artery of Interstate 5 and is driven by millions away on Sunday, October 21, 2018. Bob Shelby County. Without a doubt, Barb em- each year. served the people of California and Riverside bodies the Girls Inc. principles of being strong, Today, Tejon Ranch continues to play a key County in many ways throughout his life and smart, and bold. role in Kern County’s economy and culture. he will be deeply missed. I want to thank Barb for her friendship and While cattle ranching can still be found on Bob was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, be- support of my work in Congress. She is a Tejon Ranch, Tejon has expanded its busi- fore being raised in Riverside County. After loyal friend and wise adviser and my family ness footprint to new industries, drawing com- graduating from Ramona High School, Bob wishes Barb all the best in whatever God has panies from around the world to invest in Cali- went to the College of the Desert to earn his planned for her future. fornia. Most recently, Foreign Trade Zone

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.026 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1525 #276, which includes Tejon Ranch, was re-es- The FCRC is a non-profit organization, es- awards, including the Award tablished earlier this year, doubling the pre- tablished in 1988 to assist family caregivers for Public Service, the National Geographic vious designation in square footage and im- who care for adults over sixty who are frail or Evening of Exploration Award, and the proving the flow of commerce throughout Cali- adults age 18 and older with brain impairing Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery Found- fornia. Finally, land at Tejon Ranch has been conditions. ing Chairs Award. His dedication to promoting used to honor our nation’s veterans at the Ba- The FCRC aids through various multicultural leadership and his devotion to President Lin- kersfield National Cemetery, which offers our services which include family consultation, as- coln’s legacy have made him worthy of the heroes a dignified place of final rest amid the sessment and care planning, counseling, sup- high esteem that accompanies each of these stunning vistas of the Tehachapi Mountains. port groups, respite assistance, and education. awards. It is my distinct honor to recognize Tejon Ranch is also a keystone region for In fact, in 1997, the FCRC started the first Vi- Mr. Wayne R. Reynolds’ dedication to Ford’s ecological conservation. Established on June etnamese service program in the United Sates Theatre Society Board of Trustees and his 17, 2009, the Tejon Ranch Conservancy was to ensure that the Vietnamese community in commitment to creating a better future. the product of a collaborative effort between Orange County receive the services they need f the Tejon Ranch Company and conservation in their language. groups to protect the one-of-a-kind natural The continuous devotion to serve the Family TRIBUTE TO MAJOR KYLE SCHULL beauty of the Tejon Ranch landscape. To Caregivers and their families have earned the meet these needs, an overwhelming majority FCRC many awards such as Community Part- HON. KEN CALVERT of ranch property—an immense 240,000 ner of the year from National Multiple Scle- OF CALIFORNIA acres—has been dedicated to conservation. rosis Society Pacific South Coast Chapter in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This land is now used by visitors from around 2016, the Innovations in Alzheimer’s Disease Wednesday, November 14, 2018 the world to explore the breathtaking natural Caregiving Legacy Award in 2014 at the Na- gem of the Tehachapi Mountains and to view tional Center on Aging, and the Diverse/ Multi- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to wildlife, such as the California Condor, in their cultural Communities Award and Legacy honor and pay tribute to Major Kyle Schull natural environment. Award from CSUF Institute Gerontology in who will receive an honorable discharge from Tejon Ranch is a one-of-a-kind place that 2008. the United States Marine Corps after over has been critical to the success of Kern Coun- While I join you all to recognize family care- eleven years of service. I had the distinct ty. While Tejon Ranch has offered our com- givers across the country on the National pleasure of hosting Major Schull in my office munity innumerable economic and recreational Caregiver Month, it is with great pleasure that as a Defense Fellow in 2015. Major Schull’s benefits, it has above all else illustrated what I recognize the Family Caregiver Resource extensive military experience benefited the of- it means to be a good steward of the land. Center for its contributions, dedication, and ef- fice tremendously and he offered a unique Tejon Ranch has left a defining mark on our forts to help vulnerable caregiver families in perspective, was always prepared, and took county, our state, our nation, and indeed the Orange County. on any task with a smile. Major Schull was born in 1984 and grew up world. There’s no other place on earth like f Tejon Ranch and this land and the values it with his three younger siblings, Katie, Kari and represents remain a key component of Kern IN RECOGNITION OF MR. WAYNE Collin, in the beautiful, albeit chilly, town of County’s core essence. I am confident that it R. REYNOLDS Watertown, South Dakota where his parents, will continue to play this role for centuries to Lee and Jan, still live today. In 2003, Major come. HON. MARK MEADOWS Schull graduated from Watertown High OF NORTH CAROLINA School. f Upon his graduation, Major Schull was ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING CHRIS KING cepted to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annap- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 olis, MD, where he earned a B.S. in Political HON. LUKE MESSER Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Science. Upon his graduation from the Naval Academy, Kyle was commissioned as a Sec- OF INDIANA recognize Wayne R. Reynolds of Washington, D.C. Mr. Reynolds served as Chairman of the ond Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ford’s Theatre Society Board of Trustees from Following commissioning, Major Kyle Schull Wednesday, November 14, 2018 2006 to 2012. I would like to acknowledge Mr. served at his first duty station, the Marine Air Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on Reynolds for his dedication to expanding the Control Squadron 4 Okinawa, Japan, from behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District Society’s educational programming and for June 2008 through December 2010 as a Lo- of Indiana, to recognize Chris King for his con- transforming Ford’s Theatre into a center for gistics Officer. He was then assigned to Com- tribution to our state and Shelby County. learning dedicated to the life and legacy of bat Logistics Battalion 6; Camp Lejeune, North As a member of the 6th District Manufac- Abraham Lincoln. Carolina, where he served as the Future Op- turing Advisory Committee, Chris regularly met Wayne R. Reynolds attended the University erations Officer from January 2011 through with my team to discuss emerging manufac- of California, Los Angeles for his under- April 2012. Major Schull was then promoted to turing issues that are impacting Indiana. The graduate education, receiving a degree in eco- Transportation Support Company Commander Shelbyville community is better off because of nomics in 1977 then continuing at Pepperdine at Combat Logistics Battalion 6; Camp his extraordinary leadership and service. Law School, where he earned his J.D. in Lejeune, North Carolina, where he remained On a personal note, Chris was among my 1981. from April 2012 through February 2014. He earliest and most vocal supporters. He is a Mr. Reynolds serves as the Chairman and was then assigned to Combat Logistics Regi- loyal friend and wise adviser. I want to thank Chief Executive Officer of the American Acad- ment 2; Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, as the him for his incredible support of my work in emy of Achievement. Through his hard work Assistant Regimental Operations Officer from Congress, and wish Chris continued success and vision, the Academy has expanded to in- March 2014 through August 2014. In 2014, in all that God has planned for him and his clude the Museum of the American Dream, Major Schull was selected for the Department family. the Achievement Television Network, and the of Defense Congressional Fellowship Program f annual International Achievement Summit. where he severed as my Defense Fellow in These organizations bring together leaders support of California’s 42nd Congressional HONORING FAMILY CAREGIVER and scholars from diverse disciplines to share District from January to December of 2015. RESOURCE CENTER their experience with graduate students from During his time as my Defense Fellow, he met across the globe. his lovely future wife, Chelsea Schull. Fol- HON. J. LUIS CORREA The American Academy of Achievement’s lowing his fellowship, he was assigned to be OF CALIFORNIA Salute to Excellence program has provided the Staff Secretary and Legislative liaison to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES over 10,000 students the opportunity to de- the Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps velop their leadership skills. Many students for Installations and Logistics from January Wednesday, November 14, 2018 who participated in the program have received 2016 to May of 2018. He served in an array Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to scholarships through the Academy’s sponsor- of positions within Headquarters Marine Corps honor the services and contributions the Fam- ship. Installations and Logistics Command and cur- ily Caregiver Resource Center (FCRC) offers Wayne R. Reynolds is highly regarded rently serves as the 04xx Occ Field Sponsor to the Family Caregivers in Orange County. among his peers and has received numerous and LPC–3 Section Head.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.031 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2018 As a civilian, Major Schull enjoys traveling, where he enrolled in South Carolina State Col- NOVEMBER 28 helping others realize their love of traveling, lege. He graduated in 1951 with a Bachelors 9:30 a.m. and hopes to one day see the Pyramids. Kyle in Agricultural Science with plans to modernize Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and is also an entrepreneur at heart and will begin the state’s agricultural industry. Forestry working for his family’s company, Building Mr. Garrett began his career in public serv- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Products, Inc. and Schull Construction Co., ice working for Florence County, South Caro- tions of Mindy Brashears, of Texas, to after separating from the Marine Corps. I have lina as an agent for Clemson University’s Agri- be Under Secretary for Food Safety, no doubt that he will succeed in this new cultural Extension Program. Shortly after Naomi C. Earp, of Maryland, to be an phase of his life. marrying his wife of 66 years, Mamie Williams Assistant Secretary, and Scott Hutch- ins, of Indiana, to be Under Secretary During his time in my office, Kyle focused Garrett, he moved to Greenville, South Caro- lina and became Clemson’s Agricultural Exten- for Research, Education, and Econom- his efforts on defense acquisition, defense ap- ics, all of the Department of Agri- propriations, the intelligence community, vet- sion Agent there. In 1958 he was hired part-time as an em- culture. erans affairs, and many other policy areas. He SR–328A was an invaluable resource to all my staff and ployee of the then Watkins, Arnold and Sheppard Mortuary. He quickly became a 10 a.m. I would also like to take this opportunity to part-owner/manager of the business, which Committee on Health, Education, Labor, thank his family for supporting him through the and Pensions changed its name to Watkins, Garrett & years; he truly is one impressive guy. On be- To hold hearings to examine reducing Woods Mortuary. Fred Garrett, Sr. became half of everyone in the office, I would like to health care costs, focusing on improv- sole owner of the mortuary in 1993. extend a heartfelt thank you to Major Schull ing affordability through innovation. Mr. Garrett has served his community in nu- SD–430 for all his hard work, his dedicated service to merous positions including his role as a life- our country and let him know that my office time member of the NAACP, membership with door is always open to him. NOVEMBER 29 the Greenville County Planning Commission, a 9:30 a.m. f member of the Rainbow PUSH Steering Com- Committee on Armed Services mittee, board member with the Greenville HONORING GREG RUST To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Urban League/Urban League Upstate, and tions of Thomas McCaffery, of Cali- board member of the Greenville Chamber of fornia, to be an Assistant Secretary of HON. LUKE MESSER Commerce. Mr. Garrett was also a member of Defense, and William Bookless, of Cali- OF INDIANA the Mu Pi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Frater- fornia, to be Principal Deputy Admin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity, Inc. He received many awards for his istrator, National Nuclear Security Ad- Wednesday, November 14, 2018 service and business leadership, most recently ministration, Department of Energy. a Business and Community Service Award SD–G50 Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on from the Minority Economic Development Insti- 10 a.m. behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District tute. Committee on Banking, Housing, and of Indiana, to recognize Greg Rust for his con- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues Urban Affairs tribution to our state and Decatur County. to join me in honoring the life, leadership, and To hold hearings to examine combating On a personal note, I have known Greg and legacy of service of this outstanding South money laundering and other forms of his wife Judy since childhood. His family has Carolinian. illicit finance, focusing on regulator and law enforcement perspectives on always been kind to my family. And, Greg is f a loyal friend and wise adviser. Whether he reform. SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS knows it or not, Greg’s consistent encourage- SD–538 ment has been an inspiration to me through- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, DECEMBER 4 out my career. agreed to by the Senate of February 4, Without a doubt, Greg was among my ear- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- 9:30 a.m. Committee on Armed Services liest and most vocal supporters in Decatur tem for a computerized schedule of all meetings and hearings of Senate com- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- County. I want to thank Greg for his incredible tions of Lieutenant General Kenneth F. support of my work in Congress. I wish him mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- tees, and committees of conference. McKenzie, Jr., to be General and Com- continued success in all that God has planned mander, Central Command, and Lieu- for him and his family. This title requires all such committees to notify the Office of the Senate Daily tenant General Richard D. Clarke, to f Digest—designated by the Rules Com- be General and Commander, Special mittee—of the time, place and purpose Operations Command, both of the De- TRIBUTE TO FRED D. partment of Defense. of the meetings, when scheduled and GARRETT, SR. SD–G50 any cancellations or changes in the meetings as they occur. DECEMBER 5 HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN As an additional procedure along OF SOUTH CAROLINA with the computerization of this infor- 10 a.m. Committee on Banking, Housing, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Urban Affairs Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Digest will prepare this information for To hold an oversight hearing to examine printing in the Extensions of Remarks Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pilot programs at Fannie Mae and section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Freddie Mac. honor a fellow South Carolinian and longtime on Monday and Wednesday of each friend, Fred D. Garrett, Sr. SD–538 week. 10:15 a.m. Born in Salley, South Carolina to the late Meetings scheduled for Thursday, No- Joint Economic Committee Rev. John E. Garrett and First Lady Mattie vember 15, 2018 may be found in the To hold hearings to examine the eco- Baston Garrett, Fred Garrett grew up in his fa- Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. nomic outlook. ther’s churches. He carried throughout his life MEETINGS SCHEDULED SH–216 the values of servant leadership and commu- 2:30 p.m. nity engagement he learned through his child- NOVEMBER 27 Committee on Armed Services hood experiences in the church. Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- 9:30 a.m. ment Support After graduating high school in 1943, Mr. Committee on Armed Services To hold hearings to examine Navy and Garrett enlisted in the United States Navy and To hold hearings to examine the findings served through the end of World War II in a and recommendations of the Commis- Marine Corps readiness. segregated unit. Upon completing his military sion on the National Defense Strategy. SD–G50 service, he returned home to South Carolina SD–G50

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:32 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.035 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS Senate agreed to the motion to concur in the amendment of the House to S. 140, Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act, with a fur- ther amendment. Senate H.R. 5317, to repeal section 2141 of the Revised Chamber Action Statutes to remove the prohibition on certain alcohol Routine Proceedings, pages S6937–S6968 manufacturing on Indian lands. (S. Rept. No. Measures Introduced: Thirteen bills and one reso- 115–363) lution were introduced, as follows: S. 3615–3627, S. 884, to amend the Omnibus Budget Reconcili- and S. Res. 687. Pages S6963–64 ation Act of 1993 to require the Bureau of Land Measures Reported: Management to provide a claimant of a small miner waiver from claim maintenance fees with a period of S. 2861, to prosecute, as a Federal crime, the as- sault or intimidation of a passenger train crew mem- 60 days after written receipt of 1 or more defects is ber to the same extent as such actions against air- provided to the claimant by registered mail to cure craft crew members are prosecuted, with an amend- the 1 or more defects or pay the claim maintenance ment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. fee, with an amendment in the nature of a sub- 115–356) stitute. (S. Rept. No. 115–364) S. 2941, to improve the Cooperative Observer H.R. 2630, to authorize the Secretary of the Inte- Program of the National Weather Service, with an rior to convey certain land to La Paz County, Ari- amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. zona, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 115–365) No. 115–357) Page S6963 S. 1012, to provide for drought preparedness House Messages: measures in the State of New Mexico, with an Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. Act: By 94 yeas to 6 nays (Vote No. 241), Senate No. 115–358) agreed to the motion to concur in the amendment S. 3001, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior of the House to S. 140, to amend the White Moun- to convey certain land and facilities of the Central tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act Valley Project, with an amendment in the nature of of 2010 to clarify the use of amounts in the WMAT a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 115–359) Settlement Fund, with a further amendment pro- H.R. 2156, to provide for the establishment of a posed thereto: Page S6940 national memorial and national monument to com- McConnell (for Thune) Modified Amendment No. memorate those killed by the collapse of the Saint 4054, in the nature of a substitute. Page S6940 Francis Dam on March 12, 1928, with an amend- ment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. Appointments: 115–360) National Security Commission on Artificial In- H.R. 4446, to amend the Virgin Islands of the telligence: The Chair, pursuant to Public Law United States Centennial Commission Act to extend 115–232, on behalf of the Majority Leader of the the expiration date of the Commission. (S. Rept. No. Senate and the Chairman of the Select Committee on 115–361) Intelligence, appointed the following individual as a H.R. 6040, to authorize the Secretary of the Inte- member of the National Security Commission on Ar- rior to convey certain land and facilities of the Cen- tificial Intelligence: Jason Matheny, of the District of tral Valley Project. (S. Rept. No. 115–362) Columbia. Page S6967 D1171

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United States-China Economic and Security Re- Messages from the House: Page S6962 view Commission: The Chair announced, on behalf Measures Referred: Page S6962 of the Majority Leader, pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 106–398, as amended by Public Law Executive Communications: Pages S6962–63 108–7, and in consultation with the Chairmen of the Petitions and Memorials: Page S6963 Senate Committee on Armed Services and the Senate Executive Reports of Committees: Page S6963 Committee on Finance, the re-appointment of the following individual to serve as a member of the Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6963–66 United States-China Economic and Security Review Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Commission: Robin Cleveland, of Virginia, for a Page S6966 term expiring December 31, 2020. Page S6967 Additional Statements: Pages S6960–62 Certain Defense Articles and Services to the Amendments Submitted: Page S6967 Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain— Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S6967 reached providing that at approximately 11 a.m., on Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. Thursday, November 15, 2018, and notwithstanding (Total—242) Pages S6940–41 the provisions of Rule XXII, Senator Paul be recog- Adjournment: Senate convened at 2 p.m. and ad- nized under the order of Tuesday, November 13, journed at 7:23 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Thursday, 2018, in relation to S.J. Res. 65, relating to the dis- November 15, 2018. (For Senate’s program, see the approval of the proposed export to the Government remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s of the Kingdom of Bahrain of certain defense articles Record on page S6967.) and services, and that the time in relation to the motion to discharge be equally divided between the proponents and opponents until 12:15 p.m., and Committee Meetings Senate vote on or in relation to the motion at that (Committees not listed did not meet) time. Page S6967 Bowman Nomination—Agreement: Senate re- DOD CYBERSECURITY ACQUISITION AND sumed consideration of the nomination of Michelle PRACTICES Bowman, of Kansas, to be a Member of the Board Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Cyber- of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. security concluded a hearing to examine the Depart- Pages S6941–58 ment of Defense’s cybersecurity acquisition and prac- During consideration of this nomination today, tices from the private sector, after receiving testi- Senate also took the following action: mony from Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrike Inc.; By 63 yeas to 36 nays (Vote No. EX. 242), Senate Major General John Davis, USA (Ret.), Palo Alto agreed to the motion to close further debate on the Networks; Francis Landolf, Core Consulting, LLC; nomination. Pages S6940–41 and Ronald Nielsen, Parsons Corporation. A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- NOMINATIONS viding that notwithstanding the provisions of Rule XXII, following disposition of the motion to dis- Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded charge S.J. Res. 65, relating to the disapproval of a hearing to examine the nominations of Patricia the proposed export to the Government of the King- Mahoney, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Re- dom of Bahrain of certain defense articles and serv- public of Benin, Richard Carlton Paschall III, of ices, Senate continue consideration of the nomina- North Carolina, to be Ambassador to the Republic tion, post-cloture, with all post-cloture time on the of The Gambia, and Susan N. Stevenson, of Wash- nomination expiring at 1:45 p.m. Page S6967 ington, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Equa- torial Guinea, all of the Department of State, after Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- the nominees testified and answered questions in lowing nominations: their own behalf. Joseph V. Cuffari, of Arizona, to be Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security. BUSINESS MEETING Neomi J. Rao, of the District of Columbia, to be Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee ordered favor- United States Circuit Judge for the District of Co- ably reported S. 1942, to direct the Attorney Gen- lumbia Circuit. eral to review, revise, and develop law enforcement 1 Coast Guard nomination in the rank of admiral. and justice protocols appropriate to address missing Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Coast and murdered Indians, with an amendment in the Guard, and Marine Corps. Page S6968 nature of a substitute.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D14NO8.REC D14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with DIGEST November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1173 INDIAN AFFAIRS LEGISLATION ments on the Gila River Indian Reservation, clarify Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded a the northern boundary of the Gila River Indian hearing to examine S. 2788, to repeal the Act enti- Community’s Reservation, to take certain land lo- tled ‘‘An Act to confer jurisdiction on the State of cated in Maricopa County and Pinal County, Ari- North Dakota over offenses committed by or against zona, into trust for the benefit of the Gila River In- dian Community, after receiving testimony from Indians on the Devils Lake Indian Reservation’’, Darryl LaCounte, Acting Director, Bureau of Indian H.R. 2606, to amend the Act of August 4, 1947 Affairs, Department of the Interior; James R. Floyd, (commonly known as the Stigler Act), with respect Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Okmulgee, ; to restrictions applicable to Indians of the Five Civ- Douglas Yankton, Spirit Lake Tribe, Fort Totten, ilized Tribes of Oklahoma, and H.R. 4032, to con- North Dakota; and Barney B. Enos, Jr., Gila River firm undocumented Federal rights-of-way or ease- Indian Community, Sacaton, Arizona. h House of Representatives the Federal Government’s dissemination of best prac- Chamber Action tices to respond to extreme weather, thereby increas- Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 10 pub- ing resilience, improving regional coordination, and lic bills, H.R. 7124–7133; 2 private bills, H.R. mitigating the financial risk to the Federal Govern- 7134–7135; and 2 resolutions, H. Res. 1146–1147, ment from such extreme weather, and for other pur- were introduced. Pages H9525–26 poses (H. Rept. 115–1028, Part 1). Page H9525 Additional Cosponsors: Page H9526 Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by Jason Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: Smith, Deputy Parliamentarian, U.S. House of Rep- H.R. 2069, to provide priority under certain fed- resentatives, Washington, D.C. Page H9513 erally assisted housing programs to assist youths who Recess: The House recessed at 12:12 p.m. and re- are aging out of foster care, and for other purposes, convened at 3:46 p.m. Page H9514 with an amendment (H. Rept. 115–1023); H.R. 2570, to amend the Truth in Lending Act Manage our Wolves Act—Rule for consider- to clarify that the points and fees in connection with ation: The House agreed to H. Res. 1142, providing a mortgage loan do not include certain compensation for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6784) to provide amounts already taken into account in setting the for removal of the gray wolf in the contiguous 48 interest rate on such loan, and for other purposes (H. States from the List of Endangered and Threatened Rept. 115–1024); Wildlife published under the Endangered Species H.R. 2683, to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1973, by a yea-and-nay vote of 201 yeas to Act to delay the inclusion in consumer credit reports 187 nays, Roll No. 418. Pages H9514–22 and to establish requirements for debt collectors Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House with respect to medical debt information of veterans agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following due to inappropriate or delayed billing payments or measure. Consideration began Tuesday, November reimbursements from the Department of Veterans 13th. Affairs, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 115–1025); Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to H.R. 1511, to amend the McKinney-Vento grant to States and local governments easements Homeless Assistance Act to meet the needs of home- and rights-of-way over Federal land within Gate- less children, youth, and families, and honor the as- way National Recreation Area for construction, op- sessments and priorities of local communities, with eration, and maintenance of projects for control amendments (H. Rept. 115–1026, Part 1); and prevention of flooding and shoreline erosion: H.R. 3288, to amend title 40, United States H.R. 6666, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior Code, to promote regional economic and infrastruc- to grant to States and local governments easements ture development, and for other purposes, with an and rights-of-way over Federal land within Gateway amendment (H. Rept. 115–1027, Part 1); and National Recreation Area for construction, operation, H.R. 4177, to enhance the Federal Government’s and maintenance of projects for control and preven- planning and preparation for extreme weather and tion of flooding and shoreline erosion. Page H9522

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Court, and the nominations of Bridget S. Bade, of Ari- ness Act’’; H.R. 5025, to amend the Western and Central zona, and Eric D. Miller, of Washington, both to be a Pacific Fisheries Convention Implementation Act to limit United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, Eric the imposition of penalties against a person fishing on a E. Murphy, of Ohio, and Chad A. Readler, of Ohio, both United States flag fishing vessel in certain areas of the to be a United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit, Pacific Ocean based on a report by an observer on such Allison Jones Rushing, of North Carolina, to be United a vessel; H.R. 6507, the ‘‘Oil Region National Heritage States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, Rossie David Area Reauthorization Act’’; H.R. 6602, to reauthorize the Alston, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route, and for other Eastern District of Virginia, Thomas P. Barber, and purposes; H.R. 6652, to direct the Secretary of the Inte- Wendy Williams Berger, both to be a United States Dis- rior to convey certain facilities, easements, and rights-of- trict Judge for the Middle District of Florida, Pamela A. way to the Kennewick Irrigation District, and for other Barker, to be United States District Judge for the North- purposes; H.R. 6939, the ‘‘Restoring Local Input and Ac- ern District of Ohio, Karin J. Immergut, to be United cess to Public Lands Act of 2018’’; S. 245, the ‘‘Indian States District Judge for the District of Oregon, Corey Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act Landon Maze, to be United States District Judge for the Amendments of 2017’’; and S. 669, the ‘‘Columbia River Northern District of Alabama, Sarah Daggett Morrison, In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Access Sites Improvement to be United States District Judge for the Southern Dis- Act’’, 9:30 a.m., 1324 Longworth. trict of Ohio, Rodney Smith, to be United States District Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Full Com- Judge for the Southern District of Florida, T. Kent mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Misconduct and Re- Wetherell II, to be United States District Judge for the taliation at the U.S. Forest Service’’, 10 a.m., 2154 Ray- Northern District of Florida, Richard A. Hertling, of burn. Maryland, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Dis- Federal Claims, and Kim Gaffney, to be United States ability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, hearing entitled Marshal for the Western District of Wisconsin, Bradley ‘‘Exploring VA’s Oversight of Contract Disability Exami- Jay LaRose, to be United States Marshal for the District nations’’, 10:30 a.m., 334 Cannon. of Vermont, and Douglas J. Strike, to be United States Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, hearing enti- Marshal for the Northern District of Iowa, all of the De- tled ‘‘A Continued Review of GI Bill Payment Delays’’, partment of Justice, 10 a.m., SD–226. 4 p.m., 334 Cannon. Select Committee on Intelligence: to receive a closed brief- ing on certain intelligence matters, 2 p.m., SH–219. Joint Meetings Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process House Reform: business meeting to markup the Committee’s re- Committee on Natural Resources, Full Committee, markup port, recommendations, and legislative language, 10:30 on H.R. 3593, the ‘‘Securing Our Borders and Wilder- a.m., 1334 Longworth Building.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, November 15 10 a.m., Thursday, November 15

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: After the transaction of any Program for Thursday: To be announced. morning business (not to extend beyond 11 a.m.), Senator Paul will be recognized to make a motion to discharge S.J. Res. 65, relating to the disapproval of the proposed export to the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain of certain defense articles and services, and Senate will vote on the motion at 12:15 p.m. Following disposition of S.J. Res. 65, Senate will con- tinue consideration of the nomination of Michelle Bow- man, of Kansas, to be a Member of the Board of Gov- ernors of the Federal Reserve System, post-cloture, and vote on confirmation of the nomination at 1:45 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Huizenga, Bill, Mich., E1521 Messer, Luke, Ind., E1519, E1520, E1520, E1521, E1522, Kinzinger, Adam, Ill., E1519 E1522, E1523, E1524, E1525, E1526 Calvert, Ken, Calif., E1519, E1520, E1521, E1523, E1524, Kuster, Ann M., N.H., E1520 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1522 E1525 Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E1519 Rogers, Harold, Ky., E1521 Clyburn, James E., S.C., E1526 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E1520, E1522, E1523 Matsui, Doris O., Calif., E1519 Correa, J. Luis, Calif., E1525 Shimkus, John, Ill., E1524 McCarthy, Kevin, Calif., E1524 Graves, Sam, Mo., E1524 Shuster, Bill, Pa., E1523 Gutie´rrez, Luis V., Ill., E1520 Meadows, Mark, N.C., E1522, E1525 Stefanik, Elise M., N.Y., E1521

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