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Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Heroic dogs ANIMAL PEOPLE, AND SOMETIMES CATS––WHAT MAKES THEM BRAVE? Inc. PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y.––”A cat’s a better moth- er than you are!” Rhett Butler exploded at Scarlet O’Hara in one of the most memorable scenes of Gone With The Wind. POB 205, SHUSHAN, NY 12873 [ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.] Cats are actually devoted mothers. On March 29 a Brooklyn cat named Scarlet proved it, dashing five times into a burning building despite severe burns to rescue each of her four- week-old kittens. Firefighter David Giannelli, a 17-year-veteran of Ladder Company 175, saw Scarlet moving the kittens across the street after getting them out of the fire and called the North Shore Animal League. Now recovering at North Shore, they drew 700 adoption offers within hours of their plight becoming known. The script-writers of the Lassie and Rin-Tin-Tin serials would have had a hard time topping the heroic animal headlines during the first quarter-plus of 1996. Sixteen times in 15 weeks, on top of him throughout a freezing night. At about 10:45 the next mass media reported dogs and cats performing daring or unusual morning, Samantha led young Weaver to rescuers. altruistic deeds, on behalf of either humans or other animals. Minnie, a stray Rottweiler, was heroine of the moment The streak began on New Year’s Day, when a nameless two weeks later in Hayward, California, racing out of nowhere to cat in Minneapolis alerted a sleeping child to smoke in time to save intercept David Bruce Jr., age 2, as he darted in front of a speed- her family from a house fire.
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