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TV Review: Hannibal Season 2 Episode 2: ‘Sakizuki’

Hannibal Lecter serves up dinner, but this time he’s dinning alone. Adnan Riaz reviews

Sunday 9 March 2014

Rating: ★★★★☆

Building on a fantastic season opening, ‘Sakizuki’ establishes Hannibal as one of the best TV shows currently running. Adnan Riaz reviews.

Sakizuki’s opening is exceptional, resuming on from the end of the previous episode in which our victim had been placed in the silo. It’s hard to claim that Hannibal is not one of the goriest television shows running and the opening would leave anyone cringing, with the victim’s skin being ripped apart from the bodies surrounding him as he attempts to escape. Fifteen episodes in and Hannibal is still one of the most creative and brutal shows in terms of its execution scenes – the Saw franchise lost this touch after its first two films.

The chase sequence between the psychopath and his victim is excellent, with it building up the suspense for the opening of the episode. Developer and his talented cast deliver an interesting and unique episode, creating more questions than answers for the viewer to contemplate.

Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier (), Dr. ’s () psychiatrist, is one of the best characters from this week’s episode. Bryan Fuller’s introduction of this character in the first season had fans questioning whether or not she would be crucial to the plot, and it seems that the viewers’ suspicions were answered in this episode. Anderson’s performance is fantastic and leaves the question open as to what she really knows about Hannibal – especially after her visit with ().

Hannibal season two has been excellent for building new relationships between certain characters and Archived 11 Dec 2018 07:44:20 Nouse Web Archives TV Review: Hannibal Season 2 Episode 2: ‘Sakizuki’ Page 2 of 3 offering some of them more on-screen time. Beverly Katz (Hettienne Park) who works closely with Will and Jack Crawford (Lawrence Fishburne), and realises she has been colluding with an alleged mass- murderer. Will’s claim to Katz: “Ignore all the evidence against me” creates an interesting and unique relationship between the two, especially with Will trying to convince the people closest to him of his innocence. Hannibal’s relationship with Jack continues to develop, and the more time that Mikkelsen is on- screen, the better.

Mikkelsen’s performance is another standout from the series and continues to reiterate the phenomenal presence he brings to each and every episode. Hannibal offered an amusing moment when he turns up at the psychopath’s staged execution site and says “Hello. I love your work”. Hannibal would not be the show it is without a dinner scene; this time Hannibal eats the psychopath’s leg which he took as a trophy. Lecter is dinning alone this time round which unfortunately means that the episode does not feature a one-on-one session with someone.

‘Sakizuki’ is also excellent for the way in which it begins to build up the trial that Will is about to stand. Kade Prurnell (Cynthia Nixon) makes a first appearance for the show and tries to have Will plead guilty before the trial takes place, which has Will respond with “Sounds like I’m unemployed” regarding his current position at the FBI.

Hannibal delivers another stellar episode; Bryan Fuller’s drama is one of the most engaging and fascinating shows currently running on TV. Next week’s preview continues to build up the anticipation for another promising episode that the show is looking to deliver.

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