■ w AandpFBter Cvrm nii Jlvratb; •rS^;'- ■ 'jf.' kT.JUMBU,19e&' f . AW U j^ DAXUt OOCUXATfON far «M Maadfe of Miv. 1888 IBB WBATBBB M r TOWN SUN UFB ASSURANCE Strawberry Sapper «4f< I et (K 8. Weather FO R SALE CO. OF CANADA Baitford OCNOAN A. OOOPBB Wednesday, Jnne'17, 6 P. M. 5,819 CtaflortU AthtoUe dub hdd a y s YOUR HOME £ *k e H ew e( ttw AiMIt Niowera tonight: Am rtar Uat nlfbt at Oak’a B roadleaf 81 UMMMter Rosd WILUAMSFARM 1 0 1 W fair Toeaday, HaoebMtor ItoraaB a t < ennWnoed eooL I atalloB. The flnt prlae of 1632 Tolland Turnpike with Johris-~fVI«invill Building Mdteri^ts n went to W. R. Mitchell, 0 MANtTlESTER — A (3TY OF VILLAGE (HARM : atreet; Mconu prise a t 10 TOBACCO By Women’s Leggne VOL.LV„N0.21». (UtaeaUted AdvorWatag on Page l«M «I gas to W. Custer, 18 , Serand CongH Church 1 - ^ MANCHESTER, (XINN, MONDAY, JUNE 16.1936. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CE street, third prise a PLANTS Meoai OoM meets, beked bean*, ; a t KTodtetes to BUI Oess, 229 potete sad rndt aalad, reUebes, .< >• Slowen and PIUBti rolls,. CO flee, strawberry short- HOW VBT8 HAT OET -e> for aO ooeaskma. eake, wblpp^ cream. Sopper, THBIB BONDS MONET. , Walter Supiaa and two ehll- UeUvcred aaywharal 80 cents. MORE STRIKES They’U Direct Work of G. O. P. National (^mmltteo Gus Schaller Washington, June 15.— (AP— I a t 108 Bldrl4re street left last 352 Woodland St. TeL 6432 ht ta r tUehmond, Virginia, where If you’re a veteran, thin U how ' ]^an to spend the summer. NOW HIREATEN you get your bonus busy;' LANDON IS PLANNING When the bonds arrive by reg­ '•iS. istered mail take them to the local postmaster or others desig­ F r ig d a ir e C ommerical FRENCH NATION nated to handle requests for cash. Prove your Identity and sign TO CAMPAIGN IN EAST TNCFLOMST the space on the reverse of the \ Strawberry Festival -11 Oak Straet R efrigeration Cost of Uving Brings bond. > Given by South M. E. Chnrch Qet a receipt upon your aur- All Types of Installations, Including ^ ' New Crisis; Reds in Some render of the bonds. Re^biiiMui Nommee Urns Then a United States Treasur­ Tropical Storm Hits Thursday Eveningr, June 18th er’s check for the amount due Cities Talk of Taking will arrive to you by mail. Idea of Hrst Speatdnf hi 5:30-7:30—Buffet Lunch MILK COOLERS ■jf Florida; fjittle Damage 7:30-9:30—Band Concert (New Aerati^ System — No Bulky Brine Tank) Over Factories. Large Eastern Cities Be­ ...... Ponies for the Children. WATKINS BROS., WALK-IN BOXES — DISPLAY CASES BONUS IS PAH) F t Myers, Fla., June l8.'-^( A P ). repwted raififan - to" t o r to-hbur fore His We^m’n^ Tong INCUBPUBATEU Yew wH wontMib n n ParlB, June 18.—(A P )—Prospocu —Residents of many SouU. OTorida'*’ period prior to 8 a m., today wan of living ' coat Increaaea brought eltiea were marooned )>y high waters 9.38 Inches, the heaviest since the WATER COOLING - ICE MAKING JehiMiManvIlw le e k 1926 hurricane, when It was estl- Hamflton Answers Fa^ ROBERT K. ANDERSON warnings of a new French atrike to- today resulting from a tropical Funeral Dt rector w h e^ r plonnlna to buHd or rwmed^ TO WORLD WAR mated between 12 and 18 inches AIR-CONDITIONING day. storm which croeeed the state and fell. ley’s Attaidi. Workers, returning to their Jot» went out the Atlantic ocean. Flanders said 8.4 Inches fell be­ Funeral service in home­ PT^HE pietnre above •bowi hnt you how to flnanea kH these aaaured of more pay and ahorter There was heavy rainfall through X one of the -101 ” tUngt pio- VETS J F U. S. tween 8:80 a. m. Sunday and 8 a YOUR LAST CHANCE like surroundings. Estimates Furnished Floors Sanded at the lowect terms in the Ustcap hours, may aak additional wages (f the night, but no material wind m. today. tured and described in this b ^ to Send in the coupon and be a winner in our drawings to­ of home-improvement financing. ices of necessities go “too high," damage waa reported. Several email brloges wer out to Topeka, Kans., June 18— (AP)-^ Pfix up” yenr heme fnaxpansAebr. Sbor-official? asserted. day. 142 EAST CENTER ST. and Refinished ^eriff Bob King aald he wss In­ the section near Moors Haven, mid­ Gov. Alf M. Landed turned hia It ihowo how to turn yam bete- SIND FORm n iOOK A new walkout might be called, Over One Billion in Baby formed by residents of Bonita way between Fort Myers and wear thoughts today to on eaetward 4i> 10 CHICKENS FR EE ! Telephone: tnent into a recreatioo room with they declared, regardless of the fact Springs, 20 miles- south of here, Palm. Beach. WlUi Brand New Eqalpmeot. higher costs of food and other com­ tack to a forthright campaign for Two Each To Five Lucky Winners. Office 6171 House 7494 KEMP’S, INC. J-M Insulating Board; how to have that the waters there were the A bridge was out near Palmdale modities could be traced directly to Bonds Start Through the Presidency. iNo strings attached — nothing to buy I Jdst send in BsUmatM Oieerfiilly Otvem. a modem bathroom of eolorftal. • f!?*!^**}*** bttlldlas. Bmd T n m highest they bad been to about 10 and held up northbound trefflc. J-M *^40 Poi&ta*' boBM-bttOdiBS book 0> the fattened pay envelopes and 40- years—approximately 2 1-2 feet. The plan of battle remained to this coupon. -tileUke” J-M Asbeetoe Wainscot­ honr work week demanded and re- Winds blew steadily through the Also Sander and Bdger To Bent. ing; how to insulate your house Tha tdephona .line to Bonita embryo stage, pendita councils tos Mived Iqr.tbe atrlkers. Mails; About Three Mil­ nlglit. never reaching gale velocity, ^ and tom ar^;^ tta ^ i! POPULAR MARKET — RUBINOW BUILDING agtinst hot and cold vreather with Springs wx» out todsy' and* - K ^ r Only a small percentage of the and toere Uras no wind daniste, a Ucaa nomtoae was reportsd attract* J-M Rock Wool. etc. B v n tens AddrcM. ^ power to the Republican national oommittee, sent a deputy to toveetigale. Moore Haven Murce said. Name...... '...... w orh!^ who have failed to nego­ lion Men Affected. as result of changes King said there waa no damage ad to the Idea of speMclng to snvMi tiate the dlfferencca with employers KansM W t* Ropubilean convention. New chairman Is John D. M. Hamllton''of The center of the slight tropical ai Itage eastern (dUeeTtoprecedhA A d d re ss...... Charter Oak r “*'***■ Henry P. Fletcher !?enlor member of the committee to Fort Myers, although the high­ dlatubanoe was very near Miami at probable westera tour. continued their “folded arms" strlse way south of ths city was covered 'byoccupying y docup; their fm,teries. 8:30 .a. m. when ths barometer read Jota O. M. Hamilton, Mansgw cd THE W . G. GLENNEY CO. Washington. June 18.— (AP) — S n n « U c u l I ™ r a !e S ^ ? to tl!e ^ ^ by water. 29JS9 and the wind velocity was 88 The plantsph may soon become the Heavy Rainfall oampalgn, wasdut beta Bowimg Alleys _ _ of the employes, asserted The bonus was paid today to ve.ter- miles per hour frota the northeast, todw from Chicago, wtars ta to..: Coal, lamber, Maaons’ SoppHes, Paint End A. Flanders, government tbs Weather Bureau reported at 886 No. Main S t TeL 4149 Mnnobeater Communist Leader Maurice Thorez, ans of the World War. Ued to a ortticai statomeK hv 21 Oak St. Jos. J. Farr, Prop. in a “uloodless revolution” celebra weather observer at Moore Hs'ven, JaokaonvUle. smee A. Farley, the DamoeratiB One of the last chapters In the campaign general. What s Two Cents To Me! TeL 6560 Headquarters for Johns-ManviUe Building Materials tion at Lille. 17-year struggle over various PONTIFF APPOINTS Strawberry Festival May Get Plants forms of adjusted compensaUon was FEDERAL OFFICIAL’S WIFE Expected tomorrow to round out The strlkera who tor two weeks written as “baby” bonds worth al- tta mods of attack are OoL Frank suspended manufsuituring and m most: -»l,eiB0.000,(K)0 moved, . over Klsis-o f - CM(slgOk'"tite™v4o*ioiamji#ic" and Lawn Fete dainty in hundreds df totoBUsa' highway and rural route toward the ^ nomtoiSreid tta sub^^tatS: Given by S t Bridget’s Church ‘’ ments, did not damage the plants pockets of city man and farmer. to charge a t campal|p» etimtegy. “because they knew they would Shipments of the bonds - to some A q ^ Sabtatto bis flrstday a t Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings soon become their property,” Thorez 3,000,000 ex-service men from 12 relaxation alnca bs won the nomtoa- paid. Federal Reserve cities constituted Pope Ruses Old Friends to DISCOVERED MURDERED tloD, left 1 >ndon refreshed todav for June 16 and 17 The “sit down” occupation, class!' one of the largest batches of mall In But G-Men Qm'cidy Locate BRADLEY ON WAY tta task be set Mmself—w a ^ g Ito ON CHURCH LAWN . fisd by Premier Leon Blum as actu postolTlce history. When the work to a fighting campaign with a wU$. ■Uy illegal, denoted a “new legality is completed 38,000,000 bonds will Writer Who Confesses— Princely Rank b Impos* go anywhere It Mlaht Amusements — Refreshments — Entertainment! nmicb is forming,” the ~ have been sent out Fonner Associate of Thomas BRUNNER’S hAad declared. TO SEE LANDON SLEUTHS UNCOVER '■> Tta First Bpssetes Admission Free! Government experts said that by "The wortdng class has proved it the end of the week mlUions of dol­ Asked $5,000 or Child ing Ceremony. ' » Authoritative eouroes Indicated 80 Oakland Street Phone 5191 Ip. capable of taking Its own destiny lars in cash would be In the bands A. Edison Killed on Lawn today the flnt speectas would -.a ill its own hands," he told a cheer­ of those who seek immediately to ing-throng,------swap the ” bonds for goverijmeht — Would Be Murdered. ■ Vatieen, City, June 16.'— (XRV — Maim FlacOa Cloaed checks — and the cash then win State lea d er to Confer WIA Or n s ttome *-^iaiigntor During The Marseille held the apoillgbt as flow Into the trade channels. Pope Plus XI raised two old friends fke chief center of strike activities. Work on Delivery Washington, June 18.— (A P )__j. Nommee Before Organ- to the princely rank of Cardinal to­ Provides a Cine. ' the Kansas LegtstotSTto Cafes, restaurants and theaters While postal employes at 48,000 day behind the guarded doors of a Self-Mntilatioii Used to Col" Ju ClOBOd. Edgar Hoover aald today Umt Jesse poetofficei .worked, on., delivery of - e e ^ oenaietoTy; : Month O f packages to the veterans, other J. MUfer, 28, 01 T h ii^ ^ toM ». F. leet in so m e e in Auto ------— ...... I* w CMeakBirtfi' COOLERATOR jkUliers prepared to accommodate admitted wfittog an extoHi^,J^||toip ..The two new.-prineea'cC the , W a i Oranjfe, N.^J... Jup# 18— ttat'kr-ainieotsd to be toeiVibodt sqraaca eomiany , workers and those who are eager to get cash. to toe wife of a Justice Department church are Monsignors aiovannl (A P)—D. MoFarleh Moors, 87, i||. 60 per cent of tha tiOM.” All exeaii Mercktl and Eugenio TIsserant, dnssmakert m Pairts. Special offices- have been set up lawyer. Hartford, June 18.— (AP)— J. vaator and sngtnesr, was slain to­ Uv*s o f the various campalga ■nr A, new Leftist emblem made its in many cities for certifying the "bookworm” friends of ths Holy slci^ be said, wiO be appointed aM Hoover said Miller was arrested Kenneth Bradley, who at the behest Fatbsr. day after a mysterious dispute to JUNE appearance during the week-end bonds, after veterans have been after a letter waa.received by Mrs. fUhdtionihg by July 1. # Is Convenient victory celebrations. (Combining tue of John Hamilton will continue as the early morntog rain on the lawn identified to postal workers. Here, Stephen McKevett Farrand, wife of The ceremonies were attended by Loji Angelse, June 18.— (A|>) — If the eastern tour matarioUaes, It . G j u u w w symbols of Communism and the the veteran wiU trade bis bonds for a Jawyer in the office of Solicitor National director of the Young Re­ 27 Cardinals Including Dennis (Car­ of his home. was said, London would not Undt It g w O h mapm-MtU CAHBCNX French natton, it benn a hammer Ssasatlonai charges of sslf-mutiia- Purchase Your a. temporary receipt The bonds will General Stanley Reed. publicans, wss on his way to dinal Dougherty of Philadelphia. A neighbor, Mrs. Maty W. Tatiar; tion to coiieiit damages for t n ^ to ths Psonsylvanla and Ohio dia* ' and atekle sign with the French trl- than be sent to the nearest of 248 He said the letter, signed "R. B. G. Topeka, Kansas, today to confer Both of the new Cardtome were said she beard Moore’s voles —*h trlcts hs knew as a boy hut would oolor added to one corner. that af another men islng to best­ accldenu were mads by District At­ • Is Economical Killer," demanded that 33,000 be with the new National chairman, closely eaaoclated with the Pontiff torney Buron Fitts today after to- inpluds such oshteM oa Nsar York. The Communists will continue (Continued on Page Two) sent to Orville Miller of Blue Moun­ for years before his election. Mer. ed tones. Then two shots rang out. Boston and Philadelphia. Maybe not much, mister— but If two cents were keeping you and your family from their struggle to eatabUsb a Soviet cooking from her window she saw vesUgaUon of an aUsgad accident tain, Md., within one week’s time (Continued on Page Six.) catl came with him to Rome to racket which be said, cost tosurv _ Attend Betviees in Franca, said Marcel (^chin, first and threatened that unlesa this were take up hla duties In the Vatican the retired Inventor's body on tha The Governor and Mrs. i-sedfW enjoying as full a life as you are entitled to—then it would make a difference! of his party to become a member of wet grass near liia garage. ance companies of the nation $M- done the Farrand's young son would library. TIsserant has been asi 000.000 a year. ’ enjoyed a typical Sunday, at ehursii # Is Good L ookin g * the Senate. be killed. Terming Moqrs’s death "murder' u d at home. Bis new rote was ra* In legislative chambers, five labor MARCIOAWDIE^ elated with the library for 80 years. AssembUng evidence with a That’s exactly the case with a group of workers right here in Manchester— filling Hoover said investigation showed Age-old pomp marked the cere­ ter tovsstigstton, homicide squad fiecUd, however, to a ianger niua* WITH StJPSR-fiAFB CAHBSNS bUto passed by the Lower House last MURDER CAMPAIGN detacUves found therosclvts batti id secretly-installed short wave radio, station attendants—men well thought of— but little remembered on pay-day because that Orville Miller, a younger broth­ mony of elevation. her of. handehakew and well-wish- week wsre listed for discussion Ln er of Jesae, had not prepared the by the absence of Immediate leads srt’ Md to ths pastor’s speclflo men­ the Senate tod-y. IN ENGLISH HOME Flanked by noble and Swlse or motives., Robbery was not the (CoDUnned an Page Rtx) • Is Built To Stand half of the profit—-or two cents— has had to be given away on the sale of every gallon letter and waa not implicated to guards, Pope Hus walked to tos tion of "tta great honor sharhd by of gasoline. Other social i^orm measures ol sending It. SWEEPS GERMANY motive, dvtectlves were agreed, tar all of us in the selscUon e< the gov* ths'Psoples’ Front govrrnment re­ consistory hall ''from his- private Moore’s wallet with |21 to it was The extortion letter was said to chambers: error of K a n w to become the R»- Up mained for action in the Chamber of have been mailed at 7:30 a. m., June untouidied. Inltiai toqutriss, they publioan cahdldats for President at Deputiea 9." at Blue Ridge Summit. Pa. He seated hlmeeU on Uie throne. saiiL failed .to. disclose he hao any tta United States." That two cents doesn’t look ifke much, but multiplied by thousands It means the Former Partner m Famous The papal master of ceremonies STERN CHALLENGES T b a labor bills pushed t o approval In a t y Six Weeks enemies. t e a pew that bad been roped eft difference between a fair profit for the business with fair wages for all employees—or by the deputies granted workers a Friends of Slain Captain commanded "Ehttra Omnes" (every, Daughter ProvMas Ous before their arrival, th* Oovernor . Associates said the Farrands body out). : • Is Popular a loss for the business and a loss to employees in the form of low wages—or worse still 40-hour week, latlfied the employe- Theatrical Firm of Klaw came to Washington from California Moore’s unmarried daughter, Bea- and Mrs. London sat near tta front - employer agreement granting pay Tbs doors were locked on* toe trlcs,~28; with whom be lived, pro­ .N O R R IS CHARGES —no employment at all in a business that in season and out of season has so much work about six weeks ago and resided to a Roeiun Are Even Threat of the auditorium of the Ftrsi Meth­ raises of 7 . t o 18 per cent, exempted and Erlanger Passes. downtown hotel here. Pope and his Cardtoais. Swtas vided detectives with a lead to the odist church. MS w op a ndUto ItosB fo r Stores for men to da war veterans from certain taxes Hoover aald the facts would be guards in full medieval uniforms case. She said a toan she did nut suit, straw tat and sport eboas. She apd approved workers* demands for presented to United States Attorney ening Hitler Himself. took up sentry duty outside. know came to the house last night wore a gray lOce suit trimmed wttk eollectlTe bargaining. Leslie Garnett today for appropriate Alter the formal ritual, the Pope about 9 p. m., and asked to see ner Dares Senator to Name Men cut crystal buttona and a red straw G/tuneur New York, June 18— (AP)— action. father. When told the Inventor tad tat with ehoes to match. Effective Sunday morning the matter is placed squarely in your hands. There will ^wW i snaw ««*« flkUIIEWS Mare Klaw, former partner. In the "After prosecution Is Instituted to Paris, June is — fAP) —Vengel (UonUnned on Page Pwo) retired for the night, bs left without With ths rest of the congregathkl And in fact there is a model for every famous theatrical Arm Klaw and efui be no more discounts on gas in Manchester service stations. Your favorite station toe District of Columbia, a fugitive tonorlsm by foUowers of Caiipt dlscloaln2 bis identity or mission. Behind the % e e n * * at they turned to Hymn No, 21— FINANCE RlCfl SPORTSMAN Erlanger, died yesterday at his complaint wlU be filed against Miller Ernst' Roehm was reported sweep- The most Important clue disc./- "Oonre Let Us Tune Oar LeCtiest domestic and commercial need. will still render the same service as heretofore: will still fill your tank with your favorite home in Sussex, England, It was to Baltimore, Md.," he said, “to or. tog Nazi Germany today. ered to the se a m a t the Moore Seng"—and Joined to the ai«r(«g as learned hero today. He was 78. G. 0. P. Convention. usual. gasoline at NO price increase— BUT THERE WILL BE NO DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO der that be may be removed to The Berlin correspondent of the CLAIM SANCTIONS property wee a sharply defined foot­ Death followed a heart attack and Washington for prosecution." newspaper Parls-Solr said a cam- print In the garden and detectives * Praises tta Pastor Try COOLERATOR—the Air-Condi­ A FAVORED FEW. THE PEICE TO EVERYONE WILL BE THE SAME — AND - SERIOOSIY HURT a day's Illness. His Criminal Record palgn Consent to tM brought Sir Johnston Forbes-Rob- inal record, tocludtog a 30-day jail Roehm, Slain In the Nazi "Blood charged there were men "behind Beat,” London told a groqp a t rpr O ver O ther M ethods. Surely, all fair-minded motorista will find no fault with this move to help the small lolph IL Spreckles May ertson to this'country, and boohed sentence at Hagerstown, Md., on a purge" of June. 1984. TREASURY BALANCE the smoke screen" of the Republi­ orten, "that young man is going Fanny Davenport. Grace George, concealed weapons charge; a five- The disnatch reported formation places.” owners and filling station attendants in general to just a slightly greater return on their CHARGE and the Augustin Daly Oompapy, Washington. June 18.—(AP) —The can convention "who wiD attempt day sentence to HiUgrove, N. T., and of a "Roehm Racher" (Revenge Dnee's Economists Say Time to buy the electorate," was chal­ "It Is significant,” Mr. Caro said, long hoars of labor. When you need them most, they’re always there—and now when Lose Arm As Result of headed by Ada Reban and John a six months’ larceny term to the Roehm) organization which 'has position of the Treaaury June 12: “tor us to find out how to devote Drew. RecetoU, $47,069,184.04; expendl- lenged by Henry Root Stern today they need yon most— we feel sure you’ll be there, toa State House of (Correction at Jes­ *ven Relcbsfuehrer to name them. ourselves u> the beet, to give our Gadakl waa among tbs singers sups, Md. Adolf Hitler. Will Be Best Core for tursa $70JM)1,227.01; net balance, consent to tbs highest, to give our Brat AceidenL they aent on tour. The bodies of members of the SB $2416,996,249.88; Customs receipts Stern, former treasura of the Farrand, a graduate of Leiand New York State Republican com­ lives to the truth in order that when 2 4 MONTHS Extending their activities to pro­ Stanford University, who practiced (Schutsstaffel) and SA (Storm for the month; $14,188,680.88. abme opportunity confronts us we L.T.W00D CO duction, they staged "Ben Hur", Receipts for .the fiscal year (since mittee and alternate-at-laras to the law to Los Angeles before coming Troops) have been found to Isolated will be ready for it inner hospltat. THE GAS STATION OPERATORS OF MANCHESTER. convention, telegraphed the chal­ Phone 4496 i^tUe. June, 18.—(APi-r-Cata- which became a great road show here March IS, said he believed ^ t a with the aVenglng "RR" July 1), $3,746,888,911.88; expendi­ Ity to a new idea or ideal—how des­ IfOtod from a runaway racing boat "Tha Merry Widow”. "The Pink MUIer had chanced to see a picture Initials scrawled on their chests. tures. 86,827,722,877.09, Including lenge to the Nebraska hsnator. It perately we all need Itr U|t roared out of-the water and Lady", and “Forty-Five Minutea and description of Mrs. Farrand and (Nasi offictals derided the report, Rome. June 18— (A P )—Italy as­ $8479,608442.41 of emergency ex- waa made public at the state Head- Hamtitob, In bla statomwit at TO P A Y from Broadway.” dMiartog any threat against the pencUtures; excess of expenditures, quartsn. to a throng of spectators, Adolph their 13-months-old boy. Peter. pects time to work to her favor In Chicago, charged that Fsrisy trisd The firm “rgMilsed the chaotic He said the baby waa guarded )iy CQAncoUor w u *^Miiseo8e.** $8478,186,768.2L Gross debt, $31,- "Who were the 'oetopus-llke lead- ajB preek els,, wealthy California prosneeUve sanctions dleeuesltma, “for months to prevent the roaina- sportsman, was reported in a seri­ booking flelA In 1896 the partners Federal agents from the time > the (A spokesman for the propaganda 71t,166,482.28, an tocrease of $24,- era hidden behind the sraoks screen tion” of Governor London and was G ^ t u n e u r iMnIstiy denied the existence of the high Fascist sources eeid today. 411,044.78 over the previous day. ^wlih snpMNMi. CABBZKE ous condtUon today as surgeons "clearly dissatisfied" with his nomi- wmked to save his left arm. (Conttnoed on Page rwo) (Ooatinoed on Page Six) Roehm organlutUon” and ' added Premier Mussolini’s nation, which Gold asseU, $10,488,870,218,10. (CoDtlDoed on Page Six) STAR "there never will be any.” naUon and the party’s platform. ORDER Fifteen spectators were hurt, one Thursday begins Ita eighth month “If It's going to b( a dirty cam­ CLEANERS smously, wbto- the outboard craft (The seurce of the eorrespondent’e under the war penalties, woe de­ paign,” Hamilton said, “let him 221 No. Blain Street the 28-year-oId member dlepatcb, tbs spokeeman predicted, clared by economists to be aa strong (FarleyI set the tempo at It" wee "a book called T Can Ifo Long- now as before the League of Na­ Manchester ^-the Spreekels sugar fortune fam- m Kaq> Still' published in Switzer- The Hamilton statement said fur­ HOT? GROUCHY? BLUE? to.*hounded from the 'water onto Gives Own Funeral Oration; tions condemned her sggreaslan in 35 Tons of Dead Whale ther: SUITS — TOPCOATS — PLAIN YOURS land by a German immigrant.” ) East Africa. __ __ the shore of Oreen Lake near here “I am not surprised that Mr: ,raUE8SBB — Gt.BAinCD yesterday.. Twen^ thousand of Roehm's fol­ Political circles expressed beilef lowers swore to avenge tbelr lead- Farley sb .uld have seen fit to refer AND PBB 88ED ...... 4 U C ^ Bpreckels was hurled from the the sanctionist ronka would gradu­ Worry to Coast Guard to Governu, Landon's InUrpretatian Come To The « " Mourners Eat Sandwiches eris death when he was shot to the ally cnimbla, regardless of what ac­ Iks, O w ed and Pwetid . . Be any best into the air and against a ’^urga" toe correepondnet aeaert- of the monetary plonk as a basy V ra m era , Cleened sad tolepluma. pole where a blunt eUmb- tion the League (Jouncil and Assem­ one, tor 1 know that anything Hav­ ed, ahd this pledge Is being emrled bly dsdds upon at Geneva lata this r m w * ...... ,..28o mg spike Impaled his arm and held Danville, BL, June .. ____ to culmination by too "RR". Qloueeater, Mass., June 16. —a Tbs Coast Guardsmen tad res- ing to do with a sound monsta^ mnj until rescued by speetators. The *6.—^AP)_—^o v e r hie bier sad composed his own month. WwtaneaaUp Goanuiteed! All that eighty year old L. F. Bailiff sermon with this as the toeme; TTw (mmpaign has been directed (AP) — Fashionable residents ofjs< » to dislike the'Whale for It bad system Is baxy to Ml Farley. And . Phone 5191 NOW and let one of our sales­ bo^t came to rest ea the hood of a wants when he dies la a good, Ug Hme will bring not only a fac­ this north shore breathed freely to- plagued them plenty, It Is quite comprehensible -ttat he Veterans^ Ass^n Carnival ‘T o know one’s self is wisdom; to principally at the Nasi troops. It tual acceptance a t the new Empire, aqund truck. pyre. governor that self is strengto.” was Imported,..because the high day If not nneertainly. - ! At the request a t a hotel propri- should have not understood either men call and tell you about Carrene, the Ofd LoekbaA Seattle, who had He desires no funers) — for hs “ ftidalli 'are too welt-guarded. they declare but elso a break m TMrty-flve tons of malodorous' Governor Landon's Interpretation or h j^ watohlng the races from*, a “In the morning of life”, the jancttonlst walls until ItaUan etor who sald the odor of the dead conducted that himself yesterday. told the tbnmg, "we dance on the Hie 8S end 8A took leading roles whale were at the bottom of the mammal waa offending the Mnsiblli' the platform which prodded for a At The OLD GOLF LOTS Mipcl.ehair, was hurt serloudy, but Some 1,000 "m oarnm " stooq un­ to toe asaassInaUons which have mmercs resumes its normal «xtl- ocean or well out to sea, they hoped. sound currency to be preserved zt only real safe refrisrerant, that is only used pmtelaaa'said he would reeover. green billa to the eastern sunUght, vitles. ties of his guest, the Coast Guard der the trees of bis “Knoll Cove” looking to the west and n«ndering hew reported to be a raeult of Hit­ ’The Ceast Guard patrol boat towed It to sea hoping a tide arould all bazarde.' J^en who released Ck>reckels from farm in Warren county, Ind, what is beyond. ler’s pmsonal order against bla Ust Oevetopoienta Harriet-Lana towed the huge mam- "Mr. Farley, tike hia chief, hsa FILMS Eafft Cantar or Rrookfiald Straats in G R U N O W . M 'sp ik e sSld ha regtlned’ eon- UeutoMtota. Diplomatic and sctoomlc Fasclat carry it away. But it floated back DEVELOPED AND heard him deliver an hour-long fri- "A t the meridian of life we aro naal to sea iresterdsy after Ita de­ again. conveniently forgotten ttat tiiese ■ctousness long enoqgii to ask: neral oration and witnessed his re­ (The NeSl cMeftatos asserted, ef- sources listed seven developments caying carcass had annoyed resi­ words were Included in the Denm- Involved with cares. But aa tbs which the application of war penal­ They towed It away for a-aeeond PRINTED JUNE 15-20, INCLUSIVE h iS ? ” * them? Was anybody quest that they lay his body on ahadowe lengthen, we gradually . immoral conditions dents stnee last Friday. cratlc platform of 1932." S4AOUB8EBVICB to tte ranks of tbs party mads the ties bsa brought to Rome. Ttaay Once out to sea the Harriet Lane, time, this time anchoring it imtll Hamilton said he expected to ’ , Oseil Borrtwrid Boa* drift with the current of time. were: they could sink IL f f u i n t w iThen an is darirneee end ob- to protect toe a staunch boat, which has figured spend most of this weak In Tc^eka. fllM D «w it Box At f wkk Mpmai* CAiUtENF ;8lirQmMls. who raentO y. an- _ _ ------ayes. "Bvlon.” political organisation’s r o ta tio n .) 1. Lose*of some foreign markets to nisay a eUrrtog eecue,' rammed But Rosooe Prior, a Boston npuBoed his retirement from motor- which may^or may act be regained Enjoy Any Evening Next Week With The Then they opened their piealc bas­ .Asked his views on the hereafter, SpeclM precautions have . been Um .whale several times In an atr sportamaa, spotted it while seillng KNOX STATEMENT , Factory Trained Servi.-« ”™t radng, entered the events to * kets, sat down and ate. he md: token by toe Reich government, toe later. tmnpt to sink it hut to no avail. in hie 48-foot sloop and believing It Chicago, June 18,—(AP)—OoL ”Tij)wed cratt. He had finished one A good time, apttorently, wss correspondent added, to prevent en 2. A tremendous effort to devel­ a. menace to aavtgatlon, towed it Man In Our Employ At Ali "1^ don’t 'know where we go from "Finally, w« decided” . Boatswain Frank Knox declared today that ths of a race and vras beaded to- had by a a arising toe avengers on June 80. op ItaUan raw materials and discov- O aorga A. Joseph said, "to open her back to the Coast Guard statlqa. ilaln people" welcomed Gov. Ait Children, Clean, Well Directed Shows ■ BRUNNER’S here and 1 don't care. Whether to toe annlvers^ ef toe deato of ar synthaUe eubaUtiitas for eom- ^ I Times To Insure Yon ol The bearded bailiff, retired school heaven hr beU, I haven’t had time to up nfth a tnacMne gnn sad a rifle. As the Guardatnen left the bat­ idM’s candidacy “witb open. iq^kroBtly; tatober and aatondlst. epltoatised their former leader. modlUss cut off 'jy aanctiehs. I' 80 Oakland Street Phone 5191 Guaranteed Service. <%mm«d. frfure ou t I do an the Mildness 1 "WS'ia've her ab^t.iOO sbota and tered carcass waliowlng In a gentle arms.” Ms creed M these 'words: “ Tbero is .Strict censortoip has made it tan- 8. Transformation c t the nature cut her up ppretty badly but whm> ■well yesterday a flock of. sesfulls Hie RepubUcan vice ear hers and PU take my chances." poesiMe to estimate the numtor of no God but nature.” Hence, he m d Bailiff aeems to fine fettle despite a t her Imports, eliminating' luxuries I left aoe was $tUI there. How­ prepaid to have a feesL candMete said be tad (^ktteaid M two) bs waatod ao mtMster "prattliag” victims already claimed bv the "RR' ever. 1 beitevf che’ii sink, amyhe as The guta, Joreph said, "would Ms advanced years. . Stoop, , the newspaper sBld. ' f' on pagn lea) OB as a hOsy.spa starts ruantog.” undoubtedly help weak kaher up. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY. JUNE 16.198«, VETSWHOSPITAl A T CAMP CLAIM COUPLE GOT TREND IS UPWARD which waa believed to have been ROOSEVELT N. Y. Stocks Local Stocks SAVES $72,000 cauaed by an overiieated atove. Tkis Week’s Photo Contest Winners GET FIRST BONDS CtrY Seek Inunadiate Trial Schumann-Heink at 73* CHARITY FALSEY Adams E x p ...... Bench warrants wiU be aaked m Talcing advantags of Um nawl IN S T 0(X MARKET tba ToUand County Superior (teurt constructed float and diving boarc A ir Raduo ...... «$% FOralalMd h r W. B. Htaw, Ota, Alaska J u n ...... 14% 76 Peart S t . Hartford THROUGH DEPT. ACT at tha opmtlng of the eaaalon on Happy Over New Carit ► A R C A I N IND fifteen oamp memban are now an- Tuesday morning so that Harvey 200 hmates at Newingtoo rolled In a swimming and Ilfa-sav- Allegheny ...... 8 W m ia a %. Martin, Town Starts Sait Against Allied Chem ...... 198% Local BepreaeotatlTe Davia, 29, and Mrs. Viola Cunning­ Ing class under the guldaaoa of Leading Shares Gab Two Or POSTMASTER’S NOTICE ham, both of WUllngton, might be Foreman Frank Daniels. Members Am C a n ...... iso% Hollywood, June lB.--(AP)--^Ma*($ She laughed happily aad she ' Am Home P r o d ...... 89% brought bofore the court on charges dame Ernestine Schumann-Heink a little, too, remem^ing ths Receiye Bomu — Deliver­ ere being Instructed In the prot Schaeffers; Say They Did Asked Domestic Relations Dnrision of misconduct Davis was arrested methods of approach, rescue hoi Am Rad St S ...... 31% Cap, N a t -Bk. aad T r. it 20 ON BONUS PAYMENT celebrated her 78th birthday today, sons who died In th* World Conn River Bk...... 480 More P obts at Start of laat Wednesday and Mrs. Cunning­ T o t the ipecial Introductoty prioe are fashion’s newest answer to and reacuBcitatlon. From the mem­ Am Smelt ...... 78% one of them wearing a Oormaa 1 ies Start TonighL Am Tel and Tel ...... 169% Firat Nat Bank lOO ham on Saturday aad both were happy over a new career, the form. $188, jrou Mm obUbi the ipectal what to wear over dinner or dance bers of the class, five enrollees wUi Not Tell the Truth. ■ Hartford Makes Report bound over W the Stafford court. be picked to act aa life-guards for Am Wat Wks ...... 23% Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 68 the Fonrth Hoar. Issues Instructions on Certify­ movies, where she njijl forsake the "It Is almost my happiest 'roh n now on display In the frocks when the evening is hot. In default ot $2500 bonds each, they role of a Mnger and be her "own, beater Oea Company window, Clearly transparent and ultra fern' duty at the Chatfleld HoUow pool 'Anaconda ...... 84% Htfd. Nat Bk. and Tr. 26% ing of Bonds— Don’t Sign day,” she sold, "with oU my and Schreeder Pond. Armour, n i ...... 4 ^ Pboenlx St Bk and Tr MO How Plan Works. were taken to the county Jail In Tol­ mischievous self." dren about me. Yes, 1 mean «n, it eSWk new refrlferator la a family inlne, these are cool and com fort Hartford, June 18.— (A P )—Post- Before Identifying Self. land. Acting PubUo Defender Don­ ’The nucleus of a camp nature The Town a t Manehestar has Atchison InaiMiMa Stocks The famed contralto fioa thrilled cause my sons 1 lost on the ' !lilOdel with a volume of five cubic able, yet cover up back and should' master William J. Rankin started 78% New York, June 16.— (A P ) — ald C. Flak of RockvUle wUl repre­ museum la being estabUsbed by started action against Mr. and Mrs. Auburn ...... 80% Aetna C a su a lty ...... 95 103 audiences for more than half a cen­ field are -vlth me alwaya.” feet. Tou will easily be able to ers enough to keep yoli from feel­ 18 payment machinery this Henry J. Schaeffer and thalr aon Another bow to brightening buei- Rockville, June 18.—Poetmoster sent the accused. If the coupie morning which before the week la members of the gypw moth crew. Aviation Corp ... . 8% Aetna Fire ...... 53% 64% Hartford, June 18.— (A P )— ^The tury In Grand Opera and concert m She would like 20 more yea n - room to r your vegetables, ing out of place on the street or In and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Aetna Life ...... 33% were not presented at this aession. Europe and Americm, but of her the car. out will pour more than $3,000,000 Insects, butterflies, and other species Balt and Ohio .... . 18% 84% nese news was roads by ' today's ' dmeaUc relationa complaint Uvl- George Forster has released the fol­ moke people laugh as a motion ^' ^imeats. and all other perishable Albert B, Schaeffer to have set Automobile ...... sg u It would mean that they would re­ forthcoming picture work eh* said: ,^|(oods. The work generally coiv- Into the laps of veterans In Greater have been collect^ and are being Bendlx ...... 28 87% Stock Market ^ lowing statement In regard to the ture comedienne, she said recent! mounted fer display in the Barrack aalde a qult-elalm deed which the Bath S t e e l...... Conn. General ...... 44% slesi o f the adult probation depart- main at - Tolland jail until the Sep­ "I no longer hav* to be the great &<»lieeted with the making of frosen Hartford. » . 68% 46% payment of the. adjusted service "Still, 1 pray the good God school building. parenta gava laat November to Borden Hartford Fire ...... 73% While the European scene .waa ’ ment of the city of Hartford saved tember term unless the bonds were opera singer. Thej ore going to < jack, members of Camp Fernow will cele­ 81 There was a feeling in several preparing to help the jahllbir swCep lA 8 -.ofaloMw- tbe laai Indoor Turin. Mussoltnl's advlaers asserted. a special corps of carriers who start Phlla Rdg C and 1 . Whitlock Coll Pipe .. _ quarters, however, that shares of state which, os’ an economic meas- ther notice, from 7 p. m. to 9 p. ro, Karges of Windsor Locks presided later expanded to include varied Worthy Grand Matron ^Mrs. Ruth of ieodership, Wherever we turn, brate the third anniversary of the 2 .* ure, all vice casea In which the ac- with certifying officers present (or forms including essays, poetry, de­ out the building. When he went whether to the problem of states- og’tba aummer season.' The The faoto’y, which was closed out on ISO routes at 8:30 p. m. Phil P oused are found guilty in the police veterans who wish to redmm bonda American flag was presented by tective stories and newspaper writ­ Worthy Grand Patron Alfred West- Into the office to secure some mansblp, or of education, or of completed for a gigantic track and ON STATE’ S ROADS Pub Serv N J ___ 45% ceive the greatest oaneiit r.av have Pfstson chairman. wUl present a becauae o f lack o f raw materials, is To get the bonds the veterans Radio ...... Chapman Valve ...... 20 partly discounted tho dletributloh. court are referred to the probation Do not fall to furnish witness unless Donald Skinner, a High school stu­ ing. cott, of Hamden,' Conn., and their brooms he saw the safe, rolled sev­ business, ws are met by the striking field program. In addition to the 12% eral feet from Its original position, MMHWt pU y anUtled '< n e Uttle now working on naUonal texule must sign for them personally. Reading ...... Conn. Invest M gt .. 2 % dspartmefit for medical examina­ known to certifying officer.’’ dent The EUks Band rendered mu­ associate grand officers made their absence of strong, clear-headed, various sport activities on that’ day, 39 with the door broken off and ran : Mirada.” A large attendance la synthetic fibers. It employs approx­ ’The veterans will then take the Rem Rand ...... Elec Steam Sterilizing 1% tion. The practice has earned the Flag Day ExercisM sical selections and there was a official visitation. There were IS well-informed, adventuroua leaders. bopsd for and pairanU and friends imately 300 persons. bonds to one of the 10 certifying the deciding baseball game for first 19% commendation of the State Depart­ Flag Day exercises were present­ out giving the alarm. If anyone refers to the dtotatora of Rey Tob B ...... 56% xRta. Jecobs (3o., F. L. . 13% vocal solo by John McDonald of grand officers present as well as. are Invited. Erik Modean wiy lead place between the Officers eind Bar­ leavy Rains Raise Toll Over MARCKUWDIEX ment o f Health and has been the ed by the Kindergarten and First ADDISON The safe was looted of approxi­ Europe or of South America, that headquarters where the bonds must rack No, 4 teams will take place Schenley Dls ...... 39% Sanborn Map •...... pg the Hartford Lodge of Elks. The Past Worthy Grand Matron, ' Mrs. the devotional partod. Refreshments be certified In the presence of an . subject of several dlscvsslons by the grade at the East school this morn­ mately $700 In bills and $180 in sli­ only proves the point, for a dictator­ NO PINK ELEPHANTS, EITHER prior, to the other events. The ac­ Sears Roebuck .... 74% Sparta Foundry .... 25 Flag Day address was given by Past Carolyn Kane, Baldwin (teapter YOUH win be aerved. Identifying witness and a postal em­ Coonecticut Association of Proba- ing for the first five grades. The Ehtalted Ruler Henry J. Bradley. Jr., The Summer Round Up, for the, ver. The candy dispensing ma­ ship, la only possible where leader­ Chicago—The excited woman on tivities of the day will terminate at the Week-end; One Sui­ Shell Union ...... 18% Sylvanla Indus...... 25% No. 65 of Deep liver who is an ployee. The certification la then re­ IN ENGUSH HOME ' tlon Officers. Other cities have been following program was carried out: of the Derby Lodge df Elks, a state purpose of giving each child, eligible chines In the lobby, which Is In plain ship baa become bankrupt. the other end of the line declared the Al-PIcrre Tabarln In Wllllman- Socony Vac ...... 12 % Taylor-Colqultt .... 38% honorary member of Columbian turned to the post office for cashing. Utab-ldaho Sug. Ck>m. 3 urged to adopt the practice but Song, "America” ; Salute to the senator and authority on Connecti­ to enter echool for the first time view of the street, also had been "It Is Just here that colleges and there was green snakes with yellow tlc where a social and dance will be South Pac ...... 33% chapter. The following O. E. S. broken open and an undetermined The actual checks will bcsliatrlbuted cide Reported, New York Bank and Ins. 8t< have refrained becauee of the ex­ Flag: Flag Day Proclamation, cut history. ' next fall, a complete physical ex­ universities have an opportunity and CLAM SANCTIONS backs crawling around In her back given by the enrollees of tho 183rd South Rwy ...... 16'% (Continued Krotn Page One) chapters of the state were represent­ amount o t five cent coins taken. through the mails with the first ex­ St Brands ...... Bank of Now York pense Involved. Franklin Novak, Grade V; Flag (tel- Wedding amination, has been set for June a responsibility," Bishop Shsrrlil jmrd and demanded that solnethlng Co. CCC. All young ladies are In­ 15% ors. Grade I, Ruth Pierce, Jennie ed: Naomi of Waterbury, Orient ot Police theorized the burglars ...... pected to g o put .Wedn*8'l8y< vited ta attend - thla reoeptlon - os St Gas and Elec .... Bankere Trust ,.. formed the . O f the 300 vice cases referred to The marriage of Miss Gertrude 26th at the High school, frojn 9 a. conMij,U4.di..‘.'JpJYciry. insUtHWon la B e .: If Aia ’’rtasdllj 'e'wjilnTsJ .8% ' r. 'vUie department- ea(fir year - It nas Knebel, Muriel-Made; Plag~ Day, Von Deck, daughter of Mr. afld zm : •Bridgeport, Excelsior -of- New Ha­ Jimmied on- exit d oor of the theater - fiOin HARM nAlY The desk sergeant carefully hung In addition to handling the mail­ guests of the boys. St OilCai Chase...... cate, with Which" (teartee Flrohman ih;, f6' I2 ribdh'and’ Troin 1 p7'm., to’ day being tried by tha Intimate test. reu will need no seeuiMy ee ing of the bonds for the veterans In By ASSOCIATED PRESS 38% ^..been found that S6 to 40 per cent Grade I, Beverly Robbins, Alice Emil Von Deck ot Tolland, and Ed­ ven, Good Intent of Glastonbury, some time Saturday night and at up the receiver, summoned Detec­ On Tuesday evening of last week A week end marked by heavy St on N J ...... Chemical ...... was associated. 4 p. m. All children abould be ac­ ’By their fruits they shall oe endereef i re obtain e lean Greater Hartford, the Hartford post- 58 show prevalence of disease, and Gronski, Anna Synal, Elsie Pltcb- ward J. Markley o t Manchester, took Mystic of Mystic, Bigelow of East first tried to remove the safe from tive James Coughlin. the Camp baseball team defeated rains throughout the etate brought Tex Corp ...... 31% xCentral Hanover . Then the Shuberta came to New companied by an adult If possible known.’ Man are not asking today, qulekly. Aaoanie ny ts S300 YOontfamed From Page One) office will handle the mailing of the these are ther- recommended to the ette, Helen Gronski, Mildred Nagy; place today at Amenta, N. Y. Hartford, Golden Rod of West Ha­ the building but were unable to do . 3 0 aontae ee Uaa ie lapay Back an hour later, Coughlin the North Windham "Giants’’ by the violent death to six persons five Timken Roller Bear 61% Continental ...... York and a bitter duel began. and children under six yeara of age as they did 30 years ago, whether a checks to 307 postofflcea ln ths atata. urn Ehcchange . . . . court for commitment that medical "My Oiolce", Kindergarten; The ven, Lady Washington of Middle- so because the office door was too wrote thla In the complaint books; oecre of 7 to 2. This was'the'fifgt 'br“Whdm died lb automobile acci­ Trans America ... 13% Finally Klaw and Erlanger had to may bo brought to. the Well Child narrow. college man will earn more mensy Tha rata el inlaiael ehatgad M Almost entlrsly from ths list and "Investigated the report of green The signing of the checks will get outside game played by the camp dents. . Union Carbide . First National ...... share the field with the Shiiberts. treatment may be given aa a safe- Flag, Grade I, Andrew Piader, Er­ S tou r WORTH 8EEINO Oonference for a pbysloal examina­ town, Bill ym of East Hampton, Uian a soa-oollegs n an- ' ctmosntratlng on necessary and under way Tuesday. 89 win Schrumpf, Michael Plesa, Robert Kansas Uity—John L. Hlffner had Pierpont of Torrlngton, Stepney of three (3) pat eant pat' aen ib, snakes with yellow backs In back team. The game was ^tnessed by A medical examiner gave a ver­ Union P a c ...... !!!l27i4 Guaranty Trust ...... 292 . guard for the community. tion. - Parents should contact their are oskmg In an Increasingly critical m Ihlrty-ein (36) p it oenL par available raw material. Among the 200 veterans at the •rvlng ...... 14 u 191*9 ’’ *'"*°*''**’ *P dissolved = In Klernan, Henry Klrscb, Clifford almost finished milking when the Rocky Hill, Betty Putnam of Wood- SOME SHUFFLING yard at—and, the saints be praised, a large gathering of rooters, who dict of suicide in the sixth ca.se. Unit Aircraft ...... 2414 local Parent-Teacher association Blockton, Iowa -r When Vers mood, 'Whzt ore tb fruits df a ool- . ennna an anpala areoant •( 4. A startling decUhe In both ex­ found none." Newington hospital who received the were greatly impressed by the Unit Corp ...... 7% xManhattan ...... 29 Klaw was born In Paducah. Ky.. Yost; A Flag Game, Grade I, Lola farm cat Jumrad into the cow’s feed for transportation. stock, Fidelity of New Lopdon, Hope legs education in dtlssnsbip. In lean. bonds today were several women, Fred Griffin, 20. of Ozark, Ala., White, Clarence Neff, Bernard Geb- box and playfully raked its claws Mackey, playing bridge with three twirling of "Dan Danulevich of New died In the crash of his automobile Unit Gas I m p ...... 5571 Manufaet. Tru.st ___ 46% In 1858. He started to be a lawyer The scheduled game tho Addison of Rockville, Baldwin of Deep River, Kno.vledge, In vision, In reel and vi­ who served as nurses during the war WAPPING ler, Thomas Maynard, Frank Miner, across her nose. Kicking and plung­ friends, picked up a hand consisting IDEAL FINANCINO Britain who held the visitors td^Vho against a tree after It left the Bos­ U S Ind Ale ...... 34 n NaUunal City Bank . 34 and waa practicing In Louisville In fall team was to have played Sun­ Bethlehem of Clinton, Day Star of rf 13 soades she was so astonished tal leadership?' and remained In gervlce with the bits. New York ...... 122 Arthur Gebhardt; “Guess", Kinder­ ing, the cow upset the milk, crushed Granby, Heaper of Simsbury, Wln- ton Post Road In Noroton Sunday. U S Rubber ...... 28% 1881 when Gus Frohman. brother of There were five members of Wap- day with the P. A. A. C.'s of Man­ she JUBt threw in the corde without ‘The world today needs ths sta- ASSOCIATION, bie Veterans’ Bureau when hostilities On Wednesday evening of this Public ...... 40 garten; "A Riddle", Grade 1, Harold Hiffner’s toe, ripped his overalls and tonbury ot Bloomfield, Olive ^ a n e b A companion, Albert A. Glgglns of U S Smelt ...... goU Charles and Daniel, gave him a c^.-e plng Orange, who motored '"to bruised him before he got out chester was not played because of bidding. DtUty of men of knowledge. Die ■ZI Mein enaet - . cessed. week the camp team will entertain Title DeForge, Edwin Homan, Stanley of Madison, Charity of Mystic, Reynoldsvllle, Pa., was Injured. U S Steel ...... 62'% 10 that focused his attention on the Ellington Grange laat Wednesday Surdel, Raymond (Jhapman, Ralph through a door. rain. Their new ball suits, white Two hands later they dealt Vers press and the sir ore filled with sz- OVKM W. T. o r a i«t *s t o b s . DANCE the ball tossers of Ctamp Stuart at Insurance theater. ’Two men, Chester Ball, and Western Union ...... 8351 evening. They gave a short sketch Scfiiumey, Beverly Lee, Fern Miner, The cat suffered bruises, too, when with green letters have arrived and Watertown of Watertown. 13 hearts. She weakly arose and crzordlnory schemes which vlolsta Recreation Park In WUIlmantle, In West El and — ■ Mfg .’ ] l- i 5% I American (Newark) Daniel Sawyer, both residents of It concerned a hunt for pirates Loretta Wandzy, Yvonne Pouy, Lois Hlffner tossed it through a window. will be put In active service. These Supper was served at 6:30 quit the gome. all the dictates o f esperlsnes and o f the first of a series of baseball Woolworth American Reserve who were producing a play without as a number on the program. LAKESIDE CASINO Poquonock, were injured fatally In 51% Miss Edith Maxwell of Manches­ White; Address, Dr. deorge S. games among the various CCC Elec Bond and Share ((2urb) American Simety .... 52 paying royalties. Windsor Saturday when a passing 21 ter has returned to her home, after Brookes, pastor of the Union Con­ South (Gentry teams In this District. The game Is motorist forced their automobile off Baltlq^ore Amezican . 8 % Klaw moved to England seven scheduled for 6:15 p. ra. Excess ...... 7 ■pending a week with Mrs. Emily gregational church; Song, "Star the highway. years ago. He Is survived by hli Spangled Banner.” The baseball game between the Fid. and Deposit .... 95 widow, the former Blanche Harris, B. Collins. Every Wednesday and Saturday Night American ’Thread baseball team and Jajnes. Riley,, 18. was injured PONTIFF APPOINTS The Pleasant Valley club held a Grade 6A of the upper grades pre­ fatally when his automobile skidded Great American .... 28% an Englishwoman, whom he married Hartford—’The Most Rev. Maurice that of Femow which was schedul­ Halifax 22 luncheon party at their club rooms sented the following program: MATTIE AND ALL THE LADS and turned over on Wall’s Hill In at 67; and two tone of bis first mar­ Greeting, Joan Kingsbury; Procla­ F. McAuliffe, Bishop of Hartford, ed to be played last Wednesday at 2 NEW CARDINALS Hanover ...... | 37 riage, Joseph Klaw of New York last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Delia (12-Picce Orchestra) WUIlmantle. was forced to be post­ East Hampton, Saturday. mation, Robert Williams; Story of Tha Trasldaiitial loom of iho Mayilowof Botof recommended to Roman Catholic The life of Richard Wilbur, 19, Home Ins...... 30 v- Md^Alonzo Klaw of Croton Falls, W . Benjamin, Mrs. Homer Lane, pastors throughout the state that poned because of work being done the Flag, Christine Dawkins; Your M son of Morgan Wilbur of Stamford, Home Fire Security . 5 Sr., and Mra. Emily B. Collins at­ Washington. t>« C. Aoqiieeg Yonii* Folks’ Society, 8L Mary’g Church. summer scboola be established In on the baseball diamond. ’The man­ (Oontlnued (rum Page One) Mass. Bonding ...... 4g tended. Country’s Flag, Robert ){YllUams; was snuffed out In a three-car crash His first wife was the former Songs, Rally, Flag Day; Recitations, parlahei having no parochial agement of the camp team ex­ National Liberty 914 Antoln6tt6 M. Monia of Bocton« There were , about forty young BeeutifiiUy gowned w om en ...diplonati sod stztetm ea...gstbet achools presses regret at the enforced post­ In Greenwich Saturday on the Bos­ delivered an allocution to the Cterdl- The True American, Selected Group; ton Post Road. Wilbur was a pas­ North River ...... 28 who died several years ago. girls of the “Taraaka’’ club who here, while the MeydoWer kitchens'give forth s stream o f rere New Milford— PhlUlp J. Onkey, ponement of this game, especially na's. Prov. Wash...... 39 Pledge of ^legiance. Footpath to senger In one of the machines. with their teachers Mrs. Walter N. Peace, The Flag Goes By, The En­ end tempting disbee. Tba funons rnofm tfU ttl o f tha Msydower 76, a retired manufacturer and a as many fans who looked forward to Then the d(x>rs were thrown open. Pref.-Accldent .... 10 the meeting of these, teams were His wife found Jeremiah Sullivan. Foster and Mrs. Hattie B. Johnson, tire Class; Address, Flag Day, Rev. — greetsd at "Fred”— saysi "O f course, our coemepoUtee dleo- resident of Bridgeport for 86 years, A delegation of heralds—consleting Seaboard Surety .... 22 motored In one of the school busses died at bis aummer residence here. greatly disappointed.' In the near 42, of New Haven, a World War K. Otto Klette; The NaUonal Flag, tela prate Csmels. They a n s gtsst teetita with one guests.” of a papal chamberlain, a master of Security Ins...... 35 to (temp Aya-po for their picnic Naugatuck—’The Knights of Col­ future this game will be played. veteran, writhing on the floor of a Lorraine Wroblewski; Instrumental room in his home there Saturday ceremonies and an arcbl-vlst— greet­ Springfield Fire * Ma. 134 MANCHESTER Saturday. umbus of West Haven won the first The barrack No. 4 baseball team ed the two new (terdinals and In­ Sun Life ...... Music, the Conn. March, Helen before help arrived he was dead. The South Windsor Garden club Smith, piano; Walter Schub, drums; GIFTS annual track and field meet ot the defeated the representatives of bar­ vited them to visit the Holy Father U. S. F. and G. . . . Wednesday, Medical Examiner Marvin M. Scarb- which waa to have met at the home Advice To My Country, Ctearles New Haven County Sheriffs’ Asso­ rack No. 2 last Thursday at tho Wednesday evening. Westchester ...... camp field by the score of 10 to 7. gough said It was suicide caused by o f Mra. John A. Collins last Tues­ Bagnall; Toe Dance, (terisUne Daw­ ciation here with 14 points. Tarsan At that meeting the new princes X—Ex. Dividend. JUNE , Brown, Olympic distance rtmner, The final game of the first round poison and that Sullivan was sched­ 1 7 day has been postponed to this kins; The (teUdren of Old Glory, won the six mile road race to this will be played this week, with the uled to go to the veterans’ hospital will receive their berrettas, three- The Show You All Know! Monday afternoon. Mrs. Welles of Harry Mead, George Herzog, Elrwln -.-rj / / 7 A corneiyd ecclesiastical hats. A CASHIER HAS TO HI community from Waterbury. winners of the above game In a at Newington for gas treatment as l e s s o n n o . 1 Newington will speak on "Flower Davis, Frank Kulo, Sterling Long; New Britain—Anthony Paige, 21, splendid position to capture the a result of war service. During the constatoiy ths Pops Airangement". Flag Drill, eleven girls; Song, Battle £uLsccnratc,pleessot.MiM o f thla dW , was stabbed three Umea coveted championship of ths first formflly proclaimed appointments A suptriy o f community song Hymn o f the Republic; Citizensbip, Travis Lender, shown at tba round. ,4 of three American and two Cana­ Salt Lake City—Things happened Frederick Hewitt; What You Showl '4/'' i In the left side and taken to New fast when John McNeU, C o o k .^ e d books has been given by a group of ticket window, says: "I like Britain General hospital, while po- On 'Tuesday evening of this week dian bishops. They were Monslgnor public spirited citizens of South Read, Prudence Roy; Harmonica Se­ Next Sunday Is Father*s ^a y a group of enrollees from this cs^p to teach Helen Glenn, pantry maid, to smoke at nssltimt. llse sought hla unidentified assailant, Georgs L. Leech, bishop of Harris- to drive an automobile. Windsor. These song books wU be lections, John Ibajewskl; Other described aa one of two 14-year-old will present a few acts o t entertain­ BONUS IS PAID burgh. Pa.; Monslgnor Hugh L. Flags, John Kingsbury; Boy Scout Csmels help a y digasdoo.” Missing alright turn, the car hit used for an community gatherings getttaff something or bovs. ment at ’ the St. Joseph’s Young Lamb, auxiliary bishop to Csu-dlnal at the Town Hall and the Rye March (piano), Barbara Robb; Our Men’s club meeting. In addition to two filling station pumps. Jumped a hiiB for event, You wiU find excellent suffsestiona New Britain—Benjamin J. Rowe, Dougherty; Monslgnor WlUiam street school, and will belong to the Flag, Alice West; Tap Dance, Alice these acta, a resume of the history udewalk, smashed two display win­ in oar Unea of 87, was Injured critically in the col TO WORID WAR Adrian. NashvUls, Temt,; Monslg- dow and .'n sisctrlo sign and stop­ people of South WUidaor. These Miller; Lincoln’s Message, Luc.v - Ilslon o f two automobiles. He waa o f the CCC and Its activities wlU be BROS. Rich; Alpine Hut (piano), Ikirralne nor Francis (terrol, Oalgary, Alta,J ped amid scattered merchandise In hooks were given at the suggestion taken to the New Britain General given by the Company Commander and Monslgnor Patrick Bray, SL Wroblewski; The Flag, Walter J. J. McCarthy, 1st, Lieut. CA­ tte station. Attendants estimated of Mr. Wlnsblp, who is representing t/i: J hospital and placed on the danger John. the damage at $760. Schub; American Ideas, Gladys Ed- Hat. RES. VETS J F U. S. the Extension Service of the State n-ards; Star Spangled Banner, Cnazs "Quid vis vlvltur?" he asked In Police charged both persons with College, which Is sponsoring the *NECKWEAR Derby—Joseph B. Casey, 88 for- The Camp Femow picnic area reckless driving. with audience Joining. was rtsited by hundreds of plcnlcers Latin. To the Cerdinsls it meant Conununity Recreation Nights at A SUGGESTION mer police commissionerner and for 31 (Oontlnned From Page One) “what is your opinion?" WUl Attend, a re a s years a jlollce officer, died at his during the past week. The beauty the Town Han and Rye street The children of the County Home In older times the princes were home after a short Illness. of the Natchaug State Forest Is in­ paying postoffleea, checks will be school. at Vernon (tenter wiU be the guests WUIlmantle— A tank car on deed one splendid source of comfort written. privileged to break up the meet­ A (fiiarge of criminal negligence o f the Kay Brothers Oreus on T'uas- *8HIRTS ing with dissenting opinions but to­ At mealtime, try Camels yourself long freight train on the Central to these people who wish to get Can Remain Home against Edaon Nelson, driver of a day afternoon. The Stanley Dobosz Soioneo oonfim i tho Inith of iho popular Vermont railroad tore up 100 feet away from the congestion o f the No veteran will need to leave hla day custom held them to solemn ac­ car that kiUed Miss Elizabeth G. Post of the American Legion will of roadbed and delayed traffic on cltiee and loll around In the most home town, to cash hla bonds, offi­ ceptance. * STATE * Pelton of South Windsor recently, furnish the transportation ■■ they phraio "For Digoition'i 8ako this railroad and on the New Haven beautiful of nature’s gifts, the for­ cials ^(L Eteeh local postmaater They signified their approval ot aras dismissed In Town Court last have on prevloiu occasions. and see why smokers say *PAJAMAS railroad here for an hour in both est. All picnic areas are suppUed has made arrangements to Identify the elevation of the Pope'i friends TOMORROW AND WED. week. A coroner’s verdict absolved Held Festival ...Smol(o Cu m U** directions. with Forest guards, who are ever veterans, certify brads, and forward by silently raising their red hats. tba driver of criminal responsibility. The young people of tha Vernon Brooklyn— Mr. and Mrs. John R, willing to lend a band in the mak them to paying olAees where the Nelson was azsessed the costa of the (tenter Oongregational church hMd s Scientists have found that Camels tion to proceed i$ormslly snd Urquhart, parenta of UeuL Ross V. Ing of fires, acting as guides, or stTawt>erry festival on Saturday W a­ checks wlU be written. courL promote well-being by stimulat­ Urquhart of the Danielson state po­ anything else that Is requested of ning. Supper waa served during the besitbftilly. "INTERWOVEN them. Business observers watched ex RICH SPORTSMAN “ Mrs. Elmer Stoughtor left for lice barracks. Were Injured when peotantly to see what effect the early evening, and an entertainment ing tbeflow o f the digestive fluids W ith their finer, costlier toba» J. Franefs DUlon Educational Ad­ Greensburg, Penn., last week, with their automobile skidded and upset sudden burst of cash would have on was presented under the direction s a i u ,— on the highway here while they viser at this company has been noti­ Mrs- EUlOtt Knight of Manchester, ...alkaline digestive fluids...nec- cos. Camels give mildness s new HOSIERY general trade at a time when busi­ SERIOUSLY HURT where she will visit her brother and of Miss Marion C3ark on the church were on their way to visit their aon. fied that be has been one of the Ad- ■taps os follows: Piano solo, Bar­ euary for g o ^ digestion. Often meaning. Thsy do not get on vlsero. In the Fifth CXX District, ness normaUy hits a downswing. wife. Hr- and Mrs. William Tregor- President Roosevelt has u ig^ co­ ring, for nearly two weeks. They bara Robb; vocal solo, Philip Frans- fatigue, worry, excitement, ner­ your nerves or rasp your throat. selected to attend the National (Osattaoed man Page Oaa) en of Hartford; reading. Miss Bertha operation In the cashing of Federal mode the trip by automobile. Aquatic School to be held at Camp Dart; violin and piano, Mrs. Larsen vousness-all interfqre widi this Make Camels your amoks— for Afore Good News! Klwanls, South Honshn, Maas., for checks In order that the flow of auh In ths grand stand when the boat The United Wotkers held their FOREIGN EXCHANGE Into trade may start “without un­ and Mr. McClotcboy; piano duet, digestive flow. Camels restore sod their cheery "lift” . . . for diges- the period June 17 to 37 tncluslva. charged Into the crowd was bis annual business meeting Friday Mrs. Bernice Bamfortb and daug))- The purpose in sending the Advisers necessary delay." wife, the former Dorothy Bell Endl' aftenmon, which followed a luncb- increase it, thus assisting diges­ don's sake. Camels set you right. New York. June 18.—(AP) __ Leans On jmmes ter; solo. Mrs. Percy Lathrop; dance Another $27.50 Suit WiU Be Given Away selected to this school is in order cott, whom he married recently aft­ eoa at noon in the veetry of the ■Ut, Joan Kingsbury and Deru Foreign Exchange Irregular; Great that they may be quaUfled to con' Home Owners Lpan Corporation er a divorce from Mra. Sybil Jlame church. Saturday, June 27. Britain In dollars, other in cents. officials predtetad'fDonua distribu­ Clark; piano solo, Mrs. Arlene Skin­ epw as-sresstnimaw duct and Inatruct In the CCC Dis­ Spreckela They came here from Mr. and Mrs. Harrieon of Mlchl ner. Great Britain demand. 8.03 7-8; ca­ trict Life Guard Trelhtng School, tion would hasten payment of toans San Franeiaoo on a pleasure trip Rooember, Conpona given with every 50c purchW on homes. gap have been the re< ^ t guests at To Leave Rockville bles, 8.03 7-8; 60 day bills. 8.01 7-8; which will be held in the early part about two months ago. the horns of their son and wife, Mr. between now and that date. purenase 'Mpterans* retention of the bonds, In the ennouncement mode by France demand, 6.88 3-8; Italy de­ of Ju ly.. R .’Jr^Raba, Seattle buaineM osso- and Mrs. Nell Harrison 7uns 16-36—-Maaehsstsr Vstsr- ijussUotttng discloaed aotoiag. Maneheeter poUcenten aad WPA form" Ibaefar aa SKlslUnf statutes trsprsBsura havt wma to thS rsluat- Praaesa KentoD; satertataunsat aad ana' Aasodatloa CatnlVal, Old Golf HTIIBR REVIEWS FLEET Herself— Found Asleep in Members of Dolta’s family . OMtrAI HAUMf London for yaart. Only Mx ysara Major Fltker Telb Bi( lota. . p»B«t«d oataAwl. IMI employeea from a first aid oouijm. permit ago enough of them to bring about afit coaelusioa that plagiarism is J DEVOUT Btacs music; John Lorona, Aadrtw ElUaon, Weather on Saturday A fter­ Ck>penhagen, Denmark, June 16. Mountains, they were sitting on tosUr porch 8:^,? , Juna 16.—Gardsn otrawberry f ^ —A secret visit by Adolf Hitler on jl^blltktd IvtiT Bxatpt Osrtalaly they muat be competent, All in all, bars u a dlatlnet ad- hla defeat thought ha waaa't tha just s un-tstUr word la tos diction­ Herbert Robinson aad Jamas Colo; urday night when they h e ^ a ahotjl Winchester, Tenn. — Plrsmen loearion,’ Mathias Bplaos, Lester tlval at Osnter diureb ground*, his private yacht "Crille" to review Going to her room they found UmP! ■atfurs aad BolldarA At tnt vanoamant In tha aolanea of gov- man for pracinot oommlttaamaa. ary to ths ao*oallsd amatsur* who GallKim(Hereltk‘‘Ju Croat GaAering tf Lead* Mlffltntown, Pa.. June 15.— (A P ) ■tOOIAA A* UAMhAAIAr. OOBAh aa lo If you sea a policemen or WPA Tboha who lloktd him now alng didn't have much trouble subduing Hardy; financs; John Blackwood. 6:48 on. noon ' Forces Postpone­ 40 units of toe German fleet maneu­ young woman, a buUet in her heaiL ^ ABd O aAA UAIl UAttAf. employee dashing for the hospital, ammant Ona can only hops that play toe oontsst dreulL .. a blase In toe Church of Tbs -(Jooa ' Ward Grant, Edwafd Norton and vering off Skagen, Denmark'a —A young woman, whose past toe a rifle at her side. Hospital iattend;' "luaannal" and proolalm tha glfta 'Thb wastsn farmboy who wop Shepherd hers but the has problem ' $24.«5 police have tried fruitlessly to pene­ aOMCRimoN lU Tn give him a lift. He Will be on an othar sutas will awing mors and which fit him to rule ovar ua all aa Phh, Conmoi Seiue.’’. Da-vkl Orson, Jamss WHaoa, Mrs. ere Next May. Jun* 18-17—Strawberry festival northernmost point, was disclosed ants said she probably would raoovegjb tAAT, by llAll ...... ft-iAOt Bddls Oaator'ia $6,000 prlaa for a was a painful one. Katherine Hsirite, ids* Oroee at St. Bridget’s church. ment to Next Satnrday. today. trate, lay in Lawistown hospital to­ but may lose her sight. errand of mercy. mors toward tha marit aysUm. president. ptac* assay (wrlttaa by a ooi- Meat and smoke drove to* oe** day, a bullet lodged in bar head. ttABt^ by UaII 'A *to It la easy for a nawapaparraan to Adams, Marit Holmes; puhliolty, Thia Rteek Ths dictator, escorted by a tor­ She speaks broken English, 8er» ;U CbBi ...... ■{ '«t Isg* professor) apparsntly Is just from Thslr. home In toe wall* of the _ Steam & Foster's rejrular liflft.oO mattress. Two weeks ago she disappeared geant M. A. Davis, of the Pi M cover a convention and intarvltw Maneheater'a four Townaend ehiht Mrs. Oars SouthergUl. Mn- Kato- londoo, June 16.— (A P )—Prim* Jun* 17—Second Cengrsgatiintal pedo boat arrived In semi-darkneaa tatAA oba yAAf ...... MEN THAT COUNT on* ot too oouatItM isgion . ol building and they reglstersd a pro- This ftinous old company made up a quantity of srine Hardy, A n d r^ Elilaon. Cqmreh Womsa’s Leogu* straw­ Th* American Legion Boy Bcout from a CSiicago-New York expresa vania raUroad police, said she - LIBERTY tha polltleiani. But aomtUmts men, women aad ohlldrsa Who fs- tfest by-stinging Mveral firemen ano joined tat conducting a aueoesaful Minister Baldwin announced today at 8 o'clock last night and sped train, leaving in her berth a sutsida lonanM or » ■ am ooiatsd it's all a bit dlffloult to undaratand. The combined Advisory Boards of berry supper at Willlama' farm, Jamboree to be held at toe Old Golf away half on hour later. freely of everything but her ' PIIBSb Prom now on, tha praaldantlai fus* to gild tot Illy OB tot pflh- spsetetors. them fo r us during; their dull season, in a. ^scoiv- Townsend mUy Saturday afternoon an Imperial conference wiU b* held Grounds on Saturday aftsrnoon last, note. tioubles. One of the most oft repeated tbs four Townsend Clubs of Man­ in London next May, immediately 1682 Tolland Turnpike. TAA AAAOelAtAd PrAAA II AXelBAlvAly campaign la going to appear a great olpl* toaf It Is foolish to itniggia tinued ticking. Now there are nhl.v ft full sizes and evening In toe Boat Side Recrea­ chester wish to return slacars Also Trad* sehold gfaduatlim at waa postponed to tola coming week tltlAd to th# baa (or riPublleAtlan words during the presidential cam­ over words whan flbaksapsar* or following toa coronation o f lOng All BAWt dlAPAtABAA orodltAd (O It CANT BE RtOBT left . . at this special price. tion buUdlng with 400 membera and thanks to all those who helped la night. because of rain. Tb* affair win get paign now with us promises to be deal different Tbit Is haoausa the MUton havt already set to*m (hrwa Edward. underway at 2 p. m. at toe grotmds. AAl AtbArwIio ortdUAd In tbti voters now have two figures to lis­ fnnerspring center; sisal insulation i cotton up­ officers of toe unite la attendance any way to make toe Rally of Sat­ Th* coronation will be May 13. Jims IS.—Lawn festival at South por Aad AlAO U ia Ioaa) b a w a b b B- "Hbarty." The Roossvelt Demo­ Health and Diet so pally ' Roandak*,' Va.— Pity th* poor urday evening a success. L«at year's winners, Troop 18, of holstery; durable Striped ticking . . and a host of during the corembnlee. A short A great gathering of political Msthsdiat ehureb. bAd borAlB. crats promise to fill the air arith ten to. Until now, tha prssidant A eontatt manager tslis u* tost rallrodd engineer who Wants to be A good aum raaltsed from toe Hartford, wiU be here to defend toelr Ml rlAhu of rApubliAAtloBi of a (*w. of the Incorriglblss eveo leaders from CMiada, toe other Do­ Alao strawberry fesUval at Sol- title. Troop I, under Scoutmaster olAi AtBAtebOA horoia a n aIaa ro- haa monopollsad tha picture. a law-abidtng cltlten. other Deluxe features. : < ’ ooUectlon aad Dutch Auction, paid demands for liberty from what they Advice rsfus* to paraphrase. On* raobu-. Th't state law command* that toe minions and all parts of toe Empire v*U (» Army cltadsi: Danny Shea, will enter toe contest Important Notice To Motorists »oA______Haneafcrth, thara la going to be By Or. FBANB MoCOY toe Rally expenses with aometolng is expected in London for tos ocea- Al*o Jitney Players In 'The have arbitrarily labeled "intrenched mental plamariat sntsrtd a slogan whlatla aad bsU be aounded when left over to apply upon toa ex* Sion. this week because of permlsston Dll BAmOA ellABt Of K B A dAfO- a battle of parsonallttas In which contest with an entlr* page copied' approachihg croaslnga. savarai Onnse Lodge and aU exercises were Rivals" at 1. Edticational Square, granted toem. As a rule to* spon­ IBA.______greed," (Including In that claealfi- held m toe recreation auditorium penses of toe delegates to toe com­ Baldwin made his onnouninment sponscinsured by Memorial Hospital cation all those who oppose them.) tha oharaotara, tha vlawt, and the DIET A8 AN IMPORtANT vsrbatum out of Bartlett's quota­ soufhwaat ^rg ia la towfi ordinances WATKINS BROTHERS ing National Convention at Cleve­ soring troop is not aUowed -to enter tions and toe modest note that ne prohibit the Whistle and ball within due to threatening weather. in the House at Commons where, staff. to* contest. Patrol Leader ^ w ard BAlltAAl'A RaprAAABIAtlVAl TtaA axpAritnoa of two man will be pitted FACTOR IN EVERY DISEASE. I Major William Hammond Parker, land to be held JiiiyTB-19. Anthony Eden, foreign secretary, LARRY COSTELLO The Rspublloans call fof liberty Jun* 16.—Barnard school gradua­ lllDI KAthAWt SPAAlAl AAAnoy— Kaw probably could have dene better had the town Ilmita. De4egnaea ^ Fraber of Troop 7 is assisting bis ftk. Chlteco. OAtroit ABd BoatOB. from Interfsrsnce by oantralised against taeb othar. ymemiMr of the Townsend National had juM Indicated the government tion in afternol gradua­ foot giant. Ughwaya uuit do not hAve Atdo> during a court'session. Arrested Sfthind tha Scenes eat and drink. Mistakes, such as TELEPHONE 3864 FOR FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS SERVICE I eating the wrong things, eating too Abrim With Symptom* States today with ample lands, and from each state, expects to attend Nations' punlsbmetat of Italy. tion in evening. Some reporta said the party wmllu oondtltuto a hazard that muat on charges of assault, which con­ In Washington much, and improperly combining Dr. Charles J. Brim was one of CHINA a population of 130 mllUon prople, toa convention and John Blatter Eden replied; "Exercise your June 33.—Hollister school gradua­ planned to return here at .. $ 0 * 7 0 versity of Clnctnqatl and joined In song that once famous chant of the vegetables which would supply Iron betes. St least In a rudimentary liam Hosek of Long Island (Gity, Meriden, June 16.— (A P) — As WELLESLEY ALUMNAE eurrad in that particular area. odloally pledge anew their aiie- fashion: and ic) that the Blole j toe Townsend mo-vement In an ac­ Misses Margaret and Francis El­ late Bert Williams called “Prepos< In a form which Is readily assimi­ (61. Arm (GhAira; Popular Hourglss* tive capacity. the result of a sales contest recently _____ h o n o r in g PRESIDENT — The town haa not baan bulldlttg gianoe to the ponstltutton, voiced teroual" recognised the existence of angina ( l i Coffee Table: modern design in styls, or modern design of basket-weav* liott and Harry EUlott of Manches­ lated. The patient with anemia jjASkat,weave.peei.cana.^____ A.j;. /ve;.. ; "We may as well make up our ter. Mr. and Mrs. Vt^IIiom Arm­ conducted by the Interiiatlonal Sil­ -~aMe«raUar atnoa dapreaakm- Oahie, last week by the MeraKt the Hart* ' Conventions often are like that. has Often" formed the Bid habit of psetoria ' (a - bsart - ailment) - and cans... Regular--.--*.— minds, that.wejian-cuce.depcessiona ver .Company. ..among. the wholesale, Wellesley, Mass., June 16—Con- fc i accurately described the symp­ Floor Sample. Reg. $7.60.. $ 0 * 7 0 strong;-Rby.' and' Mnr.-Leon- Anstin; largtly beoauaa proparty ewncra ford Courant and the New Haven In almost no time you will find the excluding the vegetables from the 16.66 eaeh ...... $ 7 . 5 0 and unemployment, not by any jewel distributors of the country, hiCUait alumna* 'o f Welfeiley' (ibl- Democrats going through the mo­ toms. I means now in effect but by toe Mrs. Benjamin Strack and daugh­ legs, 760 strong joined in sending tatt thay could not afford their Journal-Courier have joined the diet, filling up on highly refined (1) Seftce; rounded-arm style of nat­ (7) Arm (Jhairs; choice Of two designs. ters Bessie and Josephine, Mrs. Ar­ over. 100 winners and other repre- tions of a convention which will be foods which do not supply the food (One skstched above). Dtaek-and-orangt 'Townsend Plan,” he declared. "It sentatt-ves are being entertained messages of foroweU to toa retiring ttiara ot tha eoat. ror that reaaon ranltt of those opposing the en 800-Year Change ural can* with black deeorationa. Floor #111 free industry of its shackles and thur Vinton, Mrs. Htory Barnes, president, Miaa Ellen Fits Pendle­ BO cut^and-dried that no delegate minerals required to build healthy Sample. Regular M Y O C t\ decoration*. Regular t o o n c and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gowdy, here by the company at a three day aa ttuch aa for any othar various forced oath. could be persuaded to spend train blood, That sliver of land you see at the give productive activity to the un convention. Several of toe com­ ton, who ended a brilliant 36 year gateway to New York City, provid­ $17.60 $ 1 2 S.OU 118 80 each ...... $ 0 * 7 0 . Miss Ernestine -Koehler. Mr. and adminlstratiim tola Commencement. epeta'throughout the town have "We have la ConnecUout," the fare for It except for the promise of APPENDICITIB: Is brought On employed. pany’s salesmen are also In to-wn to ing you arrive by boat, I* (Gover­ (8) Arm Chairs: two modern styles I Fluid Money Mrs. Walter Pomeroy. Miss Kings­ Sbs .i* to be succeeded by a Vassar hsanaged to do without sldawatks Jouniai-Oourler points out "several festive doing, plenty of food and by colitis or intestinal Irritation, (1) Peacock Chair; the finest of til from which to choose. Basket-weave bury was presented with several take part In the program. drink, parades, song and dancing In due to chronic constipation from nor's Island.' And htatorlans delving i "When money Is fluid, business is After being registered at the graduate, Miss Mildred Helen Mc­ When aa a nuttar of fact thay have IntUtutlotui of higher learning and through such musty tomes as “T ’.is Chinese Peel Cane furniture. Black cane. Regular O t f gbod and we have prosperity. We bouquets and was toe recipient of Afee, now dean of women at OberUn | the streets. faulty dietitlc habits. decorations. FloorSam- ^ a f t sy iff many beautiful gifts. Wlnthrop hotel and toe Montowese college. been really aaoeaaary. Tha Waet In all of them discussion and Minutes of th* Common Council" U2.80 each...... $ 7 * 7 0 propose to give 7H or 8 million peo- House at Indian Neck thia morning, a s t h m a ; It characterized by have declued that next year u*i:i pi*. Regular $26.76...... $ 1 7 * / O (flee Our Window Display!) le $200 a month to go out and buy Tonight toe whist and dance to Alumnae from nearly every state I Oantar street section we mention la thought ara free. It Is really at Democrats Can't Tie This. difficult breathing and Is largely be held by O der Swamp school will a general get-together was held at in toe Union thronged toe (mmpua It Is not In the nature of things, mark Its tsreentenary, which makes Slose things that they have needed the International Sales Service In­ h hhoe la point The length of such freedom a project like that produced by catarrh from th* mu of admired—but to spend their be held at the Coventry Grange Saturday as they met to honor toelr however, for the Democratic con­ cus-forming food*, and by excessive it one of the flret spot* inhabited jy stitute on Colony street. Evarts •Idewalk oonstruetlon there would proposed would strike." white men on this continent. In­ n)onthly allotment. We propose to hail. friend, "Pres. Pen” at special cere­ vention this year to be as screwy gas pressure against the diaphram The annual Children Day exei^ C. Stevens, president of the Inter­ not be such as to prove very costly. The advocates of the Teachers' dians used to call the place Pag- WATKINS BROTHERS finance toe plan by toe simplest, monies. Since RM>re than 66 per I as the Republican. from excessive food fermentation. sanest tax in toe world—a transac­ clses were held at the Second <3on- national Stiver Company, gave an cent of its atudents are drawn from MSewaika'aad curbing would not Oath requirements start their argu­ The fight hers over the const! ganck or Nut Island because of a address of welcome at the luncheon AUTO-INTOXICATION: is group of hickory trees. The OutcU tion sales tax, toe fairest tax in the gregational church, Sunday morn­ outside New England, Wellesley has oaly be welcomed by pedestrians ments with the false premUe that tutlonal amendment issue has been blanket term (or a general toxemia world and the easiest to bear. We ing. served this noon at the Hotel Win been ctdled toe miMt truly national throp and at 2 o'clock W. A. Morris who mutt uts that ascUon. but making all teachers repledgs their enough to prove that. Until the created by various dietetic indiscre­ say a two per cent tax will be neces­ Miss Nellie Erbe spent toe week of toe women's colleges. It has 70. oonvsntlon svs It was sklomatlo in gave a silverware manufacturing allegiance can do no harm. “It la tions, and is often called "The sary at first Later a one per cent end at toe home of her parents, Mr. strong alumnae assoclatioDS In vari­ would greatly Improve the highway nollUM that the Q. O. P. had Mother of All Disease.” tax will suffice, >not only to finance and Mra. William Erbe. talk at the Soles Service Institute ous parts of the country. from the driving viewpoint • The not the oath In Itself but the facts foolproof tasua In Its grim stand (or BIUOUBNfiBS: It a common the Townsend Plan by all other Mr. and Mrs. CTbauncey Hinckley following which the delegation Wellesley alumnae In Manchester road surface is not partloularly of Its enforcement which counts, preservation of the Oonstltutlon, symptom produced by using more taxes." and family spent Sunday with Mr. mode a tour of the compiuiy's fac­ are aa follows; M. E. Burr, Mrs. W. tories. A dinner and entertain­ ,4t- smooth and in spots is highly the Journal-Courier declares. and the power of the U. 8. Supreme heai^ food than the body can make 'Passage of toe Townsend Old Age and Mrs. Ernest Gowdy. I. Kettb. Mrs. F. C. MoUn and Mrs. | Court from New Deal tampering. Revolving Plan will give assurance ment will be enjoyed this evening at F. E. (Turtia. The poorest of conceivable exr use of, which throws too much of a The graduation exercises of Cov­ nrowned. Curbing would tend to Every orator In tha par\y beat burden on tbs liver, causing this or­ that millions of workers who have entry school will be held Tuesday 6 o'clock at the Waverly Inn In correct that fault Oommlssionar cutes for a restricting law la tbs hts breast and declaimed that hla gan to become torpid. leached toe "border line" will be evening at the church. Cheshire. Oonnor’a safety board might do a one that it can do ho harm. life blood muat be taken b^ore BLOOD PRESSURE: high blood assured of social security. Other The Coventry Fragment Society Craig D. Munson, vice president LEGAL NOTICES millions, men and women from the and general soles manager, will real servloe by surveying the sute anyone could cast snoots at those pressure la due to an Increase In the will serve its annual Strawberry AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD great Institutions and get away sgea of 30 to 60, at present without Supper at the Grange ball Tuesday conduct the business *essl(ui to be highway sysUm to find just such tension of the arteries and a com­ llUl at Manchester, within and for the SOCIAL LAG with It. And thia Issue seemed a mon cause Is the us* of too large a assurance of jobs, will be given evening. held at the Sales Service Institute District of Manchester, on the isth hasardooB spou as this and maka popular ona. work," George Jones of Connecticut tomorrow morning at 6:30 o’clock. day of June A- D.. 1IS6.' Robert Ernest Doherty Is presi­ quantity ot starch. When th* ilir Present WILLIAM 8 . H'fDE. Esq., tuggestloaa for thslr ooiteoUon. Overnight the Republloana starch Is cut to the minimum, th* The speaker said that In claiming State college Is spending the sum­ Luncheon will be served at toe Ho­ dent Of the Oamegle institute of that the United States ts a “free” Judye, - Than the towns might gat soma aid themselves changed all that Talk blood pressure frequently becomes mer at Autumn View Farm. tel Wlnthrop at 12:30 o'clock and Trust Estate u-w of Lucy Q. Technology, and, u tuch, ha ear* of oonatitutlonal amendment bussed country that he had made a "slip of during the afterncxin golf and other Spencer late of Manchester, In eald from tha atau hlghuray dapartmant lower with no other measure being . toe tongue.” "We ate now facing a District, deceased. Utnly harbors no lUutlona about through Oeveland hotels and bars. used. sports will be enjoyed at the ligh- in maklag tha naeaaaary changas. Rapublieana averywhare ware mak< blank, economic wall but by the land Oiuntry club while several of The Hsrtford-Cbnnectleut Trust tha social implteatlona of hla job. BtUOHTS DISEASE; IS a ktd- BkRiirnal (God we will free this couh- Company. Trustee, havlns exhibited Along tha saw Boatoo-Woroaatar log sour comments on tha court nay dlaaaa* resulting from careless ANDOVER toe group will attend the annual Us annual account with said esiats In fact, Mr. Doherty propoaaa erstwhile saorad idol, beeauaa of try from depressions imd economic commencement parade and toe to this Court for allewanee, It Is boulevard tha eoimncawaalUi habit* of Uving wbtcb place a baavy error by the Townsend' plan", he that today anglnaars ganarally ba the New York minimum wage law functional strain on tbs Udneva. The following program was pre­ Yale-Harvard baseball game la New ORDERED:>~That the >0 th day of bunding padaatrlta walke. Tha promised. Haven. An old-fashioned clam June. A. D-. 191$, at 9 o'clock (a. t.) Uught to regard aad undarataad daeiaton. Ralial from the aymptoma of this sented at the ei|^t grade gradua­ forenoon, at th9 Probate Office, In oirbing la ot looal atona and tha Major Parker further stated that tion given at the Town Hall. Friday bake will be held at the Highland the aoclai eonsequtaeea of their Landon's platform bjlidara wars disorder Is secured more quickly the plan Is Intellectually clean and said Manchester, be and the same ts sidewalk surtaca la of tar. Tha found working on an amandmant evening. March of graduatea -Ad­ Country club at 6:30 o’clock In toe asslsned for a hsarlny on ths allow* work. from dietetic treatment than from socially satisfactory and charged anee of said account with said es« walks are buUt at a miniiYintw o/ plank. Evan eonaarvatlva Her­ any other form of therapy. dress of welcome, Clara Savage; evening. Tha growth and development tn those in attendance at the rally Class History written - by George A fishing trip to Plum Gut will tats,, and this Court directs the Trus« wtpense. Thay art quickly aad bert Hoover joined the cry for an BRONCHITIS; and all timUar that it was up to them to make toe tee to Eive public notice to all per­ technology Is certain to go on amandmant of a sort darangamants of the mucous mem- Bonkowskl, Annie Mattoewson and be held Wednesday and a farewell sons Interested therein- to ' appear aasUy oonstrueted alaca praoUeally dream a living, vital reality.” dinner will be served at the Monto- and be heard thereon by publishlnv apaea, ha bellevea, while tha social Borsh, whose cheat bears hugs brans which lines tbs brsathing Grace Smith was read by George no foundation Is nssdsd. Tbsy ara Is s Republican Bonkowskl; Class Prophecy, written weee House-at 7 o’clock. a copy of 'Uils order tn 'eome news- and economic struetura thraatans callousca from long yeart ot public passages, are th* raault of too lib­ A Southerner, Major Parker la a pap«r havlny a circulation In said most ssrvtesabis aad practically dafanaa of the court publicly eral a ua* of t o * ' roueua-forming by Barbara MacDonald, Mable PhU- playlet, dr* days befors said day of to lag further and further behind. veteran of the Spanlsh-Amerlcan lips and Anna Misovito waa read-by aUminate tbs hasard tha highway aasertad a belief that Its majority foods, such aa sugar, starch and War. He said that be waa raised a heaHhr and return make . to this Mr. Doherty hat the right Idea members had been wrong. He Barbara MacDonald. Upper grade 76 Court. walker prceenta. Both the state fats. The underlying catarrhal In­ Democrat and that before him bis LEGAL NOTICES . WILLIAM 8 . H T D B and othars took the stand that al­ flammation which la the basic cause chorus sang two songs, "The Bum­ safety oommlaalon and tha atato The whole tragedy of the world de­ ancestors embraced the Democratic ble Bee". "The Kitchen Clock.” Ad­ ~ A r ”r"cOURT0i^”pROBAfF'HBED pression can ba traced in great teration of tha court's complexion will oontlnne until the diet Is party principles. "When I grew up Manoheiter. within and for tho highway oommlaalon might look waa naoesaary. changed. dress, "The Road Ahead", by Max­ measure to the very thing that ha and got some sense", he admitted, well Hutchinson, Jr.. Song, "Dake Dlftrict of Hanchoiter, on the llth. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD into the situation. The need CONSTIPATION- is developed "I becuune a Republican." day of June A- D.. 19S6. at Nanehsst.r, within and for th* stresses—(allure of the world to More and More Hooey. Street” by toe upper grade chorus. Preeent W 1X«LXAM 8 . H Y D S , Esq.* great and It is certain a number of from several causes, chief of which Caiarglng tost toe recent Con Address, "Making -Use of - Lelmm Jodve. pistrlet of Maneh.itor, on th. llth keep up socially and economically In abort, It developed that what are the use ot too much refined ' rional Invaatlgatlon of tos Satate $f Henry W. Harrlaon late day of Jon. A. 0 „ I M A fatal aocidents could ha avoided by the Republicans thought about the Time", by Eleanors Covell. Class Frosont W I L U A M ■. HTD*. *,q_ For The HOME with Its mechanical progress. food, and a deficiency In the diet of isend movement was an inqulal- of Manchester, in said Olstrlot, de< Judg*...... giving pedestrians a safe place to song by class of 1988. Mrs. Day, eeasML Constitution and the court waan't toe foods providing bulk such os I of blasphemy and slander he in- assistant supervisor spoke followed o t Mary Laeo. (alia. Luow. AsaUc. what they thought at all. vegetables and fruits. ConsUpa- - / .•■A • ated that sterner measures may The Administrator, d. b. n. bavins ■hi) U U of Monehtriar. In Mid Ola- by L T. Garrison, wdio gave an ad­ exhibited its partial administration! trict drMM. ERASE IT If It also msans fantastic, oon- Uon can not be overcome until toe r be used to protect their rights dress to toe graduates. Nathan account with said estate to this On If you decide to cash your bonus bonds elder further the spectacle of • m' I huch instances. r. Jnotfoa ot J.nnI. 8ehub.it of patient uses those foods In abun- Gatchell, chairman of toe School Court for allowance, It la ■all odqilDUtratrlx FIRST AID It la encouraging to not* that great political party about to nom­ dancs which provide the colon with "Some day we may revert to pla- ORDERED:— Th4 t the SOth day pt Board, presented Miss Gladys Brad June A- O., 1911, at I o'clock (a t.) OEDBRED;—Thpt ujz month, from officials In several states have been inate a presidential candidate who roughage upon which to work. to'i for two; coffee for one”, he de­ th. llth .day, of Juno, A. D.. 111! b. and care to invest part of this, money we From a dlstanc< Manchester has clared. ley a travding bag from toe Board forenoon, at the Probate Office. In and th. M nu .ro Ilw it.d and allow. making determined effort* to wipe bad failed to take any poettlon on DEAFNESS; when not of acci­ of Education. He presented said Manchester,, be and the same is’ viewed with amaaement reports of One of toe prominent faults of toe •*. tor the en a ito ri within which to the outstanding, vital laeuee of the dental origin, is due to catarrh of dipIoniBs to the following graduates: assigned for a hearlnc on the allow­ bring In thiir etsinl. agaln.t Mid Insfficisucy In the hstribution of the Black Legion from th* Amtri- day. Townaendera is toe failure to con­ ance ol said administration account the noae and throat, and tot* In turn Eleanors Coveil, Barbara Mae Don­ with said' safats. and this Court di­ and th . M l* ndmtttl.tratrjx know of no better investment than any largess by New Deal relief organ- can scent. The job probably will And then proceed to analyse tha is brought about by wrong food. tribute liberally enough to keep toe I. dIr.etM to glv. labile nolle, to movement alive, toe speaker said. ald, Mabel Phillips,-Annie Hathew- rects the Administrator d. b. n. to itatlona. But net unUI Saturday prove long and arduoua, but It real underlying facta behind the In tomorrow's article, I will dis­ son, Clara SavOge, Marjorie Parrish, Elve public notice to alL persons in- '» fa ir claim, enormouB ballyhood, telegraphed New England Maple for New Englanders! "You are leaving.your own move­ tsrested thsreln to appear and be within. M id tlm . allow.d by po.tin* did the wonderful and aurful werk- should not be dropped for a mo­ cuss some more common dissasas Anna Mlsovlcdi, Katbeme Sehores, ■ copy of thl, erd .r on th . public one of these modern Electrical Appliances out of Cleveland In mllUona of In relation to diet. Watch for to* ment starved to death he said", in beard thereon by publlshlnE a copy .j»n M .t BMr.gt to th. pUo. wh.r. The Electric Rangip ment. onawer to a question from the floor Grace- Smith, Maaiwell Hutchinson, of this or<)er In some newspaper tagB o the WPA.atrlka boma. words, about the so-called “fight' article. Jr., Joseph Remesh and Gkorge bavins a droulatlon in said District, th. decaaMd UM dw«lt within Mid Manchester has besn proud of Its A resolution Is before Congress over the nomination. Bed, D m a a r Bed, Dresser, Chest rogardlng toe' use ot Townsend Bonkowsld. five days befors said day of hearlns tows osd by psbilobln* tb..Mni. in for your home. They will serve you for asking for an appropriation which The only other candidate who 1 money. » and return make to this Court. .ora. n.w.psp.r bartn* a elronUtlon Memorial hospital for OMoy years. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Dressing Table . . . Eleonore Covell, president of toe In prebst. dl.triet, within t.n would permit fighting the legion could be lot^cally nominated was 1110. “You won't pay 10 cents a month graduating class presmted Mrs. WILLIAM a HTDB daye from th . 4«M b f thl. erd.r. and It is not as large as.aome In the to'gain social security. No move- ^udsp. ratsitn rank, to this pourt of th.-no- across state boundaries. Perhaps Senator Arthur Vandenbarg of (ChloropkylL) Amt* VFilson a banjo clock from to* H-f-ld-Sf. tie. sivan. years to come and be of permanent value country tnit It adequately serves Michigan, who went on a long Eu­ mexi. can be conducted on a 'atarva- class. Ths school GIs*' Cluh sang something tike this is needed. At Question: Student wrltsa: "Thar* tloa basts.' lisat week my salary WILLIAM 8..RTDB this community and aavaral smaller ropean trip juit aa the other can­ Is a sulMtanc* In plants and vags- Up hero la Nsw England -w* know our "Oelenlal." And why ohouldn’t Muaie In'Air and the graduate* AT A COURT or PROBATE HELD ws, odth our fanxnu Colonial backgrounds 7 W* have unUmited re- was cut 60 per cent This week ,C!11q- at MaaohMt.r, within and (or th. . s ones nearby. least, prosecution of accused tei^ didates began to set halt and who tables which makes them 'groan.' matebed out Miaa Agaes Gaiidrsan District of Monch.at.r, on th. llth to you. The Electric aourcss from which to drow lasplrottoo. Right hare grows toe bard Kook ton Wnader aad mysMf reroived no accompanied at to* ptama But Batiuday tha boastful regard rorlsts aad murderers mutt be car­ made no secret of the fact that hs WUI. you kindly teU me to* nam* of MU4I7 .** day of Jnn., A. D. 111*. believed the Republican nomina­ mania that makaa such fine fundturo Our oaMaatmakers bavs bad theii Mias 'Gladys Bradley, who baa Pm.nt WILLIAM & HTOE. E m - Probat. Hold«n at Refrigerator ried out to the fullest degree. ItT” In MOMwn to a question nvsrdlair Jndg.. Golunbla within *a* for th. Dl.triet ; Maachcatar had for tto hospital waa tion worUUeaa until IMO. training handsd down from ganaiatkjn to ganarotlon. No wonder .n o w taught school in Andover for 37 on th* llth day of. Jun., At th* same time complete reve­ Answer: You are thinking of Eaglandan moke such fin* (Golonial fUrnltura. tbejMrmlng of Young TOwnsand S.Ut. of Marl. Morin U U of Mon- deflated with tha announoamsnt of Landca became th* only possible cbloropliyll, toe natual pigment in rears finds it necessary to* give up oh.it.r. In Mid. Dl.triet, 4 m m m A lation of th* acUvlUes of theae raid­ eluM ha uqfsd tos membens to do lere work as teacher. 8bs has made Praiaat CLAYTON E. HUNT. Eaq.. a W PA aafaty Inspsctor that it answer If th* party were to avoid vsgetablss and plants srhleh Im­ Tba spaelaUyprtcad-group wahavo aketehad is just such furnltur* 00. > Those now in schools and uh- Th. EXMUtor hOTln* .zhtbItM hU Juose. • . _- ers U highly Important. Keeping a flagrant exhibition of hose rule. a host of friends (hiring her tims in odminl.tratlon account -with Mid .*• would *Wot urerk out too waU” for parts toe green color to a grsatsr You must aa* toa taitarior workmanship and Use axterlor finish to appreciate amploysd will be to* bensficiariis tal* to tbU Court (or allowanoo. It t. On motion of Cllntoii r. LoomU. the spotlight en the Black Legion If you believe that much to be or lesser degree. Its action bslng Andover sqd they all wish her good Admlnl.trator oa.ths. Inuatat. h UU See Any Local Electrical Appliance Dealer [ W PA employaaa working about the toa difference in New Bngland-lCada Maple, flat tola group In our Show from any part that they may take wishes at sns leaves. ORDE R E D : — That tho Mth day of should ventually shew even tbs dull­ true, you wiU have a hard Urns dependant upon contact with aim- Window tola weak . . coma la aad bupeet It carofully. -br­ in ^ e movement, he oald. Jun. A D.. Ill* at t o’oloek (a t.) of Bolton hoapltal to ba cared for there if in­ figuring out any good axcusr'^r ahlne. For butanes, oslsry aad Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton forenoon, at th. Probat. Offle.. In it'." 4l.tr*t. d.eMMd. est Ptisan how uaAmerioan tuch a Jg eonchiztoD Major Parker stated hod tos pleasure of having their Thl. (Unrt doth’ dwirM that six jured aad that tha gang of paint­ most at the local fust. asparagus are "bleached’* 1^ hav­ Mid Manoh.it.r, ba and th. M m . I* month, b* sllow.d and llmttM for group la. An arouseq pubUc oon- other Maple BulteS, $89.76 and up. . that "toe Townsend plan Is no whole family home Fri()ay evening, OMignM to r a h.srln* on th. allow- ers Imhorlag about the buUdlng ing the light tout away during thslr 'share toe wealth plan"bufa ]dan to ano. of- Mid admlnl.traUos aocount tba oradltor. o f Mid m ic U to axhlbit sdenca wm eventually obUterate Borah Pulls the Claaalo. growth. I .. . for a picnic. Thos* who 'cam* were with Mid M U U , and this Court dl- th.lr claim, ag.ln.t th. Mm. to tbs ^ ahoold haoA a flrat aid ku of thalr free Individuals from to* » ngrii«i» of Mr. and Mrs. Dextor CTOfs and Rob­ Administrator and dlroeu that pub- the orgaalsatlom Any medals offered for the quin­ unemployment and to gtv* immsdl- rMt* th. Ez.entor to givo pnblio Ho netln b* given *f tkl. order by ;owaoadwleh. tessence of the groteequ*. however, ert from Springfield and frlsads. notle. to oil p.rw>n. tnuraitod th.r.- The Manchester Electric Company (Food Btansnto of Osintin.) OPfN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY fVINlMCS UNTfi • < rr»< vr etc impetus to industry." Mr. and Mrs. John Ooday, Mr. and In tn sspMr and bo tasard tb.roon by odv.^ring In a sowapspar having s The WPA. la all its wisdom, or- seem to be the property of Borah, Question; Mta. Brown wrltsa: <- Bnaertalameat publUhtn* a copy ot tbU erd.r in elrenUtlon lo sold diririet. aad by 779 Main 8t, Phofie 5181 MERIT SYSTEM the statesman. YouTl want tola hi b. roomy.. comfoiV. Mrs.' Ante Flydall from East Hart­ m t la g a espy tb *r**( on th . nubile m t tta n ahould be a fliotj "WiU you plaoaa taU m* tba Mod . A program ot musical and vocal ford, tba Mtaaes Da and Beatilea f*®*.!*?;**’*^ ' having a eirenlatlon ri*n pest In m I4 town of Bolton On the night of May 28, aa poU- alameats of gaiaUar" able .Wing Chair to go with your mapU nunjbers waa gtven during th* aft- in Mid Dl.trfet, flv. day. bafor. Mid rjphb aod tha highly Michlgaa has drlvsn «»v>*her nail Bamiltaa from Hartford. day of bMriag and rainni mak. %. tos 9«-e# whoro th* d.OMHd The Electric Uolana wsltsd with breath bald. Answer: Osiattai ls > M m ot WATKINS BROTHEk S badruom or U-vihg room. Ourfe* .nf Manebsftor*a pteoser Town- thl* Court. plaM covan. Mia* Da Haunfltn spent -tos week i • * " ‘6.rtHUd from RMord Into thn ootfin of the ^oUs system. Derail toM tba world — he waa protein, very beneficial to toa i Spiaaa. Mrs. Kato- WI 0 L1A M E H Y D E Water Heater . 108.00, ■w) With sistw, Mrs. Dexter. CLAYTON E. HUNT sw eep wa^.j».| net Intarsatafl- in piat(»cn^ jrM M t Y bh will .and ita 0 lyVflNCHES^Ht, OOHbl., > . $ 1 0 .7 1 .f t. . J»*«o. *^nyjm il fenUlj; tn i f iinfliiii . I*.*.!*.**-' -=-• ; j ‘ ^ ..V . j!,* •■•i*:’"-; -j * iTi' V '^; MAWtaBDea m c b v k w iw b s k a i^d. MANCHiafrgat. oorm . iid r k a t . nrNi: is, i«8& MANCHBSnrER EVEKINO HERALD. MANTHERTER. CY)NN. MONDAY, JU N E: quiem blgb mass ta St. Bridget’s church. Burial will bs to S t ing wiU be held at Watkins Bros, MORE EAST CEMETERY store os July 9. Tbers also will be te the bab SepL the Diotme home to set^ 'Churches Pay Red Roses Maty’a eeraatwy. New Britain, BRITISH AMERICAN WEDDINGS 1 BRIDCE MEETING MRS. ^lONNE EXPECTS source declared, and already OBITUARY where the family formerly Uved. a food sals to tbs near future. Tour I but neither the father THE OPEN FORUM donations are hers petitionbd. Kay Brothers Circus Will consulted phytietone about her eon- mother answerrti tM r j Friends may cau a t her home to­ LAND TO BE BOUGHT Johnson-Moriarty Third, Tour Club needs your sup­ flnement. DEATHS morrow from 3 o’cloek on. Ap- 0( amenicauooa (or pubUcaOoo to the Open Forum will not HER TWELFTH CHILD Mrs. Dionne was midi For Rental on Properties 0DHNG0NJUNE28 Miss Alary Elisabeth Morlarty, be guoraatosd pabMeatk« It they ouatato more than 800 wordo. port to attendance nt meetings. In Neither Dionne nor his wife would hsva coneulted pbyetaiana._ rangemente are to charge of w. P. daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Matthew HERE NEXT WEEK Qutob. Town Coonael Hyda NagoUates Tbe Herald tsseivss tbs right to docltos to publiab aay matter order to cut expenses during tbe Exhibit Here On June 17 confirm or deny the expected event. Dr, Allan Roy Dsfoo, thi^ IL tforlarty ot 48 Hamlin street, that B»y he Ubaioos or whloh is to bad taats. Free sxprsatioo summer, the Center Townsnd Club Relativt Reports That Mother They have refused to dlectua tbe ! doctor who attended bot'* Juoa I S ^ A P ) —»pr*a«iit«d th« roM yMterd«y to Mri. BENA.CADMAN Parchase from William was married Saturday to Cart of poUUoai views is dsrtrad but eoatributloiis ot this ^aractar No. 8 have accepted tbe kind offer of question since reports of s new birth or the quintuplets. * Richard M. BaU Grady p t Lake Street. Johnson, son of Airs. Anna Johnson President Lupien to use the Union of Famed Quintapiets Has baby kept recurring after the blrtb Km M bc a ourtom of Colontal ant of Von Stiegel. The payments Richard M. Ball of Poquonock, Members to Be Guests of wbieb era dstsm atoy or aburtvs wOkbe rejsetad. Betywo tio te of two ehuichM paid ot 39 Sprues street and the tote' Judge Raymond A. Johnson hall for mssltoga during the sum­ Already Conauited Doetora. of the quintuplets May 38, 1934. T H o co lir* were forgotten some years after the ths young man who was kUled to an Purchase of about an acre of Frank O, Johnson, 'nie ceremony mer. Therefore Monday evening, The farm home where tha mother, Fear ooma upon me. «Bo rad TOM tacb for tha annual baron’a death, but were resumed 44 DIES ON SUNDAY automobile accident Saturday night /land adjoining the East demetery Club at Villa Louise ’in was performed at 1 p. m. by the June 16, tMa club wjll meet to tbe father and th'eir other flve children Wing, wMch made aU m S natal on thalr pro parti e«. years ago. to Windsor, to a nephew of Letting on tha east, the town from Wil­ Rev. Dr. Earl E. Story of the Soutn to Be Speaker at Inter- TOWNSEND S m X WINTONO clubs of Connsotlcut as ths most Union Hall on the flrst floor rear in Callender, Ont, June 16—(AP) — Uv! le now quarantined for measles. ! to shake.—Job 4sl4, ^ Tba Eton Krangallcal cbureb of The similar contract for the Caverly of William street and of liam Grady of Lake street baa beerT Methodist church, at the Central outstanding Townasndlte to ths the Odd Fellows Block at 8 o’clock. A 13th child to to be born to the Nearby Is Abe4h hosbltal■ ------vriiere the Itoahttm and tlia Tulpehockan Ra> Tulpcbopken church was made In Samuel J. BaU of East Hartford, negotiated by Town Counsel Wfl- Bolton. Methodist church, d>ockton. Mass, Conunuoity Session. Editor, Evening Herald: whole itato and given the title ot Members are urged to attend oa im­ parenta of ths Tamed Dionne quin­ famous flve sisters live. One Dionne Good men have the fewes$1 foRDOd ehuroh at Stou^burg paid 1746 by its members and Casqar Warping Dept Foreman for formerly of this town. Hs was grad­ llem S. Hyde at the tostnietion M where Or. Story was attending the Afay I take' the opportunity af­ Cltisen Maximus, a very high honor portant buetoess Is to be transacted. tuplets, a relative of the family eald child died some time ago. He who feare to do wrong tkalr dabta jreatarday in quaint cera- Wlatar, the benefactor. It, too, was uated from the State Trade eehool the selectmen. Vleltors are welcome. MIee Grace today. Touriats who vielted the quintii I one great fear; he has a ' to this town with the class of 1926 Southern New Gtogland Conference forded by your forum column, whloh indeed and well deserved by Air. Mrs. Olive Dionne will give birth that carrlad out proviiiont forgotten after Wlstar's death. DIv . The land wae needed by the town The ^rltlah-Amerlcan club annual of the Methodist Bpiscopai church. wo appreciate very much, to write Spleae. We need about one hundred Adams, chairlady of tbe entertaln- piste* nursery yesterday called a who has overcome it* 'Of daadi grantad them more than oovary of the forgotten deed In the Many Years— Recently and was employed as a machinist ut to complete Its plane tor the Instal­ Judge Raymond A.. Johnson of and twenty dollars to pay tha ax- r ent committee, has arranged a tha Colt factory ta Hartford. Fol- outing will be held at the Villa The bride and bridegroom were un­ a few wordB' of encouragement to UO paara ago. Berks county court house in 1901 lation of a eanltary sewer main Louise, Birch Mountain Road, Sun­ attended. . this town, chairman of the Connec­ the faint-hearted to the Townsend peneee of these two delegatee. To program which will be interesting I The terms of the Manheim dead revived the ceremony, which in­ lowtog the death of hie mother hs through ths new part of the ceme­ the one thousand and more members am sura. Honored by Masons. lived for a time with Mr. and Mrs. day, June 38, officers of the club an­ The bride was attired to a white ticut River Bridge Commission ap­ Afovement? There appeared to the Fourth, your Club needs your sup­ ware drawn In 1773 by Baron von cludes also presentation of a white tery, planned to serve several nounced today. The outing will he suit with whits accessories. She pointed by the State Legislature to Afonehestar column of Sunday's of Afanehester Club No. 1 we make Bttagal, a glass manufacturer, who rose In appreciation of the reneros- Caverly. itreete east of the cemetery. The an appeal for funds to send these port to gaining members and to He leaves besides bis wife, bto fa­ free to club members and all who wore a ooreage of gardenias and 1929, wlU be one of the speakers at Oourant, an artiels regarding tbe raising quota money. Here Is Itrad lavtshly la his fortUad castle ity of Wlstar's heirs. sewer will be installed as a WPA are planning to attend must r e n ­ Ut.js ot the valley. Mr. and Mra the inter-community meeting whlcb ’Townsend rally last Saturday, that worthy delegatee of ours to this Mrs. Francis R. Strawbridge, of Benjamin A. Cadman of 18 Wood- ther, James M. Ball of Windsor greatest convention of all time. Our way to be of material value to your With Every late in the

UANCHESTER EVIINTNC tfUKALD, IliJCORBSTEK. CONN. MONDAY^ JU N I1 5 .1M& MAKCnrBSTBF evUNTNG HBRALD. MANCTnMnrTOr OONT4., M()Nl>ATyJDT^ 15,1S8«: FIHGERALD’S NEW BOAT Nationalism Main Topic PUfTOBEFEA'niltE ■ C l A H C P C y X .Y RADIO PROGRAM INSPEIIED BY FRIENDS OF UITHER MEEIWGI L by Jeifin Seiwvngra MONDAY, JUNI^ii (O w tm «a l ■aitora Standard Tima) A t State Commencements BEGIN HEBE tO D K \ GAOL EVEBEXT; ambltloas to LuciUs was veqr styltab, and mayuj Don Lash Sets World Record For Two-Mile (D a ^ M Tiwtt On* Born Lattr) win Ship Potatoes to New '*The XIttle Miracle” to Be Pre­ become a 'designer, eouiee to New hear parents weren’t just what she d Mat JUI waaraBu to bar aad baa)a ahalni or freapa tharoof nnlan n have liked, but they were here pat­ _ aaaat to ooaat (a ta aTiaattnatlea Inolodaa all arallabla atationa. York Sunday Night— Tied By ASSOCIATED PBBBS Storra urged the institution's grad­ sented at Lratme Eieasion. On York and—doe to a stroke ot luck Matlana riaam riaht ta ahanfa prasrama withaut pravloua nalloa. P. M> Tuesday Evening. —ta hired by MADABIE U2SETTE, ents. Surely she should have eome Up In Hartford Now. A note of Nationalism parvaded uating class to face “an intricate respect for them. But then, childr.:a I.WKAS (RIO) NSTWORK Cana daat. and insecure world” with “glad proprietor of on exeloelve shop. 61a- 4 ti^ la^w—f*raaa*Ra«ia Nawa—aaat tha scene today as Connecticut A one-act play entitled “The Lit­ damo proves teaepeeninental and nowadays were ashamed of tbeir BIO — ■aali laaat. art* artle 4tS^ 9ia»—•aaabail tcoraa - wabot WinUim L. FitBEerald, owner of courage.” ' parents, treated tbetr eomethliig Chanda Wins Medal Event; MCCLUSKEY THIRP B aroNt krar lablo artte aro Drama af tlia Stoaa—wabo tnsUtutiona of higher leBmlng In Hartford; the Rev. T. L. Sin­ tle Miracle" will be presented at the dUtloult tr work for. TWILIGHT LEAGUE TO START TONIGHT I aroaa artam anrj anal; Midi 4t44* 6:44-*llanfraw at tha Mountad the 100 ton ihlp known as *'823'* of DEBEK BABOBEAVBS, young awful. LucUle bad been a cu'.e 1 arcfl arho arear ardaf plunged ateadlly deeper into com­ clair, rector of All Souls church In regular meeting of the Luther Lea­ Uttle kid when they were In An- „ T —arood arira StOb— ftOD—Tha Four Barbara Quartat the Merehente Coeatal Service, Ino., arttat, ta Intereatod In Gall. She al o Tournaments In Progress ftWBBT A CANADIAN — wtmj •lie— filb—Jan bavitt and Orehaitra mencement activities. Waterbury, told Trinity's graduat­ gue of the Emanuel Lutheran church zona, before Cal made hie ulg itp arabo ardar kfrr erot ofoT •sa^ dtlO-Tad Haiinfl'a Program— of Hartford, took a number of President James Rowland Angell ing class that “vision, servloe and frequently aeee DICK BEABLES, strike. baale: Ruaaall Dorr, ftonga*>Dlxla on tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. whooe stater, BOSB61ABY, was her AS INDIANA A d WIPl I — arrra arptf aramo araaa arjax Ii4 ^ dtO^Boalca Cartar*! Commant friende through the ship which la of Yale told more tnan 1,000 seniors faith are great excellencies, much Mrs. Travere sighed. What If COAST STAR RIDES .ran ^od aram anno arab n v t giO(^ 7j(Nh*Quy Lombardo — baalo: Tha program la In charge of the roommate at achooL SEIBERLINGSFACE First Round of 7 Weeks Johnny Chanda waa toe winner ofaJ. Olson 8-2; H. J. Dougan heat H. C anmb Imw aibr artaa a r ^ kpro tied up In Hartford Saturday and alumni of the university In New needed today, which will help us at dramatic committee, of which Mrs. Cal hadn’t treated her just the .ktba ktha araoo artar wta wcao Klaana Monaak'a Enaambla—wait Haven Sunday in his baccalauraate thla time more than anything else." Meanwhile, In Arixoaa, Gall's way he should during these years toa 16-holt medal play avant. full Mathlaeon, 4-8. •lid— 7nd—Harbart Poota, Organ—w afternoon and In ao doing eecured Beatrice Pearaon is chairman. A uncle, MA^H CHAPMAN, returns •:ao— 7iS0—Pick and Pat* Comady— hla flrat cuatomer who will thip address that the laauea at stake in Yale's commencement exercises he’d been so rich? He heeded ner handicap, held at the local Country Third rtteht OUT NURMI’ S STANDi ,iNTAIN-*oa Irtrl k«lr k ^ . aaat: Joay Naah Orehaitra-wait large attendance Is expected and a honM after years ot wandering, Slated For Twi Circuit 0NHAR1T0RDCARD A. WUkle beat J. Wiley 8-ti R, H. kCIPIC—kfl hBW kamo kbq kpe k«u 7iOb— iiOO—Tha Radio Thaatar—to • potatoea and cucumbere to New thla country, commonly treatsd as will reach their climax Wednesday special mvitatlon ta extended to par­ now, and ehe waa ready to go with POUSH-AMERICANS Club yesterday, turning In a card "exclualvely economic and political with the awarding of honorary de- and finds Us old home In the Smith beat L. H. Chapman i up; L. tiOO— ttOO—Wayna King Waita—to a York. ents and friends to witness. hands ot the Travere hUnlng Co. him, to help him get a start again. of 88-21—67. William Fortin and H. -Top Hatlara Danaa Ore. •:S0— titb-^Tha March of Tima—to o In eharactar,” are really “deeply grees and tHt alumni luncheon. He'd looked at her that morning W. Welrnan beat J. J. Alltaon, 1 up; IMTBANATlOMAt. I______' 10 Oorden A Orobaatra •i44— it4^Jaok Shannon and Organ The chip, which appeare more The cast of the play consists of hlark Buspeota the deal ta crooked C. Dowding tied for second, toe for­ saturated with ethical and apiritual Wesleyan University held its Miss Helen Berggren, Mias Lioulse In a way that bad made her think The'Twilight League offtelata atsaHlghiahd Park and West Sides* at A. Knofla beat D. MaoXInnon, 2-1; Winner Clocked m Sensa­ OF tBB ^ 0 MIUl I ______.yliB Tima Advanturaa 1:00—lOiOb—Jack Danny Orehaitra like a sracht than a freighter le 13S and gets In touch with OILBS INCLASHATNEBO M t Neho- td—Royal oakt and mer with 95-14—>71 and the tatter fdilt—li1*-Naai*_BdwiBdward Oavlaa •tSO—10:10—Qao. Ofvot’i Radio Clroua, elements." graduation exercises last night with Janssen, W ss Marion Erickson, Mies of the day so many years ago when not going to staiui for any fooling Lon Wilsoo to Feature Mo­ with 89-16—71. The first round Ot W. A. Allan beat T. O. Brown, 4-2; idiBP- iiie Praai-IUdle Nawa Parlod —baaio; Pick A Pat—wait rapaat In length and but 16 feet at the HABDINa, New York tawyer. this ysar. At the meeting Isturday Green at West Side. Bedbcrhnga idle. New York, June 15,— ( lOtOO—moo—Hanry Halatad’a OreliF— beam. It haa a hold that will carry One hundred tbirty-ont mSmbera the awarding of degrees to 148 Marjorie Rich, Miss Marlon Olson, ha bad aaked- her to marry him. toe Board of Governors tourney and o . Brown beat J. Chanda. 1 up; E. ' ? l » - Baaaball by Ford Bon(bend— Herding tries to locate OaU. evening It was voted tost teams Weak or dune t t C!ole beat A. J. Driiytod by default; tional Tune of 1:58^; Lo­ Hare’a the tnurantlOM)___ ' araat; Ta Bo Annownead—obaln baale: H. Kay Orohia.—mldw. 1,200 aacka of potatoea under cover of the Connecticut coUege graduat­ graduates at the 104tb commence­ Miss Betty Erickson, Miss Ariena Derek asks OaU to marry him Again her thought veered to LucUle. the Army and N svy Club tourney ‘ diM ' didd—Billy A Batty—araaf onlr 10it0>-11:30—Program from Honelula The girl didn't act as though shs must bs ready to take tot field at SO—Coneordtaa and Royal, Oaitf torcycle Race Program at M. W. Stevens beat W. J. Steven­ ot the two-mUe run,- from a-i IBiOn— tiOP—Amoa ’n’ Andy—aaat only 11:00—12:00-^rganp Ore.p Nooturno—w or 1,200 aacke of augar. In addition ing class In New London beard the ment. Nine honorary degrees were Benson and Arthur Benson. The and she agrees. Later a mteunder- were completed. The second round ord-meklng etandpolnt; conferred including one In Doctor play wiU be preceded by a business belonged to them at aU. She bad no To Award Cash Prize to 6:16 O'clock warp. Failure to abide at Woat Bide; July 1—West Bides of each must be played by next Sun­ son 2-1. flip— diia—Unala Bara Radio SUtlon NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK to thla there Is space on the deck Rev. Norman E. Richardson of the standing comes between tHem and by thla nue meant that a flva dollar and Bsiberllngs at Wsat Bide; 8-^ cal Runner Finishes 200 '.flip— •■W—Ta Ba Announoad Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Lows on Miss Katharine Blunt, session and devotional period, led by sympathy for her frtber, no kind day. .Army A Navy Golf Tnurnay Year Reeord*Btaltar BASIC -« Bait: wja wbi*wbsa wbaJ that can be used for storage of LUCILLE TBAVBBS, W h o wanta fine Will bs imposed and it, after ten Green and Highland Park at Jarvia the Bolkeley Speedway. I lilA— Bi4d—Bduoatlan from tha Naara of Chicago term colleges and their president of Connecticut College Erik Modean. word for her mother. Mrs. Travere The resulU. Spring match play tournament: 1884—W. O. George, Stag. iiOP— TiO^Hammarttaln Mualo Hall wham kdka wrar wxyi wlw wnyr wmal freight. Derek for herself, tolls him that - Locky Fan at East Game; ffllnutee later, the offendlhg team 1s Grove. Pollsh-Amerldans idle. 1908—Aif.-Shrubb, $log,.. : bJb— nt»—Marparal tpaakt Rdbltal wfU: Mid: wcky wanr wla kwk koU New engines have been Installed graduates the Nation's real and for Women at New London. A social hour will be held and re- drew In her Ups os She tried to keep Board of Governors match play H. W. Stevenc beat W. A. Allan, Yards Behind; March ■ ttOt^-Narry Horllek'a Oypalaa wren wmaq kio freshgaenta will be served. This Is OaU to to mnrry Dick Senrles. them from trembling. She had made still not ready the game will be for­ Week of July a tourney: 2-1: H, Mathlaeon beat W. W. Bul­ 1904—Aif. Shrubb, Eng... ■lip—Ta Ba Announoad MIDWKST—wmt wood wlra and the necessary requirements only defenee against "the pernicious Trinity will award degrees'to 88 Giles Hording comes to see OaU feited. 6—Bolborlings and Gresn at Mt. Hartford, June 15.— (Bpseial)— 1926—Edvin Wide, Swed.. i3 »—Boatman Conoart—alao e NORTHWKST A CANADIAN — wtmj propaganda with which our Na­ students today with the Rt. Rev. the final Indoor meeting of the sea­ mistakes aad shs knew It now. Green Trims Beverage First FUght la 1 up; B. Balleleper beat L. W, •ll^Natlanal Forum on Radio wlba klip webo wdar kfyr crct cfcf have been made to start a regular son, the next four meetings being and tells her about the Trnvere Money was not everything in life. It was also decided that a first Nebo; 8—Polish-Amerioaas and One of tot greatest allll-Ameriean Third in 1500. 1931—Paavo Nurmi, Fin., 89 freight carrying ^ualness. A licens­ tional learning is being saturated.” Henry Knox Sherrill, Episcopal company’s plot to buy her land, hiotoreycie racers. Lou Wilson of J. Echtualtan beat G. Havens 2 Wriman, 6-4; W. I. Keith beat J. 'IO1W—DloK Manaflald’a Oroh.— SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wla wjas planned for outdoors. Madame Ltaette had certainly de­ round be played and the teams fin­ Wast Bides at Autumn street; 10— up: O. S. Finch beat J. Lamenzo 2 Olson, 2 op; W. Y. WInton beet J. 1936—Don. H. Laah, U. S. 8Q It: Amoa ’n’ Andy—wool rapaat wfla*wiun wlod warn wmo wib vapl ed pilot has been secured and Wil­ President Albert N. Jorgensen bishop of Massachusetts giving the teeJly worth n fortune. Gall's pleas­ Nine in Week-end Tussle. ishing one, two, three and four finish Highland Park and Royal Oaks tt Santa Barbara, Calif., will be the 'lOiW-^awai Plok Jubllaa Choir wjds wimb kvoo wfaa wbap kpro of Connecticut Stats college at commencement address. manded a lot. But there—ehe up; A. Brown beat J. 'neraey 2-1) Wiley, 1 u p ;.^ J. Oougan beat A. IlidO—Rudy Vallaa'a Orehaitra woal ktbi kthi wioo wava wcse wfbo liam L>ewte, who has had consid­ ure In learning that she ta rich ta wouldn’t think about It any more. out toe season to decide the Winner, M t Nebo. Concordias idle. featurs attraotlon ot tomorrow (Speeial to H m HeraMI) 11iB>—Oana Baaohar’a Orehoatra MOUNTAIN—koa kio ksir k«h1 erable ’ experience as an engineer dimmed by the fact that no word There was no opposition to toe sug­ Week of July 18 night's meet at toe Bulkeley Sta­ E. Ballsteper beat J. Hyde, 2-t; P. MeCtann by default; C, H. Lahlne FOREMEN’S a U B HERE Thinking could not bring it back to Balisleper beat H. Benson, 2-1; C. beat C. R. Peterson, 2-1; S. Robb N4W York, June 18— (XP) —Joe ly-drenched track in PrinceG eSS-WABC NETWORK PACIFIC—kfo kfad kva kaea kjr and a ship carpenter, la the ship's has oome from Derek. gestion of toe league president when IS—Green and Poush-Amcricans dium Speedway here. Cant. Kaate her. Ristoiie Ht. Nebo, scene of many T. E. Willett beat A. J. Woodward. beat K. Johnson, 8-2. MoCluekey hee dteoarded any linger­ third annual invitation meet., 1C—Baati trabo wade woke woao engineer. Green Friday evening. They were HIU. Hartford-Mlddletown road. H toe matter was thoroughly explain­ at Jarvis Grove; 16—West Bides Wilson le eonridered by feeing best any of our runners had ac wnae wgr wkbw wkro whk ItW^ 4:10—Tha Singing Lady—aaat a hard fought battle on the diamond 4-3; C. F. McCormick beat K. Me- Sunday Medal Play FuU Uandloop ing ideas of trying for- Olympic wjaa waan wfbl ward w]av; 1:40— 4:40—Orphan Annia ■aaat only impressed by the fact that only the mile of construction, Rough. Mld- PUNS SPEGAL SESSION NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY ed. and Concordias at West Side; I"!— experts to be as good, if not better, ed Ibdoore was 9:07.6, by itey I 4:00— liO^Niwii U. S. Army Band feminine members of the class took dletown-Cromwell. HarUord-Mid- “You mean,” Natalie exclaimed, In the paat, will be the plaee the The U’upires named were, BUI Royal Oaks and Seiberllngs at West Fall by default; A. McFall beat C. J. Chanda, 88-21—67; W. Fortin, honorx in toe 6,000 meters, In addi­ wbbro wfbm kmbo kmox 4:10— 1:1# Praat* Radio Nowo — ba> "that I’m Invited to go with you to than “Dutch'' Schauta, whose ridihg another Hoosler product, In It kfab krnt part In the literary or musical ex­ dletown road. 1^ miles of construc­ CHAPTER XXUI 1086 T^llght League will open this Brennkn, Ralph Russell, Jim Bids, Hlgnland Park idle. here two weeks ago made e tre­ T. Thornton 6-4. 98-24—71; H. O. Dowding, 89-18- tion to ble favorite event, toa s.OOU wbna wpc whp wbao wiba wtaa ale: Tha Singing Lady—mtdw. rpL 'Heart's Delight’ for the week-end ?" Second Flight 71| B. Balisleper, 82-9—78; J. Ech- meters stsepleehase. The former Heretofore, no AmerlOan wleo efrb ekae wlbx wmaa waaa 4:10— Btl^Thraa X Slitara In Song ercises. What was the matter, tion, rough. Will Gather at Y. M. C. A. On Mark Chsqjiman glanced around evening when Porterfield’s Stebsr- O'Leary, Herb Fraser, Ty Holland Week of July 20 mendous hit with the crowd. He Is .B—%Bat wata wbro wqain wdod 4:41— i:40—Lowoll Thomao — aaat: HEBRON boys? Going to let the girls do Gall nodded. “Yes, 1 came to and Jack Dwyer. 20—Concordias and Green it H. Huggins beet O. B. Johnson; mallan, 86-12—74; J. Lamenzo, Fordkam “Iron Man" bad about mller baa bran mentioned Itii Orphan Annia—rapaat to mldwaat Route No. 12: North Orosvennor- Wednesday, June 24 to See the ranch bouse. "Well,” he said, meet rau so you’d be aura to come lings face the Polish A. C. club at one of the few men In toe country wrae wlae wwl wtoe arid •lOO— liOO—Nlala Qoedaiia’a Program It all? dale. Bridge closed. Detour posted. "this doean't look so bad, but 1 First round sehedule follows: West Bide; 22—Poltsh-AmerieaAt who is rated e scratch rider en any H. C. Dowding beat Dr. D. C. Y. 82-8—74; H. Benson, 83-9—74; J. made .up his mind anyway, he told same breath with toe peerless . waoe koma wdbe wbt wdao wbl( .Motion Picture Program. straight home. Rosemary Is ealUng . 6ll0 sharp. Both Cosgrove and Associated Prsas sporte editor Alan ml, but Aliped out the 8 mbf waja wmbr wala •:1ft— Sill—Songa from Tany Ruaaall The Hartford Poetry club held Its Putnam. Grove street. About . H ot guess we’d better get some woman Week Of June 16 and Royal Oaks at Autumn street i track and against any competition. Moore by default; C. Noren beat J. Motyeka, 96-30—76; R. H. Smith, 1:80— SilO—Lum A Abnar—aaat only There will be several changes In for us tomorrow about 10 o'clock.' Marburda have their respsotive Gould two weeks ago. Finn’s outdoor record of 8i66.6j ;o weoa wono wnox kwkh 1:40— l:4^Draam Singar—wji only annual summer outing at the home the teaching force of the Hebron a mile of construction. to come In and clean Ihinge up a Ut- 16—Belberlings and Polish- 24—Seiberllngs and Highland Park The Pacific Coast star has bsen A. Trotter, 2-1; W. S. Hyde beat O. 91-16^^-70; C. Mc(3ormlck 91-16— IT—wf1 wmbd wian wibw fcfli The Manchester Foremen’s club, “And we’U drive out with her teams groomed for the first game Sonnlekson, 4-3; T, Kelley beat J. 78; T. Ktlley, 98*16—77; G. Finch, But toe ollnchlng argument Sat­ came within _ km) kws karn StlO— filO—Ruaa Morgan'a Orahaatra ed over the meeting In the absence Miss Vernal Masso, who goes to Route No. 26: Washington. Re­ excepUonal program for a meeting "Reckon the Travers gang haven’t nicer >.han going out by train." thing can and does happen in baes- tered Paavo, Ntinnl'e world two-mtie •:0(^10i0(H-Nawai N. Redrlge'a Oroh. -6f the president A picnic eiipper Meriden; Mias Gertrude Ptaelphs.of placement of wing walla at Wood- got over their surprise yet. But I bait and perhape tonight will be' no Wask ot Juno SI Pottsh-Americans at Mt. Nebo; Bel- quer. He has raosd In every section Laeb’e own beet previous'time to be held at the “Y" on Wednesday "Nicer! Oh, Gall, this is over­ betjlDgs and Oincordiaa at M t NC' record at Princaton'e third annual 6110.6, jinta Varrill, Voeailtt •HO—10:10—Ink Spots Nogro Quartot was partaken of on the lawn under Colchester will teach tha Jones vllle bridge. No delays. evening, June 24. WlUlam Oerety, alius sold I'd get even with them whelming. I can hardly reallM that exception. 22~PoUsb-Amerks and Concor­ of the country, from California to invitation meet. Lash negotiated darfiM* Roatf. Sarlal SilO—10:10—Qian Gray ano Orehaatra dias at Autumn street field; 24— bd. Royal Oaks tdia Florida, i 4iS»— f Cbleapoant . Orehaato 10KXh-*11:00—Shandor with Hla Violin the trees in the locust grove. About Street school. In Mrs. Green’s place; Route No. 89: Sherman. 2 miles of the Chevrolet company In Boston, —though I never thought things I’m stepping into society!” Last year Porterfield's aggrega­ the dletenenn 8 minutes, ol.8 eee- The performaaca was 6 |tu iilR—ftobby B«ns*n—*aat; Th« lOiOS—lltOS—Hanry Buiaa A Orohaitra thirty in all were present. Including Miss Laura Galjup of Springfield, will present a fine entertaining and would turn out this way. Do you tion waa outride the fold due to a Weighing only iSfi'pounde, Wilson onde. lurprise to 50,00o hardy otifi' C h lM fM fit Oreh#ttr«wm.i>iz1a of construcUon aU on new location. "But the Searles are very plain EXPECT LOUIS TO DRAW lOilO—11:10—Xaviar Buga A Orohai. Mrs. H. C. Bunner of New London, Mass., will teach St the 'White Route No. 61: Gosben-Cornwall. 8 educational 85-mlnute talkie film, think Che young lady will give me people, Natalie. I hope you won't mUundaratanding — or something, Is one of toe liightest stars In tha Mc(Tluek4y flntebed third to Loan and moat every one i widow o f the well known humorist school In place of Mias Bernice miles of construction from the one of the special features of which a job here? I reckon I’m too old be- disappointed. Don’t thtok you're hut at any rate they were not in game. Riding tour laps at top spe^ and Norman Bright, Ban Francisco, Laeh. The Indiana boy flgur 9:00—Lux Radio Theater. and poet A business meeting was Cummings, who wlH begin a college Cornwall town line south. Is the_ Detroit Symphony orcheatra. now to be going to Uve some new going to eat off gold plates or have there. This year It is different an'd IS terrific strain en a man, yst but Joe was more than too yards could do it and ran to a ■top-' 10:00—Wayne King's orchestra. held In the Parish hail fallowing the course next fall. Mrs. Joseph Route No. 104: SUmford. Grade This is not an advertising picture, place.” peacocks' tongues for dinner! You'll not a team In town worthy of a try LOU'S Wide experience on the ^ eet- MILUON-DOLLAR CROWD behind tha new dletanee running achedule from start to toiehaii 10:80—March of Time. supper, after which original verse Walsh wlH continue her work at the separation bridge at Long Ridge but Is put out to the public for its "Ob, I'm sure she wUl.” Mark like Mr. and Mre. Seailes, though, has been left outride. If there be Pitching Plus Batting weye has hardened him to It attd ■eneetloB aad gettlag nothing out or spite abominable condiUone u WTIC 10:46—Jack Shannon. was read by the members. Miss Green, Mias Rose Fishbone at the road. educational qudlltlea. The Fore' took a letter from his pocket "She for they’re so genuine.” any doubt on this score a queetion hie light weight eeema to make him the race but toe exerdee and a toot and overhead. He ma. I BraMtOBitlBg Sarvtaa. UiOO-iBport Review. Martha Spencer, who conducts the Jagger school, Mrs. Ida Heck at RouU . No. 114; Woodbridge. Old men’s club which Is sponsoring It, says she feels I’ve just as much “But I can't understand why they to the eohedule makere will be the fly around the track at almost unbe- to take a "Sunday" drenching from the rain. riyale Into tog grmm(U_Jn MaitlBrd. Oobb. 11:06—News Bsrvice. original column in the Hartford Gilead Hill, and Miss Permella Derby turnpike. 400 feet of water- Is fortunats in securing this enter­ right to the Rancho Angelo as she should bs asking me to spend tha answer. Bsvsn teams and all have nevabls speeds. ‘'Brown Embalmer” Hoary punch a (iraicciasa rival. For ^ At that, MeOuikey had tot n t - CaUfornUt'e Horman Bright, I W. lOM &. O. S S M U . 11:18—Jack Denny’s orchestra. Times and Miss Bernice Bettman, Brousseau at Amston. bound macadam. tainment for their meeting, and the has, and that I’m to consider it week-end with them!" a pretto (air obanoe to oim the bunt­ Leu Owns the only Oomefford J. I that reao^ oome have wondered lefaetloo of fiatehlng ta froat ot one to regarded ie our beet Oil Route No. 189: North Branford members are Inviting their friends Makes Cubs Win Streak of hie eld Indoor rivali, Ray flura, OBgHght ItaDB.) 11:80—George Glvot's orchestra. the club's next president, were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rouse of my home as long as I want to "I guess you made a good im­ ing. on paper it looks tike a good A. P. bike tn toe East Mott riders rtinipB at 2a lfa «A M a v whether h* can "take It” overlook- distance preepect, Seare among those present Quite a Forest road. 414 miles of waterbouno and anyone In town Interested in see­ stay. That goes for you, too, lor, pression on Rosemary," teased Gail. raoe. prefer the Excelsior or Victor Mar­ Lnoice at «rl 10 MjrO max ing the fact that he’s taken every- as well oe Fraak Orowlay, toe for­ Tomorrow’s Program. Wethersfield called Sunday on Mrs. mer Manhatten Cottegian. veteran Joe kectuiUey. Bright number were prevented from at­ macadam. ing this film to attend. The meet­ with thla lame knee I ^ot coming "And they appreciate the fact that To Start Proroptly tin J. A. P., as they are much easier n , , , thing 27 opponents could slip past aecond plaee, trailed by 160 ~ MeBdag, Ams IB. A. M. Mary Tefft. Mr. Rouse was a ward Route No. 760; Berlin. Demlng as though tonight's gains will be a t McCluskey le Unoie Barn's beet 7:80—Shoppers Special. tending by illness or other engage­ of the Tefft family in his boyhood. ing wUI be held in the gymnasium down the canyon, I can’t get around you've been so sweet to me. Let'a 'fhs teanu understand that each to control. Wilson, howevsr, knows road. 1 mile of waUrhound maca­ In order to accommodate the number ganas wtli .start at 6:10 o’clock hummer, and It ebould bs from toe Combination Producea 11 how to handls toe Oomsrford ma­ Schmeimg in Bout Thuri-! steeplechaser and he latebds now to other BiiarkUag Fanin 7:46—News service. ments. A rising vots of thanks Thursday Mrs. Tefft and Mrs. Ro­ as good as I used to.” hurry now, for I’ve got to fix my fan's angls and ths prise. * ^ Both Louis and Bchmellng are ttOO—Radio ItBVtBW. was given to Mr. and Mrs. Sellars dam. of people they expect. Wherever sharp, none of the delay and lally- chine, and believes ha can get mors concentrate on that event, with a Meanwhile, (taltfornla foot-i Arnold aad tha Ranch ' 8:00—^Treasure Hotuw. selle Waldo went on a long motor “That’s fine.” Jed Hoskeer want bathing suit belt I broke the J .n . TC AAA .. M D < alated to Conclude their training to- view to gaining another Olympia for their hospitality to the club. Route No. 172: Southbury. Pierce this film has been shown, great en- on with bis sweepmg. "Though it’s buckle, but I found quite a good- gagglng of lost year will be per­ Green Tops Beverage Speed out of it day^ 75|UvO o r M o ro Por* | morrow at Lakewood, N. J.. and oaueed a sharp upturn tn Aateno Beys. 8:16—Shoppers Special. drive with tha letter’s daughter, Hollow road. 114 miles of construc­ thustaam haa resulted and It la mitted as tha umpires will be In- Straight Victoriei, Keeps medni. Joe rhn n good third in toe 400 metere etook. While. 6:00—Bugle CaU Revue. A dance for the Hebron grammar too bad about your knee. Maybe if looking one that I can use," Inolement wsstosr over the week­ The 'isltlng ace will probably he Napanoch, N. Y„ reepeetlvriy. They In adpa Burton. Mrs. Asa W. ElHs of Gilead, accom­ tion. hoped friends of the foremen’s club atcucted to see that everything is in 19S3 Olympics but he ta running bet- Luvalle.of U, C. L. A., was I . 0:80—Rldiard Maxwell. Bchool graduates was given at the panied by Mrs. Mark HHI of Man­ the ore's as rich as we figure, you U "Tm so thrilled! Sweltering In end wiped out all but one of the Seleoted to ride in one of the two tnnO 2a ^a a Rn22la '"'‘I* °°nie to New York Thursday -TOn-Hattars Orchestra. Route No. 188. Southbury. Strong- will take advantage of thla oppor­ readinesa when the time arrives. many baseball games scheduled. In match races on to* 17-event pro­ BU115 IQ DCC D aniC. for the wslghlng-ln ceremonies. te. this year than be waa then. He the colors of the East’s boat. Ino 6:48—Gall Roberta' Songs — Al town hall following the exercises at chester, Mrs. Ellis' daughter. They be able to go to one of them special the office I almosL hated tha Chicago On Heels of Pace hasn't much chance of beating the - “Dick Tracy." the Congregational church. Ue- town road. 2 miles of construction. tunity. Further details regarding Bach team must have Its players the lone game played, Fartand kipt gram tomorrow night. I which will be neld. at toe Hippo- Ing Byreouee'e prevtouEy tnv White's Plano Melodies. went to Bristol to call on Mrs. Cora Route No. 187: East Granby. doctors and get it fixed up good as thought of tomorrow and sitting Finnish champion, loo Hollo, but . Parade. lude'a orcbeatrsi^YumUhsd. music. .the meeting will be published. later.. new-.” - - ■ - ...... around -In - - my- - room;' but now—if , JlMdy .P«nMty Kill..be_ In- hla . cscocd intact against ths Hart­ . In addition to Wilson, there will fd rome Instead-of-the State AthleUc ®ddie_o'Bjriea,ML.toe 440-yardi -WHOhWnie' CttHbn...... ’ 9:68—Hartford’^'^'Better Business Waldo,' Mrs.'- Waldo’s sister-in-law, Elimination of ' railroad' overhead vokiM. regardless. he wtli -makS' BaytndyiB' the "worid A sale of articles made by the "There's the postman and, oy I weren’t walking dowm the ave­ ford Beverage team at Jarvis Setting Cardinals; Start be four newcomers to toe field this New York, June 18__(API—Joe , Commlaelon offices at Princeton, (taUfonila'B -A . B. HcQlnley on Sports. Bureau. who Is under treatment for a brok­ bridge. Bridge and approacbea clos­ Cosgrove will undoubtedly send Grove yesterday afternoon by hurl­ Week. They ere Clarence McCrea hustle wbeo It comes to oombining 10:00—Betty and Bob. blind will be held Wednesday after­ en hip at the Bristol hospital. They ed to toafflc. Detour for about 3 gosh, he's putting something m nua I’d dance a jig!” Louis, a 22-year-old, coffee-colored speed with obataole-burdling. Williams aped to a near-reeord i -News. noon, June 27, at the Congregation­ the box. Sec what it is!” exclaimed It was just striking 10 when the bis ace burler. Cargo, to the mound. ing toe Graen to a 10-8 triumph. He of Pattereon, N. J., Johnny Scanlon tory. In a 40o*matare Olyianle orge Hinkel, vocalist with 10:18—Broadway Cinderella. found her comfortable, but she will miles. ' WILLINGTON Lanky Wlchoekl may get the nod got away to a rather shaky start Road Trip Tomorrow. of Wethersfield, Charlie Getske of boy from Detroit who haa made toe 10:30—Who’s Who in Today's News al church parlors. In connection with have to remain some time longer. U. S. 1. Westbrook, Old Saybrook, _____ ( Mark, Searles' limousine drew to the BUI Mureb, former Mancheeter at ..Palo Alto, Both - sta rt- liBura Oaudet, accompanist. the meeting of the Ladles' Aid so­ "Just the paper, I gueas,’| Jed from Jriinny FalkoekI, but toe real and three hite, an error and two Wilton, end Albert Lanard ot Po- fight fane shall out money tn mllllun negroea. t:00—Amos *n' Andy, and Betty Crocker. On their way home they called on Route No. 191: Ektst Windsor. Rosa Ann Sundt Is ill at her home curb before the clubhouse next Identity of either hurler will not be I W e e k End Sports High mile sensation, nov? running ciety. The sAle will begin at 2:30 said, tossing the newspaper oh the morning and Rosemary entered runs resulted. .Thereafter until the quonock. dollar chunks to see him fight even undsr toe colors ot toe New York WUliilama waa ciooked tn 46J ta tr—XIaele Elsra's Radio Station. 10:46—Hynms of AH Churches. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Phelps and North road. (At Intersection with on WllUngton Hill with German known until just before toe umpe ninth nary an Invader touched home By SID FEDBR 11:00—The Goldbergs. p. m. AH proceeds will be for the their daughter, Mias Lois Phelps of U. S. 8 and extending easterly to measles. table. "It doesn’t get any bigger, the building. "Tell Miss Everett When they felt sure be oouTdn't lose, By ASSOCIATED PRIDSS -Curb Bixobengt, plaeed third in the tenth-fesoonfl ahort of Bill fM(i—Jack Randolidi and Madame blind. Following the sale the can ptay., .This first game means a plate. Borsllo gave toe fans a thrill When batting might hooks ' ur> le expected to do It again at toe Marianne. 11:16—Federal Housing Program— PlainviUe. Miss Phelps la well junction with Route No. 140). 3K The church vacation school, es­ I notice.” I’m coming right up to see her.' lot to both teams and there is no 1600 meter event of the annum world rsoord, while Luvalto ladles will serve a aupper, the pro­ "I reckon IFS'-hlg enough to hoid she told the clerk. when he raced Into deep left near with pitching strength on the same Yankee Stadium Thursday night. Princeton, N. J.—Don Lash shat Metropolitan AA.U. junior ehem timed in 47.i for toe ellghUy ti -'Wight Editor." Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, known as a rising young pianist. miles of waterbound macadam. tablished here by Rev. Edwin 1. question but what both will give ail the foul line and pulled down a fly Chairman of Women's Olvi' ceeds from which will be for the Route No. 219: New Hartford. Sundt will open at South WUIington all the news that comes down this baseball comination, fireworks arc Leading Batters Million In Prospect ters Paavo Nurmi’s world two-mile pionshipe at (tastie HIM Athletic 440. . -Hanuneratein'e Music Hall. society. Mrs. Nellie Skinner of North they got to be returned a winner. ball. the general result. record by 1.8 seconds In Princeton Sion, Lebanon. Town HIU road. 314 miles of con­ June 29 and wiU be In session two valley." Mark tore off the wrap­ As she stepped out of the ele­ Offer Oasb Prise The "Dark Destroyer," a profes­ Park in toa Bronx, New York, yes­ Other hea'dUne-maMlng -WllUaitt Daly's Orchestra. About 30 friends and relatives of Westchester haa been staying with struction. per. "By gosh," be exclaimed as The Green countered with four That's the answer to the current sional for' Idss than two years, U Invitation track meet with time Of terday. John Keville, Jr., of toe -*nM Oypales. 11:80—U. S. Army band. weeks forenoons. The Willingtun vator, Natalie waa just ente, ng One more thing of importance to field performaacaa Baturnay: Mrs. Albert Keefe were present her brother, Paul Jones, of the be looked at the headlines, "here s runs in toe first with a strong at­ pell-mell parade of those climbing I m e r ic .a n l e a g u e Scheduled to face Max Bchmellng ul 8:58.3; Venxkc beats Oinningham Mlilroee A. A. was the winner ot toe -Program from New York. 11:46—You and Your Happiness. Jones Street section, for a few days. Construction Completed— Hill school win follow for two weeks Gall’s room. "Oh, how do you do," the league is the admission prize of­ Chicago Cubs, now riding high, Owens' latest quadruple triui Wednesday evening following the Open to Traffic which is the larger school with en enough news to keep everyone talk­ tack on Bohmidt. A bass on balls, Batting—Sullivan, Indians .367; Germany, former world heavy­ by two feet in mile with Bonthron event In 4tl8 with fly*Ollckmen ot tbe Ohio SUte-flouthem ■tented Program. 12:00—News service. Harlan Q. Hills of East Hampton she called to Rosemary. "It’s won­ fered, three doUare to some lucky three hits and soma nifty base run­ wide and handsome on top of en fourth; Jimmy Luvslle wins 440 to P. M. public school graduation exercises. No Route No.: Redding. 2 miles attendance of over 100 children last ing tor a spell. The Travers com­ Radcllff, White Sox 369. weight ehamplon, in a 16-round toe 89tb Regiment team second. The duel meet, moludtng l -"Tha Travelers Hour” — has finished a lawn picket fence at derful of you to ask me to come person each game. It was an­ ning by Viot. Zuraw cut off a run 11-game winning streak, longoet 47.1 with Eddie O'Brien third. 12:16—Wesley J. Coffey presents Queenie and Quentin Keefe, children of surface treated gravel on 5 sec­ year. pany has gone smash r Quickly with Gail. We're all ready." nounced, however, Saturday morn­ Runs—43ehrlg, Yankees 64: Oehr- bout at tha Yankee Btadlum than race was marked by a close tUilsh. eqdalUng I6O yards In 6 :4 ___ Norman Cloutier, director; the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Green at the plate by a beautiful throw run In the big leagues this season. Inger, Tigers 54. with 75,000 or more persons paying Palo Alto, Calif.-Archie Wil­ The Curb Exchange finished second Negro Spirituals. of Mr. and Mrs. Keefe, were mem­ tions of town aid road. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Legner ct Mark r4ad the story ot the spectac­ "I’m awfully glad you could come. ing that DO prizes will be given to Trojan Roy StaJeya record Bob EUla and Eleanor lAne, bers of the graduating class, and the of Jones street. nipping Mlkolelt. Byoholiky made It wasn’t only that they suddenly Runs batted In—Goslln, Tlgcra 68; a mliion dollars or close to It to ate liams rune near-record 400 meters to the New York A. C. In the teem , vocalists. 12:30—Mary Marlin. Oiling Work White Plains. N. Y., were guests of ular finish of the 'mlnl^raj^|)an.y. Oh, is this your room, Gall?" ez- any person unless they hold a oou- came to life at the plate, or on the Ing 14.1 seconds tor the 120 party waa in their honor. Among Miss Daisy White and her Route No. U. S. 1: Westbrook, "Seems they took o r ^ m B n the a fast return to Vlot who pegged Foxx, Red Sox 65. the fight. And, strangely enough, in 40.3 seconds; Bob Parke, Oregon, standing by a slnglt point, 19-1$. -Baseball scores; Sports 12:46—The Ad-Llner. • mother, Mrs. Helen White, called on Miss Jennie Church Thursday. They clalmed Rosemary as they entered. poD and have paid toe price of ad­ and caught Maloney at the plate. mound. But when toey hit both at Hits — Gehringer, Tigers 85; betters Amcrioan javelin record high hurdles in the same’meal 1:16—George Hall's orCheatra. those present were Mrs. Keefe's two Old Saybrook. Clinton, Boston Post were on their way home from Bos­ strength of ore they knew was in "What a cute little place md what mission. The drawing will take few If any of them expect to witnees ra; News. Mrs. Amanda Potter Tuesday after­ Vlot for toe Green and Sullivan toe same time— the resultant explo­ Gehrig, Yankees 7. anything but a quick knockout vlo- with toes of 222 feet 1% Inches; Lee By ALLAN GOULD Eastman's 800 msters in 1 1:30—Newa service. sisters. Mrs. Willard Beecher Wal­ road. ton. Mass., where Mr. Legner has the Rancho Angelo and when they a gorgeous view you get!” plaee at toe start of toe sixth inning sion la DO more'than can be expect­ Palo Alto; Gena Venaka's -Dick Mansfield's orchestra. ler of Washington, D. C., and Mrs noon. Route No. 2; Preston, Nor­ for the vlsitora starred with toe bat Doubles—Oeh'-lnger. Tigers 21; loty lor Louie. Roy Kirkpatrick runt 110 meter Associated Pres* Sports Editor -Magnolia Blossoms. 1:46—Between the Bookends. There was a large attendance at been engaged In monumental work. couldn't deliver, some rumor started "It's not bad, ' answered Gail, at home plate and will be In charge ed. Ro'fe, Yankees 20. door triumph over Glenn 'Peter Hellegers of BImsburg, N. V. wich and Westerly; Preston-Led- His wife accompanies wherev-r be II, New York. I guess Cal Travers s of toe umpires at that game. There Sullivan got tores and Vlot gor ’That was the ease when Joe liigh hurdles In 14.3 in regional New York; June 18.—(AP) — -Weather Report. 2:00—Concert Miniatures. the funeral services tor 1^. Clin­ "but one of these-days 1 think f’U four. Farrand fanned 18 and For two weeks now, day In and Triples— Oehringer, Tigers 0: Olympio trials. Amid the rapidly accumulating evi­ ham In the Princeton mile, tti 2:16—Happy Hollow. Schools closed Friday, most ol vard-North Stonington and Norwich Is stationed. Mr. Legner erected a down-and-outer again. Every or get an apartment." will be one ticket given, for a dime, fought Primo Camera last summer Tomorrow's Program. them finishing the year's work with ton Porter, at the Congregational and Westerly; Norwich. Schmidt 4 but Farrand had the edge day out they'vs bad the two, par­ ant. Bio'.vns 8. and when he fought Max Baer ue- Columbus, O.—Owsns wins four dence that Uncle Sam's atoletea 4:18.4; and American-record' 2:30—Madison Ensemble. the Hall mausoleum In the Willing' fice Is closed up -my, but that win "Now that you’ve fallen heir to two lor twenty cento and three lor ticularly a brand of pitching that's Home runs—Foxx, Red Sox and ling javelin feaU by toe vi a school picnic. .The Hebron Green church Friday at 3 p. m. The Rev. Route No. U,.^.6; Newtown. New- a quarter. The person holding the all the way ano his support was fore a throng that paid just a little events as Ohio State and Southern win eat a dlecy pace for all rivals in i;80—Blue Oraes Roy. 3:00—Baseball game: Boston Bees Walter Vey, a former pastor, have ton Hill cemetery and both made mean a lot of tellows will lose their that property In the west -you'il good yesterday otter toe first In­ hard to beat. In 11 straight games Trosky, Indians 14. Lee Bartlett,.with a throw schools had planned a picnic at T ef- town-Danbury; Watertown, Bldwell friends he's, dii-lng their two jobs." be able to have anything you want, lucky number will receive his pries less thai. „ million. He waa expect* California tie in dual track meet, the Berlin Olympics, Don Lash’s -Morning Watch —Ben Haw­ and S t Louis Cardinals. a tribute to Mr. Porter's memory In Hill. ning and he brecMd along in fine each member of the twirlmg troupe Stolen bases -Powell, Senators Wbrid record-amashlng two milee feet, 7 inobea, at Grand ramuggus lake, Marlborough, but months’ .stay. "Well. It's hard on decent folks, won't you? Aje you going to keep from ths managsr of the home has gone toe route: hasn’t been and Piet, White Sox 11. ed to score a quick knockout each ties world record of 9.4 for 100 yards thorne. owing to the threatening weather a few well chosen words of appreci Route No. 6: Middletown, Had- team. style. The score: time and he did it, stopping (jarnera and broad Jumps 26 feet 8U Inches; stood forth today as not only toe Mich., and by l^ b Parke of Di -News. Billy McBee, son of Representa­ but, for myself, 1 don’t mind say­ on working? " touched for more than nine hits in Pitching—Grove, Red Sox 9-1: changed their plans and went to atioD, Music was by a selected dam, Chester; Saybrook. Essex. Old tive Doris McBee, is III of mumps Last year’s rlss to fame by the Manchester Green A. 0. In six rounds and Baer In four. Vet Roy Staley betters world record year's greatest foot-reoin), pertorm- with 222 feet, 7 1-4 Inches Morning Melodies, quartet, Mrs. Howard Kelsey and Saybrook, HartfOrd-Saybrook road ing I'm glad Cal's got some ot "She's left Madame’s," said Na­ any one battle, and has averaged Sorrell, Tigers and Malone, Yankees Lake Pocotopaug, East Hampton, of which the.-e Is quite an epidemic what 8 coming to him. He made talie. Then, as the girls went down­ Polish boys was remarkable In view AB R H PO A E about seven. At the same time, the 5-1. so great lias been the drawing pow­ with 14.1 for 120-yard high hurdles. onos, but on# of toe most remark­ beerlo. Instead, since at Sears’ Park In that Mrs. Charles Fillmore, Clement Route No. 10; Simsbury, College of the fact that toe first two or Bycholskl, of ... . 8 1 0 1 1 0 er of this young Negro who came Grand Rapids, Mich.—Lee Bart­ able of all time. Uo Baxaar...... Day By Highway. as well as German measles. that big fortune by a mighty i»t stairs, Gall told of her sudden dis­ batting brigade has clubbed out s NATIONAL LEAGUE place they could be certain of shel­ Wall pf East Hampton and William Mrs. Clara Mann Peterson, for­ three games were disastrous to Borello, If ...... 4 3 1 2 0 0 out of tbe mid-west to restore to lett throws javelin 223 feet 7 Inches The 32-year-old Indiana collegian I:U—Home Makera' Council. O; Seyms of Colchester, who sang Route No. 12: Preston. Military of crooked deals. Maybe he'l know missal. grand total of 123 safe bl6ws, aver­ Bstiirit S. Martin, Cardlnsts ter in case of rain. However, the merly of Manchester, who has re. now some of the bitter taste of the them but they rallied and were Patriae, 2b , , . . . 4 2 1 3 0 0 aging slightly over 11 a game. That .876; J. Moore, Phillies .360. boxing Its "big money" oaye that no to surpass American record. not only surpassed one of toe great League Standii l:tB—Radio Baxaar. favorite l.ymns of Mr. Porter's. HIrhway. "Well, i'miglad you're away from n ot. *s ...... 6 4 4 0 4 1 ' Day day turned out to be a pretty good signed as principal of the Middle- medicine he's banded out to other that creature," Rosemary said vig­ runners-up for toe championship at tells the atory. Runt—J. Martin, Cardinals 61; one has complained of toe brevity of Milwaukee — John Anderson Paavo Nurmi's huppoaedly im­ Hue Grass Roy. Mrs. William p. Seyms played the Route 14: Columbla-Hebron. Wll- toe close. Caiet Sendrowski's fa­ Zapatka. 3b ... . 6 1 3 1 2 1 hie battles. Nor have they objeul- throws discus 164 feet 9 Inchea; (Eaetero standard time.) picnic day, after uH, and was heart­ Ilmantlc-MIddletown. field school, aught school In WII- folks." orously. "1 wonder that anyone The big question mark now Is: Vaughan, Pirates 47. pregnable marks by running toa YESTBKDAr* i:J»-^“Oan Harding's Wife." organ. Clement Wail also sang a mous play at toe plate was the turn­ B. Lovett lb .. . 4 0 2 6 0 0 Runs betted ln--Mcdwlck, Card- ed serious v because hie opponents Metcalfe wine both dashes In Wis­ distaoc* in 6 minutes, 68.3 seconds Nntlennl LenMc trmchair Quartet ily enjoyed by teachers and children. Route No. 20: Windsor Locks. llngton several years and has many "They say a new syndicate may would slay and-work for her!" Can they continue, away from Mrs. T. D. Martin and aeveral solo. “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." friends here who congratulate her ing point in the series ant) the Blue- Wright, r f ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Wrigley field, as they've dons at ilnalt 68; Ott, Giants 63. < bviousiy frightened, appeared beat­ consin A. A. U. meet. on Princeton’s raintawept track last New York 6, Plttimugt) 6. - “ Today'i Children." New York, June 18.— (API—Bo- Bearers were Mr. Porter’s three Spring street. be formed to take over the ssselu. Gall thought of Tolnette and Sel­ Jarvie, r f ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 others interested in library work on her success and the high honor Well, if they get the right luiij fields won, and, with it to'e right to home ? They start the eastern lilts .Iordan, Bees 83; Moore, en before they entered tbe ring. 8t. Louts—Helen Btephens sur­ Saturday, but he became toe first ancInnaU 6, Brooklyn 1; IH)0—“David Harum." • Bldea the battle of fists between sons, Robert F., Wlnthrop 8.. and Route No. 84: Newtown, Steven­ ma and the others and realized th.-it Mlkolelt, e . . . . . 6 0 2 16 1 0 passes world record for 100 metere, attended a llbrarianB’ meeting in son. extended her. of , men maybe the little feltoivs tile very necesr.ty o. Having 'o earn meet Mortarty Brothers for the ewing tomorrow, and thereby pro­ Giants 78. The attitude of the fans wo* teat- American ever to gain world re­ Chicago 2, Boston 1. -Noreross Bletera. Heavyweight Joe Louis and Max Horace; his son-in-law, Albert W town championship. rarrand, p • * P 1 0 1 0 bably hangs tosir hope for catching Doubles—Herman, Cubs 36; Msd- ly summed up by one of Joe's Har­ running distance In 11.8 seconds. — i.;80—House Detective. schmeling, a conflict of the plafieta Colchester Wednesday afternoon. Route No. U. s:. 44; Eastiord- Now we have lost one of our eats. wh'o’ve put in their best yea's a living compelled them to stsmd for nown over toe two-mlle .-oute. at. Louts 12, PhUadelnUUi tOrJ Miss Florence Battle, assistant Hilding; bis grandson, Harold Cum It Is a mystery r.hat becomes of a lot. Porterfield's aggregation can be « ^ “ P th* pace-settingpace-settli St. Louis wick, Cardinals 16. lem admirers, overheard aa he loft New York—Yankees trade Ben For tbe flrit time in foot-raclae " Anterlcan League --—* Votes of ShTperlence. is to be up for description on the Ings, and Avery West of Elsst Pomfret; West Hartford, Albany working for tbe Travers Interes's 87 10 14 38 9 3 supervisor of the Hebron schools avenue. pets that roam lota hunting and will manage to hold on to their justly termed dark horses at toe Cardinals by July 4. - Triiitc Cnmllll, Phllllet 8: Good­ the stadium attar the (tamers fight; Chapman to Senators for AMn history, the United States now eSn Philadelphia 8, Cleveland 6 .' -Happy Jack. NBC channels Thursday night. It's Hampton. The floral tributes were With their week-end cases safe­ start. Cosgrove has a bustling, (Jake) Powell; no cosh Involved. for primary grades, has secured Route No. 48: Warren. Warren- bring all Jielr catcb to the bouse In Jobs. I hope so." ly stowed away and the chaufiieur Rarttord Club Beverage Tbe long successful home stand man and Riggs, Reds 7. "Ah paid twenty doUuhs to see claim all world records for toe (talcago 6, WnahIngtOn 4. .M. a aolar eclipse to be visile in Si­ unusually lavish and beautiful. M'r. fighting team and one that will try. AB R H PO A E ended yesterday with Frank De- Home runs—Ott. Giants 12; Klein him, and ah'm satlefied: puflletly Fonthlll, Ont.—Craig Wood shoots I:1S—Honeyboy and Sassafras. beria. Mrs. Charles C. Sellers to conduct a C^mwall. our animal cemetery back of the at the wheel, the ^ re e girls sat standard Unser-measured events (Other gamea pottponed). story teUlng hour for children of Porter wlH be greatly missed here. Route No. 47; Washington. Wasb- bam arc stones to the memory of at least, to show they had a perfect Lombardi, es . .. . 2 0 0 1 0 1 maree's two homers accounting for and J. Moore. Phillies 9. satisfied." • 385 for 73 holes to win General |£M—“Oiri Alone.” Part of the broadcaat scene is to Lucille Travers shook the angry in the back seat of the car, chatting right to be in there In 1936. It looks Dundee, ea . . . . . 8 0 0 1 3 0 all tbe runs as toe Boston Bees fsU Stolen bases—J. Martin. Cardin-' Brock open golf tourney; Tony ranging from 100 yards to two the younger grades Four sessions Ino'ton-Woodbiiry. manv deceased pets, .ncluding eats, tears from her eyes as she stamped I galiy. Promotor Mika Jacobs, whose rise |i45—Merry Madcaps— Norman be akbulak, with Dr. Ronald Man- Duffy, If ...... 4 1 1 2 1 0 8-2 and Lon Warneke chalked up als 11; S. MarUn, Cardinals 9. has been almost os epectooular aa Manero second with 287. mUes, with Lath joining toe record- THE BTANDINOS ael, director of the Harvard-M. L Ti are planned for, the first to be held Route No. 67: Weston, George­ of which several were killed by about the luxurious living room of , "Ol course you've beard the cracking company of Fraak Wykoff Nsttonal Leagna Cloutlar, - director; with Ed­ autos. aitora lb ...... 3 1 1 9 0 0 his third win of tbe victory streak, Pitching—J. Dean. Ordinals, 12- that of Louis, offers eaeurenee there, Wimbledon, Eng,—United Statea die Holly, eclipse expedition, and otheri dis­ July 2nd, at 2:30 p. m„ at Mrs. town. her home. "Don't speak to ne! ’ | news about the Travers collapse," his second straight seven-hitter in and Jeese Owens in toe sprints,'Ben W. U Sellers' home here. Route No. 68: Bethany, New Misu Etather Hansen, teacher at Maloney, o . . . . . 8 0 0 7 1 0 3; Orleton, Cubs and HolUnga- will be -nor* setisaed fane Thurs­ wins jWIgbtmon Cup tennis trophy j l;(iO—Newa; Weather. cussing what they see in the sky. Condition Of she cried. “ If you hadn't poured. said Rosemary. SuUlvan, 8h . . 4 1 8 1 1 1 five days. . worth. Reds 7-2. day. for sixth straight year, taking Eastman at toe 440 and. 880 yard Bt. Louts ...... 8 6 18 The broadcast starts at 10:38, a few Pupils .In the grammar room, Hp- Haven. Sharon, haa returned to her home your n.oney like water into Madame “ Yes!* I guess they’ve lost prac- distance!, and Glenn Cunningham (talcago ...... ,.,..■31 21 L-ldfi—Hit Tunes. Route No. 78: Windsor Locks, W. Pinto, 2b . . . . 8 0 1 3 1 0 The triumph, however, didn't cut see# Oepectly Crowd three of four, matchea on final day Market Report. minutes before totality and wlU last broD Green school, who had a per­ at West WllUngton. Lizette's shop you might have bean | ticany everything, though some down the St. Louis 814 game lead MOBIABTV JUNIORS WIN. to defeat Baglikh women 4-8. In the mile. PUteburgh ...... 31 23' fect attendance record for June State Roads Elm street The Wlllington Federated church­ Zuraw, cf ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Receipts already have passed the l;S5—Leeter Ludke, pianist until after the moon starts moving able to dq sbmethlnj now! Wny j one sie bed at her tlied face, devoid for tbe Will Lucille go wlLi them, too?" needs egainst p 88 3 8 34 14 3 on top 12-10, as Dizzy Dean, going ford at Rocky Ridge Park, 7-3. Vienna—Austria wins doubles but quest, for too first time, In toe Pblledalpbia .., _____30 36 phic Society also will be available ace Portar, Carltop Jonas, Dwight nounced by the Connecticut High­ land Park; Bolton, Maachester- has the use of the parsonage mostly Dempsey clash, which set the aU- ^tiO ^N ew England Pure Pood. way department as of June 10, moment of any rouge or powder and asked Gail, her toougbU at once jo to work with only 24 hours rest, Blanchard was in top form, strik­ trails Yugoslavia 3-1 In Davis (Tup Olympic 6,000 meters, an event tn Brooklyn ...... 2 0 37 from Kustanai. Martin, Ethel Flckatt, Hrian Gon- Gllead; Hsbron, Hebroa-GIlead. fumlabed and an automobile. Miss revealing all the devastating Unas Llei-ek. Would tma inaae a dilleru:ii.e thif lilt of f- Three has bit Bltars; sacrlflos went In as a relief pitcher to end time high of 12,868,660 at Chicago ' Studio program. 1936. Routs No. 87: Golpmbia-Andover, hit B. Lovett; stolen bases, Mlko- ing out seven batters end allowing In 1937. Jacobs foresees tbe poael- semi-final round. which Finland's supremacy has long American League |bS0—Worka Prograss Administra­ Try these tonight: cl, Josephine Pomprowics, Elalna Elsie Layton, whose salary is paid of age. "No one dreamed' such a to him? Would hla gallant heart tbe game. Cloeed for Constmetioii— Jonathan Trumbull. by the ebtureb, haa been engaged tor leit, Maloney; left, on bosss. Green but three hits. blUty of a capacity crowd of 98,000 Topeka, Kane.—Mrs Opal Hill been asserted. Four years ago a W. L, tion Program. Talks—WABC-CB8, 6:18, Hl-Y Vey, Anne Gone!, , Arlene Jones, thing could-happen. Please don't come to Lucille's rescue? The two leaden pulled away from The game was^ featured by the ratolne women'e western open golf Congress, Branch Rickey; WEAF- Barbara Brehant, Gertrude Jones, Detour Provided Route No. 101; KUlingly, R. 1. another year. She has been tfie re­ 10, Hartford CHub 7; base on bolls, in toe stadium and ths wooden jowl lanky Oregonian, Ralph HUl, came New York ...... 86 17 2:46—Fred Wade's songs. Route No. U. S. 6: Oanburv, road. talk so crossly to die. I can’t stand “I don’t know," answered Natalie, the third place Pirates, as the New. borne runs of “Hank" HaSfs aad of title, defeating Hra. Charles Den- within n stride of enrryltig Amerl' Boston ...... 84 31 N.BC, 9:30, Radio Formus, A. J. AJt- Sylvia Martin, Grace trey, EHsle ligious director here for eight years It." She dropp^ In a crumpled heap "but 1 suppose ahe'li go. Whaf else off Farrand 2, Schmidt 4; bit Iqr York Giants snapped their own five-' which win he conetructed oo the 2ak>— "Forever Young." White street Cloeed for one mile Route No. 108: Weston-Westport 4 - S t a r H pitcher, Bycholsky, Patrtaa by "Jackie" Fraher. Bedor of toe field to give the fens a clear view ot neby, 8 and 3, in final. ca’s to triumph, at Loa Angeles. Detroit ...... 29 37 jS flB -M a Perkins. meyer, "Administering the Social Garblch, Elsie HiUa, Marie Smith; within city Umita. 1 ie.".ches the Bible in schools. on a magnificent couch. could ahe do?” game losing streak and tos t Bucs' Wtaebester, Mas*. —Boston wora- Security Act": WJZ-NBC, 10:13, Lyons Plains She will spend August at her home Schmidt; struck out by Forandr 18, Hartford team alao bit a homer. procaedlngs. gals of radio righto Lash, on toe basis of his electriz­ CTleveland ...... 2 7 26 -Vic apd Bade. Primary room: Charles Gone!, How­ Route No. 14: Windham. 20 foot No. 109: Thomastoa, Reservoir ‘Til talk to you any way I like "It’s too bao she didn’t mai'ry seven-straight whming. run at toa The fielding of both teams waa out­ tng Mrs. (Tharles etao Rep. L. A. Johnson, Texas Democrat, ard Hills, Raymond HUIo, Jacob In Great VlllagIfillage, Nova ocotla, Cana- Schmidt 4. same time, with Hal Schumacher will add a oomfortable stun to tots ing development under the coach­ Waahlngton ...... 2 8 26 -The O'NelUa. span bridge and approaches being Road. —sntL more than that. I’ll, kill that count she was Dragging about, Time, 2:16. Umpires, Dwyer and standing. Tble win was toe Ori­ amount. en defeat Philadelphia and New ''Roosevelt and Recovery". Kassmaa, Rodney Lemalre, Frank da. for her fath. r would prooabiy nave turning In a five-hit performance ing of E. (j. (Billy) Hayes, appears Chicago ...... 26 27 reconstructed. Route No. 148: Route No. 122: West Haven, myseli before I'D go out to Ari­ ^ liln e s Frazier. oles* second in three starte, having The. pre-battle ballyhoo haa stream York golfers to win Grisom cup. 88 WEAF-NBC—6:80, Qonnte .Gates; Wolflnger, Kenneth Griffin, Frank Mias Bnisabeth Brown and Miw zona with you and Cal.- He'll settled a fortune on her," remarked for an 8-0 edge. Windlin up toe thoroughly capable at picking up Philadelphia ...... 19 Branford. .Indian Neck road bridge. Shore road. defeated toe Rockville Spartans 14- ed SchmeUng’a courage, hla eatpert- Detroit— Hal Price Headley's where Hill left off and showing hla S t Louts ...... 16 36 7:30, Margaret Speaks; 8, Gypsies; Hllla, Jetty Porter, Myron Strick­ 48 foot T. beam bridge. Route No. 181: Thompson. Qulne- Dorothy Brown wlU return to their never, never moke a oomebacK Rosemary. io r mem league program, toe Cincinnati H(fllyrood and Sparta run one-two 8 :80, Bcbumann-Helnk birthday; 9, home In North Stonington fo. tne Rew climbed to a .500 average for .18 and losing to the Hartford West ence, aad hla etavtmess, neglecting heels to toe world'! beat distance land, Abraham Gaihlch. Donald' No Route No.: Bridgeport Grand baug. -Never now! It’s too late." "Perhaps she'll take up design­ Endees 4-3. Blanchard has been tn l^(K>0 Detroit Derby; Ruah- Eastman concert Griffin, Robert Horton, Israel summer; Mrs. Ethel Bath to WIIII- tbe campaign by trimming toe the famous line about hla baing the runners tote August. TODAY'S GAMES street bridge. 184 foot tpw . .Racon- Route No. 189; North Branford, "Diat’a not a nice way to talk ing seriously now," suggested Gail. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS responsible lor both vlctortba man -who won the title sitting down away, toa favorite, sixth. WDRC WABC-CB8—7, Lombardo mualc; man, Michael Kulynch, RichardJjee, strucUon south cylinder-west pier. Foreat road; North Branford, Bran- mantic and Mias Gertruda Pradel to about your father,' LucUle." ••/jid step into your shoes at Ma- SUMMER CAPS Dodgers, 6-1, on toe stfengto of Lee' New York—Clang, ousider at 6-l,i No American ever before bad Natteaal League 7:80, Pick and I^t (weet repeat Danielson, all teachers at dall Me­ Stine's four-hit hurling job. Mortarty Jonlota. and lost It standing up. While beaten 9:10 on ar outdoor track for (No games tcheduled). Hartford, Uoon. 1880 Mary Gray, Betty Horton, LiUlon Mlddleflsld. MUler road. 600 feet fOrd-North Branford. "Well, It's the truth. Who cares dame's?" aaxed Natalie. Light cotton or O SC* ah r b po a ' a outeprinto Ballon to win seven-fur­ 10:30); 8, Al Jolson and.Ruby Keeler Giffln, Anna Kulynycb, Bertha Bra­ looae broken, atone and SO foot T. morial school. Miss Lillian Brown, PLAN SOFTBALL TEAM With the Yanks-Hgen and St. there’s no doubt about those quali­ two milee until Laab thundered AmerlooB Lengne (Maateia DayUgM Ttane) Route No. 161: Orange, West about *0106 waya' nowadays? How "But, girls, maybe Madame Li- white dodt.----- Kerr, ss ...... 3 1 0 0 1 0 ties In the Ociman; still does not long Carter Handicap at 'Jamaloa in *T3uriesque” ; 10, Jack Denny or­ bant, Kathleen Martin. Thoas from beam bridge. MIddlefleld. Strickland Haven, Jones Hilli teacher of ths Roaring Brook school con be come back when be hasn't lette's shop Is gone. too. She was Louis-Boaton battles rained out the track. with nmaaing speed on n thorough' (No games scheduled). chestra; li:80. Program from Ha- wUl go to her home In New Haven American League saw toe Athletics Wlnzler, 8 b ...... 4 0 0 i 2 o appear to be a ’ match for Louis, a wsu both rooms who had a perfect at­ road. 700 feet loose broken stone Itoute No. 164; Preston, Preston a penny? Be sensible. Use your backed by Mrs. Travers, you know. ’ Thuroer, I f ...... 4 1 0 1 0 0 Bolem. N. H/—Weeton Adamo' 16- tendance for the entire year were: and 40 foot T. beam bridge. North Plains. The schools closed today, Monday, knock toe Indiana into fourth place deadly puncher and a superb boxer. brains If . you have any—but, (To Be Continued) Membera Interested Asked to with an 8-6 victory, advanetog De­ oobb, 3b ...... 8 1 1 8 3 0 Louie has been pictured os logy Gallant (Jay scorea upset victory WJ2-NBC—6, Niels Goodelle, Elate HUa, Kencntb GrlfiSn, Frank Haven. Sackett'a p

BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Pshaw! a y i i i V V ‘RMOO) 1 ,OW — WvO lA EO Y O U VGER£ B U ir SEU.^T^RLEM'r//^^/^/^^ C L A S S IF IE D SENSE and NONSENSE OQSWA F«00TCHF4 P.M.» ■ I HbO A YEMAt 1 UQEKMEO-l TOQ-aoT.AU. 1 WHAT WB KBED A llttl* more UBdsm«ss . . . a Ut- V m C D TO tia laaa eread .4 4 M E — W O apper anny ay 0 \ 0 1 WE, A Uttla more giving . • • s Uttle less R______waa.araT.efr. F S & greed . . . E A R S ____ A Uttle more ire . . a a Uttle leea 1VR80NALS BUSINESS SERVICES POULTRY AND SUPPLIES M FUEL AND FEED 49.A APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES 78 the supply was substantially below I . . . OFFERED 13 TENEMENTS 63 average. A Uttle more Uugh . « . a Uttle leea kdB ULCER, gss pslns. In- FOR SALE—BABY chicks, B. W. AT A COURT OF. PROBATE HELD WALLST.BRI^ • cry . . . D. tested, also started chicks. B. T. FOR SALE—33 ACRES standing DESIRABLE RENTS, first and 3rd at Mnnohtater. within and for th« km vietlinB, Tvhy aufferT For LAWN MOWER sbarpanln,. We Dtntrtct of Mnnehnste^ on the Itth A Uttle more flowers « . . to.Ughten TSllaC get a trM aaraple af Allen, 87 Doane street. Telephone grass. Telephone 6835. floor, very nice layout, 8 Walnut day o f Ju n e . A D.. 1910. New Torit, June 16.—Stock of Plants of Mlnneapolls-Moline Ufe'B load . . . guarantee to make yotir lawn Indian cotton are being heavily Power Implement Co., are operat­ s doctor’a prescription at mower run easy, cut clean, and 7616. stre e t near Cheney milla. Most Preaent WZIsUAM I. HYDE. Eaq.. Aad ferwer on graves .... at toe end r Drug Stores. reaaonahle up to $18.00. Inquire J b d g !. 1 drawn upon, the New York Cotton ing at the highest rate since 1929 of the read . . . operate as well aa new. Robert HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Estate of James KgCly latn of Han- Exchange Service reported today. and bueiness la running more than Oriinth. 140 Oak street Tel. 8814. ARTICLES FOR SALE 15 premlsee. Tailor Shop. obeater, In said Didtrlot, deceased. FOR SALE—OAS STOVE. Cream The AdralnIstraTor having exhibit­ Consequently, It la expected that 50 per cent ahead of a year ago. Ita. Henpaok (reading a letter li MOBILES FOR SALE 4 FOR SALE— BABT STROLLER and green; also crib. Will sell rea­ FOR RENT—FIVE room tenement, ed his administration account with the total stock In India at the closf The current year promleea to be ft«m a datant friend) — How FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 and high chair. Latest style. Good sonable. 76 Oak street. large rooms, on Cottage street In­ said estate to this Court for allow­ of the current Season, July 81, will toe. best since 1980, O. L. Gillette, strangel Blfreda doesn’t u y wheth­ lAUD—1986 AIRFLOW De­ quire Mrs. Farr, 47 Cottage S t ance. It Is be smaller than a year ago when vice president, said. er her baby la a boy or a gin. ll ka new, lew mileage, time condition. Charlie McCarthy. Tei. ORDERED:—That the bOth day of FOR SALE — TRAN8PLA. tEO 3232. REFRIGERATORS, washing ma­ J u n e . A D.. 19S6, a t 8 o'clock fo re ­ Mr. Hanpeck—But doesn't she say nts. Phone 8161 or 8169. tomato, pep: er, cabbage, caullflow- chines, Ironing machlnea, coal and noon. at the Probate Office, in said tt Is beginning to talk 7 to, «gg plant, lettuce, asters and FOR SALE—ONE SINGLE farm gas oombtnatlons, oil burners, SUMMER HOMES Manchester, be and ths same la aa- Mrs. Henpeck—Yei. i m WIUL.TB B in aH T Mdmn; 1980 alghed for a hearing on the allow­ Mr. Heniieck—Then It's a glrL iToonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox Wniya n ilf h t aadui; 1980 Pcmtlac slnnlas, at Odermanr>,; 604 Park­ harness. Horses collar, strap work, gas and electric ranges. Home and FOR RENT 67 ance of said administration account coupe; 1930 Chryaler sedan; 1981 er street. harness repairing, curtain and show room demonstrations on ap­ with said sstats. and thin Court di­ auto tops repaired. Chaa. Laklng, pointment. Edward Hess, Repre­ FOR RENT— q ROOM cottage, rects the Administrator to gtvs pub­ 'THBBE WONT BE ANY “FOR- Oldiunobile coupe. Cole Motors— west side Columbia Lake, electrici­ lic notlcs to all persons interested OOTTBN MAN" AS LONG AS Si' 6463. 90 Camorldge street. Td. 4740. sentative, 180 Center street Tel. therein to appear and be heard OUR BOARDING HOUSE m REPAIRING 23 8413. ty, two boats, garage. Phone Man­ thereon by publishing a oopy of this ^1SftlVNtAStRVl€t.rNC. T. M. StA U. S. MT. OTT. TAXPAYERS ARB ABOUT. chester 6661. order tn'^ some newspaper having a J. J. HILLMAN does all kinds of ELECTRICAL APPUANCES circulation in aald DfstHot. five days The old tight wad waa suffering furniture repairing reasonable. RADIO 49 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 befors said day of hearing and re­ CB the operating table, both from —nr was HE SOUNDS Work guaranteed. Call 8446, 66 WANTED TO RENT 68 turn maka to this Court. pain and fear at toe sum toe doctor Manchester Spruce street. WTlkUAH g. HYDE MV MISFCWUNE TO HAVE MV SOUIRRELV AND PHILCO AUTO radios 889.96 In- __ J u d g s. would extract from him. Finally he WANTED—4 OR 5 rooms In quiet H-8-l«-86. I could not restrain himself any long­ I6-CVLIN'DE« LIMOUSINE PORCEO LOOKS WORSEN Evening Herald LAWtl MOWESt abarpmlng, re­ stalled. Benson Furniture and ROOMERS WANTED. Inquire at 8 Radio, Johnson Block. Chestnut street neighborhood, uot over |80.00p or er and blurted out from aemi-con- INTO TME PITCM,WHILE T^ETURMINa rr/SAHOPIN ! CLASSIFIED pairing. Key making, vacuum small house. Write Herald Box N. Dlstriet of Oovsntry. Oowt •€ adouaness: ADVERTISEMENTS cleaners etc., cleaned, recondition­ P ro b s ts , J u n s l l t h , 1S88. ' Tight Wad—Doctor, bow much SSi. T=ROM TWE OOWV/EKJTION/ WHERE THErARK,BUr ed. Tool sharpening. Braltbwalte, APARTMENTS—FLATS— EstsU of Mary B. Hall lata of wUl the operation coat me? A good fit it assured if a d re a Coventry. In said Dlstrlot. deceased. I HEADED MY STATES'. PELEflATION I'LL BBT IF HE'D OooAt kU *vkra«« woroa to a. Uoo 63 Pearl street ' TENEMENTS 63 Doctor—One hundred dollars. ' measures up to expectations. lattlala, aombora and abbravlatloaa The Administratrix having exhibit­ Tight Wad—BuL doctor, I want HAR-R-l^UMPH— BEFORE I TIP HIS DERBY aacb eoa&t aa a *ord and oompoaod WE SPECIALLejE m lawn mower i£ S p r m q ed her admlntftratlon account, with ' worda aa two worda Mlnlmaia eoat la FOR REST —SEVERAL first class said Estate to this Court for allow­ Just plain sewing; no hemaUtchlng. PURCHASED HOOPLE MANOR a n e a 01 tbraa uoaa. sharpening. Preclslo grinding. Invest In Real Estate ance, it Is A CUCKOO WOULD Uno rataa oar day for traaalaat Satlsftctlon guaranteed. Delivery single and double dwellings. All In We have listings in all sec- ORDERED:—That the 88rd day of A radical Is a person who bates a. OF 500 ACRES/AND FOUR • f i w d s yi good locations. Apply Eidward J. MEN APPLAUD YOUR GOOD FLVOUT-v*- I'Lk- '..ada service. Karlseii As Edgerton, 666 tiona (rf Mancheiter, Biriton, .June, 1986 at 4 o’clock in the after­ JUDGMENT EVERY TIME YOU hundred miUlon people because two im loose MaatSaa Mareb tT, IMf No. Mam Phone 7386. Holl. Telephone 4642. noon (d. B. t.) at the Probate Court or three of them gave him a raw MCHTRS, M0THIN6 6AVC ME TURN H ( Caah Cbarga (O i Vernon. Coventry. in Coventry be. and the same Is as- AGREE WITH THEM. deal. • G oaaaeatlya U aya . . i 7 ota} • ota FOR RENT—SMALL second floor, blgned for a hearing on the allow­ MORE PLEASURE THAN AT THE NEyr <3RDVE t Coaaooatlva Oay« .si • etai U eu Farms • Lake Property • ance of eaid administration account The man at a local movie theater O...... F W A L N U T S J Day ..v.v.v.} ii otn u eta PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 4 room tenement, on Chestnut with said Estate,-and this Court di­ Wife—Your husband told my hus­ DRiVlNiS A SMALL OAR iUI ordara for Irraroiar losarUona street Mrs. Aaron Johnson. Single and Two-Family rects the Administratrix to cite all recently waa annoyed by conversa­ WiU bf ebargad at 'tha ona Uma rata band that his word at home waa .Li k e t h i s / IF 70U LL E TO draw, sketch, or Honaes. persons intereisted thersln to appear tion In tba row behind him. He law. . r IpoeSal raua for long tarin avary paint—write for Talent Teat (No FOR RENT—TWO and three room at said time and place, by publish­ turned and tapped toe man sitting lay adaartlaJng giva opoa raqoaau ing this order in some newepaper behind him on toe shoulder and Her Friend—Oh. yes? Well, It’s Ada ordarad for tbraa or ala days Fee). Oive age and occupation. apartments. Call Manchester Con­ Hastings’ having a circulation In said District, one of those laws that are never en­ mad atoppad bafort tba tblrd or flftb Box L, Herald. 7b cvdtE/F' struction Company. 4181, 4373 or and by posting a copy on the public (BEAD THB STOBT, THEN COLOR THB FIOTUSB) said: forced. day will ba obargad cnlj for tba ae« 8883. Roadside Ofl9ce sign poet In the Town of Coventry, Man—Excuse me. but I can't bear tuaJ Bumbar of .Imaa tba o appaar* where the deceased last dwelt. The Tlnyinltea were tickled pink, The magic man U waving. Oh, lha a word. eharflDg at tb« rats aarn«d. but * Spring !• bnuM clann- 331 Oakland St. Dial 4842 EUGENE W. LATIMER and (3oldy shouted, "Jtu t to think THE SEASON OF THE YEAR T8 BO allowaaok oi r«tuada can b« mad* HELP WANTED— 372-74 OAKLAND atrect 4 rooms, kite la going to land." , Talkative One—Oh! And is it any Ing rim« —why Mt Always Open! J u d g a that wo are going to ride toe kite That’a juat what happened. Oa business of yours what I’m telling HERE, VraEN HANDKERCHIEFS OB alx tima ada atoppad aftar tba FEMALE .15 3rd floor, $16. Call Hartford H -6-16-16. WILL BE USED TO MOP WITH Iftb day. cUnalog dm**** 7-8313 or Manchester 3275. tho magic man Is In. toe groimd, toe little klta stopped, m y wlfeT ' Ko forbid!'*: display llaa! not WANTED— EXPERIENCED shirt "He’s sitting 'way up there at safe and sound. "Now It’s your INSTEAD OF BLOW INTO. •old. 1 ^ ^ too7 MngU And m ar- AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELiD ease, just floating onward .with Tba Jlarald will oot ba raapontibla flnlsher at once. Apply New Sys­ at Mancheetsr. within end for the turn,” toe magic man aald. "My THE B^SON IS HERE, WHEN rt«d p«npU ! t ! grittag toe breeze. Perhaps toe kite wlU flight was jtiat grandl" A MAN IS TIRED FOR niREE Wife—Dear, were you talking In , dor EDoro tbaa oua looorraot loiartloa tem Laundry. Harrisoi. street, District of Manchester, on the 18tb your sleep last night? • t any a^vartlaaaiaBf ordarad for Manchester. thb cash It tmkm- oA d ay o f Ju n e. A. D., 1936. take us some place we have never WEEKS BECAUSE HE HAS liuui ona tlna. .. ..4 - ...... P re s e n t WIIaLIAM 8. HYDE. Eeq.. been.” . _ _ t a k e n . . X-..TWO .WEEKS’. REST- Hubby—Was I? Sorry^ to have obumiud tbrir own •Ignstwiw— Judge. The !Hnymitas, all brave and bold, Tba Inadyartaot qt moor- WEWANTRENTS- "W hat does It m atter where we just couldn’t wait till they were told rU L VACATION. interrupted yoit" — root pubUoatloB of advartlalof will ba •o add up your noodi l«t US put a good tenant In that racant bouse of yours. We Trust Estate u-w of Hewitt yaetlfla only by oaaeaUatloa of tba HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Coburn, Jr., late of Manchester, in go t" aald Uttle Coppy. "All I know to climb aboard toe dandy kite. •harara stada tor tba aanrloa randarad. I and M! IM NOWa have dozens of applicants every week. Call ne a t once. eaid District, deceased. is that I want to get away from They scrambled for a seat. Youth — rve never seen such RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION IS ▲ 11 adTartuamaata awst ooatorm WANTED—ON FARM 4 men for The Trustees having exhlbitsd this place pretty soon. As soon aa they were oHnglng dreamy eyes! TERRIBhY HANDICAPPED BE­ la atyia, oopy aad typography with tomorrow morning. CSirls. Peter­ Loufu up fo IJOg—J! montht fo rtpuf their final account with said estate CAUSE IT HAS TO GET ALONG yamilBtloaa anforead by tba publlab- WEWANTFARMSl- "We’ve been here long, it seems tight, brave Windy loudly erle^ Sweet Young Thing—You've never sen, Wapplng. Large or aroall. In town or In Bolton, Coventry, Andover, to this Court for allowance. It Is to me, and seen all that there ie stayed quite so late before. WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF ara aad tbay raaarva tba right to Tho mlo of Intoroot ■ cbnrgod In ORDERED:—That the Mth day of "All right, please tell the kite to PROFANTTY. ■ V •dlte raTlM or lajao* aay oopy ooa- tbreo fS) per cents per nontb. or South Windsor, Vernon, Tolland, Glastonbury or anj'where near June A. D.. 1936, at 8 o'clock (s. t.) to see. Gee, wouldn’t it be great If rise, 'cause we are ready for our ^ •Idarod objaotionabla. LOCAL COFFEE ROUTE open: thirty-ole <30> per eont# per on- Manchester. We have the buyers. Try us for results. forenoon, at the Probate Office in we could travel to toe moon?" CXX) XMO HOURS-^laaalllad ada to nnni on the nnpnld omnont ot treat.” 8 846-a-week opportunity. Auto fur­ said Manchester, be and the same ie ‘Til take toe kite’s long oord and Man (In store)—I want a pair of a o mileaob jto pabllabad aaaa day must ba ra- nished if you produce. Write Al­ the Inna. The mnt of m SIOO. loam assigned for a bearing on the allow­ stockings. f L J •olvad by II o^elook boob: Saturday! for too montho Is gld.50 onlyp WE WANT HOMES— ance of said account with said es­ "Aw, don’t b« alUy,” Ooldy said. run," toe maglo man StM. “Oh, Clerk—For your wife, or shall I , ON THAT KIND id:K a. m. bert Mills, 317 Monmouth, Cincin­ whoa orinelpfil lo repaid In ten If yon care to sell your place, single or two-famlly dwelling, tate. and this Court directs the Trus­ “The moon is too high overhead. Be­ what fun ’twill be to help you get nati, O. equal monthly Inotallmonto of tees to give public notice to all per­ show you something better? TELEPHONE YOUR ten dollars oaeh aa agroeda at a reasonable price—tell us about It. We know where the sides, it Is a ball of lire. At least, so away. Is everything all set?” C5F 6A5, MASORy buyers are. See us today..^Na charge unleeB sale la made. sons Interested therein to appear I have beard. WANT ADS. and be heard thereon by publishing a “Sure thing," yelled Scouty. "Run The chief cause of business failure ______*s6L Room 3 State Theater Bldg. copy of this order In some newspaper "You’d better just be satisfied real fast until you get us up, at Ads are aca.pt.d over tL. uUphoa* DOGS—BIRDS—PETS 41 to have most any sort of ride." in ims country has been the closing at tbs CHARQB RATH aivsn above 768 Main S t Tel. 8430 ROBERT J. SMITH, INC., 963 Main Street, having a circulation In said District, last." That’s what the old man did, of managing minds. When a man le I III foiuiiM f« as a aoBvealoB . to advorussra bat THOROUGHBRED brown tabby five days before said day of hearing ’This stopped poor Ooppy and he and ^ toe Tinies yelled, "Hurray!" Convinces himself that be knows all Real Estate Insiiraaee Stfianwhlp Tickets^ and return make to this Court. didn't aay another word. the CASH RaTBB will o. aoeoptsd aa female Persian cat and kitten, 10 WILLIAM 8, HYDE there is to know about a subject b < URCHY S. FDU, PATIHIMT It paid at tbs bosl- weeks old. Beauties $3 each. 78 Ju d g e. Soon Duncy shouted, "Hip hooray, (The TlnlSe sell liiroagh Hie air he Is on the way out. ® ______The Lion Strikes By JOHN C. TERRY Boes oBloo on or bstors tho eavonth PERSONAL H-6-15-88. toe kite is coming back tola way. day foUowiBB tbs drat Insartlon ot North Elm street. FINANCE COMPANY In llie next story.) APoVE TJJE P5AFeNlN(5 80AR OF THEIR POWERFUL MOTORS AS THS PLANES P^-THAT , MOb ad otbsrwiaa tba CHARUB ever speculated CoMi>Lrrttv Staccato barking or machine suns„,their STOPPED'em/ RATB will ba ooUactad. Mo roaponal- on why you are so popular In. your btllty tor orrara la talapbonad ads HELPLESS AS .BaU6l£.7BMWO LEAPIN6 Fountains op sand across the path o f thb THEY WON'T will ba aeanmad ana tbair neeumey neighborhood ? THB ARABS TRY THAT , eaanot ba anamataad. LANDON Picture Story of His Life Neighbor—No, except that I told CHAE(SE TOWARD No MORB-/ No. my neighbors that I always played THEM, SCORCHY', INDEX OF FOR RENT the saxophone when I got lonely. HlMAtBL^rOSS CLASSIFICATIONS t-ROOM APARTMENT with pri­ AND THE TWO Births • seeee.kdeeeeeaeese#eaaadM A eiRLS watch 'teaaaamanu ...... B vate bstlr. RO. per month. Steam WITH mciNKTIOH ItobrrISgOS a e •• • e e • • e e • e • « dAf* e a.d C heat 86 extra per month during ■ Deaths o AS THE THREE Card of Thaakt B winter mootha. BRITISH ARMY IS KaawrUm F PLANES DROP Lost sad roDBd ...... 1 Apply SupL, Apartment 4, PR0,V1TMESKV„„ AaBonaeamanta ...... a Peraonale a.,,,,,,.. . . I 36 Birch Street Aeteawbllea AatomobUee tor Sals ...... 4 Aatomobllaa tor Bzobsnao I Ante Aoeassortaa—TIraa ...... 4 Auto Ropatnae—Paintlaa ...... 7 Aaio dohoola f—A Aatos—Ship ay Traok ...... a e 15 Aatoa—For Uira ...... t • ira rw t F ■ •lieu I Oarasas—Borvloa—Storsaa '...... IP EMERGENCY Motorarolsa—Bloyelaa ...... li Waatao Aatoa—liotoroyolaa ... II WASHINGTON TUBS •welBsaa aad Frotasaisaal darvlaaa FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser By Crane OUT OUR WAY Bit •aslaaaa Barvleaa OSarad ...... 11 CALLS / AN' IT DOESN'T TAKE MIKW NO/VOU HIT a'' OM-THI5 Pi WQAOCRRJL/ . ■oaaabold Barvloaa Offarad...... ll-A SREAT SCOTT/vDu OFA JAR. TO CAUSE WITH A . WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS fJobtraotlaa ...... 14 BY’ <30UY. I SAW A FELLA TAMPERIN' NITRO(5LVCERIN T O TRUCK ANf- ...... ll PCX50LES, A R E W T 'tOU YEARS AGO— BUT I'M LEARN­ - ■.Fansral Otraotora ...... it POLICE WITH TH’ B R ID ^ WHERE ©(ptOPE, POK IT ^ .. KNOWANWTD MAKE ING s o m e t h in g n e w EVERY ' {toatiaa—Plamblns—Rooflaa mw 17 EVER (30NKIA LEAD US THAT NITROSLVCERIN ------laanraBoa ii h im m o v e ? m y TRUCK BLEW Up-? PAY— COME OUT HEBE-1 KtUlaary—Orassmakina ...... 11 Summoned west again by oil, John London ac­ Working during summer vacations, not from Campus politics at K. U. earned President of his fraternity. Phi Gamma Delta, TO THE SPOT w h e r e ifovtnF—Truokloa—B.orasa IP 4343 WAhfr YOU TO G EE T H I » rahllo Pasaaaear aanrloa .^....tP-A cepted a position with the Kansas Natural necessity but from choice, Alf was employed Alf Landon the name “Fox”. near end of his college career, Landon suc­ TH OSE s a b e r -t o o t h e d GOOD (XO CAP WONDERFUL WAV TO PalaUaF—Paparina ...... II Gas company in 1904 and moved his family PISTO L !! WASH DISHES / . . . — II FIRE at 18 as foreman’s handy man with a pipeline The law school year-book of his cessfully sponsored reforms to prohibit gam­ TIGER BOWES ARE , as II South to Independence, Kas. That year Alf, just ..llorlaa—Dyataa—Claanlaa 14 gang of Hungarians laying a conduit througli senior year observed: “Fox is a bling in the chapter house, to collect back BURIED? oilat Goods aad Sarvlea ...... II 17, entered the University of Kansas, at Law­ Faatad—Baalaaaa Ba.vlep ...... 14 4321 rence, to study law. Before he was gradu­ the northern Oklahoma oil fields. “He used lad of parts. As a student, poli­ debts of negligent brothers and to install a SdWMitiOBMl Oaoraas aad Oiaasaa...... It North ated in 1908, he had laid the foundation of his to write home for money quite a lot the first tician and thorough good fellow, better bookkeeping system. Another ac­ frlTMa toatraotloB ...... ll reputation for industry, thrift and political year he worked,” his father recalls, “but he he ranks as one of the best of complishment was to cut expenditures by . Psaolaa . a.• a.*...M .....11-A' Masleal—Onuaatle ...... II sagacity. spent quite a little less the last three yeifrs.” ’08.” eliminating ice cream from the menu. Praatad—iBstmotloa ...... «n— IP 5432 'Ftaaaalal •bads—atooSa—Mortsasae . . . . ll •oslaass OpportnalUss ...... | | AMBULANCE MYRA NORTH, SPECTAL NURSE In Devries’ Power By THOMPSON AND COLL •tonay to Loan ...... | | (Dongan) ■ala aad Pitaattaaa tS7MILE MryTRAfeoUSE 'yOUeSELF- v o u e HEAD WILL CLEAR IN MXI WANT SR EDMOND’S] ■alp Waatad—Famala ...... |p MBRLE OeiNK Twits/THERE IS A MOMENT — THESE ORIEbTTAL Om SECRET PLANS OF '/9 Balp Waatad—Mala ...... « .... IP '•alasmaa Waatad ...... IP.A 5636 BEiSSMER SOMETHING 1 WANT ':OJ ORUOS CAN PERFORM MIRACLES ANOTHER TV4E TOMB "VERY ■alp Waatad—Mala or Famala.. 17 (HoUoran) fifiinCCID TO DO FDR M E/f—7'^---- LOOK AT ME,NOW -I WANT INSTANT. WELL, DOCTOR-1 w m m Waatad ...... |t-A RJSTfONE THE PLANS FOR QOHAIEP'S MVRAS SHALL BRING THEM p - ~ r - “ ! you TAMPERIN' Htaatlona Waatad—Famala .. . II THE EVES WITH AT BRIPSe t y . ntaatlona Waatad—Mala ...... IP 10M& PROM SIR EOMONOS ■niiloymani ...... 41 3060 EKPEOrnON TEWT/ TAKE ON Idva iieck—Pats—Fsattay—VaUelas TO AN r I BE'CAOZEFUL, 0«>aa--Blrda—Pats ...... 41 (Qnish) UNNATURAL N o w - r r s Uva Stoek—VaUelas ...... p| expioB S. Ponltry aad Bapoltas ...... 4| RSMTEPS GUNT­ I GiaOWlNO OMSK Waatad - Pata —Ponltry Stock 44 4340 TOMa HER EVERY Fat Sola—MlaaalUaaoaa PEVI21C9 NERVE IS ATUclas tor Bala ...... pp keenly is?.?. ^totortaa ...... «p HOSPITAL s i a i o m y : ■alUlBs Matsrlala ...... — pt 4M.IP9 ALERT, gjamoada—Watobae—Jawalry PI INTO PUETO : Uaetrleal Appllaaoaa—Radio .. PI raol aad Faad ...... 5131 TUETENT th e C t m py la , tciiviM Mg. — Fara^D alry Piodnota M WMEBE STIMUUYTION gooeabold Ckwto ...... n MVIZA OP T H E q7lTH HER MiNQ RB1CT)NG TO BUT ONE ...... H WATER DEPT. M ^eal toatramaata ...... pp IS POWERPUL ALL-IMPORTANT STIMULUS. M'YRA MAH£S ,.;Mlaa and Stars ■qalpmaet pp CEeDMO DRUG BOLPLY f o r s ir ECWONCTS TENT . Wppelala at ths Storaa ...... pp vgearta* ^aaral—Fara pt 3077 0 - «dF« M EVENING HERALD a

5121 9 ' lAifi. K* » m • vrrm isis m . MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. JUNE 16.198VW\0 A 6 0 Y O U VOEQE B U i r S E L L WtKMTTM^/Y /he SENSE and NONSENSE O R tM A l a s t F .M .I OMEW I HM> A oe& M , YEIVHI L UQ£AMEO~L W,\%«tO*VA TOO ~ ^VST , A U - 1. WHAT WB mSED .«6M£MaEQ \STWW A Uttls mors tandsmsss . . . a IK- Y IH E O t o j Us;isas ersed . . . VGSS ME *•— P A little more giving . . . a little less F l a p p e r F a n n y S a y & 0\0 1 W\S greed . . . E A R S _____ A Uttle more we . . * a UtUe less EBRSONALS « BUSINESS SERVICES POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 FUE L AN D FEED 49-A APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES 78 the supply was substantially below I . . . OFFERED 13 . TENEMENTS 63 average. A little more laugh . » . a Uttle less r 'S K E S B " tHiCSDR, g u paisa, in-1 FOR SALE—BABY chicks, B. W. AT A COURT OF, PROBATE HELD WALL ST. BRIEFS • • s • D. tested, also started chicks. B. T. FOR SALE—38 ACRES standing at Maneb**t*r, within and for th* Ogastlaii Tietiaia, why suSerT For t;jtWN MOWER abarpanlng. We DESIRABLE RENTS, first and Srd J>l*trlct ot Maneh**tcr, on th* lltb A Uttle more flowers . . , to.Ughten '. ^ f i k r ^ « f gat a free sample yt Allen, 87 Dohne street. Telephone grass. Telephone 8388. fioor, very nice layout, 8 Walnut day ot Jun*, A. D., 19S4. __ New York, June 16.—Stock of Plante of MlnneapoUa-MoUns life’s lead . . . guarantea to make your lawn Tndlan cotton are being heavily > Udga, a doctor's prescrlptloa .at ' mower run eeay. cut clean, and 7616. street, near Cheney mins. Moet Pr*««nt WIIAJAM 8. HTOE. E*q„ Power Implement Co., are operat­ Alia fewer on graves . . . at the end Arthur D r ^ Stores. reasonable up to $18.00. Inquire Jndgo. drawn upon, the New York (3otton ing at the highest tote since 1929 ot the read •: . . operate aa well aa new. Robert HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Eotato ot Jam** K*lly lat* ot Uaa- Exchange Service reported today. and business is nuining more than Orlinth. 140 Oak etreet Tel. 8814. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 premises. Tailor Shop. ob*it*r. In *ald Olatriot, daeaaaad. FOR SALE—GAS STOVE. Cream Tb* Administrator having ashibit- Consequently, tt is expected that 60 per cent ahead of a year ago. Ita . Henpeok (reading a letter FOR RENT—FIVE room tenement, AUTOMOBILES FOR S aI e 4 FOR BALE— BABY STROLLER and green; also crib. Will aeU rea­ *d hi* sdralnlitrattott account with the total stock in India at the close The current year promises to be from a distant friend) — How large rooma, on Cottage street, in­ ■aid aatat* to thi* Court tor allow- of the current season, July 81, will the best since 1980, G. L. Gillette, FLORISTS—NURSERIES IS and high chair. Latest style. Good sonable. 78 Oak street. aac*. It I* straaget Blfreda doesn’t say whet^b- iron SALS—1985 AIRFLOW De- quire Mrs. Farr, 47 Cottage St. be smaller than a year ago when vice president, said.' ar her baby is a boy or a girl. Soto, like new, low mllange, time condition. Charlie McOrthy, Tel. O R D E R E D :— That tho totb day of FOR SALE — TRANSPLA. > blU 3333. REFRIGERATORS, washing ms- Jun*. A D„ 1914, at S o'clock fore­ Mr. Henpeck—But doesn’t she sey ' payments. Phone 8101 or 8109. tomato, pep: er, cabbage, cauliflow­ ohlnea. Ironing machines, coal and noon, at th* Probata Office, In said tt is beginning to talk? er, sgg plant, lettuce, asters end FOR SALE—ONE SINGLE farm gas oomblnatlons, oil bumtrs, SUMMER HOMES Uanehaatir, b* and tba aam* la aa- Mrs. H e n p ^ —Yea. lain WUXiTS KNIQHT sedan; 1980 ■Ignad for a haarlng oa tba allow- Mr. Henpeck—Then it’s a glrL iToonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox Wmys Knight sedan; 1980 PonUae stnnlss, St OdermanrV.; B04 Park­ hamsaa. Horses collar, strap work, gas and eleetric ranges, Home and FOR RENT 67 ano* ot aald adminlatratlon account er street. harness repairing, curtain and show room demoiutratloiu on ap­ with aald aatata. and thia Court di- coupe; 1930 Chrysler, sedan; 1981 FOR RENT— 4 ROOM cottage, raett th* Administrator to giv* pub- THBBE W ONT BE ANY "FOR- Oldmobile coupe. Cole Motors— auto tope repair^ Chss. Laklng, pointment. Edward Hess, Repre­ 90 Cambridge street. Tel. 4740. sentative, 180 Center strMt. Tel. west Bide Columbia Laks, electrici­ llo notlea to all peraona intaraated (to«r4 HAL COCHRAN ntmw A SHOaOW ECARBO GOTTEN MAN" A8 LONG AS' OUR BOARDING HOUSE 6403. 23 thcrain to appear and ba heard REPAIRING 8413. ty, two boata, garage. Phone Man­ thereon by publishing a oopy ot this Ei*Etviiu«i»vi«f.Me. T. wMauaMT.on. TAXPAYERS A I ^ ABOUT. chester 6661. order In'* some newspaper having a J. J. HILLMAN doea ell kinds of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES circulation in aald Dlatrlot, flva daya The old tight wad was aulTerihg UM p»-*VE:S;T^eisID— IT WAS F 1' furniture repairing reasonable. RADIO 49 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 5» batora aald day of hoaring and r*- OB the OMrating table, both from H E SOUNPS Work guaranteed. Call 8446, 68 W ANTED TO RENT 68 tara maka to thia Court. pain and fear at the sum the doctor ■ MISPCRTUNETD HAV/B MY 5C>UIRRCLy AMD Manchester Spruce streeL PHILCO AUTO radios 889.98 In- WILLIAM B. RTDB would extract from hhh. Finally he Evening Herald stalled. Benson Furniture and R(X>MERS WANTED. Inquire at 8 WANTED—4 OR 8 rooma in quiet H-4-14-94. ■ eould not restrain hlmaelf any long- 6-CYLl AIDER LIMOUSINE T=ORCED UX>KS w o r s e / LAWN MOWER sbArpening, re­ neighborhood, uot over 880.00, or ar and blurted out from seml>eon- pairing. Kay maklnb. vacuum Radio, Johnson Block. Chestnut street. WTO THE PITCH, WHILE RETURMINiS IT/SAHOPIN CLASSIFIED small house. Write Herald Box N. _ District tut OevsBtrr* ss. 0 »«v t te ■otouanees: ADVERTISEMENTS cleanen etc., cieaned, recondition­ Probata. Jana llth , 1SS6. Tight Wad—^Doctor, bow much FROM THE OOMV/EAITION, WHERE C i THE tVDRKjBUr ed. Tool abarpening. Braithwalte, APARTMBNTS---FLATS— Datsta of Mair B. Hall Uta o t will the operation coat me 7 A good fit is assured if a drest Oovnt «U a v «r«v « wor • ilaa 83 Pearl street Coventry. In aald Dlatrlot. daeaaaad. HEAPEP M Y^ATEE. PELE(3ATION^ I'LL BET IF HEP tattialB, Bumbari and abbravlatloaa TENEMENTS 63 The Adminlatrstrlz having azhlblt- Doctor—One hundred dollars. measures up to expectations. HAR-R-R^MPH-^ BEFORE I aaeb oouat aa a 'ord aad eompoond WB SPEClALIluE In lawn mower iT S p v i n q ad her administration account, with Tight Wad—But, doctor, 1 want TIP HIS DERBY, vorda aa two worda MlnJmou eoat la said Batata to thia Court for sllow- just plain sewing; no hemstitching. abarpening. Precialo grinding. FOR RENT—SEVERAL flrit cIm s Invest In Real Estate PURCHASEP HOOPLE MANOR A CUCkOO WOULD piiea oi thraa aaaa •Ingle and double dwellings. All In anea, It la Uaa ratal par day tor traaataat SatiafictioD gimrantsed. Delivery • f i w d s y i Wc have listings in aO sec­ ORDERED:— That the Mrd day of MEN APPLAUD YOUR GOOD A radical is a person who hates a O F SOO ACRES/ ANP FOUR FLYOUT-*- I'LL ." ada service. Karlseii A Edgerton, 686 good. locations. Apply Eidward J. June, 1086 at 4 o'clock In the after­ hundred mlUlon people because two M ecttre Mans IT, ISST Holl. Telephone 4642. tions of Manchester, Btriton, noon (d. a. t.) at the Probata Court JUDGMENT EVERY TIME YOU MOTORS, NOTHIN6 6AYB ME TURN HIM LOOSE Ceeb Chars* No. Mam Phone 7888. AGREE WITH THEM. or three of them gave him a raw (o V Vernon, Coventry. in Coventry ba, and the eama la aa- deal. t ConaaouU** Way* ..i 1 eU| • ou FOR RENT—SMALL second floor. algnad for a hearing on the allow- MORE PLEASURE THAAl AT THE NEXT OROYE t CoDSaCntlT* Oar? ..I • ota U eta Farms • Lake Property • anea of aald adminlatratlon account .— The man at a local movie theater OF WALNUTS f " 1 Day ...... 7...1 11 oUi 1* eu PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 >• • • 4 room tenement, on Chestnut with said Batata, and thia Court' di- Wife—Your husband told my hus­ PR1YIN(S A SMALL CAR All urOara tor Irracular inatrUona street. Mrs. Aaron Johnson. Singiie and Two-Family raeta tha Adralnlatratrlz to ^ '^ a all recently was annoyed by conversa- w ill ba obarsaO at tb* on* Um* rata tlcm In the row behind him. He band that his word at home waa IF YOU LL E TO draw, sketch, or Houses. peraona’nn’taraatad therein ^to i^paar law. >ppy. “All I know to climb aboard the dandy kite. abarso aaada for tbo soraloo rondorod. I aad eee «• NOW. have doxena of applicants every week. Gall ns at once. aald District, deoaaaed. is that I want to get away from They scrambled for a aeat Youth — Tve never seen such RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION IS A ll adTorUaomonta oKiat oontorin WANTED—ON FARM 4 men for The Trustees having sxhlblted TERRIBAY HANDICAPPED BE­ taeiM up to IJte—je montht to rtpop this place pretty toon. As soon as they were eUnging dreamy eyes! - 5 f ta atylA copy aad lyposrapby with tomorrow morning. Chris. Peter­ WEWANTPARMS^ their final account with aald estate "We’ve been here long, it seems Sweet Young Thing—You’ve nev;r CAUSE IT HAS TO GET ALONG aasulatlona aatoread by tb* publlab- to this Court for allowance. It Is tight, brave Windy loudly cried, WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF a n aad ttaay raaarva tb* rlsbt to sen, Wapping. The rate of latcreet charged la Large or simll. In town or In Bolton, Coventry, Andover, ORDERED:—That the XOth day of to me, and seen all that there is "AU light, please tell the kits to stayed quite so late before. edit, roTlao or lojao' any copy ooa- throe <8> per cent, per moBth, or South \Vindsor, Vernon, Tolhuiil, Glastonbury or anywhere neer to see. Gee, wouldn’t it be great if PROFANITY. LOCAL COFFBIE ROUTE open; June A. D., 1936, at 8 o'clock (s. t.) rise, ’cause wo are ready for our Sklarad obiootionabl*. thlrty-als (SO) per eeat. per no* Manchesier. We have the buyers. Try us for results. forenoon, at the Probate Office In we could travel to the moon?" treat." CUISIMQ HOURS— CluainaO ada to |46-a-week opportunity. Auto fur­ nam oo the onpatd amnaat of said Mancheater, be and the same la ’ Man (in store)—I want a pair of bo pubUsbod oamo day muat ba ro- the loan. The cont of a SIOO. loao aaaigned for a hearing on the allow­ ‘T il take the kite's long oord and stockings. f CSOo MILEAdE dalvtd by II o’eloob noon: Saturday* nished if you produce. Write Al­ for tea monthe le S1A50 only, WEWANTHOMES- "Aw, don’t be silly,” Goldy said. ance of aald account with aald es­ run," the magic man said. "Oh, aerk—For your wife, or shall 1 ON THAT KIND U ;M A m. bert Mills, 317 Monmouth, Cincin­ whoa priarlpal le repaid In ten If you care to sell your place, single or two-family dwelling, tate. and this Court dlrecta the Trus­ "The moon is too high overhead. Be­ what fun ’twill ba to help you get nati, O. eqnnl naopthly Inatallmente of tees to give public notice to all per­ show you something better? TELEPHONE YOUR ten dollars each as aareed. at a reasonable piioe—toll us about It. We know where the sides, It Is a ball of fire. At least, zo away. Is everything all setT” V.. ^ F 6A5, MA30R4' buyers are. See ua today. No charge nnleee sale is made. sons Interested therein to appear I have heard. W A N T ADS. and be heard thereon by publishing a "Sure thing," yelled Bcouty. “ Run The chief cause of business failure HMVM.I1II1. T.M.*«a.iin ..MaMj Room 3 State Theater Bldg. copy of this order In some newspaper "You’d better just be satisfied real fast until you get us up, at Ada a n aooaptad ovar it.* talaphon* DOGS—BIRDS—PETS 41 in lois country has been the closing 788 Main St. Tel. 8480 having a circulation in said District, to have most any sort of ride." last." That’s what the old man did, •e 111! rosiiiB* at tb* CHAROB RATH Blvaa abov* ROBERT J. SMITH, INC., 963 Main Street five days before said day of hearing of managing minds. When a man Aa a aoavaataa . to advorttaorA but THOROUGHBRED brown tabby This stopped poor Coppy and he and ^ the Tinies yelled, “Hurray!" convinces hlmaelf that he knows all Reel Estote Insuranee Steamahlp ll^ e ta and return make to this Court. didn’t say another word. tbo CASH RATES will o« aaooptod aa female Persian cat and kitten, 10 WILLIAM S. HTDE there Is to know about a subjeot . O R C H Y S FU LL PATIOBNT It paid at tbo buot- weeks old. Beauties $3 each. 78 PERSONAL Judge. Soon Duncy shouted, "Hip hooray, (The UnlSs sail through the air he Is on the way out. - A ______The Lion Strikes By JO H N a T E R R Y aoaa oSloo oa or baton tba aovoatb H-6-16-86. the kite is coming back this way. in the next story.) .....day .foUowlas tbo fln t laaaruoa ot- North Elm street. A poye ^ ie pb ap en in g Bo a r o f t h e ir pow erful m otp r s a s t h s p la n es FINANCE COMPANY •^-TMAT-.-. ' I A sam th e taeb ad otborwii* tbo CHARUB ever speculated "'CdMWjrrtiY STACCATD BARKWU OT MACHINE eUNS„.THElR STOPPED 'EM/ RATE will bo eoUoclod. Mo naponal- on why you are sp popular in, your btlity tar a n o n la tolopboaod ad* HEU>1.E5£ AS JWmULTEARIHg LUPINS FOUNTAINS OP SAND ACROSS THE PATH C f THE THEY WONT w ill ba aaaumad aad tbalr aoouraey neighborhood ? 7MB ARABS CHAR0IH6 ARABS... TRY THAT , ■ esaaot ba ssarantaaA | A L F M b L A N P O N ; * * Picture Story of His Life Neighbor—No, except that I toid CHAUGS TOWAHV No MORH-; IN D E X OF FOR R E N T N o . 5 my neighbors that I always played THEM, sa>ncHy,- the saxophone when I got lonely. HIMMPL'froSS CLASSmCATlONS 4-UOOM APARTMENT with pri­ ASP THE TWO JHrtbt aa a aAa,*a«««aa«e«* a-eia A GIRLS WATCH . aasasomaau ...... B vate batta. 880. per month. Steam w m FASciHKnoH ^ n ia « a a ...... c beat 88 estra per month during •^aatnl •a a a a a a aed••add•••s e e O AS THE THREE Chtrd ot Tbaaka ...Mm.-w...... E. wlntar moothA k . BRITISH ARMY la lU ta o rU m T PLANES PROP ^ . . V •, , Imst aad Fonad l Apply Supt., Apartment 4, FBO.VITMESKY’,,,, .MBoaaeomonta ...... I Foyaoaalo ...... | 86 BIreb Street Aatoawbllaa AntoatobUos tor S a lo ...... « AatomoblU* for Bzobanso I Auto Aeeaoaarloa—.TIraa ...... * Anto Ropalrlas—Palatlas ...... 1 Aato deboolo ...... T-A Aatoo—Ship by Trnek ...... I 6 19 Aatoa—For Hlra ...... t • Itls TW A r SB SlglH. Im9Pv»6 Qarasoa—Sorvtoo—Btoraso ...... 1« EMERGENCY Kotoreyoloo—Bloyelaa ...... 11 Waatod Aatoa—Uotoroyola* ... It WASHINGip^N TUBS By Crane Eaalaoaa aad FrafoaalaBal Sarafooa FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser OUT OUR WAY •aataata Baryleta OSand ...... II m uch .■oiiaabold Sanieaa Oltarad . . . . . I t - A CALLS / AM' IT b O e ^ T TAIG ) NO/VOU MIT OH-THIG IG WONDERFUL/ ^ A t s c o f f / vDu OPA JAR. TO CAUSE BUMP WITH A . Batldlas—Contraotlng 14 SAW A FELLA TAMPERIN' WMV DIDN'T I KNOW TWIG nerlsta—Nana.laa ...... I I POODLES, ARENT'ttoU EY<30UY, I NlTROGLVCEf3N TO NITRO TRUCK ANf- YEAR'S AfiO— BUT I'M LEARN- . iraaarsl Dlraotor* ...... 14 POLICE wrm TH' prapsE w h ere ©(PLODE, POES ■sstlBS—'Flomblas—Rooflas am IT e SHAU. BRING THEM f . WtnaUono Wantod—Fomalo . . . I I E V E * •ItnaUona Waatod—Hal* ...... || T w e 10M& PROM eiR EDMONDS “ 1 ■mploymaai Asaaeloa ...... 40 3060 EXPEDTIKM TSMT/ TAKE O N l ^ a Stoeh—Fata—FaaH iy—Vablalaa (Q nish) TO AN BE'CAREFUL, Ops*—Blrta--Pata ...... « EXPUJRE u n n a t u r a l N O W - ir O U ra Stoek— Vablelaa . . . » ...... 41 Poultry aad Snpallaa ...... «| K2V0EPS GUNT­ GflOWiNOQARK Waatad - Fata —Poultry—Stoek 44 4340 TOMB) HER EVERY 'J - For SalA^llloaollamoeao PEVRiCB. NBZVEI^ Arueloo tor Salt ...... ts K E E N L Y is * * ; . “ « Aoooaoortoo ...... 40 HOSPITAL S1B1UULV ■midlas IWorUla ...... 41 a u F S A L E R X DlaaioBdo—Watahoo—Jowolry . . 41 INTO P U E T D Claetrtoal AppUaaeaa—Radio .. 41 CimarwAttnyi** Mc ^ raol aad road ...... «». a 5131 THE t e n t THE Oardap — Farai—^Dalry Prodneta M WMEEE STIMULATION Honsahold Oooda ...... II WATER DEPT. MVBA O F T H E (S^ITM HER Min d REACTING TO BUT ONE Maehlaary aad Tcola ...... u m i ■ualcal laatnuoaata ...... |t IS D3WERFUL ALL-IMPORTANT STIMULUS, MYRA MAKES M ioa aad Eton Bqatpaaaet a .. 14 eESTM40 DRUG b o l d l y f o r . s i r EDMONDS TEMT •paa^ at tba M om ...... u 3077 Waaitu Apaaral—Fan ... m* . . IT A i l - . \ , Waatad—Ta Bay ...... U (After 5 P. M.) ' J.«»wn.L'a4dS ■aawia Baa-“ r •|•|l Hi m il lM.ManaMT.ew.-" «)9SIS9Vlia«WVIflE.9(a, t m ifl.ll9L9AT.aw. e«*»«sTM*nii(ica»ia WWV llACymERS GET PRAY. t - / r Eaoma Wltboat Board I I 7848 *4*40 _Waat.4 Il- A AMOTOOP Something New To the Sawallians By H A M L IN SALESMAN SAM A s the Crow Flies By S M A L L _Booxd—Raoorta , , ei ---- r ------nBSal^"Raalaaa*ato ...*aw.mi. II MANCHESTER (bHrdH'THKe^ ,1 NEVER SAW A MAM C'MON, FELLAS-LES GIT /zuHcfia^ «$do6/ ------N ...... I I w o w UOOK WHAT GEE,FPECK,Z DIDWT MEAN UP tWAa A p(€!cel HOtO (?UICK . P <7TiAMi>eii., YniAss FweiTooa5jT' hTH'EWOOF yeweef MOVE SO FAST/,, OUTA HERE,'PORE HE ojooos, AMU' Hoa- "h e SNORe 15565T Fba •am t W A T E R CO. I V x r v E d o n e !MX) TD SCARE HIM TH AT MUOl! / VlA G iT TVIM'LC DGPGAJ^i^ (0 0 0 0 / (AiOOOS IS /toe've 0eeM/ a t w IMOOVIAN ME g o t in THAT GUY XJUMPIW GITS US ALL q u ic k c-iiSTeR I T h a r . G o e s KIM (OU. LCfA 3EAIKIM8 USUAU-y 5eS'A(iOUAJOTM' miKiM/ABoor/oepofT i *se^o«a Mr Koat ... 14 FRIEND.' IS EITHER/CATFISH.' IS C A P E D HIM S O ,H E I ISPESSED THE TRIGGER cFer TwcRer ue(-i JCMKiMs, NOW I ••sissssssmsmm TH'CLEAR/ O p e s r r i n t e m M r u u - r e s i BSNOI TWO HOURS I /WAS l&LD IS I ITIl —I —II M HE5 A HOW DO YA 5974 GOOD OR ( NOW LOOK , MAY NKVBR JUST AS (pUIETLY AS -<*Your t e n g o n e r , S'POSE-HE LUCKY/ / VVHAT TH' Tw o NOW.' COME EAyCK? I c o u l d !/ s t e n k in s d o e s _____» a r t ■ m il mm Salt G A S CO. DID rr.? R X )L IS MCTfe GB aRT nouns u DON/ s r c p p i M ’ l AAJD rr i n T a M , n iM U T ^ S I tir’SajT n 5075 |60f1£ sTfePS. '*?■ a. I iaSa - td ELECTRIC CO. L A T & t ! ...... anawa* Tl IS |stJMaM«a .... Ti Mtada ...... n 5181 •H* gVWSESWWSSSSSI EVENING HERALD a

i n r i 5121