wauiwr tMBptratare M. Urn' ***tU,s m REDBANK —>«* mm. ftb tads**, M. TM»n»ir, MM?, Ugfe TMfc •••tofc p«8y etowfy, warn. rmtKtmnwjtt-uT.mt It* wtntftor, (*«• L

VOL. 86, NO. 208 BED BANK, N. X. FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1664 7e PER COPY LBJ Deplores Violence as Hurting Civil Rights Cause WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi into your own bands, or threat- live by television and radio net- Johnson volunteered eight an- their fellow men and trying to alleys into the courts where And when asked if he were Johnson administrations bavi dent Johnson, deploring vio- ening the health or safety of our works, marked Johnson's first nouncements and fielded 16 appreciate his position." they belong." concerned about the possibility spent $25 billion more for de- In the political sphere, John- lence and disorder In the civil people. You really do the civil appearance in the big State questions with apparent ease He said that as Jong as racial that independent electors com- fense in the past three years son said he expects the presi- rights struggle, says all groups rights cause no good when you Department auditorium where during the 31-minute confer- discrimination exists, "We are mitted to neither major party than would have been spent bad dential campaign to be "a hard ihould exercise moderation and go to this extent." President John F. Kennedy held ence. ; going to have protests and we might be elected in Southern the rate of the final year of tht fight, a difficult one." And he try to understand the other fel- The President also expounded all his sessions with newsmen. Asked to give his attitude on are entitled to protest and peti- states, Johnson said: Eisenhower administration con* drew laughter by adding, "I low's viewpoint. on national defense controver- Wearing television blue, John- civil disobedience as a tactic in tion under our constitutional "I would always be concerned tinued. He said this money bat would hope that it wouldn't be Johnson was asked to com- sies, the rail negotiations, the son faced the biggest news con- the civil right! struggle, John- rights." about any elector that was not bought "extra combat divisions, ment Thursday, at his biggest- booming economy and politics. ference crowd on record—512 son said, "We jdo not think the too close." committed to vote for me." extra nuclear warheads, extra ever news conference, on civil At one point, he virtually an- reporters and conventioneering violation of on

Rev. Dr. Theodore F. Romlg speaker at the 9:15 and 11 a.m. THRU aervices Sunday in the First Presbyterian Church. He also will speak at the church family «•! night supper at 5:30. SATURDAY Dr. Romig will speak at the morning services on "The BUY BETTER - BUILD BETTER Highlands At its recent meeting, the La- dies Auxiliary of Twinlight Post, A FULL STOCK OF American Legion, discussed fund PEGBOARD Full Carload 1st Quality raising projects. Mrs. Andrew FULL ALUMINUM Homiak, Sr., Gold Star Mother VB" THICK HARDWOOD chairman, reported plants were LEADERS sent for Easter to the auxiliary's 4-0x8-0 ROUND Gold Star Mothers. Mrs. Stephen AND GUTTERS H. Faller reported on the March RS PEELED CEDAR meeting of the Monmouth County ALL FITTINGS American Legion Auxiliary held 95 AVAILABLE •t Englishtown. The next meeting 99 of the group will take place POST & RAIL AT THE LOWEST Wednesday at 8 p.m. PER 2-0x6-8 PRICES 1 SHUT Mrs. Richard Lynch, president, 3 & CHESTNUT SPLIT RAIL has appointed Mrs. Frank Bolen as chairman of the spring dance SPRUCE PMFITTED PRIME-COATED .... FULL II'O to be sponsored by the Ladies CONTRACTORS WELCOME 2-4x6-8 TEXOLITE Auxiliary of the local Yacht Club. FURRING 4.25 RAILS & POSTS 95 BY G.E. Mrs. Bolen Is being assisted by STRIPS SPECIAL PURCHASE — CDEC USE 0F POST PER THE PERFECT Mrs. CharJes Gardner in charge NO REJECTS 2-6x6-8 SECTION of decorations, and Mrs. Ray 4.50 iKtfc HOLE DIGGER COUNTER TOP KrelsHer, Mrs. Albert McCully 3 and Mrs. Fred Rembert serving 1x2 on committees. The "Merrymen" PEA from Bayonne will furnish the 2 BASKETWEAVE C Kft music for the event which will SQ. FT. be held Saturday, April 25 at the 1x3 3c PER FT. ALL LENGTHS — CLEAN 29 Yacht Club. The event will also FENCING feature a covered dish supper STRAIGHT-BUNDLE At SIZES—MOST COLORS READY TO ASSEMBLE and ig open to members and guests. CEDAR TWO GUYS Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Stiles IDAHO PINE 66 Highland Ave., marked their PREMIUM 88 62d wedding anniversary April 7 4-0x8-0 U. S. GYPSUM SHELVING They are parents of two daugh- CEILING TILE PANELING FULL THICK BATT ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Heliker and •Cerol •Cordovan •Salmon 5 DECORATOR WHITE REWOOOD Mrs. S. E. Wright, both of this • Silver Boms 5-0x8-0 6-0x8-0 Buy what you need — we place. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles also INSULATION nave two grandsons, Donald Heli- 88 4-0x8 -0 6.29 break cartons. 15 ker, Oceanport, and Ensley H 4-0x7-0 5-0x8-0 6-0x8-0 99 Wright, Leonardo, and they have I 8 Vapor Barrier— White FT. five great-grandsons. 5 Grooved posh—pra-stained top 2 Side* PER Pointed PER Good Kiln dried stock. All 4-0x8-0 6.72 Covered 2 BAG Bevel SQ. FT. 8.95 9.95 quality. lengths. Ready to paint or A lull Vi" thick. Fintrt factory 7 Mrs. Edward Murphy, 28 Corn- Hnlih. ttain. wall St., will entertain members of the "Twenty Club" Tuesday, INSTANT-CRETE U-PAVI-IT SEALZIT when Mrs. Andrew Soyka, 152 SAND AND GRAVEL DRIVEWAY 29 DRIVEWAY 80 RUSTIC ANTIQUE Bay Ave., will celebrate her CONSTRUCTION 80-LB. S GAL. birthday. EA. BIRCH MIX 70-LB. BAG PATCH BAG I SEALER CAN 2 Mrs. Ruth O'Neil, hospital LUMBER PANELING chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary V-GROOVE to the local Veterans of Foreign FULL VA" THICK Wars Post, was chairman of a card party sponsored by the 2x3-6 group recently in the post home 4-0x7-0 99 For the benefit of the hospital 2? fund. Mrs. O'Neil was assisted 2x4-6 .,..„„...... 39c 4-0x8-0 7.99 6 by Mrs. Robert M. Waters, Sr., 2x3-7 .,.-,„.-.„,„. 39c and Mrs. Gaetano Sgambato. 2x4-7 49e This is a Two Guys exclu- Mrs. Katherlne Johnson, Mrs. Lil- Clean—Bright—Straight—Dry sive. Fine furniture finish lian Lees and Mrs. Harry Dtlger — top quality. were winners of the special prize*.

Mrs. Dorothy Belsten Is visit- Ing Mrs. Helen J. Shea and Mrs. SHUTTERETTES ALUMINUM FOIL Harry Dilger, 61 Naveslnk Ave. Mrs. Belsten will leave on the HARDWOOD STORETTE INSULATION Queen Elizabeth Wednesday for BEAUTIFUL EVEN COLOR her home in Bristol, England. All Steel UTILITY SHEDS GARBAGE CAN Prior to visiting here, she vis- TYPE C 339 ited for six months with her READY DURABLE REINFORCED 55" WIDE, 42" DEEP 2S0 SQ. FT. daughter and son-in-law, Capt. TO STAIN LOCKERS 6"xT7" •nd Mrs. Joseph A. Shea, Fort 69 EA. 70" HIGH LOCKETTES Type C 500 Sq. Ft. 6.58 Hood, Tex. Capt. Shea is the 78" x 42" x 70" .. 64.88 •on of Mrs. Helen Shea. Type B 250 Sq. Ft. 4.79 Free hardware with pur- Type B 500 Sq. Ft. 7.95 chate of fint four. All 78" x 62" x 70" .. 88.88 TYPE C—1 SIDE The fourth birthday of Mar lizei in troek. fcaret Rosenberg, daughter of TYPE »—2 SIDE Mr. and Mrs.! Thomas Rosenberg, 78" x 84" x 72" .104.88 137 Highland Ave., was cele- 38 16 brated at a party in her home. Among the guests were her touslns, Bridget Worth, Robert •nd Darlene Rosenberg, and Da- GOOD/YEAR T11 C € Al C Vld Mount, John and Sherry Nan- NO-DRIP CELOUTE LATEX Bey, Debbie Sanborn, Sandy Sundberg, Mary Kathleen, Mi- SPRING FLOOR I ILL JMLL chelle and Jimmy Smith. Also Mrs. Edward Murphy, Mrs. ENDS STIRRING, DRIPPING James Worth, Mrs. David Mount, Mrs. Keith Nanney. Mrs. Robert VINYL FLOORS SPLATTERING &MESSY CLEAN-UP Rosenferg and Mrs. Edgar San- BY GOODYEAR born. * Really fast drying, move everything Protect thcmielvei and you for a LIFETIME. 9"x9" back in 20 minutes Mrs. Esther Chark, Bay Ave., With New NO SCRUB you get LIFETIME BEAUTY In a spoke to the members of the choice cf many styfei. * Brushes and rollers clean easily Golden Fellowship of the local LIFETIME WEAR from a GOODYEAR with an armour-like and fast with water Methodist Church concerning her surface that quords against normal floor abuie. visit last year to Puerto Rico. LIFETIME EASY CARE—The iwiih of a mop wipei away * 10 decorator colors and white The devotions conducted by Mrs. dirt and itaini . . . require! no waxing. filvert C. Walstrom included •"-»••—•••—« Lifetime Wear Guarantee' 19 GUARANTEED TO COVER Scripture readings, poems and Goodyaor will replact flooring that wears out in normal uio in home, under these hymns. Mrs. Walstrom was as- conditions: 1. Flooring must be installed and maintained according to GOODYEAR IN ONE COAT listed by Mrs. George D. King, recommendations. 2. Flooring muit be in home which was continuously occupied Mrs. Violet Anderson, Mrs. Lydia by flooring purchaser sine* Installation. 3. Purchaser mutt preienf original guar- ALL COLORS BABY-SAFE GAL Bchmltz and Mrs. Deborah Bogue. antee certificate. 4. Claim must be approved by Goodyear, prior to replacement. 3 Not*: Replacement offer does not extend to installation costs. After the meeting the birthdays 100% GUARANTEED SATISFACTION bf Mrs. Chark, Mrs. Hilda Lay- ton, Mrs. Edward Duncan and Mrs. Blllie Campbell were cele- brated. Mrs. Sophie Johnson, Mrs Ccllna Brltton, Mrs. Layton COMMUNITY •nd Mrs. Frank Thomas were ROUTE 35 Open Daily 9:30 A.M. til 10 P.M. hostesses. Mrs. Henry M. Fehl- AT SunfJay" 9:30 A.M. til 6 P.M. MIDDLETOWN FIVE CORNERS •For talei allowed by law. haber will entortain the group CHAOCf Pl.".N at her home, Nsvesink Ave, May LUCKY THE BOSS HAS HIS OWN PROBLEMS Ked Kegistet JIM BISHOP: Reporter «MI mm mm, *•* ••*, N. a ErfabUsbed IS78 fay John a Cook tnd Henry CU j PnMtebed by The Red Bank Register Incorporated Computers Don't Fall in Lo¥e W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President JAMES J. HOGAN. Editor The computer Is our new boss. It has become M. HAROLD KELLY, General Manager man's mind, without the mistakes. There are over 16,- Thomas J. Bly William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln Frank W. Harbour 000 of them working in the United States and they can Aasociau Sldltort KucuUvs Editor Mlddietowo Burs&u Ugr. write a song, remember, recall, forget, execute com- Member of the Associated Press rtte Associated Presi u •ntitltd exclusively to the UM tat repubMcatloa ol all tb» local nawa prlatad ID plex arithmetical problems, fire a missile, solve a rid- nawspiper u wall aa Hi AP newi dupilrhes. dle, send bills, fire a manager, think Member of America!. Newspaper Publishers Association Member Audit Bureau of Circulation of alternate , and one called the Gardner-Denver, can wire another The Red Bank Register assumeB DO tlnanclftl responsibilities Cor typographical errora In adTertlaementf- bu will reprint wltbout charge, that part ol en advertisement in which the typographical error occurs. Advertisers wl computer. pl«a*t notify the management Immediately of any error whlco may occur. It looks like a delicatessen dairy Thia newspaper assumes no tesponslbilitlei for statements ol opinion tn letters from iu readers. counter with neat trim, glass panels, Subscription Prices In Advance . Less chin 3 mos. Per month (1.5a 12 months—$18.00 6 months—| 8.00 filafie oop7 at oounter, 7 oentj Single copy by mail. 20 cents I months—113.50 > th$ 1.50 and slots. Gilbert Burck, a writer for Fortune Magazine, thinks it may be FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1964 more beneficial for man than any other BISHOP invention, including the wheel. As re- Bankers and New Taxes cently as 2,000 years ago, man's knowledge was passed on mostly by speech. After that, the written word did The New Jersey Bankers Associa- "For over 50 years, New Jersey it. Then came the printing press, and knowledge was tion is acting in its usual responsi- has clung to an over-emphasis on easy to give. ble fashion by taking a forthright local taxation We have done Today the digital computer reads punched holes, stand on the controversial broad- fairly well in spite of ourselves due instead of letters and words. The machine is an as- sortment of wires, electricity, diodes, transistors and based tax question in the state. largely to our magnificent location. vacuum tubes. Each is a common item. Together, they The association has come up with It is long past due, however, to en- are terrifying. It is like putting the minds of ten thou- a wide-ranging tax prescription for courage real growth commensurate sand scientists together, and removing the consciences. So far, it cannot initiate thought; that is, it cannot improving the state's industrial cli- with our forseeable needs. "With consideration of social think of something with which it has had no experi- mate and, at the same time, giving services received by low income ence. It is just beginning to try deductive thought; given the circumstances of a ship sinking, it will pre- relief to the hard-pressed property families, this (sales tax) is not owner. dict the sinking of others. The machine, like a hateful regressive tax. More important it is These Days; woman, learns nothing and forgets nothing. Major ingredients of the plan in- competitive with adjacent states and LETTERS The computer can be boastful too. It will take a clude a state sales tax, repeal of lo- would encourage the influx of the OPPOSES NAME CHANGE problem which mathematicians know would require cal taxes on business personal prop- more highly skilled who will in the Who's a Trotskyist Now? West Keansburg Property one hundred years of time for solving, and the machine Owners Association will dwell on it, and spew the correct answer in two erty, and an increase in taxes on long run provide our tax base." By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN PO Box 186, corporate income. At the same time, Thus, another group has put Keansburg minutes. The newer, more sophisticated machines use Said Topsy to Turvy, "It's good the UN is taking April 13 a conditional transfer code which has the ability to the association proposed a bond is- forth a tax revision plan designed hold in Cyprus to keep the Greeks and the Turks frorr To the Editor: assess an assortment of conditions, reach a conclusion, sue of about $50 million to finance to keep our state moving and to give knocking each other in the head. We'll get a rationa This is our answer to the arti and then give alternate, or optional answers to the world yet." cle which appeared in the April immediate "recognized and item- relief where it is so desperately 10 edition of your paper. The problem. ized" capital construction needs. needed. "Maybe we will," said Turvy to Topsy. "But con title was "Fleetwood and Wood- It can estimate the work, the salary and the/effi- sider the strange business that make; land Favor Name of Hazlet" Concerning the broad-based tax, the Perhaps many of our legislators and it appeared on the first page ciency of an employee; it can give an army the optimum India one of the peace keepers in Cy association cited recommendations in Trenton will some day—and we of the second section. conditions in which to launch an attack; it is not too prus when the Cypriots, or somebody Over a year ago our associa timid to tell the Pentagon how many bombers to order, by the state Tax Policy Commission hope it is soon—realize that the day else, ought to be keeping the peace ir tion, along with the West Keans- what type, and how many missiles too. The machine for a 3 per cent sales tax with food has passed when proposing a new burg Fire Company, opposed India. Have you thought about that? strongly the name of the "Town- has a snobbish quality too; it cannot be bought—-it is and medicine exempt. tax means automatic defeat at the "I suppose you are alluding to th ship of Raritan" being changed. usually leased. fact that the commander of the Uk After reading the statement in While some parts of the bankers' polls. More and more New Jersey the April 10 edition of The Regis- One at the Federal Aviation Administration Ex- tax revision plan will no doubt be citizens and organizations are real- in Cyprus is an Indian, Lieuten ter, it has become necessary for perimental Station at Atlantic City has memorized 38,- ant General Prem Singh Gyani from the us to once again voice our ob- 000 different problems to do with the spacing and rout- the subject of debate, the fact that izing that something must be done jections. Chamberlain Punjab? Or at least he was the com ing of air traffic, and can be called upon to solve any a need is stressed for a broad-based to serve the state's immediate needs We, the residents and property mander the last time I saw the papers." of them within a second or two. It can also type in- levy is important. It shows that a in the areas of education, institu- owners of the oldest section of "Exactly," said Turvy. "And what beats me is why this • township, do hereby protest structions at the rate of 10,000 words a minute. It has group so vitally connected with the tions, and highways. And something ehru should export his peace keepers when he needs the name of the Township of a brother .which can read and digest 90,000 complete them so badly at home." Raritan now or in the future New Jersey economy realizes that must be done to aid the local prop- being changed to "Hazlet," or documents per hour. our tax base must be broadened if irty taxpayer. "Come to think of it," said Topsy, "India is a lit any other name. A few years ago, the computer was a joke. Execu- le bit like Cyprus. The Hindus kill the Moslems. The the state is to continue to progress. The message comes through loud The taxpayers of West Keans- tives asked it silly questions. Today, an insurance com- Moslems kill the Hindus. Just like Turkish and Greek burg, many of whom were born pany can stack its millions of policy holders into one This statement of the bankers is and clear. But is it'being heard in ypriots, only on so much grander a scale. The UN and reared here, have no inten- extremely interesting. Trenton? tion of changing the name of machine, and the machine will bill them properly and lOesn't do anything about that." their associations, etc., which promptly, even though some like to pay by month, This man Nehru," said Turvy, "beats me. I re have been formed many years some quarterly, and some by year. Your Money's Worth: member when he was a noble, put-upon fellow. The ago. There are still people in West Professor Jay Forrester of M.I.T. was not satisfied British had him in jail. It was a terrible thing. They Keansburg, who formed the West having the machine make scores of thousands of cor- inally let him out, yet he kept right on talking abou Keansburg Fire Company and rect decisions. He also wanted it to act on them. So Newest US Secret Weapon: BB18M the need to detach India from British rule. Oh, he was the and Rescue Squad. These men gave years of their he initiated the "feed-back" device. When the com- By SYLVIA PORTER a patriot, this Nehru. When he was in jail he wrote time and experience to build two puter in a factory, for example, thinks tha,t a_ boiler a big book about history. But what he didn't say abou of the most important organiza- fire is burning low, it will not only call attention to it, Assume today's powerful • eco- But we are not In a periodiient that the economy still will listory is that he, Nehru, seems to be condemned to tions of this township. They have nomic upturn carries through of depression. We are in a pro- be prosperous as the war babies been proud of the name West the computer will also turn up the flow of oil and, 1964 and into 1965 — which, bar- longed upsurge. Already the grow to the marrying age — epeat it." Keansburg in the Township of as oil storage recedes, it will also order more. ring unpredictable upsets, is a and start setting up house in Raritan. second longest peacetime expan- "How so?" asked Topsy. The most powerful computer is Control Data's sound assumption. Then, a sion in over a century, the ad- apartments, in. small houses, "Haven't you heard of the Kashmiri leader, Sheik The West Keansburg Fire Com- "secret weap- vance in now taking on new life. even on school campus. pany has never had trouble be- 6600, which can absorb three million instructions per whioh mil- Vlohammed Abdullah? He's been a noble, put-upon fel Stimulated by the massive tax When Marriages Begin ng identified throughout the second, and remember all of them. Another will accept lions of Ameri- cuts of 1964, consumer spending ow. Nehru clapped him into jail 10 years ago. It was When they begin marrying on state of New Jersey, and espe- business problems versus business goals, and will reply c a n families is mounting rapidly for hard terrible thing. They finally let him out, and he started cially in Atlantic City, for they have spent goods and soft goods, for things a broad scale, they'll be in the with "minimum" solutions and "maximum."' One has market for everything from have two large trophy cases to tens of billions and non-things. Spurred by the ;o talk all over again about the need to let Kashmir prove it. simulated a bank trust officer, and, so far, the machine of dollars de- tax cuts, other incentives and autos to zwieback, hatpins to ote on self-determination. Oh, he is a patrio, this Sheik veloping for rising consumer spending, busi- houses. Autos have become a The statement made in regard has never made a mistake in counseling people regard- two decades nessmen are scheduling record "necessity' for todays young Mohammed Abdullah. I haven't heard that he wrote to being by-passed because we ing their investments. will be at our spending on new plants and American. Assuming basic x>ok in jail about history, but not everybody can be are of the minority only applies to a few years ago. If the peo- Another costs $7,000,000 if a company prefers to nation's dis- equipment. The gap between in background of prosperity, our s cultivated as Nehru, who was educated by the Brit posal to keep dustry's actual and potential out- swelling army of young Ameri- ple moving down here from the buy rather than lease. The memory sections look like sh. Or maybe the Sheik distrusts words after noticing city since 1956 are not satisfied PORTER the Sixities put Ls shrinking. Employment cans will be propelling the auto 2-inch by li^-inch sections of fiber rugs. Each unit has Swinging for a long time. is climbing. There are, as of to- industry to and through the 8 vhat Nehru does to belie them." with the name of our township for over 100 years, then they cer- 16,000 tiny cores, whose business is to remember, and My nickname for this secret day, remarkably few distortions million-a-year sales mark, to and "I suppose you are referring to the fact that Nehru within the economy to endanger through the 8 million-a-year sales tainly have our permission to to render total recalbinstantaneously. The machine can weapon is "BB18M." This table lid not send his friend Lieutenant General Prem Singh move. spells it out for you in statistical the expansion's life and curb its mark, etc. be given a short electric shock treatment which will magnitude. yani from the Punjab into the Portuguese Indian col Has the committee who is stud detail: Of course, there will be inter- kill its memory. It is then ready to accept new facts, 1946 — 3,411,000-24.1; ruptions in the advance. There ying the name change and the The upswing has momentum; ny of Goa to keep the peace between the Goans and chairman of the Planning Board 1947 — 3,817,000 - 26.6; it appears solid as well as always have been, for we have new intelligence. It never tires, and even the simplest 1918 — 3,637,000 - 24.9; learned only to control the b'usi- the invading Indians," said Topsy. any idea as to the total cosi strong. for the name change? Before computers can outthink, outwit, and even outguess any 1949 — 3,649,000-24.5; Thus, the chances are excel- ness cycle. We have not con- We'll let that one pass," said Turvy. "Only I mus man. 1950 — 3,632,000-24.1 quered it and we may never ay that what happened in Goa may have given Red signing a petition this question conquer it in a private enter- should be asked and in return It never has a headache, never falls in love, and What mumbo-jumbo is this: China's Mao Tse-tung an idea. Could be that the Hima- correctly answered. It's far from mumbo-jumbo. In prise economy. never remains away from its job because of a hang- CARMICHAEL ayas are just Goa to Mao Tse-tung." The taxpayers of this township fact, when the statistics are But the interruptions should be over. Best of all, it never or becomes emotional, translated into words, (hey form short and shallow. The outlook "Speaking of Mao," said Topsy, "I see where he's have been burdened in the past few years, having to build school no matter how dire the situation. a story which is not only of pro- H vfoMT* A for a lasting period of peacetime >een calling Khrushchev a Trotskyite. That's just wha found importance to our economy growth is the brightest is after school because of the popu- The computer is smarter than man, but not smart FULL OF SOFT, Khrushchev is now calling Mao. Khrushchev also says lation explosion which took place but which also is a tale you can memory — and the war babies enough. Any baby crawling behind one of these things understand as easily as any pro- ^TARING BO of 1946-50 are one great, glitter- hat Mao is guilty of Stalinism. Does this mean tha in Hazlet. fessional economist and business ing reason why. Very truly yours, can unplug it ... forecaster. Trotsky and Stalin stood for the same thing? If that Sarah C. Murray Babies Born 18 Million s true, then if Khrushchev is a Trotskyite he's also President My nickname "BB1SM" Babies Stalinist. What gives with these name-callers CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Born 18 Million. KNOW YOUR nyway?" The table breaks this 18 mil- 1004 Rt. 35 lion down into the number of GOVERNMENT "It's this way," said Turvy. "Trotsky believed in Middletown MERCIFUL babies born in the five years Prepared by N. J. Taxpayers odd revolution. Stalin believed in Russia First. As the April 15, 1964 To the Editor: HEAVEN between 19-16 and 1950 and gives Association, 143 E. State St., /[arxists say, this makes Khrushchev objectively a HAS SWA the birth rate per 1,0(10 popula- Trenton 8, N. J. To solve — not soothe — seri- MAN TO tion during the early years of the talinist. Yet he hates the memory of Stalin. Mao loves ous problems, one must go so fai inside that, for most of us, dis- SAV6U5- fabulous post-World War II baby "A spending cut of a half-billion he memory of Stalin, but he doesn't believe in Russia boom in the U.S. cussing capital punishment is not dollars—representing one-half of irst. He's for the permanent world revolution. You a sanguine business. in 1946 Ihe number of birth one per cent of the Federal budg- soared 553,000 over 1915, broke et—and a reduction in the deficit igure it out if you can." At the death house in Trenton, all previous records. In I Mid from $10 billion to $5 billion "I've been trying to," said Topsy. "But when Jiere are now 13 persons waiting these will bo 20 years old, riyht by no means represents maxi- Khrushchev said the Red Chinese were following a xecution. Last year there were into the major marrying years. mum economy or rigid control more or less the same number, In 1947 the total zoomed again, in Federal financing." declares ourse of 'petty bourgeois adventurism'—and that's an but that was last year. while birth rate per 1,000 hit the New Jersey Taxpayers As- xact quote—I lost my way completely. I know what Not surprisingly, no one really 2C.C, a rate not touched since. sociation. 'petty bourgeois' is. He's the tailor in the corner shop ries to get caught at treason, In 19G7 these too will be 20 and "Even these goals set forth by He's the man who clerks in a store. Are these the sort 'irst degree murder, kidnaping into the major marrying years. the President in his 1965 fiscal for ransom, or assaulting tho gov- So it will go year after year year budget recommendations f Chinese who would follow Mao to the ends of the ernor. But some do. In our Great through the rest of this decade will not just happen — without arth? Or at least to the end of South Vietnam?" Democracy, defendants who lose and beyond. some help from Congress and "You've got me," said Turvy. "But maybe we in court cannot win. If we were in a period of de- support from citizens," the As- James .J. Vigilante, president pression and these millions of sociation observed. "At least this hould be thankful for small favors. Such as the fact if the New Jersey Police Benevo young adults couldn't get jobs much, and a great deal more hat Casey Stengel was never exposed to the science ent Association. "You Need It, or afford to stay in school, their must bo accomplished before f Marxist name-calling. Or to the historical logic of It Needs- You," has said, "The coming of age would be an eco- progress can be made toward mblic has some resentment to- nomic curse. Koa/ning Ihe control of Federal .spending and ehru. Stengel's never got to first base in real dou- vard the police," and that the streets, rebelling at the system a balanced budget achieved. An ble talk." leath penalty is a necessary con- which couldn't give them em- expenditure of $1)7.9 billion, as "Yes," said Topsy. "And maybe it's a miracle that :omitant of effective criminal ployment and dignity, they proposed in the budget for fis- aw enforcement. He feels those quickly could destroy our coun- cal 1963, hardly can be described India has just one peace-keeper available for export to 1 ho would like lo end the death "A little fantasy never hurt anyone -• try. 6—Friday, April 17, 1961 as "austerity . Cyprus. We might have done worse." (Continued on Page 7) least of all o voter." *te. U to «. EveryoM lBces the tory." private contractors for snow re- Jril IS ment to be u«ed to open a prV ISM to IMS, In 1849, ibotttioo vtte n*A Vi * private com- IssueOpposed o the Editor: ttfl ctolMonta, tiainlu tbe day jbltt* were defected In iiw A*t*rn- mtrcifcl wterpris*. BED BANK - The rafabjj of Ki per uwil the weeks pror «Mtaot come too toon when an bly. M to 19 with 11 abstAlning. the Greater Red Bank trea in to primary election find this «*• 8. He personally used borough •ffeetlve tttsck on crime can be statement issued today, regis- To quote James Purdy: "Amer- iuran Riled with letters from can- equipment to pump raw sewtge intde by wstained preventive tered tiieif opposition to the pro- ican culture is based on money didates for public office. The from his own septic tank onto his measures, vigorous law enforce- neighbor's property and the pub- posed Becker Amendment that and competition, is inhuman, ter-j overwhelming majority of these ment, and fully staffed correc- lic street until stopped by the would permit the reading of scrip- rilled of love, sexual and other, letters are a sincere attempt by tional services. Board of Health. tures and prayers in the public and obsessed with homosexuality] these individuals to present their schools. BUSINESS There U presently a resolution and brutality. Our entire moral views to the voters, , 9. Protested the removal of pending In the Judiciary Commit- Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosenthal of life is pestiferous and we five in Unfortunately, a William Lan- borough truck driver at a Civil tee of the. State Assembly that Congregation Bnai Israel, Rum- a completely immoral atmo- gan, candidate for council In this Service hearing even though em- would create a commission to son, and Rabbi Richard F. Stein- sphere. Human beings under cap- borough, has seen fit to use this ployee admitted being sent h •tudy capital punishment to brink of Monmouth Reform Tem- italism are stilted, depressed, column as a sounding board for seven times as unfit to drive. weigh the question of its place in ple, Shrewsbury, said: sick creatures, who toil and en- misstatements, haW truths and How could any parent justify his present day society, and to in- It is our belief that such an joy and live for all the wrong complete fabrications. I would protest? DRASTIC quire into possible substitutions amendment to the Constitution reasons. We live In the stupidest be derelict in my elective oath as 10. Ignored Civil Service mini would seriously damage the tra- a councilman and my moral ob- mum requirements for sick leave ditional and hallowed separation ligation to the citizens of the bor- and vacation and short-changed of church and state as enumer- ough if I did not set the record borough employees. They were ated by our founding fathers and straight and clear the air re- fully compensated after I took as expounded by the Supreme REDUCTIONS garding his record on council. office. Court. The Job might better be done by 11. Thi9 public servant billed the Air Pollution Board but I will the borough for $35 for a day's "It is our belief that the pub- ON make the attempt. pay on a trip to Trenton on bor- lic school ought, to remain free First I would say that if all ough business. of any sectarian influence that would tend to divide American the voters of Union Beach could 12. Wanted to investigate pos- children into factions. It is naive CARRIAGES CRIBS take the time to examine the sibility of selling the water plant, to say that such practices would records of past and present mem- the main asset of the borough. be voluntary for the on STROLLERS CRADLES bers of the governing body there Plant operation is supported by children who would prefer to re- Tft© n«w dimension in color for men's suits] would never again be a Mr. Lan- receipts and does not affect the frain from such activities would HIGH CHAIRS BASSINETTES at J. Kridel is iridescence. gan sitting on any administrative tax rate. body in Union Beach. Urtfortun be enormous. Furthermore, such 13. Attacked meter program al JUMPERS BATHINETTES ately, most voters haven't the an amendment would open the though he knew it was necessary time to research the information door to all sorts of abuses by to obtain new well. This well is WALKERS CHEST ROBES needed to select the best qualified the local school boards to im- now in operation and is being candidates and for the most part paid for from water receipts and NURSERY CHAIRS MATTRESSES their choice is based on hearing does not affect the tax rate. Seton Hall Alumni Information and political litera- I say to you, Mr. Langan's PLAY PENS BUMPERS ture sent out by party organiza- Sets Keyport Event record proves him to be nothing tions. other than a political opportunist KEYPORT — The Monmouth- NURSERY LAMPS ROCKERS When a citizen casts his ballot who& only purpose for seeking Ocean County Chapter of the Se- for a candidate, he is entrusting elective office is to satisfy his ton Hall University Alumni Fed- to that candidate the expending of egotistical mind. eration is sponsoring an "Italian his tax dollars. This is all im Nile" Saturday at the Elks' Club, Leonard A. Cologna AIRPORT PLAZA Leonardo portant here in Union Beach. I 249 Broadway, here. Councilman RED BANK Terminal say to you that the following is Highway 34 Dinner will be served at 8 p.m. but a small part of the record followed by dancing until 1:30 Hazlet, N. J. compiled by Mr. tangan In his a.m. All alumni in the area are AND three years as a member of coun Pupils Learn invited. William Hannon, 7 John- CARRIAGE SHOP cil. KJANSBURG Term, son Ter., Middletown, is handling 1. Appropriated a total of $28,- local arrangements. 3 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK R.T. For* 600 for the street department in Conservation 1960 and spent $40,900, including EATONTOWN — The Shade $2.10 N.Y.C. emergency appropriations. Tree Commission and Myron B. Buying or selling? Use the 741-1717 LIC. #4330 Register Classified for quick re- R.T. Far* 2. Appropriated a total of $33,- Turner, principal of the Margaret 600 for the street department in L; Vefcter School, turned an un- sults.—Advertisement. $1.59 Newark 1961 and spent $43,825, including fortunate incident into a lessoni^ Newark all transfers of funds and emer- in conservation for the third,! gency appropriations. fourth and fifth grades recently. CO 4-9828 291-1300 3. In 24 months of street de A young sugar maple planted 291-9623 partment chairmanship, Mr. Lan- on the school grounds four years 787-0066 gan had emergency appropria^ ago had been stripped of its bark AMERICAN LUMBER 787-9674 tions of $20,800 and another $1,- last summer and died. [725 was transferred to his ac- Pupils assembled at the site to count from other departments. observe and help with the plant- NOW... 2 LUMBER YARDS TO SERVE YOU! He had $84,725 of the taxpayers' ing of a new tree. Mrs. Norman money from all sources and he D. Thetford told the children how spent it without improving the the life of a tree depends on its streets one bit. bark. Mr. Turner challenged them to look at their school from ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 4. While spending all thi money, he tore up paved streets outsider's viewpoint and to WEST & LINCOLN AVES. DAILY'TIL 5 . SAT.'TIL 1 291-2121 and converted them to dirt roads think what keeping our public because he didn't have money places clean and beautiful means left to purchase cold patch! I to the community. He read MIDDLETOWN refer to Harris Ave., Jersey Ave. Joyce Kilmer's poem "Trees". RT. 35 at HEDDONS CORNER DAILY 'TIL 5 • SAT. 'TIL 4 741-4444 and the streets in Haven Park, Rudolph Czyz, for the Shade 5. He paid almost $500 to a [Tree Commission, supervised the private contractor to remove planting of a tree. The boys will fallen trees from one piece of be responsible for watering and private property. caring for the new tree. CYPRESS SPUT RAIL reHCIMG Announces... Winning three classes in the Mobil Economy Run is easy

if you have a great transmission. OUTLASTS CEDAR 3 TO 1 , 10 FT. SECTION

IftES PER GAUOrT cussc- •*•"" CLASS G* MILES PER I S,Mr [Special V-6 D* lick Le Sabre »J .Buick Special V-8 23.7J ^•wmmMji.tiuii'i"!*^ VERMOHT FLAGSTOHE SUNSET SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL SUNSET UTEX WALL PAINT For matching CARL 23.46 CAR FF. .17.48 Applies easily. •• trim-work, kitch- CARM B.29 CARR 22.34 CARGG. 17.97 Dries quickly... ens and bath- CARN M.53 CARS ...21.98 Good hiding... rooms. Fleasing CARHH .: 17J8 Easy cleanup...60 semi-gloss sheen, smudges wash off CARO 23.24 CART 22.40 CAR II 20.10 WHITE — BEVELED Beautiful colors CARP. ..„, 25JZ4 CARU ....19.99 CARJJ.. 19.60 PAINTED while 3.98 CARKK 19JW? Ceiling Tile colors 4.48 «MmAh SN Sb Cylniiff Cm •Intanwilit* S» B|M Cytmltr Ctn •Full Sin Bjht Cylinder Cira, Medium Prict Sale! Tic sq.ft. SUNSET HOUSE PAINT SUNSET FLOOR ENAMEL See our large display of Easy application... Good protection SUSPENDED CEILINGS Fume-proof pro- for floors and tection .. . Good steps... subdued durabilty... Real gloss... 3 beau- UNPAINTED 4' DROP LEAF economy... Good tiful colots. color reter>:- Buick has a great transmission. HARVEST TABLE wh!'- 4.98

An automobile transmission, we grant converter type to help you safely piss cars tion cars. The distance was 3,243 miles, DECORATIVE HARDBOARD you, isn't the most soul-stirring subject on and trucks as well as gas stations. about what most families log in four citth. Nothing to look tt either. You'll hear a lot about it in the next couple months. All thtee Buicks used regular gas. So the Economy Run.is not just a cross ifw EXlERIOimERIOR COLORS Bat if you'd like for four next new or to of years as this modern kind of transmis- SHEET ROCK SPECIAL 4'xCx'i" en. 1.44 sion is adopted by more and mote car countty tour for the Mobil people and a give you I better break on performance few car buffs. It's a reliable test of a cat's ind gasoline mileage, something happened builders. power team, and what it's able to squeeze CURB BLOCKS EASV TO INSTALL .a.35 AMES last week to be you^guide. What about engines? out of its fuel. The loj Angeles to New York Mobil Of course, an efficient transmission gets Economy Run proved one thing for sure. more efficient when teamed up with a We don't expect everybody to rush out SPLASH BLOCKS T 1.45 3' 1.95 SHELF BRACKETS There's quite a difference in the trans- lean, a^ile engine. The winning Buick this week-end to buy a new Buick just missions of new cars. power plants were our new V-6 and V-8. because we won a few economy trophies. and STANDARDS The 300 cubic inch V-8 in the winning There are so many other good reasons for Three out of four for Buick Buick Special (the lowest priced of all leaning to Buick that economy usually ALUMINUM Btiicks) and the Buick LeSabrc (the lowest gets second billitiK. There's styling, natu- standards brackets The long-time champion in die ttansmis- rally. An unusually great ride. Exttaordi- (ion league—Buick—walked off with the priced big Buick) is like a well-conditioned tighter. All muscle, no fat. Weighs in at nary engineering ami workmanship. And 1964 economy pennant. No other single very young performance. Small wonder 30c ft. 50c ea. make of car won as many events as Buick. far less than other V-8's of similar punch. It took every other V-8 in the Economy Run. Buick sales are running at 11.3% over last Four entries, three winners. year, ALSO IN STOCK IN Tbe winning Special carried the new Super Your type of driving—regular gas But it's nice to get economy as a plus in a BRONZE and BRASS Turbine 300 automatic transmission; the The Run was through cities and towns, Buick. Beyond the dollars saved on gaso- LeSabte was equipped with the Super actoss super highways, in traffic, out of line, there's a certain pride in knowing you Turbine 400 (both optional at extra cost). traffic. This was not race track driving or have a car that's built to get the most out They're the latest in a long line of Buick proving ground driving. This was your of every tank of gasoline. ALUMINUM SCREEN WIRE transmissions well known for their Jmooth- kind of driving—even though you can't c sq. | Ac sq. ness and absence of "shift feel". The Super expect to get as good mileage as these Wouldn't You Really Rather 8 ft. Cu» to siis IV (f. Turbine is a refined »n


SALE ON HAND TOOLS Vises, pliers, sclsson, soldering Iran, twllti BOB WHITE BUICK, INC. * 688 Shrewsbury Avenue, New Shrewsbury, K. J. LARGE VARIETY drill sat, open «nd wrench Mf, ere. I MAIL BOXES YOUR CHOICI . S« th« Buick exhibit it the General Motors -New York World's Filr 8—Friday, April 17, 1961 RED BANTC REGISTER HOW DOES »TPY" LSffeW-'ft*** I t/x Large bedroom*, CM en*, and light, airy t To Install World's Fair Pool T7 all you *"l . EATONTOWN-John R. Howie, at the New York World's Fair. model, manufactured by Cascade Cardens. et Swimming River-Cascade Tlie residential swimming pool Industries, Edison. of tomorrow will be represented The pool is 18 feet by 32 feet, Pools Co., here, has been selected at the fair by an egg-shaped Bus- with a diving depth of nearly from more than 200 Cascade — ter Crabbe steel pool. nine feet and a shallow area of Buster Crabbe pool dealers to The pool, selected by the House three feet. Install a residential display pool of Good Taste, is the "Trinidad" The exhibit is a three-home p,r month Ineluiee tieaf. hef wtir, community designed by three of $ oruite parking plus swimming peel the country's leading architects- Jack Pickens Coble, Royal Barry tenonts. Wills and Edward Durrell Stone. 95 MUSCLES The Buster Crabbe pool is in the backyard of the Wills home. The house is arranged with the living, dining and family rooms —(jreen fjjrove— grouped around the kitchen and all opening onto a terrace and the swimming pool area through (j/ardem sliding doors. DIRECTIONS: Garden S.o.. Parkway to Exit »"•»'•«• !* * PLAN LECTURE SERIES — Members of His commrrteo which completed plant for the junction. Follow Hi. » to Florence Av.. (l>t .treet po.t 3rd light)) FREE ESTIMATES Monmouth College Lecture Series to be held in the fall include, left to right, Leon turn Itft to Green Grove Ave. THE IERG AGENCY Ph. 542-2150 Zuckermsn, director of public relations, New Jersey Natural Gas Company; Robert Rentlno Ajency: Of (let: M4-KM M. Benham, director of college relations, Monmouth College; F. Bourne Ruthrauff, Model Apartment Phone: 2MIM4 director of public relations, Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company, and Mrs, Wil- liam D. Suar, Brielle, representing Hie Jersey Shore Branch, American Association of University Woman. SPECIALS SELLING HOMES Buchwald, Nash to Speak at MC IS EASY JAPANESE YEWS 00 WEST LONG BRANCH - A lak Auditorium in the Monmouth Series tickets are availabl • Spreaders and Uprights A £* Monmouth College Lecture Se- College Main Building and will from members of the Jerse WHEN YOU SELL WONDERFUL • Thrt* ytars old t T 5 ries, presented by the Jersey begin at 8:15 p.m. Shore Branch of AAUW. Shore Branch of the American NEW DEAL Association of University Women LIME 50 LB. 1AG and sponsored by the New Jersey YOUR GARDEN LIFETIME HOMES Natural Gas Company and the Charter Study This !5-year-old builder of manufactured homes offer* Central Jersey Bank and Trust THIS WEEK Company, will be held at the col- By Garden Reporter a dealer plan that has been thoroughly proven for PATIO BLOCKS-SLATE 25' •a. lege this fall. College of Agriculture Forum Set profits. Manufactured homes are ^the homes of tht Rutgers—The State Uni- future ... you can get in on the ground floor today. The series will open Monday, versity, New Brunswick CANADIAN PEAT MOSS 50 Sept. 21, when Art Buchwald will For Tuesday EASIER SALES . . • EXTRA SALES • SIX CUBIC FT, ML! appear in his presentation "Buch- Don Juan didn't look as if he 3 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Th . . . MORE PROFITABLE SALES wald-at-Large." Dr. Albert Burke needed a spring tank, but I gave will speak on "Soience and Sur-him a tatolespoomful anyway. Charter Study Commission wil Lifetime Homes dealers do better because you get • CALIF. PRIVET HEDGE vival" Monday, Oct. 5; Ogden Christian Dior seemed to crysponsor a public forum Tuesda; good chunk of protected territory . .. complete 25 at 8:30 p.m. at Matawan Regloi Nash will present "The Portable out for at least two, but I de- advertising and merchandising support . . . expe- • TWO YEARS OLD 10 for 1 Nash" Wednesday,, Oct. 21; andcided he'd have to get along the al High School. Guest speakers will be Dona rienced sales counsel and guidance . . . exclusive WARDS CHAIN Malcolm Muggeridge will give a best he could on the same dose customer referral program . . . nationally advertised 'Featuring Huge Varietiet- "Fool's Eye View of the World of 5-10-10, lightly scratched in. Dunn, ordinance administrator LINK FENCING We Live In" on Tuesday, Nov. 10. "And now that you've fertilized Moorestown; Kendall H. Lee, cit; brand name components . . . choice of hundreds of • Jackson * Ptrtlm All lectures will be held in Pol-your roses, how about giving my manager, Asbury Park, am plans . . . more square feet of living area per dollar • lurr delphiniums some attention?" George T. Mehblick, business ac ,. . complete mortgage service. • Maxwell, t>*4man, die* came a familiar voice. ministrator, West Orange. ROSES William Miller, charter stud; MAIL THE COUPON TODAY ... "Don't know anything about "oil PRIZE WINNERS" Fiind Raising fertilizing delphiniums," I re- consultant, will be moderator. AND YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY I plied cleverly. The three men are responsib! Prime territories or* itlll cptn. Moll the ceupoit now en* v No Money Down! for the daily operation of iheii get the taetil before you buy any garden supplies oo to . . . "Then why don't you ask Don Expert Installation Affair Tonight Lacey?" communities, which represtni three different forms of govern NEW DIAL LIFETIME HOMIS IV J11CS* I C>C Watermelon Bar MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — The The B'« Think S00 South Hack Herw Pike Available and Financed So that's what I did. Submerg- ment. They will explain Mieii Regular Democratic Clubs will functions, responsibilities an •lackwood. New Jeney MU^ULC a and Gardtn Ctr. ing the needs of a single delphin- Please send me compute details regarding on nclutlve Life- Monmourt hold "Buck Night," a fund-raising ium for the good of Che whole, Iauthority. time dealir«hlp. No obligation, of course. (Easy to Reach from Any Direction) Shopping affair, tonight at 8 in the VFWput the question to him: "How Center 1 3 Hall, Cliffwood, Ralph Haspel, much of what kind of fertilizer Be modern with Address HWY. 36, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 291-0613 does the perennial- garden need * chairman announced. City Itati OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY—URGE PARKING AREA j at this time of year?" At an executive session last Mr. Lacey, home horticulture MO EN night, Township Committeeman specialist at Rutgers who recog- Gilbert H. Hickman, campaign nizes big thinking when he hears manager, declared that former it, came back with a forthright It Pays to Advertise in The Register Republican leader Joseph C. Retanswer- ; "Not much. Only 2 tagliata, not Mayor Henry E. pounds- of fertilizer if you ^orj't Traphagen, was responsible foe heap it up. So all you do is1 Meas- getting A. Campo Construction ure off an area 10 by 10 feet and Co., Middletown, to build an sprinkle your level canful of fer- apartment rather than an as- tilizer lightly until it's all gone. phalt plant. Or a hatNcan to 5 by 10 feet of It was reported that pri- perennial garden. mary election candidates Joseph Simple when you know about F. Zambor and incumbent Daniel rectangles. But how abouti. a H. Downey, for Township Com- space about 4 feet wide at the mittee, and incumbent Mrs. Paul- perimeter of a semi-circle whose DUNN & GAFFNEY ine K. Behr, for tax collector, radius is 12 feet? Plumbing and Heating have started a drive to get all So that's our problem and it's 40 Ltonard Avenue registered voters to vote in Tues the bitter harvest of Che no-think ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS day's election. in geometry class. Phone 291-0243


Some Straight Talk INTRODUCTORY LAWN SHAPE-UP About Lawn Care You Q«t: • POWER AERATION ONLY It tike* time to build * good Jawa...plas • FERTILIZATION • SCIDING d #/l93 GARDEN APARTMENTS top quality materials and the know-bow (1 Ib. Mr ION tq. It.) /4f • POWER ROLLING ROUT! 33 BAST / PRBBHOLD, N. J. tad know-mbnt to use them. You waste


SAVE 30 OFF!W1 FOR 4,500 $OQ* 8,500 $1 JIO* BTUS O O BTUS If 0 5,000 $#% Q * 9,000 $1FQ* BTUS TO BTUS lOO 5,900 $-1 i\Q* 9,800 $||*O* • WHIRLPOOL BTUS lUO • PHILCO BTUS lUO






* SHREWSBURY AVE. AT ROUTE 35 • NEW SHREWSBURY * PLENTY OF FREE PARKING* fVBt »fAH*N TO YOU? v Consolidation Bridge Coin mil Friday, April 17, 1964-11 tlai It ha* too much vermouth la Of Church Declarer etn ptifl tint pt*y of It My t&rsocope «ay* tomcawir tfc band* bec*w« be iuwwi •will b* wort*. Wfctt, Georga, «a p h* fau to work with. The AXD KMUCHKE "I btv« oot«d that tome vtt- l%*pb England ?AP)-Dr. tfsfeodert mutt often guM*, tnd The Hand Dear George: I do? Do#ld Qo|gan, archbishop ol have « parlih print and heir pknping it therefore unco- I iutv« « lerkfttt situation. The Mildly Ptmttotd York, wutti the Church of Eng. two or three churches, and • ordinated. world hates me. My Job if bor- North dealer ing. My wife ran away with my Dear Mildly Perturbed: land to tear down some of its congregation only large enough When this hand was played North-South TulnerabW church buildings and use the NORTH marriage counselor. My lifetime Smile! to fill one of them. This repre- tome month) ago in a New York fountain pen broke. Strange dogs money for missionary and welsent- s a shameful waste of man lub, West opened the ten of fare Work at home and abroad. bite me. The buttons on my but-Dear George: power and buildings. spades. Declarer won in dummy O KQ ton-down shirt are bigger than What is the best tiling tor Dr. Coggan said this could be with the queen, cashed the king K J 9 8 the buttonholes. I can't pay my "They should Join together, WEST EAST fleas?. done in many places, especially of hearts, and led another heart, bills. My shoes are too tight. The in some of the country villages pull down the buildings an * 10 9 « 7 H.H. finessing the ten to West's queen. finance company repossessed my Dear H. H.: where the churches are half move to the suburbs, sendln West shifted to the nine of dia- 10 "The nwney should be spent go back disillusioned and paga- f diamonds looked like a dis- JOHN P. on the evangelizing of England, nized by what they see In oui ouraging signal. West had no or, more Important, on the peo-cities and universities," he said, way of knowing that his partner DAILY QUESTION ple overseas who are crying "We should also guard these 'as ready to take three dia- Partner bids one club, and the || out for the gospel. students and our own chlldre mond tricks. next player passes. You hold: from evil. Men and women 01 Grave Danger Spades—5 2. Hearts—J 7 2. Dia-1 ARNONE good will should protest to loca The defense was in grave dan- monds-A J 10 4. Clubs-Q 7 6 3. j! bookshops against the sale 0] er. If South led a club prompt- What do you say? Red Bank's "Favorite Son" salacious literature. If the pro Old Home Week ly, West would play low in the Answer: Bid one diamond. II WHY PAY tests are ignored, these peopl iope that South would lose a fi- Show a new suit rather than Republican Candidate for Council should ban the shops." By LOUIS MILLINER have been replaced by younger esse to East's queen. From raise a minor suit. It may be all j • Bern in Red Bank! • Employed In Red Bankl MORE? NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP) and healthier but much smallerWest's point of view, the defense partner needs to go on in no-1 • Educated In Red Bank! • Resides in Red Bank! Eatontown Lions Eventually there comes a tlm trees? Identify a building which needed two club tricks to defeat trump. when the children are co wasn't there years ago but nowdie contract. For Sheinwold's 36-page book- II —AND NOW- Club Inducts 4 sidered old and strong enough has ivy? South would make no such mis- let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," READY. ABLE AND WILLING TO SERVE stand a trip to the places whe The university library fortu ake. The diamond situation send 50c to Bridge Book, Red EATOOTWN - Four' new their parents once lived an nately was in its accustomed might be obscure to West but itBank Register, Box 3318, Grand THE PEOPLE OF RED BANK! members were inducted into the went to school. place but it appeared the was quite clear to South. His Central Station, New York IV, jj (Paid far by Woman's Columbian league of Monmouth Ce.) Eatontown Lions Club at a meet- My announcement of the 19f stained glass colophons were mly chance was to put up dumN. Y. Ing in Crystal Brook Inn last vacation in remembrance not as acceptable to Denis as my's king of clubs; and this week. things past was not greeted wit mosaic murals. would bring in his contract. The appearance of new alu- New members are Harol' enthusiasm. One person'! na "I still want to tee Mexico Before leading the club to dum-minum windows can be pre- Hardman, Kenneth Van Brunt talgia is another's trauma. City," said Denis. my, however, South made the mis> served by giving them a coat take of cashing his last heart. NOW'S THE TIME TO and David F. Darrar, Eatontown, Denis, 15, wanted to go "When are we going to St of paste wax. This gave East the chance to and Joseph A. Pignataro, Shrews- Mexico City ana see, amonj Louis?" asked Melissa. make a discard. What could he bury. other things, the mosaic mural "Is it far from here to New The Bristlecone Pine Forest MIDDLETOWN at the University of Mexici hrow to rescue his partner from covers 27,000 acres of Inyo Na- PLANT THOSE Guests were Leonard Meirs, a York?" asked Tommy. the wrong defense? Route 35 and candidate for district governor; library. Melissa, 13, wanted tional Forest in California's visit cousins in St. Louis, Mi Two flat tires and 2,381 miles East found the answer by dis-White Mountains. New Monmouth Rd. Morley Zachery, Ocean Town- later I mentioned the trip to ancarding the queen of clubs! This ship, Dr. Wiley G. Pate, Middle- Tommy, 8, wanted to go to Ne SAVINGS! York and ride, ride, ride on th old friend who had lived in Hotforced West to take the first club There's no Trick to Having Ex- town, and Dave Edwards, Nep- Springs when I did, trick since it was impossible for New Shrewsbury I tune, members of a special initi- subways again. My wif tra Cash. You Get it Fast When Gladys, had Just as soon stay "I sometimes wonder," he South to guess wrong in clubs. Consistent, p»rmf«nf cul- ating team available to conducl West then led his other diamond, You Use The Register Classified. at Route 35 Lions Club induction ceremonies. home. mused, "if our children are im- nd the contract was defeated. —Advertisement. tivation of your savings Shrewsbury Ave. They demonstrated the new to Father's plan was approve' pressed by the place where duction method for the first tita by a vote of 1-4 with father casl daddy grew up." account via rtgular de- at the Eatontown Club. ing the only affirmative, but di This year: The New York poiitt will pay off hahd- ciding, ballot. World's Fair by a 5-0 vote. lomely to you in a So the car rolled northward LONG-TERM CAR RENTAL El Dorado, Ark., where Glady There are many advantages to ranting a car en a long-term bumper crop of what once lived. The car wheele bat*. You ntvtr liavt a maintenance problem. That's our re- Residents Asked •aeiulblllty. You pay no Insurance. W» do. Like to have more moit ptopla need most through the city and thei details? Came In or phone, . . . MONEYI Start to- WEST stopped. Was this the rig FURNITURE CO. street? And if so where was th For Suggestions TAX ADVANTAGE FOR YOU ! day. old house? It was the rig ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Al. There l> a dhtlnet tax advantage In ranting a ear. KEYPORT, N. J. street but the house and th 19 members of the Citizens Advi We'd be happy to tell you alt about it. neighbors' houses had disa 264-0181 sory Committee on Community peared to become the site of Improvement will distribute ques- S & H GREEN STAMPS with Daily Car & Truck Rentals KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN big motel. tionnaires throughout t h < Mother's high school was ju: borough, starting this weekend MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS NATIONAL BANK a few blocks away. Looks jui In an effort to determine what 41 WEST FRONT ST. — 747-0787 — RED BANK KfANSBURG MIDDLETOWN MNCROFT like a high school, the childri local residents like and dislike SALES AND IERVICB \, Church and Carr Ave. Klnai Hwy. Lincroft Shopping Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings 'Til 9 P.M. said with unanimity rare f about their community. PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER-VALIANT—IMPERIAL them. 787-0100 671-2800 Center—747-0900 The questionnaires, totaling 200 AND INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRUCKS—TRAVELALL-SCOUT •Z55SS55 Next to Hot Springs, Ark in all, were prepared by Brown now a motel metropolis. F( and Anthony, this municipality's ther's house was still there b DOWNTOWN master plan consultant. TOUR ROSES DISTILLERS CO.. H.Y.C. .BUNDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF • tOk WIN NEUTRM. SPIRITS) it brought forth no expression awe. So we. went by the high Also included in the survey, RED BANK school. Ag

Success Skirt Printed Pattern 9078 WAIST 24"-32"


You keep the pennies SHIP AHOY BEACH CLUB NORTH BEACH SEA BRIGHT We've reduced the price. Now there's no reason in the world why Limited accommodations for the 1964 summer season are still available. If you shouldn't buy Four Roses. (rw KlWi you are looking for carefree and The skirt is the basis of sum- Same Four Roses. mer's best look! See how sleek troublefree summer fun, now is the and slender you look in this prin- cess style with Inverted front, time to make inquiries at Sea Bright's back pleats. New price. Lower. Why? Printed Pattern 9078: Misses' traditionally finest beach club. Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32. iize 28 takes 2% yards 35-inch Because we figureb y 'abric. Fifty cents in coins for this pat- tern — add IS cents for each pat- giving up a few pennies tern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Marian Martin, Red Bank Register, Pat- tern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New profit, we'll pick up a York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, OFFICE OPEN: Telephone: address with zone, size and style Weekdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 842-0061 lumber. good many new friends. Your free pattern Is ready — Weekends 12 noon to 5 p.m. Carl P. Flemming, Mgr. :hoose it from 250 design Ideas in new Spring-Summer Pattern 6003051159 Catalog, Just outl Dresses, sports- Like you. wear, coats, morel Send 50c now. 1 ' T Scouts' Round'Up JCIub Tea two Old Middletown Pieces in Trinity Sale RED BANK - A 1690 Hinder* a muter tsttst at tim craft. AJdu*. Shrewsbury; Pttri- The CuyJk Light of PaJr Htven SUtik Smith, noted writ*- chest whit* authentically came From the Archives, Malwwu, will h*v« » special collection



WHITI WOODEN BORDIRPINCI 00 Camping & Fishing 4 for I Attractive hardwood —long-lasting, dur- able white finish. 35 Gut Priced... inches long; 9-inch Regular $459.00 Hawthorne picket length; 16-inch $ stake length. CAMP TRAILERS Only Two — At Is 247 REG. $39.95 REMOTE CONTROLS $ Complete with fittings 19 REGULAR $74.50 TENT 9'x9* Umbrella — Windows '47 4-LB. CELOCLOUD SLEEPING BAG $ 100-Inch Zipper — Canopy 12 REG. $19.95 FOLDING CAMP BED $ Aluminum Frame — Includes Mattress 13 REG. $12.95 FISHING WADERS EASY TO HANDLE! Save New. Sim 7 thru 12 MODERN 20-INCH LAWN SPREADER 70-pound capacity—seeds REG. $14.90 ZEBCO OUTFIT or fertilizes your lawn in no 2-Pe. Red Reel and 100 Yds. Line timel Features easy-to-read '8 "Micro-Line" flow controlj on- 11 IMMOMITDOWtJ SAFETY BLADE CLUTCH off control on steel handle. MITCHELL SPINNING OUTFIT Easy to store. 24" RIDER MOWER-4-HP POWR-KRAFT INOINI Model 304 Reel — Marching Rod '14 • All gear drive transmission •' Extra-quiet Lo-Tone Muffler • ^Adjustable cutting heights. Power Tools and Perfect for suburban or country homes! Press foot down on clutch, mower goes. •. release, it stops; Blade clutch left you AM, pvnpon i no NO MONIT DOWN Hobby or Shop Items shut off cutting action in order to use Guaranteed to grow gg easy to # anywhere, lesti for wower for towing or lawn sweeping. die, easy to coil. D»liv«r« t nsmoW situ yeert! -5 Ib. liie — up to \7 gait, per «"'"•'••. RE6. $21.95 37-PC. :««di up to 1,500 tq. 50ftlh , 2.88 '^1!. ft. area. 4.44 %" ELECTRIC DRILL KIT 13" i i -• REG J29.95 ORBITAL POWERFUL... CONVENIENT! POLISHER and SANDER 21" GAIDEN MARK 18" MIL REGULAR S14.95 35-PC. MOWIR—2-HP ENQINI W' ELECTRIC DRILL KIT 10" REGULAR $2.99 TOOL BOX 195 *77. ALL STKI-5TURDY CONSTRUCTION

Get smooth, even cutting tvery REGULAR S23.50 SOCKET SET time from this self-propelled work- 17-PC. Vi DRIVE 18" saver—needs no pushing . .. just guide iff Rugged Powr-Kraft en* II" HAND MOWER WARDS ROUND ginej Easy-Spin recoil starter; 5 -HM.0 CUTT1NO POINT SHOVEL REGULAR $4.5012-DRAWER austempered steel cutting blades; 4 PARTS CABINET 2" adjustable cutting heights; finger- 29" 2 ' tip controls. See it now! Adjusts to 3 positions Heavy-duty, tapered NO MONEY DOWN from Vi to 214*. 3 forged-steel blade- austempered blades; slides into earth fast 1-pc. roller for easy and easyl 47" fire- ' trimming control. hardened ash handle. PRICED LOW AT WARDS! SPECIAL BLEND! LAWN FOOD BAKERS, GLOBES /•"*' FOR RICH AND AND NEWARKI'S HEALTHY LAWNS

Ideal for doorway, foundation, accent or cover planting-*-with* 44 stand extremes of cold and heat at 2 well as exposure to wind and sun. SO-ll. MO Tall and low-growing types. . special scientific

blend of 10% nitro- ^. < *i, * & gen, 6% phosphorous and 4% potash. Ex- 99 ceptionally high in SAVE ON GYM SET quality, its carefully- WITH RUST-RESISTANT 5-FT. SLIDE prepared rich organic 2 base will help your Quality built for years of lawn grow to carpet backyard fun I 2 swings, 2- "Ward* Garden Center** thickness. 50 pounds seat glider, rings and tra- covers to 5000 sq. ft. peze bar. Sturdy 2" steef 19 tube frame,7' top bar;6'6* NO MONEY DOWN NO MONEY DQWN legs. All-weather finish. MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER, EATONTOWN. N. J.—OPEN DAILY 10 'til 9:30—SAT. 'til 6 *.- l«-Frid*y, April 17, 1964 RED BANK REGISTER money," 7th tad Stfa grader* re- spark Interest In pluming. tor all CUIdreg of a ismiUr ig*. plied: hive discussed this matter of Her philosophy if summed up While parent! should guide tM Parent! won't let me spe*d nag ptopk'i aUow 'wii this wsy; • d ie it liie I -wint to." wise S. Fersaodez, issocit&e "Tfce satin tfcjetfive tor giving Hat t-tfti&i m&ney, dislike to avJt at Hoam Economic* a! a yoiingitfcr an tUwr&nc* it the child to le The Allowance Question &sk parents for more," sw York University, whose spec- give him aa opportunity to leart through tri«l and error. Som« d "Hot iM tiwa$> tf> get tij/jb." ify Is PttaDy We tad Child a vwy bftsie, important skill: J l*d "Uaexpeeted exf*a&ei.** how to mariifct mvoey with «>nfj By MARY FEELE Y iitce tor my 11-year-old daugh-,knov/ toy guidelines to use, &s bvelopment. Sh« ftgreetf that "totaling to boy everything 1 ere is DO set turn exactly right dence «d competence to me* In Money M ter and what it should include: the circumstances of friends with see." Dear Miss Feeley: school supplies, gifts and cards, children very greatly from our I un divorced and have * goad church, movies, records, etc.? own,. As I was not given an al- "Losing money." secretarial job. One of my prob- Time and again this question lowance when I was growing up, Since your own daughter is a SHORE JHUi lems Is deciding on a fair allow- has plagued me and I do not too easy for her. I have been giv- 7th gradengoing-on-Sth, I should ing her a small allowance—Jl or say you might well start her on BEACH iCABAHA CLUB DAILY CROSSWORD less a week—but I buy most of a weekly allowance that covers, AOB06S 41-Wild oxen: 11. Real the above items I mentioned. Per- snacks, records, hobby mater- 344 OCEAN AW. SEA BRIGHT M^; 1. Branch of Tibet estate haps it would be better to give ials or movies, magazines, school learning 42. Units of 16. Single her a larger amount and let her supplies, gifts for family and LOCKIRS WITH vX S. Snare work unit learn to budget it. She is infriends, and church contributions. 9. Around DOWN 19. Gasp 7th grade now, which means that OCEAN & POOL BATHING laaa 0011 Talk the plan over with your 10. Piercing 1. Dwell for one more year and she will be $ tool 2. Highway breath 33SJH a.iJIU SE daughter, and estimate what she 1Z Roman 3. Large 20. An ma anaaana entering high school. will need each week. And for good 1SO°° moon vine cask age aaassa aaa We are not wealthy but manage ness sake, help correct that situ- FOR INFORMATION FA5IST GROWING goddess 4. Art of 21. Keg to eat well and have a nice apart- ation noted in the survey: "Less PHOME842-M10 13. Kent putting on, 22. Sound, 4 ment. I have sacrificed some than half of the students put IlAiflx a play as a Yerterday't Aaiwo things in order to get a car tomoney into savings" By all 6. Stories donkey 15. Departs make our life more enjoyable means, allow for savings. A nor- 17. Tantalum: 6. Regrets 23.A 30. Storms mal allotment could be from five *ym. wrinkle and easier. A year ago I started 7. Moslem 31.1s to 15 per cent of her weekly al- Typical Examples 18. Pronoun title 24. Cradlesong obligated an account for her in our church 19. Bowling- 8. Braving 25. Thoughtful 33. Strike: sL credit union and there is also lowance. Of The target instruments 27. Monetary 34. Suspend the question of how much of Remember that a child's budg- 20. Entire 9. Garden at unit: Rum. 38. Extinct her allowance she should save. et should be re-evaluated from Hundreds Of amount Eden 29. Strong bird: NJZ. Any advice would be greatly ap- time to time. Think in terms of 2t Walking dweller wagons 38. Disfigure preciated. Other Famous 6 tick a six-month trial period to find 22. Vegetable 1 3 4- £> to 7 ti E. E. S., Chicago out if the plan you and she es- Brand Items 23. Bound of % V/< tablish is workable. Teach her 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY a street- 9 10 Dear Mrs. S,: to keep records in a notebook- It At Rt. 35, Shr«w»bury—ot tk* R«d look UM num., Frl. 10-9; Saturday 10-6 Not Advertised car bell Often parents work backwards what's spent, what's saved. These (Across from Moyfalr Market) 25. Dull 12 15 n trying to establish the proper records won't always be kept ac- 26. Corrosion allowance for a child. First, de- curately to begin, with. But be ON SALE SATURDAY, 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. on Iron |4 IS 1/ cide what the allowance is for.patient. When records show that 37, Thin On this score, there just aren't 28.Antlered some item in the budget just isn't 18 any rules. A lot depends on the in proportion to normal spending, OVER 2,000 GALLONS TO CHOOSE FROM 29. Disavow Xi-% temperament of the individual then change the whole structure 80. Inter- % child. How many items she will of the budget and try again. national 23 24 25 be responsible for depends on language how much leeway you wish to While you don't want to raise PER GAL 32. Man's 2b 27 sive her in shopping. Remember your child on the basis of what B.P.S. PAINT nickname % that it is difficult to expect a the neighbors do, it still 5O 33. The shank 28 29 51 youngster to plan her purchases, makes sense to give her an al None Higher 84. Opposed % » lowance' somewhat in keeping • House Paint • Enamel • Flat 32 33 allot her money—and then not All Colors For to "gee" let her exercise freedom of with that of her friends, simply S&Pacifio W SI Si''A choice. This is especially true because their interests are simi- • Gloss • Semi-Gloss • Aluminum • Inside and Outside island lar and their spending will very 87. likeness where clothing is concerned. If 59 you feel she is not yet ready to likely be! If this proves true then • Floor and Deck Enamel • 89. Hard, black a competitive approach—seeing wood use her own judgment on acces- «0. Weather- sories or major items of cloth- which can get the most out of • Marine Paint, etc. Nationally advertised to $10.95 per gallon cocks ng, then limit her allowance to the same amount of money—helps 4--17 the things she can handle her- self. A good formula for arriving at Plywood Today in History certain amount of money is By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS this: an allowance should never be so large(a child need not plan Today is Friday, April 17, the or save to get what he wants— Edges Get108th day of 1984. There are 258 or so small there is nothing left days left in the year. for saving. Today's highlight in history: You might be interested to see New Look On this date in 1790, Benja- some findings of a survey What to do with the edges of min Franklin died in Philadel- school children and their allow- plywood has long been a prob- phia at the age of 84. ances—in 39 states—made by the lem for the home handyman. Al- On this date: Department of Home Economics though some persons prefer In 1754, French forces cap- of the National Education Asso- tured the junction of the Alle- TheUnexpected the striped effect of plywood ciation: edges—caused by the various gheny and Monongahela rivers. 7th and 8th graders reported layers of wood—most figure out In 1861, the State of Virginia weekly allowances ranging from ways to hide or disguise them. seceded from the Union. 30 cents to $9.50. The item for One simple solution is to cov- In 1941, the army of Yugo- which money was used most often er the edges with pieces of slavia surrendered to the Nazis. by students on all grade levels moulding, stained or painted to In 1944, United States bomb- was "gifts for the family." harmonize with the project on ers attacked Sofia, Bulgaria Approximately half of the stu- ... here today! which the plywood is being used. and Belgrade, Yugoslavia. dents in all grade levels bought In recent years, strips of ve- In 1945, the United States an- grooming supplies. neer, purchased in rolls, have nounced the Japanese had lost Over half the students—except been available. These strips are more than 200 planes in a single or the 7th graders—used mon- glued to the edges ol the ply- day ot suicide attacks over Oki- ey for snacks, records, hobby ma- wood. They come in various nawa. terirls and magazines, school wood tones to match or contrast Ten years ago—Former Pres- supplies, gifts for friends, and with the facing of the plywood. d church contributions. One of the latest products for fe OHly about 40 per cent of stu- covering plywood edges is a u- States had not been stopped and dents on any grade level made shaped aluminum channel. It would not be until there was plans for spending. fits snugly over the edge of the an end to deficit spending. Only about 20 per cent kept plywood, not only covering the Five years ago — Twenty-six records of their spending. edges but providing a decorative persons were killed when a The high allowances included effect. The channel also can be Mexican C46 aircraft exploded purchase of most clothing, all fun used for hardboard or similar over Guayamas, Mexico. expenses and gifts. material. The aluminum edging One year ago—Egypt, Syria Less than half of the students m coines in strips eight, feet long and Iraq signed a communiqueput money in savings. and can be sawed and drilled outlining the structure of the When asked What is your big- i\'i with regular hand or power new United Arab Republic. gest problem in relation woodworking tools. By obtaining the proper width, the channel can be slipped on the eches DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchum without any outside fastening agency. But a more permanent grip results if glue or nuts and bolts are used. A somewhat similar item i an aluminum corner post. Ply wood panels ate fitted into oper grooves on each side of flu aluminum section. 1 ? New Ford Mustang- 2368Detroit (and we're not fooling!) This is the car you never expected 12368* f.o.b. Detroit is the suggested retail • 2 automatic courtesy lights / price for a completely equipped standard WE SPECIALIZE IN from Detroit. Mustang is so distinc- • Floor-mounted 3-speedshift .p Mustang Hardtop (above). This price $2368* f.o.b. Detroit also includes these !i RAZOR-CUTTING tively beautiful, it has received the includes luxury features either not available features as standard equipment: I AND or available only at extra cost in most other Tiffany Award for Excellence in • Twice-a-year (or 6000-mile) service *: ELEC. COMBING makes of cars: schedule < American Design, the first automobile ever to be • Deep foam bucket seats • Wrap-around front bumper with For that natural • Padded instrument panel wtll.groomed look. so honored by Tiffany & Co. Mustang brings you bumper guards front ana back I • Full wheel covers • Curved side glass • Front arm rests CARDNER'S the look, the fire and the flavor of the great Euro- • Color-keyed all-vinyl interior •Heater (unless ordered without) I' • Color-keyed wall-to-wall carpeting BARBER SHOP pean road cars. Yet Mustang is as American as its • Parallel-Action windshield wipers ••' 12 Mechanic St., Red Bank $2368* f.o.b. Detroit also includes these • Safety-Yoke door latches | * SHE CRIEO HERSELF name—as practical as its price. And just look at features often costing extra in other cars: • Front seat belts (unless ordered without) f all the wonderful features the price includes: • Sports steering wheel • Self-adjustingf brakes • TOYS • GREETING CARDS • GIFTS HEALTH CAPSULES • Cigarette lighter • Glove box light • 170-cu. in. 6

before you buy or build, see . . .

F#RMuiMDf • filcon • FtlrUne • Ford D•Thundctbird MARINE VIEW ou an ma c tne tri l0 Mustang Was ^ ^ P school or the supermarket a You can make your new Ford Mustang an all-out luxury car to Y can h»ve the ultimate in «•)(/»• " lot more fun when you add convenience options like suit your special taste for elegance, with these luxury options: ou SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION designed to tha»».—-•*—..-•..—•—e to your 'standard •Mustang •* : by designing your own hot-MoodS IF VOU HAVE A COUGH THAT • Full-length console • Tinttd glass sports touring machine with then "TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" HAS LASTEP OVER A MONTH, • 260-cu. in. V-B t Backup lights be designed • Jipced Crulse-Q-Matic between front seats , vinyl-covered hardtop MU UBg etfMm YOU HAVE A CHRONIC Deluxe seat belts front ""? ' P "W transmission • Padded sun visors roof COUGH. RNP OUT WHY. and rear by you! • Power steering Outside rearview mirror • Rocker panel molding > Accent paint stripe TOMOBflOW: IPBMICAL WINS. ^«r,n, .,o : MAIN OFFICE Branch Office • Power brakes 2-speed electric wipers • Deluxe wheel covers with . Convertible with power- mk n H*»llh C»piuE«i giv«t halpFul infomMioa • White lidewall tires • Rally Pac (tachometer ind dock! MIDDLETOWN . to it no} in} widtd lob»ottai»gnoi}'KnatutA and washers simulated knock-ofl hubs operated top and vinyl First Av«. and • Push-button radio Tinted windshield • Air conditioner tonneau cover •M-inchwheeUandlirei I 174 Highway 35 Highway 16 Heavy-duty battery (|4 Cl Looking lor a job? See the Atlantic Highland! 5EE THE MUSTANG AND RIDE WAIT DISNEY'S MAGIC SKYWAY AT THE S3* FORD MOTOR COMPANY'S WONDER ROTUNDA. NEW YORK WORLDS 171 -2400 2*1-0100 help wanted section of Th« Reg- ister Classified section. •:U for Quick Results BEDBANK Home Delivery Use Our Want Ads 40* '- WMIC Dial 741 -OOIO DAY 741.HJONI&HT SECTION TWO FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1904 7c PER COPY Ocean Zoning Board Busy Rej ect Gas Station Plan

OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Shore Another Franklin Ave. resident Her present horn* is two stories. Gas and Oil Co., Inc., lost Its Paul Blendon, the board attorney, About 10 neighbors supported bid last night to bring a 24-hour, disqualified himself. r variance request. However, colonial style Cities Service gaso- Louis Shapiro, Shore G*s vice iss Elizabeth M. Riley, 1513 line station to the northeast cor- president, said the operation Edgewood Ave., and William ner of Franklin Ave. and Rt, 35. would be like its 60 others in Wishart, 1314 Edgewood Ave., Bowing to nearby West Deal Monmouth and Ocean Counties. bjected to the proposed home resident's pleas to protect chil- If any operator didn't meet obstructing light. dren from possible increased standards, he would be given In other action, the board: traffic, the Zoning Board of Ad- notice. Mr. Shapiro said the Granted Saul Werner, secre- justment denied the use vari- station would cause neither lary of Graner Corp. of High- ance. ' • drainage nor fire problems. • land Park, variances to build 13 This two-hour hearing- high- Richard Amdur, Mr. Shapiro's Hollywood Club Estates homes lighted another marathon board attorney, ' argued the" business on Dwight Ave. with 25-foot set- session lasting 6% hours. In all, would cause no more traffic or backs, instead of 50 and 40-foot the board granted live variances, ! than any other. He said setbacks as required. recommended one, denied one, his client would meet any board Granted Robert N. Stack, 231 and reserved two decisions until conditions. Highwood Rd., a variance to its special session April 30 at Chairman' Thomas F. Shebell, build a7 carport with total side- 8 p.m. Jr., .felt other land could be ine setbacks of seven feet in- U. S. Army, Maj. Wayman H. bought to front the station on tead of the required 30 feet. Lytle, Franklin Ave., led the Rt. 35, not Franklin Ave, but Undersized Lot LETTERS FOR PRAYER — Richard Bolger, 12, and Elaine he voted denial. battle against the gas station. Granted F & R Builders, West Dempsey, 13, members of Kennedy Civic* Club of Our Besides a blackboard talk, he Approve Home End, permission to build a home Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School, Highlands, presented a petition with names The board granted Mrs. Marie n on undersized lot east of Mon- from 30 area families having 34 Glass, 131T Edgewood Ave., a examine resolution proposed by Congressman James C. mouth Rd., south of Grant Ave. children who would be endan- variance to build a home on a if sidewalks are installed. THE KING AND US — Raritan Township students last night presented their first pro- Auchinclon of Rumion amending Constitution to permit gered, they contended, by more second lot of her parcelif she Granted Harry V. Welsh, Wav- prayer and Bible reading in public schools and meetings. traffic. were the only builder and Plan- >riy St., a variance to divide his duction of Rodgers and Harnmerstein's "The King and I," at the high school. Here, The station would have fronted ning Board approval was given 80 by 100-foot lot into two equal in the scene where the Icing's children are presented to Anna, are, left to right, Club members have waged le+ter writing campaign for a subdivision. on Franklin Ave. Some objectors undersized Jots subject to Plan- Michael Gabriel, a pre-school "actor;" Ja met Carl, high school freshman, playing urging congressmen to support resolution, Shown on Own homes In this commercial Harry Giberson, her attorney, ning Board approval and counci school bulletin board are replies from several congress- zone. pleaded legal and physical hard- removal of deed restrictions. the king's "number one" child, Prince Chululong Korn; Terry Gilcannon, fourth grader, ship. He said Mrs. Glass lwd men and assistant attorney general. Club includes 39 Maj. Lytle said drainage would Recommended council grarii and Robin Blumberg, fifth grader. Buddha is in background. Second show will be suffer and fire danger increase been told by her doctor to live Alexander G. Alessi, 718 Dow tonight, curtain time, 8:15. seventh and eighth grade pupils. from the station's location. in one-story accommodations. Ave., a variance to extend his non-conforming use by building a two-car garage in a commer- cial zone. Decision Is Apartment Plans Must Await Survey Report Reserved decision on a re- BARITAN TOWNSHIP - Any- of any garden apartments by of Union Ave., but made it dear earlier caucus session and seated quest by, H. Otto Luz, Deal, to Reserved In one desiring to build garden variance — "spot zoning" was this project, like the first, is with the board last night are: build a home at Park Blvd. and apartments here can feel free the term used — no matter what going nowhere until the board's Harry N. Greene, Hazlet, ap- Birch Ave. on an undersized lot. to apply to the Planning Board. Che location. "survey" is completed. pointed to a five^ear term after Reserved decision on a re- Loder Case quest by Abraham L. Resnick, So said board chairman Gil- Middle Union Associates, Clif- Updating of the township's the resignation of, member Rob- KEANSBURG — C. Bernard Elberon Park, to build a horn: bert W. Bennett last night in ton, has contacted the' board re- master plan in 1962 resulted in ert . F.- Moafcler, to subsequently Blum, borough manager, re- oh an undersized Bergen Ave en attempt to clarify the board's questing a discussion of the the consultant's recommendation become board chairman., • served decision yesterday after a lot. position on the apartment ques- possible rczoning of a 10-acre that apartments be considered as Stephen Felardi, Woodland hearing into misconduct charges tion. tract, now in an industrial zone, an alternative to hoped-for in- Park, Hazlet, -who will fill.an un- Will hold a special session lodged against Patrolman Fred April 30 to hear Middlebrook a Prospective builders, however, For ah apartment project. dustrial ratabies that were then expired term; ending-ia January, «ck Loder. The board will indulge In "in- and now evidently not forthcom- and will serve as "liaison" with Monmouth's request to build a are forewarned that no projects 108-unit garden apartment oi The changes, filed by Mayor are likely to be approved until formal discussions" regarding ing. the zoning board,, of which he is Louis T. Collichio, involve alleged the site, off Middle Rd. east New members sworn in also a member. ' Deal Road's south side, v 1,000 the board's current study of 'eel west of Rt. 35. statements by the patrolman at garden apartments is completed. a Civil Service Commission hear- When will this be? ing to the effect that he col- "These things take time," said lected pay for time he never Mr. Bennett. Mattel Toy worked back in 1958. Last month, the township's The pay amounted to $35, ac- first confrontation of an apart- Workers cording to Mr. Blum. ment project came to a ctose The patrolman's attorney, Ben- witji the Zoning Board of Ad- amin Gruberi Highlands, refused justment's rejection of a vari- On Strike at the outset of the hearing to ance application for a proposed LOS ANGELES (AP) — Aboui enter a plea for his client. 84-umt efficiency apartment pro- J.100 employees of one of th The attorney vainly sought to ject on Hazlet Ave. near the worlds largest toy manufactu have Mr. Blum disqualify him- New York and Long Branch ers, Mattel Inc., walked off thei self from hearing the case on th Railroad tracks. jobi eight hours before the dea grounds that he was involved in The variance was denied after [fni for. a strike called ove the case andrfitght be called a recommendation from planners wages. a witness by Mr. Gruber. that multiple dwellings in this The AFL-CIO United Rubbe Mr. Blum refused to disquali' lection would be detrimental to Workers called the strike fo fy himself and proceeded to hea the cpmTOunity, 12:35 a.m. Wednesday, but wor the case. • ' ' • • • ers. at plants in Hawthorne am • Sir. Bennett and other board Mr. Blum entered a not guilty the City of Industry, as well a plea for the patrolman. nders, indicated last night warehouse employees, begai CLINIC — Ocean Township health officer Harry B. t 'tKey are" against approval Mayor Coftbio was the onjj leaving their jobs Tuesday afte one to testify at the brief hear- Taylor explains anti-rabies clinic to Diane Crosta, 6, noon. . ing. center, and her sister, Part! Lou, 8, daughters of Council- Robert Michell, a vice pres The mayor said his charge: Base dent of. the firrn, says Matt are based on the patrol-man' man and Mrs. Donald V. Crosta. Bambi, fhe girls' pet wages, are the highest in the to testimony at a recent Civil Serv- boxer, will take part in the township program, which industry. ice Commission hearing to the will be held tonight in the Wanamaua fire house. Free Hsis; New, Douglas McLeod, union spoke: effect that he received two days man,: said that "to be the top pay in May, 1958, for work h inoculations will be administered fo all licensed town- Commander this low-paying industry is no did not actually perform. ship dogs by Dr. J. H. Ripps, Asbury Park veterurari>an. saying much. SANDY HOOK — The Nike- The hearing involved miscon- "Mattel starts production lim Hercules site here has a new duct charges against the patrol- female Workers at $1.30 an hou commanding officer. man stemming from a police de- and after 60 weekly paycheck partment probe into payroll pro- Bandit Gets At'a ceremony in the post gym- they go to $1.75 an hour tops,' cedures in the department in nasium, Wednesday, Captain McLeod said. 1962. James P. Maloney assumed com- HISTORY LESSON — John T. Cunningham, left, lecturer • author— historian, last The company says lt has ol Mr. Loder was found guilty oi mand of C Battery, 4th Missile fered workers a six-cent hourl the charges and suspended fo In Tavern Holdup Battalion, 71st Artillery. Lt. Col. night outlined Monmoirfh County history at a meeting of the Eatontown Tercentenary hike and a two-cent bonus an three years by a special hearing WEST FREEHOLD - A hold- heavy-set Negro wearing dark Paul E. Jones, commanding of- Committee in Meadowbrook School. He't being welcomed by William W. Ramsey, plans to remain shut down unti officer. up man armed with a sawed-off clothes and dark glasses, entered ficer of the 4th Missile Battalion, it gets a settlement it likes. The penalty was later reduced superintendent of schools, and Mrs. Thomat M. Saunders, committee secretary. Mr. shotgun robbed customers and the bar shortly before midnight presented the'C Battery guidon The company is building by the Civil Service Agency to the bartender at Moore's Inn, He locked the door, drew the and the green shoulder tabs of Cunningham writes "Tercentenary Tales," which appear each week in The Register. plant in Holmdel, N. J. It nov six months. command to the new battery Monmouth and StiUwell Corner shades, and at gunpoint ordered is conducting a pilot toy produi According to the mayor, it was Rds., of approximately $600 short- commander. tion operation in Keyport, N. J the customers to throw their wal- during the patrolman's appeal to ly before midnight last night. lets on the bar, then emptied • Capt. Maloney assumed com- the Civil Service agency that he mand through an official order Thwart Market Holdup Try The robber, who tore the tele- the cash register, state police made the alleged statement. said. read by First 'Sgt. Maurice Mayor Collichio said the crimi phones from the wall to delay the Shore Blvd. entrance, saw Shore Board Towne of C Battery. Maj. Al- KEANSBURG ' - Police are ding." nal statute of limitations had run summoning of police, fled by car the bandit and blocked that door Trooper Edward Wilkie is in- fred J. Cade, outgoing battery looking for a man who attempted The bandit then opened the out and thus the patrolman could after warning his victims that he way. vestigating. commander, turned over the bat- to rob the CBS Supermarket, cash register. Just as he did, a OKs Pact not be criminally prosecuted for would shoot anyone who attempt- tery guidon to Lt. Col. Jones who Main St., and Shore Blvd., last customer started to enter through Police said the bandit • ran tc the alleged offense. ed to follow htm, State Police night about 9 p.m. in turn presented it.to Capt. Ma- that door, tried to get it open, Mr. Blum said he would ren- at the Howell Township barracks OK Merger loney. ' The bandit fled the scene alter could not, and then fled out th For Courts der a decision in about two said. Capt. Maloney, a senior para- being frightened by a customer 12-Month front door. WEST LONG BRANCH -Thi weeks. The man, described as a short, TRENTON (AP) — The state and owner of the store. As the bandit fled, the ston Shore Regional High School Boari Water Policy Council yesterday diutist, has just returned from a 1 tour of duty in Viet Nam. He Police gave this account of the owner, Henry Cerwinski, John of Education last night approve! NOTEWORTHY DISPLAY—Joseph Fettner, cashier at the approved the merger of the Ideal Year For son La., came through the sid an agreement with Herczku Bros. has been at Fort Hancock a attempted robbery: Monmouth County National Bank, Red Bank, shows Mrs. Beach Water Co. into the Mon- month familiarizing himself with About 9 p.m., a man with a door and . immediately startec Nixon, to complete work initiate mouth Consolidated Water Co. chasing the would-be bandit. Po- by L. Lucas, Inc., on athletl John Marten of Long Branch the bank's exhibit of his new job. H« accompanied red and black shirt wrapped Teachers Set The decision will be submitted to the battery on its recent success- lice said, Mr. Cerwinshi had been courts. around his head like a shawl, American currency. On display this weelc are 11 show- state Conservation Commissioner ful practice firing trip to Mac- walked into the market. COLTS NECK — Plans for a out of the store prior to the rob- According to board attorney pilot l^month teachers' program cases of coins and notes used from colonial to modern Robert A. Roe for his final ap- Gregor Range, N.Mex. Mrs. Ellen Ulanski, Waterview bery attempt. Thomas Gagliano, a disagreemen have been announced by Mrs. Married, he has three children. Ave., cashier, was alone at the Police said the man fled dpwi between the Lucas firm and th< times. proval. Zelda S. Hamilton, principal of Maj. Cade's next tour of duty back of the store, Main St. and escaped on th> board ended in the arrangeme Atlantic Elementary School. Will be at Syracuse University The1 bandit walked up to Mrs. beach.. \ , • • ••;',' which adds no expense to th where he will take the Army's Ulanski, grabbed her by the neck, Four staff members, the .prin- The would-be bandit, aptSarentl; original cost • of the project. Thi special comptrollership course cipal said, will start the ex- eluded police as a manhunt" of th Herczku firrt'had earlier beei threw her to the floor and said : under the civil schooling pro- "This is a stiokup. I'm not kid- panded program nefct year. Only borough failed to find him. contracted to build football facil one other school -*- Monmouth Policfr did not divulge the nairti ities. Vu!:Col Oliver E. Wood, e«ecu- Regional High School — has au- of the customer" who entered 'the The board agreed, last night, k ttve officer of the 19th Artillery Man Struck thorized the 12-month plan. ' store just as the robbery wa permit the unbuilt Ocean Town Group (AD), located at High- Mrs. Christina DeVoe Johnson, taken place. Police said the.man ship High School to use its In lands, was present as the offi- newly appointed assistant prin- said he could identify the man if complete football field and stadi cial representative of his head- By Auto, cipal, Arthur A/bbada, director of he saw him again. um during the 1966-67 school yeai quarters. The 19th Group is re- physical education, and two Patrolman Frank Peters am May 29 was granted as an ex sponsible for the Army Air De- others yet to be selected, will be William Kryczlnski investigated tra vacation day after the boarc fense of the northern Now Jer- Is Critical given 19644)5 eorttracts on a 12- According to police, the bandi heard: a request from the Teach sey area. MIDDLETOWN - Fred Hor- month basis with salary increases did not brandish any sort ol ers1 Association that both the Fri vat, 79, or . Balloch PI., this totaling about $2,000, Mrs. Ham weapon while in the store. day before and the Monday aftei WeinliRJmer Talks place, is in critical condition In ilton explained. Memorial Day be no-session days, Riverview Hospital after being Advantages of the program, Contracts for 45 teachers were To NJ Superintendents struck by an auto while trying which will require teachers to De Gaulle III renewed and the following teach TRENTON - Frank L. Wein- to run across Rt. 35 last night work 11 months with one month PARIS (AP) - President ers were offered contracts foi helmer, superintendent of Mon- in front of Soden's Market. vacation, are twofold. Charles de Gaulle was reported next year: Miss Elaine Sugar o mouth Regional High School, ad- Hospital authorities said the "They wHI have more time to to have undergone an operatior West Long Branch, social studies dressed the annual Conference of man suffered a leg injury, pos- be actively engaged In curricu- for a urinary tract disorder to $5,200; Mrs. Nancy Harvey, In New Jersey School Superintend- sible concussion and heart at- lum planning," Mrs. Hamilton r'-y, but one official said "then terlak English, 05,800, and Mrs.,eti ent of Trenton State College yes- tack. said. "Also, the program en- is no reason for anxiety," terlaken, English, $5,800, and Mrs According to police, Mr. Hor- courages mare people to stay In The semi-official French agen Ruth Edelstein, Long Branch, li- Mr Wolnholmer spoke on vat was trying to cross the high- the teaching profession; it dis- cy reported that the president brarian, $5,800. "Some Observations on the Pa- way from east to west when he courages 'moonlighting.' " underwent surgery this morning perback Book Program." was struck by a car operated Activities r/f the staff of four It said the operation was on the MEETING CANCELED Frederick M. RaubinRer, state by Howard McDaniel, 34, of will include determination of the urinary tract and lasted a bi LITTLE SILVER - With no Commissioner of education, prc- Flcetwood Dr, Hazlet. direction of the 12-month plan more than one hour. applications before it, the Zoning] ildcd at the morning and after- Police said McDaniel has been for future yean, the principal There was no immediate of- Board of Adjustment did not meet i noon sessions. charged with careless driving. added. ficiaJ confirmation of this report, last night. 1 William Shiketpetn «i ooni April 17, 1964 RED BANK REGISTER contingent of the P*ar a beauty tad health turn work-|lin ISM and dMd tten ia Mil FRIDAY TV out (Color). Top Television Tte tmr uftaLei Ytem, A New Group % ..WCM-TV S. .Ira-TV f f WNEOW f > U a dty of »m wr< Sy BOS THOMAS vii ton has Ufcea lit official place teilo v«. JUMI (E«*y) Rivtro. by UWfc ChnMll en rtwad werwtlgbt hot*. AP Movte-TefevUloo Writer as partner til the movie u HOLLYWOOD (AP)-A bit of business. mo*/ AFTMUWMI II—Wepitier—Olorlo Okon Fare for Today history passed with scant notice The wedding could have conn 1J:H 2—Great Adventure Walter Roado •- Sforiinf j about only through the change J-Love 01 Ute-Serlot 4—International Showtime Tonight's top television shows Captain Burke's (Gene Barry) earlier this month. 4—Your First Impression 7—Detlry—Weitern of personnel and circumstances, 7—Father Knows Bwt 9-Fllm—Acrou the Wide Wlswurl-1951 as previewed and selected by TV girl friends. The guest suspects The Association of Motion Pic •—News—John Wlngate The Louis B. Mayers and othei Clork Gable—fO Mln. Key's staff of experts who attend fit into the usual 'kookie" mold Thealre Dirccl«ry ture Producers and the Alliance 1J—En Francois 11—Film—To Be Announced film pioneers would not havi 11:11 1J—Compleat Gardener rehearsals, watch screenings, and with the best cameo delivered by of Television Film Producers •—Memory Lone—Joe Franklki announced they were combining countenanced it. They hai II—Rocky And His Friends 7:43 analyze scripts in New York and Ruta Lee as a' glamorous, upper I1:JJ lJ-Sovlef Press This Wees class barfly who's a chatterbox to form a new organization carved empires by playing t 2—News—Robert Trout 8:00 Hollywood. called the Association of Motion masses in theaters; they couk i::KI 5—Roaring 20 s— Drama X -Search For Tomorrow 13—The Man: Shakespeare ' Picture and Television Pro- not understand giving entertain 4—Truth Or Consequences A few fairly entertaining epl 9:30-10 - 2 - Twilight Zone, ment away. i-Cartooru—Fred Scott 2-Route M "The Jeopardy Room." Writei ducers. 7-Ernle Ford «—Bob Hope—TV Guide Awards sodes on series shows include Not much was made of the They thought if they ignorec 11—Cartoon Carnival 7—Burke's Law Route 66's Ethel Waters' repeat, Rod Serling's tale is a suspense NOW AT AU THREE THEATRES! 11—Metropolitan Wonderland news, yet it represents an Im- television it might go away 5—Bronco—Wi» tern' Burke's Law, a Twilight Zone hor- (ul horror story about a Russian portant transition in trie pat Their stars weren't permittee V-Gulldlng Ught-Serlof 9—Treasure ror story, and a beautiful per- prisoner who's gives a chance ll:M II-Wortfed: Dtad or Alive to escape, if h(? can spot a booby terns of th» entertainment in- to appear on it. Television set: Il-News 13—Mrlnallnl Danxeri formance by Patricia Collinge on dustry. The wedding of movies weren't even allowed in livinj 1>:U trap in his room. It's Russian 4-i-News—Ray Scherer Alfred Hitchcock. Also, Jack Meet 2—Twlllaht Zone—Drama roulette with variations and wil and television is now officially room scenes. 1:00 «-Thct Was The Week Thai Wai Paar's hour is amusing; Bob sanctified with a marriage li 1—leave It To Beaver 7-Price la Rloht keep you guessing. But as television zoomed am ±-Wom«n On The Move >-Film— Defend My Love (Italian— Hope's Special features Martha 3mm cense. movies declined, changes had ti J-Cartoons—Ed Ladd 19551—90 Mln. Raye, Tony Randall, Jack Jones, 7-Fllm—Stronger at My Door-19M— 11—Zone Grey Who could ever have foreseen be made. First Columbia broki Macdonold Cory—90 Mln. and TV fan magazine awards; 9:30-10—4-That Was The Week Bono, such a happening? Certainly not the ranks to make films for te II—Fllm—KId MonHBaronl-NM-Rlchard 13-Jazt In Tht Castls TW-3 is on; and Channel 13's Fes-That Was. Comedian Larry Roper—90 Mln. tival of the Arts offers a fitting Stored joins the cast of regulars ******* Will Hays, the shrewd Hoosier evision, then Walt Disney. Al 13—Fun at One J-AKred Hitchcock' who wielded czar - like power of the others eventually joinei 1:13 4—Jack Parr portrait of Shakespeare. Baseball for this week's jab, in song and tHKT over the film producers he had in. But they were too late ti i-Delectlv«a-Follce at 1:45 and Boxing at 10 p.m. skit, at the top of the news ot i-At The World Tumi 7—Boxing ttaisrU'tntstm kept unified. Perhaps not even effect a monopoly. 4—Bacnefor Father—Gomtdy 11-M-Squod the week that was. 1»-World at Ten liJ his successor, Eric Johnston, S—Film—Loughter In Paradise— l:45-5-9-Baseball. New York »-Sports who tried to maintain unity of 1J—Space Age S-O. A'l Mon—Polic* Mets vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, first 10-11 — 2 - Alfred Hitchcock. 11—Best of Grouchs a bedeviled industry. 1:41 time from the new Shea Audi' Guys and Dolls >-Baseball-Mits IJ-Pleoied To Mitt You "The Ordeal of Mrs. Snow." The Now both ere dead and a new 1:W ]«:«1 torium. (Color). commanding presence of actress 13—Parlons Francois II 7—Make that Sport era begins. The upstart tele- Have Outing 13-Relfectlons Patricia Collinge overshadows the ^Password—Allen' Ludden 8-9-13—Festival of the Arts. material tonight. There'B a bit ot FAIR HAVEN - About 9 4-Let's Make A Deo I. I—News—Dauglas Edwards "The Man Shakespeare." A wel- suspense in the tale of a rich la- FBniWRUBSlAWlTH 2:05 4—News—Frock McGee 2nd Anniversary member of the Guys and Dolls 13—Community Helpers 5-News come addition to the 400th anni- dy and heer duel with a new ant Social Club held their semi 2:15 7-News—Bob Young 4-News-Floyd Kalber o_Fllm—Set 7:30 p.m. versary tributes to Shakespeare's greedy in-law, but the charm of Friendly Night nual outing in Willowbrook In 13— Issue end the Challenge 11_News-John K. M. McCoffery prodigious work, this hour offers the hour lies in watching and lis B J:» Saturday. 11:» a portrait of the man himself, tening to Miss Collinge. I-Houte Parfy-Llnkletfer 4—Weather—Tt» Anloine SAT., APRIL 18 The club has headquarters ii 4—Doctors— Drama 5-Fllm—They Mode We A Criminal— portrayed by Roger Croucher, PLUS AT EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN he Square Bar, Rt. 36, Highland! 7—Day In Court—Drama 193^-John Gorfleld-4 Hr., 40 Win. against on-the-scene backgrounds U—Seven League Boots 7— News— Bill Beutel 10-11—4—Jack Paar Show. Jack MUSIC BY which is owned by Mr. and Mrs, 2:41 of Stratford, London, and a rec- Janet Leigh "BYE-BYE BIRDIE" IJ-Maglc of Words Il-Weather—Marilyn Gray Is very amusing in a lengthy MUSIC MASTER James McGrath. reation of his 16th century haunts. monologue about his adventurous S-News *"* 4-Locol News The club, which twice yearl 7-News-Llsa Howard It-Steve Alltn-Varlety visit to, from, and at ths opening makes a sojurn to a prominent 11:10 8:30-9:30—2—Route 66. "Good of Richard Burton's "Hamlet." Surprises {-To Tell The Tru'tti-Pornl 1-Fllm—The Houston Story—1B6-Gen» dining place, were hosted by, Mr. 4—Loretto Young—Drama Barry—I Hr., 3] Mln. Night, Sweet Blues." (Repeat). Comedian Godfrey Cambridge i and Mrs. William H. Spreen, own- 5—Texan 7-Film—The Siege ot Red River—1934 Ethel Waters makes your eyes grand in a taped sequence played 7—General Hospital Von Johman-l Hr., M Mln. NOW 5th Record Wttk 11—Laurel and Hardy . water in this beautifully played, before an all-Negro audience ers of the Inn. tl;» 11—Books (or Our Tlm« sentimental nonsense about a dy- Jackie Vernon's routine is fun The Essex House, Newark, was 1:11 4—Johnny Carson—Variety the scene of the club's prior ex t—News—Douglai Edwonls 12:18 ing old lady who asks Tod and and so is a film of the female 4 ACADEMY AWARDS It—Dick Tracy-Cartoon »-Newi and Weother cursion. l:M 11:10 Bux to reassemble the six-man *-Bd'ge Of Night—Serial 5-News jazz combo she sang with 30 _ INCLUDING - 11:55 9 4—You Don't Sayl-Kannedy years ago. There's no action and n A KITE SURGICAL PATIENT 5—Cartoon Playtime 2-Naws Sat. and Wed. 7—Queen For A Day 1:M there are no surprises, but thanks "BEST PICTURE" t. $.: ThoM In tht "know" II—Abbott & Costello J-Fllm—A Tale of Two Cltles-19JJ- I/MIHI9HTSTOWX WEN COUNTRY CLUB HIGHLANDS - Police Chiel 4:00 Ranald Coleman—2 Hrs., 20 Mln. to a fine cast, it's a lovely hour leek for ui eppeilr* Howard Monahan of 8 Fourth 1—Secret Storm—Serial 4-News pf viewing. Tonight—Andy Wells 10-pc. Band 4—Match Game—Gene Raysurn S-Film—How Green Wos My Vallty— the fed Bonk Railroad Station St., is a surgical patient at Riv, 5—Astroboy Wl-Walttr Pldgeon-J Hrs.., 20 Mln. Walt Mellor—Sat.—Joe Mueha ALBERT FINNEY erview Hospital, Red Bank. 7—Trallmaster 7-Lei crane Sat., tfw party night dance, 1.50 SUSANNAH YORK II—Chuck McCann—Children 1:10 8:30-9:30—4—Bob Hope Comedy 1J—Bridge With Jean Cox 4-Fllm—Th« McConnell Story-IMS— Special with Fan Magazine Evtry Wed. Friendship Dane* HUGH GRIFFITH 4:19 Alan Ladd-2 Hrt. you've enjoyed our prime ribs, Lobster 4—News—Sander Vanocur 3:10 Awards. Bob does a very funny For folk* 25 and over, adm. 1.00 EDITH EVANS «.'M 4—Sermon* fte take-off on the movie "Tom EA8TMANC0L0R *—Love That Bob!—Comedy 1:10 You'll Ilk* tht nlco plaet, frltndly Robert end Coquilles St. Jacques . . . 4—Make Room For Daddy Jones," as he and Martha Raye UNITta ARTIST* 1 S-Hall of Fun 1—Film—Mr. Smith Goes To Washington peopli and fun aloira or couplts, ask for ... It-New Biology—Education 193?—Jean Arlhur—life Hrs. wade through a busy eating scene. Martha, Hope and Tony *-nim—The- Lady'and the Bon«f—7MT GLAZED HICKORY CURED HAM STEAK, Louis Hoyword—M Mln. Randall don some foolish makeup 4—Film—It Happened In Flatbush— for their version of the Beatles, 1942—Lloyd Nelan-M Mln. MOVIE TIMETABLE and Jack Jones joins Martha for HAWAIIAN, a la JACQUES 7—Young end Wild—19il-Gine Evan* RED BANK M Mln. a song or two. In the last seg- NOW SERVING »—Sports CARLTON- II—Herculn Frorrf Riiiila Wlta Love 3:00; 7:00:ment of the hour, come the fan STARTS TODAYI BONELESS SHAD and SHAD ROE 13—Once Upon A Day—Children 9:10. magazine awards to TV shows BURT LANCASTER BAT. * SUN.—Kiddle Bhow 2:0O; ' 5:11 and stars. < Paul Newman 9—Film—Springfield Rlfle-Oory From Russia. With Love 5:40; 7:30; KIRK DOUGLAS I Cooper—90 Mfn. 9:50. in EATONTOWN FREOniC MARCH! y.» 8:30-9:30 - 7 - Burke's Law. 5—Sandy's Hour—Children DRIVE-IN- flUfl CflRDHEH "THE PRIZE" II—Superman—Adventure FRI. SAT. k SUN,—Cartoon Carnival "Who Killed My Girl?" This IJ-Whot'i New-Children 7:00; From Rmsla With Love 7:20; FRIDAY EVRNINO week's case has a novel twist— plus "FBI CODE 88" 11:30; Bye Byt Birdie 8:30. 3M0RA DEE-PETER FONDA e:N LONG BRANCH the murder victim is one of 11—Three Stooges TAHMT and Ihi DOCTOR' 13—Operation Alphabet BARONET- Tlie Prize 2:00; 9:10; FBI Code 542-0800 &-News—Walter Crenklt* Ninety-tight 4:15; 7:30. NORTH OF RED BANK 'hore 4—Local News—Prenmon, Ryan SAT.—Kiddle Matlnes: Three Worlds 5—Mickey Mouse Club Of Gulliver 2:00; The Prize 8;0O; ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS orive IN ROUTE 33-34, COLUNSWOOD CIRCLI HWY. 35, EATONTOWN /—Local News-Bill Beultl 10:00; FBI Code Nlnety-eltht 4:19: ATLANTIC- f—Maverick »;20. Opposite Fort Monmouth 11—Broken. Arrow •UN.—The Prlie 2:00; 6:00; 10:00; The Prlie T:00i »:U. • .if • IS—Profile:' New Jersey FBI Code Nlmty-tliht f.li; S:2O, BAT.—CipUIn Slnbld . 3:00; 'The 4:41 Prize 7.00: »:15. 7—News—Ron Cochran FREEHOLD ...| SUN-Thl.-H«k. 1:30;. 5:00; Sunday In New TtorK. >;1O;. mo io? 93091190:-•• FREEHOLD- 10:10. OPENING TONITE 7P.M. 4—Wecthi&WF Henion' S«ven Day* In Miy 7:20: 9:30, 7:00 SAT.—Kiddle Show: Allkaxam Tht KEANSBURG 2— News—Robert Trout Or«t 1:00: 3:33; Diy Man InvuJed —2 BIG HITS 2 — 4-News-Huntley, Brlnkley fte Ea,rlh 2:20; Seven 'Day» In May CA5INO- S-Collant Mm S;30; 7:40: 9:50. fRl. RAT. k SUN.-Tht Prln 8:30; TM ASTOUNDINO STORY OF AN ASTOUNDING MILITARY 7—Dickens-Fens ter SUN.—Seven Day> in Miy 2:3S: SUM. 11—News-Kevin Kennedy 4:80; 7:00: 9:15: HAZLET PLOT TO TAKE OVIR THESE UNITED STATES I 11—En Francois ASBURY PARK LOEWS DRIVE-IN- II—Local News—John Tlllmon LYRIC— rni. 4 8AT.—Cartoon 7:00: Tammy 7:35 ind the Doctor 7:07: Seven Diyi in BURT LANCASTER From Ruiila With Love 7:10: 9:30. Mar 8:18: Homicide! 11:00. SAT.—Kiddle Matinee: Onlonhead BUN.—Caitoon-O-Rama 7:00; Tammy ELECT TRUSTEES 2:00; From Ruula With Love 5:30; and the Doctor 7:2}; 11:15; Seven KIRK DOUGLAS 7:50; 10:00. D»y« in May 9:00. EDISON — The board of trus- SUN.—Night Muit Fill 3:19; t:0O; 5:50: 7:55; 9*5. PLAZA- FREDRIC MARCH tees for 1964-1965 was elected at MAYFAIR- Seven Daya In May 7:19: 9:%. the annual meeting of the Mobile Seven Dayi In May 2:40; 7:20; t:W. •AT.—orettait Stow on Earth 3:00; - Peter Sellers SAT. t BUN.—Seven Dayi In May teyin Dayi in May 5:10: 7:30: 9:(3. AVA GARDNER Home Owners Association Thurs- 2:00; 4:00; 6:05; S;OJ; 1O:1». •W.-««ven Dayi to May J:«0: 4:50; George C. Scott day, at Edison Lanes, here. ST. JAMES- SOUTH AKBOY — PLUS CO-HIT — ~k Free Driver! Association attorney Leonard Tom Jones 2:18: 7:30: 10:00. 8Unl«yKubrlck'i MADISON CINEMA- SAT. A SUN.—Tom Jonea 2:4t; 1:30: Panes : Adler, Englewood, made his an- 10:00. Beven Dayi In May 3:19; <:«9; 7:10; nual report. Refreshments and NEPTUNE CITY p;35. ' Dr.Strangelove l 1AT—Reymle 1:00; Taritn Ooei to •*• Free 25e Coiipon entertainment followed the busi NEPTUNE CITY- India 2:19: Beven Dayi In May 5:00; Dn How! Leimtd To $top Warning ness meeting. ORQECHAKIRIS Captain Newman 7:10; 9:20. 7:15: 9:16. And LmTfw Bomb For Concesilofi BAT.—Erik the Conqueror 1:00; »:45; SUN.-geven Dayi In May 3:19; e;«i Rentilicuj 2:25; Capliln Newman 5:-10; 7:55; »:15. 7:10: 9:33. SHIRLEMAIUIERELD SUN.—Captain Newman 2:10; 4:28; • Fret Klttntx HeHer OPEN ALL YEAR «:45; 3:05. PERTH AMBOY AMB0Y8 DRIVE-IN— For Auto Viior with COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE FIU. s SAT.—Cartoons 7:00; Blue F*UL fh, fabulous SHORE DRIVE-IN- Hawaii 7:18: Seven Dayi In May Cartoon 7:00; Seven Dtyi In May 9:29: Two Women 11:39. OF THE SUIT Package of Kleenex 7:30; 11:30: liingi of the Sun 9:40. SUN.—cartoons 6:15; Blue Hawaii SAT. * BUN Seven Day« In May 7:16: 11:31: Seven Daya In May B:26. 7:00: 11:10; Klnci ot the Sun 9:li. IVAJESTIC— BRADLEY BEACH Seven Days In May 3:16; 6:00; 10:00; Starts WEDNESDAY Thundering Wheels 1:20; 8:10. No printed PALACE— SAT.—KMdU Show: Clrcm Frlentlj PLAZA Theatre, Hailet CARLTON Frl. & SAT From Rusila With Love 1:30: Stolen Airliner 3:55; Thunderlnj RESTAURANT and 2:40: 7:1^. 0:20. Wheel! 4:10; 8:20: Seven Dayi In NEPTUNE CITY Theatre RF.D BANK circuits... BUN' From Runli With Love 2:40; May 6.15, 10:00. LOUNGE 4:50; 7:O0: 9:10. SUN Thundering Wheel! 2:30; 6:20 Ho production MANASQUAN 10:00; Seven D«ys in May cot; 8:00. FREEHOLD Theatre | luncheons Monday ALGONQUIN- EDISON it* » ¥•',, ;, 'J ' S''i shortcuts... rnru Friday Tnp Cardinal 2:30: S:3O. SATURDAY & SUNDAY , SAT.—Guntmoke in Tuuon S:30: Tht MENU) PARK CINEMA- All chassis Private Party Cardinal 7:00; 10:00. Beven Daya In May 2:00: 1:30; 7:05 •••••••••••••••••aaamw I connections are Facilitlei SUN.-The Cardinal 2:30; 5:35; 8:45. 9:10, —2 SCIENCE FICTION HITS- handwired for BAT.-«even Davi In May 1:30: 3:30: POINT PLEASANT «:00: 8:20; 10:35. INTERNATIONAL greater operating ! Route 35 ARNOLD- BUN Seven Dayi in May 2:00: 4:30; SHOWCASE THEATRES dependability, Asbury FRI. * SAT.—The Prize 2:35; 7:05 7:05: 9:40. H fewer service »:3S. W00DBR1DGE SEE THE WORLD OF TOMORROW! problems. SUN.—The Pri» 2:30; 4:M| 7:1J PLAZA Park 9:10. DRIVEJN- Horizontal chassis PRI BAT. * RUN—Bye Bye Birdie Rt 34 f oyport HPlli't AtCQ Traffic LAURELTON 7:19; Btven Dayi In May 9:29; FBI rxrmits gre»ttr Code Ninety-Eight 11 :M. 264.^434 accessibility. DRIVE-IN- Parts may b* Circle 774-1*85 Sivm Csyi In Miy 1:13; 11:00. 8AT. & BUN.—Seven Dtyi In Miy replaced easily 7:00; 10:50. ATLANTIC arid economically. FREEHOLD from IN THE FREl. HOLD MAI.L NOW - ENDS SATURDAY Dream Bar 442-0600 •JfcULl pretenls / •25-* FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY (V* MUSIC BY \ v mm • •/ THI FABULOUS FULL POWER TRANSFORMER VINIEMAZZI 8 FULL PERFORMANCE FEATURES AND HIS KID SHOW SATURDAY AT 2 MELO TONES • Ptak Picture Control • Custom "Perma-Set" Fln« i» 'Oum-im mm UIKSJIB mm • Exclusive Automatic "Frlnoe- Tuning Control lock" Circuit • "Capacity-Plus" quality EXTRA ADDED • High Gain 3-Stage IF Amplifier components AHRACTION CBPTBI 1 TECHNICOLOR' WONDRASCOPE! • "dated Beam" Sound System a CINELENS darkened picture • Zanlth Quality Sound-Out- glass Intensifies picture Front Speaker contrast Direct from Hollywood Jull cemplatld a new motion pie- hire with Ihlrley MocUlnt. PLUS - CARTOONS


SUNDAY Pmmr-t H#. SATURDAY Top Weekend 11-40 MIMM SUMMV VTIWOM It-Quo Urn A VmHOMUm tfcM Bon DoW-»! Hto.

a. t TV Programs « W4 4_«lm—The CrueWe—)W—llmont 1 Wirw d»t*rt Mix. «anere<-J Hrt ^ urn 11:* SATURDAY IVINIM adder, acrobats, and Jugglers. a-Ufidmtandlng Our World l-People'f Choice ' TOMORROW '-ChrMspMr Program 4-Montooe IV •-News and Weather 5—Topper - Comedy ; 4-*»m Hall *'* Pretty good bill. »—Coll to Pwytr 1:25 e_Fl(m-Hls Kind of Womon-tMI- II—Three Stooge* Jo Stafford'* show boasti the Z-Fac* the Notion ' t-Hvn i ^ \ Robert Mlrchum-*) Mln. W-Thi Comtrs appearance of Robert Morley and 7:41 4—Ololoout IJ—Time far Science 9:30-10 - 13 — The Poet's Eye. . 'revlewt r.N 2-Fllm—The Way Of All Flesh-Aklm Stanley Hotloway "At the London 5—Ciirlilopfur Progam Tamlrofl-1 Hr., 40 Mln. 13—Art ot Language 4—Newt The poet is Shakespeare and the 2—Film—Bio Jim McLoln-1931-John Palladium;" entries on The Lieu- 1:1* Waynt-U Mln. 2:11 9 :IS ; *-Atlroboy—Cartoon film shown here tonight roams 4—Sermonette 4—News—Bob Wilson Know-Education 7-77 Sunset Strip tenant, The Defenders, Hollywood J-Clv. US Tlill Day Direct Line 3:19 11—Clay Colt Palace, and Gunsmoke are of in- the English countryside, the t-Newi •Film—Sonto Ft Trail—1940-Errol 2—Partners In Crime—1937—Lynn* 2—Newt-Mlk* Wallace 1—Coptaln Kangaroo 13—Profile: New Jersey same one he saw and memorial- Flynn—2 Hn. Overman—75 Mln. 4-Say When-Art Jam** „_ terest; the movie at 9 is a good J—All join Hondi-Chlldrm r-Dlscovery 6^-Chlldrtn *-Crusadtr Rabbit <:« -Code Thret 4:25 5-Fllm-He Married HI. Wlto-WI 7—Oovty and Oolloto 4-Local News ized in never-to-be forgotten S—Mormon Confcrenct 2_Fllm—Let's Make A Million—1937— Joel McCrea-«5 Mln. • screen adaptation of the famous 7—This Is Th» Answtr I'M I'M *M verse. ••Frontiers of Faith Edward Everett Horton-75 Mln. II—Operation Alphabet ' 4-Weattier Thaw murder case called "The 1:11 l«:lt •-Community Dialogue Girl in the Red Velvet Swing;" •—Library Lions—Education 7—Issues and tht Aniwtrs MONDAY MORNING 13—Parlons Francois *-Cartoens-Chlldren : II—Chrlttophtr Program t-C-oll Tips 2-S*a Hunl ' * and Recital H&U, The Poet's Eye, 10-11 — 2 — Gunsmoke. Saloon It-Sport Highlight! <:15 f-Ntws and Wtother 4-Blography I.U 2— Previews 4—Mews-Edwin Newman •. S-Too Cat-Cartoa« hostess Kitty, who's been over 7-News , Repertoire Workshop, and sports 9-Hmt and Wtotner 9-Sports <:2» J-Juit For Fun-Children e-Film-Venojeonce el Urtus round out the day's roster of en looked this season, finally gets CIS 2-Glve Us This Day IJ-plocef l» Th» News ' f-Mllchltt Moktrs tt-whot* in a Word 9—Chrlttophtr Program 11:30 tertairanent. some material to work with. The 1—Sports «:2, 2—1 Low Lucy—Comedy 1:SI 2-News 4—Word For Word t—Alvln—Cortooni' I—Jackie Oltoson story concerns a naw satoon host _ Ground Tht Corner 9—Baseball—Mets •—Northwtit Petsaat 4-Lleutenanl 4—Sermonette 7—Price Is Right ess who wants to cut Kitty down 7—Faith for Today <:M 11—En France i -Just For Fun-Sonny Fox J—Untouchablts— Drama 1:55-5 - 9 - Baseball. New r •—Film Feature •-Open Mind 7—Film—Joan ol Ozark—1942—Judy 7—Haoltnonny or once, she isn't sweet but 2—Sunrise Semester 10:41 II—Evangel Hour—Religion 7-Olrectloni '<4-Rtllglon 13—Time Now for Music Canova-W Mln. '«--»»>y ll-Fllm-Curie of Itw Faeeleu Mon York Mets vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, I:U 4—Our Place In Space 1J—Metropolitan Workshop sore, and series fan will be de 11:00 •-Cartoons from Shea Stadium in New York. •—Bible Story Came 2-News t—Prolect Know—Education 2—McCoys-Comedy •:M (Color). lighted by her performance. 7:06 4——Downs Il-Rtllglous Leade'ri" be announced •-Let's Talk About God 2-Fllm—Shodow ol'a Doubi-194}- 1—News and Weather 7-Get The Message •:•NN 5—Wonderamo—Sonny Fox 11—Baseboll—Yankees 4-Today 9—Making of Music *-T«tntsst Tuxedo *—Defenders 7—For Thou Art With Me 7—Pag* One /—Early Bird Cartoons 11—cartoon Carnival •-Run and ftsddy 4-Joey BUhop-Comedy 2-5 — 11 - Baseball. New SUNDAY ~llm Feoturt 7:2S i—Call To Prayer—Religion f:4S S—Lawman—Weilern York Yankees vs. Baltimore Ori- 1—ftamor Joseph Cotton-90 Mln. 13-Moglc Words r—Lawrence Welk Noon-l p.m. — 7 New York, J-Fllm—13 Rut Madeleine—1944— Il-Thls ft Tht Lift oles, from Baltimore. S—Columbia Seminars 11:20 10'H e-Rlm-«onjOf Kono-IMJ-Rebtrt New York. A took at the hectic •-Jewlih Fourth R—Rtllglon Jamts Cagmy—2 Hrt. 13-Experlences In English Armstrong-^O MS. •—Tht Question 7_Fllm-^Rldiard Ml-Laurtn» Olivier •:0O Mulck Draw Mcdraw 2^—Captain Kangaroo 11:25 •-fitetor Htathcott f:Ov last minute preparations for the 90 Mln. 4-Fllm-The Olrl In thi Red Velvet 3-3:30.- 2 - Repertoire Work- opening of the World's Fair, with J—Way To So—Rtllglon J-30 5—Sandy Becker — Children !,:*. Swlno-Jii Hrt. shop. "Coriolanus." Four ac- •—Inquiry •-TV Hour of Stars 7—Courageous Cat—Cartoons 2-Pele and Gladys—Comedy 5—Dtpuly a tour of its exhibits, leads on •:2J tors from Chicago's Goodman 7—Sunday Funnies •:M y—Billy Bang Bang—Cartoon 4-Jeopardy ' f-Mlghty MoustM:" 11-Jo Stofftrd getting around its vastnesses, and •-Talk Bock 2-Cothollc ChorlliM S-Romper Room—Children J-Flrtball XL-S-Chlldrtn 11-Andrew Wyetti Theatre appear in dramatized II—Rocky and his Friends 4:11 1—Little Rascals-Comedy 7—Missing Links 7—Jttions—Cartoon I-Phll Silver* scenes from Shakespear's "Cori- a discussion of the threatening 10:00 1—Post Gomt Show 11—Cartoons J-GIN Talk •-Cooklnp-Bontimplt S—Dragnet activity promised by splinter civil 2—Lamp Unto My Fett •:U l:« 11:40 ll-*flla Picture 7—Hollywood Palace olanus" and readings from Plu t— A Moment With 4—News S—Kino one Odle—Cartoons 13-Ploces In The News lJ-Poet't Eye larch's "lives of the Noble Ro- rights groups on opening day. 9—Senolor Case Reports •:N 1.-55 11.45 13-Trl-State Dateline 11—Boio The Clown J-RIn Tin Tin—Western ta:ot 1—Left Hive Fun—Children i-Eve on New York 4—Dtnnli Tht Mtnoct mans," adding a commendable 10:15 4—Sunday 7—Coiptr—Cartoons J-Gunsmoke—Western 12:30-1 - 2 - Face The Na- /—Science All-Stars 11—En Franct S-Wre»tllng showcase entry to this experimen 9—Senate News Confertnct »-Hy Gardner tal workshop series. tion. Senator Clifford P. Case, 10: JO Il-Racket Squod J—Roy Rogers-Western 11—Front Page 2—Look Up and Live !:«• ISCourt ol Reason Republican of New Jersey, and 2—Sports Spectacular •-Fury-Advtnturt a strong supporter of the Civil 4—Agriculture U.S.A. »-Yancy Derringer 1«:J* 4:30-5 — 5 — Horseracing. The 7—Youth Wonti to Know 5-Houston Closslc POLKA DOT LOUNGE 7—Beany and Ctell Rights bill, is interviewed by CBS 9-Conortlslonol Conterenct 7—Cuba and Castro Today »-F Im-Across Tht Wldt Missouri— Wood Memorial Stakes, $75,000 9-Sports 17 THIRD AVE. LONG BRANCH correspondents Paul Niven, Stan- I)—Superman Clark Goblt-W Mln. added, for three year otds in a 1—Camera Thr» 11-Word ot Lilt J-Newi "'" ley Levey, and a newspaper re- •-Searchlloht D-MetropolH 7-Ntws mile and one-eighth race from •-Point of Vltw 1:11 brings back by overwhelming demand SATURDAY AFTMNOON •-Fllm-SM 11:30 o.m. porter. •—Golf Tips 11-Maln Evtrtf Aqueduct. 2—Legislative Hearing lJ-Refltttlont •—Japan Today J—Amateur Hour "AMERICA'S ANSWER TO ENGLAND" 11:11 M — 5 — Golf. Live from 1:55-5 - 9 — Baseball. New 7—Sir Lanctlot t-O. E. Collagt Bowl USWSBf York Mets vs. Pittsburgh Pi- •—Editorial Pogt 9-Surfsldt Six I—Btochcomber Sharpstovm Country Club, to- 1—Planet Patrol 7-Fllm-D«dlln* USA-IMZ-Hvmpnrt rates, from Shea Stadium in New 13—Drawing From Scratch THE EXPLOSIVE Bogart-I Hr., 40 Mln. day's one* hour coverage of the 1JH York. (Color). 5-8 — 5 — Golf. The Houstoi SUNDAV EVKNIH0) *-Do You Know 11:20 Houston Golf Classic brings you 1 •-Mr. Wlzortf J-Wlm-Blgger Thon Uft-lHo-Jomes Golf Classic is covered in th »-Fllm—Th> Lodgir—1M4-Mtrlt Moton-1 Hr, 50 Mln. the third round action in the final holes of the tournament. J—Twentieth Century DU-CANES! Obtron-M Mln. 4-Wtoititr '** tournament. 2-3 — 4 — Open Mind. "Is 4—Meet The Press 7—Amtrlcan Bandstand 1I:M There a Tyranny of the Major- S—Film—Honky Tonk—1941—Clork THIS SATURDAY NIGHT II—Congressional Report •-Rim-Block Hand-1«»-G«ne ity?" Author and King Features 9-10 — 5 — Boston Symphony Gable—Lano Turner—2 Hrs. Kelly-45 Mln. M:30 — 7 - ABC's Wide World 7_Flim—A Man Alone—1955—Ray t-Hnn "" !1-Fllrn-Lo Novlo De Prlmavera-195» columnist Ralph de Toledano; Erich Leinsdorf conducts the Bos- Mlllond-90 Mln. STARTING AT 9:30 P.M. •-Education Report Maria Duval-w Mln. of Sports. A leading sequence ton Symphony Orchestra in a per- 11—Pioneers t—Kingdom ol Hit Sta «:o» author and editor of Commentarj 13—Science In Action 11-ConTlntntal Mlnlotum pays tribute to the skill and The fantastic crowds have demanded and deserve 5-Senote Report promise of ace American Olym- Norman Podhoretz; chairman oi formance of Gustav Mahler's 12:eS the Department of Politics ol "Symphony No. 1 in D Major. 2-MI»ter Ed the return of their favorite Rock 'N' Roll Stare . . . »-Lono VUw I-Fllm—Tht Importance ol Being pic skier, Buddy Werner, who 9—Film-See 12:00 p.m. 4-Ltt'i Talk Builnws Eornest-1952~3 Hn. was killed last Sunday by an Brandeis University, John P 11—Tombstone Territory So for the BLAST of the century . . . come 7—Funny Manns 1J:M Roche, and Associate Professor It—Cultures and Continents •-Golf Tips f-Ntw> and Weather avalanche in Switzerland. The 9:30-11:30 - 11 - Open End 7:00 on down! 11—Junior All-Start rest of the show is championship of Yale Law School, Charles A, "Bulls and Bears Make Money. 2—Lassie 1:4* 7-U.Cr.r. ^ Reich, represent a wide spec- 4—Bill Dana •-Sports contests in wrestling, swimming David Susskind's guests discus: II—Stale Trooper 1:4* and cutter racing events. trum of political opinion on Pro- the science of investment am 13—Mask, Myin and Dream 11-Sports 'essor Eric Gollman's provoca t-Pllm-Hon«ymoon In „.. ._ speculation as Lucien Hooper o Fred MacMurray—1 Hr., 55 Mln. tive discussion of the state ol 2—My Fovorltt Martian f-Bas«ball-M»h> 5:3M — 4 - NBC Sports Spe- W. E. Hutton and Co.; Petei 4—Walt Disney's World •—Film—Smithing for tht Boyi—1944 our liberties today. 7—Empire S-Sum and Substonct Carmen Miranda-! Hr., 40 Mln. cial. First of a thirty minute Wyckoff of Hayden-Stone an II—Wyatt Earp 4-DMIIU Playhous* 1:05 *-Nlm-S«ttlnfl Pr.ttv—194*-C11fteO ' J-Monhunt Spring and Summer sports se Co.; Steve Peck of S. M. Pect Wtbb-M Mln. ries with Bud Palmer as host, 2-4:15 - 11 - Baseball. New and Co.; Steve Weiss of A. G. 7-Gal« storm •—Strmonttttt York Yankees vs. Baltimore Ori 2-Lucllle Ball 11-Bonbalt-YonkMi goes to for a shark Becker Company, and P. Fred S—Community Dialogue IN PERSON 3:N 2-Fllm-Confllc»-1945-Humphrey hunting expedition with under- oles, from Baltimore. "ox of the P. F. Fox Company o-Fllm-CrosswInds-lMl-John 1-Young World* '64 Bogart-I Hr., 40 Mln. gather round. Payne—J Hrs. 7-Cnlno Smith •:50 water fisherman, Ben Cropp, fac- 11—26 Men l:N t—Film—Notional Velvet—1M4— ing the dangers of the killer-fish, 3-3:30 - 4 — Montage IV. Th 13—American Notion >-R«ptrtolrt Workshop Ellrabeth Taylor—2 Hn. l:J0 "ANN 4—Film—Tha Runoway-1M»-Joel armed with a and guts. irst of a series of repeats o 10-11:30 — 5 — Under Discus 4—Grlndl Flateau-90 Mln. the performing arts, is a delight 5—Opinion In The Capital 7— Rescut I—Drama CHANGE MEETING TIME sion. "New Forces in Theatre.' 7—Arrest and Trial ful visit with ballet stars Allegr 11—Grand Jury DE MARCO" >:» OCEANPORT - The Republ: 6-6:30 — 4 - Recital Hall. This J-Scltnct Unlimited Kent and Jacques d'Amboise, A spectacular group of informe (of famous 5 S—Film—Blues Bu»t«rs-IMO-Leo can Club has set its regular meel first rate musical program offers and talented theatre people i 2—Celebrity Game' Gorcey—1 Hr. a recital by the Beaux Arts Quar- who illustrate styles of move •—Bonanza DeMarco Sisters) 7—Pro Bowling Tour ing (or 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in th ment of the classical ballet witi eluding moderator Harold Cta S—Boston Symphony Community Center. The club us tet tonight. 11—Local Issue •-Film—Roaun ot Shtrwood Forest— superb skill and grace. man, and panelists Richard Bui I3-Art ot Film and her Partner 19S0—John Derek-1 Hr. uaJIy meets at 8 p.m., but th ton, Elia Kazan, Robert Pres 2—Made In America 4:M meeting was rescheduled due 7:30-8:30 - 4 - The Lieuten- 11-Open Endr-Davld -SuisMnd 4—Film—Charlla Chon In Dead Men Tell primary elections taking plao ant. "To Kill a Man." A trau- 4:30 — 7 - "Richard III. ton, Howard Taubman, and Ei 13—Drama Fntlvol "JIM ROSE" l»41—Sidney Toler—1 Hr. The second portion, of Laurenc I—Horn Race—Aqutduct Tuesday. Mrs.j Dorothy Uzdllla, matic experience for our hero, ward Albee, join in a discussio 10:00 4:41 club president, will hear progress Oliver's terrifyihg'film perform 2—Candid Comtm—Kitty lr 11—Post Gome Show and a must for frustrated young of forces they know. 4-DuPont Show reports on scheduled events of thi fans who've been wanting to see ance as the cynically brutal, d S—Under Discussion —ALSO— formed English king, brings th 7-Fllm-The Huns-1943-1 Hr., 50 Mln. 1-FMm-Phontom Lody-1?44-Fronchot year. him in combat. He's assigned to 9-World Tneatre Tone-M Mln. major movie and the life of Ric 10-11 — 9 — Esso World Thei II 3—Houston Classic deliver secret plans for a new 2-What'* Mv Line' ard III to a close. Shakespeare' 1 7—Wide World of Sports You always get fast result radio system to the Southeas tre. "Greece: The Inner World. 13—Jan In The Castle ' ED HALL" e—Sports i brittle characterization of th: A major theatrical experiem 10:« ilTForolon Legionnaire with Register Classified ads. Asian front and, before you can 13—Reflections say commercial, his helicopter evil king will hold you in su: and a "must" for students an and his Orchestra pense with its horror. devotees of the drama; Everj 2—New*—Harry Reasontr "' *,. is shot down and his war is on 4-News There's a contrived plot twist to thing on view is larger than lif »_Film-Across The Wide Missouri— 1951—Clark Gable—90 Mln. wind things up, but it's good to — 7 — "Cuba and Castn — Katina Paxinou's evocation 11:10 Ijlllllo see the Lieutenant in combat be- Today." A scoop for ABC Euripides "Hecuba;" Alexis M •-Weather—Frank Field notis' incarnation of Sophocle; 11:15 having a fore he's canceled. Mr. Castro permits cameras in 2—News—Joe Loughlln to his country under the leade: Oedipus and his shattering pe •-The Saint * tm OAKS formance of Aeschylus' "Promi 11:25 7:30-8:30 — 7 — Hootenanny. ship of his favorite America! 2-Fllm-The Big Knll«—1955—Jack HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN, N. J. A folk singing "hoot" from start newshawk, Lisa Howard. Aftei theus Bound;" the on-location sei Palance—2 Hrt. BANQUET ? ting of ancient Greek ruins wit 747-2253 to finish as the New Christy Min- viewing this travelogue, Fidel * 11 :W phone strels lead the way with a flock will undoubtedly invite them a their Olympian grandeur, and th 5—Congressional Report towering musical score by Ja 11—Encounter—Rellalon of songs, followed by Homer and back because, although criticism 11:15 Jethro's comic style, and a song is very much in evidence, Christou — and all of them com 5—Senate Report 741-8344 bined make this hour of classi 11:40 or two from Bob Carey, the team emerges as a picture of a coun- 5—Fllm-ln Old Chicago—1931-Tyrone the of Brooks Jones and Lydia Wood, try strongly behind its leader, cal excerpts a visually overpo' and the Levee Singers troupe, and getting along reasonably we ering and glorious event. Turn COBBLESTONES plus a "Joshua Fit the BatUe of under Russian aid and foreigi in. Rout* JS, Mlddletown Jericho" finale by the oast. Pur- trade. Mr. Castro answers a fe due University in Lafayette, Indi- questions about normalizing rela- Moving? A fast action Registei ana plays host. tions between the U.S. and Cuba, Classified Ad finds cash buyen 00 A? McDonald's HUH'" but he answers them with ques- jj 0} J«BM l.uop no/? s8urin jo 8:304:30 — 2 — The Defenders tions. along. "Mayday! Mayday!" Torin Thatcher is remarkably convinc- springtime, blossom time ing as a wartime hero turned fanatic, whose fears about our . . . «ach day brings new beaury to the foreign policy lead him into plot- ting a military take-over of the eountryiid* . . . something to maka you government with himself at the SCENIC DRIVE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS •njoy living. Why not take a ride this helm. Devasting and authorita- weekend and plan to top it off with a tive as Mr. Thatcher's perform- ance may be, the rest of the COMPLETE SEAFOOD DINNERS $2.00 visit to th» Lincroft Inn ? It's a perfect characters are so weakly drawn combination . . . and w» know you'll be his trial misses its moment by • COCKTAILS * LUNCHEONS fully satisfied with eur menu offerings and becoming a monologue instead o: an argument. 3 BANQUET ROOMS * 4 BARS home-six* cocktails. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NITE 9-11:15 - 4 — Saturday Nighi OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK at the Movies. "The Girl in the STOP...at the Golden Arches Red Velvet Swing." One of the most sensational crimes of the LINCROFT INN early l900's, millionaire Harry Minute-man service... tastiest food in town,.. prices that pieate NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD K. Thaw's murder of famed —make dining at McDonald's a real family pleasurs. Everything architect Stanford White, over his BILL SPREENS is so inviting ... so spotlessly clean. Um-m-m-m, you'll go for the 741 - 9755 wife Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, is brought to the screen with an goodness of McDonald's food: elaborate production and a good cast. Ray Milland, Joan Collins Willowbrook lnn\ HAMBURGERS-hot off the grill and served on and Farley Granger do very toasted bun-lhe way you like 'em best. They're the new nicely despite the "soap opera' 740 River Rd. Fair Haven overtones of the script. (Color) made from 100% Pure Beef-never frozen meat—, but top-quality beef ground fresh daily. 9-10 - 11 — Jo Stafford Show announces the second in a series of "At the London Palladium." A FRENCH FRIES—cut from Idaho premium potatoes- vaudeville show with a differ- prepared to your taste—crisp and golden brown— * River House Inn SPRING and SUMMER and served piping hot. You never had 'em so goodl ence, since the incorrigible Rob- ert Morley introduces Jo and Bingham Ave. at Oceanic Bridge you to the charms of the old DINNER DANCES SHAKES-the old-fashioned kind-ireamy smooth Rumson, N. J. London Palladium, and Stanley from the first sip lo the last draw. Um-m-m good— Holloway repeats some of the unusually goodl acts he made famous there many FRIDAY, APRIL 24th a year ago. Now Serving From Once you've eaten at McDonald's you'll do so often. So com* dint 9-9:30 - 13 - Andrew Wyeth $10 per couple at McDonald's—make it a family affair for a heap of fun and late A worthy repeat of a sensitive Includti th* (allowing 9 P.M. of aood eating. study of the work of artist An- LUNCH drew Wyeth, that puts his style, • BUFFET DINNER his life and his environs in per- • LIQUOR and BEER to spective. • DANCING 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 2 A.M. took for f/ie Gofden Archet f 9:39-10:30 — 7 - Hollywood Palace. Jimmy Durante and Li- Tickets May Be Obtained At Dinner Served berace ham thjngs up and score, odd combination though they are. The Willowbrook or call from 5 p.m. 842-2200 Little Piccola Pupa from the Sunday 12 noon Danny Thomas Show belts out a 741-2099 song, and Jack Carter whips HWY. 35 (Just North of Five Comers) MIDDLETOWN Closed Tuesday through a monologue among the Mlt-and-pepper sets -including a 20-Fri&r, April 17, 196* BED BANK BEGISTCB counting, and Boiiaess Midttaes Missionary Technical School Career School, New Brunswick. Croup Elects Church Correspondence SchooU-int*r- jMatal Correspondence Schools, To Speak* Guidance Program Slated EtoorofieU Secretary Religious News WEST KEAKSBVJta -««, Notes OCEANPORT - MiM Jou Technics! Schools—Academy of Ktthryn M. McHugfa wu efcctwj SAINT JAMES CATHOUC lowing the service, the Metho- WEST LONG BRANCH -Non- separate sessions, btginniag tt Aeronautics, PlttSfaiag, H, Y.; The Red Bank Sub-District Ral Buckner, a Conservative Baptist recording secretary of the W«*t Red Bank dist Men will meet college bound high school stu- 7:30 sad ending at 9:40 p.m. Automation Institute Courses, ly of the Methodist Youth Fel- Home Missions Society mission- dents will have an opportunity The Monmouth County Guid- Keansburg Property Owner* As- Hie third Sunday after Easter Monday: 8 p.m., official board Newark; Electronic Institute of sociation at a recent meeting, re- meeting. lowship will be held in the Matt- ary among Jewish people in Long to explore the programs offered ance Directors' Council is an or- will be celebrated with Masses wan Methodist Church Sunday at Eatontown; Franklin School of placing Miss Grace Stanton, who at 5:45, 6:45, 8, 9:15 and 10:30 Tuesday: 8 p.m., New Testa- Island, N. Y., wi« speak at theby 25 technical schools when the ganization composed of the guid- Science and Art, Philadelphia; 6 p.m. Rev. Harold Huff, of the Monmouth County Guidance Di ance directors' of Monmouth resigned. ; in the church and 8:30, 9:45; 1 ment study group. Division of National Missions of 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. services Lincoln Technical Institute, New- and 12:15 in the auditorium. At rectors' Council sponsors Techni- County public high schools. Elected as trustees were Victor The Methodist Church, will be Sunday in Calvary Baptist ark; Manhattan School of Print- noon a sung Mass will be offered BAPTIST cal School Career Night in Shore Participating schools Include: ing and RCA Institutes, New Maccia and Ernest Lumlnoio. the speaker. Church, Eatontown Blvd. Regional High School, here, Tues- In the church. The chants will be Red Bank .. Beauty schools — Monmouth York City. Mrs. Sarah C. Murray, presi- sung by the boys,' and the people. Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge will Miss Buckner previously served day. dent, announced that persons hav. The Women's Presbytery Asso- School of Beauty Culture and Wil And, Monmouth County Voca- The sacrament of baptism will preach at the 11 aim. service as a missionary among Jewish ing complaints about tow water ciation will meet Thursday at The program will be open to fred Academy, Asbury Park; tional School, Freehold; Mon- be administered Sunday at 1:30 Sunday. Church school meets at people in Fresno and Bskersfield, Indents who have dropped out Richard's School of Beauty Cul- pressure In the area, or other Cranbury Presbyterian Church. Calif. mouth Drafting Institute, Asbury complaints, may present them at p.m. At least two days previous, 9:45 a.m., preceded by the lay )f school and to adults who might ture, Red Bank. Park; Radio Electronic Televi- leaders prayer circle in the the next hearing of the Public arrangements must be made with She is a graduate of Multnomah je interested in the programs of- Business schools—Asbury Park sion School, Kearny; Tetertoro one of the priests of the-parish Clayton Room at 9:30. The other The Eastern Monmouth Pres- Utilities Commission, next Fri- School of the Bible, Portland, fered, u well as to high school Business College, Stuart School School of Aeronautics, Teterboro; by the parents of the candidate service is at 7:30 p.m. bytery' will have a meeting for Ore., and Seattle (Wast.) Pacific pupils. day, at 10 a.m. at 101 Commerce ministers and their wives Friday of Business Administration, Trenton Technical Institute, Tren- for baptism. The Junior Ht and Senior Hi College. She received an MA de- St., Newark, or mall them to the in the home of Rev. David Bucci, Beauty, business, correspond- bury Park; Berkeley School, East ton. association, Box 186, Keansburg. Daily Mass is offered at 6:25,BYF groups meet Sunday at 6 gree in education from Pacific snce and technical schools will Orange; Essex College of Busi pastor of the Bayview Presby- Lutheran College, Parkland, 7 and 7:45 o'clock. p.m. The senior group will be terian Church, Ciiffwood Beach, Mrticipate. ness, Robert Walsh Stenotype Mrs. Murray reported on the The Novena devotion in honor ;uests of the Malvern (Pa.) Bap- Wath. Buying or selling? Use the and Mrs. Bucci. Those attending will have an Court Reporting School, School progress of the Raritan commun- of Mary's Miraculous Medal and tist Church youth group this of Business Machines, Newark; Register Classified for quick re- ity scholarship fund and asked the service of Benediction of the weekend. opportunity to hear represent- A retreat for Episcopal Boy New Brunswick Secretarial, Ac- sults.—Advertisement. for support of the project. Blessed Sacrament will be held The calendar for the week In- Don Wyrtzen atives of three schools at three Scouts will be conducted at Fort Monday at 8 p.m. cludes: Hancock Friday and Saturday. The sacrament of penance will Tuesday: 10:15 a.m., women's To Be Speaker be administered Saturday from 4 prayer group meets in the an- CUFFWOOD BEACH - Don GET A nex; 8 p.m., women's Fellowship A workshop for vacation church to 6 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m. The school teachers will be held in Wyrtzen, son of Jack. Wyrtzen, executive board meeting. will be the guest speaker at a sacrament is also administered St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Lin- daily at 7:45 a.m. and after the Wednesday: 7:30 p.nn., mid- youth rally In the Bayview Pres- week prayer service and Bible den, Saturday from 10 a.m. to byterian Church Sunday at 7 p.m. Novena service Monday evening. 3 p.m. NEW OIL BURNER! The Confraternity of Christian study. For the past several years, he Doctrine will function with the PERSONA GRATA has been the music director of FINANCE IT THRU AN HOME High School of Religion for pub- RED BANK - Harold Briggs of the "Word of Lite" radio and IMPROVEMENT LOAN. RATES Jackson St., Freehold, yesterday television programs, and also Is lic high school pupils meeting To Speak On 1/ ARE LOW — AT THE FRIENDLY Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Cabrini was given until 4 p.m. to leave director of music tt the Word of House. The Grammar School of town. Under that condition, Mag- Life camps. Religion for public grammar Religion, istrate Willliam I. Klatsky sus- He is a graduate of Moody ONMOUTH COUNTY school pupils will meet Saturday pended a $25 fine and a 30 Bible Institute, Chicago, and at 9:30 a.m. Education to 45-day jail sentence for being Hampden DuBose Academy, and ConvMiltnt OHIct» Throughout Monmoutti County The confirmation class will drunk and disorderly at Broad presently is attending Kings Col- St. and Linden PI. Wednesday. meet Monday, Tuesday and lege, Brisroliff Manor, N. Y. Thursday at 3:30 in the gramma school. - • ,

THE HOLMDEL CHURCH Holmdel Sunday school services are at 9:45 a.m. Rev. Andrew A. Burk- hardt will preach at the 11 a.m. service on "Where the Heart Is." The Holmdel Fire Company will attend the service. The Young People's Society meets in Fellowship Hall Sun- day at 7 p.m. The- congregational committee will meet in .the parsonage Mom day, at 8 p.m. The Rifle Club meets Wednes- day at, 6:30 p.m. on the Indoor Range. The Couples' Club will serve turkey dinner in Fellowship Hall Saturday at 5,-6 and 7 p.m. Mrs George Schanck is in charge of Dean C. WlUard Heckel reservations. RUMSON - C. Willard Heckel, PRESBYTERIAN dean of the Law School of Rut- Lincroft gers University, will speak at Sunday school services are at the Presbyterian Church, here, 9:30 a.m. "Striving Forward" following a fellowship supper Sun- will be the sermon topic of Rev.day at 6:30 p.m. William J. Mills at the 11 a.m. Dean Heckel will speak on re- service. ligion and public education. The Westminster Youth Fellow- A graduate of Dartmouth Col- ship will hold an open meeting lege, Hanover, N. H., and Co- for young people and adults lumbia University, New York Sunday at 7 p.m. Miss Doreen City, Dean Heckel received a law Hayes and Miss Bobbl Haugk, degree from Newark University who have returned from a tour LawjSehool in 1940. and became of churches and mission stations a riiSftBer W'tfti' New* Jef: In Puerto Rico, will speak. bar the following year. Bible study services will be held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in Heckel is an officer of the the church. First Presbyterian Church, Bloomfiejl4,£i past moderator of CONGREGATION he Presbytery of Newark, and BETH SHALOM chairman > •<#-Wife Presbytery's Red Bank committee on national missions, Candlelighting time today church extension and strategy. 6:15 p.m. Junior services tomorrow are Embury Methodist at 9 a.m. Rabbi Pov Chechik will preach at the 9:30 a.m. senior Sing Scheduled services on "A Torah Viewpoint LITTLE SILVER — A com- of Israel Among the Nations." munity hymn sing will be held in Israel Independence Day will be Embury Methodist Church Sun- observed. day, April 28, at 7:30. Hebrew school meets Sunday Howard Gilbert, Cherry Hill, •t 10 a.m.. The teenage group will will lead the singing, Mrs. meet at 7 p.m. Thomas Koenig, church organist, will be at the console. Mr. and METHODIST Mrs. James Brand are in charge. Sea Bright The hymn sing is open to the Rev. . B. L. Armstrong will public. preach at the 11:15 a.m. service Sunday. Church school meets at AME Zion Church 9:40 a.m. The MYF will meet Sunday at Seeking a Piano 6:30 p.m. NEW SHREWSBURY — The Bible study is Thursday at 7:30 Reeveytown AME Zion Church, p.m. Shafto Rd., is seeking a piano. The present piano was dam- METHODIST aged when the church building Atlantic Highlands was destroyed by fire in 1957, Church school meets Sunday at and cannot be tuned. 9:30 a.m. Rev. Robert H. Heulitt Those able to furnish a piano will preach at the II a.m. service are asked to contact Mrs. Nor- on "God Is Our Shepherd." Fol- man Reevey. "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean do you love babies? For Saturday, April 18 Present—For You and Yours • .. Vibrations warn of possible disagreements between parents and children, and bus- Parents across the nation will observe the 32d consecutive National bands asd wives. There it aho Baby Week this coming April 25 through May 2. The Red Bank a warning against overindul- gence in pleasures and a tend- Register will publish a special section on April 28 and all those ency to carelessness in habits who love babies will find this edition informative and helpful with and manners. People are in- lots of interesting features written by experts. If you are a parent, clined to be changeable, espe- cially concerning affairs of the or a parent to be, you won't want to miss this edition. heart.

Pajf ... On April 18, 1953Futur, e • • • A bedside compu- MR. MERCHANT: If you sell a product or a service for babies, be Mickey Mantle, center fielder ter syjtem will be tried out in sure to advertise in this special section. You'll find a ready-made for the New York Yankees, hit hospitals SOOD. The condition a home run in Griffith Stadium, of a critically ill patient will be audience with a special interest in babies. Reserve space now. Washington, that traveled about analyzed from information ob- Call 741-0010 ... ask for display. 565 feet, h is believed to be tained from electrical contacts PW125-MW the longest ever hit in a regular attached to the body and lsb league game. test*, The Day Under Your Sign

ARIES (Bern March 21 to April 19) LIBRA ($.p». 13 to Orf. M) The will torn next week, to ttall en Get (Mnn Aag.2l) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 fofeb.lt) Bend met baclmanla to •TOM ant-Meal* in* anyone. AtMS Ike lubjrct e/jnoner. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 tttol PISCES (W,. 20 to March 20) opportunity to Increue yaurEeaMT By WALT KELLY POGO By WALT KELLTf












4-(7 MARK TRAIL By ED D0DD MARK TRAIL By £D WE 60TTA V TO AFRAID IT'S WEUeoHTHE 0TOPfeA,^ LpTT.. I TOOUtt^OAN HEUCOPTB?/ I AINT ( NEVEB CODE IP YOU Fine UP , rS THY/ ONE OFTHE«\, SATAN'S WALLOW/ BUT I'M \NIUIN' 70 TRY.' 2^-FriHay. April 17. WM EED BANK REGISTER Lions Rap Toms River, 6-1 Shore .... _, ,,. ..f»c„e Wmu_, /ohMa. Sttto<«jh, toin forcJoree ta dunrtbuwd wes att* USXXJStWm — Sooriag lour AfeMit moving to third, Richie weo-fnatftg route. Two -> 3 0 1 W L PetBasile stopping at second. Ray second base. Lacy .moved Basile 2 0 0 Neptune (4-0) 4 0 1.000Lacy bunted, but was safe when to third on a single to left and 10 0 Jim Crawford committed an erals- o stole second. Abd«Ua then 0=.. Brick (2-1) 2 0 1.00 23 6 6| 28 1 7 ror to load the bases. Pitcher walked to fill the bags. Furiato Fliers, Lakewood Still Freehold (M) 2 0 1.00C l-plncli hit In 6th lor B Your Merc dealer Middletown (2-1) _ 2 1 .M Dixie AbdeUa aided his owpicken d up his second RBI when Singled lor sanu.ero Red Bank (1-2) __ 1 2 .SSJ cause by singling to center to he walked to force in Basile. At ^K1 1 Manasquan (1-2) 1 2 .333 bring in Capalbo and Basile, this point, Toms River changed lord, cralchtn, Worthy. invites you to pitchers with Bob James reliev- Toms River (0-2) 0 2 .000 Lacy ended up at second on the Unbeaten in Golf Loop Lou Novak. James pro- Long Branch (1-2) .. 0 2 .000 play. John Funato brought Lacy AbdKa 1 Novak 3, Jamea Neptune High's golf team Central Regional, 4-1, at Lake- Rich Hurley and John March Lakewood (04) 0 3 .0011 home with a single to center with ceeded to hit the first batter to racked up its fourth straight win hurst. each fired 43s to pace Neptun B DIVISION in Shore Conference Golf League Christian Brothers Academy of to victory. Gordon Forsyth pacec RESULTS action yesterday, drubbing Rum- Lincroft posted its second Rumson with a 44. Matawan 7, Wall 4 son - Fair Haven Regional, 5-0, straight win on the season by Lakewood remained undefeated Raritan 7, Rumson 0 the fuel economy ] on the front nine at Jumping dumping Wall Township, 6 /2 • Y2, by whipping Brick Township be- Shore 3, Southern 1 Brook Country Club, Neptune. at Spring Meadow in the only non- hind a 40 by John Lange, Jeff NORTH league match on the schedule. Szeban's 44 and Jeff Frank's 41 Coach Charles Broadwater's de- STANDINGS of a Merc lending league champions boast W L Pet. four straight shutout wins in loop Matawan (4-0) 4 0 1.00C with any play. Keyport (2-1) 2 1 Lakewood kept pace in anothe: Shore (2-1) 2 1 .66 match yesterday, drubbing Brick Raritan (2-2) 1 2 .333 competitor's Township, 4-1, at Lakewood Rumson (0-1) 0 3 .008 Country Club. Other loop matches Henry Hudson (0-3) ....0 3 .00(1 yesterday found Middletown SOUTH outboard whitewashing Henry Hudson W L Pet Regional, 5-0, at Colonial Terrace, Pt. Pleasant B. (1-0) .1 0 1.000 Wanamassa, Toms River beating Monmouth (2-1) 2 1 .66 of similar Red Bank, 4-1, at Toms River and Central (1-1) .._ 1 1 .500 Point Pleasant Beach downing Southern (1-2) 1 1 .50C Wall (1-2) 1 2 .33 horsepower OTHER RECORDS Asbury Park (0-1) Red Bank Catholic (3-0) Croyden Hall (0-0) Fuel economy It engineered BA (1-0) Into every Mercury outboard. St. Rose (0-0) The small-bore, short-stroke Mater Dei (0-2) design is one of tha reasons we can do It, The small cylinders tn a Merc Schedule are more efficient In convert* ing fuel into useful energy TODAY than the big cylinders found BASEBALL In other outboards. Harmful A DIVISION . ^V ...... pre-igrution Is minimized be- cause the combustion Is more Freehold at Neptune BEATING THE THROW — Matawan Regional': Prank D'Apolito beats out infield easily controlled In the small Red Bank at Brick tingle while Wall's Skip Coleman waits for late throw in yesterday'* B Division en- cylinders. Not so In "big* Lakewood at Middletown bore" outboards. Merc's Manasquan at Toms River counter at Wall. Matawan remained unbeaten in four tilts with 7-4 triumph. Power-Dome combustion B DIVISION chambers boost the power and further reduce fuel Central at Monmouth consumption, Pt. Pleasant Beach at Henry Hudson Matawan Whips Wall, 7-4, Mercs tolerate a greater de- Rumson at Shore gree of spark advance which Is necessary for maximum SETTING SI&HTS — Christian Brothers Academy golfer Southern at Raritan OTHERS fuel efficiency at cruising George Norris, eight, lines up a drive during match speeds. This makes Merc's rlonmoulh College at Newark For Fourth Straight Win fuel economy linkage more against Wall Township at Spring Meadow yesterday State effective than those on com- while Wall's Don Fornoff looks on. CBA posted b'/i-Vi TRACK WALL TOWNSHIP - Matawan the other two runners were left by a plbdh to force in the second petitors' "big-bore" out- I. B. Catholic at St. Bonaven- Regional High School's basebal on base. marker. boards. Merc's fixed-jet car- win for second straight triumph. ture (Paterson) (Gllrls) buretors and balanced intake eam continued to streak along in Two walks started the fourth Matawan went in front, 6-1, in manifold improve fuel econ- Top man John Van Harte of the Henry Hudson 0 4 0 .000 hore Regional at Mater Dei ts defense of the Shore Confer- frame with Melna and Bob Brown the ensuing session as Barrett led omy even more by metering TENNIS mce B Division championship and on the receiving end. D'Apolito off with a double and took third out the exact amount of fuel Piners shot a 42, but dropped his Neptune (5) Riun»on (0) match to Ed Frees, who shot a R. Hurley 43 (1G) . Forjyth U ... llder College at Monmouth Col- ealt Wall High School a 7-4 de- sacrificed the runners up a base on a passed ball. After Melna an engine needs at any speed. J. Marck 43 (1K) Provan 53 (0) lege r 7 for Brick's only point. » D. Divls 45 (1Landsdow) n 57 (0) eat yesterday afternoon, and Hamilton walked to load the whiffed, Brown walked and Mat-a^ R. Willing 48 (1)J. Broton 60 (0) SATURDAY sacks. Steve Russell singled to wan worked the double steal with Mercury's lower unit design Bob Brown and Hal Hanno The Huskies have yet to be de- BASEBALL get Melna in and David was hit Barrett sliding in under the tag. and Jet-Prop exhaust reduce each carded 39s as Middletowi Team lota! 179 (0) Team total 214 (0) eated in conference play and underwater drag...giving rlck at Pt. Pleasant Beach rapped winless Henry Hudson ave racked up four straight vie- you more efficient power at Lakrwnod (4) — Brick Tup. (1) lumson at Long Branch Roger Vincent added a 45 anJ. VaoHarte 43 (1) Brick Twp. aries. Wall went down to its sec- the prop. You get maximum J. Lange 40 (1)E. Frees 37 (1) ater Dei at Keyport md defeat. The Crimson Knights mileage from every drop of J. Zweben 4-4 (HB. Sharkey 45 (0i Red Bank Catholic at Neptune fuel that you use. Winners. Henry Hudsun diarf J. Frank tl U) B. Ehn 5—3 (0-) lave won once. J. Carter 45 (0) onmouth College at Bloomfield easy have a shooter under 50. Ron David gained his second Mercs will consistently give Team total 167 (1) Team total 185 (0) TRACK Etching success. He hurled a sports.... sedan you more miles per gallon and Third man Ed Kamm won Ret irtdgeton Relays Bank's .only point in the Bucc hree hitter, but two of the blows more miles per hour than to repair Mlddlttown (5) — Henry Hudioq (o) aritan at Red Bank Catholic competitors' outboards. Your match against Toms River Witt ~B . Brow~ n 3"9' '(1" )J. Fisher 66 (0) vere triples by Wall slugger Skip H. Hannon 39 (1)B. Lynch 53 (0) Highland Park Invitational Meet ^oleman. They figured in all of Merc dealer likes to compare a 43 that easily bested a 56 bjR. Vincent 4__5 (1..). J. Stoll 53 (0) nights of Columbus Meet (Phil Merc's economy with other P. Warner 48 (1) J. Ahern 50 (0) he Knights' scoring. sidewalks the Indians' third man, Bud Giin adelphla) outboards. See him soon, See er. Top man Bob Glassey of Rec Team total 169 (1) Team total 212 Matawan scored early and often how you can get rH6f« RUN for Using SAKRETE»SAND MIX is TENNIS Bank shot a 45, but Jack Stewar nd had a comfortable lead when your money with Mercury... tha smart, thrifty way to patch or rlontclalr State at Moamoutb 100, 85, 65, 50, 35, 20, 9.8, won a point for Toms River wit Tarns River (4) — Bed Bank (1) Wall struck. The Huskies tallied repair sidewalks, steps, walls. Pre- J. Stewart 44 (1) B. Glusey 45 (0) College wice in the first and once in the 6 and 3.9 hp outboards-and 44. R. KIrcluier 41 (1) D. Any S3 (0) MerCruiser Stern Drives... tnixtd sand and cement In handy B. Gunter 56 IDE. Kimra 43 (1) econd inning and led, 3-1, after bags. Just add water. There is a Christian Brothers Academj D. Keen 54 (18). Blail 57 (0) 110 to 310 hp gasoline; 60 ad little trouble in disposing ol Wall countered in the opening and 100 hp dlesel Stkrete product to lay brick or block, Team total 185 (1) Team total 1W (0) hapter. protect, beautify, or repair blacktop Wall Township. Tom Jackson shol Baseball Two more runs in the fourth driveways, or set posts. Insist on a 41 as CBA's top man and sec PI. Pleasant Boh. (4)—Centrail Rer. (1) By The Associated Press T. Butler 40 (1) B. Glbboi (0) nd a pair in each of the fifth the Sakrete brand, the nationally ond shooter George Norris toppe P. Smith 51 (1) C. Peteraomni 5557 <0) AMERICAN LEAGUE all scorers with a 38. D. Pray 46 (1)J. Machate 59 (0 nd sixth sessions put the game advertised ready-to-use mixes. Look, B. Slzelovt «4 (01M. Moran 49 (1) Baltimore 4, Chicago 3 for the bag with tho big Yellow Dia- The half-point for each team Boston 4, New York 3,11 innings way. was registered when the No. Frank D'Apolito led off the mond at your hardware, lumber or Team total 201 (1) Team total 216 (0) Minnesota at Washington, night building supply dealer. ^olfers went "50-50." Jeff Maroi Only games scheduled ;ame by being hit by the pitch md stole second. Things didn't shot a 50 for CBA and Bob Tayloi CBA (« — Wall Twp.

For Further Information HARBOR LIGHT Depotlt of $25 muir accom- MARINE LUMBER CO. CALL BOB OSGOODBY at Complete line of do-it-yourself materials for home and boat DAY CAMP pany application. All appll- Harbor Light Baoch Club tnERCURY MAHOGANY, TIAK, OAK and MARINE PLYWOODS STAN'S carloni iub|tcr to approval 1S0O Ocean Avtnut SILVER ANNIVERSARY FLIIT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS June 29 thru August 2 SIA BRIGHT 1139 OCEAN AVE., SEA BRIGHT Phone 842-3355 by iMmtMnlilp eommllttt. 432 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY 747 • 5468 REGISTRATION NOW 142-0232 — S42-342* Open Dally 8 A.M. to S:3O P.M.. Sat. 8 A.M. to S P.M. 01»««, Wilhiilu CotMHIlM, rant 4» In. KING ACCEPTED 747-SM4 OCCKJJ1H VrtJIliU Kampf Two-Hits Southern To Sharpen for Kentucky Derby y ch&mpiota, wiU he t K st A bWMW urt te LEXJiNGTOW, ty. (AP) - E! JmSHradH^L^^V ,**• \**v&UA a* two-ran *P•port in *>th* B*ehtole d etoubtod to le(t to'driv e Ram*'* HiU Rise ix took- echiibftkw. *7TZgtoMi ??£**twdkri * Souther*«"*«>n P-eglooRMIOB-. fourthfourth with t 'Teiuu'Tejcwi Le««uef«ini«"" Din*t*tnfiumlii Whome*. tl out (A first place In the Shore tog for some •(#( competition is Going against Hill Rise will f* single to center. Pete Berger, Hkwc ijl) I Bwtfctn sharpen him for neict month's *Conference B Southern Division Kampf s battery mete, blasted a U,rb' >rh en« Kan's Cyiobtond, Cirel« Swenaon.cf 4 0 0 Mirihail.lb 3 at Kentucky Derby, but can't seem Farm's In Accord and Sara • by beating the Rams, 3-1, yester- 375-foot home run aver th« left BcitoldBeclitoldnn 4 0 2 Hoffmnn.lf f , v „ Coilcntlno,2Cltl2bb 4 0 0 Nlcho!i,n,2b-«Nlcho!in2b « 300 l 0j to find it. crd, owned by Keeneland'f day when Fred Kampf hurled a field fence. According to Gary Kampf,p 3 t 2|Templ«,c I o I Tauter, 3b 2 0 0|Ku»,ll-2b 0 0 0 Only three horses, one of them esident, Louis L. Haggin II. ' nifty two-Wtter. DeWitt, Southern's coach, this Berjer.c 3 1 HCr&nmer.cf 3 o 0 Kampf had a no-hitt«r going for was the first time a ball has been Easlwlck.lb 3 0 0j6mlth,p 3 0 0 with only one poor showing be- Cycloblond and In Accord have I)eM»rco,lf 2 0 0 Aldinger,3b-U> 2 0 0 hind him, will challenge the tter than average records, but four and two-thirds innings be-: hit out of Southern's field. PnlUmbo.rf 2 0 1 Mv.TlBon.8i 2 0 0 fore he gave up both of South-. •.-Dlnapoll.rf 0 10 Hague,3b 1 o 0 Derby co-favorit« in tomorrow's am Lords only start was in a em's hits, Tod Nicholson got an The Blue Devils picked up ll.T'lwm.rf 2 0 0 Forerunner Purse at Keeneland. ix-furlong race April 8 when he another run in the following 27 3 6i jJTl For the third time in its his- ished Vft lengths off the pace, infield single to break the hit- a-r«n (or Pilumbo In 5th. less string. He then raced home frame. Tim Palumbo singled to Shore 0 0 0 3 1 0 00—33 tory and the second time in a >mpletely outrun. right to begin things and was re-Southern ,....0 0 0 O1O x—I • on Frank Temple's double to 2B_Bechtold. T«ropl«. HB—Berfer. row, the Forerunner, a producer The Forerunner, at seven fur- left. After this placed by pinch mnner Tom Hill OK Kemph 2 In 7, Smith 6 In 7. ngs, has produced seven of the momentary Struck out by Kemph 11. Smith 10. • lapse, Kampf was in complete Dinapoli. With two outs, Don Bain on ball! oil Ktmph 7. Smith 1. st 15 Derby winners. Its win- ' control of the situation. Tennis Courts r last year, Never Bend, fin- • Kaimpf, who does pretty well in hed second in the Derby behind • the hitting department besides ateaugay. doing a fine job of pitching, ig- Open Sunday Hill Rise was third in his first vo starts last year, but has won x straight since then,,rolling up Trailing by 34-6 bankroll of $179,987. 1 But the West Coast terror TENNIS ANYONE? — Ralph Stark, a«istant to the Ocean Township recreation raced since his victory in Brings 'We Quit e Santa Anita Derby seven director, demonstrates a "iwing" to Sandy Wertheim, left, and Claudia Cassidy, of ; TABOR CITY, N.C. (AP) - Ta- eeks ago and most railbkds feel bor City's baseball team looked Allenhurst. Tennis it one of the new programi added by the Recreation commHtee. is sorely in need of some cotn- et the Scoreboard yesterday and etition. laid "we quit:" The colt is a bit lazy in the I The score was 34-3. rly morning workouts. i Whiteville had gotten 24 hits Ron Oliphant Paces Toms River Cycloblond has been In the and 12 walks off four Tabor High mney in 11 of 24 starts. School pitchers before the losers 1 1 In Accord has won two of six 'walked off the field in the fourth Over Lions on Cinders, 65 /2'51 /2 arts this year and was impres- .inning v^hen Whiteville scored 15 ve in an earlier Keeneland K1YDjvpr 10O-yd itash—1. r.eolf Fallwy (TRi, 2. Shot 1. Turn DcMurHa iMt, Grasso art when he won by 13 lengths. runs. " Grcig IM>. 3. Earle (TR,. T :10.S. '.Mi, 3. Welnlne I.MI. I) ol'SV. : It was winning pitcher Robert High's track team, enjoying it 220-yrt dash—1. Fallioy iTR), 2. Grelg liiwcua- ]. Arnold Ruccolo (TKi, 2. Willie Shoemaker, who turned (Mi. 3. Heath (Mj. T :23.4. Wciii-r i.M), 3. Williamson (Ml, D >wn a DaTby ride aboard North- , Heath's first baseball game. He self after an opening day wallop- 440-yd dash—1. Glen Sherratt (TR). 2. 'atruck out nine and allowed two Adorns (TR;, 3. Olenn (TIC;. T :55.6. Illcli' jump-1. Ollfilmnt (TR), 2. im Dancer to go with Hill Rise, ing by Asbury Park's strong A'i.-uni (THi, 3. (lie) Bottger (M), and bits. 880-yd run—1. Hill Combi (TR), 2.Folk (Mi. H 5'8". ill fly in from California for squad, captured its second Anderaon (M). 3. Rarlacn (M). T 2:11.2. Pole vault—1. Al Sonnentjerg (M), 2. is first meeting with his new \, Whiteville is 8-0 for the season 1-mlle tun—1. T. Downing (TR), 2Chaiil. n (TRi, 3. (lie) Sundberg (TR), and has scored 109 runs in eight straight meet yesterday, knocking Jurgensen (M), 3. Nolan (M). T <:M.l. ind Novemliro (M). H 10'. harge in the Forerunner. Joey Glardello Juan Rivera 120-yd HH—1. Ron Ollphant (TR), 2. Javelln-1. Andy Houlcnot (TR). 2. Northern Dancer, also stabled games against nine for opponents. off Middletown, 65'/2-51'/2, on the Jenkins (M), 3. Ausust (M). T :15.8. Paladlno (Ml, 3. Runyon (Ml. D 158'5" 180-yd LH—1. Ollphant (TR). 2. Jen- Broir] Jump—1. Jim Jenklna (M). 2. Keeneland and planning to strength of 10 first places in the kins (M), 3, August (M). T :21.1. Pljah (TRi, 3. Ooltlman (TR). D lO'l" Harold Potter art next week in the Blue Gras» Joey Giardello in Bout 13 events on the Indians' track, takes, worked a mile Thursday RED BANK - Harold Potter, Ron Oliphant, a versatile sen- veteran supervisor of Marine 1:41. ior, led the Indians to victory Monmouth Cindermen Beat With Juan Rivero Tonight Park courts, yesterday announced ED BANK KKCREATIOX TCESDAT with a triple win. He captured the that opening day for the local NIGHT LEAGUE CLEVELAND (AP) - Middle Giardello said he would ask high and low hurdles and the high Madison for 12th Straight courts will be Sunday. W I» weight champion Joey Giardelli for a delay of a month or two jump. Oliphant's clocking in the 6 M Tow Service ST54 32H A good time of 4:39 was It will be the 34th opening for lklnnda Tow Service , -64 36 puts his prestige and five straight in defending his title. He is sup-180-yard low hurdles, 21.1 sec- NEW SHREWSBURY - Mon- Delivery 51 39 turned in bvthe Spartans' the courts with Mr. Potter being BCls Club Metro <9] 41 victories on the line tonighi posed to fight for the champion- onds, was the fastest recorded in mouth Regional High School's Incents Beauty Salon 44A 45H when he meets Juan "Rocky" the shore area to date and came George Bailey in the mile. in his 34th year as supervisor C(l Bank Register ..._ 43 47 ship in June. track team captured its third and instructor at the local courts. otters Beauty Salon -AVh 47% Rivero in a non-title bout. on his first try at the event this Moitmoutli (HI) — MadiHun (36) vcrheatl Doors -...18% 71H 10,000 "I want "to get a couple of straight victory of the season, 100-yd dash—1. Haroulak (Ml. 2. It also will be Mr. Potter's last 600 Series: Rocco DeNlfcris 614. season. In previous meets, Oli- Hayes (M) 3. Lcc (M). T :10.9. The lOth-round match will fights in," he said. "I haven't official opening. He w.ill retire 200 Club: Don Von Ohlen 255, Rocco Giardello's first since winning the phant ran the high hurdles and 12th over two seasons, yesterday 220-yrl dash—1. Davis (MRi, 2. Hayes (•Nlgrls 232, Uohert Kennedy 237, SETS OF 4 pioked anybody yet for a cham- (Ml, 3. Hunlmrd (MR). T :24.0. July 1. Mr. Potter is supervisor Ince Arnonc 222, 219; Cecil Wtlloughby championship from Dick Tige competed in the high jump and afternoon by easily disposing of «O-yd run-1. Thornc (MB), 2. Kcs- !3, Leo Zacek 222, Ajher Parker 208, pionship fight, but I'm thinking broad jump events. llnc (MR). 3. A. Mamra (Ml. T :55.4. of tennis and sports for the Parks .udy Fisher 207, Armand IjaRoqus by a decision in Atlantic Ci* Madison Township, 81-36. 880-yd run—1. Hopkins (MR), 2. Da- W, Robert Clambrone 204, Jimel about Rubin Carter, Tiger and vis (MR). 3. Eberlc (MR). T 2:09.2. and Recreation Committee of GENERAL Dec. 7. Joey Archer. Junior sprinter Geoff Falbey Pete Rose and Bob Thome won Red Bank. utier 201. Prank Johannemann 201, But the 33-year-old champ say 1-mlle run—1. Bailey (M), 2. Lowry 'rank Trezza 217. picked up two more first place two events for the Falcons, but (MR), 3. Walker (MR). T 4:39.8. During Mr. Potter's association the four-month layoff "shnuldn' finishes for Toms River with 10.5 High hunlles—1. Handschuch (M), 2. DUAL 90s! the Spartans' Dave Handsohuch Worthy (MR), 3 Wlckberg (MR). T 15.1. with the courts, tennis grew tre- ha any problem — I had a five- and 23.4 dockings in the 100 andgarnered three victories. He ran Low hurdles—1. Handschuch (Ml. 2. AUTO INSURANCE Get your lucky number card Hubbard (MR), 3. Wickberg (MR). mendously in the area. Being month layoff before fighting Ti- 220-yard daahes, respectively. the low hurdles in 20.5 and took ASSIGNED RISKS PLACED from these home delivered ger for the title." Freehold's T :20.5. an excellent player himself, Mr. Jim Jenkins was Middletown's the highg s in 15.1 His third triumpph High Jump—1. Thorne (MR), 2. Potter competed in several of We Replace Canceled Paflcta magazines: The fight will be televised b; Worthy (MR), 3. Patterson Ul). H leading scorer with two seconds came iyith a leap of 1%'W in the510". (Ties School Record). the tournaments held in New 17-Year-Olds Our Specially ABC starting at 10 p.m. EST, in the hurdle races and a lMoot, broad jump. Polo vault—1. Peru (MR), 2. Monroe Jersey. Colllilon Placed. Under 2! Driven APRIL 3 with the Cleveland area blacked Trackmen (MR), 3. Davis (MR). H lO'O". 4 inch victory in the broad jump. Rose won the shot put, setting Discus—1. nose (MRi, 2. Arnold Red Bank's Open Tennis tourna- LOW DOWN PAYMENT LIFE out. (MR), 3. O'Dell (MR). D 124'3". < MONTHS TO PAY Tom DeMarks tossed the shot put a new school record, and discus Shot put—1. Rose (MR), 2. Ruth ment, which generally gets under Rivero, the Argentine middle- 51 feet, 814 inches and Al Son-while Thome finished first in the (MR), 3. Koepcke Ml. D 47'3"way the first week in July, was Low Rates for Safe Drlvtrt APRIL 21 weight champion, has knocked (School Record). LOOK Rip Bucs nenbeirg cleared 10 feet in the pole 440 and high jump, tying the Javeiln—1. Jim Bower (MR), 2. inaugurated by Mr. Potter and it out 36 opponents in compiling John Bower (MR), 3. Buyes (M). D REINFELD AGENCY vault for Middletown's only other school mark. He trailed has turned out to be one of the record Of 41 victories, 10 losses FREEHOLD - Red Bank High . . wir. LOW COST INSURANCE APRIL 25 POST had but four individual winners victories. finest in the area. 18J5 RT. M, next to Harmony Bowl and one draw. in *ho Kw\a^ lurvtn Broad Jump—1. Handschuch (M), 2. as Freehold Regional rolled to All four courts should receive 671 - 3503 In 123 fights, Giardello has an 61^-35^ victory over the in me broad jump. Thome southpaiw, permitted the Giants in the third on Julian Javier's ger of the New York Yankee: only three singles by Orlando • Rambler Ambassador good left hook." tured the 100 and 220-yard dashes, RBI single and Dick Groat's sac- If Rocky beats him," says Homer Credle copped the 880- ended on a losing note yesterday Cepeda, Jim Hart and Jose Pa- LUGGAGE TRAILER Again nothing to buy Just rifice fly following an error that Sid Martin, Rivera's manager, yard dash with a 2:10 clocking for The Boston Red Sox defeatet gan in recording his shutout at coma In and fill out an official the American League cham Candlestick Park. put men on second and third. entry blank. (we'll holler for a championship the Bucs and Dan Ciaglia regis- match. tered Red Bank's final victory pions, 4-3, in 11 innings on Boi with a 155-foot toss with the jave- Tillman's triple and a wild pitc lin. by Whitey Ford. JTrehDld (S1W — net Bank (35V4) In yesterday's other day games 67 by Roseburg 100-yd dash-1. Bill Qrltfln (RB>, 2. Acker (Fl, 3. Taylor (RBI. T :10S Baltimore came up with foui 220-yd da.ih-1. OrfMn (RB). 2. Henry runs in the fifth and defeated thf (F), 3. Taylor (RB). T :23.7. Chicago White Sox, 4-3, and Curl EVERYBODY Tops in Houston HO-yd dash—1. John Driver In another night game Minnesota Levin (F*), 3. Conover (Fl. D 155' Bob Kunze Course left him one stroke ahead Broad Jump—1. Rich Johnson (P), 2beat Washington, 6-2, on Zoito of Ramon Sota of Santander, IVilliama (Pi, 3 Taylor (RBl. D 20'l»i"! Versalles' triple with the bases Ed Golden Spain; Billy Maxwell of Indian- full in the sixth. apolis, Ind., and Jimmy Clark of Wings Lead Jim O'Toole retired the first MIDDLETOWN Corona, Calif. 14 batters to face him as he Sota, the Spanish PGA cham- pitched Cincinnati to a 5-2 vie GENERAL TIRE CO. pion at the age of 18, posted his Cup Series tory over the Dodgers in a nlghl Rl. 34 * Ave. D early and it stood until the DETROIT (AP) game at Los Angeles, the only late surge by the five final three Alex Dei- other major game scheduled AND COMET Leonardo ecchio's goal with somes of a field of 103. 17 seconds yesterday. Chico Ruiz led th Open Dally 8-4 remaining gave the Detroit Red Several other veterans includ- Wings a 4-3 victory over the Reds' attack with a single, dpu ing Doug Ford, Jimmy Demaret Toronto Maple Leafs and a one-ble and triple. and Dave Ra, tjmri. UK Mjn&MU a UTO JHNANCiNG 3/OW** CONVERTIBLE XK «« " „ lie iftriiffiiMteHt, (UerfAC. fua '62 OLDS 98 IMt |Tar4 Wei,-- AIJTfl WE'JJUWCE ^.^ ««l'"*o-^*il" '• j,rt(,e._»»». Ceil nule, ••JdWreir'J e I Me OM»«Botre. *- 1MB CHEVROLET — Impale convert- RUSSELL 55 FORD 1(1 W. Front Red Bank 7174787 7B7-5915 K?dloBpUKull power! Mu.t ..II. ible New top, motor recently rebuilt. 56 V.W. AUSTIN HEALBY — J>M. Blue road No reuBunable offer refilled. Cell 747* AUTOS & TRUCKS 1»M OHBVROLJDT - V-8. Power illdi, mirrled. Call 787-0086. Oldimobile-Cfldillae ' • 56 TORD " ' 1M3 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT - eler Rebuilt engine. New top. leate, CHEVROLET VIKING, _ If ra« 3168. IO>. Low mllMft. Like new. Atklnc and llrei, H00. 7<1-MH. radio, heater. Oood tlru. aood runnlni 1W> OLDSMOBILE F-85 — Cutlaei Company 55 CHEVROLET 1M2 PONT1AC - Two-door hemtoo condition. Alkint H50 671-3267. body with one ton lift, tall fate, can Cuetom, bucket lett Interior.. Hydro. $2.M0. 78V-O3S3. IWW3 OLDSMOBILOLDMOIEE — iUrflre eon •porn mum. automatic tranemlMlon, 100 Ntwmon Springs Rd. 55 DORGJE matic. power (tttrlnf. bnkii, urtil M'.I niwer steering, bucket eeau, door con. VOLJC8WAOEN - CALL AfTIR crtlblebl . BlueBl, fulfll powerpower , whwhKewalK l 1861 VOLK»WAOEN - Sunroof, black, PEUOKO Red Bonk 65 STUDEBAKER Loaded with acceuorlai. «Xxeellent > P.M. lllrese . Eicellent eondltlonltlon. 7674348 or well ktpt, many e«tre«, rt«iou»bl«. RENAULT sole, 74T-83HB. condition. 11875. M4-1M1. M'ONMOITH MOTORS 741 -0910 Authorized Dodse Dttler 222-37M 871-280O. 3>113<4 Klat Baiei Krvloe Highway 35 t Clinton Av*. Hwy. 3t 813-2411 E.tontown UCVINE WKBB Eatontown AUTOS * TRUCKS AUTOS * TRUCKS AUTOS h TRUCKS AUTOS A TRUCKS iM3 CHKyROLEFTWO-DOOn^-^lmj Hwy. 38 M3-1O20 Catontowo IMS LINCOLN CONTINENTAL — Con. vertlblf. All power, fully eoulpptil. IREENBRIER - Nlr very cletn. A-l condition. Cell Wl-1808. e r PS"' ^;™"Or'hX,:° pnOn. tlltr »:3H r m _^ (More Classified Adi

'Dfi3 vp -. 300, Blx-cyllnder. itand* On The Next Page) STEP UP AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS & TRUCKS TO THE RENAULT BEST BUY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OPTIONAL THE MIRACLE FOR $1695 OF THE YEAR! STEP UP....TO A '64 OLDSMOBILE ALL DURING THIS MONTH WE'LL BE OFFERING NEW POWER . . . NEW LUXURY . . . FANTASTIC SAVINGS NEW RELIABILITY, ... 2S0 Improvement! m.k* th» Renault D«uphin« a really rtllibli buyl Now equipped with four-wheel ditc brekei . . . gorgtogi ON upholiUryl 25% mor» pewtrl e«n't ba btat for th» mon»yl BRAND NEW • FACTORY FRESH FROM PAYMENTS 95 $1Q95 $ 1515 '64 OLDSMOBILES DOWN A WEEK P.O.E, OUR SALES QUOTA FOR APRIL IS 32 OLDSMOBILES! MONMOUTH MOTORS : : ONLY EXCLUSIVE RENAULT and PEUGEOT - " •••'••'• • AGENCY IN MONMOUTH COUNTY




'51 DODGE conv, S&50 '58 CHRYSLER $295

'*• PLYMOUTH (875 '42 CHRYSLER $1995 ALLOWANCE 2-door hardtop Newport "5? CHEVROLET i915 '41 CHRYSLER • 1795 New Yorker 'S? CHEVROLET $895 FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR! '40 LINCOLN HT $1895 '54 DESOTO $99 '59 FORD 4-dr. HT $995 '59 PLYMOUTH $895 RUSSELL Wagon, 9-p«ti. '60 CHEVY Con/. $1695 DON'T WAIT! STOP '41 CHEVY Impel. '59 T-BIRD HT $U9J OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC Co. '59 PLYMOUTH w.9. $595 '59 CHEVY wagon $995 IN TODAY AND GET 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK EXTRA SAVINGS! 741-0910 BAYSHORE CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. lit Avt. T " " 291-0266 Atlantic Highlands AUTOi* TRUCKS AUTO* ft TRUCKS SMI • HOW.LOU MOTORS >MI ra OLMMonts - Ptrtt am At-rrtN HCALEY HOW TiA.7 YOU fcjr* #tu4J*d tfet Fri&My, April 17, ******* jfttft, Ut IN nit ni JTi OOKVIRTIBL* TIJM AM "HuHi* to HuueU" ta tfiJMCt mm*. KU been. Hu±m. Srtm room. *** HiiOMt Interior, U.K0. Mi H*/d U4 wt top. B,(M —CU uid up. «•« COMET S-3t cotrerUbU, n» buck* MaU. aad bur a top t*c«*diUa&ed Ctdwu. twuf>»&. tt.tU low *• tUAun coanrutiU, white BOATS AND KCCES90KSZ3 Bttor, laa, 10 l&unor, aut/rmLtic, power et**r VU1 . -WVU~ti3JBL - — wu mi BO« VH&Pm&SyiF Z"*? ? **OON-II*M CHJEVROMBT HURDTOP IKPJUU H //1 auttmiH uiuiii tau to* irt-mt. PUtUOum uxnrlMt, till IB treet rtnsi Bd, SHIP.TO.SHORE CURTAINS 7 lt*3 titm M«, iu> UOIilJjr, THMLXtt. HOME — W UtAt to «4*» I7I-JWS ear, ttt. w «ui. wuwo-^m until, «rivt, wr Wl-OWt. I •cow plow. MM ARMY «BP - reur-wfcMl drlre, lLrgc eir v*rAii.'T<*ucf uoif, Iu . for fcUe oil furoix* /.uiArm.Kc «uMr. Chevrolet W l vary (ood condition. EncloMd caJ». All 1M0 VALJANT STATION WAOON — Mauric* Sehwartx & Soni pod rubb«, two tlrei ne»; new Radio and heater, floor ihllt, u U, VHt FORD — 6I< puienjer lUtlon .AermO'PCJie glut. 1M3' ubdcl. AU CADILLAC 1M3 - lerlta 12 gold leden. elumlnum. excellent condition. Cu be SPBCUL IFllSW -Jh ifOT FORD — Two-door Pairlaae V-t Mjwe plow. Complete, I7J0. Cell M7. ZiicelteM condition, one owner, low eaU afur ( p.m. 711-2KT. 141. W. Front ws|on, FordomaUc, radio, better, U9o. Or beet offer. 2M-3413. urn «ny day Monda.7 to Friday. 717- W «erce built e*MB "&>*0 rordomiilc. 11Ftn1e1 running condition. m»MJ«. Muit be Kid. »3,1K) (|rm. Call I960 CADILLAC — Two-door, low mllei. 1«M OLD8MOBIU5 — Two-tone freen. 3116. h.t. Mac* enflnt. HaaMJf ". g»* ^JJjJ *" ">»• ">•"' work. «•• DMOTO - rour-door,power Elderly owner died. K.M0. Call >M- Sedan, two door, radio, belter, auto- ISM FORD GAmxiE — Eicellent »4ttlpa«l. «<>iMn' JJPffif rrullc tranfmlulon. K60. ttl-lSU. MOBILE HOMES ««rlng. power braJcei, whltewalli. l»50 CADILLAC — Reconditioned, re- 1717 or 2W-29H. con(!ltion, ttick. ridlo and heaJer, IMO. L'tel W% down en anytime. 0*1! aooii conilUlon. I30B. MWM Call aftrr 5:30 p.m. 671-HSS. centlf Impeded, excellent eondltloa. 1962 CHEVROIJDT—Impala. Light blue. New 7-rea.r flnanclnc FT. CU> TOWH OUCgWAOBN - Bm«;T,060 tilt llrm. Call afier <:1S. 812-0600. 1BW THUNDERBIRD C0NVKRTIBI4:- BUICK - 1962. lnvictt nine pusenier ROBBItram equipped. 40 h.P. AUTOS * TRUCKS AV N 48.WI0 mllee. Top like new. Power Power brakef. and fleering, air condl- ROBBItramUt *!'» » immMUuly. perfect Uonlnl. whluwill Ure>, radio, ana heat, station wagon. Full bower. Radio, MOBILE HOME SALES, INC. etc., N»vj top. ">•=*_-,, I>9» IMPERIAL - Convertible. Wblte steering, brakea, leather ieau. etui- heater. Call between 12 p.m. and 5 """ll'lon- To aettle ttuie. Can b« >e«n full power, good condition. Call atttr lenl comimon. Aiklnr 11,300. Call alter tr Excellent connltlon. S2300. 871-3109. Route 130 Robblnavffle. K. ». Like new. Cout Boat Worka. a,t 111 W»H(nH s..m. to 6 p.m. Call 6en' - Coup* :o73. e to :o p,m. can 717*0024. 1857 FORD V-8 station wagon. N THREE-BEDROOM CUSTOM DB- Quick eale. «800» J2M081. passenger, automatic shut, power Bteer- TRO1TER. 10x60. H.500. Call 17 CRUISER BOAT — ««t *> Metallic green with mulching ing. Good condition. Bell Llquora. Long 264-4499 Interior. Loaded with extras Hercury outboard motor, lmJ. jMJ AUTOS & TRUCKS Branch. 222-18W. 1082 VINDALE — 54' Eipando, excel ceworlet. excellent condition. ***- Including factory air condi- Htr ». ' tioning. J959 FORD — Two door «edan. Auto- lent condition. 20 Shore Haven Trailer TWIN-BORO RAMBLER matic, In good condition. «6M, Call Park. Hazlet, OUTBOARD BOAT — 10 •>.». 611-9817. WHITLEY — On lot, BxW, kltcrien. motor. Souna, dry boat, I"} 1D58 KORD — Wagon. Automatic, Oood living room, bedroom and bath. Call 842-0182 e,n«r « or lna UO RUSSELL '59 CADILLAC | \ motor and tires. tiOS. after 5 Walllng'i Trailer Court, 244- Ave., Hea Brigiit. Oldimobile-Cadiltac 56S-S393. 3*07. 1857 - «' INBOARD SKnTT. Yar* Sedan Deville \ • ...0 NSU PftlNTZ — Economical tram- 10M TRAVEL, TKA1LER — Sltelm Five. maintained, 1950. Sandy Hoe* B*» I(e> Company rlnn. HlgUlandi. 872-U8O. White with woirmt inferior. ! \i, portatlon. OOod condition. J325. 671- Electric ^.rakes. Excellent condition. 55 100 Newman Springs Rd. HAS IT! 0S21. W. River Rd., Rumion S422872. IT CABIN CRUISER, Compltle with oil power fea- Red Bonk tures. In excellent condition. 1953 FORD etatlon wagon — Excellent engine. Bleeps tour, condition. |95. Call ready for water. Call ^ 842-1417. BOATS AND ACCESSORIESp.m. 12- 8TARCRAFT — JUumlnUM RUSSELL 1857 FORD Wagon-V-8, lllcH WIUl OVK-14' WHIRLWJND RUNABOUT —Mark drive. Very clean. Needi brake worK. 30 Mercury motor, controls, wrap-a- Ci Old«mobil»-Cadill«c Flnt 1160 takes It. 711-WJ59. round wtndihleld, marine cover, fiber- •* " •""ASP 15«" PLYWOOD BOJlfr 1775 Company r)a» and acceaeorief. Oood for ablina*. oomBlwn. MOBILE HOMES \&&. Call 7S7-O5M. old. 15 h.p. Evlnrudt. t j 1M Newmaa Bprlnis Rd., »1SO. Call MJ-W07. DELIVERED — 220 SERIES BKyiJNE — 15x41, »a«her. dryer. 1982 BOSTON WHALIBB — Vf •'< * ' Red Bank awning, ihed, air conditioner, carpet- TRAILERS — IX Weit Front St., FACTORY EQUIPPED '64 RAMBLER AMERICAN -, 741-0910 Ing 6.30O or 1400 nmnl. M4-0461. Keyport. 284-0430. Center ".".*^ 1. HEATER 3. DEFROSTERS BEA BRIGHT DORY — W eieellMa *.UTOS ft TRUCKS AUTOS & TRUCKS condition. Inboard. A aale lea boa*. Cett 2. OIL FILTER 4. UNDERCOATINS 842-1333. 2J' CANADIAN BUILD — Speed boa*. Walk around cockpit. 135 gray, »ll_mk hogaiiy. .acrlflce. t578. Call M2-HM1. , •62 OLDS S88 1102 TWIN ENGINE — CftrH Crart. THESE 27'. Sleep» torn, hue new ,many extra*. Fitita Station Wagon Phone 568-240(1 weekdays 9 til i. WE'RE PRICING LOW'TRADING HIGH! In excellenl condition 1hrough- 11)62 14' RUNABOUT — Bteerln* wSeej. CHECK THESE RAMBLER SELECT USED CARS out. Fully equipped including canvajii, and trailer. Excellent eondj- automatic windows and seats. ton CiSO. 8' hydra-plane. »40. T47-»12<. Low mileage. One owner. '63 RAMBLER SI 850 '61 VALIANT $1050 FOil A LIMITED TIME — '60 RAMBLER $1150 SPRING •ale plutlo boat te«ln and «» 4-dr. laden. One owiwr, Floor ihlft, RiH. Custom Sta. Wagon, 4-dr,, RUSSELL at ',4 otl. Blteable diacount on M •uro., radio and hatter. paintr. DeLormo Xndmtrfea Bwir* auto., R&H, PS. Oldimobile-Cadillac Leonaitlo. 291-OQIt^ '61 FORD $10/5 Company (Mora OattlBed Adi '62 VOLKSWAGEN $1295 F*Iriant 500, 2-door. '59 RAMBLER S 895 IDS Nawmon Sprlngi Rd. Radio and heater. SPECIALS Red Bank Oa Th» Next P»8») Radio and heater. 4-dr. HT, auto., R&H. PS and PB. ARE SOMETHING TO 741 -0910 JOSEPH KLEIN '62 VOLKSWAGEN $1375 '60 CHEVROLET $1095 AUTOS h TRUCKS Sunroof, radio and heater. Bel Air, 4-dr. automatic. Radio and heater. '59 FORD $ 895 SING ABOUT I'd Rather Fight GaUxie 4-dr. HT, auto,, '62 RAMBLER $1795 RSH, power steering. Ambanader 400 4-door. '60 MERCURY $ 895 Than Lose a Sale! Auto., radio and heater. 2-dr. sedan, automatic. Bucket nali, PS. R&H, power tteering. '59 CHEVROLET $ 950 PRICE CUT | ACTION SALE! Impale 4-dr. HT, R*H, ON ALL OUR '62 BUICK $1575 '60 DODGE $1075 power steering, auto. ON ALL USED CARS IN STOCK! 2-door Special, stick ihift. 4-dr. sedan, automatic. QUALITY IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES Com* is* m» «f McFaddin Radio and heater. Radio and huatar. '59 CHEVROLET $ 975 IMPORTS Ctdillac . Oldtmobile, 251 '62 RAMBLER $1395 4>dr. Sta. Wagon, auto., 1963 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 •63 FIAT 600D 2-door _$ 895 '60 RAMBLER $1050 RJH, PS «nd PB, Sunroof, R&H, whi'iawalls. Black, red interior. Broadway at 4th Ave., Long Clastic 2-door, R&H. 4-dr. wae|on, RSH. '63 RENAULT DAUPHINE •62 RENAULT CARAVELLE 2 topi .$1295 Branch. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN $1295 '61 FALCON $1075 '60 RAMBLER $ 975'57 CADILLAC $ 895 •62 SIMCA 4-door sedan _$ 795 4-dr. ledan, R4H. 4-dr. sedan, auto., RSH, DeViile 4-dr, sed.n. Convertible. White, red interior. '61 PEUGEOT 403 sedan _$ 995 1959 MERCEDES BENZ $1695 '61 RENAULT DAUPHINE loaded „$ 595 220-S. 4-dr. ledan. Black, green interior, •60 VOLKSWAGEN convertible _ _$ 995 "60 N.S.U. PRINZ 2-door „. _4 295 1961 PEUGEOT $1095 '58 MERCEDES BENZ l90SLcoup« .$H95 TWIN-BORO RAMBLER 4-door sedan, black. SAVE DOMESTIC 131 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK EXTRA SPECIALS DURING OUR EVES. TIL 4 747-004^ '59 HILLMAN HUSKY station wagon £495 •63 CORVAIR 700 stick $lft6Q '61 CORVAIR MONZA 2-door 4-spaed itfek —$ 1191 '59 RILEY 4-door sedan $495 SPRING '60 T-BIRO Hardtop, all power $IW5 USED CAR '60 FIAT 1100 sedan $495 •47 WILLYS JEEP.and plow , % 695 CLEARANCE YOU CAN ALWAYS CONTINENTAL CARS, INC. H REdBANK AUTO IMPORTS RENAULT • VOLVO • PEUGEOT • TRIUMPH '61 FALCON $895 Only Quality Imported Automobiles > NEWMAN SPRIN&S ROAD RED BANK 4-dr., 6-eyl., irandord. •' ... * Newman Springs Rd. 747 - 4500 Red - OPEN EVENINGS—741-5886 '61 FALCON $895 S A V E 2-dr., 6-eyl., auto, '62 FORD $1495 Ranch wtgorii 8-cyl., auto. MONEY '59 fORD $595 INCREDIBLE APRIL SAVINGS! 2-oTr., o-cyl., itandarcf. When You Buy '59 OLDS 88 $795 CHECK THESE A-1 USED CARS! HT, 8-eyl., auto,, PS. An OK Used Car '60 FORD $795 From '60 FALCON 2-door sedan, R&H 695. 4-dr., o-cyl., itandard. '59 FORD Fairlane 4-door, FOM, PS, 695. '63 RAMBLER $1395 Circle Chevrolet '59 FORD Galaxie 2-door Hardtop, FOM, PS, 795. 2-dr., 6-cyl., auto. FIRST SHOP '59 FORD 9-Pass. C'ntry Sdn., Sta. Wgn., FOM, PS 795. '60 COMET $795 AROUND, THEN '60 FORD Fairlane "500" 4-door, FOM 850. 2-dr., 6-cyf., auto. '60 MERCURY Montclair 4-door Hardtop, FP 995. '60 VALIANT $795 SEE THE '64 FALCON $ '61 FORD Fairlane 2-door, Fordomatic 995. Sta. wagon, 6-cyl., auto. '61 PLYMOUTH Custom Station Wagon, P-FI., PS. 995. '62 FORD $1695 LIST $2053 1795 '62 MERCURY Meteor Custom 4-door, MOM 1195. '59 LINCOLN Capri 4-door Hardtop, One owner 1195. Country Squire, 8-cyl., FABULOUS auro,, 9-p1SW'" battery Charglcator, teak cockpit, aft $1095 Call 671-2192. suid ildedecks. Bimini top cockpit cov- 21' Outboard cruiser, new wtsie olllee; cuperlenced, fulurt. Writ* •r plus winter cover. Many other ex- Boston Whaler. Sports model with lights Mercury motor S 2.200 TIRED OF WAITING? SIDEWALKS. CHIMNEYS, FIREPLAC- MERCHANDISI Installed. 19S4 20 h.p. Mercury outboard 14' Jet Sailboat J SiO ES, STUCCO — Mlk< Klis. Call after A.B." Bo* til. Bed BanK. tras. Tip top condition. Ready to go. For a painter 5 p.m. 229-0945. USOTYPB OPERATOH-BxMrienceii, Call 257-1600 between Sam. and 9 with remote controls. BOAT, SKI AND21' Pleasure craft, outboard t 1.100 Dial 787-7314 steady employment. KIRMB PRINTINO REAL B8TATE BALESPEOPLB-P" FOR SALE pm., uk for Bernle Sa/ko. 741-4718 SCOOTER CENTER, 75 White St.. Red 10' Sailboat, new fully rigged J 250 H. Vic Fox — Port Monmoull CO., Bradley Beach. 774-8000. ferably women, needed by broker foi after » and weekends. Bank. 35' Cabin Cruiser Hull f 550 the "Hlghlandla" Apartment In *< 15% Flberglas outboard J 750 ENCLOSED PORCHES — Oarages EMPLOYMENT MANAGER — For (abrlc itore, prtf- lantlc Highlands. Flve-d.y week, a INSTANT « ' ROWBOAROO T —S Suitablu e for motor, MARINE SUPPLIES 16' Outboard I 050 room additions,. Odd Jobs, no Job too ternatlns Tsuurdayi and Sundays; »l window sli«4s ssr»lce. Just brln* »oo» 1 or tor, Everything for ths Boatman. New Jer- tiraoly having iomt Knowledge ol •lip- IlghIlghUU , 150150. 8 PRAMPRAM, tlStlS. AssorteA d 23' Paraill«e-L(ke new J 3.SW small. CHARI-i'S IIOWEB CONTRAC- HELP WANTED—FEMALE coven >. PRICE car and phone, S10.000 per ye'ar oppor- BABYSITTING — By mature woman ',) mils South from Mlddletown Kail- DODGE '60 T-BIRD $1595 HOUSEKEEPER — Sleep-In. Ca.re ot tunity. Call 412-6180. between 6 and 8In your home or mine. Own transpor- road Station, on road to Llncrott. '62 DODGE P^CE SI 095 741-5255 Hardtop, full power two girls for part-time working mother. :atlon. • 671-1018. • , • 60 Dart Station Wagon 41088 p.m. 8YCAM0RB GREENS — The Plasa Lancer sedan, fully equipped Experienced. 222-5581 or 774-8621. RELIABLE WOMAN - Wlthel to tak> 55 4 Door Sedan 4 3sg FOR 15 MIN. CREDIT OK '60 FORD Zc* $1095 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT care of children in her home. Will everyone loves. Sunny day specials! FORDS U L YOU CAN HELP the family > budget Governor Wlnthrop mahogany desk, '62 PLY. p Ric $1295 Convertible, V-8, full power Three or four hours a day will bring - Thoroughly skilled la residential con- also board If desired. Call 747-26W. 1(9: mahogany dresser, J2S.W; r"* 60 Falcon 4 Door 4 688 e ALL PRICES LISTED struction. Must assume full responsibil- Station wagon, fully equipped you a profitable income. Write Avon ity for layout and supervising men. BABYSITTING — By mature woman maple cheat of drawers. (29.(0; Vic- MO ARE THE FULL PRlCESI! Products Inc., Manager, Mra. Margaret Excellent opportunity for right man. In your home. Call torian chest ol drawers, (22.50; mahog- 63 Midget Mark 2 Conv. $1788 | '60 PONTIAC PRICE $1095 Gulotta, P, O Box 190. Red Bank or 291-0658. any kneehole desk, IZO.Sfl; Kidney F L NO UPS AND NO EXTRAS call 741-4343. Submit past employers and experience shape dressing table, J7.8O; pine wash- RENAULT '62 BUICK P RIC E $1995 Futl power to "A.F." Boa 511. Red Bank. stand In the rough, 112.50; etc. RUB- 60 Dauphlne 4 Dr. s 488 ] Hardtop, full power, a beauty ASK ABOUT OUR 30-DAY '60 RAMBLER Zk $995 OPERATORS WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED, Male CIL'B, Sycamore Ave., between Broad, VOLKSWAGEN U L Linoleum mechanic. Floor tile and lin- Shrewsbury and Branch, little Silver. 61 Karrnan Ohi* '62 OLDS P R1C E $1995 FREE EXCHANGE Custom Cross Country, wagon, 4-door Single needle, experienced. Steady oleum. Call 291-2763. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT — With own "88" Hardtop, full power work, good pay. Also sleeve setters, transportation; experienced in. TV re GUARANTEE lining setters, collar setters, blind pair, electronics, electrical work. Also YOU CAN stitch. Long Branch Mfg. Co. Chil- PRODUCTION WORKERS drafting and surveying. Will do anyenclose your porch or breezeway with FULL '60 FORD $795 ALUMINUM /alousled or awning win- dren's Colts. 20 Third Ave., Long We are Interviewing tor several open- Hind of work. Available Immediately PRICE $1995 SPECIAL! Sorvicemon! R«gord- 6-cyl. sedan, automatic Branch. 222-0845. for weekend and full time after June dows. Add a room the Inexpensive way. '62P0NTIALoadedC, like new Ings. General factory experience help- Call us (or tree estimate. leis of rank, can buy « car PBX OPERATOR — Part-time year- ful. Liberal beriellu and opportuneopportunit;y 19. Call 717-3497 After 4 p.m. . . _ . _ , PRICE $595 for good Incentive without putting one dollar down! '60Belevedere PLY. , Aufo., fully equipped round. Available for weekend and fill pay, Will worl NEW JERSEY CERTIFIED TEACHER PROWN'S '61 RAMBLER S5k $1195 shifts. Apply Atco Ceramics Corp., In. Opportunity (or full-time. Call 741- — Will tutor all subjects grade 3-8. 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank 141-7000 Classic 4-tioor sfafion wogon 4343. Uwy. 35, Keyport. 747-3415 after 8. tt UUt ANU SELA anything and If you have had credit problems EXPERIENCED FLOOR LADY — On CADILLAC OLDSMOBILB '59 IMPERIAL $1195 MAN FOR HARDWARE ETORE — JV4BEUl RETIRED (54) seeks full everything. Oive tns Highest prices. before, or you need cash as ladles rlresses experienced assorler on (lay week; general work. State age, ei-part time work, can drive, with major Call William Leff Furniture. Ino., H«7- '61 CHEVY Zk $1095 Full Power Indict dresses. H. 4 M DRESS CO..Ill perlence If any and salary desired In company t>ver 20 years. 291-1688, "Anxious to Grow — Corvalr, automatic, fully equipped well as a car, explain everything 35. Mlddlttown 741-3213. Open eve- Oakland St.. Red Bank. 741-0693. reply to "A.X." Box 511, Red Bank. itnKs tin 9 p.m. By Pleasing - You" F L fo our credit manager. In most '59 OLDS CY'S — Light hauling and odd Jobs. P RIC CASHIER — Five days," hours 10 toSALE3 Dick Soldeman. Call '61 OLDS E $1795 cases he can work everything 4-door Hardlop* full power 6, all day Saturday. Call TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines. BROADWAY AT 4U) AVE. "98" convertible, full power YOUR CAREER 741-6052. > All m&kes new or uskd. Guaranteed out for you. 264-7170 MAY BE HERB Low as 125. Serplco'i, 101 Moomoutb L.0NQ BRANCH 222-123J I CLEANING WOMAN — Monday and St. Neit to theater. 741**65. '61 OLDS Sfe $1695 We hondle only the finest used cars '57 DODGE pRlcE $295 Thursday. Must have own transporta- Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. haa open- FINANCIAL that money can buy, and sell them at Sedan,, fully equipped tion and recent referencea. 842-2191. Ings in some of Its local offices for HAMMOND 4-door station wagon, lull power the lowest possible price. If you L high-type men with sales aptitude to BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES u would like to have your own mechan- GENERAL HOUSEWORKER — live sell and service: Casualty and Flrei In- ORGAN STUDIO '60 OLDS p fe $1395 '57 CHEVY p^c E $295 out. Ffve days a week. Wife children, surance (NO LIFE). R ic check the car out belore you buy, 4-door station wagon no cooking. References. 842-2430. 9-pass. station wagon, full power It Is perfectly alright with us, always GULF OIL CORPORATION OF ASBURV. PARK SEE OUR over 50 A-? guaranteed used cars to WAITRESS —Saturday anil special Position offers career opportunity in USED OROVNS u L choose from. '57 OLDS K1-CLE $295 parties. Call leading progressive organization; excel- FOR LEASE — 678 Broad St., Shrewi Portable Chord Ortan _..| 59 '60 CHEVY p mc E $1295 "42-2089. lent Income potential: opportunity for bury, N. J. Modest Investment In stock Hammond Chord Organ 4 30o •4-door, full power advancement tor qualified men. Nano d equipment. Reasonable, rent. Paid ConverflDle, full power COOK — HOUSEWORKER — Sleep In traveling. Some collejge or equivalent Lowrey starlet Organ . «.4 425 u u I-Yr. Guarantee Given or out. References. Call training course. Conn Minuet Organ (blond) .,_ -4 595 '57 MERCURY Zk $295 In business experience desirable. Call or write '60 CHEVY p R;c E $1095 On All Used Cars ! 842-1332. I>owrey Holiday Organ (wal) „ 4 64& Bel Alre, full power Monterey Hardtop, o honey GULF OIL CORPORATION Hammond V-lll Organ _ ._,41295 DOUBLE WOMEN Full salary paid during thorough train- Forest and Western Aves., Hammond A-100 (ebony) 42096 Part-time. work any three evenings. Ing period, later augmentegntdd byy liberal P.O. Box M, Port Richmond, Excellent earnings. Call 787-2087. Incentive plan. Full retirement ind Btaten Island 2, New York Open Dally Till »—Saturday Till * p.m. Benefit plans. Phone COOKUAJt AVE. AND iiXOi ST. B SALESWOMAN — Children's wear, 40- 775-S3OO hours, no nights, salary $50. ACE EM- UKON 1-5821 Week days FOR APPOINTMENT flOSPECT 6-6788 Day or Night VVKSTJNOUOUSB RANOE — 1951 PLOYMENT AGENCY. 12 Broad St., FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW CHECKED Itert Bank. 747-3404. NINE UNIT APARTMENT — Good model, clean, good condition, working, WRITE OR CALL 535. Clll S12-U28. GENERAL HOL'SEWORKER — Live- ALAN N. CURRY. 28 OI/ENN WAY location. Fully rented. 163.000. (22,000 In. .MuBt like children and pets- Good JUDD^TO^N^p^RiEY own. 204-3156 and 284-1876 after S. BLONDE MAHOOANY CHEST—Dress- USED CARS! starting salary. References. Call 741- er, mirror, Hep tables and bookcase. 1948. EVENINGS AFTER 7 P.M. Dark mahogany spinet desk and chair. ANY TIME SATURDAY OR SUNDAY Assorted household items. 842-0435. IBM KEYPUNCH CODING CLERK — AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Permanent opening. 026 alpha keypunch 'IANO — -\ upright, good condition, ORDERLY — six day week. Apply In holds lune, 1225. and coding experience preferred. person between 7 and 3. BROOKDALE KEYPUNCH OPERATOR — Temporary NURSING HOME. Hwy. 35. Hallet. 74L0O75 summer position. 028 alpha experience offers new service it it ion for lease In Red Bank vicinity. Financing can beEDISON RECORD PLAYER —(Cylin- preferred. Apply Personnel Department, ^IFBOUARDS — 18 years or over. ders), electric cord organ,. 8prlngtleld Lily Tulip Cup Corp., Hwy 35, Holmdel. arralnged. Contact Mr. Golden be Sxperlenced, late card only apply. Call tween 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. 774-2334. riding motor, bench saw, safe. 543- • An Equnl Opportunity Employer. 2B42. ,UNCHEONETTE FOR SALE — Fully EXPERIENCED BULLDOZER OPER- Quipped. Reasonable. Call MAGNOLIAS — Up to 8', dogviapd,-. HELP WANTE»-MALE ATOR — Call 741-9778 azaleas, shrubs. Saturday and Suoaay* 671-3113 S60 West Front St., River Haia" TKERE^S BIO MONEY SELLING PAINTERS — Top mechanics only. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ~ Luncheon- NURSERY BTOCK AKD SUPPLUDS — New work. Interior, enterlor. Call Bar- attc-News paper-Candy store. Excellent Complete selection. Free estimates, pa BETTER KNOWN rell Smith, CR 7-3633 arter 7 p.m. location. Phone 566-4700. professional landscape, lawn and gar- BUILDER — To erect and sell middle- dening service. 24 years experience. JANJTOR — New ornce building. Red priced custom Women to Individual lot Phone 542-O718. BONOARZONIJ NUR- GOOD HUMOR Bank. Call between B and 6 SERY, Wayslile Rd., New Bnrewsbury. YOU'LL 747-3730 owners for leading home manufacturer. ICE CREAM •» few homiB ready to go. Bond brief resume to NEW DEAL LIFETIME DISHWASHER WANTED — Machine HOMES, 500 S. Black Horse Pike, MR. WOLCOTT Blackwood. N.J. will be glad to stop at your Kom« and • No Investment method, steady, year round employ- talk about genuine ALCOA ALUMINUM e Established routes WELL ESTABLISHED USED CAR LOTSIDING. End your painting problems. • Advancement opportunities ment. Must apply in person only be- — Complete with 20 Jow priced cars WARM UP TO e New fringe benefits and repair shop. Located on Broadway In the heart of Iionp Branch. Very PROWN'S tween 34 p.m. or after »:30 p.mAUonabl. e rent. 222-1600. 32 Broad St. Red Bank 141-ToOO WALLPAPER SALE - 50% olf on all Shrewsbury Motors Bargains! OPENINGS LIMITED—APPLT- NOW Howard Johnson Restaurant, Hwy. 33, Oor wallpapers. Over 1.000 pat- terns to choose from. KLARIN'8 2S Monday through Saturday, ft to 5 Mlddletown. GROCERY Monmouth Bt.. Red Bank. 747-3838. . We've slashed prices way down ! Every car 585 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury DELICATESSEN Across from Red Bulk Airport.) Does $60,000 volumo or more, Ne1ts WHIRLPOOL — Electric dryer, two '58 CHEVROLET BUSINESS MANAGER - Well e.tab- over izi.OQO. 100% Hwy 35 locatfon. years old, excellent condition, fll^-year Uhed multi-family cooperative hous- white Lullaby crib, chlfftyobe and toy h triple-checked for safety, 100% mechanically IRICK LAYER —. Experienced »nd Three acrea, store, hom«. Cash needed Bel Air 9-passengor wagon ing association seeks experienced per- -420,000 plus mortgage. Owner' retir- io*. 229-1OS2. neat worker only. Work Red* Bank son. Immediate opening. Prefer busi- sound, clean and comfortable. Bring your fam- vea. 774-3381 after I, ing. Terrific buy. aTfOPSMlTH—6" Jointer-planar, sand- less administration or other managerial er, many accessories and extra equip- $795 background; duUes Include, office main- CHAFFIN AGENCY ment. Good condition. 2dl-0001 after ily in tonight for a test drive. You'll be glad tenance and contracting supervision; REALTORS :30 p.m. I AUTOS & TRUCKS sale and renting ot housing units 8 Broad St.. Eatnntcmn. 512-1153 "63 RAMBLER Excellent opportunity for a secure fu- Eves. Murray Bergman 222-0330. ALTERATION SALE — Winter! Fur you did. Remember, you earn money when you ture. Mnny benefits. Write stating Classic "660" sta. wagon Shop, 13 Monmauth St., Red Bank. background and minimum salary re- Stoles, jackets, etc. Remodeling. Re- qulrements to Box 252, Eatontown, N J. trade at SHREWSBURY MOTORS ! •62 CHEVY MORTGAGES lil'K STORAGE. 741-2675. $1945 IOL'NG MAN - For lamlncaper'n help- 38" (MS RANGE DELUXE — Ken- more electric dryer. Both excellent Impala 4-Dr. Hardtop condition. Beat offer. 747-4314. '63 PONTIAC EXTRA SPECIAL White with red Interior. HOMEOWNERS Equipped with power glide, V-« MLM WANTED — Landscaping and Want Additional Money? Grand Prix engine. Radio, neoter, power lawn maintenance. Must be reliable and . WHERE ELSE brakes ond steering. Excel- S N 3 can you buy the best quality window fT'li?" °°° ' irst and second mortgages available shadei "Dupont Tontine?" They look $2895 lent condition. Like new for you to: neat, they wear a long time. Shadai 1955 DODGE $ throughout. OltEASER for new car agency API only If Interested In steady year rou,,,, madt whila you wait. Shop by pbon«. position. Contact BEN RASSAS at RAS" • Consolidate your debts. '57 LINCOLN CUSTOM ROYAL RUSSELL £AS BROS., PONTIAC, 393 Broad St., • Refinance your home. PROWN'S Premiere 4-dr. hardtop ALL POWER, RADIO AND HEATER. r Red Bank or call 711-5180 • Modernize or repair your home. 31 Broad at. Red Bank 741-7300 Oldsmobile-Cadillac • Qo on that well earned vacation. Air conditioned 450 p 8PE SYCAMORE OREENB ANTIQUES — ™,£ y CIALIST must be fully Company liuUfed. Write qualifications to This week! Marble top Victorian wash 100 Newmnn Springs Rd.. B C. '. Box 511. Red Bank. Barclay Mortgage Corp. stands. Tiffany typo piano lamp, Wind- $895 SPECIAL , SPECIAL Red Bunk sor arm chairs. Cyrstal, cut glass (old). jEJtVICE STATION ATTENDANT - 741-4700 Marble top burfM. Delft jardiniere and 741 -0910 Hind. Delft Victorian oil lamp. IS gal. '61 BUICK IRST ANI' SECOND MORTOAOES crock. Hone medallion chlnn. etc Syca- Elect™ "225" 4-dr. hardtop '63 VOLKSWAGEN '63 VOLKSWAGEN VAILABLE - Edwin 8. Stark. Real nwre Ave., Little Sliver. 741-8598. Mnte and Mortgage Consultant. 264- Karmann Gliia convertible. DA1T -- Night crawlers, salmon eggs, Sunroof. Exceptionally l20 etc. Complete line of freslr- and salt $1945 Radio, rmter, black. clean, blue. HUTCH — Onk rolled top desk water bait and fishing tnckle. Open iml cliftlr; Va!-pifl<; lelf propelled 24 hours every day. MANNY'B 8P0RT IDS! TAB OPBfiATOR awn mower; Lionel trains; 4-tipeed SHOP. Rt. afl, East Keansburg. 787-0508. '59 FORD phono turn table; sofa and slipcover; Galaxie 2-dr. njrdtop '2395 Tiffany lamp shade. S42-O829. ' 1695 (More Classified Ads JONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS — Flrlt del inn second mortgages avaiubli. Money On The Next Page) $895 An Equal Opportunity Emplnyi-r. - -ou In 10 days. 711-2163. '60 BUICK _ SPECIAL SPECIAL. SPECIAL ' Invicta 4-dr. hardtop SPRING CLEAROUT $1495 '62 VW '58 VW '57 VW I •62 MONZA CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY '63 CHEVROLET Convertible A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! II Nova 4-dr. sedan Sedan, exfra nice. S«d«n, bliri. Sedan, r«d, radio, H Air conditioned heater. Only $i $1495 $1945 Adding Machines — Typewriters Entertainment i '1495 '895 Odd Jobs 795 '59 FORD ADDINO MACHINES - Tyr.ewtit.rs Tickets available tor latest Broad JACK OF ALl/ TflADEa—win handle Plus Many More sold, rented, repaired, flerplco's 101 way Shows and Major Sports Events $295 Monmouth St.. Red Bank 747-0485. 176 Monmouth Bl., Red Bank. Locally Driven U Appliance Repair Furniture Repaired, Reflnljhed Painting and Decorating Used Cars FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY '58 PLYMOUTH 1IR. "FIX-IT" — Refrigeration, Its- Call 747-12U or 842-J293. 25 Pearl 81, pair of all appliances regardless of Red Bank. Prompt isrvlca. L. II. HILL - Painter Interior and condition. We sell used appllaneas. Carl Wllmi. exterior. No Jobs too large or too $295 Service charge J3.50. 284-5710. small. Very reasonable. Call 747-M30. Home Improvementt UAni* I). JONES - Painting and Don't Miss This Fabulous Deal Auto Body Repair decorating. Fully Insursd Far tree BOB WORKINO MAN'S contractor. Alter- estlmatt cull 747-3041. '63 CHEVY II EXPERT PAlNTINd and body re- atlons, additions, painting, masonry, TOM Bl.ATE — Painting and Decor- Wagon pair. Moderate prices, McCarthy jmall loha too. Phone evenings OOfr- sting, aenerii Contracting, fully o 1963 VOLKSWAGEN$S Chevrolet. Atlantic Highlands. M1-030S sured. 29 years experience. Free eeU- CHARLES IIOWKIt CONTHA.CTOR mates. 741-4336 after 8 p.m. WHITE Auto and Truck Rental Additions. Improvements. Remodel' $1895 Ing. All types mtsnn work. 747-447). Roofing, Siding and Insuiallon PANEL TRUCK AVIB Rent a new car or truck. Low rales. Maple Ave., Ited Unnk. 74T- Moving and Storage ALUMINUM 81UINO - Installed by 1295 0303. 774-32H. Dully 7 a.m.-10 p.m: '62 FALCON aluminum mechanics. OUARANTBBD BUICK, Inc. IIJEAI, IVA V WILL MOVB — three 4-door Sedan Bead Rcstrlnglng rooms $27.50, four roomn f^.HO. five rooms K7.50. six rooms »7,50. Agents Our 38th year In business. 741.7JO0. Shrewsbury Ave. MtOM |l.so per slrand. On braided for Allied anil National. 462 (Mil or OUIEN CO. INC. Roofing, Siding ft $1295 nylon. Bterllng claips from 7»c. M8-9OI4. Insulation Initalled and guaranteed Reusillles, 36 Broad St., Ited Bank. or 10 y.ars. 776-0709. Mi^fio New Shrewsbury SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC. 1S» 1ST, AVE,, ATI. HIGHLANDS Nursing Horns Electrical Contractor Tel. Answering Service (Our Block North ol HI. W -. n* -— RESIDENTIAL and commerclil wir- ralescent, chronically III and difficult 741-6200 SHREWSBURY AVE. 74L8500 SHREWSBURY J7I-M01 • OPf-N 'TIL. ? P.M. ing. New Installation or repair nursing c*re patient*. Btate Hwy. iL |« No •errle*. Allen Klectrle. 747-0*11. HolmiUl. MMWOL ^ t vim • UVESTOCX ATAJrTMENTS ran RIAJ DAii tv I\£A»IO i irtlM, REOJANK'S SHRfWSlURY OfHCS OffttlNSS HOUSES FOB SALE FOR SALE $2 WEEKLY Mm*, «»4er«. tma-btimm aajen- menta, lataae reetu tM XRT large play »r«. f21,ttft FURNISH YOUR OWN HOME Uream color, four months, t7(, call $9S UP 842 - 0444 WT-iOM. LONG ON LIVEABILITY tUTTCM - », «ii wtrtu old, fluff; Include! Ir« ht*l, hot wtttr, cook- and adorable, free lo good home Ing KM, ilr condition*r, tv and phone LOW ON MAINTENANCE THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OVER Call 2*4.4771. outlets, 12 cu, it. rtfrlgerttor with Three bedroom ranch boaning unusually (padous rooms, formal 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE * Hideaway •of. Md two chairs plus UblM, Urnp., rugi Irecter. Parkin* and wilk-itj itoriie COCKCR SPANIEL PIPPIES-Blondi (tciiitiei, gpacloui roo mi, Itrg* ctoveu; dining room, kitchen you'll have to pry your way out of, adjoining * Thr*M-plece bedroom tuite includes tamps, r«j«, etc. males. Excellent pedigree, wonderfi k to ihopplnf plaz*. butei, ichools, raundry, two baths, 20' family room, huge basement. No thru WMSON. VERY DESIRABLE LOCATION. ALU SCHOOLS AREA. 'Deposition. AKC Registered. 150 t&e! Bwtm club for tenanU only. Direction!: Space for more if family grows. Four bedrooms, three b«th*. l>liofi« T41-C34I. OtUrien BttU Pftrkwajr to Exit 117, totraffic street. Short walk to shopping. Transferred owner has ic Five-piece dinette plus cabinet - $184 VANESSA - Will board small pits, Route 33-36, e