Value Chain Analysis of Teff in East Wollega, Ethiopia Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development pISSN 1899-5241 1(59) 2021, 17–28 eISSN 1899-5772 Accepted for print: 3.12.2020 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS OF TEFF IN EAST WOLLEGA, ETHIOPIA Temesgen Kabeta1, Jema Haji2, Rijalu Negash3 1Gambella University, Ethiopia 2Haramaya University, Ethiopia 3Jimma University, Ethiopia Abstract. This study attempted to analyze the teff value chain INTRODUCTION in the Jimma Arjo District of East Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia. The multistage sampling technique was employed A value chain is crucial in enforcing standards, with to draw a sample of 123 teff producers, purposively selected each actor ensuring that the product originating from the 55 traders and 15 consumers. Both quantitative and qualita- previous stage meets the criteria. According to Bekabil tive data were collected from primary and secondary sources using pre-tested structured questionnaires and checklists. De- et al. (2011), the teff value chain program helps to dou- scriptive statistics and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance ble teff production. It ensures that farmers have access were applied to analyze data. Results showed that the main to sufficient markets to capture the highest value for teff value chain actors in the study area included input sup- their product. It also increases incomes and reduces the pliers, producers, local collectors, wholesalers, retailers, and price paid by consumers within five years. consumers. In the district, there were no proper upgrading In Ethiopia, land used for teff production during the practices and governance systems in the teff value chain. The 2017 production year was estimated at 3.02 million hec- predicted probability that teff producers choose local collec- tares, and 50.2 million quintals were produced with the tors, wholesalers, retailers, and consumer outlets amounted productivity of 16.64 quintals per hectare of land.
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