Visual Comput (2005) 21: 961–978 DOI 10.1007/s00371-005-0360-9 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Gary Demos My personal history in the early explorations of computer graphics Published online: 22 November 2005 Abstract Gary Demos discovered tions, where they produced effects © Springer-Verlag 2005 computer graphics while hearing for the movies Last Starfighter and a computer-generated film presen- “2010”, which were both released in tation at CalTech in 1970 by John 1984. Digital Productions used the Whitney Sr. Gary then began working Cray XMP computer, together with under the direction of Ivan Sutherland the Digital Film Printer that they had in Utah to develop early computer developed at Information Interna- graphics hardware and software. In tional. Following a hostile takeover 1974 Gary and John Whitney Jr. by Omibus of Digital Productions in started the “Motion Picture Project” 1986, Whitney/Demos Productions at Information International to pro- was formed, using a Thinking Ma- duce computer generated simulated chine parallel computer. This paper scenes for movies (Futureworld, describes the technical challenges Looker, and Tron) and commercials. and achievements of this early visual These early computer-generated computing. visuals were quite challenging given the level of software and hardware Keywords CGI · Computer graph- · · G. Demos technology available in the 1970’s. In ics Scene simulation Visual Los Angeles, CA, USA 1981 Gary and John left Information effects
[email protected] International to form Digital Produc- John Whitney Sr. 1970–1971 to Fourier Optics”, which gave me an general understand- ing of lasers, lenses, and electro-optical components. All When I was a college student in 1970 at CalTech, I was of these basic technical foundations were utilized in my fascinated by computers, and the mathematics that they subsequent work.