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All-TIME WORLD INDOOR LIST 2017 TAFWA All-TIME WORLD INDOOR LIST 2017 Compiled by E D G O R D O N for T rack an d Field W riters of A merica (T A FW A ) © TA FW A 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With TAFWA's recent transition to electronic-only dissemination of information, the print version of the All-Time Indoor List has now become a PDF publication. Recognition is made of those providing assistance in the preparation of this edition: Alexandru Boriga (Tîrgovi’te ROU), Marco Buccellato (Roma ITA), Mark Butler (Surbiton GBR), Arons Carvalho (Lisboa POR), Felix Capilla (Valencia ESP), Ottavio Castellini (Monte Carlo MON), Thomas Constas (Athína GRE), György Csiki (Budapest HUN), Patricia Doilin (Paris FRA), Enn Endjärv (Tallinn EST), Florian Gaudin-Winer (Paris FRA), Mathieu Gentès (Ottawa CAN), Jon Hendershott (Salem OR), José Luis Hernández (Madrid ESP), Garry Hill (Mountain View CA), Ian Hodge (London GBR), Richard Hymans (London GBR), Mirko Jalava (Littoinen FIN), Zbigniew Jonik (Zabrze POL), Alfons Juck (Bratislava SVK), Lennart Julin (Stockholm SWE), Winfried Kramer (Neunkirchen GER), Raul Leoni (Roma ITA), Sieg Lindstrom (San Francisco CA), Peter Matthews (Great Amwell GBR), Glen McMicken (Katy TX), Walt Murphy (Briarwood NY), Ken Nakamura (Tracy CA), Michal Procházka (Praha CZE), Jim Rorick (Petaluma CA), Jack Shepard (Westminster CA), Andris Staõis (Rßga LAT), Sergey Tikhonov (Moskva RUS), Robertas Trakys (Vilnius LTU), Milan Urban (Praha CZE), Aleksandar Vangelov (Sofia BUL) and countless sports information officers at US universities. NOTATIONAL SYMBOLS + Performance achieved while en route to a longer distance c Separate competitions within same meeting h Heat r Race ro Run-off to break tie in qualifying heat s Semifinal A Performance achieved at a site with an altitude in excess of 1000m J Performance achieved during jumpoff to break first-place tie M Performance achieved during multievent competition Q Performance achieved during a qualification round World-record performances are underlined in the lists. All other marks are explained at the beginning of the event in which they appear. World-record splits are those of the record-setter and not of the pacemaker(s). NOTES Changes in names of people and places A female athlete's former name is used unless the list contains a mark made under her married name, in which case all entries for that athlete are changed to the married name. No name change is made for a married athlete who continues to compete under her former name. All site names have been changed to those in current use. Records Events and marks recognized by the IAAF for world indoor records are noted in the world record list. The most superior statistically-acceptable performances in other events are presented and should be considered world bests. Similar treatment is given to American records. No official records are kept for collegiate indoor marks. The most superior statistically-acceptable performance in each event for a collegiate athlete competing during his/her team's indoor season is listed as the best in the respective discipline. En route times Intermediate times given in hundredths have been taken from photos at intermediate points. For data obtained from other sources (video analysis, photocell times, transponders, handtimes) the intermediate times are rounded up and given in tenths. En route hand times determined to have been obtained by official timing judges are included in the main lists. All other en route performances are listed separately. Oversized tracks Tracks of a circumference greater than 200 meters/220 yards are defined as oversized for record purposes. Marks achieved on such tracks are displayed in a separate list. The compiler would be pleased to receive corrections and suggestions. Ed Gordon Tel.: +1-510-524-3317 180 Ardmore Road Mobile: +1-510-229-0773 Berkeley, CA 94707 (USA) E-Mail: [email protected] 15 December 2016 MEN 50 METERS 5.56 A Donovan Bailey 16.12.67 CAN 1 Reno 9 Feb 1996 5.56 Maurice Greene 23.7.74 USA 1 Los Angeles 13 Feb 1999 5.58 Leonard Scott 19.1.80 USA 1+ Liévin 26 Feb 2005 5.59 Greene 1+ Madrid 16 Feb 1999 5.61 Manfred Kokot 3.1.48 GDR 1h Berlin (DH) 4 Feb 1973 5.61 James Sanford 27.12.57 USA 1 San Diego 20 Feb 1981 5.61 Michael Green 7.11.70 JAM + Liévin 16 Feb 1997 5.61 Deji Aliu 22.11.75 NGR 1+ Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.61 Jason Gardener 18.9.75 GBR 1+r2 Madrid 16 Feb 2000 5.61 Freddy Mayola 1.11.77 CUB 2+r2 Madrid 16 Feb 2000 5.62 Emmit King 24.3.59 USA 1 Kobe 5 Mar 1986 5.62 Andre Cason 20.1.69 USA 1 Los Angeles 15 Feb 1992 5.62 Bailey 1 Hamilton 12 Jan 1996 5.62 Green 1+h2 Liévin 16 Feb 1997 5.62 Eric Nkansah 12.12.74 GHA 2+ Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.62 Morne Nagel 23.2.78 RSA 1+h1 Liévin 24 Feb 2002 5.62 Nagel 1+ Liévin 24 Feb 2002 5.63 Stanley Floyd 23.6.61 USA 2 San Diego 20 Feb 1981 5.63 A Henry Neal 18.10.70 USA 1 Reno 10 Feb 1995 5.63 Jon Drummond 9.9.68 USA 2 Los Angeles 13 Feb 1999 5.63 Aliu 1+h2 Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.63 Mayola 1+r2 Madrid 14 Mar 2001 5.63 Lerone Clarke 12.6.81 JAM 1+ Liévin 14 Feb 2012 5.64 Davidson Ezinwa 22.11.71 NGR 2 Los Angeles 15 Feb 1992 5.64 Aleksandr Porkhomovskiy 12.8.72 RUS 1 Moskva 4 Feb 1994 5.64 Bruny Surin 12.7.67 CAN 1 Moskva 27 Jan 1995 5.64 Donovan Powell 31.10.71 JAM 3+ Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.64 Surin 4+ Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.64 Leonard Myles-Mills 9.5.73 GHA 1+ Liévin 13 Feb 2000 5.64 Ato Boldon 30.12.73 TTO 3+r2 Madrid 16 Feb 2000 5.64 Tim Harden 27.1.74 USA 4+r2 Madrid 16 Feb 2000 5.64 Gerald Williams 24.2.78 USA 1r2 Los Angeles 19 Feb 2000 5.64 Jeff Laynes 3.10.70 USA 1r4 Los Angeles 20 Jan 2001 5.64 Asafa Powell 23.11.82 JAM 1 New York 28 Jan 2012 5.65 Marian Woronin 13.8.56 POL 1 Grenoble 21 Feb 1981 5.65 Aliu + Madrid 5 Feb 1997 5.65 Raymond Stewart 18.3.65 JAM + Liévin 16 Feb 1997 5.65 Stéphane Cali 26.4.72 FRA 1+ Eaubonne 20 Feb 1998 5.65 Nkansah 1+h1 Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.65 Stewart 5+ Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.65 Aliu 1+ Liévin 25 Feb 2001 5.65 Aliu 1+h2 Liévin 23 Feb 2003 5.66 Surin + Liévin 16 Feb 1997 5.66 Stewart +h2 Liévin 16 Feb 1997 5.66 Gardener 2+h1 Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.66 Powell, D 3+h1 Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.66 Gardener 6+ Liévin 21 Feb 1999 5.66 Greg Saddler 29.6.74 USA 2+ Liévin 13 Feb 2000 5.66 Saddler 2+ Liévin 25 Feb 2001 5.66 Brian Lewis 5.12.74 USA 2+h1 Liévin 24 Feb 2002 5.66 Scott 1+h2 Liévin 26 Feb 2005 5.66 Greene 2+ Liévin 26 Feb 2005 (52/32) 5.67 Robert Esmie 5.7.72 CAN 1r2 Los Angeles 19 Feb 1994 5.67 Kareem Kelly 1.4.81 USA 3r2 Los Angeles 19 Feb 2000 5.67 Venancio José 19.4.76 ESP 2+r2 Madrid 14 Mar 2001 3 5.67 Coby Miller 19.10.76 USA 2+ Liévin 23 Feb 2003 5.67 Ronald Pognon 16.11.82 FRA 1+ Liévin 19 Feb 2005 5.67 Sam Effah 29.12.88 CAN 1 Saskatoon 3 Feb 2011 5.67 Nesta Carter 10.10.85 JAM 2 New York 28 Jan 2012 5.68 Wolfgang Löbe 22.10.53 GDR 1r3 Berlin (DH) 3 Feb 1974 (40) 5.68 Lee McRae 23.1.66 USA 1 Hamilton 13 Jan 1989 5.68 Terry Bowen 15.9.71 USA 3 Hamilton 12 Jan 1996 5.68 Darren Braithwaite 20.1.69 GBR + Madrid 5 Feb 1997 5.68 Trell Kimmons 13.7.85 USA 3 New York 28 Jan 2012 5.69 Ron Brown 31.3.61 USA 1 San Diego 17 Feb 1984 5.69 Bryan Howard 7.10.76 USA 1r3 Los Angeles 19 Feb 1994 5.69 Ibrahim Meité 18.11.76 CIV 1 Grenoble 29 Jan 1995 5.69 Dwain Chambers 5.4.78 GBR 3+ Liévin 13 Feb 2000 5.69 Mickey Grimes 10.10.76 USA 2r4 Los Angeles 20 Jan 2001 5.69 Nicolas Macrozonaris 22.8.80 CAN 1 Saskatoon 12 Jan 2002 (50) 5.69 Gennadiy Chernovol 6.6.76 KAZ 4+ Liévin 24 Feb 2002 5.70 Calvin Smith 1.8.61 USA 1 Rosemont 29 Jan 1984 5.70 Andrey Grigoryev 1.1.70 RUS 2 Moskva 4 Feb 1994 5.70 Randall Evans 26.10.70 USA 1 Moskva 7 Feb 1996 5.70 Tim Montgomery 28.1.75 USA + Liévin 22 Feb 1998 5.70 Dwight Phillips 1.10.77 USA 4+ Liévin 26 Feb 2005 5.70 Demi Omole 29.7.85 USA 1+h1 Liévin 10 Feb 2009 5.71 Lee McNeill 2.12.64 USA 2 Hamilton 13 Jan 1989 5.71 Andrey Fedoriv 11.8.63 RUS 3 Moskva 4 Feb 1994 5.71 Yuriy Mizera 26.2.66 RUS 4 Moskva 4 Feb 1994 (60) 5.71 Frank Fredericks 2.10.67 NAM 2= Grenoble 29 Jan 1995 5.71 Sergey Osovich 16.12.73 UKR 2 Moskva 7 Feb 1996 5.71 Yeóryios Theodorídis 12.12.72 GRE 1 Thessaloniki 17 Jan 1998 5.71 Roland Németh 19.9.74 HUN 1 Nyíregyháza 5 Feb 2000 5.71 Doug Bignall 20.10.74 GBR 1r3 Los Angeles 20 Jan 2001 5.71 DaBryan Blanton 3.7.84 USA 1+ Liévin 10 Feb 2009 5.71 Christophe Lemaitre 11.6.90 FRA 1+ Liévin 5 Mar 2010 5.71 Harry Aikines-Aryeetey 29.8.88 GBR 2+ Liévin 5 Mar 2010 5.71 Justin Gatlin 10.2.82 USA 4 New York 28 Jan 2012 5.72 Ray James 14.10.59 USA 1 Syracuse 10 Feb 1980 (70) 5.72 Carl Lewis 1.7.61 USA 2 San Diego 17 Feb 1984 5.72 Sven Matthes 23.8.69 GDR 1r1 Berlin (DH) 19 Feb 1988 5.72 Dmitriy Bartenev 8.3.69 RUS 1h2 Moskva 4 Feb 1994 5.72 Anvar Kuchmuradov 5.1.70 UZB 5 Moskva 4 Feb 1994 5.72 Vitaliy Savin 23.1.66 KAZ + Madrid 9 Feb 1995 5.72 Vincent Henderson 20.10.72 USA 3+ Madrid 16 Feb 1999 5.72 Anninos Marcoullides 8.2.71 CYP 2 Nyíregyháza 5 Feb 2000 5.72 Josh Norman 26.7.80 USA 1+h2 Liévin 10 Feb 2009 5.72 Peter Emelieze 19.4.88 NGR 2+ Liévin 10 Feb 2009 5.72 Marcus Rowland 11.3.90 USA 1 Saskatoon 31 Jan 2014 (80) 5.73 Wolfgang Rabe 14.5.52 GDR 1h Berlin (DH) 4 Feb 1973 5.73 Vladimir Muravyov 30.9.59 URS 2s1 Grenoble 21 Feb 1981 5.73 František Ptáník 27.2.62 TCH 1 Praha 26 Jan 1985 5.73 Albert Lawrence 26.4.61 JAM 1 Kobe 9 Mar 1985 5.73 Harvey Glance 28.3.57 USA 1h2 Rosemont 16 Feb 1986 5.73 Steffen Bringmann 11.3.64 GDR 3 Kobe 5 Mar 1986 5.73 Michael Marsh 4.8.67 USA 1r1 Los Angeles 19 Jan 1990 5.73 Jií Valík 26.7.66 TCH 1 Praha 10 Feb 1990 5.73 Brian Cooper 21.8.65 USA 1 Cleveland 17 Feb 1990 5.73 Rod Tolbert 11.6.67 USA 3h2 Hamilton 12 Jan 1996 (90) 5.73 Frutos Feo 1.1.72 ESP +
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