Agenda Item No. 9


25 APRIL 2019


Report by the Head of Roads - Ayrshire Roads Alliance


1. The purpose of this Report is to update the Joint Committee on the position regarding road bonds held by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance on behalf of Council and South Ayrshire Council.


2. The Roads () Act 1984 requires that, for any road not constructed by a roads authority, the appropriate consent from the local roads authority is obtained to undertake this work. This is generally referred to as the Road Construction Consent (RCC). The Ayrshire Roads Alliance currently holds information regarding the number of active RCCs under the remit of the Ayrshire Roads Alliance.

3. The developer is required to provide the roads authority with security to cover the cost of constructing the new road (where it is being constructed for housing) should the developer default. The provisions are set out in the Security for Private Road Works (Scotland) Regulations 1985, as amended. This security may take the form of a cash deposit but it is generally in the form of a road bond. The security is retained by the Roads Authority until completion of the consented works, although the value may be reduced as the works progress.

4. The Joint Committee, at its meeting on 23 May 2014, remitted the Head of Roads to undertake a review of road bonds more than three years old and report to a future meeting of the Joint Committee. Subsequent reports were submitted on 21 August 2014, 6 November 2015, 17 February 2017 and 16 February 2018. An annual report is now presented to the Joint Committee summarising the position at the end of the previous financial year.


5. East Ayrshire’s internal audit section carried out an audit of road bonds in 2017. The audit found control weaknesses presenting risks of failure to secure amounts due, primarily relating to bonds entered into prior to the establishment of ARA and primarily to bonds in East Ayrshire. The audit report made a number of recommendations: • ARA procedures should be clarified on the nature and extent of respective roles and responsibilities within ARA and of other services of constituent councils • ARA should review and amend current processes for management of road bonds to ensure risks are addressed via procedures which incorporate appropriate controls • ARA should review reporting arrangements to the Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee to ensure the Committee receives all information needed for effective oversight.


6. Following the internal audit a detailed review of ARA’s development control and road bond procedures has taken place to improve the procedure and standardise processes across the Alliance. A multi-service working group was formed to address the issues identified in the audit. As a result, ARA’s written QA procedures have been updated including all associated forms and letters with process maps now in place to support the new procedure.

7. The process mapping has identified all stages in the RCC and road bond process clearly identifying the actions required to be taken at each stage, particularly in instances where an RCC has expired or a developer has failed to complete the roadworks. This review work was completed in August 2018 and the QA system updated accordingly.

8. The road bond calculation sheet has also been reviewed and updated using current rates from the TRIPS - roads minor works framework to ensure that robust evaluations of the cost of roadworks for new developments are in place. The rates are updated on an annual basis using TRIPS rates.

9. A key change to the procedure is that RCC will no longer be issued to a developer until the associated road bond security is lodged with the Alliance. This is a change from the more common arrangement where a developer, after obtaining RCC, is only required to lodge a road bond before house building commences. The new requirement is designed to reduce the risk to both Councils of situations where a developer, having obtained RCC, then continues to construction stage before lodging the road bond security. Processes have been amended to ensure that appropriate enforcement action is undertaken if building work commences without RCC having been obtained and a road bond in place.

10. For existing consents and road bonds, the process has been amended to flag situations where existing consents are nearing the end of their three year period and to ensure that appropriate action to either extend the consent (with a recalculated road bond) or to call-in the bond for ARA to complete the road works.

11. A quarterly report on road bonds is submitted to the Head of Roads which highlights any issues which need to be addressed. The updated procedures are subject to an annual review in accordance with the QA system.


12. A list of all RCCs with associated road bonds for each Council is shown in Appendix 1. As of March 2019, ARA manages 41 road bonds with a current value of £10.649m in East Ayrshire, and 17 road bonds with current value of £5.499m in South Ayrshire.

13. Appendix 2 provides details of completed road bonds and/or road adoptions since the previous report to Joint Committee in February 2018, and Appendix 3 shows new bonds received since the previous report.

14. The current review has found that the value of bonds held in Appendix 1 is adequate to complete the outstanding road works on each development site across both East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire.

15. In the 16 February 2018 Report, the Joint Committee was advised of a development (CC/16/004) at Rigg Road in by Mooncatcher/Campbell Homes where the developer had received an RCC but had started housebuilding without lodging a road bond. This matter was escalated to East Ayrshire Legal Services who issued court proceedings after which the developer subsequently submitted a cash road bond. Phase 2 of the site (CC/EA/18/010) subsequently commenced with RCC approval and with a cash bond security. However, the developer has now proceeded to commence Phase 3 of the site without an RCC. The Alliance has met with the developer and advised East Ayrshire Legal Services of the situation. The developer has now submitted documentation which will allow the RCC to be issued following submission of the necessary Scottish Water Technical Approval. The road bond has been re-calculated and the value of the cash bond is sufficient for the amount of roadworks remaining in the first three phases of the development.


16. Since the previous report was submitted there are two sites in East Ayrshire where the Ayrshire Roads Alliance has given notice that there is concern regarding incomplete development roads. These sites relate to RCCs 2006/025 and 2007/018 for the Lace Mill Wynd and Loudoun Court developments in . Carleton Homes was the developer for both sites and they failed to respond to repeated requests by the Alliance to complete the works. The bond provider was notified that the Alliance would complete the works and call-in the bond. The remaining roadworks were priced by the Alliance within the bond value and the works were undertaken in March 2019. The final outturn costs and invoices are being concluded for issue to the bond provider. The roads will now be adopted by the Alliance and added to the list of public roads.

17. There is another site in East Ayrshire where a bond call-in is being pursued. Following a failure by the developer the Alliance completed the roadworks and subsequently adopted the roads at Woolmill Place in Sorn (CC/S/08/05; see Appendix 2). The works were completed within the remaining road bond but the bond provider, HCC International, has disputed aspects of the validity of the bond and they have not as yet settled the invoice for the works. The matter continues to be pursued by East Ayrshire Legal Services.


18. The Joint Committee has previously approved the adoption of the SCOTS National Roads Development Guide, and the Scottish Government Policy Paper - Designing Streets. These documents set out the technical design standards and policy guidelines for new developments in Scotland. The National Roads Development Guide also affords local authorities to insert local variations to the guidance where considered necessary. Following a review of the guidance it is not considered that any specific local variations to the guidance are required at the current time.


19. Inadequate road bond values expose the roads authority to a potential shortfall if the roadworks have to be completed by them should the developer default. An RCC is valid for three years and the developer may ask the roads authority for an extension if the site is incomplete after this period. The value of road bonds that are more than three years old will therefore continue to be reviewed to determine their adequacy to complete the outstanding works required to comply with the RCC.

20. The road bonds currently held by the Alliance on behalf of both East Ayrshire Council and South Ayrshire Council are considered to be adequate to complete the outstanding works on each development site. The Joint Committee will be advised of the final position for the called-in road bonds described at paragraphs 16 & 17 once matters are concluded.


21. The work of the Alliance is undertaken in accordance with the relevant legislation.


22. The continued review of road bonds will be undertaken within existing resources.


23. None.


24. Inadequate road bond values expose the roads authority to a potential shortfall if the roadworks have to be completed by them if the developer defaults. If the road authority is required to complete a development road then only the cost up to the value of the road bond can be recovered from the provider. Any shortfall has to be met by the roads authority.

25. The value of road bonds that are more than three years old are reviewed to determine their adequacy. Where a shortfall is identified the developer will be advised to increase the value of the road bond held when an application is made for an extension to the RCC, which is normally valid for three years.


26. This Report aligns with the following design principle stated in the “Transformation Strategy 2017-2022” - “Maximum value for our communities”, by ensuring Maximum value for our communities; by ensuring a well maintained road network.


27. It is recommended that the Joint Committee:

(i) Notes the position regarding road bonds currently held by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance on behalf of East Ayrshire Council and South Ayrshire Council; (ii) Notes the recommendations from an internal audit of road bonds; (iii) Notes the updated development control and road bond procedures put in place to address the matters raised in the internal audit; (iv) Agrees that progress updates are provided to future meetings of the Joint Committee on an annual basis; (v) Otherwise, notes the content of this report.

Stewart Turner Head of Roads - Ayrshire Roads Alliance 10 April 2019


Appendix 1 - Register of Road Bonds Appendix 2 - Completed Road Bonds and Road Adoptions since January 2018 Appendix 3 - New Bonds received since January 2018


Development Control Update - Road Bonds - 23 May 2014 Development Control Update - Road Bonds - 21 August 2014 Development Control Update - Road Bonds - 6 November 2015 Development Control Update - Road Bonds - 17 February 2017 Development Control Update - Road Bonds - 16 February 2017

For further information on this report, please contact Kevin Braidwood, Operations Manager - Ayrshire Roads Alliance on 01563 506441.

Implementation Officer: Kerr Chalmers, Traffic & Road Safety Manager - Ayrshire Roads Alliance on 01563 503198. APPENDIX 1

REGISTER OF ROAD BONDS East Ayrshire Council Road Bonds – 31 March 2019

Ref Developer Site Bond Original Current Status Provider Bond Value Bond Value 2002/007 EXT KG Building and Manse Gardens, Brewlands NHBC £110,270 £110,270 Site currently being developed. Extension to RCC Civil Eng Ltd Street, Galston (29/03/19) approved on 29/03/19 and bond value re-calculated and increased. 2004/005 George Wimpey Distributor Rd, Phase 2, NHBC £424,000 £42,400 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10%. Minor Altonhill, (30/01/00) (20/03/15) snagging works to be completed by developer prior to adoption. CC/S/05/11 King Homes Holmhead Phase 8, NHBC £162,000 £92,840 Extension to RCC currently being processed. Road EXT Cumnock (09/09/06) (03/11/14) bond value has been re-calculated, and cost to complete the road works is within remaining bond value. 2006/025 Carleton Homes Burn Road, Darvel Bank of £152,400 £25,000 Developer failed to complete outstanding roadworks (Lace Mill Wynd) Scotland (05/06/07) (25/03/09) and bond provider notified that ARA will complete works and call-in the bond. Works priced by ARA within bond value and undertaken in March 2019. Final outturn costs and invoices being concluded for issue to bond provider. 2007/018 Carleton Homes West Donnington Street, Bank of £204,070 £104,035 Developer failed to complete outstanding roadworks Darvel Scotland (17/08/09) (02/11/12) and bond provider notified that ARA will complete works and call-in the bond. Works priced by ARA within bond value and undertaken in March 2019. Final outturn costs and invoices being concluded for issue to bond provider. 2008/003 Bellway Homes Western Road, Kilmarnock NHBC £444,266 £44,426 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10%. Minor (01/07/10) (19/03/15) snagging to be completed by developer before adoption. 2008/006A Persimmon Rowallan Castle NHBC £211,010 £211,010 RCC extension granted on 11/08/17. Site currently EXT Homes West Cluster A (11/08/17) inactive. Road bond being retained until works Scotland completed. Roads to remain private on completion. 2008/006C Persimmon Rowallan Castle NHBC £211,010 £211,010 RCC extension granted on 11/08/17. Site currently EXT Homes West Cluster C (11/08/17) inactive. Road bond being retained until works Scotland completed. Roads to remain private on completion. 08/013 McTaggart Dunlop House, Dunlop MD £353,682 £353,682 Site currently being developed. Construction Ltd Services (08/08/16) Ltd 11/003 Stewart Milne Kilwinning Road, Dalry NHBC £713,669 £356,835 Site complete – bond reduced by 50%. Includes Homes Road, Phase 1, (05/10/11) (27/03/15) distributor road through phases 2 & 3. Minor snagging to be completed by developer prior to commencing maintenance period. Ref Developer Site Bond Original Current Status Provider Bond Value Bond Value 11/004 Stewart Milne Kilwinning Road, Dalry NHBC £381,094 £190,547 Site complete – bond reduced by 50%. Minor Homes Road, Phase 2, Stewarton (05/10/11) (27/03/15) snagging to be completed by developer prior to commencing maintenance period. 11/005 Stewart Milne Kilwinning Road, Dalry NHBC £274,956 £137,478 Site complete – bond reduced by 50%. Minor Homes Road, Phase 3, Stewarton (19/08/15) (17/12/18) snagging to be completed by developer prior to commencing maintenance period. 11/008 Mansell Homes Skernieland Road, Cemetery NHBC £201,737 £20,174 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Access Road, Fenwick (16/03/12) (17/03/15) Drainage/swale issues to be resolved before adoption takes place 11/009 Mansell Homes Skernieland Road, 65 NHBC £565,892 £127,000 Scottish Water issues to be resolved by developer Dwellings, Fenwick (16/03/12) (19/03/15) prior to maintenance period commencing.

11/010 Taylor Wimpey Kilwinning Road, Dalry NHBC £493,602 £49,360 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Road, Phase 4, Stewarton (20/07/12) (25/09/18) Road cannot be adopted until Stewart Milne distributor road adopted. 12/003 Taylor Wimpey Altonhill, Phase 8, NHBC £499,702 £49,971 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Kilmarnock (23/04/12) (26/02/18) 14/004 Keepmoat Homes Stoddard’s site, Kilmarnock, NHBC £626,058 £626,056 Site currently being developed. Phases A, B & C (06/07/17) 14/005 Barratt Homes Glasgow Road, Kilmarnock NHBC £830,638 £415,319 Partial completion – bond reduced by 50% (21/10/14) (27/04/17) 14/009 Bellway Homes Fardalehill Phase 1, NHBC £952,194 £476,097 Partial completion – bond reduced by 50% Kilmarnock (28/07/15) (22/10/18)

15/001 Wimpey Altonhill Phase 9, NHBC £565,063 £395,544 Site currently being developed. Partial completion – Kilmarnock (14/01/15) (01/11/16) bond reduced by 30% 15/002 Wimpey Altonhill Phase 10, NHBC £369,454 £277,518 Site currently being developed. Partial completion – Kilmarnock (05/04/16) (01/11/16) bond reduced by 30% 15/005 West Point Road, Fenwick NHBC £156,837 £15,684 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Homes (28/07/16) (09/05/18) 15/006 Hemingsley David Dale Avenue, (Fisher’s HCC £196,457 £100,000 Site currently being developed. Partial completion – Homes Grove) Stewarton (24/03/16) (23/02/17) bond reduced by 50%

15/007 The Great Road Cash £289,975 £28,239 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Steward of (Knockroon), Cumnock, (04/12/15) (28/08/18) Scotland Dumfries Phase A House Trust 15/008 Barony Cairn Road, Cumnock HCC £61,259 £6,126 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Developments (05/05/17) (09/10/18) Ref Developer Site Bond Original Current Status Provider Bond Value Bond Value 16/001 Persimmon Dunlop Road, Stewarton NHBC £529,672 £264,836 Works in progress. Partial completion – bond reduced Homes (Roundabout Works) (12/08/16) (30/10/18) by 50%. 16/003 Ph 1 Persimmon Dunlop Road, Stewarton NHBC £713,585 £356,793 Site currently being developed. Partial completion – Homes (Main Site, Phase 1) (19/08/16) (30/10/18 bond reduced by 50%

16/003 Ph 2 Persimmon Dunlop Road, Stewarton NHBC £951,566 £951,566 Site currently being developed. Homes (Main Site, Phase 2) (19/08/16) 16/003 Ph 3 Persimmon Dunlop Road, Stewarton NHBC £713,585 £713,585 Site currently being developed. Homes (Main Site, Phase 3) (12/02/18) 16/004 Ph 1 Mooncatcher Rigg Road, Cumnock, Cash £193,844 £176,434 Site currently being developed. Phase 2 works also Ltd/Campbell Phases 1 & 2 (01/05/18) (05/04/19) underway under CC/EA/18/010. Cash bond retained CC/EA/18/010 Homes for Phase 1 also covers Phase 2 – refer to paragraph Ph 2 15 of covering report. 16/006 Hope Homes Crofthead Road, Kilmaurs MD £899,779 £89,978 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Insurance (17/10/16) (19/11/18) Services 16/007 Persimmon Holmes Road, Kilmarnock NHBC £512,370 £256,185 Site completed but remedial works to address Homes (16/01/17) (27/03/18) drainage issues to be completed by developer before maintenance period can commence. 16/009 ARH Homes Ltd Cash £130,929 £66,860 Site currently being developed. Partial completion – (14/06/16) (19/10/18) bond reduced by 50%

16/010 Ogilvie Homes Helen’s Terrace, Annandale, NHBC £484,574 £48,457 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Kilmarnock (23/06/17) (22/02/19) 16/011 Milestone Robert Burns Avenue Phase HCC £49,416 £4,942 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% Developments 3, (Shanter Crescent) (17/05/18) (12/02/19) 17/002 Bellway Homes Fardalehill, Phase 3, NHBC £1,338,781 £1,338,781 Site currently being developed. Kilmarnock (26/04/18) 17/003 Auberne Homes Former Holmhead hospital Acasta £291,636 £291,636 Site currently being developed site, Cumnock, Phases 1 & 2 European (08/12/17) 17/006 Bellway Homes Fardalehill distributor road, NHBC £511,934 £511,934 Site currently under development Phase 2, Kilmarnock (07/02/18) 17/007 Taylor Wimpey Altonhill, Phase 11, NHBC £933,558 £933,558 Site currently being developed. Kilmarnock (14/05/18) 17/011 Hayhill Hayhill Cash £118,044 £118,044 Site currently being developed. Developments (17/09/18)

South Ayrshire Council Road Bonds – 31 March 2019

Ref Developer Site Bond Original Bond Current Bond Status Provider Value Value SAC/133/05/12 Stewart Milne NE Troon Phase 1, Troon NHBC £849,603.00 £424,801.50 Snagging work currently underway – roads to be placed in maintenance period once complete SAC/134/06/12 Taylor Wimpey N E Troon Distributor NHBC £576,486.63 £576,486.63 Work ongoing Road, Phase 2A SAC/135/07/12 Stewart Milne NE Troon Housing 1, NHBC £1,110,614.00 £555,307.00 Work ongoing Troon SAC/138/03/14 Bellway Homes Kilmarnock Road, NHBC £508,825.00 £254,412.50 Snagging work currently underway – roads to be placed Ltd Brassie in maintenance period once complete SAC/139/02/14 Miller Homes Doonholm Road,Ayr NHBC £1,238,522.00 £123,852.00 In Maintenance Period

SAC/142/06/14 Mactaggart & Greenan, Phase II, Ayr HCC £1,970,572.00 £985,286.00 Work ongoing Mickel International SAC/145/02/15 Hope Homes Ladywell, Fisherton M D £136,178.00 £13,618.00 In Maintenance Period Insurance SAC/146/03/15 Stewart Milne/Mac Townend Brae Phase 1, NHBC £274,302.00 £205,726.00 Work ongoing and Mic Symington SAC/147/04/15 Bellway Homes Kilmarnock Road, Phase NHBC £424,252.00 £212,126.00 Snagging work currently underway – roads to be placed Ltd 2, Troon in maintenance period once complete SAC/152/03/16 Stewart Milne Townend Brae Phase 2, NHBC £664,026.00 £205,726.00 Work ongoing Homes Symington SAC/155/06/16 Keepmoat Homes Heathfield Road, Ayr NHBC £624,000.00 £62,400.00 In Maintenance Period SAC/158/01/17 Tom Bennet Culzean Road, Maybole Cash £153,879.00 £15,388.00 In Maintenance Period Deposit SAC/159/02/17 Mactaggart & Townend Brae, NHBC £610,581.00 £305,290.50 Work ongoing Mickel Symington Phase 3 SAC/162/01/18 Stewart Milne N E Troon, Phase 4 NHBC £676,681.87 £338,640.93 Work ongoing SAC/163/02/18 Mactaggart & Greenan, Ayr Phase 3 NHBC £67,181.00 £67,181.00 Work ongoing Mickel SAC/166/05/18 Taylor Wimpey N E Troon Distributor NHBC £576,486,63 £576,486,63 Work ongoing Road, Phase 2B SAC/167/06/18 Taylor Wimpey N E Troon Distributor NHBC £576,486,63 £576,486,63 Work ongoing Road, Phase 2C

Appendix 2 - Completed Road Bonds and Road Adoptions since February 2018

East Ayrshire

Ref Developer Site Bond release Adoption date Comments 2005/025 Ayrshire Property Union Street, 23/07/18 24/08/18 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted Developments Ltd CC/S/08/05 J&J Construction Main Street, Sorn Bond call-in 30/07/15 Road works completed by ARA and roads adopted by (Woolmill Place) ongoing ARA on 30/07/15. EAC Legal Services continue to pursue bond provider for recovery of £64,115 from retained bond value of £88,500. 2006/001 Paddle Homes Arran Avenue, 23/08/18 Roadworks completed by ARA within available bond Kilmarnock (Lamlash value – roads adopted Gardens) 2007/010 Marchstone Craig House, 22/12/17 05/02/19 Roadworks completed by ARA – roads adopted (Pollock Morris Drive) 2008/001 ATD Developments Weaver’s Court, Fenwick 31/8/17 06/03/19 Roadworks completed by ARA within available bond value – roads adopted 13/005 Milestone Primpton Avenue, 08/11/17 Bond released in full. Remedial works to street lighting Developments Dalrymple required before full adoption. 14/003 Lusk & McGivney Hill Street, Kilmarnock 11/12/18 Phase 1 of original development completed by (Mount Pleasant Way) developer and roads adopted. Future phase will require a new RCC and road bond to be submitted.

South Ayrshire

Ref Developer Site Bond release Adoption date Comments SAC/143/07/14 SAC Ferguson Street, Ayr N/A 19/02/2018 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted SAC/122/03/10 Mactaggart & Greenan Roundabout 19/01/2018 19/04/2018 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted Mickel SAC/123/04/10 Mactaggart & Greenan Phase 1 19/01/2018 19/04/2018 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted Mickel SAC/140/04/14 Mactaggart & Ottoline Drive, Troon 19/06/2018 19/06/2018 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted Mickel SAC/125/06/10 Cala Homes Hannah Wynd, St Quivox 21/06/2018 19/06/2018 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted SAC/137/01/14 Dawn Homes Tarbolton Road, Monkton 06/03/2018 6/03/2019 Site completed by developer – Roads Adopted

Appendix 3 - New Bonds received since January 2018

East Ayrshire

Ref Developer Site Bond Value Comments 16/003 Ph 3 Persimmon Homes Dunlop Road, Stewarton £713,585 Site currently being developed. (Main Site, Phase 3) (12/02/18) 16/004 Mooncatcher Rigg Road, Cumnock, Phase 1 £176,434 Site currently being developed. Phases 2 & 3 also Ltd/Campbell Homes (05/04/19) underway – refer to paragraph 15 of covering report. 16/011 Milestone Developments Robert Burns Avenue Phase 3, £4,942 In maintenance period – bond reduced to 10% (Shanter Crescent) Drongan (12/02/19)

17/002 Bellway Homes Fardalehill, Phase 3, Kilmarnock £1,338,781 Site currently being developed. (17/01/18) CC/EA/18/010 Mooncatcher Rigg Road, Cumnock, Phase 2 See under CC/16/004 Site currently being developed in conjunction with Ltd/Campbell Homes Phase 1 works. 17/006 Bellway Homes Fardalehill distributor road, £511,934 Site currently under development Phase 2, Kilmarnock (07/02/18) 17/007 Taylor Wimpey Altonhill, Phase 11, Kilmarnock £933,558 Site currently being developed. (14/05/18) 17/011 Hayhill Developments Hayhill £118,044 Site currently being developed. (17/09/18)

South Ayrshire

Ref Developer Site Bond Value Comments SAC/135/07/12 Taylor Wimpey N E Troon, Distributor Road £576,486.63 Work ongoing Phase 2A SAC/162/01/18 Stewart Milne N E Troon, Phase 4 £338,640.93 Work ongoing SAC/163/02/18 Mactaggart & Mickel Greenan, Ayr Phase 3 £67,181.00 Work ongoing SAC/166/05/18 Taylor Wimpey N E Troon, Distributor Road £576,486.63 Work ongoing Phase 2B SAC/167/06/18 Taylor Wimpey N E Troon, Distributor Road £576,486.63 Work ongoing Phase 2C