© The contributors 2007. This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be directed to the publisher. Published by VIA-N — the Victorian Initiatives of Artists Network
[email protected] www.via-n.org The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the editor, publishers, or funding partners. Printed in Australia. ISBN 978-0-9803554-0-6 Editor: Din Heagney Designer: Brad Haylock Editorial Committee: Brad Haylock, Din Heagney, Brett Jones, Sophie Knezic, Emma McRae, Claire Mooney Prepress & Printing: BPA Print Group Typeset in TheSerif, Lubalin Graph and Courier New. acknowledgements The Australia Council and Arts Victoria, for financially supporting Making Space through the Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy. Thanks in particular to Billy Crawford (Australia Council) and Stuart Koop (Arts Victoria) — who saw the opportunity to present an event celebrating the work of Victorian ARIs, with an ambitious accompanying publication. Further thanks to Lainie Kluska, Peng Foong and Kate Warren for their work at Arts Victoria on Making Space. Din Heagney, the managing editor of the Making Space program and publication. Brad Haylock, the designer of the Making Space project logo, program and publication. The Making Space editorial committee, who volunteered their time and knowledge on many nights after work to see this project happen: Brett Jones and Brad Haylock (West Space), Din Heagney (Platform), Emma McRae (Seventh), and particularly Claire Mooney (bus) and Sophie Knezic (Kings) who chased down interviews with many of the artists who established artist-run spaces in the past.