PromotingPromoting RainwaterRainwater HarvestingHarvesting inin CaribbeanCaribbean SmallSmall IslandIsland DevelopingDeveloping StatesStates

SensitizationSensitization andand PlanningPlanning WorkshopWorkshop

PilotPilot ProjectProject fundedfunded byby TheThe UnitedUnited NationsNations EnvironmentEnvironment ProgrammeProgramme ExecutedExecuted byby TheThe CaribbeanCaribbean EnvironmentalEnvironmental HealthHealth InstituteInstitute FebruaryFebruary 88 -- 10,10, 20062006

Grenada,, CarriacouCarriacou andand PetitePetite MartiniqueMartinique ProjectProject BackgroundBackground  InitiativeInitiative camecame outout ofof 1313thth SessionSession onon thethe CommissionCommission onon SustainableSustainable DevelopmentDevelopment whichwhich focusedfocused onon WaterWater PolicyPolicy

 UNEPUNEP embarkedembarked onon thethe initiativeinitiative toto promotepromote RainwaterRainwater HarvestingHarvesting andand facilitatefacilitate formationformation ofof RainwaterRainwater PartnershipPartnership

 SimilarSimilar ProjectsProjects implementedimplemented inin AsiaAsia AfricaAfrica andand PacificPacific SIDSSIDS

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: PilotPilot SiteSite SelectionSelection

 GrenadaGrenada chosenchosen asas pilotpilot because:because:

EffectsEffects ofof HurricaneHurricane IvanIvan helphelp toto illustrateillustrate vulnerabilityvulnerability andand impactimpact onon waterwater resourcesresources andand sanitationsanitation

Grenada,Grenada, CarriacouCarriacou andand PetitPetit MartiniqueMartinique collectivelycollectively representrepresent manymany ofof thethe waterwater issuesissues facedfaced byby severalseveral CaribbeanCaribbean SIDSSIDS

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: PilotPilot SiteSite SelectionSelection

DisparityDisparity betweenbetween waterwater availabilityavailability andand scarcityscarcity betweenbetween GrenadaGrenada andand thethe GrenadineGrenadine IslandsIslands offersoffers opportunityopportunity toto learnlearn toto bridgebridge gapgap withwith augmentationaugmentation optionsoptions

OpportunityOpportunity toto learnlearn fromfrom thethe experiencesexperiences alreadyalready inin placeplace inin GrenadaGrenada forfor thethe benefitbenefit ofof otherother MSMS

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: ObjectivesObjectives

 RWHRWH ProgrammeProgramme forfor GrenadaGrenada

 RegionalRegional RWHRWH ProgrammeProgramme

 MainstreamingMainstreaming ofof RWHRWH intointo waterwater policypolicy

 StrengtheningStrengthening thethe institutionalinstitutional andand humanhuman resourceresource capacitiescapacities ofof MemberMember StatesStates toto useuse RWHRWH

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: ApproachApproach  Multi-stakeholderMulti-stakeholder involvementinvolvement

MinistryMinistry ofof HealthHealth && EnvironmentEnvironment

MinistryMinistry ofof Agriculture,Agriculture, Lands,Lands, ForestryForestry andand FisheriesFisheries

NationalNational WaterWater andand SewerageSewerage AuthorityAuthority

EnvironmentalEnvironmental NGOsNGOs

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: ActivitiesActivities  NeedsNeeds AssessmentAssessment

 SensitizationSensitization WorkshopsWorkshops

 PreparationPreparation ofof awarenessawareness buildingbuilding materialsmaterials

 RWHRWH potentialpotential mappingmapping

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: ActivitiesActivities

 EvaluationEvaluation ofof GrenadaGrenada PilotPilot ProjectProject toto modifymodify andand replicatereplicate forfor otherother MemberMember StatesStates

 RegionalRegional RWHRWH ProgrammeProgramme

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: RWHRWH NeedsNeeds AssessmentAssessment

 ChecklistChecklist forfor DataData andand InformationInformation CaptureCapture

 Inter-AgencyInter-Agency DataData CollectionCollection

 CommunityCommunity DataData CollectionCollection (EHD)(EHD)

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: RWHRWH NeedsNeeds AssessmentAssessment NAWASANAWASA LUDLUD VeterinaryVeterinary DivisionDivision EHDEHD Worburn; Petite PPUPPU Calivigny; L’ Esterre MOA-C’couMOA-C’cou Woodlands; Harvey Vale MCPMAMCPMA Westerhall; Windward GIPEGIPE D’ Arbeau; L’ Esterre Primary School CECCEC River Road Hillsborough Secondary PM-CCPM-CC Rose Hill; Princess Alice Hospital. GCAGCA Mount Rose; GHTAGHTA Levera; GRENCODAGRENCODA Guapo. ARTART

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: AssessmentAssessment FindingsFindings

 AgencyAgency SurveySurvey

 2020 %% ofof populationpopulation onon GrenadaGrenada practicespractices RWHRWH toto complementcomplement publicpublic supplysupply

 EntireEntire islandsislands ofof CarriacouCarriacou andand PMPM harvestharvest rainwaterrainwater

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site:  BenefitsBenefits toto bebe derivedderived fromfrom RWHRWH

 PotentialPotential toto developdevelop RWHRWH amongamong sectorssectors


AgricultureAgriculture andand animalanimal husbandryhusbandry


Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: AssessmentAssessment FindingsFindings

Community Survey

Elements Assessed Grenada and Petite Martinique Persons practicing RWH 55 % 100 % RWH is the primary source of 6 % 100 % potable water Preference for the consumption of 66 % 96 % rainwater There is a need to develop RWH 91 % 85 % Willing to practice RWH 83 % 100 %

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: AssessmentAssessment FindingsFindings

CommunityCommunity SurveySurvey

Benefits for Practicing RWH in Grenada Benefits for Practicing RWH in Carriacou and Petite Martinique Othe r Financial 2% 7% Convenience 24%

Financial 47% Convenience 46% Water se curity Water Security 47% 27%

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: AssessmentAssessment FindingsFindings

CommunityCommunity SurveySurvey

Incentives for RWH in Grenada Incentives for RWH in Carriacou and Petite Martinique Training 23% Training 13% Financial 42% Social 10% Technical 28% Financial 59% Technical 25%

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: NeedsNeeds andand WayWay ForwardForward forfor RWHRWH  PolicyPolicy andand incentivesincentives forfor RWHRWH inin Grenada,Grenada, CarriacouCarriacou andand PMPM

 IncentivesIncentives shouldshould bebe providedprovided forfor RWHRWH

 ProgrammeProgramme forfor Protection,Protection, MonitoringMonitoring andand treatmenttreatment ofof RWHRWH systemssystems

 RefurbishmentRefurbishment ofof CommunalCommunal CisternsCisterns

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: NeedsNeeds andand WayWay ForwardForward forfor RWHRWH

 AssistanceAssistance toto thethe lessless fortunatefortunate householdshouseholds inin thethe acquisitionacquisition ofof RWHRWH systemssystems

 BuildBuild onon previousprevious oror ongoingongoing initiativesinitiatives suchsuch as:as:  RWHRWH andand FoodFood SecuritySecurity RWHRWH andand PovertyPoverty AlleviationAlleviation WorkWork ofof thethe St.St. VincentVincent DePaulDePaul CollaborateCollaborate withwith NGOsNGOs forfor projectproject proposalproposal

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: ThankThank youyou

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute The Morne, Castries, St. Lucia Tel: 758 452-2501; Fax: 758 453-2721 Email: [email protected]; Web site: