Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide, 1906
Library of Congress Spalding's official base ball guide, 1906 SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE 1906 2 2w , . q , I , A R | | -I I ' .-Yj.--l~,;;~w.~Q j~hihW~IIY~li*lO~*UIi; ; A. G. SPALDING. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide ii ;R " :.;- - ~ HENRY CHADWICK, "The Father of Base Ball," at Eighty-two. Photograph taken January, 1906, by Frank Pearsall, Brooklyn. PREFACE sa i U1IERAVRY Qf 00NGRESS '~, -PREFACE The American Sport s Publishing Company this year present'- tional in its character; inasmuch as this 'year's issue is9. the : twenty-fifth under the editorial control of the veteran journalist, Mr. Henry Chadwick, who has been a well-know in.J, writer .on T sports and pastimes for over half a century' past, luring which , long period his specialty h as been Base Ball; hiis work, i buiid- lug up the game as our great National field sport,; .vinn,:. de- servedly earned for him his title of "The PathAero f Bai B , ;," for he began his work of evolution in the deca'de' o 'the fift'l&e? , It is worthy of note, that when the GUIDE was firs1t tpubl.diitS in 1876-thirty years ago- the book. contained bu.fotyt '.-' ' pages, thirty-five of which were devoted to the,:playing! iule's.:of the National League. In 1881, when :Mr. iChadwicfk beiiime te .. Editor of' the GUIDE, the book was increased in size to 1i300 ; and from that' year to this the GUIDE Spalding's official base ball guide, 1906 Library of Congress has been enla.rgqed,i ylar after year, until now, in 190, Iits pages' exceed- 4400, aInd ,t:he - book comprises a volume, devoted to the 'National '`Game,'Wii,' : in its statistical records, its.
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