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Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159

Research paper

Silurian atmospheric O2 changes and the early radiation of gnathostomes Qing-Ming Qu a,b,∗, Min Zhu a, Wen-Jin Zhao a a Key Laboratory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 643, Beijing 100044, China b Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China Received 2 April 2009; received in revised form 26 July 2009; accepted 10 November 2009 Available online 13 November 2009

Abstract The number of known gnathostome fossils has increased significantly during the last two decades, and greatly improved our understanding of the early diversification of gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates). Primitive gnathostome remains from the Silurian of China are of special interest in bridging morphological gaps between osteichthyans and non-osteichthyan gnathostome groups. A review of these early fishes shows that gnathostomes had already obtained a wide distribution and experienced an early radiation in the Middle-Late Silurian. Environmental conditions in the Silurian are inferred from recent advances in geochemistry and paleoclimate models. Atmospheric oxygen concentration, an environmental factor critical in organismal evolution, rose gradually during the Silurian and reached modern levels for the first time. Compared to the Middle when invertebrates and agnathans underwent a great radiation, the Middle-Late Silurian is distinctive for its high atmospheric oxygen level. We suggest that the rise of the atmospheric oxygen concentration would have triggered the early radiation of jawed vertebrates in the Silurian, which paved the way for the high generic diversity of vertebrates in the . © 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Silurian; Atmospheric O2; Climate; Gnathostomes; Radiation

1. Introduction 2004), Silurian gnathostome remains have been few and frag- mentary for a long time (Blieck and Janvier, 1991). However, Gnathostomes, or jawed vertebrates, are traditionally divided recent decades have seen a growth of fossil evidence of gnathos- into four major clades: the Placodermi, the Acanthodii, the tomes in the Silurian (e.g., Blieck and Turner, 2000), which is Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes), and the Osteichthyes improving our understanding of early gnathostome distribution (actinopterygians and sarcopterygians), although recently both and evolution. These data suggest an early radiation pattern of Placodermi monophyly and Acanthodii monophyly have been Silurian gnathostomes. challenged by Brazeau (2009). The total-group Gnathostom- In this paper, we will summarize the taxa and geographical ata also includes several extinct jawless groups (‘ostracoderms’ distribution of Silurian gnathostomes. Close attention is paid to such as heterostracans, osteostracans, and galeaspids) (Janvier, the new discoveries of the past two decades. Recent advances 2007). The origin of jaws is a pivotal morphological innova- in geochemistry and paleoclimate models have provided con- tion, which marks a transition to a predatory lifestyle. For the siderable information on Phanerozoic climates and atmosphere purpose of correlating morphological innovations with environ- (e.g., Veizer et al., 2000; Berner, 2006; Trotter et al., 2008), thus mental changes, here we adopt the traditional apomorphy-based making it possible to examine biological events in more def- Gnathostomata, which is defined on the basis of the presence inite environmental backgrounds. Finally, we will discuss the of jaws, and includes the crown-group gnathostomes and some possible relationship between environmental changes and the stem gnathostomes (placoderms) (Fig. 1). gnathostome radiation during the Middle-Late Silurian. Despite the earliest record of gnathostomes possibly extend- ing to the Late Ordovician (Sansom et al., 2001; Turner et al., 2. Geographical distribution of Silurian gnathostomes

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 13810862304. Until recently, fossils of gnathostomes have been scarce in E-mail address: [email protected] (Q.-M. Qu). the Silurian (Blieck and Janvier, 1991). The fossil record of

1871-174X/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2009.11.003 Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159 147

Fig. 2. Locality map for Silurian gnathostome occurrences. The palaeogeo- graphical reconstruction is based on Scotese and McKerrow (1990). (1) Canadian Arctic Archipelago; (2) Western Northwest Territories, Canada; (3) Nevada, western USA; (4) Pennsylvania, north-eastern USA; (5) Eastern Canada; (6) North Greenland; (7) Great Britain: Welsh Borderland, South Wales, West Fig. 1. Vertebratephylogeny, showing the total-group Gnathostomata (i.e., stem- Midlands; (8) Scania and Gotland, Sweden; (9) East Baltic-derived errat- group Gnathostomata plus crown-group Gnathostomata) and the apomorphy- ics, Northwest Europe; (10) Baltic states; (11) Timan-Pechora; (12) Eastern based Gnathostomata (defined on the presence of jaws), simplified from Janvier European Russia: Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, Central Urals; (13) Severnaya (1996, 2007). Zemlya Archipelago, Russia; (14) Siberia; (15) Russian Tuva and Mongolia; (16) Tarim, northwestern China; (17) Yunnan,southwestern China; (18) northern Silurian vertebrates was dominated by agnathans including het- Vietnam; (19) Gansu, China; (20) Lower-Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, erostracans, osteostracans, thelodonts, and galeaspids. However, South China; (21) north-eastern Australia and Indonesia; (22) south-eastern Aus- recent studies show that gnathostomes are more diversified and tralia; (23) western Australia; (?) Amazon Basin, Brazil. widely distributed in the Silurian than previously thought. IGCP LA, Laurentia; AV, Avalonia; GR, Greenland; BA, Baltica; SI, Siberia; KA, Kazakhstan; NC, North China; MA, Malaya; SC, South China; NG, New Guinea; 328, IGCP 408, and the work carried out by the Subcommis- TA, Tarim; IC, Indochina; AU, Australia; AN, Antarctic; IN, India; AR, Arabia; sion on Silurian Stratigraphy greatly advanced the research on AM, Armorica; SA, South America. Silurian vertebrates, some of which were summarized in the book ‘Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biostratigraphy and Biogeogra- nectonic gnathostomes relative to that of demersal agnathans. phy’(Long, 1993) and the final report of IGCP 328 (1991–1996) Silurian placoderms have a very limited distribution in South (Blieck and Turner, 2000). Since then, many new discoveries China and Vietnam, which may correspond to their lower dis- related to IGCP 491 (2003–2007) have continued to highlight the persal ability. By contrast, the acanthodians Nostolepis and early evolution of gnathostomes. To better understand the ear- Gomphonchus have a worldwide distribution during the Middle- liest history of gnathostomes, herein we update all these recent Late Silurian (Fig. 1 and Appendix A). Thus, the five provinces findings. of Young (1981) adopted below do not necessarily represent the The distribution of Silurian gnathostome taxa is shown in biogeographic provinces of gnathostomes. Fig. 2. Although most are based on microfossil remains or disarticulated specimens, their gnathostome affinities can be 2.1. Laurentia and West Avalonia (1–6 in Fig. 2) confirmed to a large extent by means of histological studies or by comparison to articulated fossils (e.g., Gross, 1947, 1971; This area covers a majority of North America, Greenland and Karatajute-Talimaa,¯ 1998). With reference to the palaeogeo- West Avalonia. Sites yielding Silurian gnathostome microfos- graphical reconstruction of Scotese and McKerrow (1990), the sils include the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, west Northwest majority of Silurian gnathostomes are from low-latitude areas. Territories, eastern Canada, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Green- Some possible gnathostomes have been reported from Bolivia land. and Brazil (Janvier and Suárez-Riglos, 1986; Janvier and Melo, Many islands of Arctic Canada have yielded acanthodian 1988); however, they are fragmentary and debatable in age. The remains (Soehn et al., 2000). Putative articulated chon- uppermost part of the Tarabuco Formation in Bolivia yielded drichthyans have been reported from this region (Märss et al., many fin spines and jaw bones of acanthodians, but this part has 2006), but they lack any definite gnathostome features; thus, been dated as Early Devonian based on chitinozoans (Grahn, their assignment to chondichthyans is doubtful. The MOTH 2002). Brazilian fossils from the upper section of the Pitinga locality of the Mackenzie Mountains in western Northwest Formation have been recently dated as Ludlow to early Pridoli territories is famous for articulated fossils of Early Devonian in age (Grahn, 2005), although the fossils themselves suggest an acanthodians and various agnathans. Recently a second fish- Early Devonian age (Janvier and Melo, 1988). Thus, the Brazil- bearing layer below the traditional Lower Devonian fish layer, ian fossils possibly represent Silurian gnathostomes from the the B-MOTH, has been discovered. Some gnathostome fossils high-latitude area of Gondwana. have been reported, including acanthodian fin spines and jaw Young (1981) illustrated five Early Devonian vertebrate bones dated as early Sheinwoodian on the basis of graptolites provinces, based mainly on the endemic agnathan faunas. Early (Soehn et al., 2000; Hanke et al., 2001). In eastern Canada, acan- gnathostomes except placoderms do not display significant thodian microfossils have been discovered in New Brunswick endemism, possibly due to the enhanced dispersal ability of (Turner, 1986a) and Nova Scotia (Legault, 1968) belonging 148 Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159 to the Avalonia terrane, although those remains mentioned by New palaeomagnetic data show that the Severnaya Zemlya Turner (1986a) have not been described in any detail. region was an exotic microcontinent south of Siberia and north Some putative acanthodian scales from the Bloomburg For- of Baltica (Metelkin et al., 2005). The Late Silurian acantho- mation of Pennsylvania have been illustrated by DeWindt dian fauna in this region is very similar to that of Baltica (1974), but their histological structures are unknown. Burrow (Valiukevicius, 2003b). Its earliest record extends to the Ludlow. (2003a) described the acanthodian Poracanthodes from the Roberts Mountains Formation (Late Silurian) of Nevada; many 2.4. Pan-Cathaysian landmass group and Indochina other acanthodian remains from the same region have only been (16–20 in Fig. 2) mentioned but are yet to be described (Burrow, 2003a). Blom (2000) summarised the occurrences of Silurian ver- Recently, an articulated gnathostome has been discovered tebrates in Greenland. Only the Chester Bjerg Formation at from the Silurian of the Qujing district, Yunnan, China (Zhu Halls Grav, Hall Land, and the Monument, central Hall Land et al., 2009). This is the first time that we can examine a Sil- have yielded some fragmentary materials of acanthodians, of urian gnathostome as a complete organism, which is essential probable Pridoli age. for understanding early gnathostome history. The same region has also yielded many other gnathostome remains, including 2.2. Baltica and East Avalonia (7–12 in Fig. 2) articulated placoderms and acanthodian jaw bones. This newly discovered fauna (Xiaoxiang Fauna in Zhu et al., 2009) evidently The current Silurian vertebrate biozonal scheme was erected shows the pattern of early gnathostome radiation. A recent sum- based on the research of Silurian vertebrates in the Baltic mary of Silurian vertebrates from China shows that all major region (Märss, 1986; Märss et al., 1995). Early studies con- gnathostome groups already occurred in this region (Zhu and cerned erratic boulders from northwest Europe, which shared Wang, 2000), together with the endemic galeaspids. Some Llan- similar vertebrate assemblages with the Baltic states. The most dovery taxa, like the contemporary Siberian forms, are among common gnathostomes from this region are acanthodian and the earliest gnathostomes. The presence of abundant early placo- basal osteichthyan microfossils, whereas placoderms and chon- derms and sarcopterygians is the most significant feature in this drichthyans are rare and putative. region. Further investigation on the Xiaoxiang fauna and materi- The Silurian deposits of the Timan-Pechora Basin, cen- als from the adjacent areas will definitely give us a clearer view tral Urals and Novaya Zemlya Archipelago have also yielded of the early gnathostome radiation. rich vertebrate microfossils (Märss and Gagnier, 2001; The basal member of the Do Son Formation in the north Valiukevicius, 2003a), and the gnathostomes are represented by of central Vietnam, which is dated as the Late Silurian, has diversified cosmopolitan acanthodians and a few osteichthyans. yielded yunnanolepiform-like antiarchs and ‘Wangolepis’-like The Ural Mountains and their northward extension into Novaya placoderms (Janvier et al., 2003). Although this region is north Zemlya belonged to Baltica during the Silurian (Cocks and of the Song Ma suture, it has strong connections with the Torsvik, 2005). Indochina Block indicated by lithological and faunal similar- In the Welsh Borderland of Britain, many acanthodians and ities with the Ly Hoa sandstones of central Vietnam (Young and putative chondrichthyans have been reported from late Pri- Janvier, 1999). The Late Silurian Dai Giang Formation in cen- doli rocks (Vergoossen, 1995, 1999), but their histology is still tral Vietnam has yielded some similar forms of placoderms and unknown. osteichthyans to those in South China (Tông-Dzuy et al., 1997; Janvier and Tông-Dzuy, 1998), indicating a close link between the South China Block and the Indochina Block at that time. 2.3. Siberia (13–15 in Fig. 2) Tarim and South China are rich in Early Silurian sinacanth fin spines as well as chondrichthyan scales that closely resemble Gnathostomes from the Siberian Platform consist mainly those from Siberia (Wang et al., 1996, 1998; Sansom et al., of acanthodian and chondrichthyan microfossils, with an 2000). Given that the sinacanth fin spines have not been reported age of Llandovery to Wenlock (Karatajute-Talimaa¯ and in Siberia, the proximity between the Pan-Cathaysian landmass Predtechenskyj, 1995). group and Siberia needs further consideration. Recently the acanthodian remains from the same area and the adjacent Tuva and northwestern Mongolia have been thor- oughly studied (Karatajute-Talimaa¯ and Smith, 2003) as a result 2.5. East Gondwana (21–23 in Fig. 2) of the good preservation; and these scales possibly possess many primitive acanthodian or even gnathostome characters. Silurian records of gnathostomes in Australia are sparse It is noteworthy that Early Silurian chondrichthyans from the and fragmentary, with the acanthodians being the most com- Siberian Platform are very similar to those from South China mon group (Burrow and Turner, 2000). Other remains include and Tarim (Wang et al., 1998; Sansom et al., 2000); no other putative osteichthyans and placoderms that are hard to iden- places have yielded such forms. At present there are few records tify (Burrow and Turner, 2000). The best-preserved fossil is a of Early Silurian gnathostomes outside South China and Siberia, putative acanthodian from the Late Silurian Yea Formation in which may be due to insufficient fieldwork, or may indicate that Victoria, which is partially articulated as only part of the trunk these two places represent the distribution center. has been preserved (Burrow and Young, 1999). Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159 149

3. Taxonomic review of Silurian gnathostomes Silurian, which has been confirmed by the discovery of diversi- fied placoderm materials from the Silurian of China and Vietnam 3.1. Placoderms (Pan, 1986a,b; Pan and Dineley, 1988; Wang, 1991, 1993; Tông- Dzuy et al., 1997; Janvier and Tông-Dzuy, 1998; Zhu and Wang, Placoderms are an extinct group of gnathostomes charac- 2000). Wang (1991) described two yunnanolepiform antiarchs terized by a massive armor of dermal bony plates that cover (Shimenolepis and an indeterminate form of the Chuchinolepi- the head and the anterior part of the trunk (Janvier, 1996; dae) from the Xiushan Formation of Lixian, Hunan Province. Goujet, 2001; Janvier, 2007). The head armor articulates with the Although these two forms are poorly known, they represent trunk armor in several groups including arthrodires, antiarchs, the earliest record of placoderms and highlight the divergence petalichthyids, and ptyctodonts (Janvier, 1996). The jaws com- between antiarchs and other placoderm groups as early as the prise distinctive denticle-bearing dermal bones, or so-called Telychian. Silurolepis platydorsalis (Fig. 3D) from the Ludlow gnathal bones. Placoderms are known from the Early Silurian Kuanti Formation of Qujing, Yunnan (Zhang et al., 2010) rep- (Telychian, Llandovery) to the Late Devonian (Famennian) resents the best-preserved Silurian antiarch. It is a large-sized when they underwent a sudden extinction. They were once antiarch, distinguishable from other antiarchs in that its ante- regarded as chondrichthyan relatives (Stensiö, 1963; Miles and rior median dorsal plate overlaps the posterior median dorsal Young, 1977) or osteichthyan relatives (Forey, 1980; Gardiner, plate. From the same formation were also reported numerous 1984), but they are currently placed as the sister group to all small-sized yunnanolepiform specimens (Pan, 1986a). other jawed vertebrates (Janvier, 1996, 2007; Goujet, 2001; Pan (1986a,b) reported abundant ‘arthrodire’ specimens from Goujet and Young, 2004), thus being basal among jawed verte- the Wenlock YuejiashanFormation of Xundian and Qujing, east- brates. Recently, the traditional view of placoderm monophyly ern Yunnan, and the Wenlock Xiaoxiyu Formation of Sangzhi, (Young, 1986; Goujet and Young, 1995; Janvier, 1996)was Hunan, but gave no description except a nomen nudum (Wan- questioned by Johanson (2002) and Brazeau (2009), who sug- golepis sinensis). Specimens of the same taxon were also gested the hypothesis of placoderm paraphyly (Downs and collected from the same horizons and sites by Wang Junqing, Donoghue, 2009). However, Goujet and Young (2004), and and are under the study of Wang and Goujet (personal commu- Young (2008) still adhere to the hypothesis of placoderm mono- nication). Although the name ‘Wangolepis’ was later cited by phyly. Wang (1993), Zhu and Wang (2000), and Janvier et al. (2003), Placoderms are the most diverse and abundant fish group dur- thus far this arthrodire-like placoderm has not been formally ing the Devonian, with about 400 known species ranging from described. Janvier and Tông-Dzuy (1998) and Janvier et al. 10 mm to 6–7 m in total length (Janvier, 2007). The high diversity (2003) described ‘Wangolepis’-like specimens (Fig. 3A and B) of antiarch placoderms in the earliest Devonian (Zhu, 1996; Zhao from the Late Silurian (Ludlow-Pridoli) of Central and North and Zhu, 2007) suggests an earlier history of placoderms in the Vietnam. Recently, more ‘Wangolepis’-like remains have been

Fig. 3. Silurian placoderms. (A) ‘Wangolepis’-like form, left anterior ventrolateral plate from Locality 17 (A1 in external view, A2 in internal view); (B) ‘Wangolepis- like’ form, anterior ventrolateral plate from Central Vietnam (Locality 18), in internal view; (C) Myducosteus anmaensis, median dorsal plate from Locality 18 (C1 in internal view, C2 in external view); (D) Silurolepis, from Locality 17, in external view. (A after Janvier et al., 1994; B after Janvier and Tông-Dzuy, 1998; C after Tông-Dzuy et al., 1997; D after Zhang et al., 2010.) 150 Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159

Fig. 4. Silurian chondrichthyans. (A) Mongolepis rozmanae, scale from Mongolia (Locality 15) (A1 in crown view; A2 vertical thin section); (B) Xinjiangichthys pluridentatus, scale from Tarim (Locality 16), in crown view; (C) Shiqianolepis hollandi, scale from Guizhou Province (Locality 20); (D) Elegestolepis grossi, scale from Tuva (Locality 16) (D1 in lateral view; D2 thin section); (E) Pilolepis margaritifera, scale from Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Locality 1); (F) Sinacanthus wuchangensis, fin spine from Hubei Province (Locality 20), in lateral view. (A after Karatajute-Talimaa¯ et al., 1990; B after Wang et al., 1998; C after Sansom et al., 2000; D after Karatajute-Talimaa,¯ 1973; E after Thorsteinsson, 1973; F after Pan, 1964.) collected from the Ludlow Kuanti Formation of Qujing, in asso- atubular dentine (Fig. 4A). By comparison, the elegestolepids ciation with the oldest articulated osteichthyan Guiyu (Zhu et from the Siberian Platform and Tuva (Karatajute-Talimaa,¯ 1973; al., 2009). Karatajute-Talimaa¯ and Predtechenskyj, 1995), usually found in In addition, Tông-Dzuy et al. (1997) described two placoderm association with the mongolepids, have a single odontode in the fishes from the Ludlow to Pridoli of Central Vietnam (thus on the scale crown (Fig. 4D), closely resembling the typical placoid Indochina Block). One is Myducosteus (Fig. 3C) that does not scales of chondrichthyans. The elegestolepids extend the earliest belong to any of the major placoderm orders known to date, and occurrence of the Chondrichthyes back to the lower Llan- the other is an acanthothoracid placoderm. Zhu and Wang (2000) dovery (Melichan Formation in Siberia) (Karatajute-Talimaa¯ reported a petalichthyid placoderm from the Pridoli Yulungssu and Predtechenskyj, 1995). Formation of Qujing. All these early records indicate that the The sinacanths (Fig. 4F), based on fin spines from the Silurian placoderms underwent early divergences in the Silurian, most of South China, were originally assigned to the Acanthodii (Pan, likely in a region comprising the South China and Indochina 1959; Denison, 1979; Pan and Dineley, 1988). They were later blocks. found from the Silurian of Tarim, suggesting palaeogeographic proximity between Tarim and South China during the Silurian 3.2. Chondrichthyans (Liu, 1995; Wang et al., 1996). The occurrences of sinacanths in Australia (Talent and Spencer, 1963; Turner, 1986b; Burrow, Living chondrichthyans include two major groups: the Elas- 2003b), Bolivia (Gagnier et al., 1988), and North America mobranchii and the Holocephali; they are characterized by many (Blieck and Turner, 2003; Turner et al., 2004) are doubtful or features such as prismatic endoskeletal calcification and a der- need further investigations (Sansom et al., 2005). Based on the mal skeleton made up of placoid scales (Nelson, 2006). The histological examination of these Chinese fin spines, Zhu (1998) Silurian chondrichthyans are all represented by microfossils, assigned the sinacanths to the Chondrichthyes. This new assign- most of which are isolated scales with characteristic features of ment was partially corroborated by Sansom et al. (2005), who the group: the crown comprising single or closely set odontodes placed the sinacanths crownwards of the placoderms, and possi- attached to a growing base, with several basal and neck canals bly within the total-group Chondrichthyes. Other mongolepid (Zangerl, 1981; Janvier, 1996). However, a unique feature of scales (Fig. 4B and 4C) have also been found in Tarim and chondrichthyans, the prismatic calcified cartilage, is unknown South China (Wang et al., 1998; Sansom et al., 2000). One in these Silurian taxa, due either to its possible absence in puzzling question here is the relationship between sinacanths basal chondrichthyans or to unfavorable preservation potentials and mongolepids. In Tarim and South China, both groups with (Janvier, 1996). chondrichthyan affinity (one based on scales, and the other based Märss and Gagnier (2001) summarized the Silurian chon- on fin spines) were found in association from late Llandovery drichthyan taxa from a few regions of the world, mostly in (Telychian) to early Wenlock (Zhu and Wang, 2000). It is not Asia. Mongolepids are the most common chondrichthyan group unlikely that mongolepids and sinacanths belong to the same in the Silurian. They were first discovered in West Mongolia basal chondrichthyan group, however we are in need of articu- (Karatajute-Talimaa¯ et al., 1990), and then in the Siberian Plat- lated specimens to test this hypothesis. form, Tuva (Karatajute-Talimaa¯ and Predtechenskyj, 1995), the The teeth of chondrichthyans are poorly known in the Sil- Tarim Basin (Wang et al., 1998), and South China (Sansom urian. Teeth of Stigmodus gracilis and Plectrodus hamatus from et al., 2000). The mongolepids are only known from scales, the Pridoli of the Baltic region (Brotzen, 1934) might repre- with crown composed of many closely set odontodes with sent the oldest chondrichthyan teeth known so far (Turner and Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159 151

Miller, 2008). They are tentatively referred to the Protodontidae ilar to thelodonts. Nevertheless, the specimens do not possess by Turner and Miller (2008) based on the morphology of tooth real jaws and fin spines, which are characteristic of early jawed base and cusp, although Denison (1979) placed them within the vertebrates. Thus we exclude Kannathalepididae and Welling- Acanthodii. tonellidae from our data. The putative chondrichthyan Pilolepis (Fig. 4E) was found from the latest Wenlock of Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada 3.3. Acanthodians (Thorsteinsson, 1973). Pilolepis is supposed to represent brady- odont shark scales, but they also resemble the heterostracan Acanthodians, sometimes called ‘spiny sharks’, are distin- scales from Nevada (Thorsteinsson, 1973). Gross (in Reif, 1982, guished by their fin spines in front of all fins except the caudal p. 307) regarded it identical with the acanthodian genus Nos- fin (Janvier, 1996). Their bodies are covered by minute scales, tolepis. Burrow et al. (1999) tentatively assigned a scale from the with a distinct histological structure that is similar to a set of same region (Ludlow-Pridoli) to Arauzia, but its chondrichthyan matryeshka (Russian doll) and a bulging base. They lived from affinity is weakly supported. Other putative placoderm remains the Late Ordovician to the Early (Janvier, 1996). Their were also mentioned (Burrow et al., 1999), but in the absence of records in the Ordovician and Silurian are all based on isolated more material and histological information, their status cannot scales, fin spines, jaw bones, or tooth whorls (Denison, 1979; be confirmed now. Smith and Sansom, 1997; Turner et al., 2004), with the exception Some articulated specimens from the Canadian Arctic of an articulated specimen (Yealepis) from Australia (Burrow Archipelago have been tentatively assigned to the Chon- and Young, 1999). drichthyes based on morphological similarities of their scales Previous studies of this group mainly depended on artic- to other putative chondrichthyan scales (Märss and Gagnier, ulated specimens of the Devonian or younger (Hanke and 2001; Märss et al., 2006). However, they look remarkably sim- Wilson, 2004, 2006), while the only connection between the

Fig. 5. Silurian acanthodians. (A) Xylacanthus kenstewarti, jaw bone from southern Mackenzie Mountains (Locality 2), in lateral view; (B) Granulacanthus joenelsoni, fin spine from southern Mackenzie Mountains (Locality 2), in lateral view; (C) Tchunacanthus obruchevi, scale from Southern Siberia (Locality 14) (C1 in crown view; C2 vertical thin section); (D) Nostolepis striata, scale from Germany (Locality 9) (D1 in crown view; D2 vertical thin section); (E) Poracanthodes punctatus, scales from North Germany (Locality 9) (E1 in crown view; E2 vertical thin section); (F) Yealepis douglasi, hypothetical reconstruction and a scale impression from Victoria, Australia (Locality 22). (A and B after Hanke et al., 2001; C after Karatajute-Talimaa¯ and Smith, 2003; D after Gross, 1947; E1 from Denison, 1979 after Gross, 1971; E2 after Gross, 1956; F after Burrow and Young, 1999.) 152 Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159

Silurian and Devonian taxa lies in isolated scales (Fig. 5C–F), Acanthodian microfossils are the most abundant among Sil- jaw bones (Fig. 5A), fin spines (Fig. 5B), and tooth whorls urian gnathostomes, and are very important in stratigraphical (e.g., Valiukevicius, 1992; Hanke et al., 2001; Burrow, 2003a). correlations. In an early attempt of the Silurian biozonal scheme, Their scales look like some bony fishes but the body forms Nostolepis gracilis and Poracanthodes punctatus were used as resemble chondrichthyans (Fig. 5F). Many isolated fin spines index fossils (Märss et al., 1995). The Silurian acanthodian mate- referred to acanthodians are possibly basal chondrichthyans, rial from Lithuania has also proved to be useful for erecting as suggested by histological studies (Zhu, 1998; Sansom et standard biostratigraphy (Valiukevicius, 2005), which may be a al., 2005). Teeth formerly assigned to acanthodians have been research direction in the future. reassigned to chondrichthyans based on an articulated Early Articulated acanthodians from the Early Devonian (Lochko- Devonian chondrichthyan specimen (Miller et al., 2003). Janvier vian) indicate a high diversity of this group (Gagnier and Wilson, (2007) proposed that the acanthodians possibly comprise both 1996; Gagnier et al., 1999; Hanke and Wilson, 2004, 2006). stem osteichthyans and stem chondrichthyans. Brazeau (2009) These fossils mainly come from the MOTH locality, Canada, and also challenged the monophyly of the Acanthodii, based on a are extremely well preserved. This diversification certainly roots restudy of the Early Devonian acanthodian Ptomacanthus angli- into the Silurian, but such information still depends on microfos- cus. Further investigations on early representatives of this group sils at present. Nevertheless, microfossils from many localities will solve this debate and revise the deep gnathostome phy- have confirmed that the acanthodians became more abundant logeny. However, we still use the term acanthodian here for throughout the Silurian, and were dominant in Late Silurian brevity. (Ludlow-Pridoli) deposits (Märss, 1986; Valiukevicius, 2003a,

Fig. 6. Silurian osteichthyans. (A) Andreolepis hedei, scales from Gotland, Sweden (Locality 8) (A1 in outer surface view; A2 vertical thin section); (B) Lophosteus superbus, scales from Estonia (Locality 10) (B1 in outer surface view; B2 vertical thin section); (C) Ligulalepis yunnanensis, a scale from Yunnan Province (Locality 17) in outer surface view; (D) Naxilepis gracilis, a scale from Yunnan Province (Locality 17) in outer surface view; (E) Guiyu oneiros, fish restoration and a scale from Yunnan Province (Locality 17) in outer surface view; (F) Psarolepis sp., a fin spine and a lower jaw from Yunnan Province (Locality 17) (F1 in dorsal view; F2 in lateral view). (A after Gross, 1968; B after Gross, 1969; C and D after Wang and Dong, 1989; E after Zhu et al., 2009; F after Zhu and Schultze, 1997.) Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159 153

2004; Vergoossen, 2003). The “Acanthodian Event” (Märss, 4. Silurian atmosphere and climate 1992) witnessed the radiation of acanthodians in the Ludlow to Pridoli when they became a universal group of microfossils Compared with other periods of the Palaeozoic, the Silurian in many localities of the world (Märss, 2000). More evidence is shorter and comprises less than one tenth of the era, but it is a of the early diversification of acanthodians is anticipated, such critical period for the evolution of life on the Earth. The earliest as the partial articulated specimen from the Yea Formation of macrofossils of land plants were discovered in the Early Silurian Victoria, Australia (Burrow and Young, 1999). (Gensel, 2008), although cryptospore records indicate an ear- lier land colonisation of plants (Rubinstein and Vaccari, 2004). 3.4. Osteichthyans The invasion of land by plants has significantly contributed to changing the Earth’s landform, climate, and atmosphere ever Osteichthyans, or bony fishes (piscine osteichthyans) and since. The fossil record also demonstrates that the arthropods had tetrapods, comprise two major groups—actinopterygians and already colonised the land in the Silurian (Engel and Grimaldi, sarcopterygians; the former are now the most diverse of the 2004; Labandeira, 2005). As reviewed above, the early diver- extant fishes, and the latter have only a few modern rep- sification of jawed vertebrates, which had far-reaching effects resentatives (excluding tetrapods), consisting of six lungfish on our family tree, also occurred in the Silurian. An analysis of species and two coelacanth species. However, piscine sar- Silurian environmental changes may provide some hints on the copterygians were common in the Middle to Late Palaeozoic causes of the above substantial events. waters; and by the Late Devonian, tetrapods had evolved from After the great glaciation event at the end of the Ordovi- them. cian (Brenchley et al., 1994), global temperature began to rise. Silurian osteichthyans have long been represented by Lophos- Scotese (2008) roughly estimated the temperature changes dur- teus (Fig. 6B) and Andreolepis (Fig. 6A), two genera based on ing the Phanerozoic based on Frakes et al. (1992), which showed fragmentary fossils from the Baltic Region (Gross, 1968, 1969; that the temperature during the Silurian remained relatively sta- ◦ Janvier, 1978). Andreolepis was generally considered as a primi- ble, with the global average being about 25 C, higher than tive actinopterygian (Gross, 1968; Märss, 2001), and Lophosteus the present day value (Fig. 7). Another estimate gave a simi- was regarded as having a close affinity to acanthodians (Otto, lar conclusion that the temperature rose after the Llandovery 1991; Schultze and Märss, 2004). Recent studies support their (Veizer et al., 2000). A detailed analysis of the oxygen isotopic phylogenetic position as stem osteichthyans (Botella et al., composition of single conodont elements using the SHRIMP II 2007; Zhu et al., 2009). Andreolepis occurred mainly in north- ion microprobe revealed that the surface sea temperature (SST) ern Europe, with some specimens known from northern Asia regained the modern equatorial level by the early Wenlock. In (Märss, 2001), and putative remains from Great Britain (Turner, addition, the invertebrate faunas also indicated relatively high 2000). It is used as an index fossil in the current Silurian verte- temperatures during the Early to Middle Ordovician and Middle brate biozonal scheme (Märss et al., 1995), with a short duration to Late Silurian (Cocks, 2001). Thus, the global mean temper- in the Middle-Late Ludlow. Lophosteus has a much longer ature during the Middle to Late Silurian was relatively high. time range from Ludlow to Lochkovian (Schultze and Märss, Based on recent palaeogeographic reconstructions (Metcalfe, 2004). 1998; Chen and Boucot, 2001), South China was at low-latitude Wang and Dong (1989) and Gagnier et al. (1989) reported during most of the Silurian, and the agnathans experienced a possible osteichthyan scales from the Yulungssu Formation in slow radiation in this region during the Early Silurian (Zhao and Qujing, South China, and more scales assigned to Naxilepis Zhu, 2007). The newly discovered Xiaoxiang fauna, which was (Fig. 6D) and Ligulalepis (Fig. 6C) from the underlying Miaokao dominated by gnathostome remains with an age of late Ludlow and Kuanti formations. Later the osteichthyan occurrences in the (Zhu et al., 2009), could be well assigned to a warm, shallow Late Silurian were confirmed by jaws and fin spines referred to marine or delta environment. as stem sarcopterygian Psarolepis (Fig. 6F) in South China and In the past two decades, large amounts of basic geochemi- Vietnam (Tông-Dzuy et al., 1997; Zhu and Schultze, 1997; Zhu cal data have been accumulated; these data have been used to et al., 1999). calculate the atmospheric history of the Earth based on different In addition to the above-mentioned fragmentary fossils, an kinds of models. The earlier versions of atmospheric O2 changes articulated specimen named Guiyu (Fig. 6E) has recently been of the Phanerozoic eon suggested that O2 concentration during found from the Kuanti Formation (Ludlow) of Qujing (Zhu et the Silurian was very stable, with a minor decrease based on al., 2009). It represents the oldest known near-complete gnathos- rock abundance modeling (Berner and Canfield, 1989; Berner tome, and forms the index taxon of a newly discovered fish et al., 2000) or a slight increase based on isotope mass bal- fauna, the Xiaoxiang Fauna; such a discovery displays the ance modeling (Berner, 2001). Details of the estimation models early diversification of gnathostomes. Such finding of a near- are provided in Berner (2004). All these previous results indi- complete specimen is very important, because it was previously cated that the O2 levels in the Silurian were between 19% to thought that the environment in the Silurian was not suitable 18%, lower than the present 21%. Recently, Berner (2006) gave for fossil preservation outside China (Janvier, 1996). Further- another estimate of Phanerozoic atmospheric oxygen based on more, the abundant gnathostome microfossils from the Late a new model GEOCARBSULF and some new isotopic data of Silurian (Ludlow-Pridoli) also indicate the early diversity of both carbon and sulfur. The result showed a gradual increase of basal gnathostomes in the South China Block. atmospheric O2 from the end of Ordovician with a peak near the 154 Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159

Fig. 7. The temperature curve and atmospheric O2 concentrations from Ordovician to Devonian, with stratigraphic ranges of main gnathostome taxa. Two grey columns represent the Ordovician invertebrate diversification and the early gnathostome diversification. (Graph of oxygen levels from Berner, 2006; global temperature data presented by squares, circles, triangles, and rhombuses from Trotter et al., 2008 and others based on Scotese, 2008.)

Silurian/Devonian boundary, later decreasing during the Early gnathostomes in the Late Ordovician as suggested by Turner et to Middle Devonian with a lowest point in the Frasnian. This al. (2004) seems unlikely. trend during the Silurian to Devonian was relatively stable under Considering the available fossil data from the Silurian, we sensitivity analysis, which may confirm its presence (Berner, propose that the gnathostomes had their earliest radiation in the 2006). Furthermore, the analysis of fossil charcoal abundance Silurian, and might have a close relationship with the change of from Silurian to end Permian has confirmed the improved accu- climate, atmosphere, and environment during that period. Fig. 7 racy of the new model for Phanerozoic atmospheric O2 (Scott displays the radiation pattern of gnathostomes and the envi- and Glasspool, 2006). ronmental backgrounds in the Silurian. After the middle-late In summary, basic environmental settings during the Silurian Telychian, the number of genera increased and the older fauna were probably as follows: increasing O2 levels that exceeded the (represented by mongolepids, elegestolepids, and sinacanths of modern level for the first time, decreasing atmospheric CO2 but the Chondrichthyes) was replaced by a new one. Primitive pla- relatively warm climate. coderms (early antiarchs and arthrodire-like forms) appeared in the South China Block in latest Telychian to early Wenlock, 5. Discussion representing the first evidence for their radiation. Diverse acan- thodian taxa evolved quickly after the Telychian, and became 5.1. Radiation pattern of gnathostomes in the Silurian worldwide and dominant during the Ludlow to Pridoli. Stem osteichthyans have their earliest occurrences as low as the lower The oldest record of gnathostomes possibly dates back to Ludlow in the Baltic region. Guiyu from the Ludlow of South the Ordovician, with various microremains similar to those China represents the earliest known crown osteichthyan, and from articulated jawed vertebrates (Sansom et al., 2001). These indicates an earlier divergence event of actinopterygians and remains include the placoderm-like or acanthodian-like Ski- sarcopterygians, probably in the early Ludlow. ichthys and some chondrichthyan-like scales from the Harding All available data suggest that the gnathostomes underwent Sandstone, USA (Sansom et al., 1996; Smith and Sansom, a radiation throughout the Silurian, and this radiation became 1997). Other possible Ordovician gnathostome Areyongalepis more significant during the Middle-Late Silurian when major from Australia was described by Young (1997),butSansom et divergent events probably occurred (e.g., the antiarch-arthrodire al. (2001) refuted its gnathostome affinities. The radiation of and actinopterygian-sarcopterygian divergences). Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159 155

5.2. The rise of atmospheric O2 as a possible trigger of tal mammals, the terrestrial Late Permian extinctions, and the early gnathostome radiation appearance of the air-sacs system of modern birds in dinosaurs, have been considered to be related to O2 concentration variations During the Ordovician, the global marine biosphere under- (Falkowski et al., 2005; Huey and Ward, 2005; O’Connor and went a significant diversification, with the genus and family Claessens, 2005; Clack, 2007). McNamara (2008) and Glikson numbers increasing approximately three-fold (Sepkoski, 1997). (2008) also reviewed many critical transitions in evolutionary Webby (2004) described this event as “one of the two great- history, but they overlooked the origin and early diversifica- est evolutionary events in the history of life on Earth”. During tion of gnathostomes. Here, we provide another example of the Middle to Late Ordovician, surface water temperatures a key evolutionary event possibly related to O2 concentration remained stable at levels similar to modern equatorial tem- variation. peratures (Fig. 7), thus probably providing favorable climate It is recognised that the time coincidence by itself does conditions for the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event not definitely indicate a causal relationship between the O2 (Trotter et al., 2008), including the early diversification of concentration variation and evolutionary events. We need to agnathans (Sansom et al., 2001). have some physiological interpretations for this relationship. A Molecular clock estimates indicate the time of divergence positive relationship between the origin of eukaryotic organ- of crown gnathostomes was much earlier than the Silurian isms and the rise of atmospheric oxygen concentration has (Donoghue et al., 2003). The fossil record also displays the long been a hypothesis based only on the coincidence of the possible occurrence of gnathostomes in the Ordovician. It is two events. Research on the transmembrane proteins of mod- remarkable that, while the agnathans underwent some radia- ern organisms provided additional evidence for this hypothesis tion in the Ordovician, the gnathostomes ‘remained in silence’ (Acquisti et al., 2007). Back to our case, many invertebrates and did not diversify until the Middle-Late Silurian. Why did and agnathans live a benthic life and their oxygen consump- the Ordovician global biodiversity event involve marine inver- tion is quite low, while most gnathostomes live a more active tebrates and agnathans but not gnathostomes? Why did the and energy-consuming life because of their innovative struc- gnathostomes have their early radiation in the Silurian? We con- tures such as paired fins and three semicircular canals; thus, the sider that possible causes lie in the environmental background, oxygen concentration level is probably more critical for gnathos- for instance, sea surface temperature, water salinity, and atmo- tomes than for agnathans and invertebrates. Low oxygen levels spheric oxygen concentration. would have caused physiological constraints on gnathostomes Over the time span of the Ordovician biodiversity event, the and delayed their radiation. The rise of oxygen concentration sea surface temperature (SST) remained stable near modern during the Middle-Late Silurian may have triggered the radiation equatorial conditions (Trotter et al., 2008). The Late Ordovician of gnathostomes. saw a significant decrease of SST, coincident with the extinc- Abundant physiological experiments on extant fishes under tion event at the end of the Ordovician. Later the SST rose to hypoxic conditions show O2 concentration plays an essential modern equatorial values again and remained stable during the role in fish growth (e.g., Ishibashi et al., 2002; Herbert and Middle-Late Silurian (Scotese, 2008; Trotter et al., 2008). Steffensen, 2005), although these extant fishes cannot fully Another factor that influences the solubility of oxygen in represent their ancient ancestors. As many fishes live in envi- water is water salinity; recent model estimation shows that the ronments in which O2 concentrations change rapidly, many of mean salinity of the ocean changed little during Ordovician to them possess structures or strategies that enable them to survive Silurian time (Hay et al., 2006). in hypoxic conditions (Mandic et al., 2009). However, thus far Therefore, the remaining major difference between the envi- we have known little about the influence of hypoxia on develop- ronments of the two time intervals (indicated by two grey mental processes, growth rate, mortality rate, and hatching time columns in Fig. 7) is reflected in atmospheric O2 concentra- of fishes, especially the fish groups that may have closer relation- tion. The oxygen estimate indicates that atmospheric oxygen ships with early gnathostomes. Carefully designed experiments concentration was well below modern levels during the Ordovi- would be the key point for us to investigate how the early radi- cian (Fig. 7), with the lowest level (about 15%) in the early ation of gnathostomes occurred. Middle Ordovician (Berner, 2006). During the Silurian, atmo- spheric oxygen concentration increased gradually to modern 6. Conclusions levels in the Telychian (late Llandovery), and continued this incremental trend until the Early Devonian. This high level of The Middle-Late Silurian is distinct for its high oxygen lev- atmospheric oxygen concentration coincides with the first radi- els, which surpassed the present day value for the first time. ation of the gnathostomes in the Silurian; the generic abundance This review of Silurian gnathostomes adds to the knowledge of gnathostomes increased considerably from late Llandovery to of an early gnathostome radiation, which was contemporaneous Pridoli. We suggest that, after the O2 concentration increased to with the rise of atmospheric oxygen concentration. We suggest modern levels, the environment became more favorable for early that this oxygen rise would have triggered the early radiation of gnathostomes and possibly triggered the gnathostome radiation jawed vertebrates in the Silurian. Nevertheless, this causal rela- event. tionship should be tested by research on modern fish groups, Key events in vertebrate evolution during the Phanerozoic for instance, physiological experiments of fishes under hypoxic eon, e.g., the origin of tetrapods, the evolution of large placen- conditions. 156 Q.-M. Qu et al. / Palaeoworld 19 (2010) 146–159

Acknowledgements Chondrichthyans: Xinjiangichthyans16,20, Shiqianolepis20, Sinacanthus16,20, Neosinacanthus16,20, Tarimacanthus16, This is a contribution to IGCP 491. We thank G.C. Young and Elegestolepis14, Mongolepis15, Teslepis15, Sodolepis15, Per E. Ahlberg for discussions and improving the manuscript. Udalepis15, Rongolepis?20, Chenolepis?20 J.C. Clack, I. Sansom and A. Blieck provided helpful com- Placoderms: Shimenolepis20 ments by reviewing the manuscript, and greatly improved Acanthodians: Tchunacanthus14,15 the English. This work was supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-156), the Major State Basic Research Projects Llandovery (Aeronian and Rhuddanian): 14 (2006CB806400, 2006FY120300-6) of MST of China, and the Chondrichthyans: Elegestolepis 14 14,15 CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Acanthodians: Lenacanthus , Tchunacanthus Research Teams, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40602005). References

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