July 7, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1009 Utah and the Bay Area over these next few These services included funding for vital re- years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- years. search and development of projects, and per- tion, our economy, and our children could Mr. Speaker and members, one of the high- sonnel training to assist our aging citizens. have avoided with a balanced budget amend- est compliments that we can pay to anyone This legislation authorized the creation of a ment. leaving public life is to say that they served wide array of programs through a national net- with honor. Jim Hardy did so. He was honest work of 56 state agencies that specialize in f and fair in his dealings with the public, patient aging. PERSONAL EXPLANATION with his councils and dutiful towards their di- The legislation also led to the creation of rections, mindful of his employees and their 629 area agencies on aging, nearly 20,000 needs and conscious of setting the highest service providers, 244 Tribal organizations, HON. BOB GOODLATTE personal standard of propriety. There are no and 2 Native Hawaiian organizations rep- OF VIRGINIA statues erected or brilliant orchestral composi- resenting 400 Tribes throughout our country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions written to commemorate the ending of a The Older Americans Act also assisted in Tuesday, July 7, 2015 the creation of community service employment distinguished career in local government. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, it recently for low-income elder Americans. However, there are fond memories. Jim leaves has come to my attention that the last vote I These community services included imple- thousands of these as he exits public service. intended to cast during the vote series on May mentation of job training for our aging commu- These fond memories are themselves a type 12, 2015, was not recorded. I would have re- nity; along with focusing on the protection of of ode to a life well led, and as enduring as corded my vote as Yes on H.R. 2146, the De- any statue that we might erect. Now is the the rights of vulnerable Americans. Every year, an estimated 2.1 million older fending Public Safety Employees Retirement time to say thank you to Jim Hardy, a man Act. called father, grandfather, leader and friend. Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect, f or exploitation. f In 2013 alone, over 4.2 million elder Ameri- HONORING BARBARA HARRIS cans were below the poverty level. REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF Today, an estimated 65.7 million Americans, MORRIE SANCHEZ HON. LOIS FRANKEL or nearly 30 percent of the general population, OF provide care for an older adult, or someone HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES living with illness or disability. OF CALIFORNIA The Older Americans Act has led to the cre- Tuesday, July 7, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ation of vital programs such as the National Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Meals on Wheels of America, which provide Tuesday, July 7, 2015 rise today to celebrate Barbara Ann Poland meals to our ever growing elderly community. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Harris of West Palm Beach, Florida, who According to the United States Census Bu- to remember Morrie Sanchez, a longtime turned 84 years old on June 29th, 2015. reau, 9 percent of the residents of my con- Angeleno, onetime union organizer, avid danc- Barbara, who was born in Steubenville, gressional district, which is centered in Hous- er, and family friend. Morrie passed away Ohio, is a lifelong educator, member of the ton, Texas, are over the age of 65. quietly on June 16, 2015, in Monrovia, Cali- Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and loving mother of These older citizens in the city of Houston fornia, at the age of 97. two sons. Barbara moved to Florida in 1954 to utilize services provided by the Harris County Born on June 25, 1917, in Jerome, Arizona, teach and coach basketball at St. Patrick’s Area Agency on Aging Family Caregiver Sup- to Victoria Balderamos and Angel Gonzalez, Catholic School in Miami Beach. She went on port Network. Morrie was from an old California family to teach at Watkin B. Duncan Middle School Without the passage of significant legislation whose roots in the state predated the Mexican in 1965, where she taught until her retirement such as the ‘‘Older Americans Act’’ of 1965, Revolution and its becoming part of the United in 1995. While teaching at the middle school, older American citizens throughout our country States. She had two sisters, Vera and Mar- Barbara was named teacher of the month, had would never know of the positive impact that garita. a yearbook dedication in her name, and was a professional caregiver can provide them. Her grandfather, Zeferino Balderamos, was a tennis coach and avid sports supporter. Older women are more than likely to be liv- born in San Luis Obispo in the early 1800s, After her retirement Barbara traveled exten- ing alone at the age of 75, and a caregiver will and her grandmother, Modesta Rodriguez, sively across Europe and Asia. provide them the necessary assistance to live was from Sonora, Mexico. I am proud to represent Barbara in Florida’s a healthy life in their own home. When Morrie moved to Los Angeles, Cali- 22nd District. I join with her friends and family The issues facing our seniors grow every fornia, she lived and raised her three eldest in celebrating her birthday. I wish her good day with the increasing pace of the world daughters—Dolores, Rose Marie, and Carol— health and continued success in the coming around us. in the city’s downtown core, in an area known years. The services that the Older Americans Act as Bunker Hill. She later moved to Pico-Union, f generated have assisted countless elder where she raised her youngest daughter, Syl- Americans in the half century since the law via. COMMEMORATING THE 50TH ANNI- was enacted. VERSARY OF THE PASSAGE OF Morrie was a stalwart of the International Mr. Speaker, I am proud to commemorate Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), THE ‘‘OLDER AMERICANS ACT’’ the 50th anniversary of the passage of the OF 1965 serving as a union organizer, as a shop stew- ‘‘Older Americans Act’’ of 1965 and to recog- ard, and multiple terms as local chapter presi- nize its remarkable contributions to the quality HON. dent between 1950 and the late 1980s. of life enjoyed by older Americans and in mak- A longtime community activist, Morrie OF TEXAS ing our country a better and sweeter place to worked diligently in many political campaigns. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES live. These included the first election of my father, Tuesday, July 7, 2015 f former Congressman Edward R. Roybal, to his Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL earlier position as the first Latino in the 20th today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of DEBT century to be elected to the Los Angeles City the passage of the Older Americans Act of Council. 1965. HON. MIKE COFFMAN For many years, she volunteered with the City of Hope and White Memorial Hospital, Passed by the historic 89th Congress, the OF COLORADO ‘‘Older Americans Act’’ was signed into law by and with many other local nonprofit groups. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President Lyndon Johnson on July 14, 1965 in Morrie did not let retirement slow her down response to the growing national consensus Tuesday, July 7, 2015 a bit. Instead, she used her ‘‘free time’’ to sup- that the level of community social services Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January port senior citizen causes, and could often be available for older Americans was simply inad- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- seen dancing the afternoon away at one of the equate. fice, the national debt was many local senior centers, including the Inter- The original legislation established the au- $10,626,877,048,913.08. national Institute in Boyle Heights, the High- thority for grants to states for community plan- Today, it is $18,151,981,262,337.43. We’ve land Park Senior Center, and Salazar Park in ning and other social services. added $7,525,104,213,424.35 to our debt in 6 East Los Angeles.

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