Virgin Media enhances productivity by consolidating testing tools

“The testing solution allows us to model and measure our project delivery capability in terms of resources and test environments whilst simultaneously identifying any constraints on project delivery. Consequently, we now support projects fully by creating an appropriate test environment from project funding to project closure.” —Peter Doyle, head of performance and automation,

HP customer Objective case study Virgin Media Secure a centralised toolset to increase application deploys software testing productivity, and an additional tool to manage testing solutions IT projects more effectively across the organisation to boost application testing Approach productivity, Launched strategic programmes to resolve cut costs and fundamental IT issues within the application testing increase resource environment and increase resource efficiency, then utilisation reviewed the market for a suitable solution Industry Communications, IT improvements media and entertainment • Speeds workflows and improves visibility of processes, testing and defects over the release lifecycle, increasing productivity • Delivers automated functional and regression testing, lowering the time, risk and cost of application testing

• Analyses and validates application performance Virgin Media provides internet, fixed against requirements, mitigating risk and mobile and services to UK during application deployment business and domestic customers. Formerly known as • Eliminates freeware and ad-hoc testing tools, ntl: following the merger of NTL Incorporated lowering support costs and Telewest Global Inc, the company adopted its current name after merging with UK in 2006. By bringing together television, internet, Business benefits and fixed-line telephone services, it is • Creates a flexible, on-demand testing model, the UK’s first ‘quadruple-play’ media organisation. generating significant cost savings Headquartered in Hook, Hampshire, the company • Saves testers one day per job within a project, owns and runs the UK’s only fibre-optic cable network. speeding time-to-market and lowering The majority of its 4.8 million cable customers operational expenditure subscribe to bundled television, broadband internet and fixed-line telephone services. • Provides real-time visibility and control over IT projects, supporting the company’s business strategy • Lowers application defects, boosting customer satisfaction and service levels • Reduces the number of high-priority project requests by 80 per cent, releasing resources for other projects Customer solution at a glance


• Performance testing • Resource management


• HP Quality Center • HP Performance Center • HP Project and Portfolio Management Center • HP QuickTest Professional • HP LoadRunner

HP Services

• HP Software Education Services

Ad-hoc testing tools unfit Fixing the fundamentals and for purpose resource utilisation Following the mergers, Virgin Media had a disparate Virgin Media launched two initiatives. A major infrastructure with many inherited offices, several strategic programme designed to ‘fix the data centres and different testing processes and tools fundamentals’ within IT and a second programme to across the new organisation. There were multiple increase resource efficiency. The objective of the first billing systems, web-based customer service portals initiative was to reduce the operational expenditure and credit-checking applications as well as numerous associated with issues such as application defects, systems interfacing with an integrated provisioning which were generating an unacceptable level of system for television set-top boxes. Some business customer dissatisfaction. Customer churn was too units employed Bugzilla and T-Plan for test high. The second project focussed on improving management whilst others used either freeware or resource utilisation across Virgin Media as contractors legacy software. These ad-hoc tools did not integrate form 50 per cent of the company’s workforce. well with the business and, in some cases; they were Although HP was the incumbent testing software unfit for purpose within such an enterprise. provider within NTL and Telewest, Virgin Media “After consolidating our data centre estate from approached an additional major vendor following approximately 20 sites to two main centres, we a review of the testing and project management needed to combine and optimise all our legacy software market by the IT team. During negotiations, systems, applications and processes,” explains Peter HP made a compelling business case by employing Doyle, head of performance and automation, Virgin Alinean, an independent and well-recognised third- Media. “Following the mergers and acquisitions, party tool. It demonstrated how the HP solution would we were managing about 90 IT projects at any one provide excellent business value by lowering Total time and they covered a wide range of technologies. Cost of Ownership (TCO) and yielding a sound return However, with such a diverse range of testing tools on investment. Virgin Media decided to implement an in use across our project portfolio, many IT requests HP Software solution across the entire business as that initially appeared straightforward often became part of the ‘fix the fundamentals’ programme. major challenges. While talking about the second programme, “Managing test assets efficiently is important if the resource efficiency initiative, HP used its IT is to deliver maximum value to the business. comprehensive industry knowledge to establish how Managing this disparate collection of tools effectively a cost-effective HP solution would integrate well with was difficult and was having a detrimental effect the rest of the HP IT Performance Suite. on business performance. A more robust and coherent test management regime was essential. We required a single set of testing tools and a better way to manage IT projects to satisfy a market that is constantly changing.”

2 “Our staff have been running millions of tests per “For the resource efficiency project, we will conduct a year with HP software and they are very familiar phased roll-out of HP Project Portfolio Management with HP solutions,” continues Doyle. “Under these (PPM) Center to provide real-time visibility and circumstances, there would have had to be a control over IT projects that are important to our compelling reason to to another vendor while business strategy,” comments Doyle. seeking a consolidated solution. There was not. “In the past, a lot of projects were completely siloed Besides, in our opinion, HP has been the market and, when a similar project came along, there was leader for test management solutions for more no analysis available of the synergy between years than we can recall. Moreover, with our high projects,” continues Doyle. “The HP solution dependency on IT contractors, we had to deploy tools allows us to model and measure our project that they understand and like to use. The majority of delivery capability in terms of resources and test contractors are very familiar with HP software.” environments whilst simultaneously identifying any constraints on project delivery. Consequently, we Consolidated testing solution now support projects fully by creating an appropriate The HP solution comprises a comprehensive package test environment from project funding to project of tools to help Virgin Media consolidate the test closure. With IT staff conducting over 300 projects environment, reduce costs and increase visibility. a year this is a vital tool.” For the ‘fix the fundamentals’ programme, Virgin Media has deployed HP Quality Center, HP QuickTest Enhancing workflows via Professional and HP Performance Center Software. an on-demand service model HP Quality Center helps Virgin Media to support application test management and delivery by Following full deployment of HP Quality Center, providing complete visibility of processes, testing Virgin Media has reduced resource duplication, and defects over the release lifecycle via a Centre eliminated freeware and ad-hoc testing tools and of Excellence approach. HP QuickTest Professional improved project workflows and staff productivity. offers the company automated functional and This approach to consolidating testing processes regression testing to lower the time, risk and has created a flexible on-demand service model for cost associated with application testing whilst testing, significantly lowering project costs across HP Performance Center analyses and validates the business. Analysis indicates that testers save application performance against business one day per job within a project, speeding time to requirements and mitigates risk during application market of new applications. deployment. HP Performance Center replaces several The pooling of skills and testing knowledge within HP LoadRunner installations, reducing support and a single centralised environment has also increased administration costs. value to the business. “In the past, we were not reusing test information and, consequently, this data did not deliver any business value. However, we now constantly re-use these assets to save time and money within the testing environment,” says Doyle.

3 “By utilising these HP tools fully, we have not As Virgin Media has expanded the HP Quality Center only increased speed of delivery and productivity implementation, near-shoring via UK partners and within our IT department, we now provide more off-shoring via India-based partners have provided consistent and better quality products. In addition, the business with the flexibility to scale testing up we have reduced the number of high-priority project and down according to business needs. requests by 80 per cent, releasing resources for “Overall, effective use of the HP toolset has driven other projects.” up productivity and the quality of our testing Removing freeware and ad-hoc tools creates further regime, introduced flexibility to testing services cost savings for Virgin Media by eliminating security and delivered better and more consistent products and support issues. HP Performance Center further whilst driving down costs within a market that lowers administration costs by ensuring application is experiencing constant technological change,” performance matches the company’s business concludes Doyle. requirements. Using HP PPM is also making a valuable contribution towards planning and budgeting. This For more information tool allows Virgin Media to forecast contractor loading, lowering costs by eliminating last-minute To read more about HP Software, fulfilment requests. go to “Depending on a project’s testing requirements and which network is using the application, we employ HP Performance Center for about 60 per cent of our projects and HP LoadRunner for any remaining projects,” reveals Doyle. “We are also keen users of HP Software Education Services for career development as they offer our people the right skills at the right time wherever they are located.”

HP IT Performance Suite Strategy, Planning, and Governance The HP IT Performance Suite is a family of Security Intelligence and Risk Management industry-leading products that spans the pillars you see here. Each product helps Application IT Operations Information Lifecycle IT perform better in the discrete area it Management Management Management addresses. Together, the suite helps the overall IT organisation to perform better Extensibility, Orchestration, and Analytics by providing unparalleled coverage of the IT domain and a KPI-based scorecard Services and Support system to optimise outcomes.

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4AA3-7456EEW, Created November 2011; Updated September 2012, Rev. 1