. Volume 40 . No. 11

March, 1959 t,'1

~ "'1 .. , . " ,,'

, .. .1959 ." . ,

11mb. 1959 THE MACARONI JOUR:o.: .\L 3

, " ON YOUR PACKAGE •• ~ fREf!

FOR UNIFORM ~ A,MBER CO~9 ,~ I' " ~ ' : 'I ~ ,~

, • _", "l) ". ) EVERY'·. SHIPMENT, ORDER_. :'." . ..


• . ' , ~ ' .. . k. . \ .., '\ . ~: ,. .': .. :. .. .,-:;';' Ye.1 Your macaroni package can deliver FREE advertising power - with No.1 SE'M'OLINA OR IMPERIA 100% readership every day 0/ tbe yearl That's if it'. a ROSSOTTI-designed package - because ROSSOTTI powers it with a

• Real.life visual or your product in Ule ••• makes your macaroni exciting. vivid, desirable to serve •.• tonight! DURUM GRANULAR • Scientifically designed trademarks, and instantly visible brand and product identifiation to capture consumer anentiont • Related-item tie·ins to (an cons~mer interest 10 "want·it·now" .! appeal! • Economical, too .•. looks like a luxury carlon but COSls far leu than you thinkl Your package, too, can gain hard-selling advertising power , • • and I' increased selling vigor over related products as weill Write us today to learn 1, how.

~SS(}Hi "" '" IN MACARONI PACKACINC" .4 rellablt> Suurce! 0/ Supply Sine#' 1898 Executln Offices: AMBER MILLING DIVISION I' I ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION 'arm." Union Orab. T.rmlna' Alloclatlon ! North Berlen, New Jersey


S.h:t Offl,.. : Roche"lt • 10ItOli • Phll.cltlphl. • N•• Orlo.1I1 • Ort.llcio • .... A"I"H • S." J ... --"

YOU HAVEI THIS 'f. .t • !~' 11

J. .,. ;. Official publication of Ihe National Macaroni ,il.nu/oc. I I" • ".' OV/w• 'tIr~ hmm Auociation, 139 N, Alhland ~Vf " PalaUn" illinDis. Addreu all currelpondmce regardin'g advertitin, or edi· " . I.: ' Pnald.nt...... "...... Horaco P. Gioia lorial material to Robert M, Green, F.djlor. I t -.::: lit Vice Prea...... Emanuele Ronzonl, Jr. • .l 2nd Vice Pre,...... Albert Ravmno . ",' 3rd V1c8 Prea •... _•. _••• ... _.. .Fred Spadafora SecreIary... _ ...... Robert M. Green .,' ·R••• arch ...... J.m •• J. WIn.ton Em.r1tu.;...... M. J. Donn> On P~gt

Ie p,;' . .. '% • Succes.slul Seminar ______... II Opportunities in the Restaurant Field __' __ _ II .'.:;<'.' ;])~/or~ Acreage' Outlook ______. ___ 1& .. ~ ..~( . r ~-; , 1:' Reilo. 1 Joaeph Pellearlno Mr. Mikkelson, Durum Grower ______18 ,~); : · :. Reaion ' 2 Baverio Arena What Is A Manager?_. _ .. _.. _.. !:! : ~ti:.. · : Emanue1e RaDzanl, Jr. · \1 .. Raymond Guerrlsl Sound Organilation __ ._ ~_ .. __ 24 , .~' . Reilon S Hor.ce p, Gioia .~ ,jF ·' · 1 . Albert S, Wei .. The Problem o[ Company Climatc_ .. ___._ ...... _ 26 • ".' R.lllon 4 A.lrvlng Gr ... Standards o( Performance ______~_ .._ 30 , "'-f; , Henry Ro.. 1 Albert Rovarlno , The Superior', ResllOnsibility ____. , 'f:" j';~~~.:i~;IJOn 6 Peter J. Vlvl.no Communications ___. ___... ___... _ _ 31 t~ ~lJt Region 6 Kenneth J. Forbes Ralph Sarli Multiple Management ____ .. _____. _ _ 33 R.glon 7 J John Lanerl In The Industry_.. ._. ._ 40 R.ilon 8 A, L. Katakee R.glon 9 Paskey DeDomenleo On the Social 5«ne______. ______. 4' R'lIlon 10 Vincent DeDomenlco Convention Reginr.mu ____. .._ .. _ ...... _ - ~6 R.glon 11 Alfred Spadafora Edward DeRocco Retrospections .. _-.-_. - ~! At Lorge Robert I. Cowen Index to Atl\'ertiscn_ . _____. .. __ ... _ ~ 8 Vincent F. La Rosa Nichola. Ro ••1 Arthur RUBso PACE SETTERS .Jerome r~. Tujngue Robert William Cover P~olo J.mes T. William., Jr. Pas! Thomas A. Cuneo Arthur Russo. macaroni manuracturer in ChiraRo, ,A SHOWPLACE OF THE NATION! reads up on "Developing Executive Skills," Copies or ~h~ Prtsidenu Peter La Ro •• on C, Fred, Mueller textbook. rrom the Amerk.m Management Associau are available through the National Macaroni Mallurac- Lloyd E, Skinner end C, W. Wolfe turers Association for those who were ul1:eble to all SHOWPLACE OF THE WORLD! Loul. S. Vagnlno the Kminar or wish to do further Iludy.

The 1I.c.,..... ol Journ.ll. r.,1.1,rI4 wltb U, S. Patent olfle" 8ublcripttoD r.te.: PubUlb,{ monthl,. b, thl Natlon,llIlcaronllSanuf.cturtri ~mf't1c ...... ___ ...... __ ...... __ .• S'OO per ),ear J. ..oelltlc.Q II It, official pllblleatlon Iinu 111' , un. sinl.nc _...... _ .... _...... _..... __ ._ ..._ __... _'4.00 per Jear oll Entered &. lec:ond.cl ... maUlr at PalaUnl. 111., .ddltlo D'~\ ·Co pie.oplea ______...... ______.... ______. __.. ______160500 OPEN AND SEE totr, It D.rrlnlton, 111., Plndln" UDder Act of lilt, :I, Uft.

------.. ! f • '~ , . l~ I COME FROM GOot\ PLANNIN~ ,. ~ u~VEYARD" OF DRY ', ROOMS

"I , "n} , ' I I • ir r , .r ' --, I r

I . ,.... • I

I ., " • ! I \""'- _. • • ", .,; -- "

• COUNT ,THEM! ONE· . ,FOUR . FIVE . SIX 11 , " I U,1!mistakably Ii The Fines!..", THE MACARONI jOIJ!lNAI. " .. ' . \" " I ~'£/U'IW.'IU4G':Brai~a)tw< V~ctiiiIit Process ' Macaroni SuccessfUl, Semina,r i \.'~- ' i r.rc~klent lIor:lcc I'. Gio,ia appoil1lrl) a all ~hort Cut Presses l,ollllniuI't'. In hc hC;lIlt'li by Rfllu:rl C,¥>'tn. Sri, l,,~ i ~tl'C l b) hdllg Gr.bS, :\1· Ilell Wcbl, NidlGlas Ro~i, alit) C; t'tlLk \ CUT PROCESSING Stanway, hP Im'C)t!g:He 'whal might he ' , dOllc: "I. '. ,~.~~\'i" ~ ,.. ~ " Fin' Seminar \ .. \I /"' : .. ~ - ~:,' ~heck 9 ,~ el.rmont Seminar ltCNinnl ".. cre,iet up in tallt. s IIf l'lght WI tltat roulIIl lable allllicnce , EXCLU~IVE D,~sign )lartldp'ltlull coultl · bc: held, un (Klinu ., ~ " ' of iutcrul. All o( the c1lscuu lon leadeu ' , ditl a fine job In prepap,tloll 0.( their • L.1rge siainlcss steel'screw affording 11100 lil1. auiglllllcut. h.ued all IhJ Anicrican Man· per hour. llgclllcnt A,\()(lallun text "Uen.l0l'illg Execttth'e Skilll" and drJ"inl; (rom tht'ir • Electronically controlled 10 automatically f1WII eXI,crlcllce. " . " . ~ ' tion the corn.'C1 amount of additional water )'fuldcnl Horace I'. Glob coor~ln;Hctl to maintain olHimum \'iscosiIY in the mix. .. brier rCI)C,rt fin Auociatinn ~ nU Jr"tiluu~ anh'itici Oft'hh tht;. 'Iue"ionl "What It. .. " • Vacuum process is all the 'screw Round tibl. dllCul;lkln' cM .... loped Int.r.ltln. polnts on "Dnelopln. becuU ... e Sklill.' ~lanagcr~ Huw Don a ~1;HlaKe.t Mall" ,to the nllxer. : ',t r" 1M for.around. 81tl OIdKh lI.h I maLo". 8 polnl with les Thurston And Jim Benincu.t, agti" Hb conllllent;- ap)lear ,01) 'page :!!!. • Stainless Sleci ,IUlllcl( mixer. Thuma • •\ , CUllcn ·ou~j'~ed... , ~ ~ YI,ic.. l ' ,haTl 10r'lII an' rage uiacaroni"'IKratilln. - • One pittel')\ousing simplifies extraction of Winter Mretlng of the National The problelllJ Inmlnd were diKtlUed and the NMMA Uoard of DiTl't'tnn took Ruulll) Il.Mcs ulpplt'm5pled the li\1 With ~ (ront ~bcaronl Manubctu~U Auoclatil' . 1 Screw extracted by remonl DC cap. No :uhlitinn'll job pOlSibllltic. outlining . ,..-, nuts to remove. Easy, one man, halldwhtel al the Hotel Diplomal, HolI)'Wood thc rollnwlog 'land, wired tn Ihc (anll Ii II Florida', january 2fl.22, IJmkc al· KTOUI': "The NMMA will clxl)lerate £ully ;lIlIhoril), and rt·sIKll1lib11l1Y. Highlight.\ ~ • Conllanl temperature control DC waterr ;:~::~:.::tl trnd;m~ record. and IIlmubted 'Iining with Ihc North Dalmta hllll lIure;m II) hum thl ~ prt'rtClllati rm 1I~ :2.n(. JlDGC~: 24 . ' ~' , th~ hOUling mailll:.:inJ unifom\ity ', o( p diKUuion. wilh the new meetlug (annat IJtomOle Ihe Uit of durum, Director o£ ,\llIeTl Ra\'ilrlno Jlr ~ n'M "Iewl on -a, 'fmlmlr on "Ikveloplng Execulh'e Rl'lCafch jame, \""imton has been authllr· how ~tamlardl of I»crformance ,milhl he . ' Built·ln automatic (1II0ff attadlment. itl'd tn a(cuntl,any your fl!)lresent,uh'es ann, no pole. ' lm'isiblc externally. Slilll."~ w:t (1l'C :,agc 50), ~' hil t'/ L«·'l.lwy oul· .n, ' to Walhlngton (0 lully e"plore Gm'ern­ lincd Ihe IllfiucncC$ on a nlan within a • Variable speed on the cutoff attadlmenl menial Ideas al to proper lahcling and cUlllpany from his wllrklng en"ir;iSllIIll'nt , ting product, with a .ln~lc blade ranging l11e rom'cntl,m oltened with a break· nd\'crtislng," - "The J'ruhlelll n( Cl1l1pany Cllmale,'" fi~est paltina to rlgato",. lau l~nlOred cy the Durum Wheal A program to avert a durum Ihortage paKe 26. Ii- ,llI\lltute. Howanl Lampman, director of In 1959 wa .. announced by tlle durunt Space provision underneath tile machine tor Ihe Inflltuu~, Inlnxluttd William A. Loh· mllll, Don Fletchcr of the Rust I're\'ell' S«olld Seminar ing pielimln'ary IhaL'er. ' ' mil, \'Iet president, Genent Mill., Inc., dOli AtSOClatiae hal IIIct wjth tllC North NidlOlal Roul Itarted Ihe iCcond semi· (il3innan of the Durum Wheat Commit· Dakota AgricUltutal Colic'" lIml IlIe· ,-. ~ nar !Il'II1nn with a tlisCUllioll 011 ''Th(" , , Itt' of the Millen National Fc:tIeration. rtCllted the IIccd for expandinR durlllll SUJlcrior's RC'lJCmsibl1ilY (0 .. Hil Sub- : ~lr, Lohman emphuired the CDOttefa· acrcage lhh year.• llcy h:l"c Idtt1ged urdinatC1," E"ccrptl llTC nn pa~ S2, : ) · r • linn 1)(lw«n the Durum Whe;u Jnllilute their cool)Cration, agenlt wl11 be "'urIK'I ~ntl Ihe National Mac.. roni III.thute in ulpplh.'tI inlonn:ulon outlining the lIt'cd KCIIIII:!!1 j, rC\'jewcd NCom· Ultimate {n Adaptability rmmutinK durum rood .. '''e Introduced lllld the importance of retaining the lI1unk.. tlulu," lliR,hlighls apl,ear on paRc durum ",arkct ror durllm grnwt'u at a "I, , ' , -£nmOluicat GourmCl ! lUtts," a new boo .. u( quantity retil'''' prepared In lime ~' hen cumunll'tilln i. illCTealing. ScnCIlIT)' Rohcrt Grccn l)t'mollltr.<'tl To meet industry need. - designed to do more than one job. fOlI Jlnation with thc National Rellau­ 'nle Northwcu Cm" hnl)rm't'lIItllt As­ all e"erchc: UII Job [nlu;ulon with ::Iudi· fUll ,-\no<1allon, TId, new publication IIlClatioll will circularhe couillry dcnton l'lIfC 1);lrticil)'ltlllll ;Hound Ihe tablt'J. I,tr"'t·, t.,, prew:nll 25 top macaroni IltooutU reel· In thc durum arca, sentllng ~lnenl"' cOpl" I'eltr J, Vil'lanu reported ClI! how Optional Features " ,,:; ~ .. prs from leading rtltauranu 3nOll the rllr 1I1I:lr farmer cUAtomUI calling allen' lIIultiple m:lIlaKelllt'nt I, pracliCt'd al Dl'I, ha:iul), He thtn Introduccd jOlel,h Schen· tion III Ihe necd lor lIIore durunt, IImllien ,,'c)C)Cis, whh ,'arillul boards frolll ~ul, 1l(~ldenl o( the National Rellaurant :\tI\' c ~ lhing l»crlOllnd Imlll thc durulIl .Ulfcrenl plant clepartml'llts acting 011 By removing fronl handwheel and connecting a lube, press can be .... ~KI :lIlon who cnmmrndrd t"ae book mllli Wl il coordinale an .uh'utisiug and \'crllal ,uRRcnlllll 1)clxcl, Hc abn IP\'e ,-!sed in conjunction with an automatic spreader for long goods produc­ anti lold maCAroni manuf.. rr :\I\' u that puhUr,ty proglOlm lrom now unlil plant­ the 11 :11 kgmullci lin hi. cfllllpany" policy tion. !IICY are o\'erloolr.ing a gold 1II.,le if they Ing time to acquaim thc gmwcr \\'ith the lur the elllploymcnt ami placcment o( lanorc the i"'thut/rnal market, HI. cum· IIl'cd fur more durum. J'lIhlidty will bc 'ilia allli rdatln's whhin the organir::ltioll. dhtrihuted thrnugh thc National Mllca­ Machine can be adapted for extruded noodle dough .heet. flItnll arc ft" {i:"lIcd In "Opportunhie, In Rcports 011 Ihe filllil ~elllinar scuinll TClIII IllItitUIt', :lUd the NMMA will the Rntaurant Field," 011 page H, will llppe.lr in the April hsue o( thc Built for long Ii,fe and constant pcrfo~ance. ' IJ:trtlril,ate in Ihe Nnrth Jl:1"nla Stale A breaUau the ICcond morning (e,l' MaC:lrllnl J"llrll:l1. Thc)' will indut.lc Ihe Meets most exacting sanitary requirements, turtd GrurKe MI .... etlOn. Immediate past llurulII Show. c"tcmh'c all ::l I)" 11 gh'cn hy C. Frcderic" Ptnk1tnl ' or the Nonh Dakota Farm Commltlee on 1:811 Mucllcr fI( his wlIIl"llly'l runlla) policies 8l1ttau, He 'outlined the groweu' inter· lor rt'uuitluR, tralninR ami sopenising V. jamcs Benlncal3 o( Ihc Hal1111 Egg and problerm with durum whcat, ".Iel rt'pre~'.' ntath' el. • • ', J. I'rexlucts COInlJany. llatet1 t~l , egg ),olk , to protcct the Ipedalil:ed durum I'rugfcu In IlflKluctlulI managcmcnt I ha., called for I,ricci will continue high as long 011 whltcs WHEN LESS THAN THE BEsT WON'T DO, "1]"'1 arc a drug on the market. He c.. lIl'(l lor with p:miculaf elliphasis flU the small Indultry roopcration with thc Egg I'rexl­ hmll1t· ~~ unit W'11 gh'cll by Rohcrl CoWl'Il, uct. All(lCiation in exploring w"YI o( J., dlsl)Cnlng o( ,",'hitcs 10 C'IIC this prubltlll, «(.'v,ttitlut'tI flU pa"" 42) J~ THE MACARONI JOU~NAL THE MAG.IRONI .I0UR)lAI. 1:1 ... .'i ...

Vital Story by Science Writer ~ . .The ~ A Quick HI.tory. Independent fn-vCstilators, worklns "pa­ enerIY.1t has been found to be a constituent of many enl.yme o.Acl,nc1 •• of vitamin 8 11 appear In st:verpl wnys in humon however, demnnded orlJj;lnal thlnkh·.1 hy chemists nt Hoff· rately tounlockifYe:ral of naturc'.'doofl,sometimes open up ,ystems and Is thus intimately connected with life proccucs. bdnp. The eycs, the skin, the neoes, and the blood show the mann.ln Roche. The production of rlbonavin by chemicnl unsuspected relationships. ThIs happened with \litamln 0 •• It Is probably required by the metabolic !!!!!!!II""" df«IJ of too Ilule ribonavln. Laboralory - syntheliis requires the rroduetlon of rihose. a rare sugllr, at "':' ' J processes o{ every animal and bird as - an early stuge In the process. Thls ,sreelul sugar must be ~ ..... , ~ I. animals have demonstruted that a riho- .. ~ ~ well as by many fishcs, Insects and lower bvln-deftclent diet can cause dealh of made Inexrenslvely If the synthesis isl0 be pructical. Sugnr Inv ..'lgatl ..... About 2S years alo, "veral Broups, notably chemistry a diRicult nmller. In a hrlllhulf'plecc of wnrk • Warbul'l'" w ere Investigating a "yeUow enzyme" obtained forms of lire. (In certain animals, how­ • dults and cnn slow or slOP arowth in the Is the Roche chemlcul experts developcd n methOtllo produce from )'t:q '~ Almost simultaneously other Invest1lators WCI1l ever, the requirement may be Iynthe­ youni~ Female animals, deprived or rlbOo sized by bacterin within the Intestine.) lam In the diet, may produce offspring . ribose on n commerciul sc:tle hy un clectrolytic t- ,~l('e ss, thus dud)'!nl a rOod f~~or that aided growth of laboratory animal ... with conaenital maUormations, =- ' ( -= o\'ereoming a most trouhlesome ' prC?hlern, .Subscquently, Roche chemists develoJ'led the first pTJlcticnl synthesis for What th.y whh chemical analysl. of this In the cell. ribonavin aoesto work pt· found:¥~eeding Mtdlccli UIIS. To overcome Ilnd control deficlenclcs in ribonavin-S'-phosphatc, Identlcul with luiturnl flavin mono­ j;rowth factor, the learn of Kuhn, OyorlY, and Wainer­ tached 10 a phosphate group. This sub­ - - buman belnp, physicians have pure ribonavln available for nucleotide. Jaurea noted a relationship between the growth-produeln. stance, known as ribo!13vin·!\i'-r!tos...... phate or navin mononucleotide. may In tum be atlachc:1i to .dminlstration by InJecuon or orally, by Itself or with other agent I~ the "y~lIow enzyme." Their ~ndinas. Dnd thQ5e of Pldura thr... 'reoml Joining to form n rilier anti you have other rncarchC:J plong similar lines, were publilhed In 1933. still another esscntialsubstance, aden),lIc acid, forming na\;n "8" vitamins or multl·vitamln·mlnerlll comblnlltlons. adenine dinucleotide, Either nucleolide then 15 attaChed 10 'Ilsimplifled idell of thc Roche process ror !i; ntheslzing vita­ Eventu r.lly, rij,oftJvin pnd lin essential part of the yellow How our D:I protein, thereby fonnlna an enzyme, and takes Its rart in do wa get dally rlboftavln? Vl1amln has min Bt • Q-xylene and glucose ure processed sepatollcly In enzyme we~ found 10 be identical pnd the unity of an essen· wide distribution throughout the entire pnlmal and vegctnble form xylidine and ribose respectively. Ttlc'sc IIrc joined to tlal nutrient and cellular metabolism was estnblilhed. oxidation-reduction rcnetlons, ..:; kln,doms. Oood sources arc milk and its products, elgs, form ribitylxylidlne, which is then convcrtcd to ribityhaminOo meats, lelumes., Breen leave. and buds. Whole-arain cereals lequlnmlnts In Human Nutrition. As we have seen, \·ita· xylldine. Starling 5eparatcl)' wilh I.olatlon of pure ribofla\lin WIS have .Ianineant but nOllarae amounts of ribonnvln. malonic esler, which is processed achieved by Kuhn and his co-work­ min DII Is csscntlalto life. We have no speelul storage meanl in our bodies for this vitamin, nlthour.n a certain le\'ej b ., through intermediate stllge~ to 01· en. and by Ellinger nnd Kosch.ra, ADDITION TO FOODS loxan, the third "stream" b then in i933. maintained In various tissues, with reb.tively tarle amounts found In the liver and kidneys...... Cereal foods playa large part in our Joined with ribltylaminoxylidine to , form riboflavin. Purification occurs II Nom.nclature. Known In the United diet. To produce the white nour 01· MEASURING MnHODS most nil or us want, millers are obUged at each step of the synthesis. Rlho· • Stptes as ribonavln, this vitamin hu navln Roche equals or cxcccds also been called hu:tonavln, ovona\lln, to remove parts of the wheat that con· I In the beginning, ribonavln activity was dcseribed In "Oour· Inln much of the araln's ribonavin and U, S. P. stundards, I hepatonavln. and vitamin O. quln-Shennan units" and requirements wcre thouaht 10 be other nUlrients. In addition, cc~ul I, very small. Subsequent research sholl"td grains are nol rich sources of ribo· Iy the Ion •• So emdentls the Roche process thai pure ribo­ .,' SYNTHESIS flavin is produced hl tilt tons for usc In pharmnceutlcal prod· .r l;,. otherwise. MIIJlsram, of wellht became nnvln, M !IIees meet this problem by the unit and the Food " DruB Adminis­ ~nrlrhlnR the Imln foods for which federal standards cxist ucts and processed foods. An intcresting developm~nt hy II 8y 19;3.1WO eminent cbo:mists. workina "parntely, had syn· tration of the U. S. Dept. of Hea1th, 'Wilh vitamins B" B., niacin and the mineral Iron, In the cas: Roche is the production of rlbonovin In dirTerent forms rc­ thCllzed ribonavln, practically In a dead heat, Prof. Paul ! ~\."_ Education " Welfnrc established (July of vitamin D , however, they do more than rrstorr the proc· latell to the method of end usc. Roche Regular ribohuvin Karrer of the University of Zurich, p coilabomtor of the I ~ (F\ -." I, 1958) a minimum dally requirement n~ food to its nptural riboDavln level: they /ortl/y the U. S. P. is cspcclnlly useful in lIry enrichment p r emixe~ . Hofl'mann·Ln Roche Lnboratorles. produced the first IUC­ 2t powderell dietary supplements, pharmaccutical tohlcts :tnd of 1.2 m8. of ribonavin for all persons 12 or more yean food with enough of Ihls essential vitamin to make it cessrul synthesis. Five weeks later Richard Kuhn of Ocr­ I old. For infants It is 0.6 mg. Thc:sc requl~menls are de­ lIulrilio!,!all)' more valuable thlln It was In nature. soft gelatin capsules. Roche Solutions type: 15 preferred for mlUllJ announced his synthesis of the vitamin. Prof. Knmr signed .to prevent the occurrence of .ymptoms of ribolb\ia the rnanuraC1 'lfe of solutions having low concentrlJlion. lU~quently shared the Nobel Prize In Chemistry for hll deficiency disease. The minimum daUy requirement for this Acting to prolcctthe good health of millions of A~eri ~an', Roche Riboflavin-S'-Phosphate Sodium is a hlghly ", and \1 worle In vitamins and carolenoldJ. vitamin for children from 1 to 12 yurs is 0.9 milligf1lm. hlli.en and millers pdopted rnrlcltmrllt or whitc bread and rap itJly soluhle rlbonavin compound favorcd for all phar­ ,. white nour in 1941 .Since Ihat lime, maceutical liquid products ond some tablels. lozenges, and i The Karrer .ynlh.. l. forms the other roods, such as macaroni prod· capsulu. 11 has" more pleaSllnt laste Ihan Ihe biUer U. S. I'. basis for chemical processes In lecomm.nd.d allowance,. The Fooc..I" Nutrition lIow! tIct$. com meal and grits. farina, ribofla\·in. widespread use today by Hofl'mann· of the Nadonal Aendemy or Sciences-National RI.')web paltina and breakfut cereals have Ln Roche and other leadins manu· Council, in its 19S9 publlcntion # S89, recommends the (01. had their food value Increased by Thrs ardde II publi~hed In the Intc:resh or phannu(cutical mllnu­ facturen throulhoul the world, 10wl"S daily dieta.ry allowances of ribonnvln, expn.. ~ !tCd as tnrieh ment with pure ribonavin racluren, and of food proc:c)wu who make their Good f~h he,­ Rlbofb\lln it nlso manufactured to­ milliarnms. These nrc desilned to maintain aood nutrition and other vitamins and mlner.. ll. leT u~i n il pure rihunuvin Koche. Keprints of Ihh and olher, in of henlthy persons In the U.S.A. the ~ rie, will be ~upf'llcd on reqoe ~1 without eharse. Abo avail· day by fermentation methods. uble wilhom CO\' II a brochure de!oC riblnl Wh.n enriching, fortifying or restoring, food manufac­ the enrichment or forlifleation of eerenl CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ~;~.:::::::::::: :::: ::: : :::: ::: : ::::::: I:: t~rm . add the neccssary quantity of ribunavln (nnd other Grain prootlets with e~!oCnt l u J vitnmins and ...... ::::lr:~~~l ~~,~~~ f!: ::::::: : :::::::: U Yllamrns and minerals) to the rood during processi ng, so thut mineml,. The!\C nrlldes lind Ihe l1mehure --...... ,,-' Ribonayln Is yellow, slightly wateNoluble with II arcenlsh .th~ finished product mcets fcderal, stute, and lerrltorial re­ ha\'e ~I.'n found mO ~1 hdpfuilis Mlureuof -....:.-.. fluorescence and a biuer to\~te . Its empirical formula Is I:~::: I~ :: f,.!:~~~,i:::: : :: :::::: ::: :: ::: :: ::: qUirements or contributcs to the consumer an umount of the ac(uratl.' Informal inn In brief fmm. Teach· ers espc:cil,lIy find Ihem u\C hriln ~dUtullon. -=.-.i :-:::?= CuHlloN4oOu· Vitamin D:alltoJuced by the Roche proceQ Is 0.11 .... \' .. ,""'1\ ...... , .. ... ".1.0 ~lamin that dietary experts believe slgniflcnntly useful. Identical in evcry way with that occurrlnBln nature. 0.11., ••• ,.40'_1 ...... , .... , ...... LJ Reg:Hdle~~ of )'our oceurllllon, feel free g:l~: ~o.. ,.'ir;~;,:: ::::::: : : :: : : ::::::: U PRODUCTION 10 write for Ihem. Vitamin Iljvhlon, I." c;," lIoITman·La Roche Inc., NlIIley III. New How doe. \lltamln I, work\' Riboflavin is n vital pan of Pror. KD.rrer's synthcsis of ribonavln was a laboratory suc· '~t ~y. In Canada: i1oITm unn-l.n Roche "".r ...... "!" ,. u,.....!" ...... 'f.I ro Dlture', chpln of reactions for utillz.atlon of carbohydmte U.1MU_1o 1.'.",_, ·...... ,...... '.J r.' ttu. Adapting the process to commercial production, ltd., 1956 Uourdon 51., St. Laurent, P,Q.

-- ...... -- March, IJ$9 THE M ;ARONI.l0IJIU"AL 15 Opp!»rtu~ities ' ~.n the Re~aurant Field • loy Mr. J_". ,~. Not_r __of _lair..

UANTIT\, ct'll ng «Iablishmenll or ",In amilltolllotion all go 1~rtht'r in the will rost you leu to incrcalC tht' brand· Buhler Q Ihe Unht:d ~'~_~I Kne more Ihan rr,taurant markel. rollKiouuleu of the fntaurant opt'r:rtor 72 million lIleal ~~ry day. It'l a 17 Edur:ltlon il the ley-eduation of the th;lh it rolll to maintain your br~nd .' billion • dollar . a;.t'ar mark,·I. In aClme ft'ltaurant operator In the ~ of your franchise with the colISumt't. You un short goods lines 1 ~ lrgt'i indwltial durban (t'IIIt'n, e\"t~ ry )IrodUctl whne, at the ume lime, ,you It'll more at leu co.t In tht' t"tiluranl Ihlnl Incal il ea ' out. More than 25 learn more of what it takt'l to It'll markt't than In the consumer market. CCIIII ill e,·t'I"}·Jl~ I dollar b 'pent in through rellallrantl. Education on the Your sales ptoblt'm in the ~.taur.lllt fer 1t",l.aI1r:rntl. "' ~) i:i: ~ Itandanb or quality demanded by _the market il limplt' compared to the compli. . '~ . reliaurant Indullry • • • . preparatlon of oulolll encounlt'red at tile cornet Kro­ T I;'i I 1'llOrtunlty nt'w dilhel ••• It'lting up and Ilcieing cery. the chain or .uptnnarkct outkl. '1 . I . \ The 1/04 ... •;al)" Industry II 1101 only the finl.ht't! mt'al 10 that it ~1I1 ••• You don't lua,'t' to worry about .11l'if a !:Iff' . ' .\ In llseJ(-1t abo providel )I1t'a"ng the CUlionier. .pace wltb UI. Your package I, larger. :1 '9 • f,..... "tlle whcre 172 million Nothing (Quid (}rUtr illustrate Ihll \II'hleh &aves you money. Americ "'l }bay try new foodl and new than the publlcation of "Economical An innt'allng number of reSlauranll Iliad roiulJinations-and It'arn In lo\'e Gourmet Entten." This publication pre· will actually (eatu~ your br.rnd nal11~ tilt'rn ana make them at home. lentl a definition of reltaurant market in menu., 10 polnt-o(· ... le materials, III In larJ;e~e:uure you and oth~r food rC(lulrcmellu and the fulfilhncnI of lholt' posten, lable tt'ntl, bad,bar Itrlp. and mallufaclur&"l ha\'e Q\'crlooked the rei' uct.'tll \II·leh Ittaighllorwanl, reliable and lither malt'rial. Dut plt'ase ~mtmbtr ·,allr.IIH in~try-bo'h a~ a primary out· extrt'nlcly "aluable Informatiol1. "Eco. that we arc partnt'n. RetlauranlS Ut. Inst,II'tlon of two Icl aud .ct.Jf sampling market whert' you 1l00nicai Gounnt't Enlrl't'I" Kit'e. lhe not an ad\"enl.lnl mct.lium (or your 140111bs1ht _'ll S1Iart Coodo lin •• .. all introc.lu~ your IlrOOucll tn flew '1:IIaur;1II1 operator tht' kind flf informa· brand name. mlClt up 01 two p'lllmln.., bhiUr typtI ,·uItOIllt'n. UII to now, a ~lath' c:ly rew tion Iu~ \II·antl. ThinI' 10 Do dIytIi TrPI TP. two pltllminary dlJlII T)'PI TVK, two ftrs' llK'dalilU ha"e manufactured the quality llallhlna dlJllI Til>' TTlIy. two n.llhl .. oily ... T,,1t mt. proouch we dt'mand,- packagl'il them to If y~u ",'ant '1lt'cilic Ihlnr to ,I .. -to our uthfaction and helpetl UI .ell. The rt'''auIiUlt oprrator wantl new exploit lht' re.laurallt m:ukel-hert' liter The remainder of ·the market inlufar idt'al in food-Ideas that hne betn provt'd are: .11 spaghetti. macaroni and nDOdI" arc In a,·tual UW,'. A (fOIl Macaroni products made from by Don ,,;:',';.r, Iv.. '"".",'Olt AuocIatJ.It, CIt ,,.. Wlnte, ....,". ,.

r AST lummer, 1 h:ill;the I'rh'iI~ge ,.f Ihowlug\ lionie .... Jt )'our dirccton L ' .. .lurum ,",'heat gro\\'ing ,"th rhe riell!' uf Nurth nakota. I hupt'-thi5 Ullnme" more IIf the directors anti olhen whu arc In­ Le" 11 hnvlI "JlumethinK IIllccinl" ill Ihe phrnlle Ihnt III henrtlmuru und mure lerested will (lime up alld take a field uften (rom New York 10 I ~ , A. I.el'. hn\'e n different kind nf nWlll - hut with \'1111 uf IIppetite unci trip with UI 10 see what growing durum hellUh nl11lenl. I.el'" have n menilltnt IInlillficlIlIl1 the fnmily 1111 the time, look.. like. wh:u the (:innc" arc like. Everyone know" thnt IllRcnroni pruduct" nre e~:lJnlJmit'nl - hut tin they ""h;at 'the c1e\-ato; 'Ill'ople"'iuc dolliK ull know Ihnt they enn be ""omcthing Jllll'1.·!nl" dill/lell tlln, ill the part of the country from which They meet .n tho requlromenlll oC hlg.Cnnlily hudRChl 10 thl.! mllllt ellnctiliK tmill.! II( the ~nu 't met. )"ou gt't , -tlllt rOlw lIIah:rial. 1'0 ohill'" Ihllt "lIOmethlfli "pecinl" in your Ilrocluclll UIIO the finCIII - III1C King l\liclllll", 1959 Fldd Trill ~ .. t... The ficld tril' will )..ukc place ahuut AUKUlt :,"0. The euct lime wilt dCltend ulMln the growth of the crop. and what .. linll~ ""iII be IK-fot fur you to .... c iI. We Don Fleldwr, RUIt Pr~nllon Auocl.llon ' ''''ould Ilkt' IIIDJe manu(acturt'n III go nn the lidd trip. )(I)"OU think the armln' Ix.'t:u the COlIC III the I,alt-Ro Into fCscarlh mOlbllolll and the Ir"\'t'l might be '00 dIfOIllOK>lIICi ""ithill the eelb uf Ihe plant, l'ough,1 ,'ou might mmult wilh Horan: and Ih~y III turn Interoan. Wc ha'"c aboul I.n durum. YIIU ""ill bc illlcrou:d to b o"" Ihat III \'uma at the l"esent IIImlll"lII Gioia or Jim \~Inllon, or Joe or rhll H or 15 thouuml linel In dll~ ""orld l.a \to .... , 'und ' 61'd out JUIi what hap. (oll«tlon of wheals, o[ which durUlI1l arc Ihere are abuut ,10 ann IIf I\\'u IIU' \"arietics IIf durulIl whe:ll which are hcin~ pened, ,\/e clon'lt,romlse perfect weather 1& It'elton. TIle durum. hne I .. chrumlJo like we hadlalt " ar. \'ou'll han to ta).e K)ma. Among Iht'5e chromoK)mel ate Inrreased. 'nl~)' will nut bc releaw:d it n,' it mmcI,1')j • )'ou arr cerlalnl;' wei· " Ih~ \'Irioul Rent'l th:at gO\'t'tIt whedu~r to Ihe rart1l~n this yr,lt, The)' ""ill Ilf umler contract wilit the CroJ' IllIpwlr' t!um(.o' take ~d\'alltage of thll oppar· It', Kolng to be II good colnr; whether metU Al!oOClation allli Ihe ek l>crimen! 1II1I1I)" "_j It', guing 10 be II Ihort Ikm or a ltiff ,."om the "nll1e )"Uu land at Grand Item, If h'. Kolng to be a hiKh yleld~r. II:lLiom 10 be Incrcalrd hdon: tht'," Ilil t·ork. ulltil we Jlut "ou back. 011 lhe and mallY olhcr faclon. IIUI Inlo th~ hands or the farme,., '111t1" pl:lIle is jU11 about a dOl)' alld a hair. Then, In additloll, we alK) ha,"e \'ariou, filual or ekee!' In clualhy thc IIII'H'nl \"arlelie. Ihat ar~ being grown, amI Ihr) While ,.o ~re up in our I'ilrt or the dlsea",. that OlI.O arc living organisms, will he a'·i1i1ahle fur the (anllt'l' 1"'01 cotlnlry, )"ou'll have all opportunity to and they hne (hromoiornci and gcn~s ,"hit lhe "Ills. Many o( them are In [or lusaptibilhy, r«htance, and rea(lloll lean frolll 1I0W, 10 ','arioul dim.tie conditiolll alltl rean ~fllllleapolii or the lurrounding 'crricory, Adequate Aaeap '" 'lIId I Ihln' liut lhey will welcome' )"our whhill tllelll,rl,"ei. IOming in aud going ..dtrough thcir IllillIll. '111ell theK! 1"'"0 Ii"iug organisms-the II ","ill he nry tliflieuh IU &t"t ~n < I'lallI alld Ihe clise:ucs that IUF in it­ ade'lualC a('rc:lge I,!omlt'tl ttl dutulII Illil Produdni a Croll imerlln ""ith each other. Scicnti.u han: )"ear. There it Kellual anrt'CII1CIII dill ~ to cnllLcml with this cnmplcK problem. Ihe iruluury ncedl SU to '5 IIli11ion I ..h )"UII know, ;IIIY raw lII.alulal doc'II't Wc arr tryiog tu rnmuragc diem in lIulhels til take ('are IIf Ilnlllt" .. ic clt·lII ,unll. 1 juu hapJlt'n, Thcll! b :t '"cry Ilerinl,,: ,"arious phar.es-trying In fiml Ihcm Il&b· To "el thh amuunl will ""Iuin' CH illi i rel'lIiomhi" where C'"Ct}"OIH! bcndiu by uratoth.'I, tf)"IUK to find thcm staff nlt'm· from the farlll group" Ihe dlltum lIIillrr)' ,. kllowing whal Ihe olhcr fellow wanll, hen allli mUlley (or 0l~ra ting. Thc)' arc Ihe ma(11tolll manurartureu, allli It) ,udl \\'hal he It doinX. whal the lituiliion II It}"irlK 10 "h"e you what )"ou want, but urganb~ltiClIl' al nlill ami the l'\ullhwfll f· frolll lime 10 time. it h;u In ,,0 Ihrough Ihe hand. o[ the Crnl' IlIIprO,"elllellt AillKlatlull. ; \'011 lIIi1nUfilCluren hne a ddillilc goal bn't:tlen arul Ihe [armen, Notlh DakotOl had leu Ihan minimum ~, • 10 athien'. \'UII h.ne illgrnlients 10 PUI aueage 101.1 )'ear, All acreage in wt • I intel Ihe manufacture 01 macaroni, ami Quality Durum Unlle,1 Statel wal not iuletjllaw r"r ur' )"00 rom coulrol them Itl it Ilt-gree. This year In North Dakota we are It)'· mand. It I. Illy ul,inlnll that aTl)" illlrt'J~ Whell )'ou're dealing with biologic re· IlIg ttl dc\'elull au undeulallding with In aITe"'JI" that ",III COllie [rolll 0111 ;lchil' latlolUhiJll, al )"nu ha,"c In in the JltfMlUt· the 'olks that hold thc purlt' Itringl. Here tlnnal eUllrt, will ("lillie Ilrilllaril~" Irnl~ liUIi or II ,"roJl, )"tlu're dcalill~ with Ih'ing In a Ilate where 85 to 00% of thc lIate'l Nurlh Dakota. If acrcage w." ti'IUlJil'l IIrlr,lIIhmi Ihat an' ,ubject to change: income mrnu (rolll axricuhute, dutum in the tlurum trlauijle where the l a rmt'"~; Ihat are IlIlIueneecl by the ,"arioul fadon Is 1& 111~cial crnll that (he), want til hold, knnw 1)Clt how In JltcI"" ,lmulIl. tlll"te ~IC . DURUM PRODUCTS o[ ""eather ami .oil, 1II0itiurr, temp~ra, :tnd "'"C WAIlL held for the b«t quality WHuld nHt be enuugh III mcet UCl t ,nUH" lure, humldil)', di~aSt's, and illit'et Ilelll, durum that is ohtainable. Aud iO, we 11111111 1I«(h-I.!JOO,ooo acrCl, " ! \'ou jun call't imaginc ho"" many Ca(lon are trying to get addllional ('(Iulpmern, '111r strongell InfluClUe to RCI gtO";:; lilue are Ih3t come into Illay whell .. ddltlonal slaff, ~nd operating e"l~n~1 to plant 1110r~ acreage I. it 25 to I MINNEAPOlIS ~ MINNESOTA ut d~alillB difleren"ill o\"er hard 'pring wh " I }'ou're ",·ith jun CIne mll.-thc Irom Ihe "ate gO\" emm~nl. 1 am !JOing clUtUIIl crOJI. do""n to Wuhingloll to work. with Ihe see no oth~r way or metllnll our rtq\ll~ 11l~ plant is a I""ing OtB3l1ill11. It is Department or Agriculture to x~t addl· lIlent~"ef)'OIft' ItOl' In PUI Ihdr .ho" Wl\" ~nlt'tl by Ihe gt''1" th:at are In the tllln:al fundi. Some of these [undl-.... hal den to Ihe wlletl. . ~", ...... -. t ------"------~~~

1 -- T Ii E ~I.-I C ,\ RON I .I () \l RNA J. March, 19S9 18 THE MACARONI j ".,URNAL • f1I$I yean. ' Montana is not IUKepti. 1;1"'·(' to all of U5 hi e duruII: imlmlry', I'I! "h.. Ii~l· I" Itli }"" 01 IW" .!t'\(·I· l .1 11 t Wt 10 nul ill are the other duntm pro· ,lIul ul.lO in fairuen tu thc (lllI.\lIlIIl·r, ""lIIenu in Nurth l1akul .. : iudn, Males. And, when the durum Ihat durlllll I,mducil ,holll\1 he concetly (I ) " ,111111111 Hru\\· I · I~ 'I\!ollli:llillli ":1\ Mr. MikkeIIQ,ri~ Durum Gr~w'" iaatatC "tagtan! wu on, ....· e Ila,'e to laheled. t IK'l'n fOIlIll'l1. I '3h" "Uu i:.II}, fl' lne~1It &ivt )lonlana crrdit 'nr brlngln!; her Wc ~hHulci he .. hie In wille to "'" !hil "'g:IIIIIOllillll . 11\ ul'jecti\·t' i\ til I"'" "",Ill production up. There were lOUIe 11Il'11t In uur lIIutual hem·lit . I th; .... we RlOle durulII lIul UIII)' ill (lrncluflinn 11111 D"rum' .....,". i.~'.;~ propo.... by 0..,.. MI...... ", I",""""'. (itt aatI undu the legillatlon that wal h:l\'e nUlIe In 0111 IlIItll'ntallllillg IIf .. lit tcllI.\UlIIl'linu. II h ••\ j\l~l hCC Il hnm, it is pad pr.~.", 01 .h. NOIt" Da.ota 'ar... ..,..." put(d then. bUI they aha seeded con­ re5pl'cth'e I'rohl('1111 ami thc l'tollh'm5 '01 \till an inf;IIII . 11111 il 1101\ gu·;al l,uiS i. lidfnble durum on grouml on whirh the illllll~tr,. ,n a whllie in the Im·I·h.lln hililic,\. Ihtlr winler wheal killed. mccling' Ihilt we hall Iflgdll'r, hut it is (~ ) \\'e' hope· Ihi~ ~ C :l' 1III00UAh Iq.;il' '. . la(iuu 10 c\I:c h!i\h :I ~utlh n :c l;.ol:1 Wllt·.1I 1110 hatl Ih:1I \\'e didn't R"I ~"ltIl'll ~lIuner North Dakota Is .0 Important to tJu: rttI Durum Comn lIome fur we Im\'C nul re!ollh"('t\ .. II of nllr tlif· (;'Jllllllh,illll \rith authority til .-nllecl a IIf the durum Indwtry, AI these percentage, indicate. tluruUl fercllns, allli IIdng a hllmlln progrl'uh'c ~1I"i lll ItIllUIUII in thc linl "lie flf cadi Two million, one hundred thllu~nd al ...· a)"1 romel back home, anll Nault IndmlT)', I elun't )I'lIl'lI5e we ncr will. hu\11l'1 uf ehll'IIIII \, oncl h:aTCI whl'at mar· "erel werc han'elled In the len·yen pe' Dakota Is III home: ju.t as one of Ihe kell·c!. TIll' fll,·,I o;. ' ~I uht;linell from the rlod of HHG-1955, and 1.900,000 :l.ctn produce" up there said allorlly bernre Plllnil tlf t\gU'CIIIl'lIt prmlun'U will he IlIt:c! fur I'lUlIlntiollal were han'clted in HHB·I~7, \II·ith rc· I came down, ''11Ii1 Is the fourth lime \\'c h:l\'e fuuml ("ert:lin "rc .. ~ ill whiC'h \I'mk in Ihe 5:11e allIl spenh'e yleldl or 11.6 bushels (Ier :l.m lhat durum hOI' come back home." Wt· arc in ;IKtl·t·mcnt: n. lknKln, and Grllnd For.... ,ompcllt!vc to each other, Durum Is a rcsultl, Ihe: shoule! hc alllc to look 011 lWei )"t'an III IIIl' IlIIln~trhl ,elatium .1.·· In the rult year of 1954, the aCTtJ '~ Iptdalty aOI', ami II p:nticululy adal,led her ,·,,("kage 011111 iCe if Ihat is ponilll}' pOlrlnWIU tlf AUl('rir;1R ; ":;111 (".orF· in cu. II the lIIanulaclUreri an't .ell It. \y(}~l>t:R .:uw lIIany of }'UU can re· Will down. We a~eragcd 1,200,000 bu.helL u br II quality II concerned to the Ilart of hcr ITCmbk: (fi) Ihat qu .. lh; Xl'W ' ·ml;. Cit)'. lie 1K'f(:cn wilh IUII·I· then we'Ulnon (Iult railing and grinding. fall the lim: thnughu or ntrmorlu Thc yield per acre wal 5'A bu.heh­ trianglc. Stating It :II simply as IlurulII )lTCldnrtinn i. limited by area :lIId n:lthlllal III Milllll'aIMlIi\ .,;'1 HUr, in ,!ll' I Thcre will he a \'It)'ing time lag. 01 which WallL't very profitable. The 10111 cach farmer dccldes whelher he II II :t lIIutC hal.:mluus crop Ihan hatd " '11 pl'u,lIlInellll·l'artlllt·nl. It. l!H7, I,,: 11\0\1'11 [IIum. bUI II will he horrm1t't1 time ror j~:~11 ~;Il~al!;~~~~~:;r;li~gn. n;a~:~to~~ production of North Dakota droPIK'lI tD to ICed hnd red Ipring or durum lptlng: (7) alul thai durulII (:!tmen C:III' In Ihc CClIIIP:III)'\ 5)" teml ' :leJl:~rt~ lIelll :11111 • kllce hi~h ,III U' grauhtll'lK:f and my .. II uf UI. '1.200,000 bUlheli. which Ihows Ihal wt fonnula: expected yield x market lint turn till' spignt nn :11111 nlf III :" a Y"ar lau'r \\';11 lII:rclc nmnaAer uf 11c.­ I think 1 (~III slllte "dtlulUt leat of f;Hhcr wa\"ljiu11Ill)lccliIlK the crop" He IIf Ihe durum wal produCl't1 In Ihr gain. ttl c;l(h }'e"r m:duwin :I h;ll:lure belw('en mill rUII (It'p:ltllII('1II :11 Minlll·"llOlil. In )11I1I1il1:f ,II a nl:lghlJor', field, looked at (-on".. di"loli Ih .. t l'Pch flnc of our Ihree triangle. A good year In 192B .hu... · td MIPI'I), :lIId demand: (I') Ihat It Is (orlu· 19.1!l, hc w.n prnlllulecl :It a.>Si~tanl I" M:gnlenu II In there with one objccth'e uc it, Cloillllllrll,li it, ami he aahl, ''Thl. I. an acreage of 5,000,000 and a prod . Planting Dedllonl nalC fllr all tulU"crn('d th:lt Scnale llill Ihe l'ln' I'n' ~lele ' nl In ch:ugc' uf ,lIll's ill In mind, and thai II 10 Rathcr a profit. lion of 75,000,000 bu.heh. In l~jj7 I"~ 5:!(in ((I\'erlllg thc laheling flf durtlm ,lI1ar:mml . It looks like it', doing 111ue :are m:any factors, of COlltse, ~I hlne:lpnlh. uc ;.11 rillill t think I'll raise IOniC next t don'l believe th2t any tine 01 UI will h:ld an acreage of 1.500,000 and a I,rod . thai tnter in as he makes his declslon­ pmelllni dhl 11111 hl'wme enOl( led In In ~Ir. \'lIn Ulun lIIm'cll to Nn{ '1'1111;. lear," be comlilelc1), IOlIilfil'ti with the profil don of 26,600,000 bUlheh :l.nd 3\' m~ the Uta that he Is in, thc comlitillll of law: <~) Ihat Iherc i5 a goud oppnrlllllity in 195:I:n clh'hlnn 1II:lIIager of Ihe e"~lern Well. L ~ taW "111M! 10llg hea\1' lIelllS, we make: and I think this il al II almuld )'ield wal al)nul 1B builieb. hi, land, the "arielles a":a ll:tblc, tlte In Illcrea~ per capita comulllptiClu 01 ,:Ill's Ilh·lsiUlI . 1~1iI1 lear hc rl'tUfnl'tl III mill ri",ht'lhclI ;lIul there I knew ""here be. Wc w1l1 alwa)'1o be comlM:tin, for a lieill reeonl, and fClittance III dhc:asc, M'llIolina prCKlncli al hOllle and ;abroad, Milllll'''lllIlh OI l gencr,,1 I:llcs Il.-I1".:er IIr share of Ihe dunlln lntiullty dollar. that m,'t·.... olll that mother (ooknl arne Unwual Vicldl hm'C\ting equipmenl. Ihe !,rlce ou1lnok. :lIIel Ihal (omparel \\'lIh bread wheat h"kt.t). :\IIel dmuIII Ilrmlucll [01 ·cm:,· No ....·• I don't know what percentage of rwm. I,1 I Ind many othen. E;,,1t fanncr will which M'cms ttl 1M: a flcr capita Ihrlnk· Ilumli. '.' th:u dollar riRhlluU,. bclollKI to each of During thll 1)311 year. with IInl)' soo.. prnb~hly gh'e cadi factor :I. little more hi" Ilrul~lISitjon: mltl (10) th .. t :1.11 leg· S,ltaJu (or GroWtrl Ul. but I do know that there is a noo aera (,I:l.llIcd, ..... e h:ad a JlhellulllcnuI Weight than Ihe olhcr one. ,\ml thcre IIIl'UU 0' Ihe incluun' ~ltoulcl cuntrihllte R.. taurant Field I think my wonh will ul)Je" the Ilcxible. \'a'yill, l)Crcellta~ di¥idon that we don', eXIJCCt 10 set agliin lor a 10111 lit lou of ml"akel Ihal lIIany of II. hn'c III Ihe promotinn nl ' ,he pmtluct. (c:,,,,,illUf.' Imlll !mgt 14) \'Iew. or all durulU growers in North ...., ilI brim} maximum ~lUrnl to the In· IIme-:m acre )'Ield of 2~ bu.hell. \l"t mad t-l said It couldn't ruu 1\0\'0 )'e2" U dumy. I don'l knnw how )'01", lIIi11e" Labeling Rt"lluell .1. Aucl finaIlY- l'lt';ue giw III ptnlll ' I, ' Ihkota al regarding blxling: howen-t, dOIl't ),el hne Ihe l)Ctcelllagc "I ",h.. 1 in "lnCl,ion. much leIS tlUt'C-hut I olficlally I can .peak {or jl.ul thOM! who ami prncrcenlage of production by ,,:aIel. Cal.i' this I, Ihc picture al North Dakola bntt· produc" made 01 all dunnu ancl semoil,,:! l:trlt I\umber uf Ihc IICW food it!e .. ~ in· We're 1101 pardculatly liU'ge. We Jane c Comllelhion Rcqnlud lamia h not Induded here :ahhuugh II tn &te it. We will (ontlnue to r.rhe carty the lallt"! '1fI0~ "'mnlina or elmunt' troduce(1 each yc:" to Ametican hUIIII" 1'.000 meml.Jcn. We are organized in ' I I ' doel ...... w durum. in ,,·mlt.A 1111~ is durum 10 lupply the m:arket whit the :lIId that IIUISt! with aehnixturl' ~ or farina makcu tlfe II\OU' lit ku "IWiPl'II" (rum 52 of Ihe 55 counties in Ihe Itate, and II e .. ioU la\'C In recognize: thai the ft· - t.ORlUlUcr Jlla ~ el a nlue ron her dollar, 100% for the ltates of Norlll IhLnU. q~.ntity Ihal It neall. AI ptesellt, \'arl· he labelell 'blcml' or '1IIemlcel:" We Ihe rell:ll1r3UI iuchnlty. ,\ 101 IIf fouel e\"C~ry (ounly or e~ery member hal had ~ , We dlou\ll ,,1 \0'1 fC(IIKllilc a. an imlu.try South Dakota, MlnncKlta, ami MnnlJnl. ;uk it fflr thc l'wtcCliclU :lIId n(h'allce- al. ol)purlunity to. or has I,utidlliued In til" 01 hard red spring will outyleltl ciliton ami \Hitt'" ~el Iheir hleas frunl \ ., Ihat Ihert. lIrt' lOlIll)Cthh'e food., and Front the yean 1950 to 195B Ihe prj. durum. From the (lhyllC:lI lIa(l(lpolnt, 1lIl'1II or the duntm hulustr), ;IIU\ that ". ~ting kitdll'm :1IIe1 fnoel ptomulion the ~~quelt which the durum people whh \o\.c han I" 1IIet.'l that cnmprthlon cclll 01 durum production in l\lJlrb durum is die hanlClt aop 10 handle­ thc COllllllUcr lIIay kno\\', if she carel to ;ll{cnciu su("h :11 Ihe N:lllullal MacOlrolli to ma~e 10 )'ou regarding labeling. ~o t fillli 0111, just wlmt shc is buying. It II our I",dlule, but tlU'!It' pl:lCCS gel their icl,·,,\, We lldnk of the durttlll indultry as prlce.wlll! 21:d 'Iualit)'.wbe If we ...... nt Dakola run. In a high ol·:lboul K3$6~ : lbert il more Ilraw, It is more difficult undenl,Ulding that thil can be accepled mallY thm·." frum Ihc Ingenuity uf Ihc beillg divldal huo Ihree Kgmenll-thc to grow 1,1 I.ur Inaxlmunt sllC and there- dil'l down In the rUlt yea" In aUou1 '? thttlll without ctacklng, more SUlCCp' by make our maximum profill. If any. 52·53"; and In 195B, 86% of duf\llll IIble to diKalC and weather dam3gc' IlrnmR" an adminbtralh'e rnlinK of Ihe rcsl,lUrant ('Ullk or operator cI{'\"t'IHl'l ranner, III ~ miller, alld Ihc manubclurer. Ih~' I'ure }-'U()(I OtUK Dcpartlllt'ni. wllllethinK IIl'W 10 plca!lt' his spcd.. 1 11leK Kgmenll arc all pari of the whole. fllle of Ul disregards h, it', glling tl.> cantc from North Dakota, lhertfore, we expeci a market dlf(ercnti3i O\~III That Is a "l'T)' onr·s!mplHictl "ale­ Each has a (unctioll 10 IJerfonn, and each boun(e back at UI. . Minnc,olll hu followal lin el'cn pli' : ( ~ lbpcnlalt. We rt'cognir.e, too, that typc of clientelc. Hut Iltl' 'int joh 10 cx!,:!nd thl' marLet is essential: ami whether we like iI or We. all'roduct", 'rankl)' do nOI know ,ern of '" through 1958 \o\,lth \d! bocrc il a law of supply and demand­ ment. but it can be accepted tlml Wily IlfO\'idlug the lIIanu(a("luren ;lUd uther [or lII :\u,rtlui II tu make sure Ihlll "[cu· lIot, \o\'e a·e dependellt UIKnI one ,UI· the 1II1111llg and ma nuracturing bUline" little nuctualion. South Dakut:a P"" In th I~ lltoouction and In manufactur· , ( . nomil... 1 Guurmet Elltrt'l"~" findl iu \\',,)' other. Whalenr one iCJ;lIIelU doci :1.1· or the problctru which you 'lI(e. and I duct'd 7" of the durum, a litlle ~ Interesled iCgmellU ate in aKrefmenl. It illio IlIl' h;ulCll u( e,'eT)' rc.laurant IIpera. \, I«tl In one way or :l.lIolher Ihe industry ..... onder how much )·ou know about our nuctuallml Wal had, p:al tlcularly in r/It We do not know ),our bUllneu and ....· e doesn't require any new legislation. and (CIt. nery 'eMMI production IUltCn'isor al a whole. We \o\'i!I rhe logether and end til Ihe durum bulincil. earl)' '50'1, which "cadlal down In dt retl we have a rilht to tell you all It:l.lldanls ....· ould thcn bc allnllnistcrcd on a qualit), halil ralher Ihan on an in e,·cry 'Iuanlity r'lOIl sen'lcc tslablhh· we will rail IOgetJlu. U the (anne" I ....· outd like to Ult lOme figum 10 later ),e3" with a IUght rhe In 19~1 . ,, 'r~ . w .., or mu.t not do. We do IIICllt In ,\lIIl·rlca. don'l raiK Ihe durum, tJu: millen can't sho~' ),ou why durum il ,udl an Import. In Montana about :1" was Ilrod~ bta.UIC of It, Impor. Ingrcdlent balis. ant &:roll III Nonh Dakota: and a.bo, whY in 1958 but more was produced duri'C Krind and the m2ilidacture" can', I'roc· ...... ~w.. ~ , ~ Of! ,.-, ... .. , -- 20 THE MACARONI JOURNAL March, 1959 TUE ~IACAROXI JOIJRX .II. 21 OEMACO .t SPREADERS . , • DEMACO SHORT CUT PRESSES In automatic and Dryers SHEET FORMERS DEMACO .. LONG GOODS DRYERS DEMACO SHORT CUT DRYERS DEMACQ NOODLE DRYERS ~ /0- •• ': ~'oi- •• ",~.: '• • for you getting- DEMACO PRELIMINARY DRYERS ) ; DEMACO CONVEYORS , " , DEMACO NOODLE CUTTERS DEMACO THIS? THIS? THIS? DIE CLEANERS Short Cui Dryerl wllh NO hId· Fully AuIOINUc: MECHANICAL A Sheet Former thlt produc .. den edrn. Included .re Ile.m SPREADER WITH NO TIMER, • uniform theet wllh a true cpll" eleclrlcal controls, .Iuml· NO BRAKE MOTORS, NO "}' aolclen color and tranllucency. num Iide b.ffles 'or each screen, LIMIT SWITCHES. A poslUv. A T.'lon dIe thlt will extrude • INln .... rl·drl ... e, du.1 .Ir ch.m· vacuum Iyltem oyer the .entlr. lhe,t of uniform IhlckneIJ. Ole ber dulln wllh maximum effl· ml.er. A ,Inll, ml • • r with deilin with slmpl. eny T,flon clency .nd uniform dryln. cornl.nt politi ..... 'eed Inlo the replleement. IerOiI "reen. Perfect snort cut scrlW cylinder produc:lnl a per. drylnl In .3 wetlons, a 32'· 0" 'ect e.truslon Pllf,rn. Preliminary, • '10'· 0" 2nd St'I' .nd • '10'· 0" Finish SI'le MACHINE up to 1500 Ibl. 0' elbow. 45·46 MnaOPOLITAN AVINUI . I.OOKLYN n, N. Y • .. ', IV".,"n 6.9110 -r-. _"'f~__ .'<"'1 _____ ...... __ ._~,.. ~ ..

THE MACARONI JOURNAL March, 1959 TI'''' ~LlCARON' JOURNAL . General Mills creates -" -What I. It Manager? ;new Chipped Beef How Doe. ,. Manager' Manage? Casserole recipe ~ '" . Ad mat on the right promotes your ,.,•• Iden' Horace fl. 0101. , ..... 011 .....11.11' ..111011. at the WI_,M_I... macaroni for such a savory dish

IlTlY CROCKER of General Mills h.. T.. ..,QUIS A.!ALLEN. ill the Ie)!;' "Dc\'cl· there waSO'l enollgh of It to meel Ih l' ill, autcd and consumer-tented this ntw J.J!: ~ring :,.~... ec~ ,li\:~ ~_Sk.ilh," L1i1Icrentl· ct~ascd d~mand for macaroni lllfKlum, IItel tM:frccn ' a" J~'tdcr ' .1II1 a 111311ill;cr by 111~rr mult b~ (on(ert~d Indumy d(utl , macaroni recipe. But that'. not aU! .al·~ lg ' h::uler ii, an cKphl In human (lut forlh 10 artC!St the downwarcl IIcml Gl!neral MillI' advertisins aseney hu rc atlons while a IRli1lilgcr lIIusl secure of farm acrcage, 10 that th~ IlIIhulT)' Ila, created '8 newapaper adveriiaoment It'mh. through people. ad~quat~ .upplies Ihl. )'~ar alltl ill Ihe from thla recipe to help you lain can­ lie dCKrihcH\ rn'c hlll(I\OII1 Ihon a future. .umer acceptance for your product.. 1II1111illll'r mlUI JK.·rlnnn in the act 01 Our director ' of felCardl, Jamn J, managing:. 'fher ;lTe: JI) J·lannlng-look. Winlloll, I,artlcll'ated In a fact-filltling CAPITALIZE on women'a never-ending iug ahl'all, ~ltillK ~oah alltl largels. (2) I"Unference of tll~ 11I1IItUIe of Aml'ri ca u detire to eerYe new, different, excit­ OrganllOllilin-JI:n'iIlK dccldctl what he I'ouht)' Indlllltle:. h~ld In Kan..al r.il}" Ing recipeal You pay only 6~ for wanu done alltl what he will nced 10 ta,1 F~bruary. A new egg color Kort' each mat-a real barlBin when you ,III II" he loob 10 th~rKanballnn he hal melhod wal Dl'provet.l at Ihat met'lin!: conaider the recipe preparation time, jl\'ailablc lor the !:uk.. (S) Coordln:lllon­ whirh will h~)1' th~ noodl~ J>rortssor in rhotoP'llpher'. charp, artwork lind . he times, unifk" :U\4lirllrgT3tU the ~· orlr. . lIlore a ccurat~l)' ~"prc:uiog 'color III tcrJll\ plate. required to produce them . . ~ (·1) Moth':ulon (aJthll should be the fll actual colnr 1,18111ent prtiCnt and in 0[" good only In U, S, A, IIIml Important t(actor to mmt of u,)­ making (oml'arilOtII bc:twc:c:n tlt~ culor nl he encourag~1 and ImlICIs hh pcopl~ to Moue. 'P. CIOIA ~'nlb IlurchalCd and the color of Ihr IIAIS AU fLEXtBLE-If you wish, produce at hlghliat producth-ity. (5) Con· filll.h«l noocll~ I,ruduct, you can add, delete. or rearranp ele. ,I nul-he: :nloJlII ~ym:malic mealll of r~ · Lan lear·.- thelDt'; "Yuuth Be: WIJI 'Jim h:u mllintainttl Close cootact with menta within the ad to make an ,-lewlng opc:r.lIlon. to detellnln~ wh~ther S~n' ed," aid~d b)' Ihe In"ltutc'lllnllcilla' (eMMI and drug officials as wcll as tht' entirely now or different ,Ite ad. lion in Ih~ .·ood Edlton Confer~ncc, the raulu h~tcxJX'ct. an: bc:lllg accom· ' technidalll at the Quarlrnna'lt'r C.orp.. Combine element. from other ad plhhrel. ' -I came In a climax durillg Natlonal '!\faca". MiliUlry l'urdlalC. by th~ Chlcagu ~lal ' mata to make multl.product ada. toni Wt'Ck. More llnCl Cal')' In maga· a. keting Ctntn In HI58 totaled IIlflTC th ~ 1I Your newapaper repreaentatlvo will linCl,II~w.pal)cfI, I)'udiratt·" lupplements ., . :An.IDIY I I VI lIlilliun IMlund. of produci. At a reo glndly help. and placellll'nu 011 radio and television ,. ' ,,...... iL. , ( ~ , , ' , reUl lIleeting In WIl.hhlglOlI call1'tl 1'1 er l"pI ' n l, CI~ lIIg l'OU 01 ItiC rellOrt al'Jlearttl Ihan e\'er ' IJl:furc and w~r~ an SI'ITf'IU'1' Fleming ami t'DA Conllnil' Ask JOII' Glftllil MUll .llllmln lor ul lI(llvlilc., of,' Ihe Natiollal MOicoaronl hUI)(lrt:tnt (;ct'lor In Ihe .ub,tantial in· .itlll~r Larrick, Mr, Winston IIl1elllll-li III ~1;111 MQci tiJ"Cn ~AufKlatioll for 1958 we: cn:iue in I:llel :u1I1 pttMluctlon Iltal lhe otbllmllllrom thl. or prlcldl"I.lrl .. I. rt'IJrt"~lIt Ihe ntacamnl Indultr)·. , ("an draw :1I11,.lIalog), bc:tw~~n good man· illllu,lt)' enjn)"nl hut )· ~ar. I ;Igelllent -and orgalliletl imlultl")' aeth'it}', III our clurum rdation., W~ mel with;t r------7 ------, delegatlun u( durullt gro~' efl alollg ~-Ith Tnde Rt.deI New "Chipped Beef Casserole" Ileacling our liI,l of ubjCCll\'e. i. lh~ I DURUM SALES. CENERAL MILLS I ,Ie"e!ullmellt of a g r e: ate r lIIarket (or ciutulll IIIl11en and lIIa(:lrolll proccuon Perfect for family and friends • • • Th~ federal Trade Cnnlmiuioll ,[Ullt,) I 9200 w.".t. Boulevard macaronl ' lUlil noodlc l'roducu, 'nlc J"C. ill Mhllltal'ClIIi In Ih~ ."rillil' AMain in I Minnupolis 26, MlnntsOtl with I IlOrted 1958 Jnneau: of a healthy 111'/0 lh~ falt, when a Clllltingt'nt ..' al tabn by tiff Ihe old Trade Pracllce Rulcs (UI tht I Is edclelltt of ad,'allrellleol in dli. reg-,ud. Don Flelch~r of Ih~ Ru.1 I' r e \' ~ n t ion lIlacamnl Industry thai wne ado p I r d I P1eue .nd (quantity) ad We 1110.1 "rlv~ to contillo~ thl' tlll~ o( Auoclallon Ihrough Ihe durum IcrriIO'1', illlI1e tw~nly y~an ago and held IHlbl ic I mit. leaturin, CltlpJW(i BNI CUH' YOUR BRAND MACARONI I~ "Chipped Beef Casserole" is quick. , "tog«"'. ~' e lIIt't with Ih~ North »akola Fann hcaring. in Washlnglon in June fut ntV ! rol,.lbavlencloeed6Qttoruchmul, , Th~n ..' ~ mUlt ~- ork coollCralh'~I)' to Uureau r~I,rciCl1Iall\"t" at Ik"jl. l..ake, tc\·ldOlll. Th~ mcellng W:U anemlill t.1 delicious. , . and 80 easy! Try it. North Dakula, mcmbc:n or the Trad~ I'racticc Ruin I lC:e that the illdu,try hal an adc'luate I " .upply of quality raw materlab, Our C:ummiut"C. N~w ruin w~r~ J1romul~;lINI I "~Il. ______Du.rum R('btiofU ,\ugU'I I, 1958, mcmorl" arc stili (resh with th~ thoug"" CHIPPED uP-In' CASSEnOLE We contillue tu IUlillOrt dl~ wurk or th~ or l",uffici~lIt 'Iuality raw lIIat~rlah a few Your Cnmmittc.'e on Nutrition a'lIllht 1 Uft COIIftRIId e.flll.t ycan ago, ami morc reccntly our cxlICr· Nurth~- nt Crop Imllro"em~nt AhOCla· Nalional Mat'aroni In.litulr ConCIIlilltC Iii "'m ______IltUKlMlII'IilP " tiUII in hi contact. with growen. pulici· I cup ,"ii_ ientt with poor 'iualit)' ra~' malerials In h:t\- ~ Men most active: during the ~" I np "ocnlld Alilficu Child., the form of .prout damagnl wheat only pation III Ihe: Norlh Dakota Slat~ Durum rear• •",d~~rtlscll1cnts w~re sel ul' Idlinl ClItnt, cut huc, (Ibout It 1tI.1 last ycar, Show, and program 10 Iml'ro\'e durum Ihe macaroni nUlrltlonal .Iory In IKllttr '"',"'------J lbl', htlr ch~pld onloft I hlld·boUtcI fUl, theed wh~at, 80th the Auociatioll ami the Institute rflrm ror IChoolroom usc In dl~ rurr~nl Mil: HUP Iu cniAmy culUIl.luncy. Add milk, dw\.'I4l, "h~ Run I're"cntiun Auociatlon hal of "What's In Home onion, uncooked mll.cufonl And drkod Ix.'t.'t. Fuld In I,rovlde th~ lIl~mbenhip whh information i~u~ N~w Eto­ made ilUIMllla1l1 cunulblitioUl In galninK ll ~" 5'.'. , err', Turn 11110 bulterlld tH lit, bikinI dl.h, Storo nOloles:' and for th~ medical I'wfe"io l covured In rotrl,. It. leGit 3·-4 hUUII, fir QVllrnl,hl. for hll~lIIgent maoag~m~lIt: alld we are .tatr and federal fundi for Illaut bl~ttlillK in a series or ads diU will run nt',,1 tI·rtk lIell avon to 350· (modurAlo.1 n.ku 1 hour, un. hal'PY 10 know Ih:tl 1II0r~ or UI arc ullng and durum relCarch, Thclr ",'Inl~r in· ------~ coverod. Aboul -4 ·0 acrvln ••• Ihb acrvlct. alld through February In the JouT~al of cr~:t1C Ilmgram not only rul the lim~ in Ihe t\m~rican M e d 1 ,a I t\un(l3llon, Your 80ard of Dir~clon leU I>OUey al d~"~lol'llIg nut Jt'li.lant "a ric tic I uf Copiel of thc::sc ads arc: 'available: for your Iu lemi-annual m,eelingl. \'our ufUctn durulD Ihat I'roduccd 10 well 10111 )'car, dimlbutlon rro~ the Inultute olliCt', and e"ecuth'e • ~ C rei a r)' ICe thru Ihh but hal enroutllRttI bclt~r rool~ration \'our Sea~llry'. office: has k~pl )'uu all­ IIOJiey is carried out, b~twt'Cn the Unltet.l Slalc', Canada and prisc:d or these d~\'elopmenu 011 tI' ~1I at In our product promollonal work W~ Mulco In Knln fCsearch. While the 15·B hav~ the fine .crvlces and organlutlon or rull lICar~ II o,,~r, the: 're.carch fOllered olher Induury n~w. through hil tlTell! hull~tinl and through the MacaronI ·I1tmdo~ Ro. Sills &: Company. His aew hy the RUII I're\'cnllon Auoclatlon I, In. Jnurna). nob Cr«n h .. also bwl \'(If of home econombu d~"~lol)l recipe. for .urolnre against a similar C'oIta&lrolllte oc. SALES bu.), holding regional mfCllnplll n,joUl dally dlltrlbutlon, ~' hite new ••pcclalilu currlnIC again. patti of Ihe munlry. FUllh~r, h~ hat "UI tend out timely loronnalion 011 the In· La,t )'~ar'. aop was the be.t In man)' 'l.!O' •••, •• ,.,,,. ,. ae, Mlnn ••ota ~hutry to alt mcdill, "~afl rrum th~ IIIndpulnt of 'Iualit)', hUI (Coluinutd 011 /I',t S8) ~ . -._':',lIiI"-- ..... _ 'e

2'1 THE MACARONI JOURNAL March, 1959 THt--.: MACARONI JOURN .. \L this is the second Sound Orgcinization:Managemeftt Keystone by 'homo••• c_. a_ ,_. ., ,...WI__ I,..

umh:ntantl. tI.~ job that h~ hu and numerous and complex to be hamllnt I~t C\'eryon~ Ittl that U they can't get elltc:lh't'ly by a .Ingle Individual? an anlw~r fro:n the luperlntendent, the 4. Huc responslbilitle. been Ilm~rl) plant manager, the production manager, claulfied when lhey arc pouped limit. long goods automatic line Ihe .al~. manlit'tr, they can come to :an Individual' , \'our ollicc 10 111111, to m.nag~ment any .5. Are the tClI)On,lbllltlet aulgued to t.:"; , ."" ilmt' they leel !,hat they have IOmething eadl individual dearly defined in ""riuto Important to 1;.1" .bout. You'll ~nd lll!' form Ind Ihomushty undentoOlU supplied to Catelli FOOD PRODUCTS LTD. pOi)" dMdcmb a lot 01 dmes, . 6. Doct elch executive have' :authority ,. Chtc:kU .. ror DI.... oIIni Orpnhadon commemurate with hi. rc,poRlibillty? MONTREAL CANADA P'lobltml 7. nIlS a.uthorhy been deleglted tu the I, Ha. a slx'tlfie prO\'bJoll been made greatClt extent Jluulble, con,luent ,.dtll ror the ,upen'blon of all cuential ae­ ne~uary control, 10 Ihat monlloation tMtlc~11 and d«hlon. can take place al dn~ al 2. Ha.\'c a.ny runction. ~n aulgned Voilible 10 thc IlOlnt of action) to morc than one unit in the organw.. 8. 1>0 necuth'el hne: more subordi, THOMAS A. CUNIO don? nata reponing to them than they 00 ,,v, 3. nnc thc respon.lbllhln, of any lupervbe and roordinate ellecth'elyl • •• member (II the organillIIdon becomc too (Co"'inlml Orl "."e 48) OUIIII 1I, ,,anl;"Iioli r,m ~Iong 10 any .1> S nrganbatlon: 1,1 am be a I,artnenhip. it alii br a corporation, It can be • ORGANIZATION CHART FOR A TYPICAL MACARONI OPERATION (amily groll,', nr~any other kind nf oper­ Adt'a"tbial alion, '111e main thing 11 that )1)U, .till ! Promotion , j have 10 han ~rn~body at the top-be It OJ I'rt',hlcnl,. cJ:!llrman or , th~ boud, OJ ,I bttJllu:r,~ It IC!nlot: membcr OIl the rom· I I'all)' ~ or ~!! f~~l~!flther~lOmCbodY has , til makc tI ~ 6 I. decislonl and thor.e , , Di\'bj~~ ~ I IIcel,lolI' alief, i 'InK made, naturally Sah,'I MKr. ha\'c 111 gil down:: '.. -.~ " \'uu '1111 don', ll:atl at the bottom 011111 Sol" District Saici Mg,. I',I gu Ul'-),"U 51art at the top and go down, Gcneral Sales Mgr. The cxcuuh'c \'Itt pn:tid~nt, pred, I'retldenl Territorial I delli, ad,'ertlling and promotion mam'· Salesmen Rcr, gencral glel manager, adminillrator, --- productloll mana.ger. )lurdla,inK 1gent. I • unci traRic OIi1na~t bne to be ,,'ell It murdina. lt-ti lit aU time• • Th~y aU thnultl' f.ucutl"e I knllw what is taklllR place ill the orglnl· Vlfe-llrc.'Ildclll AdmlnlNrad"e Office: MRr. uclon. Thc ach'enillng department has Ilooklctl,lng Ikp." to know ,,'hal the talts depanment II CUlltroller I IlIllng I)cl'" '/ doing, and the tales department hill to Auditor know wha.t th~ a.d\'Cniling dtpartment Payroll Depl, j' is doing: alld tJl~ production d~partmclII Ihould be familiar with both or lhem, I The Jlmductlon department may not I'rotluctllll1 . ',111'111:111 know a thing about a special promotion )'ou are going to put on. You might .ell Producdon I'lant Supt. I 'a,kaglng . 'OTl'lIl:1I1 ·mo.t Important long good. plants Completely tronsparent wall, IAvAil Automatic return of sticks in closed elr· 1,000,000 ''a.cl and then find out the I'roductlon Mgt. .Maintcnancc Url'" tlcllaUmCI1l II onl)' Itt II" 10 producc I.cated throughold the world cult• 50,000. SanltOltioll Ocp" Synchronized sticks unlcoder with cut· . .. ' AlASCAL TOLUCA MIX"O ting machine . Ulld~rlland Your Job JOHANNESIURC lOUT" ... UNITED MACARONI ,e. Output over 900 Ibs. per hour. !. RCRanlle.'u of wl;o ),ou [oOIlticr luur LA MILANOA 'oO " ... MARACAIBO YINUUlLA • tOJl m:lIlagl'mt'nt IIr who )'our tOil ex. Purcha.. -' lUCK MENCEN GI.",ANY ccuth'ci a.re, it is- "ety important thai ---- l'urch:ulng Clln GIIMAHY ~,' cr)'IKKI)' ullclcnta.nch hil job. illc morc Asen ~ , CIESSEN the), kuo"" wha.I', going on In )'our .. - 'NIECMANN MEYER HOYA We.. , GIlMANY I,lallt, thc bener fe.ulll )'ou'r~ goillS tu - ZIJOPlOMIT SENTA YUGOSLAVIA get, [,'en-body, Ihould be ramiliar with '.A.F. MARSEILLE fl,ANCI c\"er/thiIlR that II goinS 011 in yuur " 1' LA FLOR DEL DIA IARCELONA SPAIN orsanltatiull. TnIic Shipping DoH. Ingg. NleO &. MAllO Supt. AntON ADDIS AIEIA mo,o'" Try 10 kttp your peoplc informed 4. OffICIN. "'le.AUIUTI Traffic Mgt. THUSALONIKI .11... MACCHI"I • 'MPIANTI 'I' '~TlnCI lII_~~h. al 1)lllIible and, Itt that e\'cryOOdy , WarthoUIC SUI'l. CALLIERA VENfTA - PADOVA. ITALY ------~~~~ .~. --~ It


26 TilE :,\1 A C ,\ It 0 ~ I J 0 URN A L lIard,. 1959 THE ~IAC.\1l0i'> 1 .IOU Il;>; AI. :!i

illg diem 10 feci Ihe weight III h­ II;lfT clcpartlllent is ~uigllell Ihc re· Ihe la(ll' 1t'llIldill);, 1111' IImlt-n'IIH' AIIIIII' .1.lId doing 10 without nbditating IIJOIUihilil)' (ur iCcing thou thcll' illllllt'Clitcl)' t'lIl1 'n 'll il\ln :1 (ull di\I'II .. ~i"lI The Problem of COmpany Climate our own o\'cr·all ,el(loluiblllly, principici ilUtI Iklliclc\ arc ulIIl,'r· III IILI' ,,111111, il\ illll'lil atium, alld it. 5. Dt:\'doping anti stretching the fa· ~I'KKI thtflu~hllut hi\ IlrWl1lil"tillll :1111,lic·"liulI, Ity L" Me,,,, 0 ....,.' Mill., 'ftC., .. the Wlnte, ....,,,. p:lcilin of subordinatcs II)' ;lMigning :11111 m;tcle all :Icth'e 1,..,1 III 11 ; lil~ Tht Ihl ' lIIl~ In, IIIl' liut )1';1(" fUlllo '!', .htlll all Ihe work Ihcy Cilll tin: by nl'Ct:lti'III~ , l'IIf'I'\ If:" " 1'111' :\I"II ; IHl' r·~lall N.1'1;lliulI I.' d Ih t~ l'/J/01;",";1111 nUllc race to lace with th: all·lmportant the philotOJihy uf management we ht, structiye; by I,eriodically rc\'lcwlllg In IIIcall 1II11('h mutc til Iheir mllhlln Ihall n( thc!tl.' l,rilldl'lt,s Ihrull,;h .11\ ;1I1 ;IPI :llillll dh:1"1 ur diJn;lIc, lIy.lhe right "climate" dc\'elopmcnt ils VI'('II al lor salnins ac· linc in alld ('ncourage In General Milh, Ihelr I)('rlomlanrc alld I,wgn:u with Ihc)' cln to their lludkllcn, the teal illl' III Ih(' MH:clktl "iudell'lli (ltlllI,,\"-\\'hilll ~li1I\ ii, "mOln3Kl'mcllt climate," wr 01 (Ourlot' ,cptancr amonlf his lubonllnOltcs of any Wr (allet.! Ihls "Thc Gemra! Milh \\';11\' Ihtlll, lettillg Ihelll know Wh3t is Imu IIf "The C:clIC'r;11 \\':1)'" I,wh, i., 1'( ('IUlr!tl.', a (utili til lilt, I",,",' IIwlIIIIl1, lUcan that W3Y of duinK busineil which I,tugum or IU'CKet.!ure. Hil attitudel and of Mallast'mellt alltl Manpuwcr Uuil4i, beinK dOlle l\'('11 alld Wh3t I. nut abl), callie through a l'IIlIIhiliatinn. onr a }-:'"II incidtlli. wilh its "'lllIliuII, ".:1\ Iii" IWo·)','ar l,eriIMI. o( 1111,' IIIl'tlia tlt'W'ribt'll t'lIIpllfUiul Ihe dc\'elopment and growLh ,kilb arc all,hl1lJOrtanl. Ing." being done well. alld dllttJuing ho",' IlIm'cl In the IiAIiI III ullr I,ltilll""ph~ HI fll men al all h'\'Cls lhrough delegalion. 1111. reaMmlng lrad. us 10 tJle qut'ltion While Ihis whule "llelllconl of (olIIel'l ;mpro\'Cll1ent tan bc matle; by ell' :11111 a (olIIllall),·,,'lIle ttlllft'rellfe ptoAralll m;UI:IJ;('IIIl'1I1 :11\11 lIIali 'IMI\\'('r IlIIilllill).:, training. co;arhingl) and CIInnnunitatlon, IIf how bul 10 Ipt.'cd ul' the process of and policy wa, an attempt In be specific couraging dhrmsion II( their alms :lIIalylilig alUl iIImltatin,; IKllicies wllith ThUI wc lurtht'r l:llIpha~ill ' ll lIur I:! it Slrcnes, Thc WllrCU,lItC ptllAum he· ..:alenlial though adequale lools and lech­ ItlellllfylnK alUl de\'c1opillg manOlgen. U ;alld ,IU a\'oid l,lathudC'l, I)mhahly Iltt OInd plans alld. if thcl(' arc reaU,tic. main 1'"1111', uliluCS JIIay be. not 10 'pe,d. of elkcth'e (';III1C signiliralll in part het'alUc IIf ill ' l\'C proceed frum the I,rillclple 11131. for most imllOrtalll pOln was die listing III helping them to prep(IT1! thelm,'h'C5; III Ihh u'Cllud )'l"lr. nllt panidp:lllh feHuiullelit and K'iectlon, KIIIIl', whith was comilll'r.. hl), 11I'1I;IIII'r Ihe mo.1 I,ntl, managen mUll be de· 12 majot areal of m:lllagcrial effcctihnt"I, 311d by prm'ldinK 01'IXlrtunhy 10 illlreaM'11 lrum I.:!ml III 1.:\!'ln, :11111 Hllr Tin: GREATEST INFI.UENCE III euh of whlrh rath manager Is rl', Ih:1II all)'lhin); C\'l'r Ilnllc PH'I'illml}, ill \'clupcd ""'hhln the orgOlnlu,tlon. ellor" dlkUu

3 STICK 1500 POUND lONG MACARONI SPREADER PRESSES **NEW LONG GOODS SPREADER Model BAFS - 1500 pounds capacity per hour increases production while occupying the same space as ~ o :t c-l DAFS - 1000 pounds capacity per hour a 2 Itick 1000 pound Ipreader. Model SAFS - 600 pounds capacity per hour

1500 POUND PRESSES COMBINATION PRESSES NEW AND DRYERS LINES Short Cut - Sheet Former now in operation in a number of macaroni-noodle plants, Short Cut - Spreoder they occupy llightly more Ipoce than 1000 pound linel. Three Way Combination

These prelles and dryers "":llkl SSCP are now giving excellent * results in these plants. A controlled dough os soft as desired to enhonce tuture ond QUALITY oppearonce. * Positive screw feed without any possibility of webbing mokes * * Patent Pending PRODUCTION for positiyc suew deliycry for production beyond roted Patented copacities. So fine - so positive thot presses run indefinitely without CONTROlS­ odjustments. Easy to clean ond to remove ottractiye birdseyed stainlcn SANITARY - Iteel haUling mounted on rugged structurol steel frame,

PLANT 156 · 11515 SI.lh Sirut MACHINERY CORP. 155 - 1157 S"cllih Slrn ' 110010.1,11 1 S, Ncw YDr. 156 Si.th Street rI~ette ...... M •••••••• Brooklyn 15, New York MACHINERY CORP.

MODlL BAFS _ I SOO Pound Lonl Cood. CotllltlUDU I S,rudrr I

THE )L\ c: ,\ R 0 ~ I J 0 II It ~ .\ I. so THE MAGAROr-: 1 JOllRNAI. Standards of Performance , fly AI.. " J ••aYorJ~o, Ioyarhi. & 'N."', 'M., at ,he Wlnt __",In.

OST ill(OTlIll't! hu}jlll.'u c~cl'lllin" )"IIU TC1IKlIUibic (or'" Draw OUI Iht in· M bdic\'c thaI thcir !I'mlll kllllW \.\'1101' di ... ldual until there Is a tnl'clinK'~ h cxl)CCIt'd of 1111'111 \ i 111 pi Y hecause minds and then write dowu the Jl'$ultl ~ I Ihwugh the )'can the), h:l\"c ;llClllin·tl ;1 DOII' I \\'orry abuut KlIlanliCi. (;l't 10 Rene.:,,' informal idea of what ronstl· Ihe h~art nf Ihe miluer In Iiml,ll' wnrdl Ihat C\"CC)"I)4Kly untlent.. nd. well. lu~~~raCt"ty II cr (or Ill" II cc . nle Irou b p J L~:~ '~l' 1)'lIelll, however, I, lhal lJle jub u( a market m;maHcr II 'Ull~rdl .te~ t usually fnllnw IUIt, funning dh'iclt'tl Into Ihrce pam-runctlon. cldi· tlll'it· in"u cipiniull n. 10 what £0111111111(" nition, ami Ila .. dilJlI. His (II It C t 10 II. I;lol) d pCtr',rm;III'c ,lilt! what is (XI)ccled Train mcn whu arc del'olluK I i III ~ III thcm-0l'ini.ms ill many casel, tlufur· through hulUllfial bu.lneu 10 be t'lIe.· lun:ul'l,.. in wJmh they :Ire 110t in agree· th'e. Thil Is about a compau)' thai rot'll! ""' 111 . Tilt'), dll JIll! kuow, in .Imrl, imlullrlal ellulpment 10 thc (ullctlon 01 wht'lher thdr pcrformante Is good or bad. the mallaMcr il training men who aff This Ihlnkin8 lIPldle. (0 the 3\'Cragc· del'ollng time tu industrial bUlint'n til , 111 ' macaroni bctory. ~bny of us III ' he clfccth·c. \'uu can apply Ih;lt to ,",'MI' Put youth Into huiled the job ,h,u "fI'C ha\'c or IMlltibl)' C\'cr IIUIII101 III your organization )"011 IIrew "I' throus" a amall job from thc AUlal lAVAlINO ;IR: thlnk.ing or, hullum, and ~' hat It cx~P«ted of UI loday Thu i1 a definition of a marhc the picture h "IIRclhing thai we watdlcd being pcr· ImlMlrlant. the lIandani 1I10uld be it't manager: De,'elol,ll1g and undcnlal1llin ~ fllnned by the penon who wal ahcad o( by the lndi\'idual wlMlIC perfonnllnce on the I':lfl of satt'lmen o( the kind 0( UI. JUII bt'cau.e thls peuon did a cCflaln \I would lu: e\'aluatetl. lIere i~ the theory Illronnatinn :and Iiaia they must IUPIM)" , (hing Iinel 1I0t mean thoU Ihat II all Ihat ur a (amp:lOy Ihllt hlls a ",ulonal dimi· to facilitale the dC\'etol))llellt 01 1M il expccled of UI. butloll 1Ilid hal about 15 or 20 manllgen product 10 meet the prolPCct'S II(T th, . .. and put the product Il is hlllMlrtant to lit dO\\'n ami diKUU around the COUntry. TIll. par II cui a r inrhullng price, packaging. I II m pi e5, l'\ 'Cf)' pUNible thing that Ihould be done mnlpally brought IilelC men In twire a IIlclhotb of Ute, condition. under wllilh In jllhl even al amall al oun. If an In· )'ear tel a meeting piace. alld hehl a UK'll. etc. In uther wordl, definition. Ilh'idual nOllmaw whether into the youth ... with tinct hi. I:cr­ ,hln·.It!'C\·e scmlnar·t)"pe meeling whece rurmiU1ce on a job is talisfacluf)', 111: II Thc third Is lIalulud. '\Kaln applINI the men CIIuld tay what the)" thuUKht III'('rilllng umlrr a .eriou. 1")'chf)logiral to this Jlarticulilr rnntpilny, IOllil(;) "!!f} Ihl'lr perrnnn;)nce .hnuld at a dimict handicap. . - , '. be Ift'rrormancc on tllc part or the minhl managcr. managcr i. achle\'ed whc:n Ihe InfnnnJ' repeat sales of any CoRilrUairc Leadenhlp Ilt're )'011 rail sec how Ihe olher 1-1 Iiun is IUI'I'IiOO 10 that the p"Klllfl mJ ) lIIillhl Jlick a ,uJU~C5lion from one he properly rommlateel, prlcc delel' or u. who work dlrc((iuK people, "I' ,\11 ntMI. They are leulng a lIandard 01 mlneel, Iwe or packaging detenuinN, rl'£oKnize the (llllilructh'e leadenhil' macaroni product- pcr£Orlllill1(e by learning what', being numher or S;ltnl'les pfOvitll'tli ill OIhtl help. (>tOt,le 10 I;ro\\', ami Ihruugh which cllllle, lIml how It should be done b), wIIJlI.. he hOI. I'roJlrrly concluded wlUI Ihat IIrowth to takc more fl'5I)4lSibilil), leulng the indl\'idual Illy jult what the function ;n1l1 Ihe definition "r Iht and diKharge It clfectin:I),. especially when it's .hould be done on his job. jul! \\·al. In e.t.ablishing Ihil relalicllllhip be­ 1 The IUIJCrJor can sarely rephrait' or twcen ,ulH:rvilOr and .ubo~dinale, luog· restate' the Idea. .uggellcd. but should TeU will be Ilow unleu the le.lCler hal a refrllin carefully (rom lCuing rorth hil Mllprlnt Aapolnhnent made with Comet No.1 ddinite idca or ~' hat IRanilgellient ex­ Adolph ~HlTer h... been apptlillird 0",'11 Ideas. Don'l be afr:aid that Ihe stand· l~cU of him and what lIe .huuld rxp«l ard, ""iII not be high enough. More ohen dir('(lor flf the .teadlly cxl)ilndiug ,t­ or him.eH if he wish" to cOlllider him· .e;mh anti development departtlll'IIU of the), will be 100 Illgh and )"ou will hne teU .uccwful. 1 Semolina I 10 .cale Ihelll down. ~llIprint , Inc.. It waf announu 1 by Uy letting 'Iamlilrdl, a majlJr rontrlbu· Arlhur SnaplJCr, I'rt'lident of Ihe I'rinltd tlon 10 de\'t~loping Ihi. kind or relation· Fair and Ob~ln.ble lIexlble I,ackaglng finn. ,hip il Iherefore made. Through thil Mr.' Miller wlll report dlrecti,· III tilt procell of ICltlng "andan", we can brillg The standardl mUll be conddered lair president ami will be re'llOn.ible lor 1M about It den undenlandlng on lhe part and oblalnable by the Individuall ror whom Ihey are being SCI. The Ilandard. direction of the bade rClCarch I'lOgnttI or Ihe Indh'ldual of what iI rt'tlulred In al MiI\\'ll Ukt.'C and or Ihe de\'c!ul'lncnlJl Ihlluld be al 'I)('CUic as IJOSlible. Where Ihe job he i. ocrul)yiug. In lither \\·ordl. acth'hlu In 1II1II'ritll'. ciRhc production he Ihould know whal hc I, doiull' al"lual data on Ipeclfic Illrllnnatioll il I'l1intl. You .hould alw IUlIlW what hOI. 10 be oblalnable II Ihould be usctl. Where the clnne on IhAt jllb. relult. are Intangible, . an cITort -::'hould A lIalh'e of New York Mr. Miller hll be made to afTh'e at as dear.fuf and It~clalbed In rer.carch and de\·t'lopnlt~1 Thil I. all \'er)' lillll'le. li~1 IMlsslbly In lt lIur ctlmillicalcd tl"i1r II\"(~., we can dl· IllIIple a ftatemellt and untlenl;)lIdluK 011 in the I'ilcbglllg ludultf)' throughuUI,h I!ightl't'n.,-ear buslneu career, ""olkml Kt'CSI w rllr tl ... 1 wc fllrget the sllllllllchy JJO.dble, Howner, in sclling the stand· or c\'ery lIct Ih;1l \\' c pcrrorm. lIy .eulng ards. if a lack or reslMlndbility and under· with three major pacuglng and"" p3'" aging malerial, finn. In the F;ul. lit Ilandardl wc (""".III hell' the lIlilUy IUIJerlon ,tanding on the Ilaft or any indh'idual i. \\'hu do 1101 clearly know ""hat they want dllro\'cmJ, the confudon should be holds a Bachelor'1 desrce In chell1blf! rrom a lubonlimuc :unl fiud it difficult cleared up at oner, Take each hem iU,. and a Malter'1 degr~ In chemical ~ . Rilleerin« (rom Columbia Unh-enltr· lei tc:1I how he Ilamls. Rested lind clarify It at oner, maUng lure thu both or you undentand what \\'!lere hc taunhl metallursy for tWO 1"f,n ~Idng Standard. it meanlo bcro~ entering the bUtlneu field. . A few INJinu 1I10uhl be elOllhatiled in Theoretical Idea, .hould be guardrd Mr. MlIIer'1 hradquarltn will be III Tnllllc:ction wilh ICtlllIJt Uitlldan". Most agaiml. Xttp asklns: "\vh:u do I hold Milwaukt"t. ______~~------______-~ . * t·Mt:Zk~~.·~'~ __~M~·'~L~ '~=:=:==--~---- ,

THE MACARONI JOURNAL March, 1959 ~Iarch, 1959 THE MAC .. \RONI JOURNAL The S~perior's Responsibility t~ , '. modern installat'ions for His Subordinates modern macaroni• plants ... Nichola. aNII, ~, ...... " ,•. , .. !.. Wh"., Meet,... Our T.chnical OHic. i. at your di.po... 1 to .tudy and to .ol.e your problem., ITH the ,nh'eut II( nle[h:tni~1 (3) try OUI the new way, and (4) find 0111 j( It work" One of the main TeaiOlI' (01 .. W brainl, Ihere M:l:1Il1 linle l)Oul· ~b ility that manaRen will be n'plaml by failure of managers to challge their O'fm AVOID BUILDING COST!! ~ha\'lor II their complau:ncy about tlltit Ih~"hanlcal nJ OI"tI~n. The Itatistl[21 01 n.w p.. mi.... R.n.w in.had your .quipm.nt. Only half of the .pace il •• quired with infnrm.-Uonll:'dliVl' ihey mn pro\'idt ItIII current (ouhlng practice. nced ~ijudgsnent III human brinK' 10 Once a company rcallrn the nred 10 the N.w Automatic Dry .... quclijOIi IIf makc ileqllonl baiCd Oil Ihelr analysil. Impn)\'f~ their (oadllng. a It h the\.:. manager'l jub to produce method. :nIleS. Should there be Inform· IhlUUt;h the [o(lIJeration 01 prople, lind ul or formal c03chillR? It has b~n fULlllI1 In turn Ihlt work into a pmfit (or hil that lIl!:n with '[ormat manageR kilO ,", what Is cxl)(noo of them. These m ~ :1 IIIIII P'III)'. could report pOliti\'dy about olhl!r a~ We Learn by Dolo, peeu of coaching practice. We all Icarn by dohlK, and Ihls Is the formal CoachJnK unly way a subordinate [20 Wlill Ihe Thi. suggnts that managers who lIIah ufH'rience he r.~rtlt lO fill a higher Inc:! an CHoll to Ilrovldc formal inten'inn po,t. He 0111 "?I obla)n luch .e~lH:rience differ romldenbly in their (oachillK hy ""ding a bOok or memorillng a lei pl1lclicu from those who do nol. It ;tho nl I ules. It is the rnpoRlibilhy 01 the IJtO\'es that those man:aRul are wrona IUIJCrior to rerognl~ this nent and In ,,'ho contend lh31 thtlr In(onnal cOleh, fn-a.e .urh an oppOrtunity for the .ub· ing tfforu do tht tntirc~ job :tnd Ihll nrdln:ue. sudl formal ttdmiqun as apJlr:abals and A (rxlIb:a1l lOarh mu.1 dra'w e\'ery tal· lie: mu" hl'l), his lubordinates til un· Inten'iewl art unnectuary and a wa.,le 01 cn( and lIte-ngth hom his IJla)'tn. He lime. lUust imlill III Ihem Ihe defire to win. He lit-Uland the role or inl{'grit)', honelty, .. lid Iinterh),. '11111 can bnl be imparted "'nnwi where their ItrtllKlhl ami weak· Effecting Chanin III them by the COIllII1I'I OIud chararter the uebel lie and' 10 he ask. lhern to 110 thill lUIK!rlnr exemplifiel in hi. day In da)' Ilere arc MIme lugge.tion. mn iK' thinK' lie know • • hey an dn, and then adtlpted In effr-ctlug ~hanges in indi\·jdu· he Inllruru tlu;iJ)1antl makel lhem pur· IlcallllSs with hil ,"IKltlllnaU~I_ Many managers ha,'c a leam ,nr .ub· all: lice (III their weat"-neues, The luperlor'l I. Don', try 10 chanJC: perlOllalhy, jllb is .1mllar. 'The luperlor mUll roach urtJinalcl who AI\'C.~ Ihelll a ~IIIC or satls­ raolul1 and clluficlclJ(c. Olhen ha\'e MIllie Conorotrale on changing l)efrOnnanct, ill the samc mallller c\'ery day on the mcn ou thdr tealll thai they would like It II difficult 10 change personality ami I job. lIil problem II tu sec Ih .. 1 he dnel III (haIlAt.'. Huw do they AO ahoul (hallg' good managtr dot'l uot diclale lil( " heller job of coarhing Ihan he II al· lIIethod. to obtain rtlul .., Mall)' reel thai iug IlIt'lII? reinl)' doing. personality Is rellKJIldble rur blhu!.! In The luboril1atc mUll he ginn the 1I1l­ Two Types of Men get ~IUlli . This may be true, but lilt purtunhy tn learn by doillg. nIls Is idea flf concentratlllg on gCltlng bttttr Finl, Ie ... dl"ICrilH: IIloc I~' II 1)'prS IIr '11 ' I Iinne by the IUIH:rinr', delegation authnr· relulu rrom )'Our lubordinate ,.' 1 gllf Automatic Un •• hlr Long Good.. Efttraftce of 'rodvets .howlng automatic Ipreader, IIICII. The: latter IYlN: is the lubordlnate I" I icy. Howe\'er, lIIany )I")h the lub(ndi· (h' rou many new way. or helping 1IU1. nate a.ide and do it themlrh'n nther "'lin dOC'1 jilit whal il expecied 0 1m 2. Improl'e WMlr own penonal road.' Ihan ' .... ing the tilllc 10 learh the IUb­ and no more, l11e IUIN:rlor worries about 1-- I hi, decido", and Ihe lubonJinale d~ '''I .ula.. To gct Indh'idual. to t.l:lflKt' Th. pictur. Ihawl our n.w automatic "GPL" Lin .. for all typ .. of long mocoroni products, ordinate the cnrrect "'''y. Thil can make I II requires .... 111. SUIH:rlon mun t..... e lillie III 67 lin •• of thil type are olready in aperotion in 16 dillerent countrie •• the lubordinale ret'l Ihat the .uptrlor nut get a ICn~ or ulbracllon rom II de\'eiap Ihe~ .kil!L U nrnled, K.'t:L: lilt dMan't ha,'e (1l11fidence in him. wlltk. help or eXJN:t11 to aid you. "'It~ fiut t)'IN: conslden the require. 3. Delermlne the ntml o( the a~ ONE MAN PER SHIFT: 22,000 Ibl. daily of dry products, r.ady for packing, Similar Line. Team Relallonahill menu or the ,ul~rior, bUI he may go menl belWf'e1l you .nd your lllbordinalf are a.ailabl. for Twilted and Short Cut Goodl. beyond txp«latlon; He comiden a job on whll I. "lJ«lt(! of him, The relationship between a luprrior well done when It concern. the bell in· 4. Deienn1ne the nlenl of agrc-nntU1 and his lubordinates .hould be :a that 01 le!'Cll or the company. Ue ii, a .nalunl betwten you and your ",bordlnalt 00 Send your Inquiries to: II Iram. Tile luperior .hould know hil leader, he anumel respollllbllt,ty" he bow well he "doln,. Unle .. you diKu" men'l lifengdl alltl w("iI"'"e ... Hil sub­ Eastern Zone: Lehara Corporation, 60 East 42nd St,. New York 17, N, y, thrhe. on challenges, and he Justifies . thll, 'ou both may havc diff~rel1t rttl' Western Zone: Permasco Division of Winter, Wolff & Co" Inc" urdillalrl "1011101 knllw what Ihelr jobl mnlidencr. He ~lI the rCluhs required . t. I I I I 'nK t'or a bel' OIre, alltl whcf't they fit hun 'the arganba. ' I U" IIIKlauvutwlal Ie .,(11 . I -2036 East 27th Street, 58, California and a IWI (enI Iop. a le ~ 1II t 1:11 ~~ ct • ter balll to delermlne Ihe e,,1I'lIt II ,. 1i0ll, The auburdillall" IIIU'! participate relultl tomurrow. · ..,: thai exlsu, Iflten UI tILe sub· in decidon·lIIakilig. Filially, a good team ~ aKrcemeut cxp'ecll' and rerch'c. rair trt'almem. Sub· Manager'l AnitUde ' ordinale'l own \'Iewl lint. . I: , . : I th ' 5 Eatablbh a nm! for thangnl ptt. ,onlillatri mUll kiww Ihal 'they will be Why Ihould e\'ery manager fee at . d d-... -.Iln" Iud ' . ' I ronnaocr.n IC'CUft un ...... " ~judged iml'artiallr, Ilmpl)' lin how well thanglng the performanor. ur hll .U)O f thia etd Laying dotl1l ~ '~Ihey h,n'e doue 'Iheir job. • nrdlnatel Is one of hi, 'inajor rclpDlIIl· acteplann! un . In some in . ~ 'nlc IUIJCrlor IIIU" .ho .... hi. confKltnte bUllies) nle manager mUlt lint change the I~w ~ay bel ne~rd~nate rela tiDA' III the .ubonliu:tlc b)' hil aclions. nOI hb hil own attitudes. Th~re il a natural lLallCes 0 luper ~NU rd I to KCUrt • wunll. Laltly, a IUIK!rior IIIUII Itt .und­ rtlillallCe 10 (hange and lu O\'ercome It Whip •• • HI owevel'nd' I'~d 0 I t Indh' id~ cd c anse n an VI ua,"'h a anb or penon:a1 and btUine.. behnlor IIe mUlt (I) ICC an d r('t I Ih e ne 10 fi I r I nted to chartJ!· loi nd mwt sel a Good example by his own cllange, to adopt a new way, (2) de\"rlop IIIU" Int Ite am « a ;1 ~! i,?DI. .klll and ronfidencr In using a ne-w way, (ConJin<d on pa,1! -to) ,------=~------"

51 THE MACARONI JOURN,IL' ltbrch. 19~9 " . '. THE ~I ,\ CAR 0 N I J 0 U No N r\ L

, , " ." , Communications .. t ' ,, , r- , Theil the IOlIlInulllration Ilfobably It "'f~ MOST propl!.' '1'(:1111 morc time COlli- I.. muniGlIillK thall dnillK ;mythlng ('ollll'letc. "('he. From thl. ",ul ""IICtit'lIu'. the)' . Just as bade til Ihc what and ho)\' 01 ,1lImmunlcatlllu Is thc why. What,l,urpn\C il ~ho_W .1¥. all he er.pcrtl. :'("Clmll)', cllcnh'e does communication lend It I. oh ... ioll\, IUm"'1i\in1catlo~ ~.!Tart" IIf mUrse, that orden and Instrunion! T"'ifla"le l~ftori ' Ma)'u said: "Cummunl· 1"ll;;I';t~ tlC!IWttn f llldh· ldllill. alul h(',,",'ct'li mUll be gh'en. Ihll there a~ abo Jllillf KrI,IIP' is hcyoml a doubt the IIl1lstandlng important and Il'll obvious ttalOnl Wll)' clC'I'idl that ci\'lIjz.uion b racing today. indultrlal communication II tuential. In Ihl' htlcrmulonal ana. what mote nl· From the cnml'IIl1Y'S view, there i~ Ihf ,II'ule .In you Ileed Ihill1 the United Na· IItcd 10 gnln the ulldentandlllg III ill t;lIlIl. III )'nur own country. all you hal'c empluycn al to their dutle. and dedit. Motl\'lllionni .un'ey. have studied "III' III till Is read nile or two luut'l IIr Ihe Cungrcuinnal Record. Both rail' high In 1111Iyt.'C basic dnlrel, and almost 'all 01 the {lua"lhy amI brcadth or rommunlca· thelll show that lht (ollowing four arr lilllli. hul how do Ihey ratc in 'Iuality IMlmcwhat ntar Iht: top. First: Itcurit). aud dClnhr' lecundl)': 0IIIKJrlUlllty rnr :ulvancrmrnl. tlll"II)': Ireillmcnt at a hum;l.n being, 111111 How do intiumje. rail' wilh communi· rourthly: the n-allutlon, Ihat you alt .. adon? I - Icrc~, tOO, thc~ i. plcmy of COlli­ 1IIIInK iumethiliK ultful. In a sen..:. jot.. i' lIIunlcation KuillS on - mttlins-. mcmos. .IHHITM J• .o..a satllfaction and good communications all \1 lUufcr("lIcc" bullctin boartll. ncw.papen, lioll awly In bolh oral, and w lI'e n Inttroc!)Cnclcnt. Tn communkatt: eITH ' iHld ,'ariou. olhcr media-bill how milch ri communication, th'ely i. lU lislen and uncltnland, allil 10 "' h II e!leeth'c? Ham ndlo optrators Icamed thele ulltlenlanti Is tn recngnbe basic n('tlb Commun,lmdOlUl Con~I'1 sleps )'tan ago. The fiut ,hlng a ham alltl tle.ire. and tf}' 10 meet them • "pernlor dntl when he geu rcady to go , ~ .. im 1I11~re is lhe proper concc,;1 of III­ Our Experience ,I dlllirial comntuniouioll 10 he C1llllitlcttd. 011 the air II Iistell. Someone else may be In our company we belie\'e that (00' Sille 0111 of len~ will define cllnlluunlcn- u alllmlttlllg 011 the lame wne lcngth. "ani communlcalion I, needed. We aho tiuns In term. at mmla alone. ' In th:u casc, 1I0t only will hll mcuage be Jtarhh·d. hut he also m~y dinupt lOme· belie,'e Ihat I'roper communlc.lllnns nn , The nrh "rommunicale" is acth'c allli hndy ehe'l communication, ollly be act by the lOP mlln. In 1111 In' 'I .llllllfies aCllon, Dut If a tllllletin board II Ihe nlr i. clear, hc 113ru the call duslt)· or our .be. Ihls has to be the Jllt'li, I duc.II', get rcad, it is not a cnnUllunlca· leiters fir the Ita lion he wanu. If he denl. In larger groU[JI, communlcaliolll I! 111111. To corrcct thil, lOme include OIher wallu III talk with anyone who might be .houlll be the rel!lOlIIlbilhy or the Ilfr, ronns of oral communication in their inlerneetl. he itndl out a CQ w hie h sonnd lIIan3ger. dcfinltlnn. DUI C\'CII then, we arc 11111 lIIe;l.l1. "I seek )'ou". Our. methoo. or communlcnlion alt talklnR III lemll of mmia. This nll'tlia Afttr he findl IOmt:body to talk 10, ,'ery 111II1'1e. We have a managemelll (Om­ dcfinltlon to take illto (Q",ld~rallon £an. Ihe Ihird .Iep II 10 te.t the .trcngth,and millee which condsls of the preslllfnt: til:&l it can abo tlillort. :md the mcdia i clarity of his .Ignal. If hi. communication IhKe "ice pre.ldents of produclion, i.1I,t. I that unites can allO divW.e. I, weak. radlng, or garbltd. his Ihtencr lind ",lmlnl'lralion (which Includrt fi, J'~tu Drucker in "Thc I'r.aclice of Mall' will undoubeedly Jose interest and look oance); the scnelary'lrealurcr; 3ntl Ihr allt'mcllt" show. Ihe 03WI In ' tllil media fur someone ebe to communicate with. comptroller. Ead, of these deparl'"r,t'l I definition whcn hc layl Ihat p r c len t Thc fourth anti (inal 1tt'1' (omcs ""hen head. has been "h,tn completc authOlilt manaJ.lemcnt eflortl arc likc u,}'inK to tJo tile othcr fcllow has receh'ro thc mfiSagc 10 lin txat't1y what lit wallis with hil dr· tabllsh commUllirallolU bet w e c n a and laYs "Roger"-"I hne fCehTtt your partment just a. Ihough It wert hh o~ Chinese and a PortuguC1e by l'uuinR thcm l1leuage alld I undtutalld." . coml,any. High Ir,·t'l !lOlIey it .c:1 I.)' 1M 011 opposite ends of a .telepholle. Unle'l president. More Eye·Appeal in the package! oue knows the languagc of the OIht'r. they Slel" In Communlcadn, One departmenl that Is looked at mlll C will bc in 110 cxchangc of, jnformatiol1 These smile four IICI'I or the radio rloscly by tht prelidellt Is cO lurol-'III ~IiI" whallocver. ' - )lto('edun: apply til IlIdu,ui .. 1 CIIl1l1l1unl· mnnol, which In our Indullry II "il;,I. on the table! CClnimun\calilill a Irander of Inltl· The firs,t sttp II alwa)'1 tn, Itecp More Taste·Appeal is (:,,10111. l \iRenec. It i. 1I0W nu Junger nalic-likc Ihl("I1II1K tu ),uur eml'llI)'t't·., What' they EmI'loYH Grlevancrs Ihe hullelill huard 1I0tke wblch,doc. nOI h:t\'e In "I)' should be a ,'cry goml rlue to ' Wc're "cry intere.ted In wh II It.I\'jlflll On the grocer's shelf they re,ch for it {irst ••• ut home they gt't rcall-hut It Is 11{lh'c. Huwe\'er, It It III what ,hnllltl be CIImmUlliGlled. .W't whcn empillyen It;a\'e a grienlUt'. "tl' go Cor it most - if it's macaroni or spaghetti made from ~1'er,I5 , une,.rnktl. Ihn, H we sa'y that com­ The il'CClUd Itcl) iI to gel anellliiin' ;1.1111 • hal'l )'our ulllulII have IRI\'l'd !IIi, in I~ Illulljcation i. tlte IlIel·tchilllge ollhoughl. t('replMty, Alexandcr Ihncn demle. a u'lIiu,.tl States. Wc're nut Ulilunhl'l\, \\r quality semolina and durum fiours milled at the North alltl 'he cxehllllgc of informatin". t""o· whnlc chaptcr in hll bunk callell "Sharing h:l\'e :In el1ll'loyce auodatlolt, Dakota Mill and Elevator from 100% durum wheat. ,",'ay lletillll t:lkes )l1.arc. Iliruflniliion Whh Elllpillyets" til Ihi, one If an el1lploycc hal a Krirf. hc R~ ~ICIJ. lie call. It "Gelling Elllplo),(·(:t to right 10 the fllreman. Here II a CC1mmun Two-way Action O,.W'II onJ I. ,Ite W'o"J's Jw,w", 0'110 Tune III." "lIlnn. carrier. In our opinion a rorem,n ",m.J "'ea,' 0' ". lI'eo'." lIy ,,,,·o·,,,·ay auillll: we lIlean tdUng and Thc thinl .Iell illO Ret rtadability

" March, HI59 ~Iarch, )95!1 '1' U l-: ~I.\ C ;\ RON) .J () 1I RNA .. 3i 36 THE MACARONI JOURNAL Multiple Management , _. by Pet., I. Vlw'altO, De.",.. ktI , ...., 'M.: at t •• WI",., Meet,,,.

Ihal Ito distilitliull exitu ~IWl~ n mall· WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? agl."mcnt In the offire and lIIan;JGf!lncnt in the lallory. In addition to this, Ihl'l ~ are claims made IImt there .hould he lin .ccn''l' a. tn CUlt, earnings. Ind ntllt'T Do you want to - (ill'tl. It II their hie.. that managt'lUcnl romno! cXllCCt In gel the lK:llcfill ur the hl'll lllinking III the IUl'crvlwu unl,'" develop a new product all pertinent (;I("IS arc, tlilruued :lnrl touc..'tI un th ... 'Olble (or 1I1"""Ulnll. It it their idea that the bl)5-\ j,. slill Iht, IIm\, build a new plant but )Irh';u)' III llth.ln arc IIU !lmger I.i" ,\ulh;,r'• . Vh~w. improve q uali ty I do IIl1t IJeuun;,lIy ;IKrec with )I)IIle u( the hllerpret:.tll1l11 o( thil t)'It!: of 111 :111 · control drying aKelllclI1 at Irt ull by thc Willlalll~11I He"thlM CUIIII';IU),. Iii the Gne o[ a lar!;I' design a conveying system E AT Iklmonlro Food. did not The .:Ime l.roct'tIure ""IU (allowed ill the national r11lIIl..-ny. where t1mu"'lIIh uf W iU:lURur:uc the romplelc principia opendnn o( the other 1",'0 btl:t«' .. D)' ~tllckhllhJcn are illmh,CtI. the ronAIIt:II' III llIultlple management right (rom the a"'llOilltlll,," these \'arioul democratic 'Jal i"[urlnalj,,n would 11C1r1nally he )llIb. select a new machine bt.-glllning. "\OOUI ",en )"f!an aKo ~;C boa«". the cOnl)lany Wat able to gh'e Iic anyway, 011111 would not be a f.ulllr .larlct! whh a sUller factory boar:l; a the CI1I)llu)'!"C, the .:tme rlghl in' bUlineu al far al the IlIImla' CIII)llo)'rc ;, con· yen later we stuted anolhc:r bOard; .n they nnmlally wnuld ha\'t~ ill Ko\~rn· . ccrned, .md coulll have bttn the lillla, install bulk flour handling and loday we are cnn ul)tratJng 10,) melli. ". tion wilh Willian ..on. Ilowe\'l:r. in tht, manaKcmC:II1 ullder the principlC:I or 10- Talent Dbcoyery clIe of II unall corporal Ion, .uch a. 11U1 · reduce costs ollcd lIIuhll'le man .. gemenl. Under thll IClve •• and man of the mtlcaroui I)coille, 1)'Item, the Itockholden of t>elmuniro One thing that dC\'eloped front Ihil I doubt \'ery much if we coulll CO .. ) Car •·oodl eleci Ii\'(~ directors. Tbeit Ii\'e diree· )l1:&n Will the dbco\'ery o( lalent. All of • as to utend the prindplCl of lUultll,ll' improve quality tun 1*)11>01111 [our o[ tbc:ir mc:ml)tn to lUllllen the talented employee fimb hll managemenl as Inlcqnetcd by the Wi!· ul»t'tate the bulineu under thelC: Ilfinci. way on one of Ih'e ~ardl, reprCAenting HamMill Ileating Cmnpan)'. As II matlrr set up a laboratory Illel, and Ihll group II known .. I the hll particular del,artment. He has II) of [act. I might go 10 rar as to Itly lhat IC:lllnr hoard. They ha\'e been given thlok In tcrml u( bUllnt'll al a whole. He lOme of thclr Ideas are somewhal IOrial· IIt!:cific rule. upon whidt to operate has to dhcull thlnKI that ha\'e to do wilh IIdc. al lhey ha\'e Ilrobahly Konc (llir plan for expansion '. under the ,Ifincillle, of multiple manage· management, It hn't long before hb point be)'oml my Inteqm·tiltlon of dcmoc· I: mC:IU. lrue talcnt will wme to light. In the racy In bluillel~. !'l11C o( the McCormick Sale. Company, Democracy In Bwinns almoll all o[ the to)' execut"'el hne Rr.wardlnll RnlllIJ mille (rom ' nu~ mben of the \'al'llIul The MlComtick Saici ComllallY wa. IlGaldl, One of Ihe mOlt rewanling ICJulh IIf the (Inl company UI inaugurate thlllYI»r ~'uhIJlle managcmcnl t('t'n11 to Jlro. multiple management II the (act th;at ,UD uf mallaKef1lt'lIt. aud they did all out· dure II nemendoul amount or Ideas. 0llCrate as a tcam ralher than all iulii­ You will do a better job if you it;UldJlIg job. What Ihe)' tried to do wal .·onnrrly, thete Ideal . 'cn: ulual1y initl. ,'idual. Thilllh'u you Ihe fediuM of wurl.· 10 Jlut democracy' In bU1inns. 'nle di· ated and limited tn (01) managemenl. iUK togelht'r and Ih:nillK rCillOmihility. rectorl, whirh art! nonnally alllKiintcd by Through the "I)tulio" of IhtiC bnanl.. ,\, lint. lOU migh' ubjen 10 reliucllli'''' lite lIockhulticu. ami an: ,'ety much the :md by ,IJClIH!r IJrlMeu of clhnlnation. unly jnK the IlfcttlIP1h'e, IIf iUtlh'itlu:11 lit-· llOlIey maUIlK KJOul' IIf the rollll'any. the good Ideal wt're IJrt'lentt.'11 til III). d.ioll. bUI I (1111 Icll )'UII frUII! cxpclit'lIU' made the al'lKllntlltelll1 of thc \'ariuuI managClllcnt .•·ur cxaml11e. dUlinK the that imlh'itlualth:rlliulli become all a ... lul USE THE HOSKINS SERVICE boardl. ;·I'I.e lint boald wal n;mwd the fint , fi\'e lean IIf this )llan. uf the .2.71)1) luad. When thne rCIIK)IIlibilitic:~ :1It' junlut Illlanl. .·Iftct'll mYll!bc:rs . 'cre Idcu I>rCJCUlt'll to the board. 2,70:S idcu Ihared, )'00 hnc a lcal rcelio" "I ~I ' Tech,,;cal. Che,;,/cal arId E"g;"eer/"g CO"SIIlta"ts ekl'lcd from \'arioul tlt:l'artlllcntl. namc· wt'rc allpro\'l'll. Actually, In all thl. timc, wmplilhlllcllt, Iy, >lauuntiuK, :uh'crtising,' and office. IIu)y sht remnlillcllllaliuul ur luggt'5lilllll We ha\'c becn ;Icttlally IIIM:ratilllt ullr to the ",acaro,,; ;"dllStry. '111e I1('XI KJllup al)pnillll'li wal rumlKlK'I1 wcre rcjenccl. It II funltcr hr~IIKhl~OU} ItI)1 man3gemelll under thcIC I'fitlll(ll~ tV thc ... Ie. IJ(U(llIlIci. and wa, 1;;!,lIed the that It tllok 'h'e lcan (tlr thc "3 ~iou, ' (ur tlle Jan tlm.'c )can: >Iud thc )IIml 1111 ':llcl hmml. The third. lIl;ule til) fir 1I\em· h'IOInb tn rcculIIlIIl'llIl thc·'2.7p9 i!leas. :ptJJlam thlnM 1 IUI"c lIotlcell il till' bll ul1l1 hcn rtulll ";nitlUl lanury ~e)lartlllellti. Thil number jl nu;re Ihan thc total IUK' lo that 1111 "II (I( the c\eci,IUlu. the IIUll was ('anCeI 'tllt· far tor), IKlard. Kl',tiunl or idcu rCl'Ollimciitlrcl fir.. ill" .' i;' a)""a)'1 bait'll till ;, Ihnrtlu"h t1istll,.i1111 The ;ciiiur btl:lrcl t" 'al"atci the re(':III1' I'TII\'cd In the .J5 )'car. ur lht! ' l'~mpanf~ -J;.' tlr .. lh,c [acu, whh the "lin In 11111111 nl 1I11'1IIi:ltiun. 1II;lIle II)' the uthcr 11I~ltdi· uhlelll'c. prior tn thll typcl:nr m:Ulage- '\\'hat it good fur Dclmouku "cXllh, ,11111 nate IKlard., It ill'U ,IS ('I1;ll'h in io Jar melll. .. . ' 1111 thuught \\'hatWK'\'er is Hh'cil III ~' ~I ~ 1 ;11 dctermining Ihc IHlIi!")' :md CUUnI:' cll il R'HKI ror allY utlC "lIlh'illll .. 1. Ilul Glenn G. Hoskins Company :l(ticlII. Thc ~hCllrl1li(" S;llu ClllllPO&llY No Fron' Office actualhJI a foIr cry [mtll the cktiliulll (cit ,hal tht' jlllliur IN lard. due In ),outh, ' \,ltilou~l~ "i,~ ' Wi1I1;I;I~I;I " H ~ating tlml I had to make al lUI IlIdldlhl .. I, ~Ir Industrial Consultants new rel)HIIUibilitit'l, IICW ambition. new Cfllllilany 0IJerate, ,'err .Imllarly tei 'the decislonl wcre IIIually hued Oil (I) "'h31 )"Irll alld "1'IMlrtUllilY. could come up 1ltillcil'Iei ~t u)l hy Ihe MtCormlck Salel wal K(JO(I [IIr lIIe. (2) ""hal ",'aJ WIIMI for Libertyville, Illinois whh 111 .. 11)' ideal and IUSKeJtionl ror con· Ctlllll"II1Y. the)' Mil one IIell further. in the indh'ldual concerned. and (~) whJI . it!etatioll hy the M:lliur board. and with. that cOlllplete delllOCTlltic l,rincildn edit. ' was Mood rur ' Dehnonit'o .·()ods. Fruin IIUt tltb I'roct''' man)' modem. method" • Thcy claim that there is no Iuch thillg " C"l)Crin1CC KaillCf.1 in tile Iall th~e )'e:1I1. allli idcal muM nut ha\'c come to light. al a "hunt uffice." They [ullher claim 1 rnuml that an),thing that II RCIIMI for .... ,

. 1" THE MACARONI JOURNA. ~ _ March, l!la9 gH ilardI. 1959 THE MACARONI JOUR",\!. S!I \ .... all IIockhohlen, manOiKelllenl. cmplo)'tts, IJclllIlln i,o }-'ood, c\'cnlually will be guod It I. surprising 10 know th20l whcn lOU gontn youncl{ by a board, you can Ih~ commonlty. and Ihe colOllCliti\'e tn· 'or nil' and c\'cryoody invoh'cd. Dcd ~ i o l1l clilllln20te milunllcfllanding and pcnonal t ~ rJlrl.c 'Yltem. lIulh'ltlllal coml):lnit, arc lIulit rc:aliulc; linn: no one peuonally mUll be alert 10 al)l)r:lI~. train, and dr· is re.ponsible. there I. no need for any difJercn«s, 31 undcr thl. 1)lan ~Vt'fy memo ber hOli a chance tu cltprn. himKlf, and \'elop It:tclcrshlp for 'lhc fUluTt . Multiple mIlt \i!!jI) "ldual to be at bull ror the man;lgcmenl will accomplish rre( i'o(l)' dccldo", made by lhe board. then a vole is ta\.en, When Ihc majority Is in agrft'mcnt, you havc no choice but thll. ;"'~Y '''' 8elllnB c\,cryonc'. \ '!CWIKlirU and .. thoroughly dllCUuing mallen, )'uU im· to accept It, UIUOIII)', on a cOlltro\'enial mediately IClUe lilt' lIIajorh}' Ihinking_ IIIUC, It hOli heen my cJ(l.erlcllce wc will Sterwin Office Mo... Slct"",in Ch~1111rnll, Inc. has changtel . h it Ihi. majority thinkilll; Ihilt result, end ul' whh a unanlmou. yotc, a. onc can ICnlC thc thinking o( thc majority Ih~ Ioca.dun o( h. nRice III l'.lInneal'oli\ In ~o(H1 dccbions, :I, ill "huml eH' r), C~I'C from 555 MttfOl)()lItali nulldinM 10 5tN ,j the majority will prow iuelf riKht, and and will \'otc accordingly. East U\.e Strect. MlllIlcalKllIs 6, Minnr­ HELPS SALES Ihe m.iority I,"alwll)" thinkillK in Icmll We ha\'c had as man)' prohlems a. tlte a\'craKe lua':lIrnnl company-maybc marl'. ..,ta, Td~phnne lIumber Is I'llrh'ay of wh~( iI ' ~I ~ rot the cOlllpany aI a In addition to Ihc.c normal problem., wc "'·5951. ,~hllll ~ . ~\1{t~ 1. Itn\'c twenty eligible male! who arc IOllt Continuing al lIIilnager flf the ollilc Company Ew.perience or tlte ' l.felCllI 'Iockhold~n, anti who fs Lylc Carmony. Slcrwin'l h~adqllOlrh'n muld concclvably be introduced Inlo the nlficCi are at 1·150 Um;tclway. New rntk At Delmonico we ha\'~ fin: hn;mll. The bulinell within Ihe next len yean. This 1ft, Nt~· \'nr\.. (int board I. the "Senior Uoard," 31)­ could IJtesent a Irem~l1dou, l.roLlem. and pOl lllt'11 by the rt'gular directors. The pOlSlbly Ihe rulc of multiple man· ",willi groul) I. the "Sales Roanl," whlrh uJUtt La Ro.a Offer aK~mcnt. In ord~r to CO[lC with thl. de· mnfinci lu dlorts .tried)' 10 salci prob. V. 1.3 Rosa k Sons, In('. annollllrt'li \' elopm~nl, thc dire(lon ha\'c adoplcd It,tn,. :ulIl Is h~aded by on~ oir~clor. The a 5-cent off promollon on Its canncd a policy in to hiring of thcse Ihittl group Is Ihe "Suptr t'atU,· y l\oard.'· r~anl th~ ron'loli, bl'ginning mld·January, Ik)t11 bo)'1, giving no ll.eclal prt'rogalinl to il}'lts of canncd ra\'ioll-whh meal. anll comlKned or otlr ~n8ina·r. lu oc:rinlend. 1 Ihc IOns or largc slocUmhle" lither than ~nl. traffic manager and llCOIdcJ by one with chcne-figure In the prmnotioll, Director, Tile fourth group Is the "Su· tlwm let "I' III thc policies ~o\'eriIlK hi, whh on'Colll lahtI., t'limlnaling coullOn 11Cn'I.an Board." Thll rombtl o( • lore· slatus. handliog. m:m and fortbdy from ~adl department -.·he promotion is hack~tll,y heavy lpot In Ihe (actory, and is headed by onc of radio ath'cubinK hi Ihe LaRn\:t market their f1wn IIIt'lIIbcn, The firth group Is Olle lIlallul"t·tun'r l3id, "Uy la\.ing our attn-the Ncw EnMland .• Ialn. Nc'" III,' "t:lllplo)'«. · Faclory Boanl." Thcse employces lully inlo our CClllfidt'lIce, on Yor\., New JerleY and I'cnnsylvania. ,"ellll~n art elected periodically by the all Ihe fill and outs 01 I)roc.luction, &;lIn Dealer mall arc offcred, and polnl Ilf emplll)'tt. o( each del'arun~nl, alill each anel fiIHmcel, ,.,·c h;1\'e brought into being purchase ahll will he pnllers and shell del'OIrullent i. repre.cnted ther~in. The a fecling of proprlelorshlp on the part lal\.ers. meeting I. usually headed by th~~ SUI.er. uf c\'ery 'lIpcn'ilOr and wor\.~r. Each hOll Inlcndenl, who i. considered a non·".,,· Icarncd to look at problcms Irom Ihc What I. a Manager' Inl( m~lIlbcr, COlllpan)'" point of \·jcw, Each hOI, learned 10 lie a t~alll,.,.orkcr. " . (Corilillllt'tilrolll PORe 22) 01.natJon Anothcr (111111' .111),'" \'lcwp()lnl: "Two a good deal of effurl into [nnlanlng i· The Dlrt'[lon, at ,appoiutl,,1 by Ihe Ihlngs will klllihe Ipirit of all)' organfta. I'rospl'Cll for lIlt'1ubcuhll' in our I(tuur· stockholdeTt, ha\'e el~[t~d to opcralc un. lioll. Ooe is lron·h.mt! type of tol' man- Thi. is an cltceccllugly hard Job. Thmt dcr Ihc principle. o( muhipl~ manOlgc. ;Igclllelli. which I3 Y' - '00 It my wa)', and f~w com panics who are nOI Jl:lttlcipOltinll: menl. and hnc (unher eI~ctcd foor of ill dUII't as\. l)uClllon.: 'Ille uther i. playing ha\' ~ ix'CII cunlacled on a rcgular and members to operate accordingl),. There. f::l\'orilrs 01011 in.talllng relalitc. in lhe conlilluing hOl.i, [or the 1':llIlCy~ral )l',ut, fore. Ihe board t't'prnenu the ..,le gOY' wcll p Ol ylng jobs." :lUll I \.now th:ll l\ob will conlinlle 10 ~rnlng body. Any deci.ions made or They further Iiale: "All cOIUI'OInies contact them In Ihe umt Rood onlrr. I "JlI)f()\'c:cI by lbc majorhy o( Ihll bnanl . should have and oblCn'I: a rigid policy II W:lS :It Del Coronado at our !',·Ith Ihall officially gO\'crn, concerning' eml,loyment o( nbth'es Annual Ml't'llnK in July lhal DIc\. oddir Under these adolllcci rules, each mem. from gener.tl management 'oll down." or the Dan\. of America ... Id better man· ber of Ihe board it Rh'c:n an offidal litle, A 110 the r comrany .100ted: "Some agement wilt Lulld 01 bettcr outlook. AI" luch a. l'rnkJcnt, Vice I ' rtsld~nt, Treas- dlought(ul young man on Ih~ junior par~ntly that Is 10, because 1958 sa"' ; n urcr, ami SeaetOlr),. Tht'IC title. arc board suggelt(.'l1th~ nccci for a grievancc II per cent Inacouc O\'cr 1957 l)rotlu(lWn t honor:"y. ami in nu (:\'cnl Is any board colllmittee, Onc was appointed. Lut it and lh~ hlghnl year'. I'roduclioll sin l member enthled to 'lK'clal pri\'lIt'ges or was dltbanded whcn It WOlI found lhat it round·lhc-


HCln'y ad,'c:nfllllK will ba"k up the Mr. ami Mrs, Findl m"llIt:l11l thrar Ilush with rull wlur ads in lile, Saturday r ... sidcncc at Lakc WCluh, H oi. '1'111') hUf [\'clling Jlust, and lkttu Humci &: Gu· I~'II rhlltlr",", ;I m:nri",11 cI:IlIKht ... t atk! 1 delli, In addition, a strong ccmCtOlnlloll lOll. IIr cummtrclals will be run 011 ~"tll Wult... r W. Thuh"ulI, who IUI"Il't'l1tt1 AUCTV daytimc SIiIlWI. Dinners 'I\'i!I aIM» :'Ilr. Fimh al :'Ilinllc;IIHllis reprf'K'lIIlt;n rereh'c hl.'a,'y IUPI)lIrt \'ja OUUIIH)r bill· (lir Wallace l: Tlf'rnan, will 1H.'cnmt buattlt III lIIany markcts. milllilKer IIr Ihe lIuur Ilh'hlon I1"CIII Mr, Chd Hoy.Ar.Dce il al,," illtrudlicillK to FIII"h', retirclllcni. tht nallonal markelinK fo("CllC their I'illa Sallct ill II handy IOVt-ounre lilt un NIW Morton Productl with h... a\'y (OltJllmer mh'crlillnJ.;. The Murton .'ffIlCII .'uncl nil'hilln III (;.ulllill ... lllal lIakil1K (:"1111)10111)' is 1·II.P;lIIII, inK lli~trilJlIIIIIII Ilf tWII of ih lIl'IH"t R.ymond Cuerrlll, president 0' Sin Clor- Rltlremlntl at Woliaci l'IIUlu ill the (fllIl'lI fuuel Iinc-I',ukt'r 110, with hi, brother, Henry, looki"' on, rt Tiernan .-Inuse mU\ allll :t Ihitlr.t·1I :11111 ntKHII~ Sign. contract with John Amato, president The relirelllent CUI .·chntill')' H o( two c;1SM:wl .... of CI,rmont Mlchine Compiny Inc. for HY­ eor.' 1500 pounds per hour complete lonl ur iu "eter-III IIIt'l11bcn of Iht flour dc­ Thc hUl1'1! .tlI5'tCJIIlc I, .. 1"II1II1"lIIil1l1 goods production seUups; .Iso Wlver.1 1500 JI;lJlntellt hu hcen anullulU'rt! b)' Wal· I'welun In MnrtUII'5 1II;I('arnlli ami Iht·t'Sc pounds per hOYt snort cui production letup •• bee l: Tiern:lIt, 1111'. The 1111.'11 arc nr, 1":I~u'rule, 1';ukt'eI ill K-cllltlrc (:nlUm. Ih,' II. K. I';uker, elirector III rc.earch for the rhkkcn lIlIIl lIucHlle "welu" W;t~ h'~1 San Glo,.lo Expand. departlllcnt, lIml R. M. rimh. tllOIllaK ... r 1II00rke''''11 in Cltark"nl1, South QUillin;! U)' 1960 the Sail Giorgio ;\llIcaronl, of Ihe Walbc... I: Tiernan lIour cllI'isinll .lIul Tulccici. Ohiu. Inc. Illanl at uballllll, reumyh'ania. l'Il1d al ChicuKo, hi b.cllilies will tqual the CorrnlOS' maca· Ur. Park ... r joll1ctl the company ill Hl21 nUll/noodle 1,lanll In the count!')', The Superior'. Rllpan.iblliti .. aflu h;I\'lng recl'in'tl his I'h,n "egret· F.llrly In 1958 San Giorgio Macnolli. from Johtu HOllklln Uninnit),. In 1923 (Cmllj'IU~lllrolfl frng~ S2) .IIC. Initialed lu thrtt·year rxpamlnn he Will Iransrerrcti to EutollC where he Ii, EXI,Iurc the cauan of IHXJI' 11tf· I'JOgnltl with the cluen,lon 01 itl nln· :wlsted In the dc\,tlllPlllcllt and tstab· formana before IIlannlng action. Uteicl· II1K building to permit hnudug ~\' rral lishment of the '\Kene prol't·u for flollr inK that Impru\'elln:nt i, nNl'IPT)' is IIl1t IOllg wxxls :md short CUI iClOp', trealment. He wal in5lnullental in the sl ... p. Theil yflu 1111111 find out whf'rc IIIC' The Clcnunnl Madlinr Company wn ' •• ".· ... tloll o( the [IIRliill and Gtnn;;m truuble II; It may be )'1111 a' .ill supt'rim hilirumelllal In layluK 0111 the plan. for n:n IJalliei wl1lrh l11arkeltcl the Agellc that ncccli tn challKe. the l~uihlinlC extension lIud designing 7. Coruldfr rhanKlng the ,ltu.dull " location Jayouu for the pJauuc:d rqui'l­ ;'""!c u. ~.fr .•'Indl hal becn with Wallace l: well al Ihe Individual. mellt Imrrha.a. New ttlull)ment .w,n or Tiernan .ince 1!.I22 :md was its Mill' K. UIC lilottial helJ' when yuu hi4\f Ihe )altsl and fintsl I)'pe fur cnml)lclc1y lleal)(11/1 rt'llrc.elllath'e (rom 1!.I2' 10 19-15 done your beat. \'011 mal' n ... tcl III Ult aUlumal1c operations at 1500 pound, IJer "'hen he wal nalllt·eI nmnaRer 01 the lIour Ihe ~O'kt'l fir :t .killed 5pecialill \'iho hUllr In each of ,ctup 10 Rh,t' maxi· type: tlh'hlnll. While In MillneallOlil he len'cel will wurk ',11th )'1111. If }'In! un allnrel it. 11111111 production with minimum rctlulrt'd :.. foCU"'I"r), allll UCil5urcr or th ... Minllc' The local IIni\' euillc~ may ha,'e lopedal' /luor arca to ptrmit tht housing o( many wlla 5(nllll1 IIf Ihe Amerlcull Water ilts who can hl'll) )'011, if )'IIU fall'l atlnn! I'mdudug ItIUJ", Worka Ami. (or 2-4 ycan. Thl. ituion ii, lIy Auguu of 1958 the huildillK extcn· 1'ltahlidll'll the "'llIl'h Trophy ~,tlil"h is :'I1t))t of ta IIrc (hlell)' ml1l"l'rIll'l1 \I'ith don Will complettd ami by the end or awarded cal'll ,car to a 11Icmhl'r fir the lIur own MIIH'~' , hnt 11111.' IIf the ~1I1t1t Ihe year a new Clermont noodle scllll' u'cllmt fur MIllie lIutstandhlK :trhie\'emenl wa)'1 til illll'wI"C lIurM.·h'cl i. III '1IIiH'l} \\'al ltutallcd, ' In Ihe w:ller works field. M:ek (II hell' nlhl'U Impw\'c. A IIlIeulliatic 1)',)(" hulk /lour h;lIIdling \)"Clll it IlreM~lItly hcil1K Iml ill, :'Ilr. Ra)'lIImul Gucrrbi is prL'1iclt'lII IIf Sail C;im-gio 011111 has 1~11 juillcd Ily In packaging I tlm'l' uf hb fuur hruth ... n , I-I"'IIT)" Rol~rt :ulIl JUM'IIIl a\ cadi ill turn c'IImph-t ... d Once your producta reach tbe display counter, thoy're hh (IIrm;11 "lllIr:llioll :1I1t1 militar)' .en', Ilrictly "on their own" when it comro to meeting folks - and selling 'em! ife, The YUIIlIl;e,1 hrntllt'r, Jerr,.. j, in Tho.L'a where you need the built-in snlesmanahlp o( Milprint pnckaKl'H u'nire allll will 1111 111111111 a\Mlriate him. \coIl with the linn 1111 Illl1riu,inn ur hi, ••. with eye.appealing color and d~ign to aUrnet, prcciBlon .\llnt, .! ' printing to sell morc customers every hour! Chef. Boy-Ar-Dee Put Milprint'li un~qunl1cd pnckoging experience to work (or you - with Promotions . the wideet vnri~ty of packnging mnt~rinls and printing pf'0CC8M'8 r:hd IIU)",\I,l)ec i\ lalllllhilll; illI ill' available anywhere: Call your Milprint man - fir"'~t/: .~<",.:~.,,;.-;:~ \;~ : ,':: ';:' lI 'II\I\'c IlI'ntll~i~nal ' llrh' t' lur Ihdr Spa. I;h t.;.!.!i.,. Ililll u.'r Ilurilll; "chroar), alltl ,\(;IIt1t. C:hd Sl'ilAIU'tti Ilium'r h ("fun, ph'I~ , 'nlnt;lillillJ.; a re;ul)"lu,hcat':Il1d'me 1t.lli.1I1 .1)·le ~IIII"C ,dlh clt(ll'r lIIe:1I or 1I111\IIIIHIIII\, phn ~JI:lAhliti .lIIeI Aral('(1 Chl'l'U'. lACK TO SCHOOL Thl' ChC£ J1:l(kil~I'I1 diuner is al~'a)' 1 a Shown on lhe Slep. of a buUdlnl al Alabaml PolytecMlc Inltllula In nurby A~burtl, IliA itl'lII fur CI1I/11- ;uul ht·:trl), mallnta)'s Allbaml, I. a Iroup of executlyC!S and u!esmen of Sterwln Chemlcab, Inc" prep.1rI4'I~o re-enlale In laboratory WOlk, Occ.slon Wit a three-day ule, meetlnt, January I ' , clurinK Ihe tultt wiutl'r lIIunth5, :\11 extra which wa. held by Ihe comp.lny a. a supplement to III annual ,anlerenee. 9 }11m for IIle Spaghttti Dinncr with MUlle· The talks were Ilyen oyer to a reylew of 1958 Kcomplhnmen'. and a c:ilscuulon 01 I~ mum Saure js Ihal it h:u JlrtI\'l'tl n reT)' ules 10111 and promotional campoliins for SIetwln produclS and lervlces 10 the b.lkl", IHIlIular I)rlldllct with homemakers durillll; mUlln" food, canfectlonery, ke cr.am and unUaUon Uekh, I ' Front row Ilal1lnt second from 'eft: William X. Clark, 'lIce Pfesldenl In char" of "p~ ' the IA.·lItcn Wo'aM»n whid, aho ()('cun :u Robel1 S, WhltellM, prnldent; Dr. J. K. Krum, auhl.nt lechnlcal dlreclor; .nd L, R. , . Ihi\ limf' • •_ ptan; Aublanl ...," manaler...... , - TUE ~J"C;\R())lJ JOIlR)I .\/.

Syi.... ful Seminar (Continued Jrom /HIKe II) Dies are known for Quality, Workmanship, Prec:ision­ A ~(hor man Uoyd L Skinner '11111' lIIarbed the Imporlant prlncipl« Icawed is known for Service, Reliability, and (iuarante~ ..... ~~ ·demonltrau:d in the ICmlnar In a . ~.t f i,,'6phulation 'Icaded "Dc\·ri0l'lng To­ r-ulofrow" Leaden... , IlUeren and enthusiasm CXI'~uctI lor ~"'" ~iIIf-udI. 1/"" . " 1} d,l. Iype of m",dng R""""'''' f"'",," achedullng or similar iC~'iillll'. On the lOCialt.slde the traditional ROM,Uul SI,a. " Shelll Builj~ and the (\~~ I KiatlulI Dinner ratty rhCtd1!Ou,Wr-dnors were hlghllghll. • . NIW ..INCI ,ACICACU The linc~' (ifufi.rry dub facilities of the A new modem pKQ,e hal been desllned and I. now beln, Introdueed on ,rocery Ind Diplomat ptcaK"d goUen alltl the tennl. wpermalket wive. by Prince M.aronl CompanV, accordln, to an announcement by J{' ­ cnthUlI.IlI.I well al IwiulIUCfI who could uph Pelle,tlno. Prince preSident. Thl. red, white, blue and black p.c:Q,e I. keyed In E.allenl desl,n motif to todav', contemporary trend of amart IlmpllcltV and copy le.t on the bit" Imjny bodi the ocean and IKJOII. of the boa promole. the ..,arious Prine. ready-Io.u,..,e Iaueel. Thll ,l, the fin' p.1cu&e lood ;md good Itrvlce led the ltoard or deal," chan,. In four yean for Prine. mac.trani, spa,Mlti, pastlne and ell no:'Jdl. produch, llircClon to dIDOit' the Dll,lnmat a. the .lte [or Ihe Winter Meeting In January. liquid Ell Pratluctlon 1141ulltls durin" J)cccmber. romparrtl with ~5 mUliulI pnuml, ill Dccember, 1937, and 1!lnfl, Llquld egg I,ruduction during Ott~m­ ber, 1958, lotaled 28,525,000 pounds, rom· the 1952-r,6 ;",crage demal(' of 22 mn· M... 11 ••1 ... Ma ...... n pared wllh 10,415,000 in December. 1957. lion IMluntl,. Ikalh hal closed the fong. indu.tflow and the 1952·56 l"crakC of 10,509,000 lire of Mn. Rexina Marga~um. (realurer pound •. It "";115 the largnt production (or Compan, Climate and director of Horowitz Brolh~n and thc month .Ince 19019. The quantitln (Con,jnllf'd Irom ,.gf' 27) ~fafKareten. Long bland City. New York. u.cd (or Immctlbte consumption. drying tht'IC pollcic. are not carried Ihmullh 11le finn wn a multimillion dollar and freedng wctc aU lar~r than a year ",·ltll Ihcm). and e\'cn from car· p001l "I!tratlan in which Ih~ W;ll the dfllllinant earlicr. ,IiKU",lon'. fXeculi\'e offirc:r. ,uIJfn'isluR nil fin :mdal EKg Mllid. production duriug Dcrc:m· Thl, has heen our way of promotlnK I mallen and mOIl nf lh(' finu'. nlher ber, 1958, total~l 2,683,000 pounds, rom· m.. na~mcnt climate cmphalirlnR mIn· activ itlt~1 until her iIIne". ,':lretl whh 675,000 pound. in December, lMI~' er building. It If'fml to have worked. Hrr phllanthfapit'l wer~ ph~unlllen a l 1957, The IncrealC In lOUd. 11rnductinn It hOI. allO l,ro\'ldcd a notable ptnond 1. -more~'dhan 100 organilatinn. n'ceh'cd Was du~ primarily III the production nf dc\'clnpment t'l(1Jt'rlcnce for Ihe 25ikldd hcr ch!Jirable auiltanc~. ~' hole cRR r.nlitll l'rO(lu(~1 under Go\·crn· lelccled mcn whn have ICrnd co:" art' now She] abk o\'cr managcme9t nf Ihe finn IIIl'ut cnlltr:ut for ,dlool luncht'l. ERg &erving at the confcrcnce lcaden, :md it at the death of her hilher in 18R3, and lOUd, prnductlfln in Decembcr conslsled has demonslrated dearly that onc o( tilt (ontlnuro 111 direction after the lIe:llh n( l,fi95,OOO IMlulid • .,f whule eRg lOUd., mfllt ~lfectlve mealll of It'If-dcvelol)m~nl o( her hu.band, Igllar:. In 1925. 452.000 pounds of albumen solid. and II tn tea(h flthcn. renon:tl Rrowlh in .hl, She I~avel a IOn, four d:lUghtcu, 19 5"8,000 IMlIIIIIls of, )'olk 'fI!id •. Proouctinn instance hal rt'lultcd, not only (rom siudy Br:mdchlldren, 42 greilt-gr_lI ulchlldrclI, In Dcrcmbcr. 1957. comistl'f.l of 95,000 and Ih~ actual llface.. or IcadlnR diw:u .. and ac\'eral Rreat-greal-Rfiludchlldren. l)(lunds flf wllale egg 101"11. 456,000 ,Inn., but allO (rom the need (cit h )' IIIN' pound. of albumt'lt IfIlid. and 122,0011 lIIl'n, :II le.,dcn, to let an examl'\l' hJ Eu .....' lI.: Viliaum. IMlund, nl yolk 1011111. Ihelr own u~ o( the basic prfnrillh'i nf , 58, Eugt'ne ~l: VllIaum~, w~I1-L.lloWII 11 ie ' ~ quantity of liquid "'Kg frOlcn manllgt'ment . which Ihey hne hern St. raul bwlneuman. dlt'd January 27 i .lurillK Occ('mber. 1958. W31 Ihe larKt'It t('aeliing. fnllow lng a Jltok.e. ,f or record (or the mnnlh. Thc quantity We belic\'c Ihal, through Ihflt' dImt\, ~Ir. Vlllaume Wli born ill St. )·aul. Hc UJffllolalt'f.1 16,621 ,000 l)Qund.. cnmpilfn:l WI! line foslcred a much !{feater inlnnt It'rud al tlnlurcr of thc Cal,hal Flour , with 7.818,000 in DrccmiJer. 1957. and the ill manlMlwtr hulldln~ and that, ;u I MUll ulltil 1926 alld ftom lhen on wu I 19.52·56 neraRe flf 7.1-'1 .000 poullds. reluh. we line more widely dc\'r1nl'"' ICcntary and treliurer of the Mlnnt'tOta Frn1t'1l t'JUC stocD dccnait'tl 16 mllllon managcment rt',"urc~ tooay. Macaroni Company. I He ~' aa a mcmhcr of thc Athlctic Club, Uquld En Produml for .u Comrnttdal Ea Breaking Ie Drying Pian .. St. raul Cluh. Serra Cluh and Knight. (in 1.000 lMlund_) nf Columbus. Sun'h'lng are hi~ ",'Hc~ , Katherine M.: For Immediate thrcc daughtcrs. ~In. J amC:l T. Lilly of Cnn.uml,don Fraun TOI)I Mendota Heights alld ~li HC s Judith and Muy Jeannc Villaullle hUlh of St. raul, Plain and mixed Whole Egg ;"111 a "randchiltl. 1957 9,"9R !1.l89 B9,4!9 195,Ii26 Thomol Vagnino 1958 8 •.(38 31,122 150,!92 189,9:,:! D. mlHOQ DI E.. Sons, Inc. Thurn... Va,pilno, 18'll'ar-nltl ""III of Albumen 5&7 THIRD AVENUE Mr. and Mn. 1.0ui, S. V;'Knillfl, Clil)'toll, ·Miuo:ul, dic,1 of a hraill hClllonhaRc 1957 18,806 49.610 101.915 170"jl IIROOKLYN 1&. NEW YORK , • J)cct!lIIl>cr 24_ 1958 15.474 5O~l5 1!H ,127 170,176 The ),ollth rolla,ucd at his hOlllc DC!· U.S.A. ccmhl'r 2", um lI a)'s :lfll'r arrh'lng ror Ihe hoUd3)" from thc Uuh'cnit)' of J!IS7 !I,2IJO 19,01-1 82.46') 110,175 Arltona where he ""as a (rc,hman. 195R 7,422 16.9.;0 86,945 111,517 A brothcr, John Vagnlno, died o( call­ ...... cturers the Mocoronl DI.. dlltribute4 the world Total 0' H"." 0.,., ttr al Ihe aRC of 16 In 1953. , The rilthcr is "icc I'rt'lidcllt o( Alllni· 1957 '7."9-1 10!.m m.m m.l'" tan Ocallty Macaroni Contl'illlt', St. 1..0ul .. 1958 "1.0554 !Il!.

~Ir. rl:III1(1$ .·..,.r !J I~\U !.I :.--_. ___._ . ___ ...... _ FatriLlK.toli. M'Lchln.~I. Inc • . _._...... Caml.1 illf.l(·. ~ .f : I~~. Convention Registrants· : ~: M~. J1LIlI~~~al11l\. _.. .. _...... _ .. __ .. _ _ .... _ ..... _.Faust fohhnK l: fllll'hing _.. _ _ ...... _...... _...... nmu .. lyu. ~. ,. ., ~!awllU ., A. LuIIllLall ,_._ .. ______._ _.. _ _ .GcLlctal ~Iill, . Inr. _.. _.... __ .__ .. _.... _...... _...... _.. _...... :-.liLlllc a ll n li~. ~Iil ll l t' '. -'. )fr.~ t,~ MfI . l. f~ ~lcn-y !!'...... _ .. ______._ Gellcral ~1~lh. Ille. ___ ...... _...... _...... _..... __ .. _.. ~l i IlLlC:tllCll iJ.' ~liLLLL. Mr,.;:nOn \Y. ~n -.-_... ______Gcllcral Alln., Inc ...... __ .... ___. _ ...... _... __..... _...... __ I·;.,k Rllfflc. III. ~,.. I Mr. ~nd Mn.~ nailey _____. . ____ .... ___ Gcllcral Mills. Inc...... _...... _ ...... __ ...... _._...... Cntal Gallics. ,,'1... '. ~:':;~ Macaroni Manufacturer. Mr. and Mn. T. J . Gnulc\i" lhl _...... ______. Hick.. l: Greist. Inc. _.. __ __._. _ _...... _._...... _... _. __ Ncw \ 'nrk, N. Y• Mt.and Mn. G ..... Sicmeu ...... _.. .. ______Holfmaull·L;LRClchc. Inc . .... _.. ___ .. _...... _...... Nulley. N. J . "ih." .i :",.Mi. and' Mu. Ralllh Sarll ___ .. _ _ ,\merle." Beauty ~facaton. I __. ... _. ___. __ .. ___ __. _____ ...n.allial c·11),.I\.;&n .. • Mr. William G. "Iuskim ...... _...... _.. _.. _Gleull G. H05kim COlllpany ..•. __ ...... Llbuly\·illc. III.

• '.(f ~Ir. and Mn. Sam An~na H •• ______V. Arcna k Son •• Jnc. ___..• .... __ . _. _ __ Norrlllllwn. I· ... Mr. Charln M. Hmlil ... . ~ ___ ... __...... ______Glcllll G. Hosllm Company ... _ ...... __ ._.. _._ ...... _...... _.. Llbt·JI},\·lIIc. III. ~ . ~ir. and Mn. Chn, La Scala ______V. Arena &: Sonl, Inc. ______.•.. ______Norristovo'll , 1'01 , t1-h. Phil Von JUOII _.. __ ... _ .. _ . _ _ _. •. _.. ___ International Milling Co. _... ___. .. _ .. __ ... _...... _ MillllcallOlls, Milln. Pdr. and Mn. A. I .. nd'''!I

Mr. Ccne Kuhn Amber Milling Dlv. G.T.A. ... 51. Pa ... : .\, ,I. ; Mr. Conrad Ambrell~ .~_. ______Ambretle ~"chlnery Corp. Brooklyn. N. r. Here Is another Instanca where Asso· l-VI.amlnl and Mln.rall l nrlchm.nt A•• ay •• ciation membership off e r s tangible Mr. and Mr~ . E.J : Kln;;:. .~mbrcttc: Machinery Corp. Brooklyn. N. r. 2-111 Solid. and Color Scar. In 1811, Yolkl and Mr. and Mrl. V. J , Iknmcasa Ballas Egg Producu Co. Zan('l\·jJlc. Ohill benefits. III Noodl ••• Mr. ~larlo I1raihallli _. •. ______M. It: C. Braibantl Company Milan. halt· Mr!a n~ Mu• . l·iueul . M. " C. Draibantl Company ..... Mllan. I; ~ l ~ 3-Semollna and flour AnaIYII •• i, Mr. eharlf. f. Alouho~ Bralbantl·Lehan Corp. .Ncw ,"fill, N. Y. I, doe,n', cott -" pay" ' . , ~Ir. O. C. Crnwrnru " 11', Commander·Lanbee MUling Uule Rock, :\, ... ~L Mr. and ~frs. Vt'lIcr Quinlan ' ~ Commander·Larabee Milling Cincinnati, Ohio ~:. . MAURON James J. Winston, Oi,eefor Mr. alld Mrs. W. O. Hun Commander.Larabee: Milling .Shre\·cpoN, (..3. Mr. and Mn. Jus. DeFr.mciiCl DeFrancbcl Mamlne Corp. _Brooklyn. N. \'. ~ANUFACT'lRERS ASSOCIATION 156 Chambers Street Mr. RolX'rt A. Slump Dobtckmun Company _ Cleveland, Ohio Now York 7, N. Y. Mr. Ray Wenlld Doughboy Indullriel. lne. New Richmond. Wi" FOR D£TAILS WRITE BOX 336, PALATINE. ILLINOIS .. ~fr. Howard Lampman Durum Wheal InlthUle ChiaRO. lIIinoia we {,

48 l'!iE MACARONI JOURNAL March , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES DI'play Ad\,enl.lng a .. lel on Applicatiol RE TROSPECTIONS Want Ad. ______i5 Cents per

~ fOR UtE - C::erlllllnt Soodle CUller ••i~ nle id. "~lIdard cunhtR width rolltn, OuuRh nln\:er. SclOdle Or)'er roculltlnl aI M. J. two unll •• J'lelimlnny Dryer Ind FIa~ ""cr. hi ~'cd' '''". cundl1lnn. In open ~ .. now. ReaMlnlbly ('rirm. Write Box In. ~lIcarolll Journal, l'alltll1e. IIIlnol •• 15 Yean Ap IS VnnAp . l !l=~~~~~,U;:;~ were a'ked tn "ole • Rcgardlng U. S. (,hydral Fitncu in n on the Per "ound Venu. Intlustry II', u. panlotlc dUly: Do IOniC· WANT£D - \\'ulklill foreman 10 lake: lull The Per BarTel quotatioOi on ICmolina. thlug about hi AlII cl*ch worker to In· charge of macarcllli faclory. MUll hale n.. • Durum growers of North Oaknta were creAte ' hl' or het phyllral timeu! perlence. SllTlInR ulary $150 pt'r Wtt~. Write Idell "'acllmnl Co" 2000 SUIIl11c ufRed by Ihe durum millen and macaroni • • A nrw Minimum Wage Order apply· .-he.• Cln'e1lnd U, Ohio. maken to grow It'll bUI 10 grow hemt Ing In the !"acarolll.noodle planll and durum wheal. omen hal bccn \ luued by the U. S. De· • Guido Tant!. well known die lIl:aku, In· Ilarlment of Labor. EIJt'(lj\'C~ March 20. vcnted • (u.illl die. 1I0W in Ihc l)fOUll 19014 . waXes of not leu than 40 cenll per INDEX TO of being palented. hour are to be paid by e\'ery eml,loyrr. ADVERTISERS • n . R. Jacob., NMMA Walhington rep- • The War Productlon' Board', orner of P•• t rnentath'c, uld: ''Thirtttn aile-Ked ,,10- February 29 .laled that only food dr· A., .. UH., IN., .., Co T.A• .. __ ..... J lltlon. of the Fnh:ral Food and DruK Au sil(nrd for human conlumption may be ..... " ...... IlI .. c.,.... 1 .. _. __ 21. It by memhcn and non·memben Ihe I)lcked In metal rontalnen. Canning of of ~a:~1 c...,...,..... G. _____ n AlIOClalion were feporltd to W:alhlnRton food. ror peta or animal. I. not IJer. ..w.r ...... lac. _____ .._ ._. 15 .Intt January I." In molt ClIK'I full (00 millet!' a....t ...w .. Ce _____ s "N operation of the manubcluriul limn has a Sp"ghclti. macaroni Ind en noodle. C..... ,. W•• I .. Ce_. . __ n IJec:n oLlailloo. wht'nC:\'ct stn·ed,. Irc rnoritt'l amnnl c...... yrl ... """a, c.._____ II f • JI;ukeiball team •. rt'prt'U'lIling the Red M:f\'l«'rnell II American Rl'ti Cro" Club. Def,MClacI ....1 .. C.".,ItI.. ._ 20. 11 ,I Cmu Macaroni Company IIf Chicago O\'er.tal. -I .~ CeNt.... I .... lac •• __ •• ~ ______...... and the Fuuld, Milling Company of LIb- • Charle. Jlrt'1I0 or J'Rllml Macaroni H.tt.... y ..c ... lac• •_. ____._ 11, I~ crtyvllle. lII(noll; ~ re battling on e\'en MIR. Co. • Chicago, NMMA Dift(lot. w;u H.l1... Cleaa Co. c..,.., __.... _.. lerml for lhc championship of 1l11nol. electc.l \'Ice prnldrnl'" of, Ihe "allan ,...... nu., c..,.., ___ ... _ " whit honon enn at one ,'lelory each. Chamber of Commetcc of hi. home dlY. J ....·WI .... LaM, ...... la, ...... _ _ , • Jame. C. ,\ndrew •• well known durum • Fire of unknown origin destro),oo lIle KI_, ..w. ''''r .. 1... . __. ____._ Ii millt't, died February 8 in hll Mlnneapo- plant of the Shfe\'eport Macaroni MfR' ...WlrI. D••• Sea., 'ac, .. _ ..._~ . __.. _ 4! i. III home. Hc Wat an .. uodalC of Dw1lht ;.~ Co., Shre\cport, Loui.lana, nn January "","... l-.c ...._ ...... ___.. ___ _ .... ~ .. 41 K. Ycrn and Jamel S. Thunlon In the 27, willi loues between $25.000 and N..... II ....,..1 M••• tNt.,." A.. • .. . 41 !, millinR operation. $50,000. " N ...... I ....,..1 ....itm .... _ ...... ~ , 1J.!?iI . N .... II D..... "iN 6 11... .., __ ...... _ J! 'I#,· ' ~~~ AIO 5 Yean AJO , ...., N..... __ . ____ .. __ .. _ ...... l~ • The Macaioni,Code Authofhy held I • The National Macaroni Imdtute Wal In"'" LIttM.,.,. c.,po,atf .... _ .. . Wllfcfen(l: wlth~ H ' rCI)rc.ent:alh·e millen (ooprrating with lhe American Dairy In Mlnl1r31,oli. February 23. John V. ."»odalion in the, hiMtll Lenten d.ttle Canel):a. Code Authority mem~r, and Inomolion In dlt' hi.lory of the Jauer Sound O'eanlsatlDn 8. R. JacobI, deputy Code cxeruth·e. orR/mfution. (Continued lrom page 24) '. rt'prtM.'l1led the manubcturen. The mill· • Thcodolc R. Silb In the NMMA I len and the Macaroni AUlhorily will work Winler Metring:, "In order 10 .ell more 9. Doe, each mcmbrr o( the mg:mil" IngrtiLrr to enforce the pfO\'jsinns or the macaroni effrcllnly, Ihe COIllumer ' mlUt tion know 10 whom he repofu alltl "'/10 ! ' Code de:lliug with standard. or rnw rna· fint be made , aware of the product relMlrlS to him? terials. , throURh ~f,'\tllt and con.htem pubtidty. 1.0. Do IOmc IJeoon. in the org;luil;l Cooperation pays! •• nle Edgewater Urach Iiolel, Chicago, which mUlt be followed tip by a pro­ lion rclJOrl In mllre than onr IUI)('I' "" Will announced al ' the ,ite 01 the 1954 gram of cOlllumer education." -or to lIone? .cum·rutiun of Ihe : ill:tcaroni indultry, • Don Fletcher, Ru.1 Pre\'cndon AU(). 11 \ h Ihe organitallon Itructure ,j" Industry promotions sell products. Industry publicil ,: JUIU ' 12·11. dillion, made an appeal In the Auocla· ognlzrd by cxccull\·c. In dC:3lin~ 1I'I,t • T h.: tile (if ambcr or )"dluw cellophane tiun at the Winlcr Meelin", for (und. to lubonllnatea1 builds consumption. "'or:1 ,il'cn II tet he barret! al egR noodle IUJlplt'lIlcnt 111:11 (rom the millen in 12. Arc the number uf IClch 11£ ~ : I ' \.rallpilllt' or (O ill.:iu('fl. order to further ~.carch and to hdl) thorhy kept at 1* minimum? Members of the National Macaroni Institute know • A ~1'e.J al dit 'or formiuR .plral maca· produce a durum wheat re.i,tant 10 158 15. Do lOp exe-culh'cs exerr ; ~ '" ,,, c, ,,.,l about these promotions and publicity well in advance rllul was patcntl'tl by Angeln Romonl 01 rUII. through attcntiun to po1it)' : c,11 III , I and can gear their sales efforts to them. II' ~ New \'ork City and assigned 10 Ronmnl • Ounean Hlne. Mnr:aronl. · Spaghetti lem. of t'llccl'lional Itnport;lIIu: r;t thlr J.. I :~ MaCOlron'( Compan)" Long hland City. and Egg Nootllt'l arc the new product. Ihan rcvicw of routine ol)Cr:uium ", l' ~ "" f;' ~ew \'orlr.. • btlng bunched by the Anlonlo p .. lauolo lubonJinl*lrd , .. 1'111' · .prh·a lc brand Irade mark o( Co. or Cindnnali, Ohio. The Palauolos H. Are the dhtinclions bctw.:cn r I That's why membership doe ...·t cost - it paysl .; " '(c~ I ' '1'" was ngi.II'retl by the Jewel plan 10 Ulot all ad\'crlblnSj: ml'tlla to pub­ and runctlonal authority and .Ian ¥ I i 1\'" C'.ump,I!1Y uf Harrington, llIinoi., Hcbe thelot produm, and will diuribute fecognlu.'d? . 1, • The L'I;·hl'tl stl/d. of the Vh'iano Mac· them 1I;lIionall,.. 15. II Ihe badc p:allrrn of Ihe orgAIl I' aroni ~h.lI~f. H1\1riIlR Corp. :tt 953 South • La Rm." I'iua Pic Mh, i. being intra­ loIlion be'l adaplrd to the job al h~nJJ National Macaroni Institute 'Vntern A'Il!nur, Chirago, wa. damaged durc.l by V. La Rosa 1: Sons, complete 16. Has adequate 1)l'Ovlsion bt.'(·11 PlJ.tt In the I ·.i'"'" IIr "" ,ttl thoul3nd do113n "'ilh bag of ,.reparrd null mix. em'elope for coordinallon of rclaloo acth'i'iW Palatine. Illinois b}' namcl mul Willcr from fire in Ihe build, of dry aeth'c )'ea.l. and a can d L:t Ros.a 17. Has Ihe organlt.1lion been ktpt JI i ing lI~xt donr. Piua Sauce. limple as pouibld - ,