I rHE . MACAIR€:lNI JOURN~l . Volume 40 . No. 11 March, 1959 t,'1 ~ "'1 .. , . " ,,' , .. .1959 ." . , 11mb. 1959 THE MACARONI JOUR:o.: .\L 3 , " ON YOUR PACKAGE •• ~ fREf! FOR UNIFORM ~ A,MBER CO~9 ,~ I' " ~ ' : 'I ~ ,~ , • _", "l) ". ) EVERY'·. SHIPMENT, ORDER_. :'." . .. AMBER MILLll'lG VENEZIA • . ' , ~ ' .. k. \ .., '\ . ~: ,. .': .. :. .. .,-:;';' Ye.1 Your macaroni package can deliver FREE advertising power - with No.1 SE'M'OLINA OR IMPERIA 100% readership every day 0/ tbe yearl That's if it'. a ROSSOTTI-designed package - because ROSSOTTI powers it with a • Real.life visual or your product in Ule ••• makes your macaroni exciting. vivid, desirable to serve •.• tonight! DURUM GRANULAR • Scientifically designed trademarks, and instantly visible brand and product identifiation to capture consumer anentiont • Related-item tie·ins to (an cons~mer interest 10 "want·it·now" .! appeal! • Economical, too .•. looks like a luxury carlon but COSls far leu than you thinkl Your package, too, can gain hard-selling advertising power , • • and I' increased selling vigor over related products as weill Write us today to learn 1, how. ~SS(}Hi "" '" IN MACARONI PACKACINC" .4 rellablt> Suurce! 0/ Supply Sine#' 1898 Executln Offices: AMBER MILLING DIVISION I' I ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION 'arm." Union Orab. T.rmlna' Alloclatlon ! North Berlen, New Jersey Western Division: Cenlull Ollll,ron: MILLS AT lUSH CIIl', MINNISOTA GINIRAL OffiCII, ST. PAUL I, MINNISOTA ItOSSOTII CALIFORNIA LITHOGRAPH CORP, ROSSOTTI MIDWEST LITHOGRAPH CORP. I ChlCiIO 10. Illinois • S.h:t Offl,.. : Roche"lt • 10ItOli • Phll.cltlphl. • N•• Orlo.1I1 • Ort.llcio • .... A"I"H • S." J ... --" YOU HAVEI THIS 'f. .t • !~' 11 J. .,. ;. Official publication of Ihe National Macaroni ,il.nu/oc. I I" • ".' OV/w• 'tIr~ hmm Auociation, 139 N, Alhland ~Vf " PalaUn" illinDis. Addreu all currelpondmce regardin'g advertitin, or edi· " . I.: ' Pnald.nt....... "................... Horaco P. Gioia lorial material to Robert M, Green, F.djlor. I t -.::: lit Vice Prea. ........ Emanuele Ronzonl, Jr. • .l 2nd Vice Pre,................... Albert Ravmno . ",' 3rd V1c8 Prea •... _•. _••• ... _.. .Fred Spadafora SecreIary... _ ..................... Robert M. Green .,' ·R••• arch ............................J.m •• J. WIn.ton Em.r1tu.;... ............................... .M. J. Donn> On P~gt Ie p,;' . .. '% • Succes.slul Seminar _______... II Opportunities in the Restaurant Field __' __ _ II .'.:;<'.' ;])~/or~ Acreage' Outlook _________ . ___ 1& .. ~ ..~( . r ~-; , 1:' Reilo. 1 Joaeph Pellearlno Mr. Mikkelson, Durum Grower _______ 18 ,~); : · :. Reaion ' 2 Baverio Arena What Is A Manager?_. _ .. _.. _.. !:! : ~ti:.. · : Emanue1e RaDzanl, Jr. · \1 .. Raymond Guerrlsl Sound Organilation __ ._ ~_ .. __ 24 , .~' . Reilon S Hor.ce p, Gioia .~ ,jF ·' · 1 . Albert S, Wei .. The Problem o[ Company Climatc_ .. ___._ ........ _ 26 • ".' R.lllon 4 A.lrvlng Gr ... Standards o( Performance ________ ~_ .._ 30 , "'-f; , Henry Ro.. 1 Albert Rovarlno , The Superior', ResllOnsibility ____. , 'f:" j';~~~.:i~;IJOn 6 Peter J. Vlvl.no Communications ___. ___... ___... _ _ 31 t~ ~lJt Region 6 Kenneth J. Forbes Ralph Sarli Multiple Management ____ .. _____. _ _ 33 R.glon 7 J John Lanerl In The Industry_.. ._. ._ 40 R.ilon 8 A, L. Katakee R.glon 9 Paskey DeDomenleo On the Social 5«ne______ ___. ___ ____ . 4' R'lIlon 10 Vincent DeDomenlco Convention Reginr.mu ____. .._ .. _ ....... _ - ~6 R.glon 11 Alfred Spadafora Edward DeRocco Retrospections .. _-.-_. - ~! At Lorge Robert I. Cowen Index to Atl\'ertiscn_ . _____. .. __ ... _ ~ 8 Vincent F. La Rosa Nichola. Ro ••1 Arthur RUBso PACE SETTERS .Jerome r~. Tujngue Robert William Cover P~olo J.mes T. William., Jr. Pas! Thomas A. Cuneo Arthur Russo. macaroni manuracturer in ChiraRo, ,A SHOWPLACE OF THE NATION! reads up on "Developing Executive Skills," Copies or ~h~ Prtsidenu Peter La Ro •• on C, Fred, Mueller textbook. rrom the Amerk.m Management Associau are available through the National Macaroni Mallurac- Lloyd E, Skinner end C, W. Wolfe turers Association for those who were ul1:eble to all SHOWPLACE OF THE WORLD! Loul. S. Vagnlno the Kminar or wish to do further Iludy. The 1I.c.,..... ol Journ.ll. r.,1.1,rI4 wltb U, S. Patent olfle" 8ublcripttoD r.te.: PubUlb,{ monthl,. b, thl Natlon,llIlcaronllSanuf.cturtri ~mf't1c .......... ___ ................ __ .......... __ .• S'OO per ),ear J. ..oelltlc.Q II It, official pllblleatlon Iinu 111' , un. sinl.nc _...... ._ .... _... ..... _..... __ ._ ..._ __... _'4.00 per Jear oll Entered &. lec:ond.cl ... maUlr at PalaUnl. 111., .ddltlo D'~\ ·Co pie.oplea ______ _ .......... .._________ _ .... ______. __.. _____ ____160500 OPEN AND SEE totr, It D.rrlnlton, 111., Plndln" UDder Act of lilt, :I, Uft. - - ------ .. ! f • '~ , . l~ I COME FROM GOot\ PLANNIN~ ,. ~ u~VEYARD" OF DRY ', ROOMS "I , "n} , ' I I • ir r , .r ' --, I r I . ,.... • I I ., " • ! I \""'- _. • • ", .,; -- " • COUNT ,THEM! ONE· . ,FOUR . FIVE . SIX 11 , " I U,1!mistakably Ii The Fines!..", THE MACARONI jOIJ!lNAI. " .. ' . \" " I ~'£/U'IW.'IU4G':Brai~a)tw< V~ctiiiIit Process ' Macaroni SuccessfUl, Semina,r i \.'~- ' i r.rc~klent lIor:lcc I'. Gio,ia appoil1lrl) a all ~hort Cut Presses l,ollllniuI't'. In hc hC;lIlt'li by Rfllu:rl C,¥>'tn. Sri, l,,~ i ~tl'C l b) hdllg Gr.bS, :\1· Ilell Wcbl, NidlGlas Ro~i, alit) C; t'tlLk \ CUT PROCESSING Stanway, hP Im'C)t!g:He 'whal might he ' , dOllc: "I. '. ,~.~~\'i" ~ ,.. ~ " Fin' Seminar \ .. \I /"' : .. ~ - ~:,' ~heck 9 ,~ el.rmont Seminar ltCNinnl ".. cre,iet up in tallt. s IIf l'lght WI tltat roulIIl lable allllicnce , EXCLU~IVE D,~sign )lartldp'ltlull coultl · bc: held, un (Klinu ., ~ " ' of iutcrul. All o( the c1lscuu lon leadeu ' , ditl a fine job In prepap,tloll 0.( their • L.1rge siainlcss steel'screw affording 11100 lil1. auiglllllcut. h.ued all IhJ Anicrican Man· per hour. llgclllcnt A,\()(lallun text "Uen.l0l'illg Execttth'e Skilll" and drJ"inl; (rom tht'ir • Electronically controlled 10 automatically f1WII eXI,crlcllce. " . " . ~ ' tion the corn.'C1 amount of additional water )'fuldcnl Horace I'. Glob coor~ln;Hctl to maintain olHimum \'iscosiIY in the mix. .. brier rCI)C,rt fin Auociatinn ~ nU Jr"tiluu~ anh'itici Oft'hh tht;. 'Iue"ionl "What It. .. " • Vacuum process is all the 'screw Round tibl. dllCul;lkln' cM .... loped Int.r.ltln. polnts on "Dnelopln. becuU ... e Sklill.' ~lanagcr~ Huw Don a ~1;HlaKe.t Mall" ,to the nllxer. : ',t r" 1M for.around. 81tl OIdKh lI.h I maLo". 8 polnl with les Thurston And Jim Benincu.t, agti" Hb conllllent;- ap)lear ,01) 'page :!!!. • Stainless Sleci ,IUlllcl( mixer. Thuma • •\ , CUllcn ·ou~j'~ed... , ~ ~ YI,ic.. l ' ,haTl 10r'lII an' rage uiacaroni"'IKratilln. - • One pittel')\ousing simplifies extraction of Winter Mretlng of the National The problelllJ Inmlnd were diKtlUed and the NMMA Uoard of DiTl't'tnn took Ruulll) Il.Mcs ulpplt'm5pled the li\1 With ~ (ront ~bcaronl Manubctu~U Auoclatil' . 1 Screw extracted by remonl DC cap. No :uhlitinn'll job pOlSibllltic. outlining . ,..-, nuts to remove. Easy, one man, halldwhtel al the Hotel Diplomal, HolI)'Wood thc rollnwlog 'land, wired tn Ihc (anll Ii II Florida', january 2fl.22, IJmkc al· KTOUI': "The NMMA will clxl)lerate £ully ;lIlIhoril), and rt·sIKll1lib11l1Y. Highlight.\ ~ • Conllanl temperature control DC waterr ;:~::~:.::tl trnd;m~ record. and IIlmubted 'Iining with Ihc North Dalmta hllll lIure;m II) hum thl ~ prt'rtClllati rm 1I~ :2.n(. JlDGC~: 24 . ' ~' , th~ hOUling mailll:.:inJ unifom\ity ', o( p diKUuion. wilh the new meetlug (annat IJtomOle Ihe Uit of durum, Director o£ ,\llIeTl Ra\'ilrlno Jlr ~ n'M "Iewl on -a, 'fmlmlr on "Ikveloplng Execulh'e Rl'lCafch jame, \""imton has been authllr· how ~tamlardl of I»crformance ,milhl he . ' Built·ln automatic (1II0ff attadlment. itl'd tn a(cuntl,any your fl!)lresent,uh'es ann, no pole. ' lm'isiblc externally. Slilll."~ w:t (1l'C :,agc 50), ~' hil t'/ L«·'l.lwy oul· .n, ' to Walhlngton (0 lully e"plore Gm'ern­ lincd Ihe IllfiucncC$ on a nlan within a • Variable speed on the cutoff attadlmenl menial Ideas al to proper lahcling and cUlllpany from his wllrklng en"ir;iSllIIll'nt , ting product, with a .ln~lc blade ranging l11e rom'cntl,m oltened with a break· nd\'crtislng," - "The J'ruhlelll n( Cl1l1pany Cllmale,'" fi~est paltina to rlgato",. lau l~nlOred cy the Durum Wheal A program to avert a durum Ihortage paKe 26. Ii- ,llI\lltute. Howanl Lampman, director of In 1959 wa .. announced by tlle durunt Space provision underneath tile machine tor Ihe Inflltuu~, Inlnxluttd William A. Loh· mllll, Don Fletchcr of the Rust I're\'ell' S«olld Seminar ing pielimln'ary IhaL'er. ' ' mil, \'Iet president, Genent Mill., Inc., dOli AtSOClatiae hal IIIct wjth tllC North NidlOlal Roul Itarted Ihe iCcond semi· (il3innan of the Durum Wheat Commit· Dakota AgricUltutal Colic'" lIml IlIe· ,-. ~ nar !Il'II1nn with a tlisCUllioll 011 ''Th(" , , Itt' of the Millen National Fc:tIeration. rtCllted the IIccd for expandinR durlllll SUJlcrior's RC'lJCmsibl1ilY (0 .. Hil Sub- : ~lr, Lohman emphuired the CDOttefa· acrcage lhh year.• llcy h:l"c Idtt1ged urdinatC1," E"ccrptl llTC nn pa~ S2, : ) · r • linn 1)(lw«n the Durum Whe;u Jnllilute their cool)Cration, County agenlt wl11 be "'urIK'I ~ntl Ihe National Mac.. roni III.thute in ulpplh.'tI inlonn:ulon outlining the lIt'cd KCIIIII:!!1 j, rC\'jewcd NCom· Ultimate {n Adaptability rmmutinK durum rood .. '''e Introduced lllld the importance of retaining the lI1unk.. tlulu," lliR,hlighls apl,ear on paRc durum ",arkct ror durllm grnwt'u at a "I, , ' , -£nmOluicat GourmCl ! lUtts," a new boo .. u( quantity retil'''' prepared In lime ~' hen cumunll'tilln i. illCTealing. ScnCIlIT)' Rohcrt Grccn l)t'mollltr.&lt'tl To meet industry need. - designed to do more than one job. fOlI Jlnation with thc National Rellau­ 'nle Northwcu Cm" hnl)rm't'lIItllt As­ all e"erchc: UII Job [nlu;ulon with ::Iudi· fUll ,-\no<1allon, TId, new publication IIlClatioll will circularhe couillry dcnton l'lIfC 1);lrticil)'ltlllll ;Hound Ihe tablt'J.
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