Derbyshire. Net Hers Ea L
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DIRECfORY.] DERBYSHIRE. NET HERS EA L. "as reconstructed and enlarged, at a cost of £no, in is r,171 acres of land and 9 of water; rateable value, 1892: the church was ll'estored in r874, at a cost £8,746; the population ·in rgo1 was 1,244. In x88~ ~f [.2,702, and has 300 sittings. The registers date from detach-ed parts of this parish were amalgamated with the year 1566, and are in very good condition. The living Blackfordby, and other detached parts amalgamated u a rectory, net yearly value £713, with 62 acres of with Oakthorp and Donisthorpe, in Leicestershire. glebe and residence, in the gift oi A. 0. W orthington Parish Clerk, Netherseal, William Ford. esq. of Maple Hayes, Staffs, and held since 1897 by the Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Overseal.-Ernest Thomas Bev. Herbert Edward Worthington B.A. of Merton Col Wilkins, sub-postmaster. Letters through Ashby-de lege, Oxford, and rnral dean of West Akeley ; the rectory la-Zouch arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 3.20 p.m.; sundays, house, built in 1863, is situated close to the church. 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at IO.I5 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. on There are General Baptist and Wesleyan chapels, with week days & 11.45 a.m. on sunday~ almshouses, founded and endowed with £160 yearly Po-st, M. 0. & T. Office, Netherseal.-Miss Sarah A .. by one Richard Johnson, in 1699, for nine poor people, Ford, sub-postmistress. Letters through Ashby-de ""ho are also maintained by the charity: a sum of la-Zouch arrive at 8 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 £51 yearly, the amount of Sir T. Rich's charity, left by a.m.; dispatched at 9.15 a.m. & 5·5o p.m. on week will in r666, is distributed in br~ad. "No-man's Heath," days & 11.45 a.m. on sundays. Letters for Nether 3 miles from Netherseal Hall, derives its name from seal Colliery should be addressed Lint(m, Burton·on its position on the confines of the counties of Derby, Trent Leicester, Warwick and Stafford respectively ; the exact Wall Letter 'Boxes.-Netherseal road, Overeeal, cleared tpot is marked by an ancient stone, divided into fom IO.IO a.m. & 6.35 p.m.; sundays, u.4o a.m.; Acres parts, each of which is in one of the above counties. ford, Netherseal, cleared 9.25 a.m. & 5-55 p.m.; Here is an extensive colliery, worked by the Nether sundays, 10.50 a.m.; Woodville road, Overseal, cleared seal Colliery CC'mpany Limited, and employing about at 10 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. ; sunday, 9·45 a.m.; Grange 'JOO men and boys. The principal landowners are Sir wood house, Netherseal, cleared at 8.10 a.m. & 6.10 Robert Gresley hart. of Drakelowe, Burton-on-Trent, who p.m is lord of the manor, Egbert A. Hewett esq. Lady Colvile, Mrs. Wynne, of Pena.irth, Towyn, and Messrs. W ALTON & SEALS LOCAL PENSION COMMITTEE Evershed. Netherseal HaJl, the property of Sir Robert OF DERBYSHIRE. Gresley hart. of Drak~lowe, dates from the reign of The following places are included in the Sub-District: James I. ; it is occupied by Capt. Kilner Charles Brazier Castle Gresley, Catton, Cauldwell, Coton-in-the-Elms, Creagh; Grangewood House, the property of Lady Drakelow, Linton, Lullington, Nether-seal, Overseal. Colvile, is occupied by A. J. Clay esq. ; the Old Hall Rosliston & Walton-on-Trent, is the residence of William W orthington-W orthington The Sub-Committee meets at the Rectory, Netherseal, esq . .l.P. The soil is sandy; subsoil, various. The area on the first thursday in the month at 5 p.m. of Netherseal is 2,6o3 acres of land and 9 of water, Chairman, Rev. H. E. Worthington rateable value, £6,842; the population in 1901 wa.s 612, Clerk, Arthur Jaekson, Overseal and of the ecclesiastical parish, 1,856. SCHOOLS. OVERSEAL (or Seile) is a. civil parish in the ec- Public Elementary (mixed & infants), Overseal, erected clesiastical parish of Seale, 1 ~ miles south-west from 1907, for 320 children ; average attendance about 302; Moira station on the Midland and London and North George Rogers, master Western railways, 4 miles south-west. from Ashby-de-la- Public Elementary (mixed), Overseal, erected in 1875• at Zouch, separated from the parish of Ashby by the Hoo- a cost of £1,400, defrayed by Major George Thomas borough brook. St. Matthew's chapel of ease, consecrated Mow bray J.P. & enlarged in 1·899, for 216 children; July 26th, 1s41 , is a building in the Early English style, average attendance, 212; Joseph White, master; Miss consisting of chancel, nave, aisles· and an embattled Emily Culpin, mistress western tower containing a clock and one bell, and there Public Elementary (mixed), Netherseal, erected in 187o are several st.ained windows. There is a Baptist chapel, & enlarged in r89o, for n6 children; average attend- built in r854 and rebuilt in 1897, with 350 sittings, and ance, IOI; Robert A. Willson, master a Primitive Methodist chapel, rebuilt in 1895. Cad- Carriers.-Arthur Hughes, Overseal, to Burton-on-Trent borough is thought to have been a British camp. Near on thurs.; to Ashby-de-la-Zouch on sat.; Wm. Clarke, Dead Dane Bottom is a barrow. Sir Robert Gresley Netherseal, to Ashby-de-la-Zouch. A waggonette from bart. of Drakelowe, is lord of the manor, and Lady Col- Overseal to Burton-on-Trent on thurs vile and the trnstees of the lat-e Lord Donington (d. Railway Station, Overseal (goods only), L. & N. W. Rail- I895) are the chief landowners. The area of Overseal way, Alfred Ernest Osborne, clerk in charge NETHERSEAL. Creagh William L.R.C.S.I. physician Villers Albert, saddler "Brazier-Creagh Capt. Kilner Charles, & surgeon, Grangewood lodge Whetton Brothers, painters Netherseal hall (postal address, Lullington, Burton- White Edwd. carpenter & wheelwrght Clay Arthur Jsph. Grangewood house, on-Trent) White George, sen. farmer (postal address, Overseal) Ellis Samuel, grocer & baker White George, jun. farmer Creagh William, Grangewood lodge Farmer Reginald John, butcher (postal address, Lullington, Burton- Ford Sarah A. (Miss ),stationer,Post off on-Trent) Hackwell Mary Ann (Mrs.), !!hopkpr OVERSEAL. Tagg Mrs Hansford John (Mrs.), cowkeeper PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Turner John Parker Hillman Fred, shopkeeper Betterton Arth. Herbt.The Shrubbery Worthin~on Rev Herbert Edward Hughes Edward, beer retailer Cradock Rev. Arthur Weldon M.A. B.A. (rector & ;ural dean), Rectory K~rkby Robert, wheelw~ght (curate), The Elms Worthington-Worthington Wm. J.P. Krrkby Robert, sen ..tailor & Hall John J.P. Manor house k; Lady Muriel {)ld hall Kirkby Thomas, assistant overseer Kirby James, Gorsey leys ' clerk to Parish Council COMMERCIAL. Leedham Albert, farmer, Gunby lea Macpherson Allan M.B .Adey Edwin, Cricketts inn, Acresford L e1"tch K enne th , H o11 y B us h mn· :MooreMoore WilliamGeorge Allsopp lsaac, farmer, Woodside farm May Henry gardener t"' Arth Joseph ' "" · Pickering William Hudson Atkinson. (postal address, Linton, Burton-on- Clay esq Overseal house Trent) Moseley George, farmer R G ,.._ . C L" (H S ogers eorge Bancro ft J oh n, b oo t mak er Net h ersea1 \AI11 1ery o. Im. Sh Id G H" hfi Id h lJeale Wm. private gardener to W. Hincks, sec. & managing director; e on eorge, Ig e ouse Worthington-Worthington esq. J.P C. Dickinson, manager) (postal Bennion Ernest, farmer, Sealwood address, Linton, Burton-on-Trent) COMMERCIAL. (postal address, Linton, Burton-on- Oakd-en George, farmer Ardern George, shopkeeper Trent) Pratt Geo. farmr. Seal Fields farm Arm stead John William, butcher Bladon Thomas Ball, grocer Richard son Emily J ane (Mrs. ),shpkpr Beard Albert Wesley, drug stores Bourne William, farmer, Gunby Richardson Geo. farmr. & blacksmith Brown Edwin, blacksmith Brotherhood John, cowkeeper Sales William Ernest, beer retailer Cain Vincent, Robin Hood hotel C!lrte~ 'f'boma!!, farmer Scattergood Samuel, farmer, Grange Carter William, farmer L'larkP William, carri!'r Smith Brothers, millers (water) Causer John William, insurance agent Cliff Thos.gamekpr. to Sydney&Frank Smith Vincent, gardener to Capt. Cheatle Robert, clerk to the Parish Evershed, Grangewood (postal ad- K. C. Brazier-Creagh Council dress. Ovel'!!eal, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Stevenson Hy. farmr. White Honse fm Coxon Charles Henry,Nag's Head P.H Co!ley Rachael (Mrs.), greengrocer Tagg James S. grocer Cull Albert, grocer Tagg Sidney, cowkeeper Deacon J ahn, news agent DERBYSHIRE 23 .