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Title Representing images using nonorthogonal Haar-like bases

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Journal IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29(12)

ISSN 0162-8828

Authors Tang, Feng Crabb, Ryan Tao, Hai

Publication Date 2007-12-01

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California 2120 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007 Representing Images Using Nonorthogonal Haar-Like Bases

Feng Tang, Student Member, IEEE, Ryan Crabb, Student Member, IEEE, and Hai Tao, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The efficient and compact representation of images is a fundamental problem in computer vision. In this paper, we propose methods that use Haar-like binary box functions to represent a single image or a of images. A desirable property of these box functions is that their inner product operation with an image can be computed very efficiently. We propose two closely related novel subspace methods to model images: The nonorthogonal binary subspace (NBS) method and the binary principal component analysis (B-PCA) algorithm. NBS is spanned directly by binary box functions and can be used for image representation, fast template matching, and many other vision applications. B-PCA is a structure subspace that inherits the merits of both NBS (fast computation) and PCA (modeling data structure information). B-PCA base vectors are obtained by a novel PCA-guided NBS method. We also show that B-PCA base vectors are nearly orthogonal to each other. As a result, in the nonorthogonal vector decomposition process, the computationally intensive pseudoinverse projection operator can be approximated by the direct dot product without causing significant distance distortion. Experiments on real image data sets show a promising performance in image matching, reconstruction, and recognition tasks with significant speed improvement.

Index Terms—Nonorthogonal subspace, image representations, principal component analysis, image reconstruction. Ç


INEAR data representations are widely used in signal In this paper, we will present two novel efficient and Lprocessing and data analysis. Representations such as compact subspace representations for a single image or a set the Fourier transform [1] and the wavelet transform [2] are of images. The two key ingredients in the new approach are designed for general data sets. Data specific subspace the Haar-like box approximation of the visual data and the associated theory of nonorthogonal subspace. representations, on the other hand, can capture the statistics of particular data sets and are learned directly from the 1.1 Haar-Like Box Functions and Their Properties training data by optimizing some error measure. Several In recent years, Haar-like box functions have become a such methods include principal component analysis (PCA) popular choice as image features due to the seminal work of [3], independent component analysis (ICA) [4], sparse Viola and Jones [12], [13]. Examples of such box functions are coding [5], nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) [6], shown in Fig. 1. Formally, the binary function is defined as fðu; vÞ2f0; 1g 1 u w 1 v h w h and nonorthogonal binary subspace [7]. High-dimensional , , , where and are the dimensions of the binary function. The single Haar-like box visual data often belongs to a low-dimensional manifold function is defined as with the dimension roughly corresponding to the number of 8 0 physical factors that affect the objects appearance. These < 1 u0 u u0 þ w 1 0 factors may include the viewing angles, the light source fðu; vÞ¼: v0 v v0 þ h 1 ð1Þ directions, and the rigid or nonrigid motion of the object. 0 otherwise; The linear subspace method is extensively used in computer 0 0 where w and h are the size of the white box in Fig. 1, and u0 vision algorithms in order to obtain compact representa- and v0 are the upper left corner of the white box. For some tions. Some of the many examples using this technique symmetric objects like human faces, we can similarly define include the Eigenface method [8], the EigenTracking the vertically symmetric two-box binary function as 8 algorithm [9], illumination subspaces [10], [11], and the 0 > 1 u0 u u0 þ w 1 nonnegative matrix factorization method [6]. > 0 < v0 v v0 þ h 1 0 fðu; vÞ¼> 1 w u0 w þ 1 u w u0 ð2Þ > 0 :> h v0 h þ 1 v h v0 0 otherwise: . The authors are with the Department of Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064. One obvious property of binary box bases is that they are not E-mail: {tang, rcrabb, tao}@soe.ucsc.edu. necessarily orthogonal to each other. If the white boxes in two Manuscript received 12 Apr. 2006; revised 18 Oct. 2006; accepted 30 Jan. box functions have overlapping areas, their dot product is not 2007; published online 1 Mar. 2007. zero. The main advantage of using these base functions is that Recommended for acceptance by J. Weickert. For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: the inner product of a data vector with each of them can be [email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TPAMI-0287-0406. performed by several additions, instead of N floating Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPAMI.2007.1123. point multiplications, where N is the dimension of the base

0162-8828/07/$25.00 ß 2007 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2121

efficientlycomputesparsity-controlled invariant imagecodes by a well-defined sequence of convex conic programs. In [22], instead of treating the image as a 1D vector in NMF, Hazan etal.proposedamethodtofactorizethe3Dtensoroftheimage array with a nonnegative constraint to obtain a unique sparse set of factors that correspond to the parts of the object. In [23] Fig. 1. Three typical one and two-box functions. (a) and (b) are one-box and [24], the authors propose a basis pursuit (BP) approach to functions and (c) is a symmetric two-box function. find an overcomplete basis set (the number of base vectors is larger than the data dimension) for general signals. In [25], vectors. This is achieved by computing the integral EladandAharonproposedamethodtoobtainbothsparseand overcomplete image representations using K-SVD for image image fiði; jÞ of the original image fði; jÞ, which is defined as denoising. The projection pursuit method [26] aims to find the Xi Xj optimal projection to separate the data clusters. However, the fiði; jÞ¼ fðm; nÞ: subspaces obtained by these methods are usually spanned by m¼1 n¼1 floating point base vectors. This makes the dot product with The dot product of an image with a one-box base function is the data computationally expensive. In our work, we aim at the summation of a rectangular area of the image, which finding a compact and efficient image representation using can be computed efficiently as simple box functions. Generally, the number of base vectors is much smaller than the data dimension. Another work related bottomX rightX to ours is [27], which approximates a matrix by a weighted fði; jÞ¼fiðbottom; rightÞfiðbottom; left 1Þ sum of outer products of vectors whose elements are 1or0, i¼top j¼left with the application of data compression. Our work is to

fiðtop 1; rightÞþfiðtop 1;left 1Þ; represent data as a linear combination of a set of simple Haar- like base vectors. where fð; Þ is the image function, and fið; Þ is the integral image of f. top, bottom, left, and right are the coordinates 1.3 Nonorthogonal Subspace and Matching Pursuit that define the rectangular area. This technique has been A subspace can be represented using either orthogonal or used in many applications [12], [13], [14], [7], [15], [16], [17]. nonorthogonal base vectors. Orthogonal subspaces such as These binary box functions are generally nonorthogonal DCT [28], Walsh-Hadamard transform [29], wavelet trans- and span an nonorthogonal binary subspace (NBS). In the form [30], [31], and PCA [3] are most often used in vision applications that will be investigated in this paper, we will algorithms. Any pair of base vectors in an orthogonal show that a significant speedup can be achieved by using subspace is orthogonal. For a nonorthogonal subspace, NBS for image representation. there exist one or more pairs of base vectors that are not orthogonal to each other. 1.2 Related Work in Subspace Representation Base vectors for most orthogonal subspaces can be Some subspace data representation methods have their roots obtained in a principled way with mathematical decomposi- inneuralcomputingandhavebeenwidelyemployedinsignal tions or factorizations. Unfortunately, the problem of search- analysis. In sparse coding [5], the objective is to find a ing for the best subspace representation in a set of predefined decomposition in which the base vectors are representative nonorthogonal base vector dictionary is known to be and sparse. Sparse coding yields base vectors closely NP-hard [32]. Two of the popular greedy solutions to this resembling simple-cell receptive fields in the mammalian problem include the MP [33] approach and the optimized primary visual cortex. The closely related model of indepen- orthogonal matching pursuit (OOMP) method [34], [35]. dent component anaylsis (ICA) [4] was shown to give similar Let D ¼½1;2; ...;N denote an arbitrary redundant results [18]. In standard sparse coding, the data is described as nonorthogonal base dictionary in a Hilbert space. The set a combination of base vectors involving both additive and of base vectors selected to represent the data vector or a subtractive interactions. Lee and Seung proposed the non- set of data vectors x up to iteration k is denoted as negative matrix factorization (NMF) in [6]. By minimizing the k ¼½1;2; ...;k. TheP representation of x using k is k reconstruction error while imposing the constraints that the denoted as Rk ðxÞ¼ i¼1 cii. elements of base vectors and reconstruction coefficients are nonnegative, the NMF produces a nonnegative representa- . The Matching pursuit (MP) method [33] sequentially tion of the data. Sucha representationencodes the data using a selects the base vector k from D such that jcij¼ x R x ; few “active” components, which makes the subspace easy to jh k1 ð Þ kij is maximized. However, in each x R x interpret. However, because the sparseness given by NMF is iteration, the residual k ð Þ may not be somewhatofaside-effectratherthanagoal,itishardtocontrol orthogonal to the subspace spanned by k unless the degree of sparseness of the bases. Hoyer [19] proposed to the is are orthogonal to each other. As a conse- combine these two methods into the so-called nonnegative quence, the Rk ðxÞ is not the best approximation of x sparse coding by posing both nonnegative and sparse using k base vectors. constraints in the objective function. In sparse NMF, the . Optimized orthogonal matching pursuit (OOMP) uniqueness of the resulting basis and coefficients holds if the [34], [35] uses a similar criterion as MP to select the sparseness values are known. In [20], the authors use sparse base vectors, but it maintains full backward ortho- component analysis for blind source separation by constrain- gonality of the residual in each iteration. Thereby, ing the signals to be as sparse as possible (as many zeros as the reconstruction of x using OOMP-selected base possible). In [21], Heiler and Schnorr proposed a method to vectors k is orthogonal to the residual, hence, the 2122 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

name orthogonal MP. In addition, OOMP selects the base vector set. For a given image x 2 RN and the dictionary

base vector i that minimizes the corresponding D ¼fbigi2I that consists of a set of binary box base vectors bi residual error. Details of OOMP will be discussed in and an index set as I ¼fP1; ...;Ng, x can be approximated Section 2.2. using base vectors as x^ ¼ i2 cibi, where ci is the coefficient T b D In the rest of the paper, C ¼½c1;c2; ...;ck ¼ P k ðxÞ¼ of base vector i, is a set of indices of the vectors in , and T 1 T T 1 I jjN ðk kÞ k x are the projection coefficients. Q ¼ðk kÞ . Typically, , so the representation is compact. T The subspace spanned by D ¼fbig can be represented by k is called the projection matrix for the subspace. As a i2 B ¼½b ; ...; b special case, when is form an orthonormal system, the a matrix formed by the base vectors l1 ljj . The

T subspace reconstruction operator is denoted as RB ðÞ; projection process can be simplified as Pk ðxÞ¼k x. When therefore, x^ ¼ R ðxÞ. For a nonorthogonal B , the projection they are nonorthogonal, the projection process takes the B T 1 T coefficients are computed as general form P k ðxÞ¼ðk kÞ k x. P x c ; ...;c T BT B 1BT x: 1.4 Contributions B ð Þ¼½ 1 jj ¼ð Þ In this paper, we propose NBS and the binary principal The reconstruction becomes component analysis (B-PCA) to represent an image or a set of T 1 T images. NBS is directly spanned by box functions and applied RB ðxÞ¼BðBBÞ Bx: to accelerate several commonly used computer vision algorithms. NBS is then extended to B-PCA to capture the The goal of an optimal approximation algorithm is to structure information of the images. B-PCA spans a subspace find the set of base vectors indexed by so that the that approximates a PCA subspace. Each B-PCA base vector following objective function is minimized: X is a linear combination of a small number of Haar-like box T 1 T arg min kx BðBBÞ Bxkþ costðbiÞ; ð3Þ functions. As the result, the dot product with each B-PCA i2 base vector can be computed very efficiently. B ¼½b ; ...; b The main contributions of this paper are: Pwhere l1 ljj is the set of base vectors for NBS. i2 costðbiÞ is the computational cost for the set of base . A nonorthogonal binary subspace that can represent vectors . To make the problem simpler, we assume that the images efficiently with box functions. computation of all the boxes are the same, costðbiÞ¼1,in . A novel nonorthogonal image subspace representa- other words, the computation cost term grows linearly with tion called Binary Principal Component Analysis the number of base vectors. This is reasonable in our case (B-PCA) with each base vector as a linear combina- because the computational cost for the bases is either three tion of Haar-like box functions. (one-box function) or seven operations (symmetric two-box . A fast PCA-guided optimized orthogonal matching function). Obviously, selecting more base vectors will pursuit (OOMP) algorithm for finding the B-PCA reduce the residual, but on the other hand, more base base vectors, including a theoretical analysis of the vectors increase the representation complexity. The optimal properties of B-PCA bases and the associated sub- solution is a trade-off of the two terms and is determined by space projection. , which is the weight to balance these two terms. . Applications of the proposed representations in When a set of images X ¼½x1; ...; xS are approximated image matching, reconstruction, and object recogni- using nonorthogonal binary bases, the formulation is tion tasks. identicalexceptthatthenotations represent matrices The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, instead of vectors we investigate the problem of representing an image or a set X 2 of images using Haar-like box functions and propose the arg min kX RB ðXÞk þ costðbiÞ; ð4Þ F i2 nonorthogonal binary subspace (NBS) method. The applica- 2 tions of NBS in accelerating several widely used vision where kkF is the Frobenius norm. Solving (1) and (2) is the algorithms are addressed in Section 3. In Section 4, we extend fundamental problem in the newly emerging research area of the NBS to binary component anaylsis (B-PCA). The highly nonlinear approximation. Solving the general form of implementation and experiments of NBS are given in this problem has been proved to be NP-hard [32]. It has been Section 5. In Section 6, we demonstrate the effectiveness of shown that even the verification of the optimal solution is the B-PCA method in image reconstruction and recognition. difficult. However, attempts have been made recently to Conclusion and future work are highlighted in Section 7. derive the performance bound under the assumption of low coherence [36]. Suboptimal greedy algorithms that converge 2NONORTHOGONAL BINARY SUBSPACE to a local optimal solution exist and have been used extensively. A family of these algorithms is based on the 2.1 The Problem Statement celebrated matching pursuit method [33]. We will denote the dictionary of all one-box and symmetric two-box functions as D ¼½b1; ...; bN , where each bi is a 2.2 The Solution: OOMP column vector formed by reshaping the rectangular box Finding the global optimal of (3) and (4) is NP-hard, and the function formally defined in Section 1.1. For an image of W solution may not be unique because of the overcomplete- H pixels, there are HðH þ 1ÞWðW þ 1Þ=4 and HðH þ ness of the base set. We employ a greedy algorithm (OOMP) 1ÞWðW 1Þ=16 one-box and symmetric two-box functions, to find a suboptimal solution that guarantees that given a respectively. D itself is a highly redundant nonorthogonal parameter , there is a unique solution to (3) and (4). TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2123

Fig. 3. Projection of a base vector bi into the subspace formed by Fig. 2. Relation of the residual term and computation cost term in the selected base vectors B . The i ¼ bi RB ðbiÞ is the component of objective function. The black solid curves are the reconstruction error k k b that is orthogonal to the subspace spanned by B . versus the number of base vectors. The dotted curves are the i k computational cost term with different , the upper curves are the sum ;" of reconstruction residual and computational cost. jh i k1ij ; kik 6¼ 0;i2 k; ð5Þ kik In practice, the choice of is not intuitive. However, we where "k1 ¼ x RB ðxÞ is the reconstruction residual find that if the computational cost is a convex function, there is k1 using B , and i ¼ bi RB ðbiÞ is the component of bi an equivalent and more intuitive parameter: N, the number of k1 k1 that is orthogonal to the subspace spanned by B . R ðxÞ¼ base vectors to represent the signal; Fig. 2 shows the relation B B ðBT B Þ1BT x is the reconstruction of the signal x using between the reconstruction residual and computation cost. The black solid curve is the reconstruction error decreasing the nonorthogonal bases indexed by k1. k1 is the of with the number of base vectors; we can easily see it is a indices that are not selected in the previous k 1 iterations, convex decreasing function (because the OOMP always that is, k1 ¼ I k1. The geometric interpretation of i is selects the base vector that reduces the residual most). The illustrated in Fig. 3. An effective implementation of this dotted line is the computational cost term that grows linearly optimization can be achieved by the forward adaptive with the number of base vectors. The slope of this line is biorthogonalization technique [37]. In essence, OOMP is a determined by . The upper curve is the objective function, greedy algorithm that finds a suboptimal decomposition of a which is the combination of the two curves below. As can be data vector using a number of base vectors from a observed, the objective function first decreases with the nonorthogonal dictionary D. number of base vectors because with more base vectors, reconstruction error decreases, but at some point, the objective function tends to increase because more base vectors 3APPLICATIONS OF NONORTHOGONAL BINARY will increase the computation term. The optimal solution is SUBSPACE the minimal point of the red curve. Given a set of images to The power of NBS for representing visual data will be approximate, the OOMP feature selection will decrease the shown in Section 5.1. In this section, we will show how NBS reconstruction error when the number of base vectors can be applied to accelerate a wide variety of computer increase; this curve is not affected by . only determines vision algorithms such as normalized cross correlation the slope of the computation cost line; different correspond (NCC), and sum of squared distance (SSD)-based template to different slopes (in Figs. 2a and 2b), and each corresponds matching and recognition. Considerable work has been to one unique N, the number of base vectors used to done on fast template matching, but to our knowledge, few approximate the input signal. Therefore, we can pick the of them use the binary box functions as image representa- number of base vectors N instead of to control the greedy tion. In [38], a fast pruning method is proposed to reject optimization. Another parameter that is adaptive to the data false matches for NCC. In [39], Kiltahau et al. presented a is the error ratio, which sets a threshold on the ratio of the method to accelerate the SSD using fast Fourier transform residual and the original image. This method is discussed in (FFT). In [40], the authors present a method to accelerate detail in Section 4.3. One thing to note is that in practice, the SSD using Walsh-Hadamard projection kernels and later binary box base vectors are not norm 1, but their norms can be extend to the gray-code kernels [41] for efficient filtering. precomputed and stored for efficient computation. 3.1 Fast Normalized Cross Correlation Optimized orthogonal matching pursuit (OOMP) [35] is a technique to compute adaptive signal representation by NCC is a popular method for matching 2D patterns in iterative selection of base vectors from a dictionary. Given images. When a ð2h þ 1Þð2w þ 1Þ template y is correlated the number of base vectors to be selected, the OOMP with an image x at the image location ðu; vÞ, the NCC is computed as algorithm iteratively finds base vectors B ¼½bl1 ; ...; bljj according to the following procedure. Suppose that after Ph Pw iteration k 1, the already selected k 1 base vectors are Xði; jÞYði; jÞ k1 i¼h j¼w defined by the index set k1 ¼ðliÞi¼1 . To find the base nccðu; vÞ¼sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffis ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð6Þ vector in iteration k, the OOMP prescribes to select the Ph Pw Ph Pw Xði; jÞ2 Yði; jÞ2 index lk ¼ i that minimizes the new residual, which is i¼h j¼w i¼h j¼w equivalent to maximizing 2124 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

Xh Xw with ssdðu; vÞ¼ ðxðu þ i; v þ jÞyðh þ i; w þ jÞÞ2 Xði; jÞ¼xðu þ i; v þ jÞx; i¼h j¼w Xh Xw Xh Xw Yði; jÞ¼yðh þ i; w þ jÞy; ¼ xðu þ i; v þ jÞ2 þ yðhþ i; w þ jÞ2 1 Xuþh Xvþw i¼h j¼w i¼h j¼w x ¼ xði; jÞ; 7 Xh Xw ð2h þ 1Þð2w þ 1Þ ð Þ i¼uh j¼vw 2 xðu þ i; v þ jÞyðh þ i; w þ jÞ: 1 Xh Xw i¼h j¼w y ¼ yðh þ i; w þ jÞ: 2h 1 2w 1 ð11Þ ð þ Þð þ Þ i¼h j¼w The first term can be computed efficiently using the In [42], a fast algorithm was developed to compute the squared integral image, and the second term is constant, denominator term which is precomputed. The last term can be computed Xh Xw using the NBS method with jj floating point multi- ðxðu þ i; v þ jÞxÞ2: ð8Þ plications and between 3jj and 7jj integer additions, as i¼h j¼w discussed in the previous section.

ThisP is achievedP by observing that this term can be simplified 3.3 Subspace Expansion and Residual h w 2 2 as i¼h j¼w xðu þ i; v þ jÞ ð2h þ 1Þð2w þ 1Þx .The Computation first term and the mean x can be computed efficiently using As mentioned in Section 2.1, the reconstruction of a data integral images of the original image and the squared image. T 1 T vector x in the subspace B is RB ðxÞ¼BðBBÞ Bx.To We can represent the templateP imageP using the proposed NBS T h w 2 compute Bx, between 3jj and 7jj additions are needed. method to precompute i¼h j¼w Yði; jÞ and speed up T 1 ðBBÞ can be precomputed, and the product between the numerator computation BT B 1 BT x 2 X ð Þ and requires j j multiplications. The product of B and ðBT B Þ1BT x can be efficiently computed using at y cibi: ð9Þ i2 most Njj floating point additions, where N is the dimension The numerator can be expanded as of the data vector x. Therefore, a total of jj2 floating point N Xh Xw multiplications, at most j j floating point additions, and ðxðu þ i; v þ jÞxÞðyðh þ i; w þ jÞyÞ 7jj integer additions are needed. Without using NBS, the i¼h j¼w total computation is 2Njj multiplications and 2NjjN Xh Xw jj additions. Similarly, to find the subspace reconstruction ¼ xðu þ i; v þ jÞyðh þ i; w þ jÞ ð10Þ residual, additional N additions are needed. Note that we use i¼h j¼w the original box functions here rather than the normalized Xh Xw base vector; the reconstruction is the same as when the base xyðh þ i; w þ jÞ: i¼h j¼w vector norm is 1. This reduces the floating point multi- P plication operations. The proof can be found in the c x ; b The first term can be computed using (9) as i2 ih u;v ii, supplementary material. where xu;v is the image patch centered at ðu; vÞ. The dot product with each base vector can be computed using three 3.4 Recognition in the Nonorthogonal Space or seven integer additions with integral image, depending on It is possible to perform object recognition directly using the one or two boxes in the base vector bi. Thus, the first term T projection Bx because the difference between nonorthogo- needs jj multiplications, between 3jj and 7jj additions. nal feature values and the feature values in the same subspace The second term needsP aP single multiplication and a single h w but spanned by orthogonal coordinate axes is a linear division because i¼h j¼w yðh þ i; w þ jÞ is constant transformation. Two separable clusters remain separable and can be precomputed; the computation of the x needs a under a linear transformation. Therefore, instead of using single division. Therefore, the total computation for (8) is Njj multiplications and ðN 1Þjj additions to compute the jjþ1 floating point multiplications, one floating point projection, only jj multiplications (for the normalization division and between 3jj and 7jj integer additions. Since coefficients) and between 3jj and 7jj additions are needed. jjN ¼ð2h þ 1Þð2w þ 1Þ, the computation saving is sig- The computation saving is significant. An application of nificant compared to the cost without using NBS, which using NBS for face recognition is shown in Section 5. needs N multiplications and 2N additions. We will show in Section5howthenumberofbasevectorsusedin approximating the template affects the matching accuracy. 4BINARY-PCA (B-PCA) It should be noted here that the cost of building an Our experiments show that the greedy search solution for integral image is not significant because it is done only once NBS can represent images very well in the sense of least for the whole image and only needs 2W H additions, squares reconstruction error. However, for object recogni- where W and H are the image width and height. tion tasks, NBS has the following drawbacks:

3.2 Fast Template Matching Using SSD . The NBS base vectors do not have an explicit physical When the SSD is used as the error measure for template interpretation. Although some of the binary box matching, it is computed at each image location as functions may have corresponding parts in the TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2125

images, generally, each base vector lacks a meaningful Various extensions of PCA have been proposed. The interpretation due to its oversimplified structure. probabilistic PCA (P-PCA) [51] is proposed to handle noisy . The NBS base vectors are usually highly nonortho- data. The kernel PCA (K-PCA) [52] can be used to identify gonal to each other, which makes the L-2 norm in the nonlinear manifold of the data. The generalized PCA NBS significantly deviate from the Euclidean dis- (G-PCA) [53] is proposed to handle cases where the data tance. Therefore, it leads to numerical problems in may lie on the union of different linear subspaces; an recognition. This phenomenon can be observed in interesting extension of GPCA is a multiscale hybrid linear our experiments in Section 5.3. representation of images [54]. Manifold pursuit [55] is an . Compared to PCA, NBS uses more base vectors to extension of PCA, designed to handle the misaligned span approximately the same subspace. This is not a training images. To our knowledge, our work is the first problem in reconstruction, but recognition favors fewer, more informative base vectors so that each that approximates the PCA using nonorthogonal binary box image can be represented by a small number of functions for the purpose of efficient computation. coefficients. Because each test image will be projected 4.2 The Approach onto each of these base vectors, fewer bases need less computation. Similar to PCA, B-PCA tries to find a set of base vectors that These problems with NBS have motivated us to find a encompasses most of the energy in a data set. However, an better subspace representation that is as computationally additional requirement for B-PCA is that each base vector efficient as NBS but with enhanced representation power has to be a linear combination of a small number of Haar- for the recognition task. like box functions. Like PCA, we formulate the B-PCA in an Principal component analysis is a widely used subspace incremental way: having first determined the ðk 1Þ B-PCA representation that captures the structure information of the bases, the kth base vector k is determined as data, and the PCA base vectors can often be easily T 2 interpreted. For example, the frontal face subspace base arg max Ef½ ðX Rk1 ðXÞÞ gcostð Þ; ð13Þ vectors resemble different facial appearance variants. These properties are just complement with NBS. The main X computation in PCA is the dot product of a data vector Nk subject to : k k¼1; ¼ cj;kbj;k; bj;k 2 D; with all the PCA base vectors. This can be computationally j¼1 expensive, especially when the original data dimension is where k1 ¼½ 1; ...; k1 is the set of B-PCA base vectors high because it involves many floating point multiplica- selected up to iteration k 1,andR ðXÞ is the tions. These inspired us to investigate the possibility of k1 reconstruction of the data X using the bases k1. Since finding a subspace representation that is similar to PCA in each B-PCA base vector is a linear combination of a small terms of capturing the essential data structure while number of binary box functions, they may not be avoiding the costly floating point dot product operations. orthogonal to each other. As a result, the reconstruction T 1 T 4.1 Background—Principal Component Analysis process becomes Rk1 ðXÞ¼k1ðk1k1Þ k1X. The

A PCA subspace is spanned by orthogonal eigenvectors term X Rk1 ðXÞ is the reconstruction residual. costð Þ is corresponding to the largest eigenvalues of the data the cost function associated with computing the dot covariance matrix. The PCA technique has been used in product between a data vector and ;itisroughly Eigenface [8], subspace-based tracking [9], [43], [44], [45], proportional to the number of binary box functions Nk that adaptive face shape and appearance model (active shape are used to represent k. Similar to the NBS, we enforce model (ASM) and active appearance model (AAM)) [46], [47], approximation error constraints to avoid selecting too many motion estimation and segmentation [48], [49], 3D appear- base vectors. is a weight to balance the two terms. The ance space [50], and many other computer vision algorithms. fact that each B-PCA base vectorP is represented in NBS is The intuition behind the PCA method is to find a set of Nk reflected in the constraint k ¼ j¼1 cj;kbj;k and bj;k 2 D. base vectors n ¼½e1; e2; ...; en that can explain the Note that the cj;k is different from the direct NBS maximum amount of variance of the data. PCA can be approximation coefficients; they are normalized to enforce defined with an incremental formulation. Suppose that we the constraint k k¼1. have determined the first k 1 principal components, the The intuition behind this objective function is that the kth principal component e is determined as the principal k vector of the residual new base vector i needs to capture most of the data variance (the first term) and, at the same time, be a linear T 2 combination of a few binary box functions bj;k, which arg max Ef½e ðX Rk1 ðXÞÞ g; ð12Þ e makes it computationally efficient. As can be observed, the main difference between PCA and subject to : kek¼1; B-PCA is the additional constraint that B-PCA base vectors N need to be represented in NBS. These B-PCA base vectors are where x 2 R denotes the data vector, and X ¼½x1; in general nonorthogonal. Fig. 4 illustrates the relation x2; ...; xn denotes a set of data vectors with zero mean. T between a PCA subspace and a B-PCA subspace. The base The eis are orthogonal to each other. Rk1 ðXÞ¼k1k1X is the reconstruction of the data using the first k 1 principal vectors of PCA are orthogonal to each other; the B-PCA base components. It has been proven that eis are the eigenvectors vectors are generally nonorthogonal. Each B-PCA base vector of the data covariance matrix EðXXT Þ that correspond to the is a linear combination of binary box functions. However, ith largest eigenvalues. both of them represent roughly the same subspace. 2126 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

Fig. 4. Relation of the PCA subspace and the B-PCA subspace. (a) is the PCA base vectors, which are orthogonal to each other. (b) is the B-PCA base vectors, which are approximations of the PCA bases using NBS. We can observe block effect in the B-PCA base vectors, which is the consequence of such an approximation.

Fig. 6. Approximations of the first 15 Pre-BPCA base vectors using different thresholds . (a) The PCA base vectors. (b) B-PCA base vectors with ¼ 0:2 Pre-PCA base vectors (first row) and B-PCA base vectors (second row). (c) B-PCA base vectors with ¼ 0:85, which has an obvious block effect.

is applied on the residual of the data X Rk1 ðXÞ to obtain the next Pre-BPCA k , which is again approximated using NBS. The approximation of Pre-BPCA at iteration k is called the kth B-PCA base vector. This procedure iterates until the desired number of B-PCA bases have been obtained or an error threshold is reached. The procedure of this optimization is shown in Fig. 5. Generally, it takes a large number of box functions to represent each Pre-BPCA base vector perfectly. However, we prefer a solution with fewer box functions to make the representation computationally efficient. To make the optimization simpler, we enforce the computational cost Fig. 5. Flow chart of the PCA-guided OOMP. constraint by finding the minimum number of box func- tions that satisfy 4.3 The Solution—PCA-Guided NBS XN The search space for the optimization problem in (13) is 1 ð Þ 1 1 i ; ð14Þ extremely large because the solution can be any base vector N i¼1 ð 1 Þi that is a linear combination of box functions from the binary dictionary D. Even for a small image of size 24 24 used in where 1 is the reconstruction of 1 using binary box our experiments, there are 134,998 box functions in D. functions. 2½0; 1 is the approximation error threshold Suppose that each B-PCA base vector is represented by that controls the precision. A smaller value of leads to 10 box functions, the number of possible choices of box produce a more accurate approximation. N is the dimen- 10 functions for a single B-PCA base vector is C134;998. It would be sion of the base vector, and ðÞi refers to the ith element of a an understatement to say that finding the global optimal vector. This constraint requires the elementwise approx- would be impractical. imation error ratio to be within a threshold. It is stricter than One possible solution is to apply the PCA on the training the norm constraint, which requires the difference in norm data to obtain k principal components ½e1; ...; ek, then to be smaller than a threshold. A comparison of PCA, Pre- employ NBS to approximate each of these principal compo- BPCA, and B-PCA base vectors are shown in Fig. 6. nents with a given precision, and use the approximated 4.4 Theoretical Analysis of the B-PCA Bases vectors as the B-PCA base vectors ½ 1; ...; k. The problem with this solution is that the approximation errors ðei iÞ As mentioned in the previous section, when the approxima- are generally not represented by any of the B-PCA base tion error threshold is 0, the B-PCA base vector is identical to vectors; this leads to an inaccurate subspace. the PCA base vector. When increases, B-PCA base vectors To overcome this problem, we propose a PCA-guided NBS deviate from the PCA bases and become more nonorthogo- method to find a suboptimal solution efficiently. In the PCA- nal. Nonorthogonality, which is often measured using guided NBS, we denote the selected B-PCA base vectors up to coherence, will be defined in this section. We will prove that iteration k as k ¼½ 1; 2; ...; k. This set is empty at the by approximating the original projection process PðxÞ¼ 1 beginning. We start from the original PCA procedure to ðT Þ T x with the direct dot nonorthogonal projection T obtain the first principal component that captures the process (DNP): PðxÞ¼ x. The resultant distance error of majority of the data variance. We call the first principal PðxÞ is related to coherence and, therefore, . Based on this component the Pre-BPCA vector, denoted as 1 .P NBS is then property, we conclude that when is small, the information N1 applied to approximate this vector as 1 ¼ j¼0 cj;1bj;1. loss by using B-PCA and DNP is also small, and the Then, in iteration k, the data X is projected to the subspace computational complexity is reduced significantly. This spanned by the already selected B-PCA bases k1, and PCA was verified by our experiments on real data sets. TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2127

Definition 1. A -coherent base vector set with k ik¼1 has coherence for 0 1 if jh i; jij for all distinct i, j 2 . Intuitively, for a -coherent dictionary, the angle between any pair of base vectors or the negation of the vectors has to be larger than j cos1 j.A0-coherent base vector set is orthogonal. Lemma 1. If we denote B ¼jj and B 0:5, then there exists a set of vectors ei;i¼ 1; ...;B, such that

. the eis form an orthonormal system; . Span ðe1; e2; ...; eBÞ¼spanð 1; 2; ...; BÞ; and 2 2 . kei ik 8 B. This lemma states that when the coherence satisfies the above conditions, we can find an orthonormal system that has the same span as the nonorthogonal base vectors. In addition, these orthonormal base vectors are very close to the original nonorthogonal ones. The distance between corresponding base vectors is a function of coherence. The proof can be found in [36].

Lemma 2. The angle i between each nonorthogonal base vector i and its corresponding orthogonal base vector ei is smaller 1 2 1=2 Fig. 7. (a) The “Tsukuba” image taken from [56]. (b) A 25 20 image than max ¼ 2 sin ð2 BÞ , where B ¼jj. patch from this image. (c) The first 30 NBS base vectors used to Proof. See the supplementary material, which can be found represent (b). (d) The reconstruction of (b) using 1-30 NBS base vectors. at http://computer.org/tpami/archives.htm. tu product T x.TheB-PCAbasevector ð1 i NÞ is Theorem 1. By approximating the original projection process i P x T 1Tx representedP as a linear combination of Ni box functions, ð Þ¼ð Þ with the direct dot nonorthogonal N b T i c b x projection process (DNP) PðxÞ¼ x, the resultant i ¼ j¼P1 j j. The projection of to i can be written as Ni distance error of PðxÞ is bounded by a function of , i.e., h i; xi¼ j¼1 ci;jhbj; xi. Each box function bj has nj boxes, ! where n can be one or two. The hb ; xi can be performed rXffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi j j b 0 2 using 3 nj integer additions. Since cj is a floating point, jjPðxÞjj jjPðxÞjj gðÞ¼ ci 1 jjxjj h i; xi needs Ni floating point multiplications and Ni 1  i  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi floating point additions. 1 þ 2ðB 1ÞK þ BK2 1 jjxjj; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi XN XNi 2 2 where K ¼ 8 Bð1 2 BÞ. TBPCA ¼ ð3 nj Tia þ NiTfm þðNi 1ÞTfaÞ; ð16Þ i 1 j 1 Proof. See the supplementary material, which can be found ¼ ¼ at http://computer.org/tpami/archives.htm. tu where Tia is the time for one integer addition. As we can observe, T is only dependent on the number of binary 4.5 Speed Improvement of B-PCA BPCA box functions, which is often much less than the dimension Suppose that the image size is m n, TPCA denotes the time of the image. For PCA, however, the time is proportional to for computing the PCA subspace projection coefficients, and the image dimension. Since the number of operations in N m denotes the number of PCA base vectors. It will take B-PCA is much smaller than that in PCA, TBPCA is much less n N N ðm n 1Þþ floating point multiplications and than TPCA, and the speedup is more dramatic with higher ðN 1Þ floating point additions to perform the projection dimensional data. operation Suppose that m ¼ n ¼ 24 and N ¼ 15, then TPCA needs 24 24 15 8; 640 TPCA¼N m n Tfmþ½N ðm n 1ÞþðN 1Þ Tfa; ¼ floating point multiplications to com ð15Þ pute the projection coefficients. Suppose that the total number of NBS base vectors usedP to represent all the N where Tfm is the time for a single floating point multi- B-PCA base vectors is 200, that is, i¼1PNi ¼ 200, then the plication, and Tfa is the time for a single floating point N B-PCAP projection only needs between i¼1 Ni ¼ 200 and addition. N 2 Ni ¼ 400 floating point operations. The speedup is For B-PCA, the time for a single projection is denoted as i¼1 significant. TBPCA, which consists of two parts. One part is Tii, the time to construct the integral image. For an m n image, it will take m n 2 integer additions with recursive implementation. 5IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENT RESULTS This is performed only once for each image. The other part is FOR NBS T 1 T the time for the projection operation PðxÞ¼ð Þ x. 5.1 Representing a Single Image Using NBS When the bases are nearly orthogonal to each other, we can To demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of the approximate the projection coefficient using the direct dot proposed NBS method, we applied it to model images 2128 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

Fig. 11. (a) The original 480 480 image. (b) Selected 25 20 template patch at a corner. (c) The position with the highest normalized correlation score. (d) The result using NCC approximated by the proposed NBS method. TABLE 1 Time Comparison between the Original NCC and NBS-NCC Fig. 8. (a) The “pedestrian” image of size 80 35 taken from [57]. (b) The first 30 NBS base vectors used to represent (a). (c) The reconstruction of (a) using 1-30 NBS base vectors.

numerator is computed using (7) and (8), with jjþ1 multiplications and between 3jj and 7jj additions. In a straightforward implementation, ð2h þ 1Þð2w þ 1Þ multi- plications and ð2h þ 1Þð2w þ 1Þ1 additions are needed. To test the matching performance, experiments on real images were performed. Ten images of different scenes (indoor, outdoor, from microscope, and so forth) were used as the testing data set, and some of them are shown in Fig. 10 In each image, 40 patches were chosen to be located using NCC. 20 30 Fig. 9. (a) The original rear view vehicle image of size . (b) The In Fig. 11, an example is shown. Fig. 11a is the original image first 30 NBS base vectors used to represent (a). (c) The reconstruction 480 480 25 20 of (a) using 1-30 NBS base vectors. with pixels. Fig. 11b is a pixel image patch in the original image. It is approximated using up to 20 NBS base vectors. Figs. 11c and 11d show the normalized correlation matching result using the original image patch and using the NBS template representation. Both of them locate the correct object position. Table 1 shows the computation cost for matching a 25 20 patch in the test image of size 480 480 using NCC and NBS-NCC. The patch Fig. 10. Examples in the data set for template matching. is represented using 20 box functions. The preprocessing time includes the computation of integral image, the squared widely used in computer vision applications. The test image P integral image, the reconstructionP P of the patch ð i2 cibiÞ, in Fig. 7 is from Tsukuba data set [56], which is commonly h w used in stereo computation. In Fig. 7, we use the NBS Pand theP precomputation of i¼h j¼w yðh þ i; w þ jÞ and h w 2 method to model a 25 20 image patch in the image as i¼h j¼w Yði; jÞ , as discussed in Section 3.1. We shown in Fig. 7b. The box functions used to represent each compared the speed for original NCC, fast NCC [42], and image patch are shown in Fig. 7c. Fig. 7d shows the our method. In the fast NCC, the integral image and squared reconstruction of the image using the 1-30 NBS base vectors. integral image are used for acceleration, and the convolution Fig. 8 is the modeling of a pedestrian image taken from the is computed using FFT. According to our experiments, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) pedestrian NCC and FFT-based fast NCC have almost the same database [57]. Fig. 9 is the result for a rear view vehicle matching performance. The timing for fast NCC includes image. As we can observe, NBS is capable of modeling a wide variety of images effectively. With roughly 20 NBS the computation for image padding, FFT/inverse FFT of base vectors, the images can be represented very well. template and image. The original NCC is the straightforward implementation without using any acceleration. The experi- 5.2 Image Matching Using NBS ments are carried out on an Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz machine As described in Section 2, to compute the numerator for NCC with a 1-Gbyte RAM and C++ implementation. As we can in (6), the template is first approximated using NBS. The observe, a speedup factor of over 30 is achieved over the TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2129

Fig. 12. Testing image with added zero mean Gaussian noise ðvariance ¼ 10Þ. Fig. 16. Approximation error as a function of the number of base vectors for the rear view vehicle data set.

Fig. 13. Matching performance comparison between NBS-NCC and FFT-NCC under Gaussian noise (variance ¼ 10 and 15).

Fig. 14. Samples from the “rear view vehicle” data set with 1,200 images. Fig. 17. (a) The first 30 nonorthogonal binary base vectors for frontal Each image is of size 20 30. face subspace. (b) An input face image and the reconstructed face images using 1-30 of the base vectors.

using FFT-based fast NCC and our NBS-NCC method. The performance comparison is shown in Fig. 13. 5.3 Representing a Set of Images Using NBS The NBS method described in Section 2 was implemented to construct the rear view vehicle subspace and frontal face subspace. For the vehicles data set, we used 1,200 aligned vehicle rear view images; each is of size 20 30. The data set is shown in Fig. 14. Then, the NBS subspace is trained using 800 images, and the rest are used for testing the reconstruc- tion error. Fig. 15 shows the first 40 binary base vectors selected using NBS and the reconstruction of a particular image using the learned subspace. Note the difference of the base vectors with those in Fig. 9. The reconstruction performance of the rear view vehicles is shown in Fig. 16. Face modeling is a very challenging task in computer Fig. 15. (a) The first 40 NBS base vectors computed using the rear view vision, because of its extensive variations and due to the fact vehicle data set. (b) The reconstruction of a particular vehicle image, that humans are very sensitive to artifacts in face images. To using 1-40 of the base vectors. model a face subspace, 500 spatially aligned frontal view images from the FERET database [58] were used. Each of original NCC and over 7 times faster than the FFT-based fast these aligned images is then scaled down to 24 24 pixels. Using these 500 data samples, the NBS base vectors are NCC method for our testing scenario. computed. The first 30 of these vectors are shown in Fig. 17a. It Appearances of a template in an image may vary due to can be observed that many of these base vectors are noise, quantization, compression, and transformation errors. symmetric. The asymmetric ones may be caused by the In the following experiment, various levels of Gaussian noise illumination bias in the relatively small data set. The were added to images. Fig. 12 is a noisy image with a zero incremental reconstruction of a single face image using these mean Gaussian noise of variance 15 (image intensity scale is 30 base vectors is shown in Fig. 17b. With each additional base 0-255). The template is matched against the noisy images vector, more details are added to the reconstructed image. 2130 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

TABLE 2 TABLE 3 Speed Comparison of MP and OOMP for Selecting 20 Features B-PCA Base Vectors Orthogonality with Different Approximation Thresholds

Fig. 18. Reconstruction performance comparison of OOMP and MP. Fig. 19. Reconstruction error using different approximation errors for faces. 5.4 Training Time TABLE 4 In each iteration of the OOMP feature selection process, all the Distortion for B-PCA Reconstruction Using remaining features in the dictionary have to be projected to 15 B-PCA Base Vectors with Different the subspace spanned by the previously selected features. Approximation Errors for the Frontal Face Data Set This process is very time consuming because it involves computing the matrix pseudoinverse. This limits its use in real-time applications. However, we found that MP [33] can be implemented much faster than OOMP without sacrificing much accuracy. This is because in each iteration of MP, the residual is projected to all the remaining features without training set is the same as that used in NBS subspace considering the previously selected features; thus, no matrix computation. Using 500 training samples, the B-PCA base pseudoinverse calculation is involved. In addition, this vectors are computed. The first 15 of these vectors are projection process can be accelerated by building an integral shown in Fig. 6. It can be observed that like PCA, B-PCA image for the residual image. The timing comparison is given base vectors can capture the face structure. Each individual in Table 2, and the performance comparison in terms of base vector resembles some face shape. However, there is reconstruction error for the face data set is shown in Fig. 18. some blocky appearance in the B-PCA base vectors due to For time-critical applications such as tracking, we can use MP. the approximation error using box functions. On the other hand, for applications such as recognition that The B-PCA bases coherence and reconstruction perfor- are not time critical on bases finding, we can use OOMP. mance are directly influenced by the approximation thresh- old in the PCA-guided NBS. With a higher threshold, 5.5 Face Recognition which implies a less accurate approximation, the coherence As has been discussed in Section 3.4, it is possible to do will increase, and the bases become less orthogonal. When recognition directly in NBS. We tested this in face the base vectors are more orthogonal (smaller ), the recognition. The test database comprises 64 aligned face reconstruction error will be smaller, because B-PCA base images in the FERET database. Each image is projected to vectors become more similar to PCA base vectors. We have the face NBS learned in the previous section. The projection listed the coherence of the B-PCA base vectors with T of a face image in NBS takes the form Bx. A simple nearest different approximation thresholds in Table 3. The recon- neighbor method is used for finding the best match as the struction performance using different approximation recognition result. The NBS recognition performance is thresholds are shown in Fig. 19. shown in Fig. 25 and compared with B-PCA method. To demonstrate the effectiveness of DNP, we compute the distortion, which is defined as the ratio of the reconstruction error and the orthogonal reconstruction kx xk=kxk, where 6EXPERIMENTS FOR B-PCA x is the reconstruction using DNP, and x is the reconstruction We applied the proposed B-PCA method to solving using orthogonal base vectors—PCA bases. When the B-PCA modeling and recognition problems of faces and vehicles. base vectors are more orthogonal to each other, this distortion Promising results have been achieved and are demon- tends to be smaller. We tested the distortion using 15 B-PCA strated in this section. base vectors for frontal face image reconstruction. The distortion versus the approximation error are listed in 6.1 Effectiveness of B-PCA for Reconstruction Table 4. As we can observe, the more orthogonal the B-PCA The PCA guided NBS method described in Section 4 was bases, the less is the distortion. This experimentally proved implemented to obtain the B-PCA face subspace. The the theorem in Section 4.4. TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2131

Fig. 20. Comparison of different bases (PCA, Pre-BPCA, and B-PCA) for rear view vehicles. The first row are the PCA base vectors, the second row are the Pre-BPCA base vectors, and the third row are the B-PCA base vectors ð ¼ 0:4Þ.

Fig. 21. B-PCA base vectors and their corresponding box functions for vehicle modeling.

Fig. 23. (a) Recognition performance for the face data set with ¼ 0:9. (b) Recognition performance for the face data set with ¼ 0:2.

Fig. 22. Reconstruction error using different approximation errors.

To demonstrate the generality of the B-PCA subspace, we performed another experiment to model the rear views of vehicles. The data set is shown in Fig. 14. Then, we trained the B-PCA subspace using 800 images and used the other 400 images for testing the reconstruction error. The Fig. 24. Performance comparison between PCA, B-PCA, and K-PCA first 10 PCA, Pre-PCA, and B-PCA are visualized in Fig. 20, using different numbers of base vectors. In the B-PCA recognition, the and Fig. 21 shows that the first three B-PCA base vectors approximation threshold is set to ¼ 0:4 and DNP is used. and the corresponding box functions used to represent them. A comparison of the reconstruction performance much cheaper because it only needs several additions. The between PCA and B-PCA with varying approximation difference between ðT Þ1T x and T x is small when the errors is illustrated in Fig. 22. B-PCA base vectors are more orthogonal (smaller ), and it is 6.2 B-PCA for Face Recognition larger when the base vectors are less orthogonal (larger ). As To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed B-PCA we can observe, when the approximation threshold is small, method, we applied it to face recognition. The result is the difference between B-PCA and PCA base vectors is small, compared with that of the “Eigenface.” The test database the difference between DNP and pseudoinverse projection is comprises 64 aligned face images in the FERET database. also small. Each image is projected to the PCA and B-PCA subspaces, We also compared the B-PCA performance with K-PCA, and the projection coefficients of the image onto each base are which has empirically shown to have superior performance used as the features; the best match in a nearest neighbor in PCA-related recognition algorithms. A detailed descrip- classifier is used as the recognition result. We compared tion of K-PCA can be found in [52]. The performance the PCA with B-PCA using the original projection process comparison between PCA, B-PCA, and K-PCA (Gaussian that has the pseudoinverse ðT Þ1T x and also that of kernel) is shown in Fig. 24. As can be observed, K-PCA has DNP T x for recognition; the results are shown in Figs. 23a a better recognition rate than PCA and B-PCA; this is and 23b. In Fig. 23a, the approximation threshold is set to 0.9, congruent with the result in [59]. However, the computation and in Fig. 23b, is 0.2. As can be observed, when ¼ 0:2, of K-PCA feature extraction is significantly higher than which means the B-PCA base vectors are more orthogonal, PCA and B-PCA because the algorithm needs to compute the difference between recognition rates using pseudoinverse the kernel matrix, which involves the kernel computation and DNP is very small. The DNP T x is computationally between a testing image and all of the training images. As 2132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 29, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

TABLE 5 Comparison of the Computational Cost between PCA and B-PCA Projection Operations

the result, the K-PCA computation cost is not only related to different tasks may have different requirements, the B-PCA the number base vectors but also to the number of training method provides a simple and flexible way to balance these images. Usually, the K-PCA feature extraction is hundreds two factors. For reconstruction tasks, accuracy is usually or thousands times slower than PCA depending on the weighted more heavily, so a smaller , for example, 0.2 might number of training images used and the kernel type. be chosen. However, for the recognition task, both accuracy and speed are of concern, and according to our experiments in 6.3 Speed of B-PCA Sections 6.2 and 6.4, ¼ 0:6 is a good trade-off. The experiment for speed improvement is carried out on a Pentium 4 3.2 GHz 1 Gbyte RAM machine using C++ code. 6.5 Relation between B-PCA and NBS Fifteen base vectors are computed for both PCA and B-PCA, B-PCA and NBS are closely related; each B-PCA base vector and the time to project images onto each subspace is is represented in NBS. Still, they do differ from each other. observed. The projection for PCA is hei; xi; for B-PCA, it is One of the main differences is the ability to represent global h i; xið1 i NÞ. For B-PCA, the dot product between image structure information. NBS base vectors do not have each of its NBS base vectors and the image x is computed a meaningful interpretation of the images, but B-PCA base using integral image with several additions. We tested the vectors can capture the global image structure. PCA projection and B-PCA projection with 1,000 images, Another major difference is the orthogonality of the base and the time for a single projection is computed as the vectors. As has been discussed in Section 3, B-PCA base average. In Table 5, we can observe that the B-PCA vectors are nearly orthogonal to each other (that is, with projection process T x is over 50 times faster than direct small coherence), whereas NBS base vectors are highly PCA projection operation. The improvement is even more nonorthogonal. To show the orthogonality of base vectors, dramatic if more base vectors are used for comparison. Note we visualize the mutual coherence matrix for the NBS and that 1) for the PCA projection test, the image data is put in a that of B-PCA (with approximation threshold ¼ 0:2)in continuous memory space to avoid unnecessary memory Fig. 25. Each element at ði; jÞ of the matrix is the dot product access overhead, 2) the integral image computation is very between base vector i and j (for NBS) or i and j (for fast, because it can be computed efficiently with a recursive B-PCA). The orthogonality, as depicted, ranges from zero to one, where completely black elements represent orthogonal implementation using only integer additions, and 3) the Tii is distributed into each base vector projection operation to vectors, and identical vectors are completely bright (hence, make the comparison fair, because the integral image only the diagonal line). needs to be computed once. The recognition task favors base vectors with low coherence, because it will make the distance closer to the 6.4 Parameter Choosing for B-PCA euclidean distance. Since B-PCA base vectors are more For a given number of B-PCA base vectors, the only orthogonal than NBS, with the same number of base parameter in B-PCA is the approximation threshold .A vectors, B-PCA performs better than NBS in the task of smaller usually gives better results because the approxima- recognition. To verify this, we made an experiment to tion is more accurate. However, on the other hand, more compare the recognition rates between NBS and B-PCA, the accurate approximations need more NBS base vectors and, test settings are the same as B-PCA recognition, the result is thus, more computation. Therefore, the goal is to choose a demonstrated in Fig. 26. that can trade off between accuracy and efficiency. Although

Fig. 25. (a) Mutual coherence matrix of NBS with 50 base vectors for the Fig. 26. Recognition performance comparison for B-PCA and NBS with face data set. (b) Mutual coherence matrix for the B-PCA base vectors different numbers of base vectors. B-PCA is computed using the using the same training data. approximation threshold 0.4 with direct dot product. TANG ET AL.: REPRESENTING IMAGES USING NONORTHOGONAL HAAR-LIKE BASES 2133

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