The Newbieʼs Guide to Using D-Star How to get the most out of your new D-Star transceiver V1.0 Susan Mackay VK3ANZ 1 © 2009 Susan Mackay Permission is granted to use this document in whole or part for non-commercial and personal use provided that no personal or commercial gain is obtained. For any commercial use, please contact the author at
[email protected] to obtain the necessary permission as negotiated on a case-by-case basis. My thanks to Ross VK3HBS, David VK3UR, and Richard VK3JFK for their proof-reading and valuable comments and contributions to this document. 2 Purpose of this booklet This is the booklet I needed when I bought my first D-Star transceiver. D-Star is sufficiently different to the standard analog FM means of communication to make it a rather frustrating experience if you donʼt go about it the right way. You must read the manual1 that came with the radio. It will tell you how to use the various features of the radio. Unfortunately the radioʼs manual told me EVERYTHING the radio can do, but not when to use a particular feature, or why. or even if using a feature was necessary. Layout of the Booklet To understand D-Star requires a bit of theory and a definition of terms, concepts and protocols that, by themselves, might not make much sense. We need to build on these later to provide a full understanding of the abilities and capabilities of the radio. Weʼll start with a few of the necessary foundations. Read Section 1 (D-Star Basics); do not skip or skim read it.