Ahounou Josué Josué Ahounou is a passionate evangelist from Benin. He is the president of "l'Eglise Biblique du Saint-Esprit" (Biblical school of the Holy Spirit). He is the representative of IAHM in West Africa. He ministers healing in power.

Ashaev Vladimir Vladimir Ashaev is a Bishop and senior of one of the most dynamic churches in Russia, the Christian Life . One of the missions of this Church is to spread and plant new missionary churches throughout Russia and abroad. Vladimir is the Deputy chief Bishop of Russia's largest Union, Deputy Bishop for the Siberian Federal district, and Director of the Department for international Affairs. He is also the leader of Europe Shall Be Saved – Russia movement, which creates a very powerful movement of God that unites all denominations in order for Russia to be saved. He ignites the hearts of the people and refreshes them. Incredible healing miracles take place in his services. Vladimir brings a vision that on earth was like in heaven, spreading the culture of the Kingdom. His message is that we are the Royal priesthood and in everything we do, we are kings and priests.

Baker Heidi Heidi’ Greatest Passion is to live in the manifest presence of God and to carry His glory, presence and love to a lost and dying world. She longs to see others laying their lives down for the sake of the gospel and coming home to the Father’s love. Rolland and Heidi Baker founded Iris Ministry, now Iris Global in 1980. In 1995 they were called to the poorest country in the world at the time, Mozambique, and faced an extreme test of the Gospel. They began by pouring out their lives among abandoned street children, and as the Holy Spirit moved miraculously in many ways a revival movement spread to adults, , churches and then throughout the bush all across Mozambique's ten provinces. Heidi is now "Mama Aida" to thousands of children, and oversees a broad holistic ministry that includes Bible schools, medical clinics, church-based orphan care, well drilling, primary schools, evangelistic industries, cottage farms, widow’s programs, and healing outreaches in remote villages that includes a network of hundreds of churches. She earned her BA, MA degrees from S.C.C., Vanguard University and her PhD from Kings College, University of London. She is calling for a passionate tribe of believers who will pour out their life for loves sake and bring all children of all age’s home to the Fathers embrace!

Balcombe Dennis Dennis Balcombe received Jesus Christ as his personal saviour in 1961. Also, he received the call of God on his life at a young age and traveled to China at the age of 24. He has lived in Hong Kong for the past 50 years. God has greatly used him to bless and strengthen the Chinese church; a church that now has well over one hundred million believers. He speaks fluent Mandarin and Cantonese. He continues to minister to the Chinese and many others throughout Asia and the world. As the founder of Revival Chinese Ministries International, he is a sought-after speaker globally. Dennis lives with his wife Kathy in Hong Kong. They have two children, Sharon and Michael and two grandchildren

Banovic Lucas Lucas est marié à Darlène et père d’une petite famille qui bientôt s’agrandira à nouveau. La famille vit à Annecy en France.

Lucas est artisan peintre, mais aussi engagé dans le ministère. Il a créé une association « Prier dans la rue » avec une vision d’évangélisation et de faire des disciples. Il a vécu une rencontre personnelle avec Dieu qui a totalement changé sa vie.

Bonnici John Dr. John Bonnici Mallia was born in Malta and became a Medical Doctor in 1969. He discovered his passion for power evangelism shortly after he was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Dr. John is a pioneer in the healing ministry in Malta. He has witnessed countless miracles throughout his lifetime. He is one of the founding fathers who introduced Malta to Healing services and prayers for healing. Dr. John empowered many people to believe in the power of Holy Spirit encouraging them to disciple others and evangelise through signs and wonders. Dr. John has preached around the world for over 40 years and is completely in love with Holy Spirit

Brazee Mark For more than 40 years, Pastors Mark and Janet Brazee have traveled throughout the world sharing the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Together they’ve shared the powerful truths of faith and healing in more than 50 nations.Today Mark and Janet pastor World Outreach Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they base their ongoing outreach to the world. The Brazees still travel as the Lord leads, and they are raising up a congregation who share their passion to reach Tulsa and the world

Campbell Stacey Stacey Campbell is part of the international apostolic team of International Ministries. She resides in California, where her and her husband, Wesley, are part of the ministry of the Healing Rooms of the Santa Maria Valley. Prior to that, they founded and led a church in Kelowna, Canada for 30 years. Stacey. is also the founder of Shiloh Global, an international prophetic ministry to equip people to take the supernatural into their daily spheres of influence. As a conference speaker, she has travelled to over 60 nations to advocate for transformation in cities and nations.

Carter Pete Pete Carter is one of the senior leaders at Eastgate Church in Kent, England. His heart is to see the full potential of Christianity realized through our daily lives. He is also a medical doctor and has a particular passion to see the world of medicine affected by the power and love of God, and for Christian healing to sit alongside good medicine for the sake of any who choose to benefit from it. Along with others, he founded the Healing Centre at Eastgate in 2011. Since then, thousands have experienced the presence and peace of God in a joyful environment; and many miraculous healings have occurred. Towards the end of 2018 the Healing Centre was acknowledged by local doctors as a Complementary Service which could be recommended to patients. In recent years together with a great team he has been developing “Heaven in Healthcare” which provides support and resources to help Christians involved in all aspects of healthcare to access and manifest the fullness of heaven in their environments. www.heaveninhealthcare.com Pete is also the author of Unwrapping Lazarus, an inspirational subtitled “Free to live as God intended”. He spends his time developing the people of Eastgate, pursuing healing, and helping other churches and ministries to grow leadership structures that reflect a heavenly model.

Chan Francis Francis Chan is the best-selling author of Letters to the Church, Crazy Love, Forgotten God, and Erasing Hell. He and his wife Lisa are co-authors of You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity. Currently, Francis and his family are pursuing ministry opportunities with the ultra-poor, church planting, and unreached people groups in Asia.

Clark Randy Dr. Randy Clark is the overseer of Global Awakening and the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. He is an international itinerant speaker, best known for helping spark the move of God known as "the Toronto Blessing." He is noted primarily for revival, healing, and impartation ministry, and his message is simple: "God wants to use you." Randy received his D.Min. from United Theological Seminary and has since formed Global Awakening Theological Seminary, in conjunction with Family of Faith College. Dr. Clark has ministered in over 50 countries and published over 40 books, booklets, and training manuals.

Copeland Kenneth Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. For almost 52 years, we’ve been passionately teaching Christians all over the world how to apply the principles of faith found in God’s WORD to their lives. We have seven ministry offices around the world: United States, Canada, Africa, Asia, , Europe, Ukraine and Latin America. Our God-given directive is to preach and teach the uncompromised WORD of God on every available voice, which is being accomplished through a variety of channels, including our Believer’s Voice of Victory TV and radio broadcasts, podcast and magazine; Believers’ Conventions, Victory Campaigns and Living Victory meetings; published books, website, and social media channels, to name a few. With the expansion of technology, we have more work to do now than ever. We are determined to let the world know Jesus is LORD, and we’re not slowing down anytime soon!

Crandall Tom Tom Crandall is the Youth Director of Young Saints at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. He and his wife Leslie have served together in full- time youth ministry for over eighteen years, of which nine of them have been at Bethel. They have two amazing children, Joel and Addie and two labs named Bailey and Rocky. Young Saints is a thriving youth ministry dedicated to fueling local and global revival and empowering teens to be a supernatural witness of Jesus. Tom’s passion is to see a generation encounter God, discover their identity and send them as revivalists to impact their world. He oversees and instructs our next generation of leaders by teaching the youth pastors’ track in Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, which is dedicated to raising up the next generation of youth pastors, as well as classes on evangelism where students are equipped to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders that follow.

Dr. William M. Wilson Dr. William M. Wilson is the fourth president of the globally recognized Oral Roberts University, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Wilson is instrumental in developing Spirit- empowered leaders through whole person education to impact the world. He is known as a global influencer and a dynamic speaker with four decades of executive leadership experience. Wilson is acknowledged for his unwavering ethics, strong business acumen, and an undeniable passion for equipping new generations of leaders. “World Impact with Dr. Billy Wilson” inspires viewers in over 150 nations and multiple languages. Since 1998, the weekly televised program empowers the audience with Wilson’s unique communication abilities from a biblical worldview.

Délépine Etienne J’ai 43 ans et je vis à Montpellier (France) avec mes deux enfants. A mes 2 ans, mes parents, répondant à des paroles prophétiques, changent de région pour fonder une église. Je m’y suis impliqué très tôt, dans plusieurs domaines (louange, groupe de jeunes…). J’ai effectué des études scientifiques jusqu’à la thèse de recherche en Biologie et Santé, dans une équipe de biologie cellulaire à Montpellier, sur le cancer du sein. Après plusieurs années à travailler en tant que chercheur dans différents instituts, j’ai allié mes compétences dans le développement informatique et je suis maintenant développeur d’applications dans le domaine biomédical et la recherche en biologie. Mes implications dans l’Eglise ont évolué au long de années, avec une affinité pour le domaine prophétique et le désir de consacrer toujours plus de temps au service de notre Seigneur !

J'ai validé 1 année de fac de théologie. J'ai un doctorat en Biologie et Santé. Actuellement je suis "développeur full-stack" en freelance. Je suis créateur et responsable du site chrétien Lueur.org (www.lueur.org) depuis plus de 20 an

Fedorov Ilya Ilya Fedorov is a healing Evangelist, Moscow, Russia.

Fitzgerald Ben Originally from Melbourne, Australia Ben met Jesus in an encounter that deeply changed him late in 2002 whilst he was very broken and dealing drugs. Since then Ben has lived passionately about one thing: Showing the world Jesus in everyday life and taking the Good News of the Kingdom to the Nations. For several years he served as a pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California and is now the Director of Awakening Europe and member of the core team Europe Shall be Saved. He has a deep conviction that the Nations of this earth will be transformed by radical believers living free and proclaiming Jesus boldly. “The time for shining the light of Jesus is now! As the church we will never change history from our armchairs at home”

Freidzon Claudio Claudio Freidzon is the pastor of Rey de Reyes Church in Buenos Aires, Argentina which he began in 1986. He is the host of the TV program Rey de Reyes TV, best selling author and was among the first in South America to lead the way as an Evangelist with miracle services. Pastor Claudio is married to Betty and they have three children.

Freidzon Daniela Daniela Freidzon-Mccabe is a Pastor and international Speaker from King of Kings church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has a passion for reaching this generation and seeing them living and experiencing the fullness of Christ through a Spirit life. She serves as the Empowered21 NextGen Co-chair as well as an active executive board member of the national evangelical alliance in Argentina.

Gebhardt Tina Tina Gebhardt wurde 1983 in ärmlichen Verhältnissen, geprägt von Alkohol, Gewalt und Missbrauch, in Rheinland-Pfalz geboren. Heute weiß sie, dass sie viele Schutzengel hatte, die sie vor dem sicheren Tod bewahrten. Sie ist mittlerweile das zweite Mal verheiratet und hat drei Kinder. 2008 zog sie mit ihrer Familie in die schöne Fränkische Schweiz und 2012 haben sie und ihr Mann Jesus in ihr Leben gelassen. Seither haben sie viele übernatürliche Wunder und Heilungen erlebt. Seit 2018 leiten Tina und ihr Ehemann das Gebetshaus Fränkische Schweiz in Gößweinstein.Tinas Hauptdienst besteht aus der Heilung und Anbetung. Nebenbei kümmert sie sich zusammen mit ihrem Mann um das gesamte Gästehaus. 2017 sind sie dem Ruf Gottes gefolgt und leben seitdem ohne Gehalt und sind völlig abhängig von der Versorgung Gottes.

Goulet Denise Denise Goulet is a woman who walks in faith, love, and authority. She has been called to release the fire of God to the Nations and has traveled all over the world imparting what the Lord has poured into her. Through her dynamic walk of transparency and vulnerability, she connects with people and draws them to the Father. She and her husband, Paul Goulet, Pastor the International Church of Las Vegas and she is the mother of three amazing children (and their spouses) and nana of 12 grandchildren. With a powerful anointing in the prophetic & healing, her ministry is one that releases breakthrough into your life!

Goulet Paul Marc Paul is an accomplished Entrepreneur, counselor, public speaker, author of over 10 books, philanthropist, humanitarian and leadership trainer. Married to Denise Jacqueline Goulet for 40 years. Their three children are all accomplished and married with children. He is the Senior leader of a church in Las Vegas that grew from 250 to 5,000 since 1992. Paul Marc Goulet has dedicated his life to empowering men and women to become healthy leaders in their homes, workplaces, schools, sports teams, government, churches and schools.

Hall Tim Tim Hall is one of Australia’s leading evangelists. Together with his wife Jacque, they have ministered extensively throughout the world for over 40 years. Their forthright and anointed preaching, coupled with a great manifestation of the power of God has seen over 1 million saved, thousands healed, drastically changed, baptized in the Holy Spirit and filled with a fresh touch of revival power.

Hall Wesley Wes Hall is originally from the UK. He served for over 15 years as part of the senior leadership team of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC). Since 2016 he has been serving as a full time associate Pastor of Gospel-Forum church in Stuttgart Germany, where he also leads The Revival Training Centre.

Hayashi Teo Founder of Dunamis Movement, Teo Hayashi has been a voice that inspires young people of many nations to live and spread the gospel in a more effective and relevant way. Teo started his ministry as a missionary from YWAM for 3 years in Asia. After that he was a youth pastor for 5 years in North Carolina (USA) and then came back to Brazil to start a Missionary Project inside of the universities, which was called, Dunamis. He has traveled all over Brazil and to more than 30 different nations preaching the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. He is also known for teaching and stewarding leaders to establish the Kin gdom of God in our society. Teo is a writer, speaker, senior pastor at Igreja Monte Sião (BRA) and also holds a degree in Psychology and Theology from Liberty University (USA). Nowadays he lives in São Paulo with his wife, Junia Hayashi and kids Zach and Koa. He is the leader of The Send Brazil

Hazlett Bob Bob Hazlett is a proven prophetic voice. His teaching and prophetic ministry has been featured on GodTV, TBN, Daystar and Bethel TV. Bob Hazlett is a friend to leaders and a sought-after speaker and author. Strong healing and prophetic gifts follow his ministry. Bob has a passion to empower people in the spiritual gifts in order to fulfill their life purpose. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Internationally. Bob lives in Connecticut with his wife Kimberly and two daughters April and Abby.

Heitland Leif Leif Hetland is the founder and president of Global Mission Awareness. He ministers globally bringing an impartation of God’s love, healing, and apostolic authority through a paradigm of kingdom family. A forerunner in modern-day missions, Leif has brought the gospel into some of the most spiritually dark areas of the world. Over one million souls have been saved through his ministry. He has written numerous books, including his best-sellers Called to Reign, Giant Slayers, Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes and Healing the Orphan Spirit. Leif and his wife Jennifer reside just outside Atlanta, GA, USA where they continue to touch countless lives through their ministry.

Hinn Benny People around the globe know Pastor Benny Hinn as a noted healing evangelist, teacher, and the author of best-selling books including Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Prayer That Gets Results, Blood in the Sand, and Lamb of God. His TV program, This Is Your Day, is among the world’s most- watched Christian programs, seen daily in 200 countries. His popular website and ministry app reach millions of people every single day in areas of the world that may not otherwise hear about the Gospel. Yet there is much more to the story of the man, and his ministry, who has impacted the world for more than four decades with the life-saving and miracle-working message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Johnson Bill Bill and his wife, Beni Johnson, are the Senior Leaders of Bethel Church. Together, they serve a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power.

Kaufmann Matthias. Gott berührte das Leben von Matze auf einem Missionseinsatz in Südostasien im Jahr 2013. Daraufhin besuchte er für zwei Jahre die Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, Kalifornien. Seitdem ist er im Team von Awakening Europe und arbeitet dort als Geschäftsführer. 2017 heiratete er dann Julia, die als Kind von Missionaren in Japan aufwuchs. Ihr gemeinsames Herzensanliegen ist es, Menschen in Europa errettet und Erweckung in ihr Heimatland, Deutschland, kommen zu sehen.

Karl Georg Dr. Georg Karl is the leader of the Glory Life Network (www.glorylife.de) and a minister and author used internationally by God. He, together with his wife Irina, has been in full-time ministry for over 25 years. His focus is to lead people into the dimensions of the glory of God and to train them for a supernatural lifestyle. Dr. Georg's fresh messages filled with much love and joy are accompanied by amazing miracles and displays of God’s power.

Killias Claudio

Ist mit Claudia verheiratet, sie haben drei Kinder und wohnen im Zürcher Oberland. Gemeinsam leiten sie die Bewegung und Kirche von jesusrettet. Herz brennt für Erweckung in der Schweiz und in den Nationen und der Herzschlag ihres Dienstes ist es, Gottes Königreich manifest zu sehen durch Rettung, Heilung und Befreiung.

Sie setzen sich dafür ein, dass Menschen – jung und alt – von der wunderbaren Vaterliebe Gottes berührt und verändert werden können, und dass der Leib Christi (einzelne Gläubige und ganzen Gemeinden) ausgerüstet und freigesetzt wird.

King Matt Matt King is an Australian-born evangelist and is the CEO of his self- titled evangelism organisation. This organisation is tasked with spreading the gospel through means of modern communication and empowering the church in the Great Commission. He ministers itinerantly, primarily in Europe. Matt is also the primary vision carrier for the movement - Resurrection Belgium (resurrectionbelgium.com). Resurrection Belgium is a movement of people and churches actively building toward a penultimate stadium-event in Brussels in the short-term. Matt is also a member of the evangelism core team for Europe Shall Be Saved. This network is working toward the vision of 100 million souls won to Christ in Europe, and the core team is pursuing this vision through working to connect and equip 10,000 evangelists across the continent. Matt is also the principal of Impact - School of Revival - Europe, based in Norway. This full-time school is committed to developing European students in their Christ-give identity and purpose and training them for that purpose. He is also the leader of the Bethel Leaders Network Europe Mainland group. Through this role he provides spiritual leadership for a group of European senior and associate church leaders. www.matthewking.co

King Elisabeth Matt and Elisabeth King are evangelists from Australia (him) and Norway (her). They are itinerant ministries linked to Bethel Church in Redding, California. They lead the ministry school Impact - School of Revival for Europe and are based in Bergen, Norway. They supervised many ministry trips and had the privilege to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to large crowds in these nations.

Kinzerskyi Bogdan Bogdan Kinzerskуi is a healing Evangelist, Kiev, Ukraine.

Kopp Thierry Thierry Kopp practices an international evangelistic ministry, and a prophetic ministry as well accompanied by signs, miracles and wonders.Thierry Kopp is an approved and recognized minister of God in the body of Christ. The Lord uses him in the areas of deliverance, evangelism, healing of hearts, healing of bodies, practical teaching for everyday life and in a prophetic ministry. He leads seminars and conferences internationally as well. Founder of HM TRANSFORMATION, MLC Ministries and co-founder of Impact Ministries, he was ordained to ministry by an Apostolic team.

Koulianos Jessica Jessica Koulianos is a speaker and leader marked by genuineness and depth and serves as the Director of Jesus School. She walks in a powerful prophetic ministry and leads with wisdom and insight. Jessica’s heart is to see everyone encounter Jesus in a deep and personal way. She loves to share her testimony and release others to step into their breakthrough. She is also co-founder of Jesus Image and invited to speak around the world. Together Michael and Jessica steward a burning desire to win cities, nations, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their faithful leadership, Jesus Image has seen thousands come to Jesus and multitudes healed by the power of God. Michael and Jessica reside in the Orlando area along with their three children.

Koulianos Michael Michael Koulianos is the founder of Jesus Image, an international ministry focused on bringing the saving and healing message of Jesus to the world. Jesus Image includes Jesus Events- where thousands gather to encounter the Son of God in cities across America, Jesus School- a ministry school focused on raising up a Jesus people who will shake the world with the love of God, and Jesus Image Church- located in Orlando, Florida, inviting all who will come to worship Jesus. Michael has one desire: to love Jesus and introduce Him to as many people as possible. He travels the world ministering the Good News of Jesus Christ, praying for the sick, and teaching the Word of God. Michael is the author of four life-changing books, The Jesus Book, Holy Spirit: the One Who Makes Jesus Real, Jesus 365: a Daily Devotional with the Son of God, and Healing Presence: Discover the Healing Power of the Word of God.

Kullen Christophe Christoph Kullen ist Teil der Gemeindeleitung im Gospel Forum in Stuttgart. Er liebt es, die Menschen in den Städten durch beeindruckende Einsätze ins Nachdenken zu bringen – und dadurch näher an Gottes Herz. Seine Leidenschaften sind Evangelisation, die Chancen in allen Gesellschaftsbereichen Menschen mit dem Evangelium zu erreichen und das souveräne Wirken Gottes durch Zeichen und Wunder zu sehen.“

Kutz Jenny Jenny Kutz Papapostolou is a minister and the author of ABBA: Finding Comfort in the Father After Your Parents' Divorce. She also wrote ABBA: You Have a Father, a minibook that shares the love of the Father through Jesus Christ She lives to see the gospel of Jesus Christ spread to the nations and longs for the orphan to know they have a Father. Out of that desire, Jenny founded Love to the Nations and began Abbahouse, a children's home in Greece. She lives in Thessaloniki, Greece with her husband, Elias and together they lead LTN and Abbahouse: Thessaloniki.

Lehmann Werner Il a été longtemps le pasteur principal du Gospel Center à Oron-la- ville. Il a été aussi le responsable apostolique du mouvement d’implantation église Gospal Wave. Il est dans le ministère depuis plus de 30 ans et à prêcher dans différents continents (Asie – Afrique). Son enseignement riche et pratique et grandement apprécie. De nombreuses personnes sont guéries et visiter au travers de son ministère.

Maat Hans Hans Maat is the Director of the Evangelish Werkverband. For a long time he worked in education, in national youth and evangelizing work, in the equipment and advice of municipalities. The Protestant Church in particular has its heart. In addition, he is a bridge builder between the Protestant and the evangelical and charismatic movement, based on a desire for unity.

Mack Audrey Audrey Mack was born and raised in France where she met the Lord in 1985. Her first love and desire is to know God, to reflect Him and serve Him. Her passion for God and her intimacy with Holy Spirit enables her to minister and help people across 5 continents. Having been miraculously healed of bone cancer in 1999, she has the burning desire to bring the message of grace, faith and healing to this generation. Her joy is to connect people to God’s heart, teaching them to walk with Holy Spirit so that with His help they may become fruitful and fulfill their God given destiny. You may find more info on Audrey’s ministry at www.Gotellminisry.org

Madan Laura Laura et John sont les fondateurs et pasteurs de l’église Victoire Centre Chrétien à Nice en France. Ils ont aussi implanté l’école biblique Rhema en France et en Suisse. John est anglais, tandis que Laura est américaine. Enthousiastes, débordants de vie et remplis de compassion, ils prêchent un message de foi, appuyé sur la puissance de la Parole de Dieu.

Madava Henry Pastor Henry Madava is the founder and the Senior Pastor of Victory Christian Churches as well the founder of Christ for All Cities Ministries. As an Evangelist, pastor Henry is annually organizing Jesus Festivals. Those are healing evangelical campaigns where God performs miracles: heals people from serious illnesses, makes them free and restores broken relations. Jesus Festivals take place in South, Southeast Asia, in the countries of Europe and Africa. Henry Madava’s mission is to help the person to find salvation through Jesus Christ. Pastor Henry is working in God's vineyard teaching and preaching the Truth in Ukraine and all around the world. Consistent and explicit teaching of the Word of God makes his preaching easily understood by everyone. Pastor Henry is a well- known preacher and speaker at many conferences. He has preached the Word of God in more than 50 countries. Many churches have already been founded in Ukraine and abroad.

Manwaring Paul Paul Manwaring was a pastor and a member of the Senior Management Team at Bethel Church. He's recently been sent to see Europe saved! Paul truly carries the gift of administration/government and releases that power and wisdom through his Supernatural Strategic Planning Workshops, his itinerant ministry, and his teaching at BSSM. His passion is to see the Bride prepared, glorious sons and daughters revealed, cancer destroyed, and cities transformed as the government of Heaven is established on earth. He holds a master’s degree in Management from Cambridge University and is a Registered General and Psychiatric Nurse. He's part of the "Europe shall be saved" leadership team, believing for 100 million lives for Jesus Christ.

Mauer Paul Paul Maurer is a Missionary-Evangelist with a strong prophetic gifting. When he was 16 years old his life was radically changed at the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, FL. In 2007, Paul came on staff at Brownsville Assembly of God, where the longest running revival in American History occurred. In 2012 the Lord was stirring Paul's heart for the nations and he pursued missionary work in Asia. After fruitful ministry the Lord opened a door to be personally mentored by Reinhard Bonnke's successor and President of Christ for all Nations - Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Paul has been a guest on God TV, TBN, and other television networks around the world. Paul is called to take the gospel to some of the most remote and unreached places in the world. This is accomplished through large scale gospel crusades in the nations. Paul also is called to bring spiritual renewal to the church. Paul burns with the fire of revival and his heart’s desire is to reach those that have never heard the name of Jesus

Morf Benjamin Benjamin was born in 1975 in South Africa, were his Parents lived as Missionaries to the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. He moved for his studies in Switzerland. In the Year 1999 Benjamin married his dear wife Daniela Morf. They are are the founders of Kingdom Multiplication Movement (KMM). They spread the Kingdom Culture into the least, darkest and most lost areas of the World. Daniela and Benjamin also started a Kingdom Family Movement in Asia, which is spreading rapidly. In the last 5 years God has also opened doors to start influencing and discipling the governmental sphere in several nations around Asia.

Nadon Jonny Jonny Nadon wurde schon in jungen Jahren auf kraftvolle Art und Weise von Gott berührt und als Evangelist berufen. Trotz seines jungen Alters hat er mittlerweile über 30 Länder bereist und tausende von Bekehrungen und Heilungen gesehen. Mit 21 Jahren gründete er die Schule der Erweckung, ein Vollzeit Bibelschule in Füssen, die in den letzten 4 Jahren über 200 Menschen absolvierten. Seit 2018 ist er mit seiner Frau Evelina verheiratet und hat eine Tochter.

Numes Eduardo

Eduardo Nunes started his ministry in 2011, carrying a strong message about the love of Jesus through the supernatural of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Word of God. He was a missionary in Africa, and nowadays is the coordenador of the school of missions. Every year missionaries from all over the world come to Brazil to learn and to be sent into the nations. He is a part of the Dunamis Movement leadership and travels nationally and internationally preaching. Eduardo and his wife are pastors of the young adults ministry called VOX. He has a bachelor degree in law school for the Presbyterian University of Mackenzie and lives in São Paulo, Brazil with his wife, Kristin Nunes and his first son, Joshua Brave

Osborn Ladonna ADr. LaDonna Osborn is the President and CEO of Osborn Ministries International, the ministry founded by her parents, Drs. T.L. and Daisy Osborn in 1949. Raised on the platforms of global evangelism she has proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ in over 100 nations through Mass Miracle Evangelism festivals, resulting in massive conversions and miracles of healing. Her Bible and teaching courses, books and audio/video materials and daily video eVotions are distributed globally. Dr. LaDonna's articulate expression and demonstration of the Gospel, from a broad worldview, teaches faith in Christ and energizes believers to continue His ministry. She sets a positive and inspiring example for both women and men in all areas of church ministry and Christian leadership.

Overstreet Chris Chris Overstreet is the founder of Compassion To Action. Chris spent 15 years serving at Bethel church training and equipping thousands of BSSM students in Power Evangelism. Chris has traveled across the world preaching the Word of God and activating the Body of Christ to do the same. He has a vision to reach the heart of America and beyond through preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, uniting churches, and equipping the everyday believer. Chris established Compassion To Action to ignite compassion in the hearts of people to demonstrate the love and power of God through equipping believers to live out the Gospel. Chris is married to his wife Stefanie and has a daughter named Brielle.

Payan Carlos Carlos has a prophetic ministry. He leads in Paris healing services and has a lot of wonderful testimonies. Appreciated for his simplicity and his humor, he likes to compel us to love and serve God more than everything else. His passion for revival is contagious! He is the founder of Paris Tout Est Possible (Paris E verything is Possible).

Père Pierre Aguila Le père Pierre Aguila est prêtre depuis 1986 et il est actuellement curé à la paroisse de Fréjus-Plage. Il a passé sa vie en tant que missionnaire pendant 25 ans dans de nombreux pays(France, Israël, Liban, Belgique, Canada, Philippines, Suisse,…). Il est l’auteur du livre « Un amour qui presse ». Il a fondé la Fraternité Missionnaire Jean Paul II qui a pour but de porter la Bonne Nouvelle du Salut à «tous ceux qui sont au loin» et d’exercer la compassion de Jésus, auprès de ceux qui meurent sur le bord du chemin afin qu’ils expérimentent la présence vivante du Christ dans l'Église.

Pereira Rodrigues Ex sports coach of the famous soccer team of Benfica / Lisbon, today he is a speaker, writer, pastor and vice-president of the evangelical alliance. He experiments the supernatural on a daily basis. The 25th of December 2015, he went to his mom with his wife Anna to spend Christmas with her. When he arrived at her home, he found her dead in her bed. After crying out to God, as her body was already cold, she came back to life.

Chris Poeschl Chris wurde als Sohn eines Österreichers und einer Engländerin in Wien, Österreich, geboren. Er wuchs in einer christlichen Familie auf, doch die persönliche Entscheidung für Christus traf er mit 14 Jahren auf einer christlichen Familienfreizeit in England. Chris war klassischer Musiker bevor er anfing, Lobpreis zu leiten und ist nun bereits seit dem Alter von 18 Jahren im Lobpreisbereich involviert, begleitet Lobpreisteams und spricht bei Lobpreisseminaren in ganz Europa. Seine Eltern gründeten die Four Corners Christian Fellowship, eine Ortsgemeinde, deren Fokus es ist, die Gegenwart Gottes zu suchen und die Heiligen auszurüsten, damit sie ihr ganzes Potential entfalten und einen starken geistlichen Einfluss auf Wien, Österreich und Europa ausüben.

Seit Juni 2014 sind Chris und seine Frau Starla die Hauptpastoren der Four Corners Christian Fellowship. Chris‘ größte Leidenschaft ist es, dass Menschen in ihrer Identität in Christus freigesetzt werden und sich der übernatürlichen Natur bewusst werden, die Gott jedem Gläubigen gegeben hat. Er sehnt sich danach, dass Menschen so stark mit der manifesten Gegenwart Gottes verbunden werden, dass sie gerettet, geheilt, ausgerüstet und als eine Armee von selbstbewussten Liebhabern Jesu‘ in die Nationen Europas und der Welt gesandt werden.

Chris ist auch Gründer und Leiter der Christlichen Heilungsräume Wien (seit 2017), einem überkonfessionellen Heilungsdienst in Wien. Chris und Starla haben vier Kinder und leben in Wien, Österreich.

Rajiah Dorothée Dorothy Rajiah is the Pastor of Paris Christian Center, one of the largest church in France where thousands are reached for God. Called in the ministry at a young age, she gave up everything for the call of God. She is passionate to see people coming to Jesus and being trained for God’s greatest mission.

Reinhardt Kristin Kristin Reinhardt ist Norwegerin, seit 1991 mit Tim verheiratet, Mutter von 4 erwachsenen Kindern und wohnhaft in Stuttgart, Deutschland. Kristin liebt es mit ihrer Familie zusammen zu sein. Mit ihrem Mann, ist sie Teil des Core-Teams (Leitungsteams) im GOSPEL FORUM in Stuttgart. In den frühen 90’er Jahren genossen sie gemeinsam eine theologische Ausbildung in Uppsala, Schweden. Seitdem sie sich kennen dienen sie, in unterschiedlichen Bereichen, Seite an Seite im Reich Gottes.Kristin ist eine leidenschaftliche Lobpreisleiterin, die es liebt, die Gemeinde in die Gegenwart Gottes zu führen. Sie ist Teil des Leitungsteams im Worshipbereich in der Gemeinde, schreibt eigene Songs und lehrt immer wieder in unterschiedlichen Kontexten über Lobpreis und Anbetung.Zudem war sie Teil mehrerer Musikproduktionen.2012 initiierte sie den Dienst an Frauen, („WERTVOLL“ genannt), der seither, innerhalb und außerhalb der Gemeinde, tausende Frauen und Mädchen erreicht hat. Ihr Herz brennt dafür, Frauen über ihre Identität zu lehren, damit sie entdecken wozu sie leben und welches Potential sie in Gott haben. Auch lehrt sie gerne über die Autorität des Gläubigen. Ihre Leidenschaft besteht darin, Frauen und Männer zu bevollmächtigen, für etwas Größeres zu leben als nur für sich selbst und Gottes Perspektive für ihr Leben zu erkennen.

Sephora Amaya Amaya a donné sa vie à Jésus en 2007. Elle a passé plusieurs années à être enseigner dans la parole de Dieu. En 2018, Amaya a commencé à évangéliser et priée pour les malades dans les rues et métro. Aujourd’hui elle est pasteur de l’église « Jésus mon refuge » à Paris.

Ramsey Joel Joel is a passionate preacher of the Good Gospel of Jesus Christ. For the first 11 years of his ministry life he worked for his father Mark Ramsey on Pastoral staff of Citipointe Church, Australia, a church of 10 locations worldwide. In 2017 Joel moved to South Africa where he and his wife started the ministry called Awaken Africa. Joel is revivalist and has a huge emphasis on the supernatural power of God to transform people’s lives, to see people set free and live free.

Reinhardt Timothy Bin mit Kristin Reinhardt seit bald 30 Jahren verheiratet und wir haben 4 gemeinsame Kinder. Fast alle schon erwachsen. Seit über 12 Jahren bin ich teil der Gospel Forum Family und fast ebenso lang hier als Pastor in verschiedenen Aufgaben tätig. U.a. leite ich die Männer Arbeit und mit meiner Frau sind wir im Worship Bereich aktiv. Ich liebe meine Church!!! Das ist zugleich auch meine Leidenschaft, eine herrliche und attraktive Gemeinde in unserer Zeit zu sehen, die Gottes Kraft und Schönheit ausstrahlt.

Rickard Jim & Ramona Founders of RAIN, Resurrection Apostolic International Network, a global network of churches, pastors, missionaries, and trans-local ministers. They are also the Founders of IAHM - The International Association of Healing Ministries. They have taught, trained, and equipped more than 100,000 Pastors and Leaders around the world, “To Do the Works of Jesus.” Their heart is also to train hungry, passionate believers, through Healing Schools, Seminars, and Institutes, who then accompany them on Missions Trips, which is a “Fast Track” to having an anointed ministry of healing the sick. Their work for the past 12 years in the Dominican Republic has been bringing more than 1,500 National leaders together in Unity with a purpose to release revival in the Caribbean nations and around the world. The Rickard’s served for more than 40 years in pastoral ministry and have been married for nearly 60 years. They make their home in beautiful, West Central Wisconsin.

Ruonala Katherine Katherine Ruonala has a healing and prophetic ministry. She travels internationally as a conference speaker bringing a message of love and hope to the nations. Katherine carries a strong prophetic and miracle anointing with many being instantly healed in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of believers to go deeper in their relationship with God.

Schmerold Philipp Philipp J. Schmerold ist ein Pionier, der auf 6 Kontinenten gepredigt hat und in über 50 Länder reiste. Als er noch in seinen 20ern war, diente er bereits als Missionar in zum Teil extrem abgelegenen Gebieten der Erde und leitete Großevangelisationen, bei denen Zehntausende errettet und geheilt wurden. Er ist ein Evangelist, Pastor, Autor und Konferenzsprecher. Gott gebraucht Philipp in einer starken prophetischen Salbung und viele Menschen haben durch seinen Dienst Heilung von Gott empfangen. Vor seiner Bekehrung war Philipp im harten Kern der rechtsextremen Skinhead-Szene. Sein Leben war von Hass und Gewalt geprägt, aber der Herr Jesus Christus bewirkte eine tiefe Transformation in ihm. Seitdem sieht Philipp es als seine Hauptaufgabe, die Gute Nachricht von Jesus Christus zu verkündigen und nach Jahren geprägt von einem übernatürlichen Lebensstil, Missionsarbeit und Gemeindegründungen, haben sein Hunger nach Erweckung und der Ausführung des Missionsbefehl nur zugenommen. Philipp ist Pastor des Revival Centers in Handenberg, Österreich, Leiter des Revival Church Netzwerkes und Autor mehrerer Bücher.

David Schmied David est marié à Claudia et ils ont 2 filles. Il est un homme passionné de Dieu et aspire à voir encore plus le surnaturel de Dieu se manifester dans la vie des gens. Vingt ans plus tôt, alors qu’il nourrit le rêve d’aller s’installer au Canada pour y pratiquer son métier d’agriculteur, il entend l’appel de Dieu. Il abandonne l’agriculture pour aller faire une école biblique à Ibeto, en Suisse, et entre ensuite dans le ministère. Il voit la porte s’ouvrir à Delémontet devient le pasteur du Gospel Center Jura, depuis maintenant 13 années.

Sorger Matt Matt Sorger is a prophetic minister who carries a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God, with many saved, healed, set free and filled with God’s presence. Matt is a strong preacher and teacher of God’s word, mentoring and equipping the body of Christ to live in the realm of God’s power and glory. He has impacted the globe ministering in over 35 nations and has reached over 200 nations by television and media. Matt and his wife Stephanie oversee Rescue1, rescuing children from trafficking around the world. Their vision is to see at least 1,500 children set free.

Spinks Joël He is the founding pastor of the Quebec Victory Church, located in Canada. His vision is to « transform the spiritual climate of francophone nations through the broadcasting of the message of faith in Jesus Christ. » He’s also authored books such as « Understanding Divine Healing », « Jesus Revealed: The Gospel of John Explained », « Prophetic Light » and « You are richly blessed ». Pastor Joël holds a « Bachelor of Theology » from the Saint Paul’s Bible Institute (New York, NY, USA). Pastor Joël and his wife Mathilde are the parents of two beautiful girls, Flora-Mae and Félicité. The Spinks family resides in Bromont, Quebec.

Soeur Judith Myriam Depuis sa rencontre avec le Christ en 1993, Sœur Judith-Myriam parcourt le monde pour annoncer le glorieux Evangile de Jésus- Christ qui libère et guérit encore aujourd’hui. Elle est docteur en philosophie, licenciée en théologie et appartient à la communauté catholique du Divin Amour. Elle a une grande expérience des communautés paroissiales ainsi que de l’évangélisation des groupes de prière du Renouveau Charismatique. Elle exerce un ministère de guérison, de réveil et d’accompagnement spirituels au sein de l’église de Belgique et porte par une prédication de feu au cours de soirées ou de retraites spirituelles.

Tamboise Gérard Dr. Gérard Tamboise is a cardiologist. He ministers healing in France and Europe.

Tour Jean-Michel Petit dernier de trois enfants, d’éducation catholique, le Père Jean- Michel Tour a commencé à percevoir l’appel du Seigneur en 1986, lequel se fit entendre clairement en 1989 dans une école d’évangélisation. En 1999, il a choisi de se mettre à la disposition du diocèse de Toulon et ai intégré le séminaire de La Castille, pour être prêtre, à La Castille en 2003.Son appel a surgi dans le Renouveau Charismatique ; il vit donc son ministère avec cette richesse-là. Il est sensible à la présence de l’Esprit de Dieu, il aime vivre de son feu et il travaille pour qu’il embrasse puissamment les cœurs !

Trachsel Jean-Luc Since his early age, God called him to bring His Word with a demonstration of power. He has travelled over the five continents, has visited more than 80 nations and was able to share the Gospel to all kind of circumstances and situations. Visionnary and entrepreneur, he believes that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. He works actively to bring unity among the Christians to proclaim the Gospel with mercy and compassion to this generation. His sensibility to the Spirit allows the manifestation of the supernatural with signs, miracles, healings and the salvation. Jean-Luc is the International director of IAHM, where the mission is to restore the healing ministries in the body in Christ. Married to his beautiful wife Josiane, father of 4 children, he loves to spend time with his family.

Truttmann Matthias Matthias Truttmann ist mit Ruth verheiratet und der führende Pastor der FCG Aarau. In ihrer Jugend erlebten sie eine Gegenwart Gottes, die von der Wiederbelebung Argentiniens geprägt war und die sie niemals gehen ließ. Dieses Feuer, diese Sehnsucht nach der Herrlichkeit Gottes brennt immer noch in ihren Herzen und wird in seinen Wirkungen immer stärker. Heilungen und Durchbrüche finden regelmäßig im Zusammenhang mit ihren Diensten in und durch ihre Kirche statt. Matthias hat die Gabe, Menschen zu ermutigen, freizulassen und ein spirituelles Zuhause zu schaffen. Zusammen mit ihren vier Kindern leben sie die Gegenwart und Kraft des Reiches Gottes im Alltag aus.

Théry David David est le fondateur de l’École de Ministère Surnaturel Francophone qui inspire, forme et active les croyants à exercer les dons spirituels dans la vie quotidienne. Il a été pasteur pendant 12 ans au Québec. David est l’auteur des best-seller À l’écoute de Dieu, Guérir les malades, 21 jours à l’écoute de Dieu et Joie surnaturelle. Marié à Sylvie, il est le papa comblé de Camille, Chloé, Charlotte, Zoé et Éthan. David et sa famille vivent à La Réunion.

Van der Steen Mattheus Mattheus van der Steen is the founder of the House of Heroes church and is currently the senior pastor. Mattheus is a frequently requested speaker and he still travels to different countries to bring the Gospel. God uses his organisation Gospel Music Festival to open up and disciple nations. Myanmar, Laos, North Korea and 82 other countries have been touched by the ministry.

Varughese Mark Mark & Jemima Varughese are the founders and Senior Leaders of Kingdomcity - a fast-growing church in multiple locations around the world. Mark's journey began in 2003 when he left his legal career to pursue full-time ministry in a local church in Perth, Australia. In 2005, he had a personal encounter with God in what he describes as 'his burning bush' experience. In response to what he believed God told him, he left Australia, bought a one-way ticket to , and planted what is now Kingdomcity in April 2006. Jemima married Mark in 2007, joining him 18 months into this God-journey. Together, they share a passion and burden to bring the reality of God to our world across multiple cultures. Along with their 2 sons, Zeke & Caleb, they are wholeheartedly committed as a family to this mandate. With a growing gifted team of passionate pastors and strategic leaders in multiple nations, Kingdomcity is quickly expanding into a global movement with seeds now in Africa, the middle East, Europe, Asia and Australia in 1st world and developing world settings. The “family atmosphere” between the team globally continues to be a hallmark of Kingdomcity and the emphasis on relational connection, spiritual hunger, and daily empowerment of each believer ‘to bring the reality of God to their world’ is their unashamed focus. Mark is currently finishing his first book this year which captures his personal journey and the Kingdomcity story, interwoven with a common thread of faith and risk. Stay in touch for more details on the release of his book in your city.

Wagner David David Wagner has a passion to reach the lost, restore the broken hearted and heal through the power of the Word of God and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. David lives with the conviction that the Church is a prophetic voice for society. He's heard the cry of the Father to raise up sons and daughters in the Church. In 2001, he launched Father's Heart Ministries to help believers discover their identity and destiny in Christ.

Wenz Markus Markus Wenz is the youth pastor of Gospel Forum Stuttgart, Germany. Every month he organizes Holy Spirit Night, events that gather thousands of youth. His heart burns for the youth of Europe. He is a bold preacher, full of faith for the miraculous of God!

Wenz Elsie Elsie and her husband Markus, live with the passion to see the young European generation be set on fire with the love of Jesus!

Wenz Peter Peter Wenz is the Senior Pastor of the Gospel Forum Stuttgart, the biggest charismatic church in Germany. In addition to pastoring his church and counselling other pastors, he travels extensively nationally and internationally. His main concern is to encourage believers in the Love of God and the vital importance of a deep, personal relationship with the Lord.

Wild Daniel Mein Name ist Daniel Wild,ich bin 31 Jahre alt, verheiratet und wir haben einen zweijährigen Sohn. In meiner Jugend bin ich auf die schiefe Bahn geraten, habe angefangen Drogen zu konsumieren und einen Party Lifestyle zu leben, durch den ich suizidal depressiv wurde. In dieser Zeit lernte ich Menschen kennen, die mir von einer persönlichen Begegnung mit Gott erzählt haben. Sie beteten für mich und ich hatte eine mächtige Begegnung mit dem heiligen Geist, der mein Leben seitdem radikal verändert hat. Ich wurde frei von Depression und Drogen und begann eine lebendige Beziehung mit Jesus. Zurück in Deutschland, begann ich mit Freunden evangelistische Gottesdienste in Bars und Kneipen in Würzburg zu organisieren und veranstaltete gemeinsam mit den lokalen Gemeinden und Kirchen 2015 in der Basketball Arena in Würzburg eine Großevangelisation. Durch diese Events Wurden über die Jahre ca. 10.000 Menschen mit dem Evangelium erreicht. In dieser Zeit schärfte Jesus die Berufung für Evangelisation und Vollzeitlichen Dienst.Seit Oktober 2019 sind wir als Familie für zwei Jahre nach Bielefeld gezogen, um als vollzeitliche Mitarbeiter bei einer Missionsgemeinschaft zu lernen, wie wann einen evangelistischen Dienst startet und leitet. Ich predige im Alltag das Evangelium und liebe es Menschen in eine Begegnung mit Jesus zu führen. Ich erlebe wie Menschen radikale Begegnungen mit dem Heiligen Geist haben und geheilt werden. Ich predige in Gemeinden über das Leben mit dem Heiligen Geist.Meine Frau und ich haben die Vision im Raum Würzburg einen Dienst aufzubauen, der Menschen in die Nachfolge Jesu ruft, in der Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Gemeinden europaweit evangelistische Großveranstaltungen organisiert und Menschen darin trainieren in einem übernatürlichen Lebensstil zu leben. Im August ziehen wir wieder nach Würzburg.

Worku Henok Henok is a pastor in the Gospel Forum, book author and International Speaker. After a supernatural healing, he realized that God wanted to use him as a voice and so he decided on this particular focus. Henok lived in New York for 4 years as a missionary and is still strongly influenced by that time! He describes himself as a citizen of the world. Originally Henok comes from Ethiopia but he was born and raised in Germany.

Yoong Yang Tuck Rev. Yang Tuck Yoong is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church, - a vibrant and Spirit- filled church that has over 150 churches, schools, orphanages, and bible colleges in 16 different bases around world. A passionate and compelling speaker, his desire is to see the Body of Christ come to sonship and full maturity, and for the Church to be filled with the Glory of God. Rev. Yang is married to Daphne, and they have four children.

Yamnahakki-Bossy Adeline Adeline est médecin psychiatre et psychothérapeute d’enfants et d’adolescents. Son parcours l’amène à découvrir le Docteur par excellence : Dieu.