Black Tie Gala Celebrates Citadel of Healing 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 19, 2017 - JAN 25, 2017

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Black Tie Gala Celebrates Citadel of Healing 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 19, 2017 - JAN 25, 2017 FREE JAN 19, 2017 - JAN 25, 2017 VOL. 18, NO. 03 FREE Black Tie Gala Celebrates Citadel of Healing 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 19, 2017 - JAN 25, 2017 Wind Turbines Debated as Senator Robert Ortt assumes Energy Committee post strengthens our energy system, reduces James Hufnagel greenhouse gas emissions, and jumpstarts local economic development." Following in the footsteps of his pre- The plan reports reports that, as decessor George Maziarz, Senator Rob- of 2011, wind was already 9% of New ert Ortt was named last week to the state York's renewable electricity portfolio, senate's powerful Standing Committee on well ahead of solar and geothermal, and Energy and Telecommunications, or En- KDVWKHSRWHQWLDOWRIXO¿OOKDOIUHDGWKDW ergy Committee, for short. again, half, of the state's total electricity "The (Energy Committee) oversees needs. the development of legislation and poli- Why then did Senator Ortt omit wind cy related to energy and communications energy from his statement announcing sectors. Committee members aim to pro- his appointment to the Senate Energy mote competitive markets, support pri- Committee? Could it have anything to do vate investment, streamline regulations, with the fact that he's allied himself with create jobs and keep consumer costs D 6RPHUVHW RXW¿W WKDW FDOOV LWVHOI 626 down. Priorities include modernizing the ("Save Ontario Shores"), a group of rural state’s energy generation, transmission 1,0%< V ZKR KDYH EHHQ ¿JKWLQJ WRRWK and distribution; facilitating expansion of and nail a wind turbine project slated for renewable and clean energy technologies; their tiny, isolated settlement? and expanding high-speed broadband and Senator Robert Ortt joins a protest against wind energy at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station last year. SOS, among many other arguments other new communication technologies and with Sen. Ortt's enthusiastic support to underserved areas of the state," says and advocacy, contends that windmills at ing our environment and ensuring local 170 asthma attacks, 9 hospital admissions the state senate website. Somerset would present an insurmount- UHVLGHQWV SOD\ D VLJQL¿FDQW UROH LQ GHFL- ($200,000), 7 cases of chronic bronchitis "I truly look forward to serving on able threat to operations at the Niagara sion-making," said Senator Ortt. and 8 asthma emergency room visits. the Senate Committee on Energy - on an Falls Air Reserve Station, a contention It's important to note that "continuing For decades, when the air was right, issue of vital importance to our commu- that's thoroughly refuted by the Air Force our region's success with traditional ma- Niagara County shoreline residents could nity and our entire state. With the greatest itself. jor sources of energy" as Sen. Ortt puts observe a brown pall, occupying an in- generating capacity in the state, the Niag- $WRSRI¿FHURIWKHORFDO$LU)RUFH it - at Somerset - undeniably refers to version layer immediately above the hori- ara Power Project is a substantial compo- Reserve unit said last week that the pos- the former AES, now Blackstone Group, zon, stretching clear across Lake Ontario nent of the state’s energy portfolio, and sible construction of wind turbines in GLUW\FRDO¿UHGSRZHUSODQWRQWKHVKRUHV all the way to Toronto. plays a critical role in the Western New Somerset and Yates will have no impact of Lake Ontario at the extreme isolated In addition, while giving a nod in his York economy. I’m dedicated to continu- on operations at the Niagara Falls Air Re- northeast corner of Niagara County. statement to solar and geothermal in his ing our region’s success with traditional serve Station," reported the Buffalo News According to "Find Your Risk from statement, Sen. Ortt conspicuously does major sources of energy - like Niagara on Oct 23, 2016. Power Plant Pollution," a 2011 study by not mention wind power. and Somerset - while exploring innova- Senator Ortt must weigh carefully the Abt Associates commissioned by the The 2015 New York State Energy tive technologies of tomorrow like solar needs of local constituents, as they rightly &OHDQ$LU7DVN)RUFHDQRQSUR¿WUHVHDUFK Plan charts the course to achieve a 40% and geo-thermal to maintain and create or wrongly perceive them, vis a vis the and advocacy organization, the Somer- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions good, local jobs. I believe we can meet necessity of limiting pollution, enhanc- VHW FRDO¿UHG SODQW WKDW 6HQDWRU 2UWW LV by the year 2030. The plan's Offshore WKHVLJQL¿FDQWFDSDFLW\GHPDQGVWKURXJK- ing public health and reversing climate "dedicated to continuing" was statistical- Wind Initiative "has the potential to be- out the state and that Western New York’s change which, after all, should be among ly responsible in 2010 for 11 deaths, in- come a major source of renewable pow- workforce and ingenuity will be a critical the goals of the Senate Energy Commit- cluding an estimated 19 heart attacks (at er for New York (the 15th windiest state part of it. We can do this while protect- tee. a public health cost of over $2 million), in the nation, according to the DEC) that NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER “The Truth is Always Fair” CHAIRMAN & EDITOR IN CHIEF Frank Parlato Managing Editor Senior Editor Dr. Chitra Selvaraj Tony Farina phone: (716) 284-5595 PO Box 3083, Niagara Falls, NY 14304 email: [email protected] . 3 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 19, 2017 - JAN 25, 2017 Could Kiedrowski Step Back into NT Role? The ink on North Tonawanda 1st Ward Alderman Phillip "Russ" Riz- zo's resignation letter had barely dried Wednesday afternoon at NT City Hall be- fore the rumor mill there began to churn out possible successors. One of the names rapidly rising to the top of some local oddsmakers, though, is a name familiar to many in Niagara County politics, and certainly in North Tonawanda: Scott P. Kiedrowski, the county Republican Party chairman, former city clerk-treasurer, and current Western Region OTB vice president. NT's city council will have its hands full in coming weeks. Rizzo's departure is WKHVHFRQGKLJKSUR¿OHUHVLJQDWLRQIURP city government in as many weeks. It fol- lows the surprise departure of Alderwom- an Catherine Schwandt, who left because RISRWHQWLDOFRQÀLFWVZLWKKHUMREDWWKH New York Power Authority. Making matters tougher is that Riz- zo, a sort of elder statesman in NT poli- tics, who served on the Common Council in two different eras, bracketing a single term in the Niagara County Legislature, will be, according to both Republican faithful and Lumber City Democrats, Scott Kiedorwski, VP of Batavia Downs, Niagara County GOP Chairman and possibly the man who will be selected to re- GLI¿FXOW IRU WKH ORFDO *23 PDFKLQH WR place the retiring Russ Rizzo as Alderman in North Tonawanda, with Rep. Chris Collins. UHSODFH 7KH JUDQGIDWKHUO\ ¿JXUH²ZKR OHDYHV RI¿FH DIWHU GRLQJ EDWWOH ZLWK D porter was unable to reach Kiedrowski the newly-elected state senator's chief of out to several North Tonawanda alder- EUDLQWXPRU²ZDVSRSXODUZLWKPDQ\LQ before deadline. staff. men, but only reached new Council Pres- Niagara County's second city. When the Reporter contacted Carney The stint with Ortt was followed ident Eric Zadzilka, who represents the "Russ was very often 'Mr. North about the rumors that Kiedrowski might E\ WKH JLJ DW :527%²D SRVW ZKHUH city's 3rd Ward. Zadzilka refused to spec- Tonawanda,'" NT GOP Chairman Mike be appointed, the city chairman punted. Kiedrowski was reunited with another ulate on who would succeed Rizzo, say- Carney said in a prepared statement. "He "That's a decision both Scott and the longtime political ally: former Niagara ing only, "Today is about Russ. Tomor- also did a fantastic job getting back to his Council would have to make," Carney County Republican Party Chairman Hen- URZZH OOVWDUWWRSXWWRJHWKHUDSODQWR¿OO constituents, calling them back, staying told us. "Obviously, I've known Scott for ry Wojtaszek, a local political kingmaker two vacancies. But it would be premature on top of their issues. He challenged our years, and have a deep respect for him, who leaned heavily on Kiedrowski as his to even speculate." Republican-led city government to work but the appointment would be a decision elections commissioner. Sounds like Kiedrowski to us... and as diligently as he did." for the Common Council, not the party. This newspaper attempted to reach not a bad choice at that... 7R VXFFHHG VXFK D SRSXODU ¿JXUH And I'm sure Scott wouldn't make a deci- who won his last race for reelection by 22 sion to apply for that post lightly." percentage points, Republicans may need Kiedrowski's political résumé is WRWDSDNQRZQTXDQWLW\LQFLW\SROLWLFV² impressive. A former city alderman, he particularly in the city's 1st Ward, where went on to serve as the GOP's elections city Democrats have long found their commissioner in Lockport for the better most favorable terrain. part of a decade, before returning to his As a highly-placed NT City Hall hometown to serve as clerk-treasurer af- Republican told us Wednesday night, ter newly-elected Mayor Rob Ortt defeat- .LHGURZVNLVHHPVWR¿WWKDWPROG ed Soos and vacated the clerk-treasurer "Scottie took 70 percent citywide the RI¿FHKHKDGRQFHKHOG ODVW WLPH KH UDQ WKH FLW\ RI¿FLDO VDLG Kiedrowski went on to comfortably "That included the 1st Ward, where he win back-to-back elections for the post, won every single district. With him, Re- before again following Ortt to serve as publicans won't have to worry about the Democrats skunking us." A quick check of county Board of (OHFWLRQVUHFRUGVYHUL¿HVZKDWZHZHUH told. Kiedrowski carried every single one of ten voting districts in North Tonawa- nda's 1st Ward, often by a two-to-one or better margin, against Democrat Gregg R. Schnitzer. Schnitzer served as sec- retary to former Mayor Larry Soos, the ODVW'HPRFUDWWRKROGWKDWRI¿FHLQDFLW\ where Republicans have come to domi- If the whole world stands nate in recent years.
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