Just the Facts … Vocabulary Wentworth Cheswell – was a soldier in the American Revolution. He was a teacher, historian, boycott – refusal to buy certain goods archaeologist and judge. casualties – people who are killed, wounded, Lord Charles Cornwallis - British General – captured or missing in a war Surrenders to Washington at Yorktown guerilla warfare - a hit-and-run technique used in Bernardo de Galvez – governor of Spanish fighting a war; fighting of small bands using tactics Louisiana. when Spain entered the war against such as sudden ambushes. Britain in 1779. Spain helped the Patriots on the mercenaries - hired soldiers western front. militia - an army made up of citizens – proposed the Albany Plan of – American colony militia members who Union which would have united the colonies under could be ready to fight at a minute’s notice one government. He helped secure French aid propaganda - information giving only one side of during the American Revolution. the argument - American commander at Saratoga repeal - to end or cancel King George III-British monarch during the siege – military blockade of a city or fort American Revolution. writs of assistance – special search warrants – Patriot who was a member of the that allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled Virginia House of Burgesses Famously said “…give goods. me liberty, or give me death.” unalienable rights – basic human rights, such as – primary author of the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Declaration of Independence. tyranny - oppressive or unjustly severe abuse of John Paul Jones – American naval hero who government power. A ruler who uses power in this famously said, “I have not yet begun to fight.” way is called a tyrant. – Bookseller – Secretary of war – Hauls cannons from Ticonderoga Important People Marquis de Lafayette – Frenchman who believed in the Patriot cause. He aided the Patriots with Abigail Adams - Wife of – her money and supplies. He became a close friend and letters became a valuable source for historians advisor to . John Adams - A diplomat – served in both James Otis a highly respected lawyer who played Continental Congresses – becomes 2nd American a prominent role in advancing the colonists' president interests, along with Sam Adams. – founded the and – wrote and The Committees of Correspondence. He was the Crisis mastermind behind the . Haym Salomon - American patriot and financier. - Led his Green Mountain Boys in the He made loans in excess of $600,000 to help capture of Fort Ticonderoga finance the new government. - American hero at Ticonderoga Friedrich von Steuben – German who helped train and Saratoga – later joins the British as is known as the Patriots at during the American a traitor. Revolution. Crispus Attucks – African American killed at the Mercy Otis Warren – female patriot who wrote . plays to make the British look foolish - British General – “Gentleman” – George Washington – commander of the loser at Saratoga

Documents/Institutions Important Dates

Albany Plan of Union – plan proposed by Ben 1607 – Jamestown was established. This is the Franklin that would unite the colonies under one first permanent English settlement in North government. The plan was rejected. America. Proclamation Line of 1763 – King George III 1620 – Pilgrims founded Plymouth Rock told the colonists that they could not settle west of 1776 – Declaration of Independence was written the Appalachian Mountains. It was ignored. and signed. - Delegates met in New York and issued a declaration stating that the Wars and Battles: Stamp Act violated the rights and liberties of the colonists. The delegates then asked Parliament to French & Indian War – (1754-1763) war between repeal the act or they would boycott British goods French and British. They were fighting for control Committees of Correspondence - Created in of North America. Britain won. The consequences in the mid 1760s to help towns and for the colonists were 1) taxes 2) Proclamation of colonies share information about resisting the new 1763. British laws American Revolution – (1775-1781) Conflict Daughters of Liberty - Women’s groups that met between the British and their American colonies. to sew, support boycotts of British good, an discuss Battles included: politics 1. Lexington & Concord (1775) first shots of the Declaration of Independence – formal Revolution. declaration written mainly by Thomas Jefferson and 2. (1776) first battle of signed on July 4, 1776. It stated that men possess the Revolution. Showed colonists that they unalienable rights. It also listed grievances against could hold their own against the British. King George III. (DOI Committee included: Thomas 3. Trenton & Princeton (1776) New Jersey – Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Robert Washington and soldiers captured Hessians. Livingston, and Roger Sherman.) 4. Saratoga (1777) turning point of the Revolution Treaty of 1783 – document that formally because France decided to aid the Patriots. ended the American Revolution. This made the Spain helped in west Mississippi River the western boundary of the 5. Valley Forge – winter 1777-1778 – low on . food/clothing during harsh winter 1/5 of Washington’s men died from disease and Events/Acts malnutrition. Friedrich von Steuben trained For all Acts, see Causes Chart. troops and turned Continental Army into well- trained group of soldiers. Boston Massacre – 5 America colonists were shot 6. Yorktown (1781) Cornwallis surrenders to and killed by British soldiers in March 1770. Washington. Final battle. We won! Boston Tea Party – Colonists dressed as Native

Americans and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. Additional Notes: 1st – (1774) meeting of colonial delegates in to decide how to respond to increased taxes and abuses of authority by the British government; delegates petitioned King George III, listing the freedoms they believed colonists should enjoy. 2nd Continental Congress – (1775) meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to react to fighting at Lexington and Concord