Cook and Wylie's Stirling Directory
1MBf Hi m JWHiBil m — mmsM BHHHm mwmmmmmmm MH$l£#etf#^ &##'Mini mm' H ifiS mm HHmm m si HnflMnHTHH fffffilllL HBbHHFHhHhiHfe rawHffwaKltlR ! ( ;Mt $ >:!&%'< Y'^v/ 9 imMm Kiwi'! STIRLING DISTRICT LIBRARIES 3 8048 00087 0621 Stirling ftabltc JLibtavp REFERENCE DEPARTMENT TJOOKS MUST NOT BE REMOVED, UNDER ANY PRETEXT, FROM THIS DEPARTMENT. Readers are requested to take care of the booPs'g'fedifeydm ^iB&Aai^or mutilatiAg 2 Wl^Jttl fWfliflflbSr Q£^erious damagkjational Library of Scotland CONVERSATION IN THIS DEPARTMENT IS ANNOYING TO STUDENTS, AND IS NOT PERMITTED. Ub/6 y : c STIRLING DIBEC CONTAINING STREET AND GENERAL DIRECTORIES (Including CAUSEWAYHEAD, CAMBUSKENNETH, and ST. NINIANS), BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, LISTS OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS, OFFICE-BEARERS OF LOCAL SOCIETIES, CLUBS, AND INSTITUTIONS; ALSO COUNTY INFORMATION, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, STIRLING COOK & WYLIB, 9 BARNTON STREET. 1909 C DO ONTENTS. Page Street Directory, - 1-78 Business Directory - - - ... 81-96 General Directory, - - - - - - - - - 99-233 Official and Other Lists— Ambulance Corps, - - - - - - - - 234 An Comunn Gaidhealach Shruidhle (The Highland Associa- tion of Stirling), -------- 234 Ancient Free Gardeners, ------- 234 Ancient Order of Foresters, ------ 235 Oddfellows (M.U.), - - - Ancient Order of - . 235 Ancient Shepherds (A.U.), - - - - - - - 235 Angling Clubs, - - - - - - - - - 235 Boating and Swimming Club, - - - - - - 235 Bowling Clubs, - - - - - ->•!- - - 236 Building Societies, -------- 236
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