The Johnsonian Feburary 8, 1946
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Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 2-8-1946 The ohnsoniJ an Feburary 8, 1946 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian Feburary 8, 1946" (1946). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 128. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME XXIII The JROCK dHILL. SOUTH CAROLINA . FRIDAY. FEBRUARY ». 1IU man Etiquette Week Begins On Campus Tonight Vivian Delia Chiesa, Symphony Is Formal Dinner to Open Mack Harrell Present Slated For Campaign; Assembly to Joint Recital Tonight February 14 Feature Etiquette Panel Versatile Opera and The Philadelphia Symphony Committees Announce Radio Stars to Start orchestra, under the leader- 7 Policies: Classes to Concert at 8 o'Clock ship of Eugene Ormandy, will! 6 Religious Act as Hostesses at '46 May Day appear Thursday, February Monthly Dinner Parties Vivian Delia Chiesa, lyric so- 14, at 8 o'clock in the College prano, and Black Harrell, bar- auditorium. Leaders to Winthrop Etiquette week itone, will be presented in a Attendants The orchestra has been rated ai; opens tonight with a formal joint recital Friday, February one of the foremost orchestral or~ dinner in the College dining 8, in the College auditorium R.-inizations, along with the Bos- Lecture Mere hall, to be climaxed with a st 8 o'clock. Announced ton Symphony and the New York Valentine's day dinner Feb- Min Delia Chiesa hat bean aolo- Philharmonic Symphony orches- The sixth annual Religious ruary 14. New Dining hall The senior, junior, and fresh- tras. It is composed of 106 mem- Emphasis week will begin policies have been set up by " Magic Key" and "Moaart" N- man Hay Day attendants for bers. MAC5 HARRELL Sunday, February 17, and will the committees in charge and ries with Alfred Walknatein. and the 1946 May Court, annual Musical Career Begun Early continue through Thursday, a student opinion poll is "Contented Hour" with Frank beauty classic, have been Mr. Ormandy was born in Buda- February 21, bringing to the scheduled for February 14 to Black. She has alto rang opp elected, and the final tabula- pest, Hungary, and toured Europe Winthrop college campus six determine the campus accept- John Charles Thomaa in light tion of sophomore represen- Election of as a child prodigy violinist. He WC Hears prominent speakers who will ance or rejection of policies. opera, and haa bean soloist with tatives will be made today. made many outstanding perform- be guests of the Winthrop Senior May Court attendants are Emphasis en Dining Hall the NBC Symphony osdtesUa un- ances at the age of 14. He was YWCA and the churches of The campaign is directed at all der the direction of Toecanini. Lillie McCabe, Betty McElveen, Key Leaders appointed professor of Hungarian Prominent Rock Hill. phases of etiquette on the cam- Each year, in addition to Mr. Sarah Suggs, and Jeane Willis. State Conservatory of Music in Representatives Announced pus with particular attention paid Harrell's heavy achedule at the Junior representatives include 1919, and in 1920 came to Amer- The YWCA has invited Dr. J. "Dutta" Conley, Betty Kay Wood, to Dining hall conditions. Metropolitan opera, he haa found February 19 ica, where he soon accepted the Socioligist Blanton Belk, well-known author sponsoring Etiquette week are Peggy Johnson, and La Nelle position as concertmaster and later and minister of the St. Giles Pres- Dining Hall committee members, the United State*, Canada, and Smith. Nominations for the major conductor at the Capitol Theater Dr. Carl C. Taylor of the U. ! byterian church at Richmond, Va., social chairmen of the dormito- Europe. He haa aleo played a vio- campus offices of president of orchestra in New York. $ince 19S6 Department of Agriculture le> to speak. ries, the Hall Improvement com- lin aolo in the course of one of his Dettie Austin, Lillian Dukes, Student Government, Senate, he has been co-conductor with tured at Winthrop college Febru- The Baptist representative is mittee, "Jac" Britton, president role* with the St Louis Munici- Jean Hutto, and Betty Turbevllle YWCA, and Athletic associa- Leopold Stokowski of the Phila- ary 4, 5, and 6. Dr. D. B. Nicholson, father of Miss of the Student Government asso- pal opera. will represent the freshman class. tion must be made and sub- delphia Symphony orchestra. Students from Queens college, Dixie Nicholson, student secretary ciation, Anna Margaret Lomlnick, Musical Family Senior nominees included Rae mitted to the Election and The Philadelphia orchestra was of the First Baptist church in president of the senior class, and Connor, Harriet Ford, Lillie Mc- Furman university, Columbia col- Born in Chicago of Italian par- Nomination - committee by founded early in 1900 by Fritz lege, and the University of South Rock Hill. Dr. Nicholson lives in Miss Ruth Tanner, College dieU- entage, Vivian Delia Chieca cc Cabe, Betty McElveen, Sarah February 9, according to Ma- Scheel, and has co-operated with Athens, Ga., and is now state stu- tian. Suggs, Theda Waller, Bee White, Carolina visited the campus to from a musical family. She began ry Ann Davis, chairman. The the Philadelphia Grand Opera hear the lectures. dent secretary of Georgia. Seven Policies studying piano at the age of t and Jeane Willis. election will take place Feb- company in presenting operas. The Dr. Lee Tuttle, pastor of the The list of policies compiled by yean. Min Delia Chieca gave her Ann Burch, "Dutta" Conley, ruary 19. musicians of this organization have Central Methodist church in Ashe- le committee includes seven first public appearance at a coun- Gladys Lewis, Peggy Johnson, La All other elections will be run completed many transcontinental Dr. Taylor's first talk, "Argen- (ConUnued on page 6) points. try club muslcale when she was 14. Nelle Smith, Betty Kay Wood, off before March 26. Elections an- tours. na," February 4 in the College At breakfast there will be open PMsa Stathopouloe, and Roe* d according to the num- auditorium, dealt with the prob- Skyrocketing to stardom on coast- ber of activity points carried by tables in order to eliminate waste to-coast broadcasts, she was en- Thompson were nominated by the lems of the people of that country, Pugh Gives of food and give each Dining hall gaged by the Chicago Opera com- junior class. each office, making a total of six and their cultural relationship to girl one free morning each month. pany. Miss Delia Chiesa was re- election periods. English Seek other nations. Recently returned Students will stand until grace cently voted one of America's best Sophomore nominees were Merle .Point Offices Named from a year in Argentina as rep- Schedule For has been sung to eliminate confu- dresaed women. Miss Delia Chi- Bethea, Lucille Greene, Tina Wat- The election of major officers WC Building resentative of the State depart- sion, eating before meals, and to esa left "American Melody Hour" ers, Pat Shealy, Anne Cooper, carries 11 and 12 points. The sec- ment, Dr. Taylor presented his Writing "Lab" improve the general atmosphere. Hannah Kendall, De Laine Jones, ond balloting, on February 26, subject from first-hand knowledge Seniors, acting as hostesses, will and "Album of Familiar Music" concerns 8-, 9-, and 10-point of- in July, IMS, in order to meet the Mary Cowan, Nancy Shroder, Jan- Blueprints about the changes occurring The English writing laboratory has serve the main dish at meals, with ever-increasing demands for her nie Lee J«hnson, Virginia Hamil- fices. The third bracket, carrying the South American republic. other students helping the other ton, and Jackie McMillan. 7 activity points, is scheduled for The first request from outside the been scheduled for Monday and personal appearance. United States for layout plans of 'What's Happening in Southern Wednesday afternoons from 3 to dishes as plates are passed down May Court nominees from the March 5. Campus chairman of Rural Life" was the subject of Dr. one side of the table. One girl at freshman class included Jean SGA, carrying 7 points, and all Thurmond hall was received re- 4:30 p.m., according to Dr. Grif- Beginning his career as a violin- cently by the home economics de- Taylor's address in assembly Feb- fith T. Pugh of the English de- the hostess's right will be dele- ist, Mack Harrell, distinguished Young, Ruby Fore, "Kitty" Bur- 6-point officers will be elected ruary 5, and "Our Relations with gated to refill serving dishes, in the gess, Lou Bobbitt, Julie March 12. Dance committee chair- partment. The request came from partment. The laboratory will be baritone of the Metropolitan opera, Miss Leita Brazier, assistant' or- Latin America" was his subject held in the English Conference kitchen. Courses will be eaten at mer, Helen Youngblood, Claudia man and fire chief, 5-point offi- February 5 in Johnson hall. the same time. Students will leave was born in Greenville, Texas cers, will be named March 19. All ganizer of domestic subject of the room, 103 Kinard hall. (Continued on page 8) Summers, Ann Harrison, Vivian Rural Lectures Dr. Pugh stated that the writ- the table at the same time. Burress, Ethel Lachicotte, Rosalie class officers will be elected March education department of the Lei- cestershire County council in Dr. Taylor's lectures, "Farmer's ing "lab" is "for the purpose of Good manners at meals will be Bryant, Ernestine Willis, Anne 14 to March 21, along with other observed.