Comparing Caster Semenya and Oscar Pistorius
Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education Volume 4 Number 1 - 2014 Identity Politics and Global Citizenship in Elite Athletics: Comparing Caster Semenya and Oscar Pistorius Amanda Danielle Watson Ph.D. Candidate Institute of Women's Studies University of Ottawa Heather Hillsburg Postdoctoral Fellow Lakehead University Lori Chambers Professor Lakehead University Keywords: elite athletics, identity politics, Olympic Games, global citizenship, Caster Semenya, Oscar Pistorius, exaltation ABSTRACT: This paper emerges from the body of theory that considers the mega-event of the Olympic Games as a site of citizenship education, where citizenship is negotiated, learned, regulated, and performed for television viewers. As a site of global citizenship recognition, the mega-event of the Olympic Games, including the embodied participation of Olympic athletes, offers a rich venue through which we can understand the ways in which host nations, spectators, sponsors, and fans exalt and admonish particular citizenship performances. In this comparative feminist media analysis of the cases of athletes Caster Semenya and Oscar Pistorius, we map the ways in which categories of identity, including race, gender, and class, are mobilized in discussion of these athletes as more-or-less deserving Olympic athlete-citizens. Using discursive media analysis as a methodology, we focus on the framing of each athlete by the anonymous commentary of ordinary fans on a popular international track-and- field website called LetsRun. We suggest that citizenship theorists take seriously how hierarchies of power are enforced along intersectional lines of race, class, and gender, and ultimately contend that the disparate treatment of these athletes, as evidenced in fan commentary, extends and interrogates theories of exalted citizenship on the world stage.
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