Jenkins Sets Five Goals in Faculty Address

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Jenkins Sets Five Goals in Faculty Address .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 37 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Jenkins sets five goals in faculty address By MADDIE HANNA grPat Catholic university fi1r thn currieulum required of all Notre 21st cnntury," themes that sur­ A<sociatc Nl'ws Ediwr Dame students, but it will also fan~d during the inauguration. "revinw and improve the design First and l'ormnost on Jenkins' of curricula for undergraduate A li~w weeks after dPlivoring an agenda was undergraduatn edu­ majors," Jenkins said. inaugural addrnss with swooping, cation, which hn called "a tradi­ The importance of increasing ambitious goals for tlw futun~ of tional strength and defining char­ undergraduate research. a goal Notre I >anw, University Prosidnnt acteristic: of Notrn Damn." that Jenkins has emphasized Fatlwr .John .Jenkins linn-tu1wd "As we advanee the scholarly since assuming thn presidency his plans in a spom:h to thn fm:ul­ mission of' thn University, we July 1, was presented alongside ty Tuosday in Leighton Conc:Prt must together ask how we can his statements on improving I tall in tho DeBartolo Performing strnngthen our teaching mission," undeq..,TJ"aduate nducation. Arlo.; Cnntnr. Jenkins said. "The question will "We will seek increased fund-· .IPnkins outlined live points - be central to thn mming ynar." ing to support undergraduate undnrgraduate Pducation. gradu­ To answnr this question, research and opportunities," al!' studi1~s and msoareh, divnrsi­ Jenkins said a morn c·omprehen­ Jenkins said. "llowevnr, even ty, Notre Danw's "distinet sive evaluation of' Notre Dame's prior to the realization of such Catholic mission" and liseal eon­ tnaching methods was necessary. funding, we must together seek strainl'i and opjlOrtunities - that lie said that while valuable, ways to instill in our students an lw said his administration would teacher course nvaluations excitement about the challenges liii'US on during his pn~side1wy. (TCEs) lillnd out by students wern of inquiry and of rewards of As hn nxplainml these an~as of not adequate. lie mentioned insight and discovery, creativity attl~ntion, .Jenkins plaend them using faculty pem· rnviews as an and probh)m-solving." into the grnatnr eontnxt of bal­ additional tool in the analysis. JENNIFER KANG!The Observer ancing faith and rnason and Not only will the administration University President Father John Jenkins described his goals, which molding Notrn Damn into "a evaluate the quality of the core see JENKINS/page 8 included increased diversity and research, to the faculty Tuesday. Catnpus groups set up 'cotning out' closet GPAsfrotn Students have mixed "A lot of people don't fen I com­ fortable being multiracial or overseas reactions to event biracial, but I am and I'm proud," Holley said. "People intended to promote don't understand what it's like to exatnined hide a part of yourself. But on a awareness, solidarity Catholic campus we need to understand we're together and Difficulty of courses By MARY KATE MALONE we can't single anyone out simply News Writer because they're gay." varies depending on llolley's attitude was exactly what organizers of Notre Dame's study abroad location The clouds, cold and crowds second annual coming out cele­ didn't keep l'reshman Cece !Iolley bration were hoping for. Students By KATIE STUHLDREHER from coming out of the closet representing various gay and les­ News Writl'r Tuesday in front of South Dining bian groups on campus creatnd II all. the event as a means to increase Snnior l•:illwn Nutting spnnt Not as a homosexual or bisexu­ dialogue about homosexuality on I as t y n a r s t.u dying at tlw al, but as a multi-racial fnmale at campus. The event was spon­ Univ1~rsity of' Oxford in Notre Damn. sored by the Graduate Stud1mt England with only five otlwr "Yay, this mak1~s me happy," Union and the Sociology Notro Damn students. Though Holley said as she walked out of Department. thnre was no· languagn barri­ a giant orange doset through a "You always have something er, Nutting said that. tho rainbow curtain. that not a lot of peopln know course load was so l'.hall,~ng­ !Iolley was one of the l'irst par­ about you that you can say to the i n g t h a I t lw (; r ad o J> o i n t ticipants in this year's "Come out world." event organizer Alex Averagns (CPA) of' tho stu­ CLAIRE KELLEY/The Observer of your elosnt" event, meant to Henfro said. "We're not pressur- dents dropped. Different groups organized the bright orange closet set up promote acceptance of alterna­ "In l'aet, of' tlw six of' us on South Quad Tuesday as part of Coming Out Week. see CLOSET/page 6 tive lifestyles on cam pus. ov1)r thorn I'm pretty sure all six returned with lower GPAs," Nutting said. "(;rantml I don't think they droppNI too badly - a l'nw hundredths of Gender breakdowns a point - but. nonotlwlnss, they went down." While tlw University is vPry oneouraging of' students wish­ apparent in service ing to study abroad. st.udPnts ol"ten wondnr how ehallong­ boys who were looking to hang ing, or unchalll)flging. I.IH•ir 1\y KELLY MEEHAN out with an older college guy." coursos abroad will lw and Nl'wsWritl'r Tho zoo trip proved to bn a what oiToet that will haVP on small sampling of' tho reality their GI'As. Sophomore Snrvkn Chairman that morn l'nmalns than males "Our campus is in South MPgan ()'Jiara could not lwlp voluntnPr at Notrn Dame. Data Bend, but. our classroom is .hut notice that on lwr last com­ from Cmttnr l"or Social Concerns the world," said Julia lllllllity service proji)Ct of" taking shows that the gender break­ Dou thwai to, assistant provost young ehildrPn to tlw zoo that down in community service l'or international studies, of' tlw numlwr of l'mnaln volun­ rangos from 55 l'nmalns and 45 tho University's nl'f'orts to pro­ tlwrs strongly outweiglwd the males to approximately two motn studying abroad. numlwr of' malo voluntnnrs. l'omalns volunteering l'or every Many Notrn Damn studPnts "Thorn worn approximately one malo, depending on the choose to vnnture away l'rom the Goldnn Dome t'or a SPnws­ 25-]0 voluntl~ors, and only one type of project. ter or ynar to r.ontinue tlwir of thorn was a guy," said Aeeording to Jay ClAIRE KELLEY/The Observer O'llara. "The little kids really Notre Dame freshman Angela Carothers, right, tutors 7th-grader noticed, nspecially all thn little see SERVICE/page 6 Ashlee Carrell at Robinson Community Learning Center Tuesday. see ABROAD/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 12, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? The Rules If Notre Dame lacks anything, it's not rules. And except for the occasional "Whoops, we fell asleep while watch­ ing a movie!" or "Heally? the Indiana Elisa Suarez drinking age isn't Michelle Byrne Nick Chambers Joel Liechty Nancy Powaga Kyle Bibby 18?" slip-ups, Janice Flynn sophomore freshman sophomore freshman senior sophomore wn're pretty good Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Alumni Keough off-campus Alumni at following them. But in an effort News Wire to strive for our Editor "Watching my "Laughing my "Watching the "/ like to play '"Riding my "Studying, collective excel- roommate while , , face off at 2B LeRoy Jenkins basketball bicycle. eating, lence, I humbly propose a few more she sleeps. guidelines for campus life. I do not techno dance video." because I have sleeping, wish to add to the anxieties of parties." mad skills. " fishing, fishing midterm week. Like "Thou shall not and fishing." kill" and "Thou shall not commit adultery," some rules are difficult to adhere to on a daily basis. Let's rise to the challenge. The rules (and possible conse­ quences) are as follows: 1. Couples are prohibited from same-side dining hall seating. 2. If a student has: seen another student every day in the dining hall IN BRIEF for the past 2/3/4 years; can name at least three mutual friends; believes there may have been at least one Teresa Ghilarducci, profes­ Saturday night introduction; and is sor of Economics and Policy aware of the other's current relation­ Studies, will gi-ve the lecture ship status, club memberships, politi­ "Law & ... Potential and cal leaning, and favorite month of the Pitfalls of Social Security year due to Facebook stalk-er-brows­ Reform" today at 4:30 p.m. in ing, it is permitted, even encouraged, Room 120 of the Law School. to give a simple nod, half-smile, or The commentator will be the neutral "hey" when in passing. Matthew Barrett of the Law (This column is about 80 inches too School. short to discuss the full implications Facebook has on this rule). Lyndall Gordon, senior 3. Should a student feel the need to research fellow at St. llilda's train for the Tour de France on South College at Oxford University. Quad, any individual should feel enti­ will give the lecture "Mary tled to clothesline the offender. Wollstonecraft's America" at 7 4. Any student, though well inten­ p.m. today in room 210-214 tioned, should not hold open a non­ McKenna Hall. The event is card-swipe-required door for an sponsored by the Political approaching student who, at 50 Science Department. The lec­ yards away, must change their ture will be followed by a book­ relaxed stroll to the obligatory (and signing.
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    Women’s Role in the Series Desperate Housewives: A Feminist Perspective Cholawat Prawalpatamakul, Khon Kaen University, Thailand Suban Keowkanya, Khon Kaen University, Thailand The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017 Official Conference Proceedings Abstract Desperate Housewives, created by Marc Cherry and aired on the ABC channel for eight seasons, is considered a representation of gender, specifically femininity, on the television (Bignell, 2008). Its plot focuses on the lives of four women (Bree Van De Kamp, Lynette Scavo, Gabriel Solis and Susan Delfino) who represent the internal struggles of the average woman, such as disempowerment, restrictions, and the confusing relationships of modern women in society (Coward, 2006; Sayeau, 2006; Morgan, 2007). With the emergence of the feminist movement, it is skeptical on how the series portray the four female protagonists when viewed through the lens of feminist perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to critically analyze the women’s roles in the series by using feminist theory as a lens. The eighth season of the series was selected since this season is the latest and shows the conclusion of all the characters. The results of the analysis showed all aspects of women's roles which reflected feminist theory in many ways. The four female protagonists portray the roles of housewife, mother, and daughter. The oppression, the gender performance, the sexual pleasure, the female friendship, and the contradiction are found and presented which can reflect the feminist theory clearly. Keywords: women, role, feminism, Desperate Housewives iafor The International Academic Forum Introduction Desperate Housewives was broadcasted on ABC Channel for eight seasons.
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