75¢ COLBY Friday April 25, 2014 Volume 125, Number 66 Serving Thomas County since 1888 10 pages FFREEREE PPRESSRESS ‘Not guilty’ in manslaughter trial By Sam Dieter ment officers that night, House had said They did not arrest him until several House was the last of over a dozen wit- Dodge to charge it shortly before they all Colby Free Press Gallentine was running into the street and months later, charging him with involun- nesses in his trial, which started Monday, got ready to leave about 10 p.m.
[email protected] may have tripped. tary manslaughter, driving under the in- including Hunter House, law enforce- “He was almost out of the way and it He told County Attorney Kevin Berens, fluence and endangering a child, although ment officers and medical workers. Each just seemed like he just tripped,” Hunter A Brewster man was acquitted by a who prosecuted the case, that he might the state only prosecuted the first two of the witnesses who had been with the House testified the first day of the trial. jury of involuntary manslaughter Thurs- have written that because he heard his son charges. victim and defendant that night said they He was apparently the only person who day afternoon in a tragic accident more Hunter tell him to watch out right before Shortly before the jury returned its ver- were getting along. Their statements saw Gallentine just before the truck ran than two years ago when he ran over a he felt a bump. dict, House’s defense attorney, Jeffery each seemed to match as they described him over as the father and son were head- longtime friend after several hours of In fact, House said, that he never admit- Mason, reminded the jurors to take into the accident, which happened after sev- ed home after dinner and beers.