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CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY/ FINANCING/POWER/ CALIFORNIA CHOICE ENERGY AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Tuesday May 28, 2019 Regular Meeting – 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers – Lancaster City Hall The City Clerk/Agency/Authority Secretary hereby declares the agenda was posted by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2019 at the entrance to the Lancaster City Hall Council Chambers. 44933 Fern Avenue, Lancaster, CA 93534 LEGISLATIVE BODY City Council/Successor Agency/Financing/Power/ California Choice Energy Authority Mayor/Chair R. Rex Parris Vice Mayor/Vice Chair Marvin Crist Council Member/Agency Director/Authority Member Raj Malhi Council Member/Agency Director/Authority Member Ken Mann Council Member/Agency Director/Authority Member Angela Underwood-Jacobs CITY OF LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY/FINANCING/POWER/ CALIFORNIA CHOICE ENERGY AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 AGENDA ITEMS TO BE REMOVED Sometimes it is necessary to remove items from the agenda. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. PUBLIC BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR - AGENDIZED ITEMS Any person who would like to address the Legislative Bodies on any agendized item is requested to complete a speaker card for the City Clerk/Agency/Authority Secretary and identify the agenda item you would like to discuss. Each person will be given an opportunity to address the Legislative Body at the time such item is discussed. Speaker cards are available at the rear of the Council Chambers and your speaker card must be filled out prior to the agenda item being called. We respectfully request that you fill the cards out completely and print as clearly as possible. Following this procedure will allow for a smooth and timely process for the meeting and we appreciate your cooperation. Individual speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. Consent Calendar items under the Legislative Body may be acted upon with one motion, a second and the vote. If you desire to speak on an item or items on the Consent Calendar, you may fill out one speaker card for the Consent Calendar. You will be given three minutes to address your concerns before the Legislative Body takes action on the Consent Calendar. CALL TO ORDER City Council/Successor Agency/Financing/Power/ California Choice Energy Authority ROLL CALL City Council Members /Agency Directors /Authority Members: Malhi, Mann, Underwood-Jacobs; Vice Mayor/Vice Chair Crist, Mayor/Chair Parris INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2 CITY OF LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY/FINANCING/POWER/ CALIFORNIA CHOICE ENERGY AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 PRESENTATION 1. LTV/AVHUSD Student Video Contest Winners Presenter: Mayor Parris COUNCIL ACTIONS MINUTES M 1. Approve the City Council/Successor Agency/Financing/ Power/ California Choice Energy Authority Regular Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2019. CONSENT CALENDAR CC 1. Waive further reading of any proposed ordinances. (This permits reading the title only in lieu of reciting the entire text.) CC 2. Approve the Check and Wire Registers for April 28, 2019 through May 4, 2019 in the amount of $2,628,688.66. Approve the Check Registers as presented. At each regular City Council Meeting, the City Council is presented with check and ACH/wire registers listing the financial claims (invoices) against the City for purchase of materials, supplies, services, and capital projects issued the prior three to four weeks. This process provides the City Council the opportunity to review the expenditures of the City. Claims are paid via checks, Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments, or federal wires. The justifying backup information for each expenditure is available in the Finance Department. CC 3. Accept and approve the April 2019 Monthly Report of Investments as submitted. Each month, the Finance Department prepares a report listing the investments for all separate entities under the jurisdiction of the City as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. CC 4. Adopt Resolution No. 19-19, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to apply for $9,402,313 of funds available to the City of Lancaster from Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA). Annually, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority allocates Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 8 funds to fund unmet transit needs in areas outside the Metro service area. 3 CITY OF LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY/FINANCING/POWER/ CALIFORNIA CHOICE ENERGY AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 CC 5. Adopt Resolution No. 19-20, authorizing submittal of application(s) for all CalRecycle grants for which the City of Lancaster is eligible. Public Resources Code sections 48000 et seq. authorizes CalRecycle to administer various grant programs in furtherance of the State of California’s efforts to reduce, recycle and reuse solid waste generated in the state, thereby preserving landfill capacity and protecting public health and safety and the environment. This resolution will authorize the submittal of application(s) to CalRecycle for all grants for which the City of Lancaster is eligible and will be in effect for five (5) years from the date of adoption. CC 6. Adopt Resolution No. 19-21, approving the blanket authority to file applications for grant funds from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for Measure A funding for projects and programs. On November 8, 2016, the voters of the County of Los Angeles approved the Safe, Clean Neighborhood Parks, Open Space Beaches, Rivers Protection, and Water Conservation Measure (Measure A) and designated the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District (the District) to administer said funds. The District has now set forth the necessary policies and procedures governing the application for grant funds under Measure A. CC 7. Approve the map and accept the dedications as offered on Tract Map No. 61989-01, located at the southwest corner of 67th Street West and Avenue L; make findings that this project will not violate any of the provisions of Sections 66473.5, 66474.1 and 66474.6 of the Subdivision Map Act; and instruct the City Clerk to endorse on the face of the map the certificate which embodies the approval of said map and the dedications shown thereon. On December 19, 2005, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract Map No. 61989 (revised on January 17, 2017). The Final Map is in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map. Tract Map No. 61989-01 has been examined by the City Surveyor, and is ready for Council approval. The securities for this map will be in the form of a Subdivision Improvement and Lien Agreement (Agreement), which will guarantee and secure the performance of all the grading, public improvements, impact fees, and public agency fees. CC 8. Approve the purchase of Highway Safety LED Lights from BYD Energy, LLC for the purpose of replacing and upgrading the City’s highway safety lights. The City’s maintenance schedule programmed the replacement of the City’s highway safety lighting, which exist on signalized intersections for the purpose of lighting both the intersections and the crosswalks, for 2019. In order to have a standard lighting appearance throughout the City, it is recommended that the highway safety lights have the same manufacturer as the street lights. In addition to the safety purposes, the maintenance of these lights will not require any additional training or variations in services by City staff. 4 CITY OF LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY/FINANCING/POWER/ CALIFORNIA CHOICE ENERGY AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 CC 9. Award Public Works Construction Project No. 17-005, 2020 Safe Route to School (SRTS) Pedestrian Improvements, ATPSB1L-5419(055), to R.C. Becker & Son, Inc., of Santa Clarita, California, in the amount of $5,774,744.42, plus a 20% contingency, to install gap closures and pedestrian improvements, such as sidewalks, bulb-outs, curb ramps, cross-walks and bike lanes. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to sign all documents. This contract is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder per California Public Code Section 22038 (b). The City of Lancaster (City) received a Federal ATP Cycle 3 Grant in the amount of $5,272,000.00 for PWCP 17-005 - 2020 SRTS Pedestrian Improvement project from the 2017 Active Transportation Program (ATP), which was augmented (replaced) through Senate Bill 1 (SB1), Road Repair and Accountability Act (State funds). This ATP project will provide improvements to several streets and intersections surrounding five (5) elementary school sites (Desert View, Mariposa, Monte Vista, Sierra and Sunnydale), which will close or complete existing infrastructure gaps and improve safety and access for both pedestrian and bicycle traffic. CC 10. Lancaster Drainage Benefit Assessment District Annual Assessment for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 a. Adopt Resolution No. 19-22, generally describing any proposed improvements or substantial changes in existing improvements, and ordering the assessment engineer to prepare and file a report for Lancaster Drainage Benefit Assessment District. b. Adopt Resolution No. 19-23, preliminarily approving the Engineer's Report, fixing time and place for public hearing on the levy of the proposed assessment, and declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments within Lancaster Drainage Benefit Assessment District. The City Council previously formed the Lancaster Drainage Benefit Assessment District, including establishment of separate zones, and submitted the proposition to the eligible voters in each respective zone. The majority of voters approved the formation of the District, the separate zones, and the levying of the assessment. The first year's assessment was paid by the developers of the property. Each year, thereafter, the City Council, after public notice and hearing, may determine and impose an annual assessment. 5 CITY OF LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL/SUCCESSOR AGENCY/FINANCING/POWER/ CALIFORNIA CHOICE ENERGY AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 CC 11.