swire-1213-ear-hpad-spread-op.pdf 1 25/12/12 10:10 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K swire-1213-ear-hpad-spread-op.pdf 1 25/12/12 10:10 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K hkphil-new-black-branding-hpad-op.pdf 1 6/11/12 12:51 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 太古音樂大師 SWIRE Maestro 冠名贊助 Title Sponsor 梵志登的馬勒 JAAP’S MAHLER MOZART 莫扎特:C大調第廿一鋼琴協奏曲,K467 P. 10 雄偉的快板 ~29’ 行板 非常活潑的快板 Piano Concerto No.21 in C, K467 Allegro maestoso Andante Allegro vivace assai 中場休息 interval MAHLER 馬勒:D大調第一交響曲 P. 13 緩慢。慵懶 ~53’ 流暢但不太快 莊嚴精準但不拖沓 暴風雨般 Symphony No.1 in D Langsam. Schleppend Kräftig bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen Stürmisch bewegt 梵志登,指揮 P. 16 Jaap van Zweden, conductor 陶康瑞,鋼琴 P. 17 Conrad Tao, piano 請關掉手提電話及其他電子裝置 請勿飲食 請勿拍照、錄音或錄影 Please turn off your mobile phone No eating or drinking No photography, recording or filming and other electronic devices 如不欲保留場刊, 演奏期間請保持安靜 請留待整首樂曲完結後才報以掌聲鼓勵 請於完場後放回場地入口以便回收 Please keep noise to a minimum Please reserve your applause until If you don’t wish to take this printed during the performance the end of the entire work programme home, please return it to the admission point for recycling 5 ”The orchestra (HK Phil) responded to van Zweden’s grip on the soul of the piece with an impressively disciplined performance.” Sam Olluver, South China Morning Post 6 faan﹝梵志:清淨之志,登:達到﹞ 志 登 感謝伙伴 SALUTE TO OUR PARTNERS 香港管弦樂團衷心感謝以下機構的慷慨贊助和支持: The Hong Kong Philharmonic would like to express heartfelt thanks to the Partners below for their generous sponsorship and support: 主要贊助 Major Funding Body 首席贊助 Principal Patron 如欲查詢有關贊助或捐款事宜,歡迎致電 2721 2030 或電郵至
[email protected]與我們聯絡。 For sponsorship and donation enquiries, please call 2721 2030 or email
[email protected].