(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,915,307 B2 Casseday Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,915,307 B2 Casseday Et Al USOO7915307B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,915,307 B2 Casseday et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 29, 2011 (54) METHODS OF IMPROVING THE 2003/0235617 A1 12/2003 Martino et al. PHARMACOKINETCS OF DOXEPIN 2005, 0123609 A1 6/2005 Hirsh et al. 2005/0239838 A1 10/2005 Edgar et al. (75) Inventors: Cara Baron Casseday, San Diego, CA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Elizabeth Ludington, San Diego, WO WO99/40898 8, 1999 CA (US); Michael Skinner, San Diego, OTHER PUBLICATIONS CA (US); Susan Dubé, Carlsbad, CA http://apma-nc.com/PatientEducation/INSOMNIA.HTM. 2000, (US); Roberta L. Rogowski, Rancho 1-4. Santa Fe, CA (US); Philip Jochelson, Prescription Drugs, http://www.grandtimes.com/Answer Drugs. 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