Week 6: Geological Timeline Monday Warmup: What Is the Geologic Time Scale?

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Week 6: Geological Timeline Monday Warmup: What Is the Geologic Time Scale? Week 6: Geological Timeline Monday Warmup: What is the geologic time scale? LT: I can explain how Earth’s geological history is divided in the geologic time scale. Review: Geologic Time Scale Earth is very old! - Estimated that earth is at least 4.5 billion years old - It would take a long amount of time to categorize earth’s history into days, months, or years...we needed a better way. - Scientists developed a way to categorize and explain earth’s history... GEOLOGICAL TIME Geologic Time Scale Definition: A system of chronological dating that relates geological strata to time and is used by geologists, paleontologists, and other Earth scientists to describe the timing and relationships of events that have occurred during earth’s history. Chronology An arrangement or sequence of events over time Go over Personal Timelines - What were some events you included on your timeline? What events do you remember best? - Why did you choose to include those events? - What evidence do you have that an event happened when it did? Discussion Questions - What kind of information did you need to get in order to put the events in your life in a sequence? - Were there some events you weren’t sure about where to place? Complete Timeline Question WS as a group of 4! Focus on Item 5 on Personal Timeline - Era: a period of time in history, starting at one date and ending on another - Divide your timeline into “eras”... - Younger, Middle, Older - Before school, elementary school, middle school - Really fuzzy, fuzzy, remember it well The process we used to create our personal timeline is similar to the one scientists use to establish a sequence of events on earth! Task: Read p. 76 -78 in text book...answer questions on p. 78 in your journal when you are done Discuss reading and answers to questions Tuesday Warmup: Why is the geologic time scale important? LT: I can explain the difference between relative and absolute dating and I can create a conceptual model of the geologic time scale. Geological Time Scale Vocabulary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r10oh1NHKv4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2r55qCPbDo Read p. 79 “popcorn style” as a class Geologic Time Scale Vocabulary Eon - Largest division of geologic time Era - Broad spans of time based on the general type of life existing during that time - Zoic = animal life - Paleozoic = ancient life - Mesozoic = middle life....DINOSAURS - Cenozoic = recent life...mammals - Ends of eras are usually marked by a great extinction Period - Shorter spans of time based on evidence of major disturbances in Earth’s crust and on the characteristics of the common rock formations Epoch - Subdivisions of a periods Relative Dating Dating of events or substances in comparison with one another, in chronological order...an ESTIMATE Ex: Comparing different types of fossils in rock layers Relative dating gives us an ESTIMATE of how old something is...but how can we really tell?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phZeE7Att_s Absolute Dating An estimate of the true age of a mineral or rock or fossil based on the rate of decay of radioactive materials Putting timeline in perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yBzxC9eoog Construct class geologic time scale Reflection Questions: PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! 1. Write three sentences about what you learned when we made the class geologic time scale. 2. Write two questions you have about the geologic time scale and what it is used for. 3. Why do you think the geologic time scale is important? Wednesday Warmup: List some of the different time divisions in the geologic time scale. LT: I can put Grand Canyon rock samples in order on the geologic time scale. Make individual timeline - Use timeline worksheet to make your timeline, include all the major parts on your timeline with dates - Make sure your timeline has a scale and labels! Grand Canyon rocks on timeline - Use the timeline worksheet and text books (if needed) to but the grand canyon rock samples in order on your personal timeline. Do BOTH Nankoweap and North Canyon - Write the rock numbers and names ON your timeline Thursday Warmup: Explain what we did yesterday in class... LT: I can watch a video about Earth’s history and take notes on the main ideas. Story of Earth Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUSIOOnuw0U Take notes during video on a piece of notebook paper. After video: - Write 1 paragraph (5 sentences) about what you learned. - Write 2 questions you have from the video TURN in NOTES and PARAGRAPH/QUESTIONS to INBOX Friday NO WARM UP! Turn in LT and Warm Up Sheet and get ready for your QUIZ! LT: I can explain how fossils form and explain why they are important to study. Quiz 2 Fossils What are fossils? How are fossils discovered? What do fossils tell us? Underground Astronauts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9mXu1BWI6A 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al3LuYnz5EI 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_r3UnkjcL0.
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