Notes on the Local Theta Correspondence
NOTES ON THE LOCAL THETA CORRESPONDENCE Stephen S. Kudla Department of Mathematics University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A. email: c 1996 Stephen S. Kudla Introduction These notes are intended to provide an introduction to the theory of the theta cor- respondence over a nonarchimdean local field. They form the basis and background for a series of ten lectures to be given as part of the European School in Group Theory at Schloß Hirschberg in September, 1996. Here is a rough outline of what they contain: Chapter I. The Heisenberg group, the metaplectic group, the Weil representation, the Rao cocycle, and Schr¨odinger models. Chapter II. Reductive dual pairs, the theta correspondence, the Howe duality principle, restriction of the metaplectic cover, the Weil representation for the dual pair (O(V ),Sp(W )) , scaling. Chapter III. Witt towers, parabolic subgroups, the Bernstein-Zelevinsky classifi- cation, persistence and stable range, first occurrence indices, the trivial represen- tation, supercuspidals, compatibility with the Bernstein-Zelevinsky classification, Jacquet functors of the Weil representation. Chapter IV. Seesaw dual pairs, degenerate principal series and their restrictions, proofs of some results of Chapter III. Typeset by AMS-TEX 1 2 STEPHEN S. KUDLA Chapter V. First occurrence indices for pairs of Witt towers, conservation and dichotomy conjectures, quotients of degenerate principal series, zeta integrals. Chapter VI. Low dimensional examples, chains of supercuspidals, behavior of unramified representations in the correspondence, L-homomorphisms and functori- ality These notes overlap with the book of Moeglin, Vigneras and Waldspurger, [46], at a number of places, but the overall point of view is somewhat different.
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