Loc. Names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) FAO Names : En

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Loc. Names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) FAO Names : En click for previous page - 57 - BONY FISHES GERREIDAE Loc. names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) FAO names : En - Silver-biddies Fr - Blanches Sp - Mojarras Size : Max.: to 25 cm Fishing gear : Caught with bottom trawls, beach seines, stakenets and other types of artisanal gear Habitat and biology : Found in shallow coastal waters, some species also in brackish waters, lagoons and estuaries. Bottom-living, feed on ben- thic organism. Interest to fisheries : Species of this family are rather common and are frequently caught in creeks, often in large quantities. They are dried with or without salt or used in manure Gerres filamentosus Cuvier, 1829 Synonyms Gerres punctatus Cuvier, 1830 Pertica filamentosa Munro, 1955 ?Gerres macracanthus Bleeker, 1854 Loc. names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) Long-rayed silver-biddy (En) FAO names : En - Whipfin silver-biddy Fr - Blanche fil Sp - Mojarra de hebra Size : Max.: 25 cm; common to 15 cm Fishing gear : Caught with beach seines and bottom trawls Habitat and biology : Lives in shallow coastal waters, to about 50 m depth, on sandy bottoms, but also in rocky and coralline areas Gerres oyena (Forsskål , 1775) Synonyms None Loc. names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) Lined silver-biddy (En) FAO names : En - Common silver-biddy Fr - Blanche commune Sp - Mojarra común Size : Max.: 25 cm; common to 15 cm Fishing gear : Caught with bottom trawls and seines Habitat and biology : Common on sandy beaches, also entering estuaries and brackish lagoons. Lives on small benthic organisms - 58 - BONY FISHES GERREIDAE Gerres poieti Cuvier, 1829 Synonyms : None Loc. names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) FAO names : En - Strongspine silver-biddy Fr - Blanche armée Sp - Mojarra espinuda Size : Max.: 20 cm; common to 15 cm Fishing gear : Taken with stakenets, liftnets and beach seines Habitat and biology : Common in estuaries and coastal lasons; forms small schools . Feeds on small benthic invertebrates Pentaprion longimanus ( Cantor, 1850) Synonyms : None Loc. names : Jerki (Sin); Mudro (Bal) FAO names : En - Longfin silver-biddy Fr - Blanche à pagaies Sp - Mojarra alona Size : Max.: 15 cm; common to 10 cm Fishing gear : Caught with bottom trawls Habitat and biology : Lives near the bottom, to . about 70 m depth; forms large schools. Feeds on small benthic organisms LUTJANIDAE Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) FAO names : En - Snappers, jobfishes, etc. Fr - Vivaneaux, colas, etc. Sp - Pargos , panchitos, etc. Size : Some species may exceed 100 cm Fishing gear : Caught mainly with bottom trawls, handlines, longlines, gillnets and traps Habitat and biology : These are mostly demersal species, found from inshore waters to considerable depths (continental slope), the juveniles of some species entering estuaries. They are not schooling species but some form aggregations. They feed mainly at night, on the bottom, on fish, crustaceans, cuttlefish and worms. Interest to fisheries : Snappers are usually of high commercial value because of their delicate flesh. The Handbook of Fisheries Statistics of Pakistan (1973-83) reports catches of Lutjanus species ranging from 940 t (1983) to 4 365 t (1973), with an average of 2 241 t - 59 - BONY FISHES LUTJANIDAE Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål, 1775) PLATE IX, 54 Synonyms : None Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) Red snapper (En) FAO names : En - Mangrove red snapper Fr - Vivaneau des mangroves Sp - Pargo de manglar Size : Max.: 120 cm; common to 80 cm Fishing gear : Caught with handlines, bottom trawls and bottom longlines Habitat and biology : A coastal species, the juveniles in shallow water and mangrove areas, the adults to 80 m depth. Feeds mainly on crustaceans and fishes Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch, 1790 PLATE X, 59 Synonyms Lutjanus altifrontalis Lutjanus malabaricus (non-Bloch Schneider) Loc. name : Hira, Hiro (Sin), Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) FAO names : En - Crimson snapper Fr - Vivaneau cramoisi Sp - Pargo carmesi Size : Mar.: 60 cm; common to 45 cm Fishing gear : Caught mainly with longlines and bottom trawls Habitat and biology : Inhabits shallow coastal waters to about 60 m depth. Feeds on bottom-living invertebrates and fish Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forsskål, 1775) PLATE X, 60 , 1775) Synonyms : Lutjanus fulviflammus (Forsskål Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) One-spot golden snapper (En) FAO names : En - Blackspot snapper Fr - Vivaneau gibelot Sp - Pargo tintero Size : Mar.: 35 cm; common to 25 cm Fishing gear : Caught with handlines, traps and gillnets Habitat and biology : Shallow coastal waters, mainly around mangroves on muddy or rocky bottoms; also in reef areas. Feeds on invertebrates and small fishes. - 60 - BONY FISHES LUTJANIDAE Lutjanus johnii (Bloch, 1792) PLATE XI, 63 Synonyms : None Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) Moses perch (En) FAO names : En - Johns snapper Fr - Vivaneau ziebelo Sp - Pargo jaspeado Size : Max.: 70 cm; common to 50 cm Fishing gear : Caught mainly with handlines, bottom trawls and traps Habitat and biology : Shallow coastal waters, including mangrove areas; also found down to depths of 80 m. Feeds on bottom-living invertebrates and fishes Lutjanus lunulatus (Park, 1797) PLATE XI, 66 Synonyms : None Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) Crescent snapper (En) FAO names : En - Lunartail snapper Fr - Vivaneau queue lune Sp - Pargo raboluna Size : Max.: 35 cm; common to 20 cm Fishing gear : Caught with handlines, traps and gillnets Habitat and biology : Mainly in reef areas, to about 50 m depth. Feeds on fishes and crustaceans Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch, 1790 PLATE XII, 67 Synonyms : Lutjanus lineolatus (Rüppell, 1828) Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) Rosy snapper (En) FAO names : En - Bigeye snapper Fr - Vivaneau gros yeux Sp - Pargo de Madras Size : Max.. 30 cm; common to 20 cm Fishing gear : Caught mainly with handlines and bottom trawls Habitat and biology : In coastal waters to 80 m depth, including reef areas. Feeds on bottom-living inverte- brates and fishes - 61 - BONY FISHES LUTJANIDAE Lutjanus malabaricus (Bloch Schneider, 1801) PLATE XII, 68 Synonyms : Lutjanus sanguineus (Cuvier, 1828) Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Hiro, Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) Malabar snapper (En) FAO names : En - Malabar blood snapper Fr - Vivaneau malabar Sp - Pargo malabárico Size : Max.: 90 cm; common to 50 cm Fishing gear : Caught with handlines, bottom longlines and bottom trawls Habitat and biology : Inhabits coastal waters to 100 m depth. Feeds on bottom-living invertebrates Lutjanus rivulatus (Cuvier, 1828) PLATE XII, 69 Synonyms : None Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) Blue-lined snapper (En) FAO names : En - Blubberlip snapper Fr - Vivaneau maori Sp - Pargo maori Size : Max.: 65 cm; common to 35 cm Fishing gear : Caught with handlines, traps, gillnets. Occasionally trawled Habitat and biology : In shallow coastal waters to 150 m depth, usually around rocks and coral reefs. The adults are solitary. Feeds on fishes and crustaceans Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier, 1828) PLATE XII, 72 Synonyms : None Loc. names : Hira, Hiro (Sin); Kunla, Kanalcha (Bal) FAO names : En - Emperor red snapper Fr - Vivaneau bourgeois Sp - Pargo imperial Size : Max.: over 100 cm; common to 60 cm Fishing gear : Caught with handlines and bot- tom trawls Habitat and biology :In coastal waters, the juveniles in mangrove and seagrass areas, the adults down to 100 m depth. Feeds on crustaceans and bottom living fishes - 62 - BONY FISHES Other species of Lutjanidae LUTJANIDAE Aphareus furcatus (Lacepède, 1802) Small-toothed jobfish size: to 40 cm Apron virescens Valenciennes, 1830 PLATE IX, 50 Green jobfish size: to 80 cm PLATE IX, 51 head of large adult Etelis carbunculus (Cuvier in Cuv. Val. 1830) Ruby snapper size: to 70 cm PLATE IX, 52 Lipocheilus carnolabrum (Chan, 1970) Tangs snapper size: to 60 cm PLATE IX, 53 Lutjanus bohar (Forsskål, 1775) Two-spot red snapper size: to 75 cm PLATE X, 56 Lutjanus gibbus (Forsskål, 1775) Humpback red snapper size: to 50 cm PLATE XI, 62 Lutjanus lemniscatus (Valenciennes, 1830) Yellowstreaked snapper size: to 65 cm PLATE XI, 65 - 63 - BONY FISHES Other species of Lutjanidae LUTJANIDAE PLATE XII, 71 Lutjanus sanguineus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828 Humped snapper size: to 85 cm Lutjanus fulvus (Schneider, 1801) Blacktail snapper size: to 50 cm PLATE XI, 61 PLATE X, 55 Lutjanus bengalensis (Bloch, 1790) Bengal snapper size: to 30 cm PLATE X, 57 Lutjanus coeruleolineatus (Rüppell , 1835) Blueline snapper size: to 35 cm PLATE XI, 64 Lutjanus Kashmir (Forsskål 1775) Common bluestripe snapper PLATE X, 58 size: to 30 cm Lutjanus ehrenargii (Peters, 1869) Ehrembergs snapper size: to 30 cm PLATE XII, 70 PLATE XIII, 73 Lutjanus russelli (Bleeker, 1849) Russells snapper Lutjanus vitta (Quoy Gaimard, 1824) size: to 40 cm Brownstripe snapper size: to 40 cm - 64 - BONY FISHES Other species of Lutjanidae LUTJANIDAE PLATE XIII, 74 PLATE XIII, 76 Macolor niger (Forsskål , 1775) Pinjalo pinjalo (Bleeker, 1850) Black and white snapper Pinjalo snapper Gazi-gwazi (Bal) size: to 80 cm size: to 60 cm top of head PLATE XIII, 75 PLATE XIII, 77 Paracaesio xanthurus Bleeker, 1869 Pristipomoides multidens (Day, 1870) Yellowtail blue snapper Goldband job size: to 45 cm size: to 90 cm PLATE XIII, 78 Pristipomoides zonatus (Valenciennes, 1830) Oblique-banded snapper size: to 50 cm NEMIPTERIDAE Loc. names : Katti (Sin); Kolonto (Bal) FAO names : En - Threadfin breams, monocle breams, dwarf monocle breams Fr - Cohanas, mamilas Sp - Bagas, besugatos Size : Max.: 30 cm Fishing gear : Caught with bottom trawls and on line gear Habitat and biology : Small to medium- sized fishes, mostly living in shallow coas- tal waters, on sandy or muddy bottoms as well as in coral reef areas, but also in deeper waters (to 400 m depth). They feed chiefly on bottom-living invertebrates Interest to fisheries : Some species, i.e., Nemipterus japonicus, form large schools and are excellent foodfishes. In Pakistan , however, they are mainly used for fishmeal. The Handbook of Fisheries Statistics of Pakistan (1973- 83) reported 81 t of Nemipterus only for 1983. Nemipterus species are however an important part of the catch of the joint venture trawl fishery click for next page.
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    A peer-reviewed open-access journal ZooKeys 709: 135–154 (2017) Checklist of the tidal pool fishes of Jeju Island, Korea 135 doi: 10.3897/zookeys.709.14711 CHECKLIST http://zookeys.pensoft.net Launched to accelerate biodiversity research Checklist of the tidal pool fishes of Jeju Island, Korea Hyuck Joon Kwun1, Jinsoon Park2, Hye Seon Kim1, Ju-Hee Kim1, Hyo-Seon Park1 1 National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea, 75, 101 Jangsan-ro, Janghang-eup, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do 33662, Korea 2 Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 727 Taejong-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan 49112, Korea Corresponding author: Hyuck Joon Kwun ([email protected]) Academic editor: S. Kullander | Received 26 June 2017 | Accepted 14 September 2017 | Published 18 October 2017 http://zoobank.org/9D7FBBFE-998B-4ED3-8D0D-7DB579E442D2 Citation: Kwun HJ, Park J, Kim HS, Kim J-H, Park H-S (2017) Checklist of the tidal pool fishes of Jeju Island, Korea. ZooKeys 709: 135–154. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.709.14711 Abstract Seventy-six species of fishes, representing 60 genera and 34 families, were recorded from tidal pools on Jeju Island, southern Korea. The major families in terms of species were the Gobiidae (11 species), Poma- centridae (8 species), Blenniidae (6 species), and Labridae (5 species). Thirty-nine species were classified as tropical, 26 as temperate and 11 as subtropical. Keywords coastal habitats, fish diversity, inventory, northwestern Pacific Introduction Jeju Island is located southwest of the Korean Peninsula (Kim and Go 2003, Kim et al. 2009, Kwun et al. 2017) and has a volcanic rocky shoreline. The island lies in the southernmost temperate region of Korea, and many subtropical and temperate species of fishes inhabit the coastal and adjacent waters of the island (Kim 2009).
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