Mr. Louis De Rochemont C/O United Artists Studios 1041 N. Formosa Avenue Hollywood 46, California

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Mr. Louis De Rochemont C/O United Artists Studios 1041 N. Formosa Avenue Hollywood 46, California LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH M. TOBIAS 1415 SUITE· 1JIXll S. LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO 3 TELEPHONE DEARBORN 2·1240 Mr. Louis de Rochemont c/o United Artists Studios 1041 N. Formosa Avenue Hollywood 46, California Dear Mr. de Rochemont: I am the attorney for Mamie Bradley, mother of Emmett Till, deceased, and I am writing you with respect to an item appearing under the signature of Mike Connolly in the Chicago sun Times, on July 22, 1960, to the effect that you will produce a motion picture entitled "Wolf Whistle", for United Artists, as the story of Emmett Till. We want you to know that Mrs. Bradley would consider a story as to her child an infringement of her personal ·rights. Yours truly, ') } Jt Joseph, M. Tobias -' . September 7, 1960 JMT:er Certified Mail CC: Mr. Louis de Rochemont c/o United Artists Studios 729 7th Avenue New York 19, New York , . I, CHl~GO SUN-TIMES, Fri., July 22, 1960 HmLvwooo He Wagers Marilyn Will Be Late By Mike Connolly one in town. Huston. has a series of long waits be-. HOLLYWOOD - T h e spent so much time in Eu­ tween takes for his star, Mape.; Hotel in Reno in­ rope that the casino sport of Marilyn Monroe. stalled a baccarat table for baccarat has become his only They f i n i s h e d shooting the private use of John Hus­ gambling interest. He asked "Sunrise at Campobello" and ton while he's directing "The the Mapes people to move it if anyone wants any used Misfits" tl;iere. It's the only in because he knows he'll have political banners from the movie about Franklin D. AMUSEMENTS AMUllMENTS Roosevelt he should write to Warner Bros. The · banners read "AI Smith for Presi­ dent!" Producer Arthur Lesser is luring Olivia De Havilland to play Anne Bancroft's Broad­ way part in his Paris pro­ duction of "The Miracle Worker." Olivia will have to trade her newly - acquired French accent, if she accepts it, for the Irish brogue of the late Annie Sullivan Macy, Helen Keller's first teacher. SONGSTRESS Louis de Rochemont is Evie Eraci, vocalist and rolling "Wolf Whistle" for pianist, is ·the current at­ United Artists. It's the story traction at the Embers, of Emmett Till, the young I 034 N. Dearborn. Chicago Negro who allegedly whistled at a white woman in someone, perhaps, like pretty a Mississippi town and subse­ Pat Crowley, who is TV­ testing for the part. quently was lynched. Comedians Dan Rowan TV Topics - There's a and Dick Martin are ahead fairly reliable rumor off the of the game and they haven't set of "The Untouchables even shot the pilot film for Make that Bob (Elliot Ness) Stack their new comedy series at will take unto himself a bride Desilu. I say that because on the new-season shows. they have just clamped co­ That's to give him someone medienne Carole Cook as nice to come home to- their leading lady. 1 PesrT~ . A, "! .• Re\y·,-. 1 T, • G rt''ll. e.Y, ~'no ·· ~ . ,, c ~/t'...l"f· Cc::e·,oi".-:ttion , i.,nt1 ·,;oy:;,1 ~ro,1.1.i.r:ti~J::.: cf o :·n:'.'1nr. .~w~. :Plctv.'l·, Col--r~r-:.ti on '('·,."!. d ~ ~~ ~·· 11 !~in r.~1 ~; s1 'PJ>.1 .. lb.mett ·~111 A ccnf<ider::'blr: p0r1011 ot• 1--,1~) ht'.f" f~lf'.:1$~:,_ t~nce ~ "i;:.nt ocn··nlrs.::..ti oi .. d. t:h · u..,. CT. , '"'le!'! 1n'"' cr.~l in w?-: i c A!'. ~-l"'~~\·~ .... ;," e·:··~·.. * ••• :: 1;i:ot .. ":.i. I l"rt --· · t· .·· t; n. r;ui t. w:~,r-. J'E";n,~ i 1G 'br: t '>mon Un1te1 Arti.ste and l:H.cchcrf:!' a.r~ ti') ~·:>ti.cJr. ~11.~t,.,_:r<:. ::v.~ tn V:mnctt rnLL"'. "'tr. fkr:r:-.T~'-'" i-1-:Jt c~~icl t.l~ .. t h., Ho·._;tl0. ,,,~d te to !.'\;;,(,/," 'V'crrlt :req:tt.()rt1 nt t h,\. ·1 rl!JcciYe u cr.p;r cf t he C(mrt r:i,yd wt~tJd . ~!!~ nP ~· r--::-._.1~ ... ,r .his 1.etb~r .. I hor~r(1. f ..h JO:r'lt'~ c..r:i:~ yon wsn. t 1n.t d.~'fe,~:.l t c:.~ t o your a:ntr~... ~ t ··r~.. ttl ..• s. 13rc..d.lay; 4 h~."·r(-? i· ~.. ··:•)\ e--,-..... ,.~ ... .,. ...,r, "t'I',..,.,.,. 11~·l"'1~ t ... r~·~·'+ ~"'('< ,.:; \·'n ,.,.., 'b~.7' 1.1.· ......... •;:;. ....,r: lle t , '~··._ot,\. .~.~. - . -\' , , ...... • , .• *V \.J~ 1,4 . -~··" w I.,? •- .,,..,,~ v J. _,i '- ¥..~-~,. A..r.,t,:...,,... v 6r ""-·• t (t;ls.l4\A.. ii itn.ttfJ:r O·l such d'\.>!' :~~1. t a11d t hf! post>:i'bi lit y ot euoh au1:t i1a.vo ~G-pe~tedl.y been b:r011{~·J1t t o y-cr.11' i r.m. Our t.U. co:,:nolntu.:~ n t i n thu.s col.!JX'>i).ilG.. ::d by 1:'lur failure t o h9ar fro.J 1ou. Yours truly. Ji .'r : m~ n~cr1s t e r~d Mr. Louis de Rochemont c/o United Artists Studios 1041 N. Formosa Ave11ue Hollywood 46, California Dear r . de Rochem nt: I am the attorney for ~lamie Bradley, mother of Enanett Till, deceased, and I am writing you with respect to an item appearing under the signature of Mike Connolly in the Chic 90 Sun Times, on July 22, 1960, to the effect that yo wi1l produ e motion pictur entitl d 'Wolf istle", f or Unit d rtists, as the story of Emmett Till. We want you to know·that Mrs. Bradley would consider a sto~y as to her child an infrin9 ment of her person l ·rights. Yours truly, Joseph M. Tobias . Septem r 7, 1960 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-20¢ POSTWdtK OROA'f& 0 N m \'0 m i-- • z0 POD Form 3800 SEf! OTHER StDE Jul 1951 Mr. Louis de Rochemont c / o Unit d . Artists Studios 1041 N. Fb.t..-mosa Avenue Hollyw-ood 46, cali~ornia De r Mr. de Rochemont: I am the attorney for Mamie Bradley, mother of Emmett Till, deceased, and l am writing you with respect to an item appearing under the signature of Mike Connolly in the· Ch·c 90 Sun Times, on July 22 , 1960, to the ef f ct that you will produc a motion picture 0 n·titl d "Wolf 'V'Jh • stl , f or Unit d rtists, as the story Of ., ett mill • . We w nt you to kn011 ·th t Mrs. Bradley would ~ onsider a story as to her child an infringement of her person l ·rights. Yours truly, Joseph M. Tobias Sept ber 7, 1960 JMT:er Certified Mail cc: Mr. Louis de ochemont c/ o United Artists Studios 729 7th Avenue [ :ie York 19, ew York .
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