Extensions of Remarks E173 HON. LOIS FRANKEL

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Extensions of Remarks E173 HON. LOIS FRANKEL February 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E173 District and Founder of The Creativity Lab of the University of Notre Dame and the Chicago more about how we, as individual citizens, can Colorado. He is a published author and fre- Orchestral Association. work together at the local level to ensure the quent speaker on entrepreneurship and com- In 2016, Newt’s extraordinary service to his health and vitality of our towns and neighbor- munity engagement. He led the grassroots country was recognized by President Obama hoods. Young volunteers like Ms. Foreman campaign for the petition drive and successful with the award of the Presidential Medal of are inspiring examples to all of us, and are special election that formed the Lakewood-W. Freedom. among our brightest hopes for a better tomor- Colfax BID and championed the formation of a Newt would be the first to say that his great- row. new arts district along West Colfax, now one est achievements have been his long, happy The program that brought this young role of 21 state-certified creative districts in Colo- marriage to Josephine Baskin Minow, his wife model to our attention—The Prudential Spirit rado. of nearly 69 years, and his daughters Nell, of Community Awards—was created by Pru- I extend my deepest congratulations to Bill Martha and Mary—-all highly successful dential Financial in partnership with the Na- Marino for this well-deserved recognition by women who each through their own work have tional Association of Secondary School Prin- the West Chamber of Commerce. added so much to the national good. cipals in 1995 to impress upon all youth volun- f Mr. Speaker, on behalf of all of Newt’s teers that their contributions are critically im- countless friends and admirers, and on behalf portant and highly valued, and to inspire other PERSONAL EXPLANATION of the United States Congress and a grateful young people to follow their example. Over the nation, I want to say thank you to Newton N. past 23 years, the program has become the HON. LOIS FRANKEL Minow for all that he has done and continues nation’s largest youth recognition effort based OF FLORIDA to do for the people of the United States, and solely on community service, and has honored IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extend my best wishes for a happy, healthy more than 120,000 young volunteers at the Tuesday, February 13, 2018 and productive 93rd year. As his beloved Jo- local, state and national level. sephine often remarks, ‘‘the best is yet to be.’’ Ms. Foreman should be extremely proud to Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I re- f have been singled out from the thousands of cently was not present because I was un- dedicated volunteers who participated in this, avoidably detained. Had I been present, I JOHN SAMPA NAMED COMMAND year’s program. I heartily applaud Ms. Fore- would have voted ‘‘NAY’’ on Roll Call 64 and SERGEANT MAJOR FOR THE U.S. man for her initiative in seeking to make her 66. ARMY NATIONAL GUARD community a better place to live, and for the f positive impact she has had on the lives of others. She has demonstrated a level of com- CELEBRATING THE 92ND HON. PETE OLSON OF TEXAS mitment and accomplishment that is truly ex- BIRTHDAY OF NEWTON MINOW IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES traordinary in today’s world, and deserves our Tuesday, February 13, 2018 sincere admiration and respect. Her actions HON. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI show that young Americans can—and do— OF ILLINOIS Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to play important roles in our communities, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES congratulate John Sampa, of Katy, TX, on his that America’s community spirit continues to Tuesday, February 13, 2018 new assignment as Command Sergeant Major hold tremendous promise for the future. for the U.S. Army National Guard. f Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Mr. Speaker, Sampa will be the twelfth person, and first today I would like to acknowledge the 92nd African-American to serve as Command Ser- PERSONAL EXPLANATION birthday of a great American, an innovative geant Major for the Army National Guard. He public servant, and a person I am proud to call will be the ‘‘eyes and ears’’ for Lieutenant HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO my friend and mentor, Newton Minow. General Timothy J . Kadavy, who handpicked OF OREGON Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on January him to serve as his advisor. Previously he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 17, 1926, Newt was the child of immigrant served as the Command Senior Enlisted parents who stressed the virtues of hard work, Leader for the Texas Military Department. Tuesday, February 13, 2018 integrity and public service. He went on to Sampa is also a Texas State Trooper. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, Feb- serve on the Indian subcontinent in the Sec- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- ruary 9, 2018, I was not present for two votes ond World War as a Sergeant in the United sional District of Texas, congratulations again due to an unavoidable delay. If I had been States Army, and then to Northwestern Law to Command Sergeant Major John Sampa. I present, I would have voted: School and a clerkship for United States Su- thank him for his service and sacrifice. On Roll Call vote 67, on Ordering the Pre- preme Court Justice Fred Vinson. f vious Question, I would have voted Nay. Newt’s career spans a period of unparal- On Roll Call vote 68, agreeing to H. Res. leled transformation in the way our world HONORING ERIN FOREMAN 734, I would have voted Nay. shares information, and his influence on the f evolution of media and broadcasting is difficult HON. THOMAS MacARTHUR to overstate. Although he may be best known OF NEW JERSEY SALUTING THE HEROIC ACTS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE PALM for his service as Chairman of the Federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Communications Commission and his oft- BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT, quoted ‘‘vast wasteland’’ speech, Newt had a Tuesday, February 13, 2018 PALM BAY, FL hand in the development of the transistors that Mr. MACARTHUR. Mr. Speaker, I would like power modem computing, satellites that make to congratulate and honor a young student HON. BILL POSEY global communication possible, and served as from my district who has achieved national OF FLORIDA chairman of the board of governors of the recognition for exemplary volunteer service in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Public Broadcasting Service and co-chair and her community. Erin Foreman of Forked River vice-chair of the Commission on Presidential has just been named one of the top honorees Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Debates. His intense focus on reserving in New Jersey by The 2018 Prudential Spirit of Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, on February broadcast spectrum to serve the public inter- Community Awards program, an annual honor 21,2018, the City of Palm Bay will recognize est has shaped the development of media, conferred on the most impressive student vol- the courage and bravery of the city’s law en- public television and radio to the benefit of our unteers in each state and the District of Co- forcement officers and civilians during their an- democracy and our national dialogue. lumbia. nual Valor Award’s Ceremony to be held at Newt’s service to his community extends Ms. Foreman is being recognized for her the Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place in Mel- well beyond government. In addition to his program that provides seniors and people with bourne, FL. Over two hundred law enforce- work as a successful attorney, Newt has serious medical conditions with lock boxes to ment officials and civilian employees make up served on the boards of business enterprises give first responders easy access to their the City of Palm Bay’s police department. and in key leadership positions for important house keys. The 160 sworn officers, and all the men and not-for-profit institutions including the Rand It’s vital that we encourage and support the women that make up the Palm Bay Police De- Corporation, the Carnegie Corporation, the kind of selfless contribution this young citizen partment, lay down their lives on a daily basis Mayo Foundation, Northwestern University, has made. People of all ages need to think as peacekeepers, maintaining law and order VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:20 Feb 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13FE8.015 E13FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS.
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