EDITORIAL Myoclonic atonic epilepsy Another generalized epilepsy syndrome that is “not so” generalized John M. Zempel, MD, Myoclonic atonic/astatic epilepsy (MAE), first described have shown predominant thalamic activation PhD well by Doose1 (pronounced dough sah: http://www. and default mode network deactivation.6–8 Even Tadaaki Mano, MD, PhD youtube.com/watch?v5hNNiWXV2wF0), is a general- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a devastating epileptic ized electroclinical syndrome with early onset charac- encephalopathy with EEG findings of runs of slow terized by myoclonic, atonic/astatic, generalized spike and wave and paroxysmal higher frequency Correspondence to tonic-clonic, and absence seizures (but not tonic activity, has fMRI correlates that are more focal than Dr. Zempel:
[email protected] seizures) in association with generalized spike-wave expected in a syndrome with widespread EEG (GSW) discharges. Thought to have a genetic com- abnormalities.9,10 Neurology® 2014;82:1486–1487 ponent that has proven to be complicated,2 MAE EEG-fMRI is maturing as a research and clinical sometimes occurs in children who have otherwise technique. Recording scalp EEG in an electrically been developing normally and has variable outcome. hostile environment is not an easy task. Substantial MAE is typically treated with antiseizure medications technical artifacts, such as changing imaging gradients that are used for generalized epilepsy syndromes, with and ballistocardiogram (ECG-linked artifact observed perhaps a best response to valproate, felbamate, or the in the scalp electrodes), contaminate the EEG signal. ketogenic diet.3,4 However, the relatively distinctive EEG discharges in In this issue of Neurology®, Moeller et al.5 report patients with epilepsy have partially circumvented on the fMRI correlates of GSW discharges as mea- this problem.