2021 VIRTUAL TRADE SHOW MARCH 1 - 31, 2021 To Log On To The Show to Place Your Order, Go To: www.tradeshoweasy.com - or - www.gemstatedist.com/trade-show.html HOW TO LOG ON: Username: gem21 - Account # (or chain #) Password: gem21 Index Albanese Confectionary 3 Kind Healthy Snacks 18 American Snuff Co. 3 Kraft Heinz Co. 18 Bazooka Candy Brands 4 Lil Drug Store 19 Blue Diamond Growers 4 Link Industry, Inc 19 Bug Juice International 5 Living Essentials 20 Campbell’s Snacks 5 Mars Wrigley Confections 20 Candy Treasures 6 McCain Foods 21 Casper’s Ice Cream Inc. 6 Mondelez Global 21 Charms Candy Inc. 7 Moringa America 22 Darigold (Up) 7 Nestle Professional 22 Deep River Snacks 8 One Brands, LLC 23 Deli Express 8 Orion/Landmark (Dot) 23 Dr. Pepper Snapple 9 Pearson Candy Company 24 Evans Food Group 9 Pepperidge Farm Inc. 24 F’REAL (Dot) 10 Portland Bee Balm 25 Ferrara Candy Company 10 Quest Nutrition 25 Ferrara Snack 11 Reliva LLC 26 Ferrero USA, Inc. 11 RJ Reynolds 26 Ford Gum 11 Ruby Jewel 27 Foreign Candy Co 12 Ruiz Foods 27 Fun Factory 12 Santa Fe Natural Tobacco 28 General Mills, Inc. 13 Schuster Products 28 Giant Snacks, LLC 13 Smokey Mountain Chew Inc. 29 Grinds LLC. 15 Storck USA, LP 29 Hershey Foods USA 14 Taste of Nature 30 Hostess 15 The Quaker Oats Co. (Spitz) 30 Jack Link’s (Dot) 16 Tootsie Roll Industries 31 JTM Foods 16 Van Holten’s 31 Just Born Inc. 17 Warren Distribution, Inc. 32 Kellogg/Keebler 17 www.gemstatedist.com PAGE 2 • GEM STATE DISTRIBUTORS ALBANESE CONFECTIONARY GUMMI BEARS 1/Each 36 Oz.
Spott'fored by SUBSCRIBE NOW Grosse Pointe 'Mlb Amu to I Yacht Club GREAT LAKES (313)343-5578 New boats ali sizes/Vmtage Cars, $14.50 OFF THE NEWSSTAND PRICE BOATING FESTIVAL Boats, & Motorcycles/Displays by the Ford House and the M ay 18-20, 2012 Dossin Museum (see page 6 for details) Space Donated by n ? m i l Open In fhe MOTOR ViilAGe G rosse Pointe New s VO L 73, NO. 20,38 PAGES MAY 17,2012 ONE DOLLAR (DELIVERY 7 U) One of America's great community newspapers since 1940 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN Complete news coverage of all the Pointes SAVE with the Grosse Pointe News! Water rates jump By Brad Lindberg StaffW riter W eek ahead GROSSE POINTE FARMS — Water conservation is the main 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 cause of a 19 percent water rate increase. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 “There’s several factors that came into play,” said John Lamerato, Grosse Pointe Farms THURSDAY, MAY 17 finance director. ♦ The Friends of Grosse The main one is decreased Pointe Pubiic library hold consumption. a book sale from noon to Farms water customers are us 8 p.m. at the Woods HI give ing less water. Consumption is 20 branch, 20680 Mack. percent less since the mid*1990s. ♦ Grosse Pointe Woods “That is a significant drop in and Mack Avenue you a flower the sale of water,” said Business Association hold Councilman Louis Theros, chair sidewalk sales during The 38th annual Beautification man of the finance committee. business hours. Advisory Commission Flower Sale in The overall decrease this year Grosse Pointe Woods brought out is projected to exceed 2.5 per FRIDAY, MAY 18 flower lovers to buy blossoms In con cent, from 68.6- to 66.75-million ♦ Grosse Pointe Theatre tainers, flats and hanging baskets.
760 S. Delsea Drive, PO Box 1447 Vineland, New Jersey 08362-1447 Visit us on the web at: www.ljzucca.com PHONE 856-692-7425 TOLL FREE # 1-800-552-2639 FAX # 800-443-2067 ORDER CATALOG - SPRING/SUMMER 2021 Orders MUST be placed by 3:00 p.m. the day before your scheduled delivery day Customer Number Customer Name Day of delivery Street Address Date of delivery City Taken by ITEM# QTY DESCRIPTION ****ONLINE ORDERING NOW AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERED ORDERS**** Please contact Customer Service for details X 0 A To order catalogs use item number 803205 1-800-934-3968 www.wecard.org Office Hours: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday Showroom Hours: 8:00 am - noon, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - noon, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Friday RETURN POLICY If an item is received with LESS than the guaranteed shelf life and you believe you will not sell it before the expiration date: Contact our office within 72 hours with the invoice number, item number, quantity, and the code on the received item. The following items may be returned for credit ONLY IF PURCHASED FROM L J ZUCCA in the last 14 days and in original packaging, un-opened, and never stickered. BATTERIES GROCERIES (Case) and (Each) CANDY, GUM, MINTS FULL BOXES PAPER PRODUCTS CIGARETTE PAPERS PLAYING CARDS CIGARETTE TUBES PIPES GLOVES SPORT & TRADING CARDS Credit for the following product categories is divided into four sections FULL CREDIT RESTRICTIONS ANY "NEW" CANDY, NOVELTY, GUM, SNACK ITEM Within 60 days of our initial release CIGARS PACKS KETTLE CHIPS MEAT SNACKS NABISCO CRACKERS & COOKIES TOBACCO CREDIT WITH RESTRICTIONS RESTRICTIONS: BEVERAGE'S If received with LESS than 30 days shelf life CANDY, GUM, CRACKERS OR COOKIES If received with LESS than 30 days shelf life CANDY - HOLIDAY If returned 30 days BEFORE the Holiday CIGAR FULL BOXES Full Boxes, original packaging, un-opened, and never stickered.
Candy From The Candy From 1900’s – 1920’s The 1970’s Abba Zaba Candy by Decade In addition to the candy Baby Ruth Candy From from the prior decades, BB Bat Suckers Candy From someone born in the Beeman’s Gum Continued The 1930’s The 1950’s In addition to the candy 1970’s would also Bit-O-Honey 1900’s – 1920’s In addition to the candy remember these: Black Jack Gum from the prior decades, Life Savers Pep-O-Mint Candy From from the prior decades, Big Red Gum Black Licorice Mary Janes someone born in the 1930’s would also The 1940’s someone born in the Botan Rice Candy Butternger Milk Duds 1950’s would also Candy From Candy Cigarettes remember these: In addition to the candy Bottlecaps Milky Way from the prior decades, remember these: The 1960’s Candy Corn 3 Musketeers Bubble Yum Mounds someone born in the In addition to the candy Bubblicious Caramel Creams Moon Pie 5th Avenue 100 Grand Bar from the prior decades, Cella Cherries 1940’s would also Atomic Fireballs Charms Blow Pops Mountain Bar Big Cherry remember these: someone born in the Charms Boston Baked Beans Big Hunk Freshen Up Gum Mr. Goodbar 1960’s would also Gobstoppers Charms Sour Balls Necco Wafers Candy Buttons Almond Joy Black Licorice Pipes remember these: Charleston Chew Chick-O-Stick Bazooka Bubble Gum Black Tay Gold Mine Gum Snow Caps Banana Splits Hershey’s Special Dark Cherry Cocktail Nut Goodie Chunky Chocolate Cigarettes Candy Necklaces Cherry Mash El Bubble Gum Cigars Cigarettes - Bubble Gum Candy Watches Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Oh Henry! C.
WM. WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY 2004 annual report part of ( ( everyday life Table of Contents Financial Highlights 10 Letter to Stockholders 11 Board of Directors 15 Elected Officers 16 Management’s Discussion and Analysis 18 Quarterly Data 26 Selected Financial Data 28 Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting 30 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 31 & 32 Consolidated Statement of Earnings 33 Consolidated Balance Sheet 34 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 36 Consolidated Statement of Stockholders’ Equity 37 Accounting Policies and Notes 38 Stockholder Information 54 Corporate Facilities and Principal Associated Companies 56 Wrigley Brands Inside Back cover Wrigley brands woven into the fabric of everyday life around the world… this is our vision. All around the globe, Wrigley associates are making this vision a reality by building and nurturing our brands, connecting with consumers and delivering some of the most recognized, best-loved and trusted confections in the world. 1 a refreshing break, an eye-opening boost . (Wrigley keeps it fresh) Wrigley’s innovation makes everybody’s daily routine a little less so by offering confectionery products that are distinctive in their quality and their benefits. Development of cool mints, great tasting dental candies and drops that provide a stimulating menthol lift has expanded the variety that Wrigley offers consumers, and extended equity-rich brands into whole new confectionery categories. Extra®, Eclipse®, Excel® and Winterfresh® are providing freshness to consumers around the world in a whole new format. Mint products under these brands are complementing existing gum offerings, contributing to brand franchise growth and meeting the needs of consumers on the go in Europe, the United States and Canada.