Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Continued from Previous Page It Was Needed, Each One Doing a Little Bit More Voices to Bring the Garden to Life
Berkeley Zen Center August 2007 Newsletter Enlightenment, Faith, BZC Schedule and Practice August Sojun Talk, Sept. 30, 1995 Founder’s Ceremony oday I want to talk about faith and devo- Thursday, 8-2, 6:20 pm tion in Zen practice. Actually, I want to talk Friday, 8-3 , 6:40 am TTabout faith, enlightenment and practice, Half-Day Sitting because all three are necessary, and you might Sunday, 8-5 say that these are the three legs of Zen practice. Work Sesshin Day Actually, practice is devotion and faith is enlight- Sunday, 8-12 enment. When people think about Zen, what Kidzendo comes to mind is enlightenment as the main Saturday, 8-18 feature. But actually, faith is the foundation, and Bodhisattva Ceremony Saturday, 8-25, 9:30 am faith and enlightenment are inseparable. In all schools of Buddhism faith is an indispensable September factor, and Zen is just Buddhism. Two-Day Study Sitting Sometimes people think that Zen is something Saturday & Sunday, 9-1 & 9-2 a little to the side of Buddhism, but actually, Zen Founders Ceremony is what we call Buddha's practice. And when you Tuesday, 9-4, 6:20 pm practice, you are Buddha. So it's your practice, Wednesday, 9-5, 6:40 am and at the same time it's Buddha's practice. Kidzendo When you are completely engaged in practice, Saturday, 9-15 it's Buddha's practice. When you sit zazen, Half-Day Sitting Buddha is sitting zazen. Sunday, 9-16 The fundamental premise of our school is that Women’s Sitting ordinary beings and Buddha are not two.
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