Saturday, May 22, 2021

an evenInG to beneFIt type 1 DIabeteS ReSeaRch the JDRF promise ball will be held virtually on Saturday, May 22nd. We are planning an exciting theme, “escape to ”. We will celebrate the evening by sharing stories of inspiration and hope, advances in research and expressing overwhelming gratitude to our supporters. We will do all this while raising critical funds for type 1 Diabetes Research.

What WIll the evenInG look lIke The 30-minute virtual program will include mission highlights, sponsor and supporter recognition, an amazing auction and entertainment. Guests will have an opportunity to support JDRF’s mission by contributing through the evening’s silent/elite auction and our signature Fund a Cure. View the program from your home with family or expand your viewing party by hosting a small group at your house. Get InvolveD WIth JDRF In a MeanInGFul Way Companies support JDRF because we have a solid record of funding research efficiently and effectively. Approximately 80% of what we raise goes directly to research and research related education, which is among the highest percentage of charities nationwide. Also, Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) associated healthcare costs in the U.S. account for $14 billion dollars annually. What IS type 1 D IabeteS ? Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone people need to get energy from food. Living with T1D is a constant balancing act for children and adults. People with T1D must regularly monitor their blood-sugar levels, inject or continually infuse insulin through a pump, and carefully regulate insulin dose with eating and activity 24 hours a day.

Support Research that Makes an Impact SponSoRShIp oppoRtunItIeS $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 $7,500 parrotheads lost Shaker of Salt Fins up

Exclusive naming opportunity as Title Sponsor

Logo branding on Party Host Bag

30 second commercial during virtual program

Dinner for up to 20 people including cocktails, and dessert (delivery to one location)

Personal delivery of auction items post-party

Youth Ambassador Personal "Thank You" video posted on Social Media

Exclusive invitation to "TED Talk" given by Steve Miller, MD, Chief Clinical Officer at Cigna

Foursome at the JDRF Golf Tournament September 7th at Avon Country Club 3 included 2 included 1 included Sponsor logo on golf hole tee sign at JDRF Golf Tournament 3 included 2 included 1 included Sponsor logo recognition: post-event thank you E-mail blast and Social Media post Party Host Bag includes signature cocktail, selfie sticks, fun items to help create your party atmosphere! Sponsor logo recognition on invite, social media posts and event website Sponsor logo recognition in virtual program, during auction on ticker message & logo on mobile bidding

Auction Access

estimated tax-Deductible portion $48,930 $24,100 $9,770 $7,440

All Sponsors who confirm by January 30, 2021 will be included in the invitation and pre-event marketing.

FunD a cuRe chaMpIon Fund A Cure is a unique opportunity to make a direct impact on the lives of people living with T1D through a 100% tax-deductible donation in support of JDRF’s mission. Our global leadership has driven nearly every advance toward T1D cures during the past 50 years — and has been essential to the development of treatments and technologies that are improving the lives of people with this disease today. All Fund A Cure Champion donors will receive recognition during the virtual program, a quarterly research update and access to our elite auction.

avaIlable FunD a cuRe DonatIon oppoRtunItIeS aRe aS FolloWS: $25,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $500

*These are suggested levels of giving. Please feel free to donate in any amount that you are able.

hoW to GIve To make your gift online please visit You may also mail a check to JDRF, 20 Batterson Park Road, Farmington, CT 06032. To make a stock donation please contact Jennifer Gallagher at [email protected] or call 860-321-2265. JDRF is a charitable organization with tax-exempt status granted under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Our tax ID is 23-1907729.