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Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Making Sense of an Evolving Identity: A Survey of Studies on Identity and Identity Formation among Malay-Muslims in Singapore

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© Taylor and Francis 2007 Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 suso h aa dniyhv endbtd ocpulzdadreformulated. and conceptualized how by debated, of actualized been depth scholarship have the fine identity assess of Malay to plethora the (UKM) the of examine Kebangsaan issues to Universiti than within further scholars no has look One arena. to intellectual and Malaysian developed need the well in doubt, preeminence without towards are, evolving formation constantly identity and identity Malay on Studies Introduction htteMlyiett,i tef a nosue itr hthsytt eseriously Malayness— be of to yet pillars has three argued that Shamsul history the volume, obscured how the an and in traced has societies authors itself, He Indian other in examined. of by identity, study Malay raised the his issues that in the of Cohn of dozens most Bernard publishing extending by book, pursuit, recent developed a this in theories contribution in Employing fine a foremost into culminated perhaps which is articles Baharuddin Amri Shamsul ALJUNIED KHAIRUDIN MUHD SYED among Singapore Formation of in Identity Survey Malay-Muslims and A Identity Identity: on Evolving Studies an of Sense Making SN16-04print 1360-2004 ISSN ora fMsi ioiyAfis o.2,N.3 eebr2006 December 3, No. 26, Vol. Affairs, Minority Muslim of Journal ok swl supbihdtee.Ti ae hshpst civ w main two achieve to hopes thus paper This in theses. chapters unpublished journals, reputable as in well in articles scrutiny of critical identity as to paragraphs Malay subjected within books be of lurking to yet are development have they issues the though such on examines writings which many The standing Singapore. equal of scholarship htctgre uha MlyNation “Malay as such book categories whose that Embong, Rahman Pembahasan Abdul dan is issues, pertinent other e-ooils iin n hrfr hudntb eadda “given”. as regarded be not should therefore and visions neo-colonialist O:10.1080 DOI: lte n o h ivso feitmlgclsae a eofiue oenMalays’ modern reconfigured has space” consciousness. epistemological of “invasion the how and alities kn)and (king) aigsi ht ti ogatt on u htutlrcnl,teehsbe no been has there recently, until that out point to poignant is it that, said Having osntatmtt eiwalsuiscnutds a.Rte,i ist provide investigations. to future aims for extended it and Rather, analysed far. be so paper then conducted can present of have which studies the expense map” all that disciplines “sketch the review note a particular to to at however, attempt Singapore far pertinent, not in is does how It identity on perspectives. Malay-Muslim relevant us of other enlighten study the to dominated serve cat- such Rather, will exclusive. necessarily egorizations not are approaches these paper, this demon- in be strated will As approach. identity socio-anthropological expioratory approaches: and of broad approach historical-political three study approach, into works the varied objectives these in main categorize two vistas to these addressing is new in strategy several author’s Malay-Muslim The proposes formation. of identity then issues and It with dealing Singapore. writings in of identity genealogy a examines paper This Abstract agama = 13602000601141364 2 nte oal coa h raso h aept,ytaddresses yet path, same the on treads who scholar notable Another Nto ae rcse n eae) a uhdfrhteargument the forth pushed has Debates), and Processes Race: (Nation rlgo)hv enisiue yclna uetruhvre mod- varied through rule colonial by instituted been (religion)—have = SN16-51online 1469-9591 ISSN / / 06 ae nMlyi r setal rdc of product a essentially are Malaysia in Race” = 030371-12 # 06Isiueo ulmMnrt Affairs Minority Muslim of Institute 2006 bahasa eaaBns:Proses Bangsa: Negara otsigMalayness Contesting (language), 3 raja 1 . Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 95mre h eaaino igpr rmMlyi hc eutdfrtefirst the community for minority populace. a resulted following of Chinese which making larger period the Malaysia Singapore, a The in from within Malay-Muslims identity. of Singapore history Malay-Muslim the of in the separation time an to of the subsequently 1945 study marked and from the the 1965 period of amongst in the World consciousness realm that Second interest ethno-religious the realization the in increasing conscious after in rise with produced a been Malay-Muslim are done saw have that the is 1965 texts that selection on written a those writings on Such fore be of War. will the genealogy focus to a My bringing out unknown. Singapore, map in to identity attempt will It objectives. 372 mirns o ntne ol li ob aasuls hywr cetda uhby such as accepted Indonesian were few they “Very unless that Malays community”. report be census village to a claim the from would noted instance, Djamour for group, immigrants, second the of As colo- the within were: Malays types of two she groups The Rather, porous “ethnicity”. category. two manifested invented how setup an terms, nial as practical identity were in however, Malay examine, to of interests, seeks Djamour’s development was 1950. the which November on research to focused field author’s 1949 not the January upon from based out were Singapore carried in Malays Malay on work varied monograph dated ing rather of a is descriptions approach Djamour, such Judith amongst by ethnographical Foremost time. detailed given this a within upon at engaged groupings scholars much anthropology, mainly focused and Drawing sociology nature. approach of in methods socio-anthropological and is theories considered from be to approach first The Approach Socio-anthropological use yftr eerhr.I spriethwvrt oeta h rsn paper present the that note to review be Malay-Muslim however to could pertinent of which attempt is perspectives, study not It useful the does other researchers. many dominated future to of have by expense serve pursued the disciplines will at categorizations particular Singapore shall such in we far identity as Rather, how which exclusive. approaches, us necessarily broad show three not into are works later, objec- varied main observe these two these categorize addressing to in strategy is My tives formation. identity and identity of study h rtetniesre fsuiso aa dniyi igpr hc ilprovide investigations. will future which for Singapore extended in and identity analysed be Malay then on can studies that of information survey extensive first the eeso ob dnie sMly ihu aigt vroetesim falienation. of stigma the overcome to having without Malays as lang identified names, be of to Malay system soon , were the through adopting “Malayized” By were child). then p children the Chinese through female fluid between of made developed process further had was the Chinese solidarity contexts, in-group other strong Within that them. observed in to she due differences, blurred regional Peninsula often the were from Indonesia Malays between from differences and such con- that elaborated selected exc Djamour in and policies. albeit state inclusion one, of fluid rules a existed much There very texts. was then Singapore in identity Malay-Muslim )imgat rmIdnsa(anyJv n aen h aestldin settled have who Bawean) and (mainly Indonesia from immigrants b) )Mly h aelvdi h ooyfrsvrlgnrtoso aemoved have or generations several for Colony the in lived have who Malays a) ydMh hiui Aljunied Khairudin Muhd Syed h sadfroe w rtregenerations. three or two one, for Island the and Peninsula; the from there aa isi n araei Singapore in Marriage and Kinship Malay 6 rmteeprusv ie,w e h mrsinta the that impression the get we lines, persuasive these From all tde odce ofr hsppram opresent to aims paper This far. so conducted studies 4 olwn hsaepooiin fnwvsa nthe in vistas new of propositions are this Following uinbtteehv e ob oceie via concretized be to yet have these but lusion ao Melayu Masok atc faoto.Daordsusdhow discussed Djamour adoption. of ractice aeadclue hs hns children Chinese these culture, and uage emrigsbtente.Dsietheir Despite them. between termarriages h nig fti pioneer- this of findings The . Bcmn aa)b ethnic by Malay) (Becoming nkbeli anak 5 (bought 7 Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 bu zzJhr,teewr oal fot omrl lutaerte hnanalyse and than rather Baginda tools. theoretical illustrate Malim of merely in Abdullah aid to the communities of efforts established with notable various narratives identity newly were Malay the the within the there by in Johari, developments attempt Aziz Hence, document systematic Abdul Malaya. a to and of Malaya Singapore part of were theses University These style. tive utr n agae otBwaswudraiyietf hmevsa “Malays” as themselves identify the interaction. readily everyday of decline. would and a activities censuses and Baweans of in with estrangement Most analysis both preoccupied of his language. of longer that and that was no culture unlike 1960s, were tone, the youth The in The 1980s. the observed in community Singapore close-knit in Baweans of state andtersneo eogn oauiu tncctgr hog aidmeans. varied through category ethnic unique a identity to main- the Bawean Singapore belonging via in the was of Baweans First maintaining the sense demonstrated, of their clearly process has tained the he Singapore As in situate Diaspora”. to site need “Bawean the vital for argued a Vredenbergt analysis. 1963, as in his Utama hone Nila further to Sang at Allport and dents Gordon societies as such non-Malay the thinkers from of major different studies of Yet, theories upon theses. the mentioned drew employed above Vredenbergt the accounts, of earlier extension critical and masterly n nSnaoe otiuin oteClua nhoooyo otes Asia, Southeast of as 1990 Anthropology in Cultural Indonesian into the translated and to 1968 Contributions in published Singapore, theory zuidoost-Azie in van with and antropologie kulturele ethnicity de engaging tot bijdrage of task the that reality. a Vredenbergt, became Jacob scholar, Dutch eeas hre yMly ohv rgntdfo isa h odBwa a,in was, Bawean word Baweans the as others. pigs on from designs wealth originated evil pomp, have have from for to to derived love Malays reality, them by whose induced charged sorcerers often also of so were masters had traits as envious deemed and were They ghosts). like nut ae nhsoi troyia mgs nee fMly rmohrsub- other from Malays as death of after eyes resurrected In be to images. fated stereotypical were Baweans historic groupings, on based insults ruig,Bawean groupings, f“en aa”i h ot os fSnaoe l ea e artv ycriticizing by has narrative ways her task began differing Ali examined This Singapore. who of undertaken. Ali Coast Mohd North be the Mariam to in by Malay” rigour Singapore “being much of in with out identity carried Malay been on research informed corroding a had Malay, Riau Baweanness. on on emphasizes Besides identity. effect which “Malay-Muslim” Singapore, wider in a policy progressive to language a and Bawean the was the that, slow this of emphasis a of the effect occurred from The away Malay them. there shift between other eyes; intermarriages while prejudiced of prevalence that with growing Baweans highlighted upon Vredenbergt looked identity. sub-groupings Bawean of element diluting aen ontitgaeit h agrMlycmuiywstesim fbeing of stigma the was community compelled that Malay factors larger the the of important into least an not integrate “Bawean”. but played not Last from marriage identity. to Aside and common Baweans emphasized. a circumcision reinforcing and childbirth, in disseminated as role were such Islam ceremonies and that, culture Bawean to related ywyo atcpn-bevto ope ihsresdn nscnaysho stu- school secondary on done surveys with coupled participant-observation of way By rdnrg’ ok entitled book, Vredenbregt’s jmu’ okwsltrculdb w hss hc xmndMlysub-ethnic Malay examined which theses, two by coupled later was book Djamour’s tto lottodcdsfloigVeebrtswr o e theoretically new a for work Vredenbergt’s following decades two almost took It a as served time same the at had institution, an as marriage, that noting worth is It 10 rdneg oe htBwaswr fe eirtdwt stinging with denigrated often were Baweans that noted Vredenbergt pondok 8 n aaeesceis epciey e eann iia descrip- similar a retaining yet respectively, societies, Javanese and Babian 12 rdneg’ oked ihaciia otcitotiigthe outlining postscript critical a with ends book Vredenbergt’s vlaeht) hswsacnr nwihvle n practices and values which in centre a was This huts). (village (Pigs). eBwanr nhnMeeln ni igpr;een Singapore; in en Moederland hun in Baweanners De 11 13 aigSneo nEovn Identity Evolving an of Sense Making 9 TeBwasi hi Motherland their in Baweans (The twsol pnteavn fa of advent the upon only was It aendnIslam dan Bawean pondok jerangkung vis-a o fBawean of nor ` -vis (skeleton- h wider the a a was ) 373 Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 hldBafana Khalid i oucvrudryn ennsebde nhrMlyifrat’atcltosof articulations informants’ Malay her in identity. Yusof. embedded their meanings Nurliza underlying by uncover done to research sis in embodied was Malayness This of dynamics Islam. the with into relationship deeper look its to and researches has subsequent Mariam for importantly, way Most the milieu. her steered around scholars Singaporean aspiring most by tncbudre si sec aedmi.Cnesl,seasre htArab that asserted she Conversely, domain. male of maintenance a is that essence dissertation argued were concurrently in Nargis’s which women whilst perceptions is contexts. identity dominant boundaries and of and ethnic situations critique culture its varied Malay for in the instructive uniqueness of their much adopted asserting ways, many in ohr eemndoespaewti h aa community. Malay the within according place occasions, one’s specific determined in expressions her, and to codes Singa- language in correct identity Malay-Muslim the the of Usage of marker pore. key a become had language how illustrated aasa ut ies;ec omhvn eeoe u fcranhsoia,sca,pol- as social, historical, themselves certain identify of conditions”. who out ecological developed people and that having the itical idea form the of each forth diverse; organization push quite social to as and tries Malays which cultural genre of emerging an forms bloc. of monolithic “the part and as given work a her as “Malay” situated treated She have that works sociological of corpus the 374 nSnaoe eerho h rb a encridotb i uSia, Lu Lim by out carried been has communities Arabs Arab the and on Indian of Research “Malayization” Singapore. of process in the upon focused that those “Chinese” “multi-racialism” categories—”Malay”, of ethnic ideology different state’s “Indian”. within the and subtleties question dissolved to on had politics further which dissertations sociology, Mariam goes history, earlier boundaries, She across psychology. Unlike disciplinary cutting and approach by content. multidisciplinary stifled in a were on rich experimented which as Singapore, well in as Malay-Muslims analysis and methodology oetsiiulbohrodaogtthem. and amongst brotherhood prayers spiritual congregational potent as traditions such and activities customs Malay preserving through ( was Second them. in-group between and communication solidarity constant ensured which activities welfare socio-economic via indigenous and was their First political assert rights. to of strategies varied experiences employed day-to-day Singapore in the Malays marginalization, to response community In marginal Singapore. a being in of experience the to responses and practices discriminatory of rusi igpr o oetm.Vaosrainadetnieitriw,Mariam interviews, extensive interest and of and observation scholars subject Via of time. the that narratives some revisited argued dominant for she Singapore by in shrouded Rather, groups been Malayness. has of which conceptions indigeneity multiple the strating ea odvlpbtenteeidgnu epe n te noigMly.This Malays. “ incoming categories, other binary constructed and newly peoples a indigenous tensions about these that brought observed between Mariam era develop villages, the the pressures to state into in ongoing began groupings prevalent the ethnic Amidst other was 1819. of in that migration Singapore self-identification to and a British the Johore; of of coming the part before southern the to linked Seletar “ adat rn Lama Orang nild“en aa nSnaoe,NriaYsfepoe hnmnlgclanaly- phenomenological employed Yusof Nurliza Singapore”, in Malay “Being Entitled e nte sflgneo tde ihntescoatrplgclapoc includes approach socio-anthropological the within studies of genre useful another Yet in radical as dissertation Mariam’s commend to exaggeration an not perhaps is It .Ls u o es,Nriaosre htMly nacdterIslamic-based their enhanced Malays that observed Nurliza least, not but Last ). Pol fSltr hnsilswtesle steoiia naiat fSingapore of inhabitants original the as themselves saw still then Seletar) of (People ydMh hiui Aljunied Khairudin Muhd Syed rn Kallang Orang 17 the OdPol)wti h ot os aa community. Malay Coast North the within People) (Old ” 16 21 ulz bevdta h aa dniyte a eymc product a much very was then identity Malay the that observed Nurliza hswside odadcetv tep hthsntbe attempted been not has that attempt creative and bold a indeed was This rca gnsi eptaigteAa dniyi Singapore. in identity Arab the perpetuating in agents crucial n agsMhmdTalib, Mohamad Nargis and Pol fKallang), of (People 14 aimsaayi,hwvr osntso tdemon- at stop not does however, analysis, Mariam’s 18 22 on ute hnMra l,Nurliza Ali, Mariam than further Going kenduri rn Selat Orang l fwo rudta rb have, Arabs that argued whom of all fat)s st rn bu a about bring to as so (feasts) rn Baru Orang Pol fSlt and Selat) of (People 19 NwPol)and People) (New ” 15 20 23 Harasha Orang Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 n oat oteln.Ls u o es eeteBbs hs rtcs fMalays of ethnic criticism Malay whose of discourse. Babas, media reinforcement of the the patriotism realm were about of the least brought in ideas Malays) not solidarity spread (Declining but Layu to Last and Melayu land. helped as the intermarriages which to publications, through loyalty and and Malayness presses within the of dominated element (hybrid the renowned Muslim were of Babas matter, management that the and for Arabs, enhancing The women) progress. its Peranakans for of Malay community critics Jawi Malay as the well and within as Arabs, active participants were as how Indians women) Malay described and between Chinese He between iden- marriages marriages upon. and politics of debated which in and arena (hybrid an contested was century were twentieth Singapore tities to early observation, nineteenth his late In the had Singapore”. of nationalism of World of “Malayo-Muslim ideals cosmopolitan self-identity. the the their posited which shaped He subsequently in and population. period consciousness peasant critical ideological Malay general a the their into as the and entered as century groups twentieth well elite early as Malay the elites three amongst traditional of person- with feelings emergence Malay struggles the prominent national with narrated interviews and Roff and alities, ethnic publications analysed Having Malay-language century. communal, twentieth of the variety of of a decades four Foremost growth first the entitled during science. slow Malays peninsular classic the political oft-cited traces and an of 1994) is history methods writings issues, of of upon Nationalism disciplines much genre within draws such sort amongst sources this and earlier of the Unlike work analysis nature. above, in historical-political discussed is considered approaches be to approach second The Approach Historical-Political ml ereo Idans” taohreteewr h siiae Indian assimilated the were extreme another a maintained At totality. in but “Malays” “Indianness”. culture became Malay who of Muslims adopted spectrum the who degree of end Muslims broad one small Indian At two Muslims”. acculturated were Indian the there “Malayized as that were termed posited she the Bibijan what of marriage into orientation. groups dressing, religious inducted language, habits, and culturally dietary housing appearance, were customs, of terms they in how society minority upon Malay the examined focused larger of Ibrahim codes she behavioural Bibijan the Furthermore, Muslims, into seeped Indian community. had on “Malayization” of article examined process her briefly the how In been studies. has useful identity, two Malay-Muslim by overarching the into identifications h aa dniypltc eaeamjrisei h 9013sSnaoe Roff how Singapore. on 1920–1930s anecdotes the in detailed issue gives major it a became as politics informative identity Malay irrefutably the is monograph Roff’s connections draw to sought sus- which second identities. the book, Malay perhaps Djamour’s and is Chinese essay Judith the His between following customs. and effort language wedged Chinese tained retaining often extent, whilst were culture great Malayo-Islamic Chinese-Muslims a the Arabs, to into and slowly assimilating short Indians worlds, Sen’s two the Hui Tan between unlike Singapore. that post-independent in argued Malay essay of that to identities Muslim otipraty ofddctda niecatri i okt hth emdas termed he what to book his in chapter entire an dedicated Roff importantly, Most h nerto fteIda omnt,i em fbhvoradself- and behaviour of terms in community, Indian the of integration The lhuhsbeun hpeswr oiae ydvlpet nmiln Malaya, mainland in developments by dominated were chapters subsequent Although Chinese- between interplay the examining at attempt recent one only been has There nti eia ok ila of(97 eodeiinpbihdin published edition second (1967, Roff William work, seminal this In . hajj plrmg)tafi.TeJw eaaas nteohrhand, other the on Peranakans, Jawi The traffic. (pilgrimage) 26 25 24 aigSneo nEovn Identity Evolving an of Sense Making h rgn fMalay of Origins The 375 Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 o hnighue) hog uhjsictos iyasre htMly in Malays that asserted Lily justifications, such Through were houses). Singapore changing not tuge swl sPnMlynatvte shsoia ape fhwMly in Malays how of samples historical as activities anti-colonial Pan-Malayan of examples as cited Singapore a She well psyche. of Malay as the part of feature struggles essentially a been were always according of has Singapore worldview, her, memories Such to in community. the Asia) Malays (Southeast revived “” that Lily Pan-Malay larger asserting to approach, pertaining period, transnational issues pre-modern a comprehensively on the discuss Taking to identity. chapter Malay a govern- Singapore the devoted towards post-colonial she the policies by Roff, level and Like new definitions a ment. to colonial brought how and Lily preserved illustrate were science, to Malays political sources of perspective historical the upon within drew framed marginality socio-economic Although the Singapore. about in brought Malays have of which factors the exposing and ining eea esnlte ihnSnaoe hsdpoal tt fhistoric-political of of 1998. in state contributions reig- published however monograph was the deplorable the controversial book a Roff’s in to This following by happenings Singapore nited made in Singapore. “greater” identity Malay-Muslim were the on within studies to references personalities periphery some mere several although a Peninsula as Singapore Malayan placed sadly has eun coas neapeo uh“elgne a eetdi rfnOmar’s Ariffin in reflected was the sub- “negligence” for of of such arena ideology writings the the of autonomous in on and example feature monograph separate neglected An a a scholars. became as identity sequent Malay-Muslim Singapore the on of emphasis study Roff’s that out ecn)adteCiee uhcniinrmie sapeaetfaueamongst feature prevalent a period. as II War an World remained post by condition the ( marked until Such DKA up was Chinese. Malays the then, the as Singapore and From defined in descent) clubs. least “Other”, and and at the organizations Arab Arabs Malayness, with Malay-centric the that differentiation of to derive formation increased opposed can the as we of result here, Malays a between as antagonism Indians growing the highlighted 376 itrclpeeet.Ta a o l.Wt h obndfruao sa,language Islam, of formula the transnational combined by its the defined from With the as departed all. identity has not by was Malay Singapore further That in the precedents. Coupled elites reverse that historical non-Muslim a argued minority. and Lily has a Muslim culture, identity as both and status the on Malays’ determining non- stress in perpetuating excluding Singapore marker of of the a effect In political consequence Indonesia. as an in a has Islam essentially it however, Christian the as was context, as problematic appreciation, such ways, peoples Lily’s con- indigenous many The in Muslim once in Islam. Islam, were than was, longer her, and which much to identity construct identity according Malay their Malays, of of feature Asia. flation a Southeast remained in this and identity Hindus Malay the of marker diagnose to tools community. class-analytical Malay scholars adopting amongst preoccupations the of first within main importance however the developments was her highlight Li new were say. to per 1980s ideology identity the surprising and to in entirely economy pertaining not issues culture, than is that rather This mind censuses. in of colonial examination bearing within her in identifications except ethnic contribution of original much shifting utilizes any particular, providing in without Li, findings Tania Singapore. Roff’s in Malays-Muslims on research the of In sd rmtesbeto nieet,Ll eto odsusrlgo sadefinitive a as religion discuss to on went Lily indigeneity, of subject the from Aside much of course the steered has and decades many for influential remained book Roff’s ..toeo rbdset,DK( DKK descent), Arab of those i.e. , h igpr Dilemma Singapore The ydMh hiui Aljunied Khairudin Muhd Syed ay ua ii a ua ua rumah tukar bukan dan bilik tukar hanya the nieospolso h island. the of peoples indigenous iyZbia ai a atclryitrse nexam- in interested particularly was Rahim Zubaidah Lily , Bangsa rc)adpltc nclna Malaya. colonial in politics and (race) aa euua Keling Keturunan Darah 27 28 30 wr eeycagn om and rooms changing merely (were ti loncsayhr opoint to here necessary also is It ..toeo Indian of those i.e. , aa Keturunan Darah 29 Ariffin Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 a fe ensbue ihnrca aeoisetbihdb h igpr State. Singapore the by established identity Malay categories the racial politics, within of asserted arena subsumed has the been which in of often that Malay none has observed the definitions, He another. that of over forms argued dominance various Tham its to Singapore, subjected in been identity have Malay identity of perspectives cultural and ae otoefudi egbuignations. com- neighbouring when in concept evolving found rapidly “non-Malays”, those a as to with analysis Singapore pared Tham’s in of identity co-existence the Malay implication of its interesting that marshalling An the against forth. is asserts the so as and Tham, in Chinese understood Arabs, to meaning was, be here according identity should approach, Malay different identity cultural within the Malay the differently interpreted that that, be Following argued should contexts. which have concept, hand, ultra-relative an other main, the on Academicians, a is these amongst theories. Foremost Singapore. of Chee, in Seong garnering identity Tham Malay by the personal of paper importantly, seminar nor issue employ- most and, the the methodologies debates into on of engage overviews reflections quantitative not broad does provide or that works such work qualitative Rather, What of nature. type in of a “exploratory” is as termed ment “exploratory” be by to here is examined Singapore, meant be in is to identity works Malay-Muslim of of genre study third the the in approaches disciplinary from Aside Approach Exploratory mar- be to soon Malay- races, minority Singaporean backward for most polity. set the the was of by stage one ginalized the as identity, categorized Malay be the to Muslims of markers as culture and ie hc nepn aa-ulmcmuiysrsosst oenetlpolicies. governmental impera- to several fore responses the community’s to Malay-Muslim bringing post-colonial underpins the by which with assertion tives dealings identity this their Malay-Muslim demonstrated in Hussin tension of constant state. of marker secular source defining a also a and Singapore been in has Islam that activist—maintained tt ocetvl aaesc reesbepeoeo.Afiuet os would so do to groupings minority largest failure the of A one island-state. the of phenomenon. the alienation, upon not on challenge irreversible if integration, direct fractional such a a in manage poses it result which Conversely, creatively Islamicity identity. to their religious compelling strengthening state their of as highlighted, to effect leadership Hussin an attachment had Malay-Muslim Malay-Muslims’ Modernization, diluted of the assertiveness. not form Act, identity had new Law Muslim a Muslim of overrode and for the manifestations it on suggestions that reacting debates point and in a upon schools to focused vigilant Muslims Hussin as more indigeneity. Madrasah rights of become their issue global-based to had of the relating the forms demands as Singapore other well forth and as in pushing internet Iraq of the Malay-Muslims invasion via States tendencies media, United revivalist the Islamic as of such devel-inflow World various Muslim by the Coupled independence. in its opments since position disadvantaged a in Singapore eatn rmLl’ iwon,Hsi uai— igpra coa n social and scholar Singaporean Mutalib—a Hussin viewpoint, Lily’s from Departing uhiprtvs usnfrhrage,hv qaeypae aa-ulm in Malay-Muslims placed squarely have argued, further Hussin imperatives, Such hie ftesaespltcleie swl stetp fpltclsystem. political of type strategic the as and well as ideology elite, the political state’s and the of modernization, choices and development economic hs nld:acutyshsoyadehi eorpy h ioiyssocio- status minority’s the demography, economic ethnic and history country’s a include: These su,teoe eac oad h ann fhasavsi public in headscarves of banning the towards defiance open the issue, 33 31 vis-a ` -vis h aoiy e-oiis h xeto socio- of extent the geo-politics, majority, the enn Malay Defining aigSneo nEovn Identity Evolving an of Sense Making 35 ynraigpltcl academic political, narrating By . 32 377 34 Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 ahrabgoswy eoigIlma itntv akr aa sa: is Malay A in marker. defined distinctive are a Malays as on held Islam then removing were from way, Group debates and ambiguous the after leaders rather passed of two Malay-Muslim was next introduction amongst bill the Parliament the A for in following system. wait formalized (GRC) to by had Constituency was stunted had Representative identity been Singapore their in have before Malays could belonging. decades which and in survival, identity concern government’s of economic Singapore issues separation for the its to foundation upon due the identity was Malay this establishing that the argued define the Lian to was Malaysia. State Lian from Singapore by the observation by identity interesting delay Malay Another of deliberate Indonesia. histories and the between Singapore of interconnectedness Malaysia, frame the its of in show in making to fresh the tries somewhat it is on as article insights his analysis original Nevertheless, no Singapore. in provided identity Lian Malay entirely of above, the almost construction cited the Drawing works discussed various Indonesia. who the and Fee from Singapore Kwen Malaysia, Lian nations: by is across considered Malayness be to article last The 378 fIlmi eemnn h aa dniyhsbe u oqeto yshlr such scholars by question to put essential been as has role disputed identity the Malay been Whilst the culture. have and determining that all place in language, across issues Islam Islam, Cutting of namely, recurrent works. identity, some Malay notable of are few elements a approaches to approach, these confined exploratory of however as wider are well a as perceptive, from approaches obscured although generally historical-political were The they scrutiny. why employed unpub- explain scholarly discussed were may cited works this Malay- works and the of of dissertations of number study lished large most the A seen, within approaches. have trends sociological we and certain ethnographical As us Singapore. to in revealed identity has Muslim review above the far, Thus Conclusion eaaete“e aa”fo h OdMly.H bevdta hltMalays whilst that observed He unique Malay”. their “Old and the Islam that claimed from elements always Malay” distinguishing have Alatas, “New to the the Critical according there. manifest are, end separate to not uprightness does is moral however, Malay process, and The be culture. reasoning to Malay that the “Old and argued as Islam such forcefully of concepts values Alatas negative-based Malay”. other “Drift against and as distinguish- Malay”, Malay” explored New Alatas “The elucidation, of insightful aspects yet ing short this In Alatas. Hussein Syed meiet oterpors.I swrhhl eet ut i tlength: as at served him quote which to beliefs here superstitious worthwhile is and It magical progress. by their to tainted impediments often were features such nte neetn okta swrh fnt sapbiainbsdo etr by lecture a on based publication a is note of worthy is that work interesting Another aa omnt n h sgnrlyacpe samme fteMalay the the of of member member a a be as to accepted community. generally that himself by is considers community who who and otherwise, community or by Malay ... h NwMly a eti hrceitc rtat.Oeo hmis them of One traits. or characteristics certain ality has Malay” “New The oawrdo eiinhvn nvra ytmo values. of system universal a having religion Malay of world The the a universality. of to of case system Muslims the being built-in and In but a Muslims universality. rationality, already mere certain is to with there subscribe community, combined not rationality does is He it plans. and calculates reasons, esnblnigt h aa omnt en n esn hte a whether person, any means community Malay the to belonging person ydMh hiui Aljunied Khairudin Muhd Syed h NwMly iw h ol na in world the views Malay” “New The . hypriiaei eti nvraiyb belonging by universality certain in participate they , 37 adat clue sfaue fteridentity, their of features as (culture) more ainlmne.He manner. rational 36 aasare Malays ration- Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 ice;a enfo h ok uvydaoe ob aa ssileutda being as equated still is Malay be To above. surveyed works the academic within Muslim. from ground much seen gained not as have trends it circles; opposing government, such Singapore note the to by propounded important is definitions the and Rahim Zubaidah Lily as nSnaoesol esuidfo ubro ifrn esetvswihaeout- are in which lag perspectives the different of open identity number prying a Malay-Muslim of from below: the hope studied lined scholarship, the be existing should with of Singapore the future in supplement development near Singapore To the in the rigour. in identity to academic Malay-Muslim upon towards wish of researched I issues block again, be which Then could in stumbling formation. directions identity following a and in the identity academicians suggest indeed established to many pertaining is by an scholarship fear critical of Singapore unwarranted practices Such product outside marginality. discriminatory a State expose and inevitably of perhaps may politics study is issues the the such and Singapore towards in in engaging disinterestedness that academic identity perception of Malay-Muslim fervour the current of the that postulate to hnmnna ahratnsigdet h atta Mlyes a lasbe a been always Singaporeans. has amongst “Malayness” sphere public that the fact in debate the such of to topic viewed due passionate Alatas astonishing Farid rather underdeveloped. as essentially phenomenon are Singapore in identity Muslim utemr,truhti eiw thsas eoeaprn htsuiso Malay- on studies that apparent become also has it review, this through Furthermore, d) b) a) e) c) 38 eiigotietesaebudre,ti oto eerhsol draw should research of sort this boundaries, state the outside residing conditions. Diasporas different Singapore, under look Malaya, and Alsagoff, contexts of should different Ibrahim part this Syed as on Dato’ identities Research as their Salikun. such how Masuri into realm and public Mohamed the Ya’akob in each active of personalities lities evolution prominent Malayness. the of of trace biographies visions to Critical its interesting and organizations be these Agama also of would Association PERDAUS—Pelajar-Pelajar It Students Jamiyah). Muslim Arqam; and of domi- Darul FMSA—Fellowship and essential Singapura; an (e.g. Dewasa as Islam marker upon stress nant that scrutinized those be with should comparison Mendaki in and Melayu) Pemuda-Pemudi Persuratan race and organizations fluidity the Malay-Muslim comprehend area to identities. worthwhile order sub-ethnic a also in unions is research and groupings the of sub-ethnic interactions into these of fit of extent to be members having between The to with category. subjects coped notable “Malay-Muslim” they are how larger Malays on especially Patani upon, and researched Banjar Bugis, The studies. groupings sub-ethnic may Minority province. This culture male Malay-Muslim a of culture. essentially sustenance and is and creation the values that perception Muslim nant of and dissemination reinforce were perhaps the women Malay how in explore to crucial interesting is it identity, of maintenance Gender aa ol)adteGetrIslamic Greater the and World) Malay / tncbsdognztossc sMji ua,4M(Persatuan 4PM Pusat, Majlis as such organizations ethnic-based xedn rmNri’ nig nterl fAa oe nthe in women Arab of role the on findings Nargis’s from Extending . xmnn aa-ulm h r oni igpr u are but Singapore in born are who Malay-Muslims Examining . / rrcvrteaec fwmna gis h domi- the against as women of agency the recover or entoso aa-ulmiett via identity Malay-Muslim of Definitions . hshsbe iie etr nearlier in feature limited a been has This . aigSneo nEovn Identity Evolving an of Sense Making Ummah xmlso hsaepersona- are this of Examples . Cmuiy hfe in shifted (Community) / rrgdt fsuch of rigidity or Nusantara 39 ti worthwhile is It (The 379 Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 380 NOTES alluring. indeed, are, undeniable identity is Malay it far, study so to conducted us Having been of have Singapore. ahead that analysing in prospects works in studies the the formation of that expertise identity map” such their “sketch and hoped a can rendering identity down is laid towards Malay-Muslim it then scholars of conclusion, Only induce dynamics In the would identity. Singapore. article Malay-Muslim in this the theories for that of identity multiple however, understanding of pertinent, Malay-Muslim fusion our is a enhance It the and exhaustive. approach analyse means multidisciplinary no a to by adopt is to above scholars stated future topics of list The .Jdt Djamour, Judith 6. .Frteproe fti ae,Ihv eidmc ntorcn n otcmrhniebiblio- comprehensive most and recent two on much relied have I paper, this of purposes the For 5. Colonial The Singapore: in “Muslims Yahaya, Garba Atiku and Haikal Husain see this, of details For 4. Embong, Rahman Abdul 3. journal a in found is Malaysia in formation identity and ethnicity on articles of collection excellent An 1. .SaslAr aaudn Hsoyo dniy nIett faHsoy h daadPats of Practise and Idea The History: a of Identity an Identity, of “History Baharuddin, Amri Shamsul 2. . hswsoeo h ottmluu eid in periods tumultuous most the of one was This . im,pes hr tre,nvl,plays novels, stories, short poems, Films, . ora fMsi ioiyAffairs Minority Muslim of Journal otsigMlyes aa dniyars Boundaries across Identity Malay Malayness: Contesting Akademika vis-a tal. et ` -vis , igpr Malay Singapore h omnt t“home”. at community the , odn tln rs,16,p 4. p. 1965, Press, Athlone London: , ora fteSca cecsadHuman- and Sciences Social the of Journal hsi etrto fProf. of reiteration a is This . / rsbuae ystate- by subjugated or (Country / ulmCmuiy1819– Community Muslim o.1,N.1 1997, 1, No. 17, Vol. , / ae rcs and Process Race: , Downloaded By: [National University of Singapore] At: 18:33 16 April 2007 2 usnMtlb SnaoeMsis h us o dniyi oenCity-State”, Modern a in Identity for Quest The Muslims: “Singapore Mutalib, Hussin 32. 31. Li, Tania 28. 27. 33. Rahim, Zubaidah Lily 30. Omar, Ariffin 29. research unpublished Roff, Identity”, R. of William Negotiation Singapore”, 26. The Singapore: in in Muslims Muslims “Chinese Indian Sen, Hui Some Tan among 25. Malayisation “Behavioral Ibrahim, Bibijan 24. Mainten- paper, Boundary 23. and research Consciousness Ethnic unpublished Singapore: in Women Identity”, “Arab Talib, Arab Mohamad Nargis Hadrami 22. Singapore Malay “The and Muslim Bafana, the in Khalid Place their Harasha of Study 21. Sociographic A Singapore: of Arabs “The Sia, Lu Lim 20. 19. unpublished Identity”, of Articulations 18. and Perceptions Singapore: in Malay “Being Yusof, Nurliza 17. 16. 15. North- Singapore’s on Malay Being of Ways Lama’: ‘Orang and Baru’ “‘Orang Ali, Mohd. Mariam 14. 13. 12. 11. Vredenbergt, Jacob 10. 7. .SeAdla i ai aid,“h oaeeo igpr:ASuyo n fteIndonesian the of One of Study A categories. Singapore: Malay of wider Boyanese the “The within Baginda, sub-groups Malim ethnic bin are Abdullah Banjar See and Bugis 9. Javanese, like Bawean, 8. Ibid n rDmnsig,upbihdrsac ae,Uiest fMly,15 n bu Aziz Abdul Singapore, and of 1959 University paper, Malaya, research of Increas- unpublished is University Singapore”, Separateness of 1962. paper, this People Extent Customs research Javanese What and “The to unpublished Mores Johari, and Beliefs, Diminishing”, Group, their the or Far of How ing Separateness Investigate the to Maintain Order to in Serve Singapore, in Groups Minority Ibid Community Ibid 32–55. pp. Ibid Affairs Minority Muslim 1993. Press, University Oxford Lumpur: Kuala 166–183. pp. 1989, 36. p. 1989, Singapore, of University National paper, Peravai 2000. Singapore, of University Ibid National paper, research unpublished ance”, 1997. Singapore, of 1987. University Singapore, National of University National paper, research unpublished Singapore”, of World Ibid 2. p. 1986, Singapore, Ibid of University National paper, research National Ibid Vivienne Australian and dissertation, PhD 1984 Ibid unpublished of Singapore, Riau”, Royals in of 1985. Malay Being University, University “The of Fong, National Hierarchies Keng “Melayu; paper, unpublished Pang Wee, Ethnography”, research 1983; and Singapore, unpublished Social-History of emer- Singapore”, this University Seking: of National “Pulau part paper, as Manap, Malays research Normala Riau on See works progress) genre. (in Normala Wee’s ging cites Viviene She and 1. Fong p. Keng 1985, Pang Singapore, Manap, of University National paper, research unpublished Coast”, Univer- National “A paper, Jeanette, research Hwee, unpublished 1993. Singapore”, Hwee Singapore, facts, unpub- in Chia of Society”, Boyanese and and Baweanesesity Plural and 1989 Javanese a “The figures Singapore, the in Khusaini, of of fresh Integration University Julina History of the with National Analysis See paper, Comparative for updated maintained. research A Hwee were lished Singapore: were Hwee in methods findings Javanese Chia and the earlier Jeanette arguments and and of Although Khusaini lines theses. Julina similar their by of adopted later purposes were Vredenbergt, and Ibid Ibid Ibid 85–91. pp. ,p.92–101. pp. ., ,p 25. p. ., 245. 220, pp. ., ,p 67. p. ., 43–50. pp. ., 76. p. ., 30. p. ., 167. p. ., 206. p. ., Abdullah Aziz, Abdul by employed Boyanese, and Javanese as such Categories 207–212. pp. ., 136. p. ., 161. p. ., o ,17,p 1. p. 1977, 1, No. , aasi igpr:Culture Singapore: in Malays ul upr xodUiest rs,19,p.15–16. pp. 1998, Press, University Oxford Lumpur: Kuala , agaMly:MlyCnet fDmcayadCommunity and Democracy of Concepts Malay Melayu: Bangsa h rgn fMlyNationalism Malay of Origins The aendnIslam dan Bawean h igpr iem:TePltcladEuainlMriaiyo h Malay the of Marginality Educational and Political The Dilemma: Singapore The o.2,N.1 05 .54. p. 2005, 1, No. 25, Vol. , Bwa n sa) rn.A .Lpa,Jkra NS 1990, INIS, Jakarta: Lapian, B. A. trans. 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Chee, Seong Tham 35. d ogCe in n inKe e,Snaoe ie cdmcPes 02 .292. p. 2002, Press, Academic Times Singapore: Fee, Kwen Lian and Kiong Chee Tong eds p 96,frafreu icsino sa sadtriigfco f“aans”i North in “Malayness” of factor determining a as Islam on discussion forceful a . for 29–68, pp. ainlPitr,18,p 46. p. 1988, Printers, National also Indonesia”, author. by provided italics 6–7; pp. 1996, Professionals, 14. p. 1993, to policies. reduced state been have post-colonial Singapore and in colonial groups via ethnic different categories how “racial” on 2000, Gruyter, de Mouton Berlin: osiuino h eulco igpr AedetN.2 ilN.24 No. Bill 2) No. (Amendment Singapore of Republic the of Constitution ydMh hiui Aljunied Khairudin Muhd Syed idae o etaal- de tot Bijdragen enn “Malay” Defining h e aa:HsRl n Future and Role His Malay: New The , ad nVolkenkunde en land- eoitn utcluaim icpiigDfeec nSingapore in Difference Disciplining Multiculturalism: Negotiating igpr:Dprmn fMlySuisWrigPapers, Working Studies Malay of Department Singapore: , h aigo igpr oilg:SceyadState and Society Sociology: Singapore of Making The o.17 o ,20,p.8384 See 873–874. pp. 2001, 4, No. 157, Vol. , igpr:Ascaino Muslim of Association Singapore: , / 7 igpr:Singapore Singapore: 87, Archipel o.6,2001, 61, Vol. , , ,