NEWSLETTER of St George Hanover Square

St George’s Church Grosvenor Chapel November 2016-February 2017 Issue 35

A computer-generated visualisation of the new St George’s Undercroft derived from the architect’s plans.

ther contributions not- we raised £5,000 as part of a Inside this issue withstanding, two con- Christian Aid partnership pro- trasting matters domi- ject which, because of a triple The Rector writes 2

O nate this issue of the funding arrangement with the Organ Concerts 3 Parish Newsletter: on the one EU, resulted in £20,000 going to hand plans to bring St George’s support maternity and child Services at St George’s 4 Undercroft back into parish use health care in Kenya. More Assistant Director of Music 6 and, on the other, the further modestly the needs of a parish development of a prisons mis- in Botswana run by a former The Undercroft 7 sion, now adopted by Churches Parish Administrator of St Services at Grosvenor Chapel 10 Together in Westminster, but George’s were met within days driven by an indefatigable mem- of the publication of the previ- Prisons Mission 11 ber of the St George’s parish ous edition of this Newsletter community. John Plummer and which highlighted the need in Hyde Park Place Charity 15

Sarah Jane Vernon’s pieces on question. Contacts 16 the 2016 Prisons Week speak for themselves but they illustrate a And so we come to the question Not that one has to visit Worm- willingness by parishioners to of UK prisons, not of prison re- wood Scrubs or Pentonville to en- engage with matters outside the form but of a wish to engage counter those at odds with socie- obvious comfort zone of the collaboratively with those who ty. St George’s engagement with parish. minister to the welfare and rough sleepers continues on a dai- spiritual needs of people at ly basis through its food voucher This willingness was also exem- odds with society in our over- scheme now in its fourth year. plified earlier in the year when populated prison system. Continued on page 15

The Rector writes . . .

pendent churches) began co- in Germany were practising rec- operative preparation of materi- onciliation by offering hospitality als for the Week of Prayer. This to the numerous refugees arriv- has increased steadily since, re- ing from Syria, Afghanistan, Eri- sulting recently in joint publica- trea, as well as countries of the tions. Western Balkans, in search of protection and a new life. The Next year is the 500th anniversary practical help and powerful ac- of when Martin Luther in 1517 tions against hatred for the for- raised concerns about what he eigner were a clear witness to saw as abuses in the Church of reconciliation for the German his time by making public his 95 population. As ministers of rec- theses. A key event in the refor- onciliation, the churches actively mation movements that marked assisted the refugees in finding the life of the Western Church new homes, while at the same over several centuries. This time trying to improve the living event has been a controversial conditions in the countries they theme in the history of inter- had left behind. Concrete acts of church relations in Germany, not help are just as necessary as least over the last few years. praying together for reconcilia- he Week of Prayer for After extensive, and sometimes tion and peace, if those who are Christian Unity (18th – th difficult, discussions, the church- fleeing their terrible situations 25 January) began ten- es in Germany agreed that the are to know some hope and con- T tatively and modestly in way to commemorate ecumeni- solation. 1908 as the Octave of Christian cally this Reformation event Unity, and focused on prayer for should be with a Christusfest – Christmas Services church unity. The dates of the a Celebration of Christ. If the Given the popularity of Chil- week were proposed to begin emphasis were to be placed on dren’s Crib Services we now have with what Protestants kept as Jesus Christ and his work of rec- a service on Christmas Eve at the Feast of the Confession of onciliation as the centre of 4.30pm. This year there will Peter (the Chair of St Peter for Christian faith, then all the ecu- again be a Solemn Sung Eucha- Roman Catholics) ending with menical partners could partici- rist of the Vigil of Christmas, the Feast of the Conversion of St th pate in the anniversary festivi- with half choir, which will in- Paul on 25 January. ties. clude the singing of children’s carols around the crib. The ser- Protestant leaders in the mid- Separating that which is polemi- mon will be short and geared 1920s also proposed an annual cal from the theological insights towards children, and the style octave of prayer for unity of the Reformation, Roman Cath- of worship relaxed, although still amongst Christians, leading up olics are now able to hear Lu- with a normal sung setting of the to Whitsun (the traditional com- ther’s challenge for the Church Mass. memoration of the establishment of today, recognising him as a of the Church). witness to the gospel. And so I would encourage as many as after centuries of mutual con- are able to come to the main Abbé Paul Couturier of Lyons, demnations and vilification, in celebration of the Nativity of Our France, who has been called the 2017 Lutheran and Roman Catho- Lord, which is the glorious father of spiritual ecumenism, lic Christians will for the first 11.00am Sung Eucharist on had a slightly different approach time commemorate together the Christmas Day. Please do invite and advocated prayer for the beginning of the Reformation. your family and visitors to join unity of the Church as Christ you for this, or to the Christmas wills it, and in accordance with The Theme of the Week of Pray- Eve service if you find Christmas the means he wills, thereby ena- er for Christian Unity 2017 and Day impracticable. bling other Christians with differ- Biblical text from 2 Corinthians ing views of the Petrine ministry Chapter 5 vv 14-20 announces The Parish Carol Service (the to join in the prayer. In 1935, he that God has, in Christ, recon- traditional Nine Lessons and proposed naming the observance ciled the world to himself. The Carols) is to take place this year Universal Week of Prayer for love of Christ compels us to be on Sunday 18th December at Christian Unity, a proposal ac- ambassadors of this reconcilia- 6.00pm followed by refresh- cepted by the Roman Catholic tion, which is enacted by dis- ments. Again this is a wonderful Church in 1966. mantling the walls. With the fall service to prepare for Christmas of the Berlin Wall, Germany ex- and a good occasion to invite In 1958, the French Catholic perienced how a seemingly insur- friends along. We always invite group Unité Chrétienne and the mountable wall could be brought people from local hotels and em- Faith and Order Commission of down. The fall of this wall is a bassies and shops and businesses, the World Council of Churches (a symbol of hope that, with the as this is a wonderful celebration body which includes, among oth- love of God, nothing is impossi- for the whole community. In ad- ers, most of the world's Orthodox ble. dition I also invite members of churches as well as many Angli- various organisations to which I can, Baptist, Lutheran, Method- As the text was being written in am Chaplain (The Royal Society ist, Reformed, United and Inde- 2015, many people and churches 2 of St George, the Gastronomes, Mayfair Organ Concerts the Royal Society of Musicians, and others) who are most wel- Every Tuesday at 1.10pm come. Admission free-retiring collection Dates for diaries: We shall be continuing to cele- mayfair.php brate the Friday Eucharist (and all Red Letter Saints Days) at November 1 Grosvenor Chapel 1.10pm before making a final Andrew Benson Wilson decision about the best time for (Basingstoke) it (12.10pm or 1.10pm) – hopeful- Music by Matthias Weckmann ly this will be announced in the (b1616) next Newsletter. November 8 St George’s There are daily prayers in Robin Walker (Cambridge) church, Monday – Thursday at Schlick, J.S.Bach, Frahm, Reger 12.10pm The Mid Day Office is Including Canzone op. 65 no. 9 said on most days except when and Introduction and Passacaglia the Eucharist is celebrated on in D minor, Max Reger Fridays and Saints Days. Please join us if you are in the area. November 15 Grosvenor Chapel Thomas Allery Requiem for departed loved (Marylebone Parish Church) ones will be celebrated on Friday th 13 January at 13.10pm. Please November 22 St George’s inform the Verger if you wish to David Saint December 13 Grosvenor Chapel include names for prayer. His (St Chad’s Cathedral, Richard Hobson contact details are on the back Birminham) (Grosvenor Chapel) page. Alain, J. S. Bach, Mendelssohn Stanley, Walond, J.S.Bach, Franck, and Vierne Reger Holy Cocktail Hour Open House – all are welcome for drinks on November 29 Grosvenor Chapel December 20 St George’s Wednesdays 11th January and Wyatt Smith nd Peter Stevens 22 February at the Rectory, 21a () (Seattle, USA) Down Street W1J 7AW - entrance Buxtehude, J.S.Bach, Böhm, in Brick Street opposite the tapas December 6 St George’s Bruhns bar 18.30-20.00 – top bell. David Ponsford (Cardiff University) Concerts resume on Tuesday 3 J.S.Bach, Pierre Du Mage January. Until Easter, all con- certs are at St George’s whilst the organ at the Grosvenor Chap- el is cleaned.


Services at St George’s November 2016 – February 2017

Sunday 13th November Thursday 24th November Remembrance Sunday 8.40am Morning Calm 8.30am Holy Communion 12.10pm Midday Prayer 10.55am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Friday 25th November Rector St Catherine of Alexandra, Requiem (Fauré) Martyr, 4thc st 8.40am Morning Calm Tuesday 1 November Monday 14th November 1.10pm Holy Communion 8.40am Morning Calm 8.40am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer Sunday 27th November

nd First Sunday in Advent Wednesday 2 November Tuesday 15th November 8.30am Holy Communion 8.40am Morning Calm St Machutus, Bishop, Apostle 11.00am Sung Eucharist 12.10pm Midday Prayer of Brittany c564 Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 5.45pm Holy Communion 8.40am Morning Calm th rd 12.10pm Midday Prayer Monday 28 November Thursday 3 November 12.10pm Midday Prayer 8.40am Morning Calm Wednesday 16th November 12.10pm Midday Prayer 8.40am Morning Calm Tuesday 29th November

th 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer Friday 4 November 5.45pm Holy Communion 8.40am Morning Calm Wednesday 30th November 1.10pm Holy Communion Thursday 17th November St Andrew, the Apostle

th St Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 12.10pm Midday Prayer Sunday 6 November 1200 5.45pm Holy Communion Twenty-fourth Sunday after 8.40am Morning Calm Trinity 12.10pm Midday Prayer Thursday 1st December 8.30am Holy Communion 12.10pm Midday Prayer 11.00am Sung Eucharist Friday 18th November Celebrant:The Rector 8.40am Morning Calm Friday 2nd December Preacher: 1.10pm Holy Communion 1.10pm Holy Communion The Revd Nicolas Stebbing CR Missa Collegium Regale Sunday 20th November Sunday 4th December (Howells) Sunday next before Advent Second Sunday in Advent Ave verum corpus (Elgar) 8.30am Holy Communion 8.30am Holy Communion

th 11.00am Sung Eucharist 11.00am Sung Eucharist Monday 7 November Celebrant & Preacher: (attended by the Réunion des 8.40am Morning Calm Canon Alistair Macdonald- Gastronomes) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Radcliff Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector

th Missa Brevis Mass in F sharp minor (Widor) Tuesday 8 November (Antony le Fleming) Ave Maria (Josquin Desprez) 8.40am Morning Calm Lord I trust thee (Handel) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Monday 5th December st th Monday 21 November 12.10pm Midday Prayer Wednesday 9 November 8.40am Morning Calm 8.40am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer Tuesday 6th December 12.10pm Midday Prayer St Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c326 5.45pm Holy Communion Tuesday 22nd November 12.10pm Midday Prayer

th St Cecilia, Thursday 10 November Martyr at Rome, c230 Wednesday 7th December 8.40am Morning Calm 8.40am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer 5.45pm Holy Communion

th Friday 11 November Wednesday 23rd November Thursday 8th December St Martin of Tours St Clement, Bishop of Rome, Conception of 8.40am Morning Calm Martyr, c100 the Blessed Virgin Mary 11.00am Act of Remem- 8.40am Morning Calm 12.10pm Midday Prayer brance 12.10pm Midday Prayer 1.10pm Holy Communion 5.45pm Holy Communion Friday 9th December 1.10pm Holy Communion

4 st nd Sunday 11th December Sunday 1 January Sunday 22 January Third Sunday in Advent The Circumcision of Christ Third Sunday after the Epiphany 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 11.00am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Missa O magnum mysterium Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Missa Sancta et Immaculata (Victoria) Missa Bel’ Amfitrit’ Altera (Guerrero) O magnum mysterium (Victoria) (Lassus) Laetantur coeli (Byrd) Panis angelicus (Dering) Monday 2nd January rd Monday 12th December Public holiday – no services Monday 23 January 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer rd Tuesday 3 January Tuesday 13th December 12.10pm Midday Prayer Tuesday 24th January St Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, 304 th 12.10pm Midday Prayer Wednesday 4 January 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer th Wednesday 14th December 5.45pm Holy Communion Wednesday 25 January Conversion of St Paul Ember Day th 12.10pm Midday Prayer Thursday 5 January 12.10pm Midday Prayer There will be no 5.45pm Holy 12.10pm Midday Prayer 5.45pm Holy Communion

Communion service th th Friday 6 January Thursday 26 January Thursday 15th December 1.10pm Holy Communion 12.10pm Midday Prayer

Ember Day th th 12.10pm Midday Prayer Sunday 8 January Friday 27 January The Epiphany 1.10pm Holy Communion th 8.30am Holy Communion Friday 16 December th Ember Day 11.00am Sung Eucharist Sunday 29 January 1.10pm Holy Communion Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Fourth Sunday after the Missa Brevis in B flat (Mozart) Epiphany Sunday 18th December Lo! Star-led chiefs (Crotch) 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist Fourth Sunday in Advent th 8.30am Holy Communion Monday 9 January Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 11.00am Sung Eucharist 12.10pm Midday Prayer Stanford in C Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector O salutaris hostia (Howells) Tuesday 10th January Darke in A minor th O thou the central orb (Wood) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Monday 30 January Charles, King & Martyr, 1649 6.00pm Parish Carol Service th Wednesday 11 January 12.10pm Midday Prayer th 12.10pm Midday Prayer Monday 19 December st 12.10pm Midday Prayer 5.45pm Holy Communion Tuesday 31 January 12.10pm Midday Prayer th Thursday 12th January Tuesday 20 December st 12.10pm Midday Prayer 12.10pm Midday Prayer Wednesday 1 February 12.10pm Midday Prayer th Wednesday 21st December Friday 13 January 5.45pm Holy Communion St Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, St Thomas the Apostle nd 12.10pm Midday Prayer Teacher 367 Thursday 2 February 5.45pm Holy Communion 1.10pm Holy Communion Presentation of Christ in the Temple th Thursday 22nd December Sunday 15 January 1.10pm Holy Communion Second Sunday after the Epipha- 12.10pm Midday Prayer rd ny Friday 3 February Friday 23rd December 8.30am Holy Communion St Blasius, Bishop of Sebastopol, 1.10pm Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist Martyr c316 Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 1.10pm Holy Communion th Missa Brevis (Berkeley) Saturday 24 December th Christmas Eve Light of the world (Elgar) Sunday 5 February Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany 4.30pm Solemn First Vigil Mass of th Christmas Monday 16 January 8.30am Holy Communion Sumsion in F 12.10pm Midday Prayer 11.00am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector The angel Gabriel from heaven th came (arr Pettman) Tuesday 17 January Missa Brevis St Joannis de Deo 12.10pm Midday Prayer (Haydn) Sunday 25th December Laudate Dominum (Mozart) Wednesday 18th January Christmas Day th 11.00am Sung Eucharist St Prisca, Martyr at Rome, c265 Monday 6 February Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector 12.10pm Midday Prayer Accession St Nicolas Mass (Haydn) 5.45pm Holy Communion of Queen Elizabeth, 1952 Ding dong! Merrily on high 12.10pm Midday Prayer Thursday 19th January (arr Wood) th Comes the Light (Ann Burgess) 12.10pm Midday Prayer Tuesday 7 February 12.10pm Midday Prayer th th Friday 20th January Monday 26 -Friday 30 th December St Fabian, Bishop of Rome, Wednesday 8 February No services Martyr, 250 12.10pm Midday Prayer 1.10pm Holy Communion 5.45pm Holy Communion 5 Thursday 9th February 12.10pm Midday Prayer

Friday 10th February New Assistant Director of Music 1.10pm Holy Communion

Sunday 12th February Septuagesima 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector Mass in G (Vaughan Williams) Teach me, O Lord (Byrd)

Monday 13th February 12.10pm Midday Prayer

Tuesday 14th February St Valentine, Martyr at Rome c269 12.10pm Midday Prayer

Wednesday 15th February 12.10pm Midday Prayer 5.45pm Holy Communion

Thursday 16th February 12.10pm Midday Prayer

Friday 17th February 1.10pm Holy Communion

Sunday 19th February Nicholas Morris Sexagesima 8.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Sung Eucharist t is with particular pleasure that we announce the appointment Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector of Nicholas Morris as Assistant Director of Music at St George’s in Williams in D succession to Robin Walker who left us in September after three Tantum ergo (Pearsall) I years to take up the post of Director of Music at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Monday 20th February 12.10pm Midday Prayer Nicholas is the grandson of Chistopher Morris who was Organist at St George’s between 1947 and 1971. Tuesday 21st February 12.10pm Midday Prayer Nicholas spent his early musical years as a chorister at under the direction of James O’Donnell. He was subsequently a Music and Academic Scholar at Uppingham School. Between 2011 Wednesday 22nd February and 2014, Nicholas held the Organ Scholarship at Queens’ College, 12.10pm Midday Prayer Cambridge, where he also read for a degree in music. After gradua- 5.45pm Holy Communion tion, he moved to the West Midlands and took up the post of Assis- tant Organist at Birmingham Cathedral. In September 2016, he rd joined the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge as Assistant Organist, a Thursday 23 February post he will now hold in tandem with the post at St George’s. 12.10pm Midday Prayer

th Nicholas has performed extensively as a soloist both in the UK and Friday 24 February abroad. International engagements have included performances in St Matthias, the Apostle Norway, the United States, and in the opening concert of the 2012 1.10pm Holy Communion City of Münster Orgelsommer. UK recital venues have included St Paul's, Westminster, and Southwark Cathedrals in , the Ca- Sunday 26th February thedrals in Wells, Ely and Truro, and Westminster Abbey. Nicholas Quinquagesima has a particular interest in new music, and gave a solo recital as part 8.30am Holy Communion of the 2014 London Festival of Contemporary Church music. He regu- 11.00am Sung Eucharist larly collaborates with composer Toby Young and has premiered sev- Celebrant & Preacher: The Rector eral of his works. Missa Brevis (Bryan Kelly) Ecce panis angelorum (S. Wesley) Nicholas also enjoys performing with singers and instrumentalists. He has recently appeared as director and harpsichord soloist in Monday 27th February Bach's Fifth Brandenburg Concerto, and will perform as organ soloist 12.10pm Midday Prayer in Poulenc’s Organ Concerto in Birmingham Town Hall in March 2017. As accompanist to the Cambridge University Musical Society (CUMS) Tuesday 28th February Chorus during 2012 and 2013, Nicholas acted as an assistant to Ste- phen Cleobury, and was the organist for all concerts over the sea- 12.10pm Midday Prayer son. As the accompanist for the Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir in 2014 and 2015, he played for their busy schedule of con- certs, CD recordings, and BBC radio broadcasts, under the direction of Paul Spicer.


The Undercroft

ueen Anne’s Act of 1711 church. A smart new lavatory block which lead to the building (with four female WCs, two male of St George’s in 1724, con- urinals, one male WC, and a disa- Q tained a provision that a bled access WC) will be built under “Free School” be incorporated into the portico, replacing the rather the design of the proposed fifty shabby inadequate lavatories in- new churches. As far as we know, stalled in the south west corner in a free school was never estab- the 1960s. This will provide proper lished in the undercroft, probably facilities for all users of the church. due to the lack of available light, The space under the main church and the first parish school did not will be configured to contain a large open until 1804, transferring to its “green room”, restaurant and bar present site in South Street in facilities. See architect’s plan over- 1898. leaf.

We don’t know what use, if any, The green room will be for musi- the space was put to during the cians when we host concerts. It will eighteenth and nineteenth centu- also be used for PCC and other ries, but no burial has ever taken meetings (it can seat 40 people) yard (just below the Rector’s vestry place in the space. By the 1920s it and be the home for our Sunday window), which will provide wheel- was a wine and spirits cellar. This school. At other times it will be chair access to both the church and continued until just before the available for private hire. The rest undercroft from pavement level. war, when the Bishop of London of the space will include a restau- We have now received the planning gave instruction to The Reverend rant and bar area operating from permission from Westminster City Montgomery Campbell, the then Monday to Friday, serving lunch and Council for this new small struc- Rector (who later also became dinner, and providing interval ture. See the picture at the bottom Bishop of London) to close it down drinks etc., when concerts take of this page. The main entrance to due to complaints from local resi- place in Church. At the weekends the undercroft will be by a new dents about excessive noise. Dur- this space will be available for wed- doorway at the south west end of ing the war all the stained glass ding receptions, private hire, and the yard down a new widened stone windows were removed from Sunday church receptions. A visuali- staircase which will replace the church and stored in the under- sation of what this will look like existing narrow stairway down to croft, and not fitted back into the (computer generated from the ar- the present lavatories. This means windows until 1948.The Undercroft chitect’s plans) appears on the the undercroft space can operate continued to be used for storage, front page. independently of the church, or and was let to Sotheby’s the Auc- together with the church, with en- tioneers in St George’s Street for A new stairway down into the un- trance down the new stone stair- thirty years until 2014. dercroft (needed for fire regula- case from the south lobby. tions) and a disabled access lift will We now have plans to incorporate be installed at the east end of the The PCC have agreed the project in the space into the full life of the principle, but a final decision still has to be made when we have the full costings and funding arrange- ments in place. Our present timeta- ble, if all goes according to plan, is for works to start after Easter 2017, with phase one, the new lavatories and disabled access, to be complet- ed before Advent 2017, and with phase two, the fit out of the main undercroft space to start in January 2018 and to be open by Easter 2018. December 2018 sees the opening of the new Crossrail Sta- tion in Hanover Square, when the footfall past the church is project- ed to increase significantly, and we the church must be ready to capi- talise on this. This is an exciting new venture which integrates the component parts of our Mission Ac- tion Plan, (dignified worship, musi- cal excellence and thoughtful preservation) and will help to fur- ther cement St George’s into the life of the area. Fundraising for the project will start soon!!

Michael Beckett Church Warden



in Westmin- ster Prisons Mission


Services at Grosvenor Chapel November 2016—January 2017

Tuesday 13th December Sunday 22nd January 7.00pm The Second Sunday of Epiphany Community Carol Service 11.00am Sung Eucharist Filipe de Magalhães Sunday 18th December Missa O soberana luz Fourtham Sunday of Advent Poulenc Videntes stellam 11.00 Sung Eucharist th Sunday 6th November Esquivel Missa Ave Virgo sanctissima Sunday 29 January 3rd Sunday before Advent Guerrero Ave virgo sanctissima The Presentation of 11.00am Sung Eucharist Garth Edmundson Toccata-Prelude on Christ in the Temple Darke Communion Service in E Vom Himmel hoch 11.00am Sung Eucharist Rubbra Missa Sancti Dominici Purcell O God, thou art my God th Reger Toccata & Fugue in D Op 59 Saturday 24 December Tallis Videte miraculum Christmas Eve Holst Nunc Dimittis 11.00pm Carols Sunday 13th November th Remembrance Sunday 11.30pm Midnight Mass Sunday 5 February 10.55am Sung Eucharist Richard Shepherd Mass of the Nativity The Fourth Sunday before Lent Fauré Requiem Mass Tavener A Christmas Proclamation 11.00am Sung Eucharist (with orchestra) J.S.Bach In dulci jubilo Alessandro Scarlatti Mass for Five Voices th Sunday 20th November Sunday 25 December Purcell Thy word is a lantern Christmas Day Christ the King th 11.00am Sung Eucharist 11.00am Sung Eucharist Sunday 12 February Mozart Missa Brevis in C K259 Byrd Mass for Five Voices The Third Sunday before Lent Purcell Declare his honour Darke In the bleak midwinter 11.00am Sung Eucharist Gigout Toccata Daquin Noel Suisse Byrd Mass for Four Voices Guerrero Hoc est praeceptum st Sunday 27th November Sunday 1 January meum The First Sunday after Christmas Advent Sunday th 11.00am Sung Eucharist 11.00am Sung Eucharist Sunday 19 February Plainsong The Advent Prose Mass with hymns and organ music The Second Sunday before Lent 11.00am Sung Eucharist Byrd Mass for Five Voices th Byrd Laetentur coeli Sunday 8 January Kenneth Leighton Missa Brevis Andrew Carter The Epiphany of Our Lord Giacomo Carissimi Beatus vir 11.00am Sung Eucharist Toccata on Veni Emmanuel th Mozart Missa Brevis in D K194 Sunday 26 February Sunday 4th December Mendelssohn When Jesus our Lord The Sunday next before Lent Second Sunday of Advent Cornelius The Three Kings 11.00am Sung Eucharist Claudio Monteverdi 11.00am Sung Eucharist th Domenico Scarlatti Sunday 15 January Mass for Four Voices Mass for Four Voices The Baptism of Christ Schütz Was betrübst du dich, Gibbons This is the record of John 11.00am Sung Eucharist meine Seele? Pachelbel Toccata in E minor Palestrina Missa Qual’e il piu grande amor Sunday 11th December Peter Phillips In splendente nube Third Sunday of Advent 11.00am Sung Eucharist Richard Hobson Missa Brevis MacMillan O radiant dawn Bach Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme


Churches Together in Westminster Prisons Mission

CHURCHES OF MANY DENOMINA- Sadly, during all these years, there TIONS MARK PRISONS WEEK. have been few positive out- comes. The prison population has doubled since Mrs Thatcher was or many years Prisons Week Prime Minister, when there were was marked mainly by Ro- about 45,000 people in prison. On man Catholic churches which 16th September there were used the occasion to 94,721 men, women and children F in British prisons. In and the focus attention of congregations onto this controversial subject. Often Wales there were 81,969 become more important to mark the central purpose was to call for men,3,838 women and 940 chil- Prisons Week than ever be- prayers for the plight of people de- dren (aged 10-17). More than any fore. This view is shared by the tained in prisons while awaiting tri- other country in western Eu- Executive of Churches Together in al, or serving custodial sentenc- rope. Nearly double the number, Westminster (CTiW), which com- es. This was sometimes extended to per head of population, of those in prises 80+ churches in central include those who worked in prisons, France, Germany or Italy. There London. St George's is an active the families of inmates and the vic- is not more crime, violence, or the member of CTiW and was one of causes of crime here, but we lock the pioneers of the Prisons Mis- tims of crime. up more people and keep them in sion it launched three years prison for longer than our neigh- ago. The individuals, who do the Gradually churches of other denomi- bours. Against this background, is active work in support of Prison nations have joined in, of- there any useful purpose in main- Chaplaincy Teams and their home ten encouraged by their leaders or a taining Prisons Week each year? churches with which they share few churches and members of con- their learning, have worked hard gregations with a particular interest in The leaders of all the main Chris- to develop new material for Pris- the subject and knowledge of prison tian traditions believe that it has ons Week this year. This draws conditions.

Whitby Bay, HM Prison Hull: Orpington Methodist Church Bronze Award for Mixed Media 2015

11 when the website opens in Novem- ber ( and t the heart of Prisons Week – which for forty the organisation can be contacted years has been encourag- via info@prisonhope, . A ing the Christian commu- nity to pray for the needs of all Another new development which those affected by prisons – is the reflects the crisis in our prisons Sunday Prison Service. This was was the call on 12th October, by held at St George’s on Sunday 9th October, marking at the the national Association of Prison same time Harvest Festival with Governors for an independent a collection donated to the West Public Inquiry into the state of pris- London Mission for its work with ons, following the "unprecedented" homeless and marginalised peo- rise in violence, self harm and sui- ple. cides. There were 105 self inflict- The service aimed to focus ed deaths in custody during the 6 thought and prayer on the men, months to June. Almost double women and children detained the total 5 years ago. Bishop Moth, behind prison walls, to ensure the Catholic Liaison Bishop that they are not ‘out of sight for Prisons, welcomed this an- and out of mind’. It also high- nouncement and explained that it lighted the involvement of vol- "underlines the current serious unteers from St George’s in the Love and Life, HM Prison Grendon Churches Together in Westmin- state of the prison service". ster Prisons Mission - the nature Sir Hugh Casson Award for Portraits of the work, what they find for 2015 It is appreciated that not every one themselves through that work concerned about the dire state of and what is then brought back our prisons wants, is able, or is to the church and its congrega- attention not just to prison inmates, tion. but to the entire criminal justice and suitable to undertake voluntary penal system and all those involved work inside prisons. There are Alistair Milward addressed the within, or eafected by it. many other worthwhile forms of service about his experiences at ministry. One is to ensure that St Wandsworth Prison. He volun- teers through the Wandsworth The booklet published by CTiW has a George's becomes a more "Welcoming Church" to ex- Chaplaincy Community Trust, a new authenticity and in addition to charity as he explained “that many suggested prayers, interces- offenders and discharged prison- works out of the Chaplaincy of- sions, readings and hymns, it includes ers. This requires careful thought, fice at the prison and is there a list of organisations which provide planning and change. Secondly, for men who have a release date help, advice or services on the sub- individuals can become pen set and have asked for help. It's safe and meaningful work that ject. There is also a quiz to assist friends with men or women serving custodial sentences. The work of can help the man get on his feet and provoke discussions with church after release and in a secular groups. This has been very well re- Prisoners Penfriends has been setting be supported by a be- ceived by churches in London and shown to be of real value. It is a friender or mentor. The charity distributed very widely by bodies such safe, worthwhile and rewarding trains and assigns people such as as St Paul's Cathedral Institute and way to practise a simple but effec- myself to a prisoner and we Vincentians in Partnership, a national tive Christian ministry. Information meet at the prison a few times Roman Catholic organisation. Spe- about the training and support for cial services have been held, using this can be found from the booklet as a resource, in Angli- gwyn.morgan@prisonerspenfriend can, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Bap- . tist and Church of Scotland church- es. In addition to worship, several of Members of St George's Church these churches have arranged post who are active with our Prisons Prisons Week activities, to focus on Mission are keen to answer ques- what they should do to address what tions and hear your suggestions they perceive to be the real crisis about our aims and activities. within the criminal justice sys- tem. Such action is in addition to the John Plummer prayers which are urgently needed. Coordinator. Prisons Mission CTiW On 10th October Bishop James Lang- 62 Perth Road staff of Rochester, who is also Bishop London to Prisons, launched Prison Hope at a N4 3HB special service held inside Pentonville prison. The aim of this new national 020 7272 1639 initiative is to attract, during 2017, Pencils in Milk Carton, HM Prison & many more churches to support and Young Offenders’ Institution Parc,

pray for local prisons, encourage vol- Wales. The Lamb Building Cham- unteering and focus on the hope in- bers Commended Award for Mixed spired by Jesus. Churches and peo- ple keen to learn more can find this Sarah Jane Vernon writes: Media 2015

12 Christmas at

St George’s Thursday 1st December 7.00pm St George’s Handel’s Messiah See page 14

Tuesday 13th December 7.00pm Grosvenor Chapel Community Carol Service

Sunday 18th December 6.00pm St George’s Parish Carol Service

Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve 4.30pm St George’s Solemn Vigil Mass of Christmas Kaleidoscope Fulfilment, HM Prison Peterborough. Inside Time First Time Entrant Award for Mixed Media 2015 Sumsion in F The angel Gabriel from heaven came (arr Pettman) and on the date of crime, those those who work in their release and for a few the criminal justice system and 11.00pm months thereafter. those who work inside prisons. The Intercessions were led by Grosvenor Chapel Alistair is clear that “if I John Rowland, who is also in- Carols & Midnight Mass thought that I could have any volved in the CTiW Prisons Mission, meaningful impact on the hor- and concluded in prayer and hope Shepherd Mass of the Nativity rendous published statistics for prisoners themselves: Give to Tavener A Christmas Proclamation surrounding self harm, recidi- all prisoners…the strength to lift J.S.Bach In dulci jubilo vism (reoffending), rehabilita- first their eyes and then their tion, assault and substance hearts to recognise your light…set abuse whilst inside prison – I them free from the power of Sunday 25th December really needn’t have bothered. darkness, make them ready to These are huge problems…” start again in hope. Christmas Day

“But given what I’ve seen, 11.00am what I’ve learnt, given what I have found in myself to offer Images generously supplied by the St George’s to another; it fills me with an Koestler Trust. The Koestler almost perverse confidence Trust is the UK’s leading prison Sung Eucharist that I might, just might actu- arts charity. We play a vital part St Nicolas Mass (Haydn) ally make a difference to in the rehabilitative journey of- Ding dong! Merrily on high someone else, some other fered to prisoners and ex- (arr Wood) day. Someone for whom the prisoners to transform their lives Comes the Light (Ann Burgess) concept of hope has got lost in through participation in the arts. …their locked up world.” For more information visit Prayers were offered for vic- tims of crime, the families of or tweet @koestlertrus There is also a Sung Eucharist all victims or perpetrators of at 11.00am at Grosvenor Chapel on Christmas morning. 13

Tickets: £45, £40, £35 & £12 (restricted/no view) Book online: Book by phone: 01460 54660 (Monday-Friday 10am-12.30pm & 2-4pm)


Hyde Park Place Estate Charity


At their meeting on Wednesday 21st September, the Civil Trustees of the Hyde Park Place Estate Charity awarded grants totalling £40,073 to the following organisations working in the :

St Andrew’s Club Blind in Business The Foundation for Young Musicians Continued from front page Beanstalk And it is to support and if possi- ble expand this scheme that is Shelter one of the motivations for open- The Mosaic Community Trust ing up the Undercroft. Use of St John’s Wood Adventure Playground the large space under the church for storage has long Bishop Creighton House been one of the relatively small Encouragement Through Arts and Talking number of revenue streams open to St George’s which is Westminster Boating Base why, when considering the uses All Souls Clubhouse to which it will now be put, it St George’s School has been necessary for financial considerations to be taken seri- St George’s Hanover Square - Refreshment Coupon Scheme ously. That said we should not, I think, Further meetings of the Civil Trustees will be held on Wednesday be apologetic about opening as 23rd November 2016 (application deadline: Monday 7th November), a week-day restaurant. Mayfair th th and Wednesday 8 March 2017 (application deadline: Monday 20 being Mayfair, social engage- February). ment means reaching out to those who during the week work in the area in auction houses, art galleries, merchant banks, ECCLESIASTICAL TRUSTEES embassies and fashionable shops as well as those who will pass by in ever greater numbers once The next meeting of the Ecclesiastical Trustees will be held on Sun- the Elizabeth Line station in day 27th November 2016 (application deadline: Monday 14th Novem- ber). Hanover Square is open. And if in engaging with such people over lunch or interval drinks at a concert we are able to gener- ate sufficient funds to allow us Shirley Vaughan to enhance the support we give Clerk to the Trustees to the less fortunate, be they homeless, in prison or living in poverty elsewhere in the world, then we can continue to be proud of our mission-focussed stewardship of the resources available to us.


St George’s Church The Vestry, 2A Mill Street, London W1S 1FX

Tel: 020 7629 0874

Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


St George’s Hanover Square Foundation Charity No 1120505

Email: [email protected]

Hyde Park Place Estate Charity Charity No 212439

Email: [email protected]

Grosvenor Chapel 24 South Audley Street, London W1K 2PA

Tel: 020 7499 1684

Email: [email protected] [email protected]