TURNING POINT < Polished Shaft > Front row (from left to right): right): to left (from row Front Back row (from left to right): to left (from row Back COMMITTEE CONTENTS Julia Tandy, Jade Shen, Felicia Leong, CarmenChiang, Janice Tai, Kathy Ng,Zhou WenJing Jeremiah Lee,Daniel Ho,Phil Kwek, Daniel Chua, Timothy Wan, Wong ChunHan 09 > The School Management Board 06 57 > 02 Leadership Perspectives 04 > 38 > In Prayer and Worship > 54 Chairman’s Message Principal’s Message > 08 > 30 22 Class Photograph 26 39 PHOTOGRAPHS: Life in Tung Ling > > > 18 10 > > Deans &Staff 34 Veronica Tan Jason Leong Timothy Toh Testimonies > > > FEATURE: Janice Tai Lecturers Summer CONTENTS > MESSAGE < Chairman’s > MESSAGE < Chairman’s 02 POINT03

of the Philistines. That was the easy route. By foot, to warfare because this is an essential part of our it would have taken 11 days from Goshen, Egypt to maturity. There comes a time when the same thing Here’s my strong exhortation TURNING the land of Canaan. But that would mean only one will happen in our lives and when the honeymoon for you: Don’t back off. thing – they would have had to fight all the way to is over, get ready and quit whining. get to the Promised Land because that path was Stand strong and possess dotted by warring tribes. So, here’s the strategy: God brought them into the POINT wilderness and there, He succoured them, trained the land that God has So God chose not to lead them that way. Instead, them and prepared them to inherit the land that I would like to first of all congratulate He chose a very difficult path and that meant He had for them. Understand that when God takes given to you. you, the students of the graduating class of getting them through the Red Sea, which, by the us out of one thing, it is always to bring us into School of Ministry, Term 1, 2020. I am certain way, involved parting the sea. But that was the something better. He never intended for them to the past three months have had many defining easy part. He would then later bring them to Mount live in the wilderness. That was not God’s plan. We moments for many of you and as you graduate, Sinai, which really was their honeymoon, before are not nomads but sojourners. He does not want I want to encourage you to keep pressing upwards taking them into the wilderness: a desert place us to end our journey in the wilderness. and onwards toward the goal of the high call of full of pits and wild beasts. The reason for that is God in Christ Jesus. found in Exodus 13:17 (NKJV), “Lest perhaps the A whole generation of Israelites didn’t make it into take on giants. It could well be that people change their minds when they see war, the Promised Land and 1 Corinthians 10 gives us some of you will face your crossing- You have chosen an appropriate theme for your and return to Egypt.” God had foreseen that if the some of the reasons why – idolatry, lust, tempting over the moment you graduate. graduation – TURNING POINT. On the early children of Israel saw war prematurely, they would Christ, immorality and unbelief. It is not God’s will Here’s my strong exhortation for transatlantic flights from New York to London, be disheartened and would eventually backslide for us to die in the wilderness. He wants to bring you: Don’t back off. Stand strong and they had on those early airplanes, an instrument and return to Egypt. So, in His great wisdom, He us into a land that flows with milk and honey, possess the land that God has given called the “PNR” gauge. PNR stood for “Point of led them to the Red Sea, parted the sea, buried which is symbolic of the good word of God and to you. Has He not commanded No Return”, and what that meant was, when they Pharaoh’s army in the process, and brought them life in the Spirit. you to be strong and very took off from New York City, they had to calculate into the wilderness. courageous for the Lord a certain point over the Atlantic Ocean beyond So the Lord brought them into the wilderness and your God is with you? which, if the plane were to encounter any trouble, Isn’t this reminiscent of our own walk with God? there, He was going to teach them of His ways. You have come to the flying back to New York City would no longer When we first got saved, the first few months There, He was going to nurture them. Nobody TURNING POINT in be an option. They may try to land the plane were absolutely fantastic, wasn’t it? That was was going to fight them whilst they were in the your lives. Cross over elsewhere, but returning to New York City was the honeymoon period. Every marriage has a wilderness. In no man’s land, they were not a threat and possess your out of the question. honeymoon period. And God protects you from all to anybody. And so, away from any kind of conflict, inheritance! the demonic spirits, trials, and hardships, until you God began His work with the children of Israel. This When the children of Israel crossed that Jordan come to a place where you are ready. Once you was the strategy. After two years, they were to be River, they crossed the PNR and returning to become strong enough and ready, the honeymoon ready to enter into the land and that meant conflict Egypt was no longer an option. It was the turning is over, and you start to meet giants. And by and warfare. For those two whole years, God was point in their journey and they really had only one giants, I do not mean your mother-in-law. But God preparing them to become an army, mentally, alternative – to go forward, fight and dispossess all does not allow the enemy to come against you physically, and most importantly, spiritually. But their enemies. prematurely, or else you might be tempted to when the time came to cross over, they disobeyed return to the world. because of unbelief and that disqualified an entire The journey of the children of Israel was a journey generation from entering into the Promised Land. like no other. It was a journey that God had planned It is like the story of Job. Job was the richest man in It was going to be another 38 years before the before laying the foundations of the earth and it the East because God so blessed the man. He was dream would be realised. was planned for our instruction. In 1 Corinthians also the most righteous as well. But there came a 10, Paul makes it clear that all that the children point in his life where God’s protection over Job’s But the day came, under the leadership of Joshua, of Israel went through in the wilderness was life and over all that he had was going to be lifted when finally, they would cross over the Jordan Rev Yang Tuck Yoong designed to teach us. When the children of Israel and he was going to be tested. And if you read the River on dry ground and face some of the most Chairman of the Board, Tung Ling Bible School came out of Egypt (signifying salvation), the logical narrative, it was God who went out to pick a fight. formidable and well-fortified cities in the land of Senior , Cornerstone Community route to take was to bring them up along the He said to Satan: Have you considered My servant Canaan. When that day comes for us, we must Mediterranean coast, skirt the seashore, and then Job? Have you considered how righteous he is? not shrink back. Students, all your training, here in enter into the Promised Land through the territory What was God doing? He was exposing His servant TLBS included, is part of the preparation for you to TURNING > MESSAGE < Principal’s > MESSAGE < Principal’s 04 KINGS05 The tale of King Uzziah‘s reign was one of great the surrounding nations the Lord had destroyed. Turning points power and human success until he was blinded In corrupting his own life, the king had led the by it. Perhaps, pride convinced him that God’s people into a period of moral and religious decay. can be critical A TALE OF TWO rules applied to everyone except him. Pride, power and foolishness are a ‘bad companion’ So the Lord brought the army of the King of moments of resulting in Uzziah’s downward trajectory. Instead Assyria against Judah. King Manasseh was taken significant KINGS of leaving his throne with a shining record of as a prisoner by the invading army. With a hook in victories, he left in disgrace. He was a leper his nose, they shackled him in bronze chain and change, for Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— until the day of his death. Sadly, he dwelt in an took him to Babylon. I took the one less traveled by, isolated house, banned from the temple of the the better. And that has made all the difference Lord (v. 21). FROM PAGANISM TO PENITENCE ~ Robert Frost The lesson for us is that King Uzziah may Then, came the turning point of his life. have started well, but it is not a guarantee to finishing well. Neither is it necessarily true that “In his distress, Manasseh sought the favour of the Recently I was reading again the lives farming and promote agricultural productivity. another king who might have started badly be Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before can be critical moments of of the 20 kings of the southern kingdom of The fame of Uzziah’s reign spread far and wide, handicapped by a poor finish. King Manasseh the God of his fathers. And when he prayed to significant change, for the better. Judah in the Bible. I reread the two longest-serving even reaching the borders of Egypt. being the case. Him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and kings and noted their turning points, which is the listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Learn from King Manasseh theme for this issue of the Polished Shaft. The two Judah was undisputedly a powerful force to By God’s grace, one can always get back on track Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh what it means to swallow your kings are Uzziah and Manasseh. be reckoned with militarily, technologically, of the ‘second wind’ because God is a God of knew that the Lord is God.” (2 Chronicles 33:12) pride and seek His grace. When economically and politically under King Uzziah’s second chances. you are at the pinnacle of TALE OF KING UZZIAH. 2 Chronicles 26:1-23. reign. The success and power of Uzziah was due Considering the rebellious acts of King Manasseh your achievement, learn from to the fact that he had sought after God. And TALE OF KING MANASSEH. 2 Chronicles 33: 1-17. and the way he spurned God, one would have King Uzziah’s life. Do not be King Uzziah, the tenth king of Judah, was placed on God helped him (v. 17) and brought able people easily written him off as beyond redemption. swollen with pride. Remember the throne at a young age of 16 and he reigned in to his aid (v. 15). King Manasseh was the fourteenth king of Historians still ascribed him as one of the worst everything comes from the Lord. Jerusalem for 52 years. He did what was right in the Judah. He ascended the throne at 12 years old king in Judah. Yet the grace of God is simply To finish well, you need to avoid sight of God, just as his father Amaziah had done FROM POWERFUL TO PRIDEFUL and reign for 55 years. Unlike King Uzziah who amazing and so embracing of his plea and need having a head that “swells up” (v. 4). Obviously, Uzziah had willingly listened to the had followed after his father’s faith, Manasseh for mercy. We do not know how he was rescued, and a heart that is “lifted up.” godly counsel of Zechariah who was his mentor. In the thick of Uzziah’s power, prosperity and DEPARTED from following his father’s foot-steps. but Manasseh knew it was God’s doing. And God prospered him (2 Chronicles 26:4-5). success, there was a pivotal interception - He did evil in the sight of God and ushered in a turning point. another era of apostasy. On Manasseh’s reinstatement, he started to build King Uzziah ushered in an era of prosperity for the outer wall for the city of David. He fortified the Judah. He warred against the surrounding enemies “After Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his Manasseh DEFILED the Temple of God. He cities to prevent ungodly influence and infiltration. and conquered them in battles. God helped Judah downfall.” (2 Chronicles 26:16) rebuilt the pagan places of worship which his He demolished the worship of foreign gods and against the Philistines, the Arabs who dwelt in Gur father had torn down. He placed idols in the threw the idols outside of the city. He restored the Baal and the Meunites. Even the Ammonites had The power and recognition he so enjoyed Temple, the very place where God had told David altar of the Lord and offered burnt sacrifices on it. to pay annual tributes to the king. intoxicated him. Uzziah had forgotten that it was and his son Solomon: “My name will be honoured God who had given him success and stability. He forever in this Temple and in Jerusalem – the The tale of Manasseh demonstrated what true Uzziah strengthened his military base and his failed to live up to his name which means “Jehovah city I have chosen from among the tribes of repentance is about. It is the contrition of heart trained personnel. They were equipped with the is my strength.” Israel.” He was involved in the worship of Baals and the evidence of a change in direction support of a full arsenal. The military had even and the goddess Asherah. He built altars for the and lifestyle. Manasseh had shown to have invented the latest weapons and installations that In his pride and foolishness, King Uzziah attempted worship of the stars. He even sacrifice his own moved from paganism to penitence. From could hurl stones and shoot arrows further than to assume the role which was clearly restricted sons as burnt offerings in the Hinnom Valley. He repentance to restitution. anyone. Under Uzziah’s command were 2,600 elite to the priests. He went to the temple and offered practised every form of sorcery and divination, commanders with a standing army of over 307,500 burnt incense on the altar, thus, defying God’s and consulted with mediums and spiritists. CONGRATULATIONS fighting men who are battle ready. decree. When confronted by Azariah and the 80 courageous priests, instead of humbly retreating, Manasseh stubbornly DISREGARDED the Word Congratulations on your graduation King Uzziah had built towers and fortified the Uzziah flew into arrogant rage and leprosy broke of the Lord. The Lord in His mercy had called from Tung Ling Bible School, SOM. I cities that was once occupied by the enemy. He out on his forehead. He had crossed the line, out to the king and the people, but he paid no want to encourage you to be always introduced technology to irrigate the desert places violated the laws and in his stubbornness incurred attention. Manasseh also DECEIVED the people positioned for continual turning for his livestock. He established new methods of the judgement of God. and led them astray so they did more evil than points in your life. Turning points A TALE OF TWO 06 < Leadership PERSPECTIVES > WITH FAITH WITHFA F IGHTEAR will happen without His He never knowing. slumber, Because nothing T U R N I N Gto you P O I N T W ITHFA F IGHTEAR T URNIGPO: and Hisprovidential carefor us. followed by threeconcluding truths about God I liketo approach thispassage with three questions care andthesourceof their help. Psalm, remindingthemselves of God’s providential The Jews would often reciteportionsof this Jerusalem canbetreacherous anddangerous. annual festive celebrations. Oftenthe way to pilgrims goingupto the Temple of Godfor their the Jewishencourage toPsalm was written psalm of Ascents, alsoknown asthe Traveller’s a turningpoint, turningfrom fear to faith. This We cantakealeaf from stamping out unwarranted or emotional fear. of faith canprove to beapivotal turningpoint in pragmatism candeal with fear. But thedimension There isonly somuchthat factual rationale and facts alone, we needto fight fear with faith. is the“Faith” factor. Rather thanfight fear with stay rational. Ithought themissingcomponent dealing with “Fear factor” andhow we needto “Fight Fear with Facts.” It was a well-written article journalists, Rohit Brijnath wrote anarticleentitled, to address theissueof fear. One of my favourite Life! pagesof thelocal Straits Times attempting Recently there were numerous articlesinthe supply chain. of thegovernment’s assurance of aconstant supermarket shelves arebeingemptiedinspite - not excluding bulkbuying toilet papers. The panic-buying, stockpiling of riceandnoodles lockdown or enforced quarantine, peoplegointo things andactirrationally. Inthelight of possible Often when peoplearefearful,they dostrange afraid and at apoint of paranoia. spreading fast across nations, peoplearenaturally increase innumber of Covid-19 infectedcases against apossible pandemic. As we watch the contagion. Nations arescrambling to safeguard health authorities tryingdesperately to contain the hugetoll onhealthcare professionals and The coronavirus epidemichadtakena Psalm 121: 1-8 121: Psalm to reach

at your right hand; hand; right your at LORD watches over you - the LORD is your shade shade your is LORD the - you over watches LORD 2. HOW DOES GODHELP YOU? EARTH IS YOUR HELPER! WHEN GOD– THE MAKEROF HEAVENS AND TRUTH #1: uncertainties. God who isour helper intimesof difficulties and What acomfort itisto know that our faith isin power andresourcesto meet your every need. In other words, God who is your helphasunlimited life-threatening situations, you can beassured for your life.Even when you face dangerous or not slippery slope. You have afirm foundation build your lifeonGod, you areonsolidground, the mountains were made. power… and the heavens by His understanding.” His by heavens the and power… and earth. Psalm 121: 2 121: Psalm earth. and you will not slumber; slumber; not will you over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. sleep. nor slumber neither will Israel over The Creator Godisnot only your help. One who hadcreated themountains. Heis help. Rather, look beyond themountains to the may be,itisnot thesourceof your strength and mountains are.But, however great themountains but marvel at how majestic andoverwhelming When you look at themountains, you cannot mountains andbeyond. The Psalmist instructs usto liftupour eyes to the be reassuringto know thesourceof one’s help. As pilgrimsinthejourney of our lives,it would heaven of Maker Lord, the from comes help My (i). He will not let your foot slip (v. 3). (v. slip foot your let not will He (i). four ways Godprotects or watches over you. and protecting over you. And thepsalmist listed How doesGod help you? By watching, guarding protect” andappears sixtimesthroughout thetext. “Shamar” which means“to watch, to guard or to “watches”. It comes from theHebrew word, The key word from verses 3-8,isthe word over watches who he - slip foot your let not will He In 1. WHERE DOES YOUR HELP COME FROM? day, nor the moon by night. Psalm 121: 3-6 121: Psalm night. by moon the nor day, to everlasting is God.” God.” is everlasting to “Before the mountain was born… from everlasting everlasting from born… was mountain the “Before Jeremiah 10:12 “God made the earth by His His by earth the made “God 10:12 Jeremiah YOU NEEDNOT FEAR ANYTHING 6 the sun will not harm you by by you harm not will sun the 4 indeed, he who watches watches who he indeed, Psalm 90:2 Psalm bigger but When you When says, before 5 The The

hand.” (Psalm 37: 23-24) 23-24) 37: (Psalm hand.” be casted down; for the Lord upholds him in His His in him upholds Lord the for down; casted be delighted in his way. Though he fall, he shall not not shall he fall, he Though way. his in delighted of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He He and Lord, the by ordered are man good a of watches overwatches you. child goesto sleep. That ishow Godprotects and sleep inthedark.He would stay awake until the who isat thebedsideof thechild who isafraid to God isawake, alertand aware just likeafather sleep, that means you cansleepsoundly. to you without Hisknowing. BecauseHenever Because Henever slumber,nothing will happen watches over you neither slumber nor sleep. (iii). He is your shade at you right hand (v. 5). 5). (v. hand it meansHeis your shield beside you. right you at When Godis your shadeat shade your right hand, your is He (iii). 4). 3- (v. sleep or slumber never He (ii). He too will not let your foot slip! The Lord who hasuphold Jason inHishands, miraculously uphold himinHishand. and live,my only conclusion isthat Godmust have For Jason who hadgonethrough somany traumas Jason livesto tell hisstory. intercessors prayed andGodintervened. Today, and kidney started failing inthehospital. The he was fighting for hislife whenhisliver,lungs within ashortspanof threemonths. At onepoint operations, onesurgery after another relentlessly had to beamputated. Hehadto undergosomany parts of hisbody. Histoes, hisfeet andlower limps had resulted ingangrenespreadingto different the ICUdueto bacterial infection. The infection point. Hislife was hanginginthebalance while in from your classmates, Jason Leong,isacasein The testimony (inthisissueof thePolished Shaft) are beyond your ability to endure. allow you to betemptedor gothrough thingsthat that God will not allow your foot to slip.He will not (1 Cor 10:13) Cor (1 “The steps steps “The God who and protector at your right hand,beside you. beside me.Likewise with God, who is your shade shade from theblazingsun,aslong asshestays behind my shadow. Ihadbecome her shield and and thesungets too intense, she would walk Whenever my wife andIgofor our morning walk Psalm 121: 7-8. 121: Psalm 6). (v. night by moon name, Amen”. When hefinishedpraying, the wife wife andtwo children while Iamaway. In Jesus house, heprayed, “Dear Lord, pleaseprotect my business tripabroad. Before stepping out of his prays over hisfamily before leaving for his A story was told about ahusband who usually at all times. from thesunby day andthemoonby night, express theideaof entirety. God will protect you merism, apair of contrasting thingsor words to coming and going both now and forevermore. forevermore. and your now over both watch will going will Lord and he The life. harm, coming all your from over you watch keep will Lord The turned to himandaskedarhetorical question, “Who the nor day, by you harm not will sun The (iv). 3. WHAT IS THE EXTENT OF GOD’SHELP? BECAUSE GODIS YOUR PROTECTOR. TRUTH #2: do you thinkprotects us when you areat home?” YOU CAN STAMP OUT FEAR

Here thepsalmist uses

You will notice that given thepromises for in verses 7-8,are in verses you verses 1-6 describe the present tense.But what God you andthey are the future of what God

will dofor you. does for

all in

from fear. Faith inGodis your turningpoint of life? KEEPER andtheSUSTAINER that theLord your Godis your you have theblessedassurance or life-threatening situations, do When you areconfronted by evil God of Israel your PROTECTOR? surrounded by threats, isthe your HELPER? When you are the Maker of heaven andearth In theface of difficulties isGod, TURNING POINT? FOREVERMORE. KEEPER, BOTH NOW AND THE LORD GODIS YOUR NOT, FAINT NOT BECAUSE TRUTH #3:FEARNOT, FRET and inthefuture –forevermore. extent of hispromise isboth now over your soul andlife. The protect you, keep you andguard God’s providential care will promise! a wonderfulChrist Jesus. What evil canbefall those who arein evil. Nopermanent harmor to keep you from all harmor Sustainer of your life,promises God who istheKeeper and promises. overriding principlesof God’s God’s protection (v. 3-6)to the from specific examples of Here, thepsalmist moves


< Rev. Yang Tuck Yoong > Chairman

< Pastor Leslie Chua > < Rev. Dr. Canon James Wong > < Ms. Wong Kok Yee > Treasurer Member Member > D E A N S A N D S T A F F THE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT BOARD

Sitting (left to right)

< Mr Philip Ong > Dean of School of Leadership

< Mrs Ong Guek Ju > Principal & Dean of School of Ministry (English)

Standing (left to right) < Judge (Retired) < Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng > < Rev. Vincent Goh > Richard Magnus > Member Member < Mrs Dorcas Lek-Kharsyntiew > Member Programme Coordinator

< Ms Rufina Ong > Administrator

< Ms Wendy Teo > Finance & Logistics Executive

< Mrs Faith Deborah Phun > Programme Coordinator < Mrs. Ong Guek Ju > < Mr. Philip Ong > Principal & Dean of SOM / Member Dean of SOL / Member < Pastor Joseph Chean > - Father Heart of God

Joseph Chean is the national director of Youth With A Mission < Pastor Rupert Lim > (YWAM) , a global - Praise & Worship movement of Christians from - Worship Team Dynamics many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus personally Pastor Rupert Lim is a trained to this generation. professional musician who gave up his established music Joseph is married to Kim and < School Of Ministry > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School career to follow the call of has two lovely girls, Olivia and > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School 10 11 God. He served as a full-time Ashley. He attends and serves worship director at Cornerstone at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Community Church for more an Anglican church where he than 20 years and is currently served as a youth pastor and serving as worship director at Chaplain’s Assistant in St. Andrew’s Christ Methodist Church. He Secondary School for 8 years lectures at various Christian (1989-1997). During that time, he institutions and is also one of also pioneered Eternal Splashes, a the lecturers at the School of creative arts outreach ministry that Ministry, Tung Ling Bible School. trains and disciples youth to do He speaks regularly at worship street evangelism in Singapore. seminars and conducts training and workshops to worship He joined YWAM since 1997 and ministries of churches of various has served in various leadership denominations. Pastor Rupert roles before assuming the role is married and have two lovely of National Director of YWAM children. Singapore in 2012.

< Rev. James Jagjeet Singh > < Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward > < School Of Ministry > - Prayer & Fasting - Hearing the Voice of God

Rev. James Jagjeet Singh is an Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward is a itinerant Evangelist under the dynamic teacher of the Word LECTURERS Assemblies of God, Singapore. and has been a missionary He graduated from Assemblies instructor in Biblical Studies of God Bible College with a for more than 50 years. She Bachelor of Theology. He carries is the wife of the late Rev. Dr. a prophetic anointing and the Fred Seaward, former Senior fire of the Holy Spirit wherever Pastor of Elim Church. They he goes. His passion is to see came as faith ministers and revival come upon the churches. had pioneered churches in Singapore and . They came to Singapore in 1955 as missionaries from the United States under the Assemblies of God. Together they have planted churches in Singapore and have been actively involved in missions. < Dean Philip Ong > < Pastor Henson Lim > < Pastor Dr Philip Lyn > - Character Formation - Knowing & Fulfilling - Christian Leadership in the Kingdom Assignments 21st Century From a CEO of an international Ad Agency to the Founding Chairman Pastor Henson Lim is the Dr Philip Lyn is a pastor-doctor. of a non-profit organization, and author of Say to Archippus and He is the senior pastor of Skyline now as the Dean of the School of Alignment Check, and founder SIB Church, Kota Kinabalu, Leadership, Dean Philip Ong had of Archippus Awakening, a and also a practising medical spent more than 30 years in the kingdom initiative dedicated specialist. He trained at Oxford advertising business. In 1995, he to the awakening of saints to and London and currently leads started an advertising company < School Of Ministry > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School know and fulfil their God-given a team of ten bi-vocational in Jakarta and at the same time, > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School 12 kingdom assignments. Henson pastors who are non-salaried together with a group of believers, < Rev. Dr. Samuel Kim > 13 managed an advertising agency and full time in both church they started a local church. On - Discovering Jesus in the for 14 years before stepping into ministry and the workplace, returning back to Singapore in Old Testament ministry in 2004. After obtaining like him. Skyline is embedded 2002, he became the founding his M.Div from TCA College, he in a five star resort hotel but chairman of Equipping Leaders Rev. Dr. Samuel Kim is currently served as Dean of a school of serves the urban and rural for Asia (ELA), a non-profit serving as the Senior Pastor ministry and later, Deputy Senior poor. It raises and mobilises organization challenging men of Zion Church in Singapore, Pastor of a local church. Called believers to reach and transform to rise up as Spiritual Leaders and lectures on the History of to the ministry of teaching and the workplace. He has spoken in their homes, workplaces, Redemption Book Series across preaching, he declares the Word widely at conferences in many churches and community. the Asia Pacific. A pastor of God with a passion to spur nations and is married to Nancy. Having dealt with leaders and deeply-rooted in the Word of others to rise above mediocre They have three adult children. leadership pitfalls at different the Bible and a fervent preacher Christianity that they may live His first book “The Sons of levels, Philip felt a compelling of God’s redemptive message, lives worthy of their calls in Issachar” has been translated need to teach about character Rev. Kim is also a member of Jesus Christ. Henson is married into several languages. His formation. He has been teaching the English translation team for to Serene and they have seven second, “Slingshots”, has Character Formation since 2007 Rev. Dr. Abraham Park’s History children. recently been released. at Tung Ling Bible School. of Redemption Book Series.

< Rev. Joel Baker > < Pastor Daniel Foo > < Rev. Les Wheeldon > < Dean Ong Guek Ju > - Conflict Resolution - The Spiritual Believer - Exposition of Book of Romans - The Joy of Personal - Jewish Roots - Finishing Well - New Testament Survey Bible Study

Rev. Joel Baker has been in Pastor Daniel Foo is the Senior Rev. Les Wheeldon was called Dean Ong Guek Ju is a gifted full-time ministry for more Pastor of Bethesda (Bedok- into full time ministry in 1979 teacher of the Word, regularly than 30 years. He holds a BA in Tampines) Church. He had and was ordained by a German training others in her capacity Jewish Studies, and a Masters worked in the financial markets missionary society. He and his as the Principal of Tung Ling Degree in Jewish-Christian for over 20 years before wife, Vicki, pioneered a ministry Bible School and Dean of Relations taken in Jerusalem heeding the call to give himself in Cameroon, West Africa which the School of Ministry. Her where he lived for 10 years. fully to the ministry. He is a saw the Lord’s blessings in the passionate desire to train and He pastored in South Africa gifted teacher of the Word, and formation of a church that is still mentor young women and for 4 years, and served as the his ministry focus is on spiritual actively growing today. Rev. Les leaders from all walks of life Dean of the School of Ministry leadership and teaching the and his wife served the Lord comes through her experience at Tung Ling Bible School from Word to equip the saints for for eight years in Cameroon. as a professional life coach 1996-2001. He is currently effective ministry. He is on the Rev. Les has also pastored from Lifeforming Leadership Senior Pastor of FlameTree faculty of Haggai Institute, several churches in the United Coaching and as an adjunct Church on the Sunshine Coast Tung Ling Bible School and Kingdom and has been involved faculty at the Haggai Institute of where he lives with Eagles Leadership Institute. He in preaching and teaching God’s for Advanced Leadership his wife and family. They have a serves on the team of the Love word in Africa, Europe and over Training in the Mid-Pacific passion for the wholeness of the Singapore Network of Churches. recent years in Siberia and the Centre, Maui. She has authored Body of Christ and the manifest Canadian Arctic. a book entitled, “From Strength Kingdom of God. to Strength.” < Pastor Jeremy Witherow > < Brother Poh Yu Khing > - Prophecy: Principles, Practices - Our Calling as Marketplace < Sister Seah Chiew Kwan & is an adjunct lecturer with & Activation Christians Brother Roy Phua > BGST and Tung Ling Bible - Time Out with God School (TLBS). She offers Pastor Jeremy Witherow is Brother Yu Khing has worked in professional counselling and from New Zealand, and at the both Government and private Since 2007, both Seah Chiew Christian spiritual mentoring age of 23, he was born again sector. He started his career as a Kwan and Roy Phua has for individuals as a private and baptised in the Holy Spirit. sport psychologist, and went on to developed a deeper interest into practitioner. She integrates Called to the ministry, he left do sports policy and major projects, < School Of Ministry > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School Christian spirituality and silence psychotherapy and Christian his career as a chef and gained including helping to set-up the > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School 14 15 and solitude retreat practices. spirituality in her work and a Bachelor of Ministries and a Singapore Sports School and Keeper’s Loft ministry was ministry. She is also a cancer Master of Theology degree. Singapore Sports Hub. His spiritual formed in Dec 2010 and they survivor. awakening took place when he have been facilitating Timeout Jeremy served as a pastor attended Tung Ling’s School of with God silence and solitude Roy has been active in church in Singapore for nearly a Leadership in 2017. Yu Khing is retreats for Christian groups and Christian ministry since his decade before returning to now fully employed by God in and churches. They worshipped pre-university days. He was his homeland, and now serves areas of marketplace. He helps to at Zion Gospel Mission. They involved in church leadership, the Body of Christ through an promote Alpha workplace; runs a have two adult children and one including 14 years in the Zion itinerant teaching and prophetic marketplace mentoring programme grand-daughter. Gospel Mission Board of ministry. (www.resourceglobal.org); and Directors. He has facilitated does marketplace consulting work. Chiew Kwan did her visioning sessions for the He is the author of: THE VOICE His mission is to bring Kingdom into postgraduate theological church’s leadership groups. He OF PROPHECY: Reclaiming the marketplace, and to inspire and studies at the Biblical Graduate retired as a civil defence officer God’s Guidance for Today’s equip Christians to live out their School of Theology (BGST) after 31 years of service. He is Church, which received an Kingdom calling in the marketplace and professional counselling also an alumnus of TLBS School endorsement from Bishop – to impact lives, transform at TCA College. Currently, she of Ministry 2019. Bill Hamon. businesses, and bless society.

< Rev. Ross Paterson > < Rev. Dr. Colin Hurt > < Rev. Chua Seng Lee > < Brother Steven Cheong > - Mission - The Person & Work of the - Engaging the Emerging - Financial Stewardship Holy Spirit Generation Rev. Ross Paterson is a lifetime Brother Steven Cheong spent missionary and one of the Rev. Dr. Colin Hurt has been in Rev Chua Seng Lee has been a 15 years as head of mergers leading experts in the church in the ministry for more than 50 full time pastor since 1992. He & acquisitions at a listed China. He is well known as an years, which includes pastoral has spent more than 2 decades engineering group before author and as founder of Antioch experience with Assemblies working with youth and young he retired in 2016. Prior to Missions/Chinese Church of God (AOG) in England and adults. He has also served as that, he spent 15 years in Support Ministries. Ross served USA, missionary service in West council member in the National investment banking. He is an as a missionary in Taiwan from Malaysia, teaching in the AOG Youth Council for 4 years, after accountant by training. He 1969-1979. Since 1994, he has Bible College, England, missions which he was invited to chair the responded to God’s call to been travelling and speaking all over the world and setting up National Steering Committee serve in the teaching ministry extensively in Asia, Europe, of the Church Planting Institute for Youth Mentoring for 4 years. and has a passion to mentor Australasia and the USA. Ross in Cambodia. He has taught Currently, he is a deputy senior young adults. He worships and his wife Christine have five on a wide range of subjects pastor with Bethesda (Bedok- at Cornerstone Community daughters, and five grand- from Missions to Homiletics Tampines) Church. Church and is a graduate of the daughters, who live in LA and to Eschatology. He is married School of Ministry and School London. to Julia and they have four of Leadership, Tung Ling Bible children, five grandchildren and School. He is married with 3 one great grandchild. children. WHAT LASTS GiveFOR ETERNITY The ministry depends

< School Of Ministry > LECTURERS Ministry Of < School fully on the generosity 16 of kingdom-minded believers and well-wishers.

< Pastor Chris Hayward > < Brother L. T. Jeyachandran > < Dr. Andrew Goh > • Your financial pledges or donation will - Breaking Bondages - Theology, Apologetics & - The Art of Story-Telling enable the School to continue to bring the Christian Life in top-notched lecturers and support a Pastor Chris Hayward has been Dr Andrew Goh is an international competent team of dedicated faculty the president of Cleansing L.T. Jeyachandran hails from platform communicator and and staff to equip the body of Christ. Stream International (CSI) for Tamil Nadu in South India. He (honorary) editor of Impact over 21 years, having served in graduated from PSG College magazine. He has been in • A portion of the giving will also go pastoral ministry for 17 years prior of Technology, affiliated with Christian publishing for more towards helping to provide scholarships to that. Recognized as the largest University of Madras (Chennai), than 40 years. Among his 7 or subsidies to less fortunate but worthy mass deliverance ministry in the and later received a Master of books is one written when he students who cannot afford their tuition world, CSI, has ministered to Technology degree in Structural was “Scholar-in-Residence” at fees. over a million people in 36 Engineering from the prestigious the Haggai Institute at Maui, countries, involving over 7000 Indian Institute of Technology Hawaii, USA – “How to pass the • Through your giving, it will enable the churches, in the US alone. Pastor (IIT) in Chennai. L.T. worked in Torch without getting Burned”, School to bless the churches locally Hayward’s calling has been to several regions of India for 28 on leadership succession. He is through organised lectures, workshops follow the example of 2 Timothy years as a Senior Civil Engineer also a motivational trainer and 2:2 (“And the things that you with the Central Government. management consultant working and seminars. have heard from me among with renowned organizations like many witnesses, commit these He is a keen student of theology Singapore Airlines, leading banks We invite you to be part of the kingdom-ministry Here are some ways you can contribute to faithful men who will be able and comparative religions, and and insurance companies as well at Tung Ling Bible School through to the ministry: to teach others also.”) As a result, also interested in the study of as multi-national corporations. • Monthly pledge to TLBS CSI, with its unique approach of Indian and foreign languages. your financial giving. working through churches, has He is knowledgeable in both He earned his PhD from • Bank transfer or GIRO to our DBS prepared, trained and discipled Hebrew and Greek and is the Nanyang Technological account no.: 012-003312-5, Account multiple thousands around the thus able to handle Scripture University (NTU) in HR Personnel Name: Tung Ling Bible School Ltd world in the ministry of inner effectively in his ministry. Selection in 1999. Among other healing and deliverance, using He took early retirement from voluntary responsibilities, he • Cheque donation payable to: it’s now entitled, “Cleansing the Government in November chairs the Singapore Advisory Tung Ling Bible School Ltd Stream University”. 1993 to join Ravi Zacharias Council of World Vision International Ministries (RZIM) in International and Impact Christian • Log into PayNow app and enter our Pastor Hayward has written India and functioned as Director Communications Ltd. He is a UEN number: 198403071C three books, “God’s Cleansing of Ministries through December founder member of Bartley OR Stream”, “The End Of Rejection”, 2000. Thereafter, L.T. has served Christian Church and founding and, “Wounded In The Church”. as Executive Director of RZIM elder of RiverLife Church. He has • Scan the QR code: During his tenure as president, (Asia-Pacific) in Singapore from served as vice-chair of EFOS and the CSI workbook has gone 2001-2012. on the Board of Halogen (Young through 5 editions and been Leaders) Foundation. translated into 12 languages. He L.T. and his wife, Esther, currently currently lives in Santa Clarita, reside in Pune, Maharashtra, California with his wife Karen, of India. They have two children over 49 years. They have three and four grandchildren. children and four grandchildren. • By way of bequests to TLBS, please 2 Gambas Crescent, #10-04/05 Nordcom II, Singapore 757044 email to [email protected] or • T: +65 6345 4353 • F: +65 6345 4639 • E: [email protected] call the office at 6345 4353 to discuss. Where Words Begin:

< School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School Written Into 18 My Father’s Plan Janice Tai, Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church

Coming to TLBS talents, as well as interest and passion in this area, was actually I was a fearful and introverted person. three years in the making. How could I not only survive, but also thrive in the harsh media world? Why would God also direct In 2017, I was someone who comes from a family that does not already feeling communicate much to be in the communication restless at work industry for close to a decade? and the idea of going to bible I thank God for the family He has given me, but school appealed like many other families, we have had our own fair tremendously to share of struggles. me. It had been some time since I last studied and the notion of resting while soaking in God’s Dad battled with several mental and physical presence and word was alluring. illnesses, and so he retired from work early. Mum became the sole breadwinner and had to juggle Yet at that time, there were subtle idols in my many things, so understandably, she was more heart that delayed me from taking that step. I busy tending to our material needs rather than wondered whether it would be a luxury to forgo emotional or spiritual ones. my salary and time for a few months “just” to go to bible school. Would school be as fulfilling as the Growing up in such an environment, we drifted immediate satisfaction I was getting at work each apart and talked less with to one another, time I completed writing an article as a journalist? especially on a deeper level. I withdrew and bottled things up in my heart, and over the God has given As it turned out, my delay was accentuated by an years, I felt unseen, unheard, unknown and unfortunate turn of events in my professional life in sometimes, unloved. me the joy of writing - 2017. It was only in 2020 that I was fully convinced that I needed to seek God and rest in Him through an immense gift of grace - TLBS. By then, I was burnt out from work and and it became a way desperate for more of Him. for me to express STEPPING INTO JOURNALISM myself. This year will be my ninth year with a local newspaper as its Social Affairs Correspondent. I mostly write about issues concerning the vulnerable and marginalised; the elderly, the poor, the mentally ill, the disabled, and those with special needs.

Journalism was not a natural or obvious choice for me. Although God has given me gifts and J A N I C E T But God, in His

< School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School grace and mercy, 20 did not forget the gifts

and talents that He has it to serve and champion the cause of the sense of abandonment that I carried with me placed in me. He gave fatherless, the orphan, the widow and since childhood. It was also a lonely journey the poor. because I felt that people around me could me a purpose for not quite understand what was going on, and For the next eight years, that mission was my even the lawyer that I had engaged to help my words so that my heart’s sole passion and desire. Their needs with the case was not easily contactable. heart could and causes resonated with me because I, too, felt unseen, unheard and alone. So in our In the end, I was not charged, but I learnt start producing shared voicelessness, I felt I could inhabit many life lessons. words again. their personhood and experiences better and in doing so, use what I had left of my voice to I had questioned God as to why I was so help them recover their voices. special - or in other words: why so ‘suay’ (unfortunate) - to have to go through this, The Lord opened doors for me and gave me and why even He seemed to abandon me. much favour. Some of the pieces eventually paved the way for policy change while others I know He did not cause it to happen, but in God has given me the joy of writing - an brought much needed awareness to existing His grace, He used this episode to teach me immense gift of grace - and it became a systemic gaps or needs yet unaddressed. a lot of things - such as the responsibility and way for me to express myself. In secondary burden of representation, to hold on loosely school, when the teacher asked us to write God has also given me the joy of writing to my good name or reputation, and to trust three or four pages of journal entries, there for His kingdom, and I volunteer to write for Him to vindicate me for any injustice that would be collective groans from the class Christian websites such as Salt&Light and was suffered. but I would be the one submitting 10 pages YMI, the young adult arm of Our Daily Bread. or more. Since that time, and even till now through Through these, I learnt that God can and will TLBS, God has been speaking to me However, because of the prolonged sense use brokenness and weaknesses to propel about this. of alienation that I felt, and the bottling us into our kingdom assignment or destiny up of too many things in my heart, there because brokenness is meant to allow one He told me that it is time to relinquish the were times when words ceased to flow to enter into solidarity with the whole human spirit of abandonment and take on the freely. I had no more words as the self was family, and to give oneself to others so that spirit of sonship; for He has adopted me into disappearing and being effaced. As such, one’s life can bear fruit. His family and that is the key to freedom till today, I do not really keep a journal, and from fear. sometimes I have problems talking to God or THE 2017 INCIDENT to people. The verse I hold on to dearly is in Romans In 2017, I had been doing my job as a 8:15, which says: “For you did not receive But God, in His grace and mercy, did not reporter and following the usual protocols, the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you forget the gifts and talents that He has when I suddenly found myself embroiled received the Spirit of adoption by whom we placed in me. He gave me a purpose for my in a police and legal case that resulted in cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” words so that my heart could start producing me being arrested and spending a night in words again. a prison cell, partly because I did not want My Father delights in me and here in TLBS, to name my source out of personal and I hope to understand in greater measure the I took up a scholarship and He called me into professional integrity. That was a deeply depth of His love for me so that I can, in turn, journalism with an explicit command to use traumatic experience that deepened the truly enjoy and delight in Him. < School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School My God: The One 22 Who Rescues Jason Leong, Bethesda Pasir Ris Mission Church

THE SPIRITUAL kidney had begun failing and the doctors started ATTACK preparing my family for the worst.

Within three short Needless to say, Ruth was shell-shocked. She kept months, I went questioning God and knew only to pray and sing from being a worship songs over me. The doctors later found that Physical Education a common bacteria had entered my bloodstream (PE) teacher to and was wrecking havoc in my body. losing both my lower limbs. Meanwhile, word of my critical condition started Instead of driving to garner prayers and intercession from friends my family around all over – even from people who did not know as I did before, these days the only vehicle I power me personally. It was revealed to a few of them, up is my motorised wheelchair – the same vehicle separately, that there were curses in my family line. which my two young children now squeeze onto when they want a cuddle. THE VISION IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM

My wife, Ruth Wen, and I had just returned with For the next 48 hours, I laid in a state of the children from a six-month sabbatical road trip unconsciousness in the intensive care unit (ICU). in Canada, refreshed and ready to serve God in a Unbeknownst to my loved ones, I found myself in bigger capacity. We both joined different inter- a different realm for the entire duration. church prayer groups to pray for Singapore, while still serving in the worship team at Bethesda Pasir In this spiritual realm, I found myself in a darkened Ris Mission Church. hospital. It felt like I was there for several weeks. I fell asleep and woke up in various places within this On the morning of 3rd April 2019, I began having darkened hospital. Sometimes, I could smell blood chills, and soon developed a fever of 41 degrees and hear the whirring of machines being turned on Celsius by the time I got sent home to rest. That – indications to me that dialysis was taking place in very evening, I noticed traces of blood in my urine what was beginning to look more like a butchery, and so I headed to the hospital with my wife to get with meat counters and slabs of meat being hung it checked. By the time the doctor examined me, up. My surroundings were not only physically my fingers, toes, and lips had turned blue. Drifting dark; they were spiritually dank too. There were in and out of consciousness, I was immediately accusations and condemnation levelled against me admitted into the hospital. with increasing intensity.

The doctors ran multiple tests on me, thinking it Specifically, I was somehow being condemned for was a serious infection or an autoimmune disease. setting up a bomb in the darkened hospital. Upon Being allergic to many antibiotics, the doctors also hearing explosions, I became convinced that I had in could not find any suitable ones to treat me. By fact done it. Spotting the familiar faces of family and the afternoon of the next day, my liver, lungs and friends, I hurriedly chased them out of the place. The J A S O N L E G nurses at the darkened hospital later found out that Nonetheless, it continued to be a confusing time I was the bomber, and wanted to hand me over to for Ruth and I. Although we were seeing miracles of the police. However, before doing so, they exacted my organs being healed ahead of schedule, I have revenge on me by injecting me with drugs. Each also since undergone more than 10 operations to time they did so, I felt my life slipping away. amputate my toes, feet, then lower legs and fingers,

< School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School due to gangrene. Two toes from my left foot were 24 I kept asking God for answers to all that I was also later grafted on my right hand to preserve their witnessing, telling Him that everything was not use. It got to a point where I started suffering from making any sense. We had just returned home post-traumatic stress disorder and panic attacks. from our sabbatical and recommitted ourselves Late last June, it became medically necessary to to serving Him. What could have motivated me to amputate my lower limbs to just below the knee of bomb a hospital? How could I have had the ability both my legs. I may not have to do such a thing if I had been lying down this whole time? The accusations and condemnation At that point, it felt like my identities as a father to my all the answers continued to intensify, and soon I felt the children, as a husband to Ruth, and as a PE teacher surrounding darkness begin to engulf me. In my to my students, were challenged and taken away yet on this side desperation, I called upon Jesus to rescue me. of eternity, from me. At once, I saw God sitting on His throne over a As I struggle to put my hope in the Lord, I know that but I know for bright crystalline green sea, with a glory that was it is He who rescues and sustains me. I am certain certain that wholly indescribable. The green hue was a colour that whatever that has happened to me was the never before seen, and God was holding in His result of the enemy coming to steal, kill and destroy. God will never right hand, a wooden staff with its handle wrapped Notwithstanding, the pain and struggle have only forsake me. in linen. God’s burning indignance was more than driven me closer and more desperately to God. palpable – akin to that of a protective Father over Amidst the confusion and desperation, God played He always His bullied child. He proceeded to grab me by the two songs continuously in my spirit – Goodness of redeems our collar and said, “Come, let’s go.” God and Raise a Hallelujah – to remind me of His faithfulness and the unexplainable peace that only past in order With formidable power, God fought His way out. He bestows. With that peace, He has been guarding I could not see what He was fighting against, but our hearts and minds, even as He holds our hands that we may I could feel the sheer force of His power. Soon, through this journey of recovery. be a greater I was placed back down on solid ground on a bright mountaintop. After five months, I was discharged in August last blessing to year. Amidst the pain, I have heard God telling me others. It was then that I regained consciousness, around that I will walk again. My 6-year-old son, Evan, has midday on 5th April 2019. also had several dreams of me having legs. Despite my disability, I still hope to return to being a PE MY GOD WHO RESCUES AND SUSTAINS ME teacher after my medical leave ceases in March.

It was not until a week later before I could properly Regardless, I am also open to other options that God recount the events and have Ruth record them may lead me to – which is why I have decided to down. I believe I had witnessed those events enrol into TLBS in the meantime. Here in TLBS, I have through my spirit man, because they were certainly received some answers from God and have learnt nothing like ordinary dreams or nightmares. that He is simultaneously just, loving, and righteous. I have also grasped the principle that consequences I slowly recovered from the bacterial infection might follow if legal ground is ceded to the devil. thereafter. I truly believe that God can heal me, and I am On the fifth day of hospitalisation, a group of excited to see what that restoration will look like. intercessors gathered at my house and led my The absence of a miracle does not define the heart father in breaking generational curses. of the Father. I may not have all the answers yet on this side of eternity, but I know for certain that God That same day, I started to breathe on my own and will never forsake me. He always redeems our past was transferred out of ICU the following day. in order that we may be a greater blessing to others. < School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School My God Of Redemption > FEATURES Ministry Of < School 26 And Restoration 25 Timothy Toh, The New Charis Mission

I was born into a THE REBELLION loving Christian family and had a At 13, I started to shoplift, smoke, and consume smooth childhood. drugs, thinking it was ‘cool’. Smoking marijuana Although I attended slowly progressed to consuming Ice and Valium church every week, pills. By 16, I had been arrested twice, and was I had no real expelled from school. This was a rude awakening, relationship with and I attempted to stay clean as I enroled into God. I did not care another school. However, after three months, I about what being a found myself back in the wrong crowd and the Christian meant, and habit of consuming drugs. Within a year, I was wanted to live life expelled once again. my way. To me, God seemed bent on making my life difficult with all His restrictions. I constantly doubted Being out of school without any purpose, I began to His existence, and identified as a “freethinker” before consume just about any drug I could get my hands once I was discharged, I relapsed once again. I very reason for their pain, the cause of my family others. on. I gambled regularly too and got into serious remember close to nothing of that time, other falling apart. debt. I lived apart from my family, often overdosing than the feeling of utter hopelessness and pain As I grew older, I felt the need to stand out because and ending up in hospital – only to wake up and that only more drugs and intoxication could I had to change. I was always being put down and made to feel like I repeat the cycle. I felt I had nothing more to lose. soothe, or so I thought. was never good at anything. I was neither the brightest THE REDEMPTION nor the sportiest among my peers – so being the In April 2018, I was warded in the Institute of Mental THE REALISATION naughtiest was the only way I knew how to stand out. Health (IMH), where, through a brother who visited The turning point of my life came when I decided I was neither the and shared his testimony with me, I first heard One day, I woke up while being in lock-up and to stay at the TNCM halfway house. Since entering, That was how it all started. of The New Charis Mission (TNCM). However, saw that my parents had come to bail me out. I have truly begun to experience how real God is brightest nor the Seeing their concerned and worried faces, it in my life. dawned upon me how much pain and hurt I had sportiest among caused them over the past few years. I broke It has not been an easy journey though. Barely my peers – down and cried. two months in, I left the premises one night feeling discouraged, and soon found myself back so being the I was reminded of all the times I fought with, on drugs. By 7:00am, I was arrested again. I had threatened and hit them whenever they did not eight pending charges, including two trafficking naughtiest was give in to me. Beyond that, I could hardly imagine charges, for which the minimum sentence was the only way the pain my parents must have felt seeing me five years in prison or the high likelihood of being passed out cold from drugs; or not knowing sent for reformative training. I felt beyond helpless I knew whether I was even alive because I was often at that point as I was still unable to see any uncontactable for weeks on end. progress despite wanting to change. to stand out.

By then, I had been arrested a total of nine times Yet, God’s grace was with me. Although I was not and had been periodically in and out of IMH and even granted bail initially, the trafficking charges remand. Since young, I had always wanted to were eventually dropped, and I was able to serve look after my parents. Instead, I had become the my sentence for the other charges at TNCM. It T I M O H Y was at this point that I decided to surrender my all For a long time, I struggled and questioned why to God and rely on His strength to change, instead things had to happen this way. However, I know of my own. that God has His own timing with me (Ecclesiastes We must not 3:1, NIV), and that He makes no mistakes. If He had THE RESTORATION prevented these things from happening, I might let our defeats not have known Him otherwise. In the past 16 months at TNCM, God has delivered defeat us, for

< School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School me. I have gone through three months of I have come to know Him as a God of redemption 28 residential program, six months of work therapy, our defilement and restoration. I have learnt from Pastor Joseph while concurrently studying for my GCE ‘A’ Levels. Chean that God is never far away from those I have been active in the elderly ministry, visiting and God’s who walk away from Him; He is only one step them weekly and bringing them out on festive forgiving grace behind us, if only we humble ourselves and turn occasions. Physically, I have never been healthier, back to Him. weighing 66kg now instead of 49kg previously. can become the means for which In the words of David Roper, God “uses everything Most importantly, my relationship with my parents for our greater good, even our ruin… God wastes has been fully restored. We are now able to enjoy we are drawn nothing, not even our sin… We must not let our meals, outings, and even sports together – things into an intimacy defeats defeat us, for our defilement and God’s we never did before together as a family. forgiving grace can become the means for which with our Lord in we are drawn into an intimacy with our Lord in I used to think that life without drugs would be greater measure than before. God takes our most boring and meaningless – but my life has never greater measure depressed and black hearted sin and turns it into felt more purposeful, especially since attending than before. something beautiful for him. That, and not our sin, TLBS. Truly, I have tasted of what it means to have is the final word.” life, and have it to the full in Christ Jesus (John 10:10, NIV). All glory to God! At The Crossroads:

< School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School How I Heard & Responded To 30 My Shepherd’s Voice Veronica Tan, Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church

In 2000, in my Assured by John 10:3 that we, His sheep, can hear final year as an our Shepherd’s voice, and that He would call us undergraduate, I by name and lead us out, I prayed and sought intentionally asked God intentionally and desperately: What was my God what He wanted next race? I had the option to resign, request a me to do after new posting, or stay till age 50. It would be a new graduation. When beginning and I called it Chapter Two. I prayed He responded with without ceasing, asking God to show me His the call into full-time blessed path for me. ministry, I turned it down as it did Did God respond immediately? Yes and no. Yes, not align with my as He revealed a new purpose for me: to shine for aspirations. Instead, I joined the Army. Him by doing good works as a social entrepreneur to glorify Him (Matthew 5:16). I determined I would 19 years later, I reached my halftime mark at age 40. rather “re-tyre” (a term coined by Senior Pastor Despite an illustrious 16-year career with the Army, Daniel Foo) at age 41 so as to run the next race with I had reached a saturation point after achieving the a fresh set of tyres – and an additional 10 years of primary goal that I set when I first signed on. Moreover, energy. No, as I still lacked detailed plans for it was mandatory for all officers in theSingapore Armed Chapter Two. I continued to pray for detailed plans Forces (SAF) to retire at age 50, which would mean a but there was silence. career switch and re-start at age 51. Through the waiting, I learned to pray unceasingly, I had hit a crossroads. I was unsure of which race I to seek Godly counsel from my Pastor and should run. I only knew that I aspired for it to be a confirmation signs from God. Waiting for the Lord meaningful one through doing good by contributing was not God forgetting me. It was Him giving me God has given to a social cause and doing well to sustain the time to grow stronger in faith. Waiting was not just social impact. about what I hoped for at the end of the wait, but me the joy of writing - also about what I would become as I waited. FROM TURNING AWAY TO TURNING TO an immense gift of grace - RESPONDING TO MY SHEPHERD’S VOICE As a maturing spiritual believer, I recognized that I had and it became a way been serving my self-centered agenda for the first 40 After hearing God’s purpose and receiving His for me to express years of my life. Hence, I surrendered both my next confirmation signs for my next chapter, I responded race and my aspirations to God. The next race should by taking the first step on the blessed path. I resigned myself. be aligned to God’s will; I desired to run the race for from the Army and 31 Jan 2020 was my last day of Him such that I might obtain the prize (1 Corinthians service with the SAF. After this I continued to seek 9:24). By God’s grace and mercy, I would not turn Him God for the next step (one of many) in the journey down if He called again. towards God’s destination for me.

The LORD said to his people: “You are standing at the At a crossroads, there are many paths but one crossroads. So consider your path. Ask where the old, eventual destination for the person who lives a life reliable paths are. Ask where the path is that leads to fully surrendered to God’s will. Even if I took the blessing and follow it. If you do, you will find rest for wrong step or chosen the wrong path, God would your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16, NET) redirect me onto the path of righteousness (Psalm V E R O N I C A T 23:3) that would lead me there, as If I desired God’s best, I had to long as I continually tuned in to God. present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him (Romans Trusting this, I enroled in TLBS as 12:1). I was willing to let God peel me my second step to hear His detailed back layer by layer; to be vulnerable plans for me. During the lectures, and fragile before Him, so that He God assured me several times that could refine me in my journey of I was on the right path. He also brokenness. Only God could make

< School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School opened many doors of opportunity me holy and whole again because I 32 for my Chapter Two. So, as long as I am His beloved child. continued to trust God and believe His invisible but steady hand, I would BECOMING GOD’S STAR THAT seize and see the impossible at the REFLECTS HIS LIGHT destination (2 Chronicles 20:20). God is not done with me yet. He is MUCH REPENTANCE, ONE DESIRE still peeling me back, in His time, so that I can fulfil His calling to be His I also had to continually ‘spring light in the world. I desire to be a Star clean’ my life in order to hear more for God that reflects His light. And as from God, and more clearly, for if I I do so, even when the going gets cherished iniquity in my heart, the tough, I know He is my Way Maker, Lord would not listen (Psalms 66:18). my Miracle Worker, my Promise Hence, I identified the obstacles that Keeper and my Light in the darkness. would hinder my walk with God, and In Christ alone, I place my trust. repented several times out of one desire: The Fear of the Lord!

He is still peeling me back, in His time, so that I can fulfil His calling to be His light in the world. I desire to be a Star for God that reflects His light. < School Of Ministry > FEATURES Ministry Of < School Never Forsaken; 34 Always Restored Varangkhana Anmariephon (Summer), Christian Fellowship Church (Thailand)

I come from a I started praying and experienced answers to my small town in prayers from God. Slowly, I began believing in Kanchanaburi, Jesus, even though I came from a Buddhist family. Thailand, that is close to the border Later on, I moved into the church worker’s house of Myanmar. with a few other girls. It turned out that children’s home could not fund my university education, but My parents come the church worker managed to secure a sponsor from the Karen tribe, for me. an ethnic group from Myanmar who I prayed earnestly to God then, as I was afraid that face much religious the universities would not accept me because I and ethnic persecution by the government. had no identification card. Thankfully, I got a place in Ramkhahaeng University and studied for my They were stateless people, and so was I. We were Bachelor of Arts there. poor and I hardly saw my parents because they worked in construction sites in the city, while I lived DISAPPOINTMENTS WITH GOD AND MAN with my grandmother and my two younger siblings in the town. It was during my university days that I began questioning God. When I was nine, my parents divorced. Both of them remarried and went to live with their new I was taken advantage of on two occasions by a families, and I saw them even less. It was only after leader in a church that I was attending in Bangkok. completing primary school that I started staying I was shocked by his actions, but dismayed by the with my mother and worked alongside her at the church worker’s response: she showed no concern construction site. when I confided in her, and did nothing because she held that leader in high regard. I lived with her for four months before she died from I started praying and tuberculosis. This was the longest duration that I felt angry, sad and disappointed. I spent with my mother, and I later regretted not experienced answers cherishing her. Shortly after, I was to face another traumatic ordeal. to my prayers from I was alone in the back of a taxi, bringing home After her passing, I lived alone in the construction some ingredients, when the driver took a different God. Slowly, I began quarters until I was 14, then I returned to my route and stopped along an empty road in an believing in Jesus, even hometown for high school. A few years later, I moved obscure place. Panicking, I screamed when he into a children’s home which promised to fund my turned to approach me. The doors were locked and though I came from a university education. I was knocking on the windows frantically. Buddhist family. It was at the children’s home that I began learning I prayed in my heart then and God delivered me. about God. Every day, we were taught by a female I do not know why, but the driver suddenly drew church worker to worship, to read the Bible, and back and fell silent. He then started the car and to pray. dropped me along the road. SUMMER 36 < School Of Ministry > FEATURES burnt out after a year onthejob. I was tryingto fix The job was very meaningful but Ibeganfeeling worker inanon-profit organisation. grandmother andbrother. Ifound ajobassocial After graduating, Imoved into live with my BURNT OUT employed. identification card whichallowed me to belegally 2018, Ibecamea Thai citizenandreceivedmy citizenship if they areuniversity graduates. In a new law that enabledstateless peopleto obtain citizenship. Just before graduating, Ilearnt about God alsoanswered my second prayer about and her teamloved me with anoverwhelming love. Church who cameto Thailand onmissiontrips.She a 48-year-old Singaporean from BedokMethodist That prayer was answered through my Godma, own child. could talkfreely, and who would love melikeher The first was to givemesomeone with whomI two key things. Over the years, Ihadprayed to Godandaskedfor serve her diligently. with thechurch worker nonetheless, andsought to question thegoodnessof God’s people.Iremained Although Ididnot relinquish my faith, Ididbeginto supporting me when Ineededher themost. dressed, andangry with thechurch worker for not to happen to me when Ihadbeenmodestly I was soangry with Godfor allowing all these and didnot comfort me. to thepoint of tears, but sheremainedunaffected Again, Iconfided inthechurch worker. I was scared I was unwilling to leave my jobandcome to Singapore. deep inmy heart,I wanted to know God’s will Even thoughshe would sponsor all costs, Yet, Ieventually camebecause for meandto work for Himand not for man. me andalways bringsmebackto Himself. me liketheir own child. Above all,Henever leaves Yet Hecontinues to sendpeopleinto my lifeto love desire to readthe Word or pray. because I would runaway from Himandhave no Sometimes Ifeel guilty andunworthy of Him, Without God,my life will look very different. church worker. It was alsoat TLBS that Icameto forgive the I loved them,instead of perpetually scolding them. younger siblingsandstarted tellingthemthat family relationships. Istarted achat group with my about simplethings,andaskHimfor wisdom for my After coming to TLBS, Ilearnedhow to talkto God take careof them. release our family members to Godandlet Him encouraged when Rev Colin Hurtremindedusto immensely burdened by my family. So,I was Before coming to Singapore, Ihadalways felt The first few weeks at TLBSchangedmy life. Him andnot for man. I wanted to know God’s will for meandto work for Yet, Ieventually camebecausedeepinmy heart, unwilling to leave my jobandcome to Singapore. Even thoughshe would sponsor all costs, I was about God. help mefindmyself againandunderstand more and encouraged meto gofor it.She saidit would It was thenthat my Godmatold meabout TLBS words to pray anymore. I stopped goingto church and could not findthe I could not sleepandavoided talkingto people. the problems inmy own family. emotionally difficult for measthey remindedme of many troubled andbroken families but itbecame 37 < School Of Ministry > FEATURES 1. < Aik Wei Yun > 3. < Gwayne Lyre C. Atiwag > 5. < Adriel Chan > Living Sanctuary Brethren Church Life Way Bible Church, Inc. (Philippines) Bethel Assembly of God

After going through months of grinding in I waited 13 years for God’s answer to my I had just graduated from Junior College my tertiary education, I felt that coming to prayers of going to Bible School. It was all and was looking to find a part time job in TLBS would be a good break and rest for in His perfect timing to come to TLBS, order to spend my time fruitfully. However, me. God was bringing me into a season which has brought about refreshing my youth pastor asked if I would like to go of rest and tranquility so that I could take and renewal of His promises, and daily to TLBS. After prayer, a rhema verse from time off from my business to just come and assurances that I am loved and cared for by God, and encouragement from family, dwell in His presence. Beyond this, God God. 2019 was one of the darkest chapters I decided to come just to seek God before was also shaping and moulding me to grow in my life, having gone through loss and entering into the next phase of my life.

in spiritual maturity. Through the different grief. TLBS was exactly what I needed, to > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School modules, I learnt many wonderful things relearn, replenish and recharge for what TLBS champions a myriad of modules 39 that I did not expect. I felt truly blessed to God wants to do in my life and ministry. taught by gifted and dedicated teachers attend TLBS; to learn to love God and to who are honest and vulnerable in their trust Him more. “Your beauty and love chase after me every sharings. TLBS was also filled with fellow day of my life.” (Psalm 23:6a, MSG) students who were genuinely hungry for God. These encouraged me greatly.

1. 3. 5.

< School Of Ministry > 2. 4. 6. TESTIMONIES 2. < Shenlyn Ang > 4. Zhou Wen Jing > 6. < Chan Wan Ni > Living Sanctuary Brethren Church Church of Singapore (Balestier) Bethel Assembly of God

“It’s the perfect time!” I thought. Never Coming to TLBS was an experience out of While waiting for my A-level results, I came imagining that I would ever be at TLBS, my comfort zone and was the turning point to TLBS as I wanted to learn and know more the Lord impressed upon me to join TLBS in my walk with God. I am glad that I made about God, and also deepen my relationship after my A-Level as the timing would be the decision to attend TLBS. I always felt that with Him. My short time here has taught perfect. These three months of being in the there was something missing in my spiritual me many things and given me many presence of God was simply magnificent walk. I came here to seek and establish an unforgettable experiences. In the “Prayer and it opened my spiritual eyes. I’m also intimate relationship with God. TLBS has and Fasting” module, the word God spoke very blessed that God had sent His many helped me draw closer to Him, grow deeper to me through Pastor James was a wakeup little angels throughout my TLBS journey, in my walk with Him, and call for me. As such, I‘ve been putting in to guide me. As I begin a new chapter in life, seek Him wholeheartedly. more effort in consistently seeking and I’m excited for more of what God will reveal! speaking to God every day. I really thank “Seek His will in all you do, and He will God for placing me in TLBS for I believe “For we walk by faith not by sight.” show you which path to take.” (Proverbs God has a purpose for each and every one (2 Corinthians 5:7, NKJV) 3:6, NLT) of us here. 7. < Sophia Faith Chan > 9. < April Cheam > 11. < Dennis Chen > 13. < Carmen Chiang > 15. < Chua Yu Zhe > Church of Singapore (Marine Parade) Cornerstone Community Church Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church Hope Church (Singapore) Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah) Longing to join TLBS since 2018, I heeded As I earnestly sought confirmation over I spent several years in the secular world, Born into a Christian family, I never sought Being a first-generation Christian, it was not “Blessed are my parent’s advice and answered God’s call pursuing SOM, I received encouragement mostly stationed overseas. Wherever I was, God but He pursued me. While in Hope easy getting my family’s support to attend to enrol in TLBS. I’m thankful I did. from church leaders, an impression from Christ’s light in me brought my colleagues Church, I encountered first generation TLBS. God paved the way for me. It wasn’t those who hunger God of a pencil maker holding me like a to salvation. I trusted that God had a plan for believers who were passionate about God. easy entrusting my plans to God, but as I did TLBS has been life-transforming and heart- pencil, ready to write a new and beautiful me to serve Him in ministry. Last year, God They sowed into my life at a time when God so, He made the journey worthwhile. and thirst for changing for me. Particularly in the “Father next chapter of my life, and an impression told me in a dream, “Wait... wait... wait...”, after was tilling my heart. Heart of God” module where I met with from the Holy Spirit: “Just do it.” which, my daughter told me about TLBS. My time in TLBS has truly been fruitful, not righteousness, Father God. He told me to collapse into His There are no coincidences. I could not deny only garnering head knowledge, but most

< School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School loving arms and answered me on why I saw I thank God for this time in TLBS. Soaking John 14:12-13 has inspired my prayer to God, His call to TLBS – from bumping into an importantly passing it onto my heart and for they will > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 40 only one set of footprints during my lowest in the teachings and rediscovering His to cultivate the inner valley of my heart to SOM graduate, to chance meetings with not ultimately forming the principles that I can 41 moments - it was because He loves me and goodness have prepared me for an exciting be fully available and committed to God one, but two lecturers of TLBS. stand on in the face of life’s adversity. I am be filled.” will never leave me: He was carrying me. journey of faith ahead. My continued prayer by coming to TLBS to learn and seek God. truly blessed to have been able to learn and (Matthew 5:6, NIV) “…God has said, “Never will I leave you; never is that I will declare, “I have fought the good In SOM, I experienced His hands holding God knows the best time to meet our needs. bond with the TLBS family, who was always will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5, NIV) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the and guiding me, and received His wisdom Had TLBS been introduced to me 10 years there to support and pray for me in times faith” (2 Timothy 4:7, NIV). through fruitful lessons. ago, the posture I had would not have been of need. ready to receive the richness in SOM.

7. 9. 11. 13. 15.

8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 17.

8. < Jhoy Anne Maverick Chavez > 10. < Andrew Chen > 12. < James Cheong > 14. < Daniel Chua > 16. < Lisa Eliani > 17. < Flory Lalita Hardja > Saint Vincent de Paul (Singapore) St. John’s - St. Margaret’s Church St. John’s - St. Margaret’s Church Rock of Ages Church New Life Anugerah Kebenaran New Life Anugerah Kebenaran (Serang, Indonesia) (Serang, Indonesia) After completing university, I realised I TLBS was my Father’s gift, having had to Towards the end of my National Service, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst was standing at a crossroads in my life, grapple with “half-time” issues such as my I decided that furthering my relationship for righteousness, for they will be filled.” I heard about TLBS from my friend and I came to know about TLBS from my senior wondering which direction I should choose. sense of identity, significance, and calling. I with God was my number one priority (Matthew 5:6, NIV) senior pastor in Indonesia. My senior pastor pastor back in Indonesia. For a 16-year-old I took my options and held them up to God, came expecting a turning point and a new as I head into university. Therefore, I encouraged me to attend TLBS and I said girl, making a decision to come here was asking for His wisdom, guidance and will call to serve Him. Instead, I encountered enrolled into TLBS, hoping to deepen my I was dry and had forgotten what it was like “yes” immediately. It was not easy preparing a tough one as I would have to leave my for my life. I took a leap of faith and entered the Father like never before, as He lovingly understanding of God’s Word and His plans to be in God’s presence. Therefore, I enroled everything; but with God, I overcame every family, school and ministry for three months TLBS, only to find out that God had wanted peeled the layers with affirmation, restoration for me. The journey has been amazing, as into TLBS to pursue a deeper relationship obstacle. I prayed to God and asked Him to and go to a land I have never been before. me to be in this place, to follow and trust and revelations. I saw myself growing spiritually each day. with God. Through the different modules, show me His purpose for this journey. God Then I received a confirmation from God Him wholeheartedly. He wanted me to seek God showed Himself to me multiple times reminded me, “Deep calls to deep in the that He wanted me to step out of my Him so that He could tell me His plans and “How precious to me are your thoughts, “Then you will call on me and come and with affirmations, reminders and comfort. roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and comfort zone and come to TLBS. So I came the wonderful future that He has for me. I’m O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will Now having a closer relationship with God, breakers have swept over me.” (Psalm 42:7, and it has been delightful for me. I truly thankful, grateful and blessed. God is great! would count them, they are more than seek me and find me when you seek me He has shown me again what comfort and NIV). So, here I am wanting to know Him thank God for opening doors for me to be the sand.” (Psalm 139:17-18, ESV) with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13, NIV) joy it brings to just soak in His presence. more deeply and to experience more of the at TLBS. work of the Holy Spirit in my life. What an exciting way to start my “second All glory to God! half” with my Lord and King! 18. < Simon Fong > 20. < Audrey Ho > 21. < Daniel Ho > 23. < Samantha Ho > 25. < Jeanette Kumar > 27. < Jong Yon Tzan > St. James’ Church Rock of Ages Church Church of Singapore (Balestier) Calvary Assembly of God Harvest Church (India) Cornerstone Community Church

My cell group leader nudged me to Since accepting Jesus into my life when After 26 years of waiting since I learnt about To me, being in TLBS was truly a work of Having just finished my A-level and being at I had just called time on a 15-year legal attend TLBS in my season of waiting and I was 10 years old, God has blessed me TLBS from Elder Raymond Lim, in God’s God in my life as it is something I did not a crossroads, I came to TLBS to grow deeper career and the decision to join TLBS was discovering God’s will for me. Not knowing so much. He assures me of eternal life in perfect time and through a miraculous expect to do. I have been serving in the in my relationship with God and to seek His initially fraught with much uncertainty. much about TLBS, I signed up in faith and heaven with Him, and also answers my arrangement - while in between jobs! - youth ministry as a core leader since I was will for my life before moving forward. Those doubts were put to rest on with an open mind. On the first day of class, prayers in times of trouble and challenging He paved the way for me to come to TLBS. 17. I often struggled with the feeling of being orientation day when, in the lift to TLBS, I remembered saying to God: “Okay, here situations. At school, He grants me peace The introductory powerpoint slide on the inadequate to lead due to my age and the Even within the first week of classes, I felt His presence and I went through the I am in total surrender to You.” I have been and discipline, and I really thank Him for first day of school showed a picture of a pair knowledge and opinions I possessed. I saw I experienced breakthrough after orientation fighting back tears. That started so blown away by the many powerful, bringing friends into my life, and for helping of feet wearing sneakers standing on a floor TLBS as a way to grow myself and I was not breakthrough and could already feel God my spiritual journey of revelation. From the mat with the word, “Welcome”. The shoes < School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School life-transforming testimonies, by every me graduate from ITE after two years with disappointed. TLBS has helped me grow not working in my life. I’ve found so much very first lecture, God asked me to lay down > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 42 speaker’s passion for Christ and their close the best exam results ever. As I grow to looked identical to the ones I wore that day! just in my knowledge, but also spiritually, freedom, and being here has given me a my career at the altar as my first act of 43 communion with God. TLBS is what I really know Him more through TLBS, I know that I knew My Heavenly Father had welcomed affirming the call of God upon my life in newfound delight in reading the Word – worship – which broke me. I knew then that needed, to have my spirit refreshed and to as long as I trust in Him, He will make my me - Wow! this season. which was previously lacking in my walk with I would walk out of TLBS after this three fire up my passion for Christ(Jeremiah 31:3). paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). God. I’m really thankful that He brought me months in my true identity. I firmly believe He will reveal more of here and I am so excited to apply everything Himself to me as I continue to “Ask,… seek… that I’ve learnt. knock.” (Matthew 7:7)

18. 20. 21. 23. 25. 27.

19. 22. 24. 26. 28.

19. < Anton Gunawan > 22. < Polycarp Ho > 24. < Kek Zi Qi > 26. < Sharon Jerusha > 28. < Robin Khoo > Blessed Grace Church (Singapore) International Church of Singapore Church of Our Saviour Yishun Christian Church (Anglican) Lighthouse Evangelism

I came to TLBS at my lowest point in life. For me, coming to TLBS is not by chance. My youth pastor once asked me why I Upon completing my tertiary education, I I used to lead a wild and worldly life. I was My pastor encouraged me to enrol I firmly believe It is by the will of God who made it possible. wanted to attend TLBS. My reply was, was struggling to find my sense of direction addicted to gambling, partying, womanising and thought it would be a tremendous I felt God had wanted me to serve Him in “to be broken by God”, because I was and purpose. Overcoming my fears, I joined and even got involved with drugs, illegal opportunity for me to seek God’s guidance He will reveal marketplace ministries; to be His blessing to always struggling with surrendering my all TLBS and it has definitely revealed to me businesses and pagan worship. I was greatly and pursue His teachings. Through TLBS, the people around me and touching lives; to God and submitting in obedience. how wholesome God’s community can be blessed but I did not cherish God’s blessings I am grateful that God has given me a more of Himself to love and serve the poor, the needy, and and showed me my value in God. Every and one day I fell from grace. At the lowest renewed mind, grace and mercy, and a fresh the under-privileged. SOM has equipped me Through TLBS, I have deepened my day was so precious, and I gained new and point of my life, God delivered a stern perspective of life and reconciliation in my to me as I continue with the best courses and divine learnings knowledge of God through the teachings. inspirational perspectives and delved deeper warning to me and saved me from all my family. In my daily divine encounters with to “Ask,… seek… needed to become the salt and light for God has also led me into a deep relationship into Him. It has ignited me to keep running bad habits. Thanks to His faithfulness and God here at TLBS, I have received the fruit Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for the blessing on with Him by speaking through His Holy this race for Jesus, without turning back grace, I have decided to dedicate my life of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). knock.” me! Thank you, TLBS! Spirit. I’m constantly intrigued by how because I know the Lord will never fail me! to full-time ministry for the Lord. Yes, I was much God can speak when one’s heart is once a huge mess, but God has turned it Coming to TLBS has been a life-transforming (Matthew 7:7) open! I have also learnt that, to experience “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we into a message. Hallelujah! experience for me and I could not thank my transformation, one must first be broken profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Father more. from the inside out. All glory to God! (Hebrews 10:23, NIV) 29. < Phil Kwek > 31. < Felicia Leong > 33. < Alethea Li > 36. < John Lim > 38. < Ling Shu Yi > Zion Full Gospel Church Church of Our Saviour Bethel Assembly of God Cornerstone Community Church New Creation Church

It had always been my goal to grow closer I have always felt prompted to join TLBS While waiting for my A-level results, I got My journey to TLBS has been really exciting The new year begets a new season; God to God through the three months in TLBS. ever since attending a friend’s graduation to know about TLBS through my youth for me. God knew that I needed a lot of leads me into deeper waters. The post- “And you will Yet I was still surprised to see how much a couple of years back. However, I have pastor. So I prayed to God, asking Him convincing, so He repeatedly called me JC transition period has offered a lot of I’ve grown spiritually during this period. always pushed the thought aside, thinking whether I should enrol in TLBS. Then this to TLBS, and even gave a friend of mine a opportunities, and with it, uncertainty in seek Me and Now, more than ever, I just want to know that I was too young to be studying in a thought came to my mind: ‘It’s time to vision of meeting me at TLBS on my first day life direction and relationships. However God, His heart, and what He wants me to bible school. understand what I am believing in.’ at school. What has followed was revelation Abba ushers me into the deep, and allows find Me, when you do for Him. TLBS has really helped me after revelation of God’s Rhema through the me to lean heavier on His shoulder, calling to not only know God through teachings Then came a day when I graduated from TLBS has taught me so much more about anointed lecturers. I am truly humbled and me to the next step: one at a time. Through search for Me

< School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School (knowledge), but also to know God for polytechnic and was at a crossroads. God God and I’ve been pushed out of my awed by God’s amazing grace and love for TLBS, my eyes have been opened to much > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 44 myself (experience). These three months convicted me to take a leap of faith, so here comfort zone to prophesy and interact me – unearned, undeserved and unmerited. more in the Christ-led life. One specific with all your heart” 45 have forever changed my life. There is I am. It has been an enlightening journey, with people from all walks of life. It’s been I am truly blessed to be in His presence – personal calling is prayer—to intercede (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJV) simply no other way to put it. learning to experience God in a deeper and a blessed journey meeting this community resting, learning and renewing my mind and as a co-labourer with God, and ask for the more intimate way. I am excited to see what that shares the same faith. God has an spirit at TLBS. Glory to God in the Highest! impossible. A new work has begun! He shall God has in store for me. amazing story for each of our lives. bring it to completion.

29. 31. 33. 36. 38.

30. 32. 34. 35. 37. 39.

30. < Jeremiah Lee > 32. < Jason Leong > 34. < Barnabas Lim > 35. < Bryan Lim > 37. < Kingston Lim > 39. < Favber Loy > Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church Bethesda Pasir Ris Mission Church Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church Faith Methodist Church Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church Eternal Life Assembly of God

With 2020 due to be a year of change for I came to TLBS to rest in God’s presence In 2017, I attended SOM for three weeks Praise the Lord! It is a blessing to enter TLBS Everyone needs a wake-up call. In March Through a dream I received in the Holy me for varying reasons, I sought for God’s and the company of His people. I also and though I enjoyed the teachings, I was for this new season of study. I believe God 2007, I had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at Land, I understood in my spirit that I should direction in my life. Then my mentor asked came in search of answers to the difficult spiritually not receiving from God. I realised wishes to show me His gifts and assignments age 33. The following month, my wife gave enrol in a bible college and chose TLBS. if I was keen on SOM. When I expressed that questions which presented themselves I was not seeking God but signs and at this turning point. He has also put these birth to our son while I was going through I believe this is God’s divine appointment I was, we prayed for God to lead me in this after the course of my life was altered prophetic words for my life. This time, verses from Psalm 23 into my heart: chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Because for me. Since the first class, God has been matter in an obvious and unmistakable way. entirely by a health issue. While I wait upon I corrected my attitude before God and the of this cancer, I was terminated from my teaching me how to grow deeper in Him. Incredibly, God did. So here I am, to learn, God for these answers, the things that God experience has been much richer. I still had “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. job. That same month, my mum suffered a I am applying the lessons daily as I learn so to seek, and to grow in the Lord Jesus. has been filling me with have become far to discipline myself to seek the Lord, even He makes me lie down in green pastures, major stroke which left her paralysed from much in TLBS about the Father, the Son and neck-down and bedridden. She returned more precious to me than cognitive closure as He pursued me and His Spirit inspired he leads me beside quiet waters, the Holy Spirit. I know He will lead me into he refreshes my soul. to the Lord in January 2017. In 2009, my “Being confident of this very thing, that he – promises to move towards, nourishment me. TLBS is life-changing, but to the degree my destiny to serve Him. He guides me along the right paths wife contracted breast cancer and had which hath begun a good work in you will and healing for the soul, and proof that which you hunger, you will be satisfied. for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:1-3, NIV) a mastectomy. perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” He has never left me. “If you are pleased with me, teach me your (Philippians 1:6, KJV) “And you will seek Me and find Me, when ways so I may know you and continue to find you search for Me with all your heart” Truly, the Great Shepherd leads me to His Through these trials and tribulations, God favour with you…” (Exodus 33:13-14, NIV) (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJV) refreshing waters and His green pastures. assured me and preserved my life. Today, His path is always good and right. we still serve the Lord as a Christian family. 40. < Lum Tsui Fen > 41. < Naveen Jude > 43. < Felicia Ng > 45. < Ong Bee Har > 47. < Pae En Yang > 49. < Samuel > Covenant Evangelical Free Church Kingdomcity Singapore Living Sanctuary Brethren Church New Life Community Church Church of Singapore (Marine Parade) Pattamya Christian Church (Myanmar)

My 2020 verse was Isaiah 57:14, which issues My time at TLBS has made me unlearn and I wanted to attend TLBS after my youth I found out about TLBS through my Life-net “En Yang, not attending TLBS?” was the I am a bi-vocational church planter and a call to build up, to prepare, to remove relearn various attributes of God. During mentor shared with me about her own leader, who strongly encouraged me to join question I heard the most after NS. It was hairdresser. I have always had a burden and every obstruction. This came on the heels of the first session, God’s presence was so experience, when I was feeling burnt out this course. I was initially hesitant because I the natural course of action. But being a vision to start a boarding home by 2020, a painful 2019. When my late application to strong, and He reminded me of similar in polytechnic. I remembered clearly her had only just received my salvation in March disillusioned and emotionally drained, I felt and I have been praying and seeking God’s approval for this. SOM was accepted, I was unsure about moments of His presence in my past. There description of how she had completely 2019. As a new believer, I was worried that I I was not spiritually ready for TLBS. Thank keeping the morning commitment because have been countless moments of knowing enjoyed the presence of God without might not be ready. But in faith, I still applied God for my leaders, friends and family. “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.“ of my sleep issues. On the day of orientation, God more, with the Holy Spirit speaking distractions. Hence, I wanted to join TLBS because I believed that God would make Through constant prayers, God convicted (Jeremiah 31:25, NIV) my devotion passage was from Ezekiel 1. and prompting me in my daily walk. I have to just focus on God’s presence and realign all things well as long as my heart was right me to come. I knew it was a period for me

< School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School Ezekiel saw the glory of God coming “out of become more confident in speaking God’s with Him. Though I faced struggles with with Him. I am indeed blessed by my time at to find rest and allow Him to do His mighty This verse gives me confidence in my > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 46 the north” (Ezekiel 1:4, NIV). I immediately word over the people around me, and that time and finances to attend TLBS, God TLBS as many things are new to me and the work in me. God is indeed faithful, and has vision. I believe that my prayer is answered 47 remembered Dean Ju’s slide introducing has made me realise that it is more blessed miraculously removed these obstacles. school has really helped me in my pursuit of revealed Himself to me in ways I never through prophecy, and here I am at TLBS by TLBS as “The North”! This was a confirmation to give through service to others. I pray God has been speaking to me ever since the living God. Hallelujah! thought was possible. I am excited for what His provision to be equipped with His Word for me. In SOM, I encountered God daily, to continually have many more of such the first day of TLBS, and I am thankful for is to come. before I enter the battlefield. After attending and was, and still am, being built-up in my moments with God from here on. this chance to recharge in the presence TLBS, I hear God’s words more clearly. inner man! of God. Therefore, I thank Him for the opportunity to attend this school.

40. 41. 43. 45. 47. 49.

“But those who 42. 44. 46. 48. 50. wait on the LORD 42. < William Mow > 44. < Kathy Ng > 46. < Jean Ong > 48. < Moses Pang > 50. < Rachel Peh > shall renew their Christ Methodist Church Cornerstone Community Church Bedok Methodist Church RiverLife Church Zion Full Gospel Church

strength; they shall In 2001, I accepted Christ and was blessed In my season of waiting, God sent me a I was very excited when the Lord called me I pray that I will be rooted in Christ and I came to TLBS with the simple intention mount up with and on fire for God. However, over the years, friend to let me know about TLBS. Getting to attend TLBS. The serene atmosphere allow Him to work in every aspect of of gaining more exposure and knowledge I faced many trials and fell into depression. away from busyness and allowing myself allowed me to focus on Christ, draw close to my life that I might bear fruits that will about our faith. Little did I know that I was wings like eagles, I became disappointed with God. In 2016, I to be quiet really was a challenge for me. His Words, pray, and reflect. Here at TLBS, I encourage and not hurt others. to receive so much more! Being able to was on the verge of giving up my faith and Regardless, the weeks I spent here were could see people caring for and supporting set aside time and posture myself to focus they shall run and was suicidal. I thought God had forgotten me. amazing as God spoke to me and comforted each other in a loving manner. I am so You will certainly face challenges and on and grow deeper with Him was such an me. He loves me more than I could ever love motivated and inspired by Dean Ju and eventually you might even stumble. But uplifting and meaningful experience. I am not be weary, God remained faithful and sent a sister in Him. I embrace the presence of God, who the lecturers’ anointing, as I reaped many for surely, as fire purifies gold, so will the reminded that He will always be faithful and Christ to minister Psalm 8:3-4 to me. God’s is shaping and fine-tuning me before He spiritual truths. Now, I am more equipped testing of our faith (of greater worth than just (1 John 1:9). I feel assured and comforted they shall walk love convicted me and in tears, I repented. uses me. for His ministry, and I desire to grow in gold) signify God’s strength and bring to know that He is sovereign. I thank God God answered my prayers when He sent the Christlikeness. glory and honour when Christ is revealed. for this wonderful opportunity and pray that and not faint.” same sister in Christ to encourage me “But those who wait on the LORD shall (1 Peter 1:7) His will be done in every season of my life. (Isaiah 40:31, NKJV) to enrol in TLBS. renew their strength; they shall mount up “But seek first his kingdom and his with wings like eagles, they shall run and righteousness, and all these things will be God is truly faithful. not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33, NIV) (Isaiah 40:31, NKJV) 52. < Anne Sitoe > 54. < Stephanie Gloria > 56. < Amy Tan > 58. < Chloe Tan > 60. < Tan Hui Min > Rock of Ages Church GBI Sola Gratia (Jayapura, Indonesia) Fairfield Methodist Church Living Sanctuary Brethren Church St. John’s-St. Margaret’s Church

I had heard how TLBS refreshed my The Lord Jesus has helped me a lot in my After leaving my job, I was prompted by an I came to TLBS after my A-levels as I felt My husband and I signed up for TLBS “For all the church mates’ spiritual lives, and desired to life. Therefore I decided to join TLBS as I alumni to be refreshed at TLBS. Despite my God challenging me to grow deeper in my together after hearing many positive things attend someday. As I was seeking the Lord wanted an even closer relationship with God. concerns, I saw no reason not to heed the walk with Him, and to seek Him for direction about it from my church missions pastor as call to re-orientate my life and saturate my for direction and decided to pursue Early In TLBS, I learned many varied teachings, in the next stage of my life. Through my time well as from other fellow church members promises of God soul with God’s word. Childhood academically, Dean Ju preached each important and special, which would be in TLBS, I have received many revelations as who were TLBS alumni. Indeed, my time at in Him are Yes, at my church and a friend texted me to applicable in my walking closely with God. I My time here has indeed given me a sense God continues to reveal more of Himself to TLBS has truly been spiritually refreshing consider SOM. I asked the Lord for pray that God continues to work in my life so of living in God’s presence, wisdom, counsel, me. Indeed, this has been a turning point; a whereby I was able to encounter God in and in Him Amen, confirmation and received it in that same that I can be a blessing to others. truth and command, and keeping my heart journey of being vulnerable before God and a closer and unhurried manner. As my service from another church mate. I stepped < School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School surrendered, and my heart’s fire burning as allowing Him to refine me. As I enter into a husband and I prepare to undertake long- > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 48 to the glory of out in faith and am thankful for my time “For I know the plans I have for you,” He leads me into my next season. new season of my life, I will continue to trust term mission work in our next season of life, 49 here, where my relationship with Him has declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and God for I know that He is always faithful. I believe what I have learnt from TLBS has God through us.” deepened for the journey ahead. not to harm you, plans to give you hope and “Lord, you alone are my portion and my better equipped and empowered me for a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV) cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary the journey ahead. (2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV) “For all the promises of God in Him are lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God surely I have a delightful inheritance.” through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV) (Psalm 16:5-6, NIV)

52. 54. 56. 58. 60.

51. 53. 55. 57. 59. 61.

51. < Isaiah Seah > 53. < Jade Shen > 55. < Josephine Olivia Surya > 57. < Janice Tai > 59. < Christabel Tan > 61. < Tan Kim Geok > The New Charis Mission Cornerstone Community Church Indonesian Family Church Singapore Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church RiverLife Church Soakability Church

Attending bible school has always been a For the past nine years, since graduating God revealed Himself to me every During the last three years, I faced major Instead of always striving, I believe seasons In 2020, this verse spoke clearly to me: dream of mine after completing my program from university, I have been working in the single day in TLBS. From the in-depth challenges on the personal and professional of rest are essential to journeying more “Very early in the morning, while it was still in The New Charis Mission. In my time here family business. Since 2017, the Lord has lectures, spirit-filled worship sessions, and front. I knew I could not go on and continue fruitfully with God. TLBS allowed me that dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went at TLBS, I pray that God will continue to been speaking to me about leaving. Knowing heartfelt fellowships, I felt God’s presence with the status quo, yet I was also daunted time to seek and grow closer to God, off to a solitary place, where he prayed” show me the way ahead and renew my my fear and resistance, He lovingly told me permeating. It was truly a remarkable turning by the prospect of having to make key life bringing my relationship with Him to a whole (Mark 1:35, NIV). During my time in TLBS, intimacy with Him through this period. God that surrender is the beginning of a dance point as I have gotten to know and feel just decisions in charting the next season of life. new level. It was here that I also found I was able to wake up, by His grace, to is taking me into deeper oceans to show me in which He takes the lead. I have been how much God cares for me. Like flowers Instead of relying on my own strength and precious new friends, new opportunities meet Him early. While this may seem small how wonderful and how marvelous He is. learning to trust Him, step by step, following blossoming in the spring, my spiritual walk wisdom, I decided to come to TLBS to truly and reconfigured my perspective to take on to some, to me it is a found treasure. He I want to thank Johnny, my discipleship His lead. Here in TLBS, He has been with God has bloomed into a lavish meadow rest in Him and seek His face. What a joy the challenges of life. As we continuously revealed Himself as I commanded my group leader for giving me this opportunity reminding me of the promises and gifts that I of love and reverence for Him. Having felt it has been to sit at His feet and learn, and seek, understand and come to a greater mornings at every opportunity, as He spoke to study and to encounter with God so had laid aside in pursuit of the business, and a sense of renewal and transformation, come to a deeper understanding that His knowledge of His truth, God just draws to me everything unknown in my heart. intimately at TLBS. gently nudging me towards the next steps. I believe it was in God’s plan to lead me yoke is easy and His burden light. closer to us so personally and intimately. He is so real when we commune with him Now I’m dancing with the Bread of Life unto here, igniting a burning passion for Christ I want to always seek where the good way in our daily practical lifestyle. a-bun-dance. in my heart. is, and walk in it (Jeremiah 6:16). 62. < Paul Tan > 64. < Sylvia Tan > 66. < Julia Tandy > 68. < Genson Teo > 70. < Kathryn Thong > 71. < Timothy Toh > Emmanuel Assembly of God Lighthouse Evangelism Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church Christalite Methodist Chapel Church of Singapore (Marine Parade) The New Charis Mission

“I will give you a new heart and put a new I knew about TLBS through a cell sister. I Through my time in TLBS, God turned my “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust I came to TLBS wanting to have a deeper I would like to thank my leader for this spirit in you; I will remove from you your saw how God has helped her to align her despondency into hope in God who makes him with all my heart. He helps me, and my understanding of the Bible and to grow in opportunity to study at TLBS. I did not heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. plans and purpose and I wished that for all things new; dryness became renewed heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of my knowledge of Christ. In my short time initially plan to enrol into TLBS as I was And I will put my Spirit in you and move you myself too. hunger for Him; brokenness became healing thanksgiving.” (Psalm 28:7, NLT) here, I have not only experienced God studying for my A-Levels. I thank God to follow my decrees and be careful to keep and restoration; my distorted identity through studying the Living Word, but that I did! TLBS has been a time for me my laws.” (Ezekiel 36:26‭-‬27, NIV‬‬‬)‬‬‬‬‬ Last year, Matthew 6:33 reminded me that became an identity in Christ; baggage This verse summarises my full-time ministry also came to understand who God is on a to strengthen my relationship with God, I should always seek His kingdom first. I became freedom; sadness became joy of journey with God since February 2018. personal level. God has revealed Himself to and to seek His direction and guidance It has been a season of rest, renewed took that leap of faith and I saw how God the Lord; defeat to ungodly beliefs gave way In each step I take, the Lord is my guide me in His own ways and taught me how to for my life. It has allowed me to take time

< School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School strength and fresh perspectives. This season provided for me abundantly. My organisation to Rhema words of God; disillusionment to and helper. At the crossroad to pursue let go of my own desires to surrender all to out of my day to not only listen to God, but > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 50 in TLBS has taught me to consistently tune was willing to accommodate to my experiencing God; struggles to obedience. theological studies, my Pastor-In-Charge Him. I thank God for this opportunity to grow also gain more knowledge and develop 51 in to the Holy Spirit, who teaches, and learn schedule, allowing me to work on part-time recommended TLBS. I trusted by faith that my relationship with Him and to learn how to a closer relationship with Him. I have no from Him. My prayer is that this will not fade basis. Each day as I shuttle from school to This turning point is just the beginning of God has opened this specific door for me. stand firm in this spiritual journey. regret coming to TLBS, and here, I learned away after these three months. work, managing various commitments, I stepping back into the track of God’s destiny I give thanks for I’ve been richly blessed as something new every day! Amen! knew that it was His strength that sustained for my life, as He lovingly draws me to I dwell in His presence and fellowship with me. It was a time of basking in God’s love! Himself, gently leading me into complete His people in TLBS. surrender and obedience to Him.

62. 64. 66. 68. 70. 71.

63. 65. 67. 69. 72. “The Lord is my 63. < Shanice Tan > 65. < Veronica Tan > 67. < Jerlynn Tay > 69. < John Teo > 72. < Varangkhana Anmariephon Radiant Community Church Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church Zion Full Gospel Church Bethesda Frankel Estate Church strength and (Summer) > Christian Fellowship Church (Thailand) I desired to draw closer to God because I enrolled in TLBS to hear God’s detailed Initially, I came to TLBS hoping to use what I come from a Christian family and grew up shield. I trust him I have seen how God had been working in plans for my next lap. I also knew the need I would learn here to bless others and for in church pretty much all my life. Having I heard about TLBS from members of my life. I had tasted of His goodness (Psalm to continually ‘spring clean’ my life to hear evangelism. Instead, in these three months, served faithfully in church for many years, with all my heart. Bedok Methodist Church during their 34:8, NIV) and thus I desired more. I have Him more and more clearly (Psalm 66:18, I encountered God like never before. He I have lately been yearning for a time to sit at He helps me, and mission trip to Thailand. I decided to come always dreamt of taking time off to dwell NIV), I adopted a vulnerable and obedient broke me and revealed to me the deepest Jesus’s feet, and go deeper in my walk with because I wanted to know God’s will for my solely in the presence of God. However, posture, through which He could peel back parts of my heart-the unspoken issues and God. Thus, when my Elder suggested that my heart is filled life. I felt that my faith had waned in the past I lacked courage to say no to everything my layers to create in me a clean heart the hurts. God knew it all and He set me I attend the SOM course at TLBS, it was with few years. Being the only believer in my else and to just commit myself wholly to (Psalm 51, NLT) and so that I could run the race free from the lies that I have subconsciously much hope and expectation that I would with joy. I burst family, I often felt like giving up on following God. The courage to step out in faith and to obtain the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24, NIV). told myself all this while! I’ve been blessed be refreshed, renewed and re-ignited. The God. I fought with my own strength and say “Here I am” to God came when my beyond what I could imagine and this daily worship, devotions, and lessons by the out in songs of failed many times. Deep in my heart, I had Pastor asked if I would like to attend SOM. With this posture, I could lay down my journey has been amazing! My three months anointed speakers at TLBS have been really many questions about God. In TLBS, God So, here I am at TLBS and I am blessed! pride at the altar and respond to the Spirit’s here have really brought me into a more encouraging and inspiring. They have truly thanksgiving.” showed me answers to all the questions. promptings, which brought forgiveness and intimate relationship with God. opened the eyes of my heart. (Psalm 28:7, NLT) Now I know that He is the only One I will reconciliation. Responding at this turning choose for my life. point has enabled me to be a star and a light for God. 73. < Timothy Wan > 76. < James Yak > 78. < Yen Yeen Peng > 80. < Kyle Yeo > 82. < Derrick Bo > Bethesda Pasir Ris Mission Church Church of Singapore (Marine Parade) New Creation Church Grace Methodist Church St. John’s - St. Margaret’s Church “Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence “I am the vine; you Only by God’s divine appointment was I Being a new believer in Christ, SOM has Over this past year as a full-time ministry Personally, the SOM has been refreshing does not go with us, do not send us up from ableto attend TLBS. I am in awe of how really been a ‘heart opener’ as I learned staff, I can only reflect and acknowledge my spirit man and has been helping me here.’” (Exodus 33:15, NIV) are the branches. God knows us so intimately and is constantly to see, feel, and hear Him daily. I am so how stern, yet kind, God has been to to re-centre my life on what is important. chasing after us. In the least imaginable thankful to Father God for leading me to me. Breaking down my preconceived At the daily morning chapel, I soaked in As my National Service drew to a close, I felt Whoever abides ways, God has convicted me to surrender this course. He really cleared time for me to notions, lofty man-made ideals and - most God’s presence and Dean Ju would share God steadily convicting me to attend TLBS my pride, selfish ambitions and desires deepen my relationship with Him in such a importantly - my pride, He has constantly “precious gems” that she received from through the right people and encounters. in me and I in him, in search of His will and plans for the short time. He also broadened my horizons brought me back to this place where I God. As each fellow student shared their I wanted to set the right foundations before seasons to come. Through TLBS, God has in the expansion of my Kingdom family, realise that truly, I can do nothing apart testimony, I am encouraged that God’s

< School Of Ministry > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School starting a new season. Praise God, who he it is that bears brought me full circle in untangling and through cell group sisters, classmates and from my Father, the giver of every good gift, lovingkindness is interwoven in each > TESTIMONIES Ministry Of < School 52 convicts me still! Through speakers, staff much fruit, for resolving the deep-seated mysteries of much anointed teachers. I treasure and the maker of everything that I am. individual’s life. Every lecturer at TLBS has 53 and students alike, He has painted me a my heart. I am excited to be led into God’s enjoyed my time at TLBS for there is new imparted not only their anointed teachings, “I am the vine; you are the branches. picture of a life of power, of love and of self- marvellous plans. delight every day in the knowledge of Him. but also their own personal journey with apart from me you Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is discipline. God willing, I pray that I may live it! Hallelujah, His mercies endures forever. God. I believe these “downloads” from God can do nothing.” “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He that bears much fruit, for apart from me you are preparing us for what God has in store shall give you the desires of your heart.” can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV) for us in 2020. (John 15:5, ESV) (Psalm 37:4, NKJV)

73. 76. 78. 80.

74. 75. 77. 79. 81.

74. < Wong Chun Han > 75. < Joshua Wong > 77. < Michelle Yang > 79. < Justin Yeo > 81. < Zajamo Kikon > Faith Community Baptist Church Glad Tidings Church New Creation Church St. John’s - St. Margaret’s Church Assembly of God Lotha Church, (Kohima: Nagaland, India) My time at TLBS has been one of I was baptised on 23 November 2008 at “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Refreshment and affirmation are two words repositioning and restoration. Throughout Glad Tidings Church. As a Christian for 11 (1 Samuel 3:10b) I would use to describe my time in TLBS. I had hit a very rough patch in my life the course, God has lovingly revealed to me years, I have always had a heart for missions SOM was a place of rest and preparation in all aspects - spiritually, mentally and aspects of my life and identity which have and evangelism. In accordance with that Standing at life’s crossroads, amidst for the road ahead towards long-term emotionally. I felt drained and unable to been built on sand. I know that He is only heart, I went on short-term mission trips, uncertainty, only one voice can lead me into missionary work. My wife and I were also overcome the struggle I found myself in, just beginning a deeper work within me, and attended evangelism and missions the light. So here I am, at TLBS, to do the assured of God’s presence with us in this but I prayed - and so did my family. God and so I will continue to seek His face in courses such as Kairos and Pioneer Asia, one thing needed – sitting at Jesus’ feet, journey we had embarked on, having had a opens doors when you least expect it, and order that I may live out the days He has but discovered that I had a lack of bible beholding Him and listening to His voice. glimpse of listening to His heartbeat for us He opened the door for me to come to TLBS ordained for me. I am grateful to TLBS for knowledge. I came to TLBS to improve my I am at rest, knowing that Jesus leads me as a couple. His Spirit spoke to us in a gentle to experience His love and to show me that this turning point! bible knowledge before my next move every step of the way. small voice, bidding us to follow Him. We He cares. This is a turning point in my life, into the mission field, and every lesson was were amazed and we want to continue to and I am so grateful for this opportunity for “I will instruct you and teach you in the way stimulating and enlightening to me. It is easy to think I am the author of my be still before Him. a fresh start, with a new perspective and destiny, yet there is a higher way – yielding you should go; I will counsel you with my humble heart, awaiting God’s direction in my pen and life to the Lord. He is not done loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8, NIV) my life. with my story. The turning point is just around the corner. Wait for it. L I F E I N T U N G L I N G I N P R A Y E R A N D W O R S H I P I N T E R N A T I O N A L S T U D E N T S From left to right: Kikon Zajamo, Jam Chavez, Jeanette Kumar, Lisa Eliani, Samuel, Gwayne Atiwag, Stephanie Gloria, Summer, Flory Lalitha, Anton Gunawan COUNTRIES REPRESENTED: Philippines, India, Indonesia, Myanmar CONGRATULATIONS Teo Wen Bin, Genson ON YOUR GRADUATION & SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF DIPLOMA IN SCHOOL OF MINISTRY TERM 1 • 2020


Congratulations on completing this step in your journey of faith. We’re so proud of you!

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11

From: Christalite Methodist Chapel Family Registration is open to Tung Ling Bible School’s Alumni

TUNG LING BIBLE SCHOOL Please register your interest early to: [email protected] TURKEY & GREECE TOUR or call (65) 6345-4353 Visit the Seven Churches of Revelation and walk in the footsteps of Paul - DECEMBER 2020 - CONGRATULATIONS Tan Khai Im, Shanice ON YOUR GRADUATION & SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF DIPLOMA IN SCHOOL OF MINISTRY TERM 1 • 2020

TURNING Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one POINT receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 1 Corinthians 9:24

It was not an easy journey, but you have made it through and graduated. Well done, Shanice! We are very proud of you!

From: Radiant Community Church 显耀堂 CONGRATULATIONS All International Students SOM, Term 1 Daniel Ho and ON YOUR GRADUATION & SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF DIPLOMA IN Zhou Wen Jing SCHOOL OF MINISTRY TERM 1 • 2020

Now to him who is able to do Therefore, since we are surrounded immeasurably more than all we ask by such a great cloud of witnesses, let TURNING or imagine, according to his power TURNING us throw off everything that hinders that is at work within us, to him be and the sin that so easily entangles. POINT glory in the church and in Christ POINT And let us run with perseverance the Jesus throughout all generations, race marked out for us, for ever and ever! Amen. Hebrews 12:1 Ephesians 3:20 – 21 NIV

We’re grateful for the faculty, staff and classmates at TLBS. We thank you for all the things we’ve learned and discovered treasure in all the teachings and for the Congratulations on your successful completion of fellowship of each one of the students - Congratulations to all! Diploma in School of Ministry Term 1, 2020 To God be the glory!



Congratulations We are proud of you! Audrey!

You did not choose Me but I chose you, We love you! and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would Trust in the Lord with remain, so that whatever you ask of the all your heart Father in My name He may give to you. Proverb 3:5 John 15:16

From: Council & Staff YOUR NEXT From: Dad & Mum

CONGRATULATIONS Kathy Ng ON YOUR GRADUATION & SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF DIPLOMA IN SCHOOL OF MINISTRY TERM 1 • 2020 2020 CURRICULUM: School Of Ministry (English) Term One: 6 January – 26 March 2020 Term Two: TURNING 6 July – 24 September 2020 POINT “COME, AND LET US GO UP TO School Of Leadership THE MOUNTAIN 6 July – 24 September 2020 We are proud of you! OF THE LORD...” Isaiah 2:3 Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, and I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life. Isaiah 43:4

2, Gambas Crescent, #10-05 Nordcom II, Singapore 757044 > T: +65 6345 4353 > F: +65 6345 4639 > E: [email protected] > W: www.tungling.org.sg

From: Pastor Tan Chin Lee & Sister Kelly Ng POLISHED SHAFT I TUNG LING BIBLE SCHOOL

TURNING POINT Tung Ling Productions Pte Ltd

Tung Ling Bible School 2 Gambas Crescent #10-04/05 Nordcom II Singapore 757044 Tel: +65 6345 4353 Fax: +65 6345 4639 Email: [email protected] www.tungling.org.sg