A Democracy By-pass The Regionalisation of England Dr Richard North Research Director UK Independence Party European Parliament Brussels e-mail:
[email protected] Occasional Paper No. 2 © Europe of Democracies and Diversities First published July 2002 Europe of Democracies and Diversities European Parliament Rue Wiertz B-1047 Brussels 2 Foreword I am very pleased to be asked to write the forward to Dr Richard North’s new booklet on the Regionalisation of England, appropriately and provocatively entitled “A Democracy By-Pass”. Dr North is a tireless researcher into the activities of the European Union and the labyrinthine complexities of its legislative processes. The many articles, booklets and opinions that he prepares for us are an invaluable resource. His work is always thoughtful, well researched and can be relied upon to push back the boundaries of our understanding on a wide range of issues that can have long term effects on the way of life of ordinary people. The issue of regionalisation is no exception. Dr North’s new booklet is the definitive treatment on this most contentious and complex of subjects. It provides us with a much needed step-by-step guide to the regionalisation process, including a detailed history of how it has developed from its “Genesis”, shortly after the Second World War, through its growth via the EU treaties and right up to date with John Prescott’s White Paper in 2002, in which he claimed the idea as his dream. He goes on to explain the real motivations behind region- alisation, which have relatively little to do with better governance and rather more to do with the further emasculation of the nation state.