On First Occurrence in the Local Theta Correspondence Stephen S. Kudla∗ and Stephen Rallis† Abstract. This paper discusses a conservation conjecture for the first oc- currence indices. Such indices record the first occurrence of an irreducible admissible representation π of a fixed group G in the local theta correspon- dence as the second member of a dual pair (G, G) runs over the isometry groups in a Witt tower. For example, for a fixed nonarchimedean local field F and for a fixed quadratic character χ of F ×, there are two Witt towers + − ± {Vm } and {Vm }, where the quadratic space Vm has dimension m,character ± ± χ and Hasse invariant ±1. If mχ (π)isthe dimension of the space Vm for which the irreducible admissible representation π of Spn(F ) first occurs in the ± theta correspondence for the dual pair (Spn(F ),O(Vm )), then we conjecture that + − mχ (π)+mχ (π)=4n +4. We prove this conjecture in many cases, in particular, when π is a supercus- pidal representation. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 11F27; secondary 22E50. 0. Introduction A basic step in understanding the local theta correspondence is the descrip- tion of the behavior of the correspondence as one group in the reductive dual pair varies in a Witt tower, [18]. The combination of this Witt tower tech- nique, with the method of ‘doubling’, [4], [18], and the local ‘doubling’ zeta integrals, [16], [17], lies behind much of our qualitative understanding of the correspondence. In this paper1,inthe case of a nonarchimedean local field, ∗Partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-0200292 and by a Max-Planck Research Prize from the Max-Planck Society and Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. †Partially supported by NSF Grant DMS 0140422. 1which has languished in a drawer for nearly 10 years, due to the idolence of the first author 2 Stephen Kudla and Stephen Rallis we conjecture a ‘conservation relation’ between the first occurrence indices in a pair of related Witt towers and prove it in many cases. Suppose that F is a nonarchimedean local field of characteristic zero. Two quadratic spaces V and V over F are said to lie in the same Witt tower if they are isomorphic after the addition of a suitable number of hyperbolic planes. The Witt tower of V is then determined by the discriminant character χ = χV and the Hasse invariant = (V )=±1, and, of course, the parity of the dimension of V .Ifχ,aquadratic character of F ×, and a parity have been + − fixed, there are two associated Witt towers {V } and {V }, where χ ± = χ, m m Vm ± ± ± (Vm )= 1, and dimF (Vm )=m. Let Gn = Sp(Wn)bethe symplectic group of rank n over F ,inthe case of even parity, or Mp(Wn), its metaplectic extension, in the case of odd parity. Let Irr(Gn)bethe set of isomorphism ∈ classes of irreducible admissible (genuine) representations of Gn.Forπ ± Irr(Gn), the first occurrence index mχ (π)isthe smallest dimension m for which ± π occurs in the local theta correspondence for the dual pair (Gn,O(Vm )). It is ± known that π then occurs in the correspondence for any pair (Gn,O(Vm )) with ≥ ± ± ≤ m mχ (π), and that, by Howe’s stable range condition, mχ (π) m0 +2n, where m0 = m0(±,χ)isthe dimension of the smallest quadratic space in the { ±} tower Vm . The conservation relation can be stated as follows. ∈ Conjecture A. For any π Irr(Gn), + − mχ (π)+mχ (π)=4n +4. In the case of odd parity, Conjecture A implies the following theta dichotomy phenomenon: ∈ Conjecture B. Fix a quadratic character χ.Anyπ Irr(Gn) occurs in the + − theta correspondence with precisely one of the spaces V2n+1 and V2n+1. In fact, this dichotomy is controlled by a local root number, cf. [3] in the unitary group case, and this phenomenon leads to interesting global arithmetic related to central values and derivatives of L-functions, [8].Wewill not discuss these aspects further in the present paper, see, however, [11]. Conjecture A asserts that if a representation π occurs ‘early’ in one tower, it must occur late in the other. The most extreme example of this is the case of the trivial representation 11ofSp(Wn), which we view (formally) as the Weil representation of the zero dimensional space at the bottom of Witt tower { +} of split quadratic space Vm for the trivial character χ = χ0 =1.Thus, m+ (11) = 0. On the other hand, we show: χ0 Theorem 1. The conservation relation holds for π =11 and for any quadratic character χ.Infact, m− (11) = 4n +4, and m±(11) = 2n +2, for χ = χ . χ0 χ 0 On First Occurrence in the Local Theta Correspondence 3 This result is actually an essential intermediate step in obtaining the following criterion in the general case. Let × → (0.1) ι : Gn Gn G2n be the doubling embedding, and let I2n(s, χ)bethe degenerate principal series ∈ C representation of G2n defined by the character χ and s . Theorem 2. Fix a quadratic character χ and a parity. Suppose that π is an irreducible admissible representation of Gn such that ∨ dim Hom × (I (s ,χ),π⊗ π )=1, Gn Gn 2n 0 for all s0 in the set: {− − 1 − 1 − 1 1 } n 2 , n + 2 ,...,n 2 ,n+ 2 for even parity and χ =1, Crit = {−n + 1 ,...,n− 1 } for even parity and χ =1 , 2 2 {−n, −n +1,...,n− 1,n } for odd parity. Then + − mχ (π)+mχ (π)=4n +4. ∈ Of course, many representations π Irr(Gn) satisfy the condition of this Theorem. For example: Corollary 3. The conservation relation of Conjecture A holds for any super- ∈ cuspidal representation π Irr(Gn).Inparticular, in the metaplectic case, such representations satisfy theta dichotomy. Analogous conservations relations should hold for other dual pairs. For example, for an irreducible admissible representation τ ∈ Irr(O(V )) of the orthogonal group of some quadratic space V over F , let n(τ)bethe smallest n for which τ occurs in the theta correspondence for the dual pair (O(V ),Gn). Again, we know that τ then occurs in the correspondence for ≥ ≤ the pair (O(V ),Gn) for any n n(τ), and that n(τ) m = dimF (V ). Let ν : O(V ) → F ×/F ×,2 be an extension to O(V )ofthe spinor norm on SO(V ). Forany quadratic character χ of F ×, letχ ˜ = χ ◦ ν be the corresponding character of O(V ) and let sgn · χ˜ be its twist by the sgn character. The analogue of the conservation relation in this case is the following. Conjecture C. Forafixed quadratic character χ and for any π ∈ Irr(O(V )), n(˜χ · τ)+n(sgn · χ˜ · τ)=dimF (V ). The analogous conjectures in the case of unitary groups are made in [3]. The methods of the present paper can be applied in the orthogonal and unitary cases as well. We hope to discuss the results elsewhere. 4 Stephen Kudla and Stephen Rallis Since this paper was first written, a number of people have established conservation relations and dichotomy in various cases. For example, for uni- tary groups over R, quite precise information about the correspondence was obtained by A. Paul, [15] and the conservation relations were verified2.Inthe nonarchimedean case, there is work of Mui¸c, [14], who proves the conservation ∈ relation for discrete series representations π Irrds(Gn)inthe case of even parity, using the work of Moeglin and Tadic [12]. The authors were aware of elementary cases of dichotomy, a number of which are contained in [18]. This lead to some of the problems studied below. In particular, the conservation conjecture stated above and its analogue for unitary groups were found by the first author while visiting the Tata Institute in Bombay in January 1994. A serious effort to try to prove these conjectures was undertaken jointly soon thereafter, and the present paper, which utilizes in large part the methods of [18],was essentially written by May of 1995. The results were summarized in the lecture notes [7] in 1996. The present volume seemed like a good occasion to finally finish the task of polishing it for publication. The first author would like to express his heartfelt appreciation to the second for all of the mathematics and encouragment he has shared so generously over the years. 1. Quotients of degenerate principal series In this section we recall some of the basic facts about certain degenerate prin- cipal series representations and their restrictions via doubling. Let F beanon-archimedean local field of characteristic 0, and let W , <, > beanon-degenerate symplectic vector space of dimension 2n over F .Wefix an identification W = F 2n (row vectors) such that t 1n <w1,w2 > = w1J w2,J= , −1n and we view the symplectic group G = Gn = Sp(W )asacting on W on the right. We let e1,...,en,e1,...,en be the fixed basis of W . Let Pn be the stabilizer of the maximal isotropic subspace of W spanned by the rows of the ∈ matrix (0, 1n) Mn,2n(F ), i.e., by the vectors e1,...,en, and let a M = { m(a)= | a ∈ GL (F ) }, ta−1 n and 1 b N = { n(b)= | b = tb ∈ M (F ) }, 1 n 2Here there are many Witt towers and one must group them suitably. On First Occurrence in the Local Theta Correspondence 5 so that Pn = MN is a Levi decomposition of the Siegel parbolic Pn. Let 2n K = Spn(O)bethe maximal compact subgroup stabilizing the lattice O in W .Inthe Iwasawa decomposition G = PK = NMK, write g = nm(a)k, and note that the quantity |a(g)| = | det a | is well defined, independent of the choice of a ∈ GLn(F ).
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