Nº 3 · May 2008 Inclusive e-services Editorial Inclusive e-services 2 Sally Wyatt The European Journal of ePractice is a digital publication on eTransformation by Articles ePractice.eu, a portal created by the European Commission to promote the Creating a regional agency to foster eInclusion: the case of sharing of good practices in eGovernment, eHealth and eInclusion. South Yorkshire, UK 3 Bridgette Wessels Edited by P.A.U. Education, S.L. The eHungary Program 2.0 - Building an Army of Web: www.epracticejournal.eu eCounsellors to fight against digital illiteracy 14 Email:
[email protected] Andrea Fejer and Marianna Posfai The texts published in this journal, unless otherwise indicated, are Methodologies to identify best practice in barrier-free subject to a Creative Commons Attribution- web design 22 Noncommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 2.5 Beate Schulte, Ulrike Peter, Jutta Croll and Iris Cornelssen licence. They may be copied, distributed and broadcast provided that the author and the The ‘relative utility’ approach for stimulating ICT acceptance: e-journal that publishes them, European profiling the non-user 36 Journal of ePractice, are cited. Commercial use and derivative works are not permitted. Pieter Verdegem and Pascal Verhoest The full licence can be consulted on http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc- EU principles in modernisation of Justice and the nd/2.5/ Turkish IT project UYAP 47 Ali Riza Cam Editorial: Inclusive e-services Professor Sally Wyatt Senior Research Fellow, Maastricht University & Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences This third issue of the European Journal of ePractice analyses attempts by local, regional and national governments and agencies to use new technologies to promote social inclusion.