Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION 1 the Survey Senes 1 Developmen& and Offshoots 2 Arrangement of the Report 5
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Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION 1 The survey senes 1 Developmen& and offshoots 2 Arrangement of the report 5 I BRITISH SOCIAL ATTITUDES 6 1 THE1990SURVEY 6 1 1 Structure and fundmg 6 12 Topic areas wvered 7 2 THESAMPLE 9 2 1 Selechon of parliamentary conshtuencies 9 2 2 Selechon of polling dstncts 10 2 3 Selechon of addresses 10 2 4 Queshonnare versions 10 2 5 Selechon of indrwduals 10 3 WEIGHTING 11 4 DATA COLLECTION AND RESPONSE 12 41 Pllohng 12 4 2 Man stage fieldwork 12 4 3 Self-wmplehon queshonnare 13 5 DATA PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS 14 5 1 Data preparauon 14 5 2 Occupahon dng 14 53 Industrydng 18 5 4 Other analysis groupings 18 6 SAMPLING ERRORS 20 7 STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTIONNAIRES 23 I1 NORTHERN IRELAND SOCIAL ATTITUDES 26 1 THE1990SURVEY 26 2 THESAMPLE 26 2 1 Selechon of addresses 26 2 2 Selechon of inawduals 21 3 WEIGHTING 27 4 DATA COLLECTION AND RESPONSE 28 41 Pllohng 28 4 2 Man stage fieldwork 28 4 3 Advance letter expenrnent 28 5 DATA PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS 29 5 1 Data preparahon 29 5 2 Analysis groupings 29 5 3 Sampling errors 29 APPENDIX A Distnbuhon of sample between Standard Repons (Bntam only) Sampled conshtuenwes, war& and polling d~stnc&(Bntan only) APPENDIX B Summary of response (Bntam only) Response by Standard Repon (Bnmn only) APPENDIX C Calls and Sample Selechon Sheet (CASS) (Bntan and Northern Ireland) APPENDIX D @fShoMaIres wth edIhng instrucuons (Bntan and Northern Ireland) APPENDIX E Code frames and angmtruchons (Bntan and Northern Ireland) APPENDIX F Standard Industnal Classificahon (SIC) APPENDIX G Queshonnares wth weighted margmals (percentages) (Bntan and Northern Ireland) APPENDIX H LWhOn of denved vanables recoded on the datatape (Bntam and Northern Ireland) APPENDIX I Cross-index of Bnfzsh Sociul Atnrudes queshOnnaIres. 1983-1990 APPENDIX J Other survey documents (Bntam and Northern Ireland) APPENDIX K Contents of the annual Bnash Social AtU1ude.1 Repons , 1984-1991 APPENDIX L Contact names and addresses for the lruemauonal Socral Swvey Programme (ISSP) wuntnes 16. Social Weather Stations Mahar Mangahas, Mercedes Abad, Linda Luz Guerrero mePhilippines) social Weather Stations, Inc. Philippine Social Science Center Commonwealth Avenue Diliman Quemn City 1101 The Philippines Tel (2) 922 %21 (2) 952 181 Fax (2) 361 MO5 (care of Mr. Rabel Mangahas) Tom W. Smith NORC I155 East 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637-2799 USA TeI (312) 753-7877 Computermad NNRTWSl @ UCHIMVSI Fax (312) 702 0857 18. VClOM Tatyana Zaslavskaya, Ludmilla Khakhulina (USSR) The Soviet Center for Public Opinion and Market Research 17, d.25 Oktyablya MOSCOW 103642 uss Tel 095-4385177; 921-93-85 Fax USSR 095-4202208 Archive ZentralArchiv Erwin K Scheuch, Ekkehard Mochmann. Rolf Uher, lrene Mllller (Koln) ZentralArchive arEmpirische Sodalforschung Bachemer Strasse 40 5000K(lln 41 Germany Tel (221) 47049 - 65 (Scheuch) Tel (221) 47694 - 25 (Uher) (221) 47694 - 27 (Mllller) Cornputermail FEMPORARY) AHZ03 @ IBMVM.RRZ.UN1- KOELN.DE Fax (221) 47694- 44 INTRODUCTION The survey serm This report describes the design, administration and data format of Bnfuh Socud Alftfudes 1990 Swvq This IS the seventh in the series started by SCPR in 1983 and core-funded by the Sansbury Family Charitable Trusts untll at least 1996 The series is designed to chart movements in a wde range of social attitudes in Bntan, including attitudes towards politics, the economy, the workplace, and other social and moral issues It is sunllar to, and indeed was inspired by, the General Socud Swveycarried out since 1973 by NORC in the Umted States Our data derive from annual cross-sectional surveys wth representative samples of adults aged 18 or over livlng in private households in Great Britain In 1990, the second in a series of Northem Ireland Smd Affrludes (NISA) surveys was carried out (see below) This report also presents techmcal detalls of the second NISA survey Surveys in the Bnfuh Soczal Atfltudes (BSA) series have been carried out annually between 1983 and 1990, except in 1988 Instead, wth the agreement of the core-funders, the 1988 survey budget was brought forward and deployed towards a post-1987 election study of political attitudes, carried out by SCPR and Nuffield College, Word as the latest of the Bnfuh General Electtonstudies (The results of the 1987 post-election survey were published in 19911) There wll be a gap in the series in 1992 for the same reason The Bnflsh Soczal Atfltudesstudy has been designed as a senes of surveys, to allow the monitoring and understanding of trends in attitudes The survey is repeated at annual intervals not because we believe that most social attitudes change greatly from year to year, but because one of the ams of the study is to examine the relutrve rates at which different sorts of attitude change Not all questions or groups of questions (modules) are included in each fieldwork round The modules repeated annually tend either to be on subjects where fairly rapid change in attitude might be expected - and for which an annual trend line is therefore llkely to be helpful - or on variables such as socio-economic and demographic characteristics, or party identification, which are needed for interpreting other answers In any event, constrants of space (we confine ourselves to an average of an hour-long intemew each year), the need for economy and our wsh to insert at least one new module into the questionnaxe every year, combine to lunit the frequency wth which each group of questions can be carried All questions are, however, scheduled for repetition - some each year, some at regular intervals and others less frequently Appendlx 1 of this report contans a cross-index of those questions asked more than once between 1983 and 1990 Inevltably perhaps, a few questions do not seem to work very well, despite contrary indications at the pllot stage Many survey series face this difficulty, and its resolution is by no means straghtforward To change or remove unsatisfactory questions would sacrifice comparability over tune, to retain them would run the risk of producing and reproducing misleading information Neither practice is desrable but one or the other is unavoidable And, of course, the vocabulary changes over the years and our questions have inevltably to change to reflect this The man changes in question wording, Heath A, Jowell R, Curt~ceJ , Evans G , Field J and Witherspoon S , Undersfandrng Pdlucal Change Voung Behawow in Bnlmn 1964-1987,Pergamon, Word (1991) interviewer instructions and so on made in 1990 are noted at the end of the cross-index. Other changes, including those to filter instructions between years, are noted in the Cumulative Sourcebook (see below). Standardised SPSS-x set-up files have been created for all the existing datasets, and each year the latest available dataset is deposited at the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Data Archive at the University of Essex. This enables anyone in the social science community to do analytic or interpretative work of their own, or to use the datasets for teaching purposes. Eric Tannenbaum at the Archive will provide details about 'on line' access. The survey may be of interest substantively (either as a single cross-sectional sample or eventually as recording change over time) or methodologically (for instance, comparing different ways of asking questions, or the development of scale items). This volume is intended to serve as the technical documentation for the British and Northern Ireland 1990 datasets, to allow users to find and interpret the information they need. 'On-line' access is also available through the Data Library at the University of Edinburgh. Peter Burnhill or Donald Morse at the Centre for Applications, Software and Technology (CAST), University of Edinburgh, will provide details. Developments and offshoots Users may like to take note of other developments in the British Social Atthdesseries, some of which might affect the analyses they intend to carry out. 1. Between 1989 and 1991, the Nuffield Foundation and the Central Community Relations Unit in Belfast have funded an extension of the annual BSA survey within Northern Ireland - the Northern Ireland Social Attitudes (NISA) survey. Around 900 people have been interviewed there each spring by the Policy Planning and Research Unit, using a questionnaire which contains all of the 'core' questions asked each year on BSA, and several of the 'special' modules in that year. In addition, it contains a module dealing with issues of particular concern to the province (for example, community relations and attitudes towards the security forces); some of these questions are also asked in Britain. The two annual datasets are, of course, independent and cannot simply be added together to provide UK data. But they do allow data-users to make comparisons on a range of issues between the attitudes of UK citizens on either side of the Irish Sea? Technical details of the second NISA survey are given in Section I1 of this report. These datasets are also made available via the ESRC Data Archive. 2. In November 1991, the first Britkh Social AltitudRF Curdative Sourcebook (part- funded by Shell UK Ltd.) will be published? The Sourcebook brings together responses to all the questions asked in the series between 1983 and 1989 (with all variations noted), * A selection of findings has been published in both The 7h Repn (Curtice. J. and Gallagher,T., 'The Northern Irish dimension') and The 8th Repn (Gallagher, T., 'Justice and the law in Northern Ireland'). More comprehensive results are given in Stringer, P. and Robinson, G. (eds.),Social Am'tudes in Nonhem Idat4 The Blackstaff Press, Belfast (1991). The second book in the NISA series (the 1991-92 edition) is in press. British Social Am'tudes: Cumulative Sowcebcdc, compiled by Social and Community Planning Research, Gower.