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Jul. 6, 2010. http://www.ambiencr. opment Program for the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Pharma com/hcp? Zolpidem-tartrate.aspx. ceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Jul 19, 2006). Ambien CR (Zolpidem tartrate extended release) tablets—CIV. Full Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Provides Update on Preclinical and Clini Prescribing Information. Sep. 2009. Web. Jul. 6, 2010. http://prod cal Programs for SILENORTM, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press ucts. Sanofi-aventis.us/ambien crambiencr.html. Release, San Diego, CA (Sep. 11, 2006). Silenor (doxepin) Prescribing Information. Revised Mar. 2010. Somaxon Pharmaceuticals SILENORTM Demonstrates Positive Restoril-temazepam capsule. Mallinckrodt Inc. Prescribing Informa Results in a Phase 3 Transient Insomnia Clinical Trial, Somaxon tion. Revised Mar. 2006. Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Oct. 23, 2006). US 7,915,307 B2 Page 5

Somaxon Pharmaceuticals SILENORTM Demonstrates Positive Somaxon Provides Update on New Drug Application for Results in its Third Phase 3 Clinical Trial in Insomnia, Somaxon SILENOR(R) (Doxepin) for the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Nov. 20, 2006). Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Apr. 7, 2009). Somaxon's SILENORTM Demonstrates Positive Results in Long Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Presents Analyses of Silenor Clinical Term Phase 3 Clinical Trial in Elderly Patients with Insomnia, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Dec. 18, Data at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, 2006). Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (May 20, Somaxon Provides Update on SILENORTM Preclinical Program, 2009). Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Feb. 13, Somaxon Resubmits New Drug Application for SILENOR(R) 2007). (Doxepin) for the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Provides Update on SILENORTM Devel Press Release, San Diego, CA (Jun. 4, 2009). opment Program, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Somaxon Receives Complete Response Letter from the FDA for Diego, CA (May 9, 2007). SILENOR(R) NDA, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Announces Completion of 26-Week Diego, CA (Dec. 7, 2009). Transgenic Mouse Carcinogenicity Study of SILENORTM, Somaxon Somaxon Scheduled to Meet with FDA to Discuss Complete Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Jan. 9, 2008). Response Letter for SILENOR(R) NDA. Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Submits New Drug Application for Press Release, San Diego, CA (Dec. 17, 2009). SILENORTM for the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Pharmaceu Somaxon Provides Update on New Drug Application for ticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Jan. 21, 2008). SILENORR) for the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Pharmaceuti Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Announces Acceptance for Filing of New cals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Jan. 21, 2010). Drug Application for SILENORTM for the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Announces FDA Approval of SILENOR(R) (Doxepin) for Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Apr. 15, the Treatment of Insomnia, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, 2008). San Diego, CA (Mar. 18, 2010). Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Announces Data to be Presented at Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Phase 3 Results with American Psychiatric Association 161 Annual Meeting. Somaxon SILENORTM for the Treatment of Adults with Chronic Insomnia, Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (May 2, 2008). Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Apr. 10, Clinical Data on Somaxon Pharmaceuticals' Product Candidate for 2006). the Treatment of Insomnia Presented at American Psychiatric Asso Stimmel, et al., “Mirtazapine: An Antidepressant with Noradrenergic ciation Annual Meeting. Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, and Specific Serotonergic Effects' Pharmacotherapy (1997) 17(1): San Diego, CA (May 7, 2008). 10-21. Somaxon Pharmaceuticals to Present Data at the 22". Annual Meet Summary Basis for Approval of SINEQUAN (1973); Pursuant to ing of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Somaxon Phar FOIA Request filed in 1996 (sedative, tranquilizer and sleep effects maceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Jun. 4, 2008). mentioned for example on pags. 50, 54-56, 58-59). SILENORTM Data Presented at the 22'Annual Meeting of the Asso Thase, Michael E., “Antidepressant Treatment of the Depressed ciated Professional Sleep Societies, Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Patient with Insomnia” J. Clin. Psychiatry (1999) 60(Suppl. 17): Release, San Diego, CA (Jun. 12, 2008). 28-31. Somaxon Presents Pharmacological Data on Doxepin at the 21 Vincent, et al., “Utilisation du Sommeil Humain comme Test de European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, L'Action Psychotrope d'un Medicament Exemple: La Doxepine” Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Sep. 2, Bordeaux Medical (1971) 16:2651-2658. (English Translation). 2008). Office Action dated Nov.30, 2009 in U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/804,720, filed Somaxon Receives Complete Response Letter from the FDA for May 18, 2007. SILENOR(R) (Doxepin), Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Press Release, San Diego, CA (Feb. 26, 2009). * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 2011 US 7,915,307 B2


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Admission t Discharge from Admission to Discharge from Study Study Center Study Center Study Center Center (Day 0) (Day 4) (Day 7) (Day 11) US 7,915,307 B2 1. 2 METHODS OF IMPROVING THE epin with food increases the overall bioavailability of doxepin PHARMACOKINETCS OF DOXEPIN and results in a higher maximum concentration (C) of doxepin. In one experiment, the administration of doxepin CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED with food resulted in a 41% increase in bioavailability APPLICATIONS (AUCo.) and a 15% increase in C compared to adminis tration in a fasted State. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Appli As a result of the various discoveries related to the food cation Nos. 60/832,727 and 60/833,617, respectively filed on effects of doxepin and depending upon the type of therapy and Jul. 20, 2006 and Jul 24, 2006, both entitled METHODS OF the desired overall result of that therapy, a patient can benefit IMPROVING THE PHARMACOKINETICS OF DOX 10 from a number of different therapeutic regimens. Disclosed EPIN. The disclosure of each of the above-described appli are various therapeutic regimens influenced by the food cations is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. effects observed with doxepin. Achieving a More Rapid Maximum Concentration (T) FIELD OF THE INVENTION In some circumstances, more rapid onset of doxepin action 15 may be desired. One embodiment relates to a method of The present invention relates to methods of improving the shortening the time required to achieve a maximum plasma pharmacokinetics of doxepin in a patient. concentration of doxepin in a patient receiving doxepin therapy, which method can include administering to the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION patient a therapeutically effective amount of doxepin in a pharmaceutical composition without food. The methods can The term “food effect” refers to a somewhat unpredictable have various benefits, including more rapid onset of drug phenomenon that can influence the absorption of drugs from action, shorter duration of effect, etc. The administration to the gastrointestinal tract following oral administration. A the patient can occur, for example, at least about 30 minutes, food effect can be designated “negative' when absorption is at least about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, at least about 3 decreased, or “positive' when absorption is increased and 25 hours or at least about 4 hours, or more after consuming food. manifested as an increase in oral bioavailability (as reflected Also, administration to the patient can occurat least about 30 by total exposure, usually defined as AUC). Alternatively, minutes, at least about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, at least food effects can refer to changes in maximum concentration about 3 hours, or at least about 4 hours, or more prior to (C), or the time to reach maximum concentration (T,), consuming food, for example. independently of overall absorption. As a result, Some drugs 30 Sleep Therapy: have to be taken in either fasted or fed conditions to achieve Another embodiment relates to methods of treating sleep the optimum effect. For example, patients may be instructed disorders. A desirable sleep medication preferably can have to take a drug with a meal, before a meal (e.g., one hour before the ability to affect the onset of drug action and the duration of a meal), or after a meal (e.g., two hours after a meal). How drug activity (e.g., to avoid hangover, etc.). Generally, a per ever, many drugs are unaffected by food, and thus, can be 35 son will desire to fall asleep as soon as possible, to stay asleep taken in either a fasted or a fed condition. for about 8 hours, and to wake up without hangover or extra Doxepin is a tricyclic compound currently approved for sedation at the end of the 8 hours. As mentioned above, treatment of depression and anxiety. The recommended daily Surprisingly, the administration of doxepin without food oral dose for the treatment of depression or anxiety ranges resulted in achieving a maximum concentration of the drug from 75 milligrams to 300 milligrams. Also, U.S. Pat. Nos. 40 three hours Sooner compared to administration with food. As 5,502,047 and 6,211,229 describe the use of doxepin for the a result, when treating sleep, doxepin can be taken without treatment chronic and non-chronic (e.g., transient/short term) food in order to achieve earlier onset of drug action and/or a insomnia. Doxepin, unlike most FDA-approved products for shorter duration of drug action. the treatment of insomnia, is not a Schedule IV controlled Thus, Some embodiments relate to a method of shortening Substance. Historically, doxepin pharmacokinetics have not 45 the time required to achieve sleep onset, which method can been known to be affected by food. include administering to the patient a therapeutically effec In treating depression, anxiety and sleep disorders it is tive amount of doxepin in a pharmaceutical composition beneficial to optimize the pharmacokinetics of the adminis without food. Also, another embodiment relates to a method tered medication inapatient. For example, in the case of sleep of treating a sleep disorder comprising providing a patient disorders a patient may have a set window of time within 50 with a therapeutically effective amount of doxepin and pro which they desire that their sleep occur. Thus, it can be useful viding the patient with instructions to take the doxepin with to minimize the amount of time required to attain a maximum out food. The doxepin can be provided to the patient at least concentration of a drug in order to receive the therapeutic about 30 minutes, at least about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, benefit of the drug as soon as possible during the desired at least about 3 hours or at least about 4 hours or more after treatment period. 55 consuming food, or at least about 30 minutes, or at least about 1 hour prior to consuming food. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Still a further embodiment relates to a method of treating a sleep disorder comprising providing a patient with a thera Some embodiments are based upon the Surprising discov peutically effective amount of doxepin and providing the ery about the food effects of doxepin. For example, as 60 patient with information regarding a doxepin food effect. The described more fully below, it has been discovered that information can be provided orally or in written form. Some administration of doxepin without food decreases the time to exemplary written forms include a label associated with the achieve maximum blood concentration or T for doxepin. drug, on the container for the drug, packaged with the drug, or In one experiment, the administration of doxepin without separately given to the patient apart from the drug. food resulted in achieving T three hours more quickly than 65 Still some embodiments relate to the use of doxepin in the when doxepin was administered with food. As another preparation of a medicament for treatment of a sleep disorder, example, it has been discovered that administration of said medicament for administration without food. Also, the US 7,915,307 B2 3 4 use can further be for shortening the time required to achieve epin by administration with food; for minimizing side effects a maximal plasma concentration of doxepin by administra associated with a doxepin treatment of the psychological tion without food. The administration without food can occur disorder, by administering a therapeutically effective amount when the patient is in a fasted state. The administration with of doxepin with food, which can result in the patient receiving out food can occur, for example, at least about 30 minutes, at or in a physician prescribing a lower dosage of doxepin com least about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, at least about 3 hours pared the dosage that is taken by the patient without food; or or at least about 4 hours, or more after consuming food. Also, for improving the consistency of pharmacokinetics associ it can occur, for example, at least about 30 minutes, at least ated with doxepin therapy, in which a patient receives a mul about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, at least about 3 hours, or tiple doxepin dosages over multiple days, comprising admin at least about 4 hours, or more prior to consuming food. In 10 istering the doxepin in a fixed temporal relationship to food Some aspects, the administration of the doxepin can occur, for intake by the patient. example, at least about 30 minutes, at least about 1 hour, or Decreasing Bioavailability: more prior to consuming food. It should be noted that some embodiments relate to meth Achieving a Greater C or a Greater Bioavailability ods of decreasing the oral bioavailability of doxepin. Greater C: 15 Decreasing oral bioavailability can be beneficial in some Some embodiments relate to a method of increasing the contexts. For example, as mentioned above for sleep thera maximum plasma concentration of doxepin in a patient pies, it can be beneficial to shorten the duration of the drug receiving doxepin therapy comprising administering to the action in order to minimize hangover or other effects. The patient a therapeutically effective amount of doxepin in a methods of decreasing bioavailability can include adminis pharmaceutical composition with food. tering to a patient an amount of a pharmaceutical oral dosage Greater Bioavailability: form of doxepin without food. Furthermore, some embodi Also, some embodiments relate to methods of increasing ments relate to methods of decreasing the oral bioavailability the oral bioavailability of doxepin, including by administer of doxepinto a patient receiving doxepin therapy, comprising ing to a patient an amount of a pharmaceutical oral dosage administering to the patient an amount of a pharmaceutical form of doxepin with food. Further embodiments relate to 25 oral dosage form of doxepin without food, wherein the methods of increasing the oral bioavailability of doxepin to a administration results in an AUCo. that is less than that patient receiving doxepin therapy, which methods can achieved by the administration of the same amount of dox include administering to the patient an amount of a pharma epin with food. In Such methods, doxepin can be administered ceutical oral dosage form of doxepin with food, wherein the as part of a chronic doxepin therapy, for example. Also, in administration results in an AUC that is greater than that 30 Such methods administration to the patient can occur, for achieved by the administration of the same amount of dox example, at least about 30 minutes, at least about 1 hour, at epin without food. In such methods, the doxepin can be least about 2 hours, at least about 3 hours or at least about 4 administered as part of a chronic doxepin therapy, for hours, or more after consuming food. Also, administration to example. the patient can occur at least about 30 minutes, at least about Anxiety/Depression Therapy: 35 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, at least about 3 hours, or at least Still another embodiment relates to methods of treating about 4 hours, or more prior to consuming food, for example. depression or anxiety. It is worth noting that improved phar Minimizing Doxepin Side Effects and Improving Pharmaco macokinetics of doxepin in the context of depression or anxi kinetic Consistency ety can be beneficial, for example by, leading to more safe and Some embodiments relate to methods of minimizing side effective dosing. The methods of treating depression or anxi 40 effects associated with a doxepin therapy. The methods can ety can include administering a therapeutically effective include, for example, administering a therapeutically effec amount of doxepin preferably with food. In some embodi tive amount of doxepin to a patient with food. Also, the ments the depression or anxiety can be treated by administer administration of doxepin with food can result in a patient ing doxepin without food. Also, some embodiments relate to receiving or a physician prescribing a lower dose of doxepin methods of treating depression or anxiety, including by pro 45 compared to the dosage prescribed without food. viding a patient with a therapeutically effective amount of This disclosure includes a method for improving the con doxepin and providing the patient with instructions to pref sistency of pharmacokinetics associated with doxepin erably take the doxepin with food. In some alternative therapy, in which a patient receives multiple doxepin dosages embodiments, the instructions can specify taking the doxepin over multiple days, comprising administering the doxepin to without food. 50 the patient in a fixed temporal relationship to food intake by Another embodiment relates to a method of treating the patient. This can, for example, include providing written depression or anxiety comprising providing a patient with a or verbal instructions to the patient to take the doxepin in a therapeutically effective amount of doxepin and providing fixed temporal relationship to food intake by the patient. the patient with information regarding a doxepin food effect. Taking doxepin in a fixed relationship to food can help assure Also, some embodiments relate to the use of doxepin in the 55 more consistent efficacy of the medication. preparation of a medicament for treatment of a psychological Other Food Effect Methods disorder, said medicament for administration with food. The Also, some embodiments relate to methods of alleviating a disorder can preferably be depression or anxiety. The use also doxepin food effect or altering a doxepin pharmacokinetic can be for the preparation of a medicament for increasing the parameter in a patient, for example, by administering doxepin oral bioavailability of doxepin by administration with food; 60 to a patient in need thereof, wherein the patient is in a non for increasing the oral bioavailability of doxepin to a patient fasted State or in a fasted State. receiving doxepin therapy by administering an amount of a Further embodiments relate to a method of treating a dis pharmaceutical oral dosage form of doxepin with food, order with doxepin comprising providing a patient with a wherein the administration results in an AUCo. that is therapeutically effective amount of doxepin and providing greater than that achieved by the administration of the same 65 the patient with information regarding a doxepin food effect. amount of doxepin without food; for increasing the time The information can include, for example, instructions to take required to achieve a maximal plasma concentration of dox the doxepin with or without food, or to ensure that doxepin is US 7,915,307 B2 5 6 consistently taken either with or without food. The informa mately 41% and 15% higher, respectively, compared to the tion can be in an oral or writtenform. Some exemplary written fasted State, and median T was delayed by approximately forms include a label associated with the drug, on the con 3.0 hours in the fed state. The increase in AUC was statisti tainer for the drug, packaged with the drug, separately given cally significant and demonstrates a positive food effect on to the patient apart from the drug, or provided in manner that exposure. The increased T in the fed state suggests that the patient can independently obtain the information (e.g., a food slows the absorption of the drug. website). Accordingly, Some embodiments relate to methods of Dosage and Compositions improving the pharmacokinetics of doxepin in a patient. As Again, in the various disclosed embodiments, the amount discussed above and more fully elsewhere herein, adminis of doxepin, including the therapeutically effective amount, 10 tration of doxepin in a fasted State can result in decreasing the may advantageously be, for example, about 0.001 milligram time required to achieve a maximum plasma concentration of to about 350 milligrams, preferably about 50 milligrams to doxepin. In particular, the time to reach maximum concen about 300 milligrams or more preferably about 75 milligrams tration (T) of doxepin can be minimized by administering to about 300 milligrams, or any amount or Sub-range within the drug without food. Also, as discussed above and more those ranges. Alternatively, the effective amount may be 15 fully elsewhere herein, administration of doxepin with food about 0.5 milligrams to about 20 milligrams, more preferably can increase the overall bioavailability of the drug. For about 1 milligram to about 6 milligrams. example, the time to reach maximum concentration can be Also, in the various disclosed embodiments, the pharma increased by administering doxepin with food and the bio ceutical composition of doxepin can be, for example, a tablet, availability of the drug can be increased. capsule or liquid. Furthermore, the doxepin can be provided In addition, in a different embodiment, the total effective or administered as a unit dosage form. Preferably, the doxepin amount of drug that the patient receives can be maximized by can be provided or administered as an oral dosage form. administering doxepin with food, while in other embodi Doxepin Kits and Products ments the oral bioavailability of doxepin can be decreased by Finally, the present disclosure also includes a kit or a prod administering the doxepin without food. Because plasma uct that includes doxepin and written instructions or informa 25 concentrations and half-lives of doxepin are already known to tion associated therewith to take the doxepin without food. vary from patient to patient, knowledge of the doxepin food For example, the instructions can specify that doxepin be effect can help patients and physicians to eliminate this addi administered to the patient at least about 30 minutes, at least tional source of dosing uncertainty, to improve safety and about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, at least about 3 hours, at tolerability, and improve therapies that utilize doxepin. For least about 4 hours or more after consuming food, or at least 30 example, as described more fully elsewhere herein, depend about 30 minutes, at least about 1 hour, at least about 2 hours, ing on the effect desired, doxepin can be taken with food; it at least about 3 hours, at least about 4 hours or more prior to can be taken after the patient has gone without food for a consuming food, for example. In some aspects, the kits or period of time; and/or it can be taken some period of time product can include instructions that describe administration prior to consuming food. to the patient preferably at least about 30 minutes or at least 35 As a result of the food effect discovery, various improved about 1 hour prior to consuming food. The kit or product can therapeutic methods are provided, including: where short include information regarding a food effect associated with term exposure is desired, with a more rapid onset and shorter doxepin. Alternatively, it includes a kit or a product compris duration of effect, doxepin preferably can be taken without ing doxepin and written instructions associated therewith to food; in order to increase the bioavailability of the drug where take the doxepin with food. 40 rapid onset and shorter duration are not issues, doxepin pref The product or kit can include doxepin in amount of about erably can be taken with food; and to assure more consistent 0.5 milligram to about 350 milligrams, preferably about 50 efficacy, doxepin preferably can be taken in a fixed relation milligrams to about 300 milligrams or more preferably about ship to food consumption, regardless of whether the drug is 75 milligrams to about 300 milligrams. Alternatively, the taken with our without food. Short term exposure with more amount may be about 0.5 milligrams to about 20 milligrams, 45 rapid onset can be preferable when treating, for example, a more preferably about 1 milligram to about 6 milligrams. sleep disorder, while increased bioavailability and/or consis Some preferred amounts are about 1 milligram, about 3 mil tent kinetics can be preferable for treating conditions such as ligrams and about 6 milligrams. depression and anxiety. Finally, the product or kit can include doxepin as a tablet, a Doxepin HCl is a tricyclic compound currently approved capsule, a liquid, a unite dosage form or an oral dosage form, 50 for treatment of depression and anxiety. The recommended for example. daily dose for the treatment of depression or anxiety ranges from 75 milligrams to 300 milligrams. Also, U.S. Pat. Nos. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 5,502,047 and 6,211,229, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference, describe the use of doxepin FIG. 1 illustrates the design of a study of food effect asso 55 for the treatment chronic and non-chronic (e.g., transient/ ciated with doxepin. short term) insomnias at dosages below those used to treat depression. A food effect associated with doxepin treatment DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION of currently approved disorders or sleep disorders has not previously been reported. Embodiments described herein relate to the novel and 60 Methods of Improving the Pharmacokinetics of Doxepin unexpected discovery of a food effect associated with dox Some embodiments relate to methods of improving the epin. As described more fully below, a single-center, phase 1, pharmacokinetics of doxepin, including by administering randomized, open-label, single dose, two-way crossover doxepin with or without food. A number of pharmacokinetic study was conducted in 16 healthy young adult male and parameters can be affected by taking doxepin with or without female volunteers. A food effect was observed on the phar 65 food, including for example, T. C., and the area under macokinetics of doxepin. In the fed State, pharmacokinetic the curve (AUC). Furthermore, various therapeutic regimens parameters (AUCo. and C) of doxepin were approxi can be utilized to take advantage of the doxepin food effects. US 7,915,307 B2 7 8 Affecting Maximum Concentration (T,): tive amount of doxepin in a pharmaceutical composition with As discussed above, administration of doxepin without food or within a relatively short time of consuming food (e.g., food or in a fasted State can result in shortening the time 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, etc.). required to achieve a maximum plasma concentration (T) Also, Some embodiments relate to a method of increasing of doxepin. Achieving a shorter T can be desirable since the maximum plasma concentration of doxepin in a patient onset of drug action can be more rapid and the duration of receiving doxepin therapy comprising administering to the drug action may be shortened. Some embodiments relate to patient a therapeutically effective amount of doxepin in a methods of shortening the time required to achieve a maxi pharmaceutical composition with food. mum plasma concentration or a T of doxepin in a patient It should be noted that other embodiments relate to meth receiving doxepin therapy, which methods can include 10 ods of decreasing the oral bioavailability or AUC of doxepin administering to the patient a therapeutically effective by administering doxepin without food. amount of doxepin in a pharmaceutical composition without Use of Doxepin in Depression and Anxiety: food. Doxepin has been used for several decades in the treatment Also, it should be noted that other embodiments relate to of depression and anxiety. Several side effects have been methods of increasing the time required to achieve a maxi 15 reported in connection with the use of doxepinto treat depres mum concentration of doxepin in a patient by administering sion or anxiety. The studies disclosed herein show that by doxepin with food. taking doxepin with food, AUC was increased by 41% com Some embodiments relate to methods of preventing a doX pared to taking doxepin in a fasted State. Because AUC (bio epin food effect in order to minimize the time required for availability) is increased by taking doxepin with food, a onset of action of the drug. The methods can include admin patient can take a lower dose compared to when a patient istering doxepin to a patient in need thereof, wherein the takes doxepin without food. Increasing the oral bioavailabil patientis in a fasted State or has not eaten or will not eat within ity or AUC of doxepin, and decreasing dosage required for a particular time period. The methods further can include treatment can minimize or alleviate side effects and improve providing instructions to take the doxepin without food or in the safety and tolerability of doxepin therapy. Thus, in some a fasted State. 25 aspects it can be preferred that patients receiving doxepin for Use of Doxepin in Sleep-Related Indications: depression or anxiety should take the drug with food, or in Knowledge of the food effect disclosed herein is useful in close proximity to eating. Some embodiments relate to determining an optimum regimen for providing doxepin sleep improved methods of treating depression and anxiety. The therapy. In patients receiving sleep therapy, the onset of action methods can include providing a patient with a therapeuti is an important consideration. The studies disclosed herein 30 cally effective amount of doxepin and providing the patient demonstrate that taking doxepin with food can significantly with instructions to take the doxepin with food. As discussed increase T. As a result, sleep patients who take doxepin more fully herein, administering doxepin with food can result without food would be expected to have faster sleep onset or in an increase in the bioavailability of doxepin. As a result a faster drug action in comparison to those who take doxepin patient can take less doxepin, which can be safer and more with food. 35 tolerable for the patient. Thus, some embodiments relate to improved methods of In some aspects, information, including instructions may treating a sleep disorder. The methods can include providing be provided to patients receiving doxepin therapy or health a patient with a therapeutically effective amount of doxepin care professionals involved in treatment of those patients and providing the patient with instructions to take the doxepin regarding a doxepin food effect and/or that the doxepin without food. In some aspects, doxepin can be administered 40 should be administered with food, or at least in relatively without food in order to minimize the amount of time to close proximity to eating food or eating a meal (for example, achieve sleep onset or to otherwise minimize the amount of within one hour or less). By way of example, Such informa time before drug action occurs. tion or instructions could be provided orally or in written The information regarding the doxepin food effect can be form. Some exemplary written forms include a label associ provided to the patient. The information can include, for 45 ated with the drug, on the container for the drug, packaged example, instructions that may be provided to patients receiv with the drug, or separately given to the patient apart from the ing doxepin therapy or health care professionals involved in drug, including providing the patient with access to a website treatment of those patients that the doxepin should be admin or other electronic information with the instructions/informa istered without food, preferably separated from food for the tion. The invention further includes a package of doxepin time periods discussed above. By way of example, Such 50 with such written instructions associated therewith. instructions could be provided orally or in written form. Some It should be noted that some aspects of the invention also exemplary written forms include a label associated with the relate to methods of treating depression or anxiety by admin drug, on the container for the drug, packaged with the drug, or istering doxepin without food. Such embodiments can also separately given to the patient apart from the drug, including include instructions to take the medication without food. providing the patient with access to a website or other elec 55 Improved Pharmacokinetic Consistency and Efficacy: tronic information with the instructions/information. Still further embodiments relate to methods for improving Affecting Overall Concentration (C) or Bioavailability: the consistency of pharmacokinetics associated with doxepin The maximum plasma concentration or overall bioavail therapy, in which a patient receives a multiple doxepin dos ability of doxepin can be affected by food or a lack thereof. ages over multiple days. The methods can include adminis Increasing concentration or bioavailability can be desirable in 60 tering the doxepin to the patient in a fixed temporal relation Some circumstances. Some embodiments relate to methods of ship to food intake by the patient. Also, the method can further increasing the oral bioavailability of doxepin to a patient include providing instructions to the patient to take the dox receiving doxepin therapy. The methods can include admin epin in a fixed temporal relationship to food intake by the istering to the patient a pharmaceutical oral dosage form of patient. As discussed more fully herein, taking doxepin in doxepin with food. The administration can result in a greater 65 fixed or consistent temporal relationship to food can lead to AUC than if the drug is taken without food. The methods can improved safety and tolerability for the patient, for example, include administering to the patient a therapeutically effec due to less variability in the drug kinetics in the patient. US 7,915,307 B2 9 10 Kits and Products: example, in doxepin therapy (e.g., chronic doxepin therapy), Furthermore, some embodiments relate to kits and prod Such as therapy for depression or anxiety, it is customary to ucts for a therapy that includes the use of doxepin. The kits titrate the dosage; in other words, typically start with a lower and products can include doxepin and instructions to take the dose and then increase it to the minimum dose that is suffi doxepin without food or in a fasted state, or to take the ciently effective for the patient in question. In this type of doxepin with food or within a predetermined period of eating situation, there may be instances when doxepin is adminis food. tered without food, even though more drug will be required to The instructions or information regarding a food effect can achieve the same effect. In such cases, consistency is impor be provided orally or verbally, or could be in written form. tant to maintaining equivalent pharmacological effects. In Some exemplary written forms include a label associated 10 with the drug, on the container for the drug, packaged with the other words, if a patient on chronic doxepin therapy is receiv drug, or separately given to the patient apart from the drug, ing a titrated dose that has been determined when the patient including providing the patient with access to a website or is consistently taking doxepin with food, or consistently tak other electronic information with the instructions/informa ing doxepin without food, then food-induced variations in tion. The invention further includes a package of doxepin 15 doxepin pharmacokinetics should not be a factor in therapeu with such written instructions associated therewith or with tic response or side effects. Thus, for chronic doxepin therapy, information on where to access the instructions/information one embodiment includes administering doxepin in a consis (e.g., a website). tent relationship to food intake, regardless of whether it is or Administration of Doxepin is not taken with food. In performing the methods, doxepin, a pharmaceutically Suitable routes of administration of doxepin can include acceptable salt of doxepin, or prodrug of doxepin can be any route in which significant quantities of drug reach the administered in any Suitable oral form. Also, doxepin, or a stomach, including oral, buccal, and Sublingual administra pharmaceutically acceptable salt or a prodrug thereof can be tion. administered to a patient. (It should be understood that the For oral administration, the compounds can be formulated term “administer” and its variants are intended to cover both 25 readily by combining the active compounds with pharmaceu self-administration and administration by another person or tically acceptable carriers well known in the art. Such carriers by a device). enable the compounds of the invention to be formulated as Doxepin can be administered without food or in a fasted tablets, pills, dragees, capsules, liquids, gels, syrups, slurries, state. For example, doxepin can be administered at least about Suspensions and the like, for oral ingestion by a patient to be 30 minutes to about 4, 5, 6 or more hours after consuming 30 treated. Administration though oral pathways can be accom food. More preferably, doxepin can be taken at least about 1 plished, for example, using a capsule, a tablet, a granule, a hour to about 6 hours after consuming food. In some aspects spray, a syrup, a liquid, powder, granules, pastes (e.g., for doxepin can be taken at least about 1,2,3,4, 56 or more hours after consuming food. application to the tongue). Oral administration can be accom Also, doxepin can be administered at least about 30 min 35 plished using fast-melt formulations, for example. For utes to about 6 hours before consuming any food, or more example, rapidly-melting strips or sheets that include the drug preferably, at least about 1 hour to about 3 hours before and Suitable excipients can be prepared that dissolve quickly consuming food. In some aspects, doxepin can be adminis in the mouth, using well-known formulation technology. For tered about 1, 2, 3 or more hours before food is consumed. buccal or Sublingual administration, the compositions may In some embodiments of the invention, such as when doX 40 take any Suitable form, for example, tablets or lozenges. Phar epin is used to facilitate sleep, instructions may be provided to maceutical preparations for oral use can be obtained by mix patients receiving doxepin therapy or health care profession ing one or more solid excipient with pharmaceutical combi als involved in treatment of those patients that the doxepin nation of the invention, optionally grinding the resulting should be administered without food, preferably separated mixture, and processing the mixture of granules, after adding from food for the time periods discussed above. Also, the 45 suitable auxiliaries, if desired, to obtain tablets or dragee patient can be provided with information regarding a doxepin COCS. food effect. In other embodiments of the invention, such as Pharmaceutical preparations which can be used orally when doxepin is used to treat depression or anxiety, instruc include for example, liquid solutions, powders, and Suspen tions may be provided to patients receiving doxepin therapy sions in bulk or unit dosage forms. Also, the oral formulations or health care professionals involved in treatment of those 50 can include, for example, pills, tablets, granules, sprays, Syr patients that the doxepin should be administered with food, or ups, pastes, powders, boluses, pre-measured ampules or at least in relatively close proximity to eating food or eating a Syringes, push-fit capsules made of gelatin, as well as Soft, meal (for example, within one hour or less). sealed capsules made of gelatin and a plasticizer, Such as Again, by way of example, Such instructions or informa glycerol or Sorbitol. The push-fit capsules can contain the tion regarding a food effect could be provided orally or ver 55 active ingredients in admixture with filler Such as lactose, bally, or could be in written form. Some exemplary written binders such as starches, and/or lubricants such as talc or forms include a label associated with the drug, on the con magnesium Stearate and, optionally, stabilizers. In soft cap tainer for the drug, packaged with the drug, or separately Sules, the active compounds may be dissolved or Suspended in given to the patient apart from the drug, including providing Suitable liquids, such as fatty oils, liquid paraffin, or liquid the patient with access to a website or other electronic infor 60 polyethylene glycols. In addition, stabilizers may be added. mation with the instructions/information. The invention fur All formulations for oral administration should be in dosages ther includes a package of doxepin with Such written instruc Suitable for Such administration. tions associated therewith. A variety of techniques for formulation and administration It should be recognized that in some cases, the food effect can be found in Remington. The Science and Practice of disclosed herein can appropriately play a part in designing 65 Pharmacy (20', ed, Lippincott Williams & Wilkens Publish customized dosing regimens that reflect the preferences of a ers (2003)), which is incorporated herein by reference in its particular healthcare professional or their patient. Thus, for entirety. US 7,915,307 B2 11 12 Compositions accepted pharmaceutical practice. The compound can also be As mentioned above, doxepin, pharmaceutically accept made in microencapsulated form. able salts, and/or prodrugs of the same can be used alone or in One can also administer the compounds of the invention in combination with other Substances, such as for example, Sustained release forms or from Sustained release drug deliv other insomnia or sleep medications, or with other medica ery systems. A description of representative Sustained release tions that treat a primary illness. Doxepin alone or in combi materials can be found in the incorporated materials in Rem nation with other drugs can be included as part of a compo ington. The Science and Practice of Pharmacy (20th ed, sition. The compounds and compositions can include any Lippincott Williams & Wilkens Publishers (2003)). suitable form of the compound for pharmaceutical delivery, Dosage as discussed in further detail herein. 10 The selected dosage level can depend upon, for example, the condition being treated, the route of administration, the The compositions and formulations disclosed herein also severity of the condition being treated, and the condition and can include one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carrier prior medical history of the patient being treated. However, it materials or excipients. Such compositions can be prepared is within the skill of the art to start doses of the compound at for storage and for Subsequent administration. Acceptable 15 levels lower than required to achieve the desired therapeutic carriers or diluents for therapeutic use are well known in the effect and to gradually increase the dosage until the desired pharmaceutical art, and are described, for example, in the effect is achieved. It will be understood, however, that the incorporated material of Remington. The Science and Prac specific dose level for any particular patient can depend upon tice of Pharmacy (20" ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkens a variety of factors including the genetic makeup, body Publishers (2003)), which is incorporated herein by reference weight, general health, , time and route of administration, in its entirety. The term “carrier material or “excipient’ combination with other drugs and the particular condition herein can mean any Substance, not itself a therapeutic agent, being treated, and its severity. For the treatment of insomnia, used as a carrier and/or diluent and/or adjuvant, or vehicle for preferably one dose is administered prior to bedtime. delivery of a therapeutic agent to a subject or added to a As mentioned above, in some embodiments the preferable pharmaceutical composition to improve its handling or Stor 25 dosage can be between about 0.001 milligrams and about 350 age properties or to permit or facilitate formation of a dose milligrams. In some aspects, the dosage can be about 50 unit of the composition into a discrete article Such as a capsule milligrams to about 350 milligrams. More preferably, the or tablet suitable for oral administration. Excipients can dosage can be between about 75 milligrams and 300 milli include, by way of illustration and not limitation, diluents, grams. Also, in some aspects, the dosage can be between disintegrants, binding agents, adhesives, wetting agents, 30 about 0.1 milligrams and 20 milligrams or between about 0.5 polymers, lubricants, glidants, Substances added to mask or milligrams and 10 milligrams. The dosage also can be counteract a disagreeable taste or odor, flavors, dyes, fra between about 1 milligram and about 6 milligrams. Prefer grances, and Substances added to improve appearance of the ably, the dosage can be about 0.5 milligrams, 1 milligram, composition. Acceptable excipients include Sugars (such as about 2 milligrams, about 3 milligrams, about 4 milligrams, lactose, Sucrose, mannitol, Sorbitol), starch powder, 35 about 5 milligrams or about 6 milligrams. Further, the dosage starch, wheat starch, rice starch, potato starch, gelatin, gum can be about 7 milligrams, about 8 milligrams, about 9 mil tragacanth, methyl cellulose, hydroxypropylmethyl-cellu ligrams, or about 10 milligrams. The lower dosage ranges are lose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, or derivatives thereof, particularly desirable for sleep-related indications, while the cellulose esters of alkanoic acids, cellulose alkyl esters, talc, higher dosage ranges are particularly desirable for depression Stearic acid, magnesium Stearate, magnesium oxide, sodium 40 and anxiety-related indications. and calcium salts of phosphoric and Sulfuric acids, gelatin, acacia gum, Sodium alginate, polyvinyl-pyrrolidone (PVP), EXAMPLES and/or polyvinyl , Saline, dextrose, lecithin, albumin, Sodium glutamate, hydrochloride, and the like. Example 1 Examples of Suitable excipients for soft gelatin capsules 45 include vegetable oils, waxes, fats, semisolid and liquid poly Assessment of the Effect of Food on the ols. Suitable excipients for the preparation of solutions and Pharmacokinetics of Doxepin syrups include, without limitation, water, polyols, Sucrose, invert Sugar and glucose. Suitable excipients for injectable A study assessed the effect of food on the pharmacokinet Solutions include, without limitation, water, , poly 50 ics (PK) of doxepin in healthy Subjects. It was a single-center, ols, glycerol, and vegetable oils. If desired, the compositions phase 1, randomized, open-label, single dose, two-way cross can include disintegrating agents may be added. Such as the over study conducted in sixteen healthy, young adult male and cross-linked polyvinyl pyrrolidone, agar, or alginic acid or a female Subjects. Screening procedures were performed salt thereof Such as sodium alginate. The pharmaceutical within 14 days prior to enrollment. compositions can additionally include preservatives, solubi 55 Following screening procedures and baseline assessments, lizers, stabilizers, wetting agents, emulsifiers, Sweeteners, eligible subjects were randomly assigned to one of two treat colorants, flavorings, buffers, coating agents, orantioxidants. ment sequences (fed-fasted or fasted-fed). Subjects received Compositions for oral administration can be formulated a single 6 milligram dose of doxepin in the morning under according to conventional pharmaceutical practice as either fed or fasted conditions on 2 dosing days (Day 1 and described in the incorporated material in Remington. The 60 Day 8). There were approximately 7 days between each dose. Science and Practice of Pharmacy (20" ed. Lippincott Will Enrolled subjects were admitted to the study center on the iams & Wilkens Publishers (2003)). For example, dissolution evening before study drug dosing (Day 0 and Day 7) and or Suspension of the active compound in a vehicle Such as remained at the study center for approximately 5 days. All water or naturally occurring vegetable oil like sesame, pea subjects were dosed under both fed and fasted conditions nut, or cottonseed oil or a synthetic fatty vehicle like ethyl 65 during the study as illustrated in FIG. 1. oleate or the like may be desired. Buffers, preservatives, Subjects being dosed under fasted conditions were and the like can be incorporated according to required to fast overnight for at least 10 hours prior to study US 7,915,307 B2 13 14 drug administration and for 4 hours after study drug admin -continued istration. Fluids were restricted from 1 hour predose to 1 hour estimated via linear regression of time versus log postdose, except for water taken at the time of dosing. Sub concentration. Visual assessment was used to jects being dosed under fed conditions were dosed approxi identify the terminal linear phase of the mately 5 minutes after eating a high-fat, high-calorie stan concentration-time profile. A minimum of three dardized breakfast (to be ingested within 25 minutes). data points were used for determination. t12 (h) Apparent terminal half-life, determined as In2/2. Subjects were required to ingest the entire contents of the CL/F (L/h) Apparent oral clearance, calculated as dose breakfast. All subjects were required to remain in bed for divided by AUCo. approximately 4 hours after dosing. Vd/F(L) Apparent volume of distribution, calculated as Contents of the high-fat, high-calorie standardized break 10 (CLF), i. fast were: Two eggs fried in butter; Two slices of bacon; Concentration-Time Profiles 240 mL (8 fl.oz.) whole milk; With reference to Table 1, following a single 6 milligram 57 g (2 oz) of hash browned potatoes; and 15 dose administration of doxepin in fasted State (Treatment A) Two slices of toasted white bread with butter. and fed state (Treatment B), mean plasma concentrations of The total amount of , fat, and carbohydrate that doxepin increased, reaching C at 3.0 and 6.0 hours post made up this meal was approximately 33, 55, and 58 g. dose, respectively. Doxepin plasma concentrations, reached respectively. The total calorie content was approximately 850 mean C. values of 0.854 and 0.951 ng/mL in fasted and fed kcal. states, respectively. For both treatments, plasmadoxepin con Subjects were dosed on Day 1 and Day 8. The PK profiles centrations declined thereafter and remained quantifiable up were evaluated on Days 1 through 5 and Days 8 through 12. to 48 hours postdose (the lower limit of quantification was Blood samples were collected at predose (0 hour) and at 0.08, 0.05 ng/mL). Detectable plasma levels of doxepin were first 0.17, 0.25, 0.5,0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 96 hours postdose. The samples were analyzed for dox 25 observed at 30 minutes postdose in both the fed and fasted epin and doxepin metabolite concentrations in plasma. states (six and five Subjects, respectively). All Subjects had Plasma concentrations of doxepin were measured using Vali detectable concentrations of doxepin by 90 minutes postdose. dated high performance liquid chromatography coupled to Median T. was delayed by approximately 3.0 hours in the tandem mass spectrometry. The lower limit of quantification fed state (6.0 hours) as compared to the fasted state (3.0 for doxepin was 0.05 ng/mL. The following PK parameters 30 hours). However, the range of values was similar for both were estimated by noncompartmental methods using actual treatments. Meant values were comparable for fed and elapsed time from dosing: fasted states (16.5 versus 14.4 hours, respectively). TABLE 1 35 C. (ng/mL) Maximum observed plasma concentration, Summary Statistics arithmetic mean (CV%) of Plasma Doxepin obtained directly from the observed concentration Pharmacokinetic Parameters versus time data. Tmax (h) Time to maximum plasma concentration, obtained Treatmenta directly from the observed concentration versus time data. Parameter (unit) Fed (N = 16) Fasted (N = 15) AUCo. (ng himL) Area under the curve from time Zero extrapolated 40 to infinity, calculated by linear up?log down C (ng/mL) 0.951 (58.8) 0.854 (63.2) trapezoidal Summation and extrapolated to infinity T. (h)(b) 6.0 (2.0-6.0) 3.0 (1.5-6.0) by addition of the last quantifiable concentration AUCo. (ng himL) 18.6 (70.2) 14.1 (80.6) divided by the elimination rate constant AUCo-1 (ng himL) 16.8 (74.0) 12.6 (85.7) (AUCo. Its + Ca?h). If the extrapolated area t12 (h) 16.5 (23.8) 14.4 (42.2) (C/2) was greater than 30% of AUCo., then 45 (1/h) 0.0445 (26.6) 0.0623 (65.9) AUCo. was set to missing. a 6 milligram doxepintablet, under fed or fasted conditions, AUCo-1 (ng himL) Area under the curve from time zero to time of last measurable concentration, calculated by linear bIndicates median (range) values, up?log down trapezoidal Summation. AUCo24 (ng himL) Area under the curve from time zero until 24 hours, Table 2 shows the estimates of clearance and volume of calculated by linear upflog down trapezoidal 50 distribution for doxepin. Mean CL/F and Vd/F were 43% and Summation. If the 24h sample was missing or ower limit of quantification, AUCo. 1, 14% lower in the fed state compared to the fasted state, be reported as AUCo-2. respectively. Mean CL/F values were lower in the fed (477 AUCoas (ng himL) Area under the curve from time zero until 48 hours, L/h) versus the fasted (837 L/h) states. Mean Vd/F remained calculated by linear upflog down trapezoidal almost unchanged for fed (10280 L) and fasted (11930 L) . If the 48 h sample was missing or 55 States. ower limit of quantification, AUCo was to be reported as AUCos. TABLE 2 AUCo 72 (ng himL) Area under the curve from time zero until 72 hours, calculated by linear upflog down trapezoidal Summary Statistics arithmetic mean (CV%) of Mean Clearance Summation. If the 72 h sample was missing or and Volume of Distribution for Doxepin below the lower limit of quantification, AUCo 60 was to be reported as AUC 72. Treatmenta AUCo-96 (ng himL) Area under the curve from time zero until 96 hours, calculated by linear upflog down trapezoidal Parameter (unit) Fed (N = 16) Fasted (N = 15) Summation. If the 96 h sample was missing or below the lower limit of quantification, AUCo., CLF (L/h) 477 (63.4) 837 (114.3) was to be reported as AUCogs. Vd/F(L) 10280 (43.3) 11930 (46.9) (h) Elimination rate constant associated with the 65 terminal (log-linear) portion of the curve. This was a 6 milligram doxepintablet, under fed or fasted conditions, US 7,915,307 B2 15 16 The effect of a high-fat meal on the pharmacokinetics of vidual at least three hours after consuming a meal, thereby the 6 milligram doxepin tablet was assessed and statistical providing a faster onset of action and reducing next day comparisons of doxepin pharmacokinetic parameters residual effects. between treatments are presented in Table 3. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the administration com The 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of population 5 prises self administration by the individual. geometric least-square means between fed and fasted treat 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the doxepin is admin ments was not completely contained within the equivalence istered in a dose of 3 mg. 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the doxepin is admin limits of 80-125% for C, and were outside the equivalence istered in a dose of 6 mg. limits for AUC and AUC, indicating that there was a 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the doxepin is admin food effect on exposure. Under fed conditions, AUCo., 10 istered as a tablet, capsule or liquid. AUCo., and C were higher by 41%, 46%, and 15%, 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the doxepin is admin respectively, compared to fasted conditions. istered as a tablet. TABLE 3 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the doxepin is admin 15 istered as a unit dosage form. Statistical Comparison of Doxepin Pharmacokinetic 8. The method of claim 1, wherein the doxepin is admin Parameters Between Treatments istered as an oral dosage form. 9. A method of minimizing next day residual sedation Geometric Pairwise Comparisons caused by doxepin sleep therapy, comprising providing doses Treatment LS Ratio 90% of 3 mg or 6 mg of doxepin to a patient and instructing the Parameter (unit) a N Mean Pair (%) CI patient not to take the doxepin within three hours of consum AUCo. Fed 16 15.14 Fedf 141.3 (124.7, ing a meal. (ng himL) Fasted 15 10.72 Fasted 160.1) 10. The method of claim 9, comprising providing the AUCo-Tas, Fed 16 13.39 Fedf 145.6 (127.0, patient with a 6 mg dose of doxepin. (ng himL) Fasted 15 9.194 Fasted 166.9) 11. The method of claim 9, comprising providing the Cmax Fed 16 0.822 Fed 114.6 (101.8, 25 patient with a 3 mg dose of doxepin. (ng/mL) Fasted 15 0.717 Fasted 129.1) 12. The method of claim 9, wherein the doxepin is provided Note: as a tablet, capsule or liquid. Results are based on mixed effect analysis of variance with sequence, period and treatment as fixed effects and subject within sequence as a random effect, 13. The method of claim 12, wherein the doxepin is pro a 6 milligram doxepin tablet, under fed or fasted conditions, vided as a tablet. 30 14. The method of claim 9, wherein the doxepin is provided as a unit dosage form. CONCLUSIONS 15. The method of claim 9, wherein the doxepin is provided as an oral dosage form. Following a single 6 milligram dose of doxepin, a food 16. In a method of treating insomnia with doxepin, wherein effect was observed on the pharmacokinetics of doxepin. In 35 an insomnia patient receives a dosage of between 0.5 and 7 the fed State, the maximum concentration (C) and expo mg of doxepin, the improvement comprising altering the sure (AUC) of doxepin were approximately 15% and 41% pharmacokinetics of doxepin by providing the patient with higher, respectively, compared to the fasted State, and median doxepin and providing instructions to take the doxepin at least T was delayed by approximately 3.0 hours. The increase in three hours after a meal. Such that upon taking the doxepin per exposure was statistically significant and represents an 40 said instructions, the pharmacokinetics are altered by increase in bioavailability in the fed state (Table 4). decreasing the time to reach maximum plasma concentration (T,) in the patient, reducing the maximum plasma concen TABLE 4 tration (C), and reducing the area under the curve (AUC) compared to administering the doxepin with food. Arithmetic Arithmetic Effect 45 Mean (Fed Mean (Fasted of Food (% of 17. The method of claim 16, wherein the doxepin is pro Parameter condition) condition) fasted state) vided in an amount of about 3 mg. AUCo. (ng himL) 18.6 14.1 141 18. The method of claim 16, wherein the doxepin is pro C. (ng/mL) O.951 O.854 115 vided in an amount of about 6 mg. Ta (h) 6 3 200 19. The method of claim 16, wherein the instructions fur 50 ther instruct the patient to take a dosage of 6 mg. Note that percentages documenting food effect on C and AUC are calculated from geometric LS means rather than the arithmetic means presented in this table 20. The method of claim 16, wherein the instructions fur T is presented as a median value ther instruct the patient to take a dosage of 3 mg. 21. The method of claim 16, wherein the doxepin is pro Many modifications and variations of the embodiments vided as a tablet, capsule or liquid. described herein may be made without departing from the 55 Scope, as is apparent to those skilled in the art. The specific 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the doxepin is pro embodiments described herein are offered by way of example vided as a tablet. only. 23. The method of claim 16, wherein the doxepin is pro We claim: vided as a unit dosage form. 60 24. The method of claim 16, wherein the doxepin is pro 1. A method for providing sleep therapy comprising vided as an oral dosage form. administering a 3 mg or a 6 mg dose of doxepin to an indi k k k k k