Housemaid Planned electricity Barca take the jumps from charges ‘sharply’ lead; Enrique the 6th floor7 reduced, MP9 says confirms47 exit Min 12º Max 24º FREE NO: 17156- Friday, MARCH 3, 2017 The women of Maha Al-Asaker SEE PAGE 3 Local FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 2017 PHOTO OF THE DAY Local Spotlight 17 million gallons of water wasted in 2 days By Muna Al-Fuzai
[email protected] ast week I wrote about the national celebra- tions and predicted that water will be sprayed Lin the streets, which is a negative phenome- non. The national celebrations have turned into a water festival. What is the connection between the two? Nothing! It is shameful that we celebrated in this fashion a national occasion in which many families remem- ber their loved ones who sacrificed their lives for the nation to protect its land. But now the memory of those heroic martyrs no longer exists, except for reports about water guns, quarrels and the terrible congestion in the streets. The question remains - what is the wisdom of all this? And what have we learned and how much have we lost? We have lost the opportunity to teach our kids The new Jaber Al Ahmad Cultural Center (JACC) seen at night. — Photo by Ghazi Qaffaf / KUNA why we are celebrating the national and liberation days. How should we think about this issue for the future? Isn’t water a blessing? I don’t think any of these ideas have been mentioned during the IMPRINT national days. The ministry of electricity and water issued a statement in the press that water consumption Why I won’t protest Trump during the celebrations reached 17 million imperial gallons, equivalent to the daily consumption of 17,000 houses, each consisting of 10 members.