Student Handbook 2019-2020
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SHAWNEE MAPLEWOOD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 1670 WONDERLICK ROAD LIMA, OHIO 45805 (419) 998-8076 STUDENT PARENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020 Shawnee Maplewood Intermediate School 1670 Wonderlick Road ~ Lima, Ohio 45805 (419) 998-8076 ~ Fax (419) 998-8085 Larry Foos, Principal Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the 2019-20 school year at Shawnee Maplewood Intermediate School! Starting another school year in a new building or in a new grade level can produce much excitement and at the same time lead to feelings of uncertainty or apprehension for both students and parents. This handbook has been developed to assist students and parents as they transition and adjust to a new school year by providing general information and answer questions about policies and procedures at Maplewood. Please read this booklet completely and discuss pertinent information with your child. Providing a safe and stimulating learning environment for our students is the primary goal of every staff member at Maplewood Intermediate School. There are many opportunities for you to become involved in the school community. Our Parent-Teacher Council is very active in promoting a positive school climate. You are encouraged to become an active member of the PTC. The PTC holds special family functions throughout the school year at each building. Pertinent information about these and other important meetings will be made available through Parent-Teacher Council Newsletters. Some dates are included on the Student Calendar found in this handbook. A strong and supportive home-school relationship is absolutely critical in ensuring a successful school year. Staff members are always available to answer questions about your child’s performance and growth. The staff at Maplewood work extremely hard to ensure the academic success of your child. Positive and effective communication between parents and teachers is very important for ensuring your child’s academic success. Your personal involvement in your child’s education, both at home and in school, is one of the most important gifts you can give your child. I look forward to working with all of our parents and students in achieving academic excellence during this 2019-20 school year. Looking forward to another outstanding and successful school year! Respectfully, Larry Foos Principal 1 SHAWNEE SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION & BELIEF STATEMENTS: The citizens of the community empower the Shawnee Board of Education to provide an educational program which will enable the children to: develop as responsible citizens; be flexible to change; possess the skills to foster individual, continued growth; solve problems; and nurture respect of other individuals and cultures. In doing so, the resources available must be guarded, conserved, and used efficiently. BELIEF STATEMENTS: 1. Education is a shared responsibility among students, parents, school and community. 2. Quality instruction and student achievement are directly related. 3. The effective operation of a school system requires a cooperative spirit, stressing trust, goal setting, evaluation, and accountability. MAPLEWOOD MISSION STATEMENT: “We will work hard with positive attitudes to be successful learners.” THREE “BIG ROCKS”: 1. Reading 2. Problem Solving/Math 3. Writing INVITATION TO PARENTS We are proud of the education that is offered to our students daily. Therefore, we would like to invite parents to visit Maplewood. All guests, including parents, are to sign in at the front office and receive a visitor’s badge to be worn visibly throughout the entire visit. Classroom observations by parents are restricted to one 45-minute time period per month with at least 24 hours advance written notice to the principal. No visits are permitted during the first or final 10 days of school or during test situations. This is board policy for all Shawnee schools. DAILY TIME SCHEDULE School begins at 9:00 A.M. and dismisses at 3:25. Parents/guardians should not bring students to school before 8:40 A.M. At the end of the school day all students should be out of the building before 3:45 P.M. unless they are staying for a special group or event. SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS & DELAYS When school, or any school-sponsored event, is in jeopardy of cancellation due to weather conditions or other circumstances, students and parents are advised to listen to local radio/television stations for announcements and information. Local stations include WLIO-T.V. 35, WIMA 1150AM, WIMT 102.1FM, WBUK 107.5FM, 92 ZOO WZOQFM, WLJM 94AM, and WFGF 93 FM, WUZZ 104.9FM, WTGN 97.7FM. Parents or guardians will also receive an e-mail, voice mail or text message through the “School Messenger” system during any emergency situation or when the normal school schedule has been changed. School is normally delayed for either a one, two or three hour period in inclement weather. In rare cases school may be dismissed early because of weather. If there is a school delay, the lunch times may be delayed, but lunch is always served. In addition, please remember on delay days children are to be dropped off at school no sooner than 20 minutes prior to the start time. Parents will be contacted and expected to pick up their child from school if they are dropped off before that time. Parents are encouraged to make arrangements ahead of time for child care, if necessary, in the event of a delay to prevent any dilemmas on their part. Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated as Maplewood is not responsible for your child during the delay time. 3 HOUR DELAY WITH NO EXTENDED DAY-Three hour delay schedules are built that shorten class periods but maintain thirty minutes for lunch for staff and students. If the three hour delay is used, the start of school will simply be delayed by three hours (12:00pm) with no alteration or change to our dismissal. Outdoor recess weather suggested guidelines O 66 or Above Nice weather O O 56 – 65 Long sleeves or light Jacket O O 41 – 55 Coat or Jacket O O 21 – 40 Hat, Coat, and Gloves O 20 or below Indoor Recess (wind chill or actual) Rain-Indoor recess Children must go outside for recess unless there are medical issues. Parents have the ultimate responsibility for dressing their children appropriately for weather conditions. PARENT - TEACHER CONFERENCES/MEETINGS ON DELAY DAYS From time to time we encounter a school delay or cancellation when Parent/Teacher or IEP meetings have been schedule and the question is raised as to whether or not the meetings will be cancelled. We have established the following guidelines to let you know if you will be meeting for your child’s parent/teacher conference or IEP: ● If school is cancelled all meetings for that day will be cancelled. ● If there is a one hour delay, meetings scheduled before 10:00 a.m. will be cancelled. ● If there is a two hour delay, meetings scheduled before 11:00 a.m. will be cancelled. ● If there is a three hour delay, meetings scheduled before 12 noon will be cancelled. ATTENDANCE POLICY The faculty and administration of Shawnee Schools have a commitment to provide a high quality education to its students. To achieve this goal, students must consistently be in attendance at school. Attendance is an important part of learning success. Attendance and punctuality permit the child to benefit from the instructional program and to develop the important habits of self-discipline and responsibility. Maplewood will work cooperatively with parents/guardians to promote excellent student attendance. School policy is based on Ohio law, clear and enforceable guidelines, and positive motivation for good attendance. Students must be present at school unless excused for one of the following reasons: 1. Personal illness and/or medical appointments.(See COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND CONTROL page 25). 2. Severe illness in the immediate family. 3. Death in the family. Absence limited to three days. 4. Religious observances. 5. Family vacation. Request must be submitted at least one week in advance. Obtain and complete a Vacation Permit form from the office. 6. Quarantine of the home. 7. Other legitimate reasons which receive approval by the principal. In the event that a child is absent, the parent/guardian should call the school office and report the reason for the absence before 9:30 A.M. ● Maplewood has voice mail to report absences. Call (419) 998-8080 to report absences any time, day or night, and leave a message regarding your child’s absence. If a call is not received, the school will attempt to contact the parent/guardian by phone during the day to verify the reason for the absence. If no contact is made, a note should be sent with the student the following day explaining the reason for the absence. Failure to provide either phone or written verification will result in the absence being listed as unexcused. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES It is important for every child to attend school every day. In an effort to address truancy among students, the Ohio General Assembly has Passed a new truancy law, House Bill 410 in an effort to reduce the number of truant students. Shawnee High School Will work with students, staff, parents/guardians, and outside community organizations to address truancy issues. House Bill 410 requires the following: ● Attendance tracking has changed from days of school to hours of school. Students are considered to have excessive absences If they miss 38 or more excused or unexcused hours of school in a single month; ot 65 or more excused or unexcused hours in a school year. This will result in a warning letter. ● Students are considered to be a Habitual truant if they miss 30 or more unexcused consecutive hours; 42 or more unexcused hours in a school month; or 72 or more unexcused hours in a school year.