The Ayrshire Directory
BOUND BY C. FRAMEI F 1 GLASGOW HB.Ui.<^.o. THE PSINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE AYE ADVERTISEE OFFICE, AYR MDCCCLI. %yx Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland — PREFACE. That the want' of an " AYRSHmE Directory " lias long been felt in Law-Courts, Banks, Public Oinces among Factors, Professional Gentlemen, xlgents, Inn- keepers, Mercbants, and Dealers througbout the County—as well as by Strangers, and Professional and Mercantile Houses in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, and other Cities having intercourse with Ayr- shire, has been already fully proved by the numerous Subscribers to this Publication. Its compilation has been attended with much more labour and expense than those unacquainted with its details might suppose—the Lists for the Forty- six Parishes having been prepared, and at a later date revised, in each Parish. The Parishes are arranged alphabetically. PREFACE. The diiSculties attending a first attempt at present- ing so very full a List of the Inhabitants of a whole County, are pleaded in excuse of any inaccuracies that may be discovered. The indication of the Voters, though attempted care- fully, had better, perhaps, in the present edition have been omitted, as the Official Registers from which they are taken have never since the passing of the Reform Bill been purged of " dead," and "absent"; while at the date when consulted, this year's Electors had not been added. Prefixed to the Directory are Fifty-eight pages of County Statistics, Interest Tables, and other informa- tion valuable for reference; and Seventy pages of Advertisements are annexed.
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